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Innovation Awards 2011

A subsidiary of SABMiller plc

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An open mind creates limitless opportunities to address social conditions. We call this process innovation. Jerry Greenfield, American businessman (1951-)



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t is a progressive truism that business the engine of economic growth can only prosper if it further enables

opportunities for entrepreneurship, which is the life-blood of economic and social development across the world. At the South African Breweries (SAB), we know that through invention, and more specifically innovation, entrepreneurs can create new markets and businesses, which leads to new employment opportunities in the South African economy. The long-term vision underpinning the SAB Foundations programmes is to ignite a culture of entrepreneurship in South Africa. We are confident this will contribute towards the South African governments goal of establishing South Africa as an entrepreneurial nation. In October 2011 we celebrate the SAB Foundations very first Innovation Awards which targets innovations that address the challenges faced in the daily lives of people living in low income areas. Prize monies are invested with the intention of benefitting some of societys most vulnerable, namely women, youth, people living with disabilities and people living in rural areas.



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Innovation: Arivi Paraffin Stove Contact: Anya Calantzis Telephone: 012 643 0996 Email:

ore than 900 000 households within informal settlements make use of SA General Household Survey

Added to this, the stove can save the user at least 33% of their monthly electricity bill due to its high efficiency rate, according to the designers. It also cooks food faster at high power and uses less fuel to get the chore done. And because its clean burning and produces less than half the amount of carbon monoxide required by law, its healthier to use in the home. A prototype of the stove has been tested extensively with consumers and Terrestrial hopes to further refine it before finally going to market. The South African market for paraffin devices is between 2 and 5 million households (core paraffin and mixed energy use). The plan is to extend this reach into Africa where the need is between 5 and 10 million units and the rest of the world between 15 and 30 million.

paraffin as their primary source of fuel (Stats 2007). Thousands within those same areas are harmed or killed each year as a result of raging shack fires caused by the use of unsafe paraffin appliances. In 2005 alone, the Cape Town Fire Department recorded the destruction 8 693 dwellings likely caused by faulty paraffin devices. Low quality paraffin stoves also contribute to indoor pollution, causing respiratory ailments. Calantzis Design (Pty) Ltd ta Terrestrial has come up with a practical and novel solution to this problem the Arivi Paraffin Stove, claimed to be the worlds safest and most economical appliance of its kind and specifically designed for use in low-income households dependent on paraffin. The products x-factor is that the flame selfextinguishers immediately when the stove is titled, guaranteeing that the appliance does not ignite or explode if knocked over. It is also the first paraffin stove to ever pass the stringent South African SANS 1906:2006 safety tests and is SABS approved.



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Innovation: BizAIDS Programme Contact: Dorothy Phahla Telephone: 011 880 4821 Email:

he South African Business Coalition on HIV/Aids (SABCOHA) the BizAIDS and addresses health

threatening and integrated manner are also included. The programme takes place over 2 days and 3 months after, participants are given a follow-up call to find out what it is they had learnt. It is practical and easy to implement and the knowledge gained is transferable. Seventy-five percent of the participants are women, the most vulnerable to HIV and AIDS and to economic hardships. There is no need for costly equipment or sophisticated venues, workshops can be held in a rural village, a garage, school or prison. Since 2004 BizAIDS has provided at least 45 jobs for trainers who implement the programme around SA. To date, 30 000 small business owners and some of their partners have participated in the training. Many of them have indicated that further training is required in order for them to run their businesses effectively. The next phase is for BizAIDS to provide training to more than 2000 business owners with a focus on strengthening their skills gained during past workshops and through the helpdesk, offer them support, business advice and mentorship.


empowerment of micro-enterprises and the people involved with them, by combining business and life skills training through HIV and AIDS information and education. According to SABCOHA, sustainable

economic growth and limiting the impact of HIV and AIDS are two major challenges facing South African businesses, specifically small and micro enterprises, which offer the majority of employment in the developing world. One of these businesses closing can have a devastating impact on employees, their families and the communities the business serves. These enterprises also have limited profit margins and limited support mechanisms. The BizAIDS methodology is based on practical information and assistance designed to have an immediate impact at a personal and business level. It offers capacity building of business owners and partners by training them in management skills, basic HIV and AIDS knowledge and how to plan for the future of their families and employees. Concepts of HIV and AIDS prevention, testing and treatment in a non-


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Innovation: DryBath Contact: Ludwick Marishane Telephone: 078 635 5818 Email:

wenty-one year old Ludwick Marishane is a young man seeking to bring positive







development, including the intended social benefits of DryBath, has granted Marishane an audience with global organisations, Oxfam and WaterAid. Marishane Africans claims that if once all a South week,

change to the country with his unique innovation, DryBath. Marishane developed DryBath, a waterless hygiene solution, while in high school and hes confident the product will tackle existing hygiene and water consumption problems in a manner that has never been used before. Simply put, DryBath is an alternative to the everyday ritual of bathing. The lotion/ gel is a proprietary blend of biocide, bioflavonoids and moisturisers and is the worlds first germicidal bath substitution. Its easy to use and needs minimal water use. Just apply DryBath to your skin and youre done. You no longer need a bath, says Marishane, who says his product was developed to save the lives of 2 million destitute people who suffer and die from treatable diseases such as trachoma and diarrhoea due to water being inaccessible. According to the United Nations, around 2.7 billion people do not have access to adequate water and sanitation. This equates to the same number of individuals living on less than R16 per day.



water consumption would be curbed by an approximate 14% or 163 million litres of water per annum (calculated at 70lt x 45 million people x52 days) He says the product also decreases the high cost of water treatment and allows governments to focus on more efficient and equitable water distribution.



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Innovation: EDGE Campus Contact: Tae-Hoi Paul Kim Telephone: 021 883 9820 Email:

crisis in South Africa, is an innovative local product that co-founder, Tae-Hoi Paul Kim believes can make a difference in millions of learners lives. The company has already launched two educational mobile games available on the mobile social networking site, MXit. EDGE Campus envisions that they will have In essence our goal is to provide learners, particularly from the lower socio-economic classes, with an education that will empower them to tackle their future with confidence. These learners currently have nowhere else to turn to. They have little access to textbooks, their parents quite often are not educated and their schools are failing to provide them with a proper education, says Kim. Kim says that gaming is starting to become one of the most powerful mediums available to reshape the end users behaviour and attitude towards topics, ideas and situations or even an organisation. The use of gaming allows us to present material in an engaging and interactive format as a meaningful impact on the lives of South Africans, who with an education will have a better opportunity at being employed. A survey conducted by the Youth Research Unit at the University of South Africa (UNISA) found that 98%-99% of high school learners across all school types owned a cell phone.

DGE Campus, a mobile gaming company founded to help tackle the education

opposed to one-way communication via text or video.



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Innovation: Foodpods Contact: Heinrich Ungerer Telephone: 021 442 9600 Email:

ood security is the inspiration behind FoodPods, a Western Cape based

to this dire need and food security in the region and the concept has successfully been tested in Khayelitsha, a Cape Town township. But providing a sustainable source of food for communities is not the only advantage of FoodPods, it also offers individuals the opportunity to become and FoodPod their

innovation. BeAfrica, developers of the concept, describe it as a user-friendly means of growing food in conditions not normally conducive to agriculture, by people not accustomed to doing so. A FoodPod is a standard crate or palette that holds around 35 vegetable seedlings and takes approximately 10 minutes to build from scratch. The base of the crate is lined with hessian fabric and filled with sand and compost. Vegetable seedlings are planted directly into this soil. The FoodPods mobility makes it easy to move into sunlight and to taps for watering. While the FoodPods concept is not entirely new, its developers say that the product and the way in which it is applied on site is innovative and even ground-breaking. The FoodPod initial focus on the Western Cape comes from recorded research used, including exerts from the World Health Organisation, showing that less than 5% of the provinces inhabitants engage in any form of agriculture or growing of food. BeAfrica believes FoodPods is the response

Distributors, sustainability.



own vegetable produce for their financial

We will be able to address the food security of scores of individuals and families in a practical and sustainable way, with the added benefit of creating the opportunity for enterprising individuals within poor communities to start their own businesses, says Charl van Rensburg of BeAfrica. The social impact of FoodPods is significant, supporting South Africas initiatives around education are and HIV/Aids and prevention. cannot learn, Without food security children go hungry, undernourished and people suffering from HIV/Aids need nutritional sustenance, says van Rensburg.



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Innovation: Harvest of Hope Ambali Bezekhaya Contact: Robert Small Telephone: 021 371 1653 Email:

balimi Bezekhaya, meaning the Farmers of Home, attempts to alleviate poverty by creating self-employment initiatives i.e.

100m square per family and full time jobs worth up to R3000 per month per family. Organically grown vegetables are sold to local consumers who want to make a difference, says Robert Small of Abalimi. Abalimi has developed a process which guarantees that farming succeeds among the unemployed and undereducated, along with a defined chain of continuum, says Small.

in the Western Capes notorious Cape Flats townships through micro-farming

growing vegetables and other food items in home gardens, community gardens and small farms. The unemployment rate in the Cape Flats townships is between 30% and 40%. Abalimi was founded in the early 1980s as a NGO working to improve sustainable food production and nature conservation in organic micro-farms amongst the poor in Cape Town. The organisation works out of two non-profit garden centres/nurseries in the townships of Khayelitsha and Nyanga. The majority of staff are unemployed women from disadvantaged backgrounds. It supports between 1 500 and 2 500 home based vegetable gardens per annum and 50 to 100 micro-farming community projects of 3000 farmers and their families which equates to approximately 15 000 direct beneficiaries per annum. Micro-farming creates food security for whole families year round on as little as The next step for Abalimi is to grow their existing model to its fullest potential as a localised system that can be perfectly replicated nationwide. in other towns and cities This is a first of its kind in South Africa and the model is highly replicable and will work anywhere there are people with money who want to buy fresh food and other people who are happy to grow that food.



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Innovation: hi fambeni (Lets Go!) Contact: Robert James Telephone: 012 382 2997 Email:

he of,




inadequate combined

means with







was designed to provide mobility in rural areas as a demonstrator of what is possible to transport goods without the need for fossil fuels. A hi fambenis 250W motor is powered by a high temperature hydrogen fuel cell. With this phase complete and successfully proven to work, the focus has shifted towards designing a solar powered donkey cart, an innovative solution to transporting children in rural areas to school. Children are walking upwards of 10

infrastructural challenges in South Africas rural communities, propelled the hi fambeni (lets go) into development. The concept, a hydrogen powered bike, combines design, technology and an environmentally friendly solution to address the need in rural areas and in particular that of learners in those communities needing to get to school. Transport in rural areas features low down on the list of priorities of government. Every community we have spoken to is excited about the possibility of having a novel transport system especially developed for their needs, says Robert James of the Resource Driven Technology Concept Centre (RETECZA), a section 21 company which develops technological solutions to improve the lives of rural communities. RETECZA is a public private initiative formed by the Department of Science and Technology, Tswane University of Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Next Generation Vehicles Consortium and a group of South African companies. Technology used to design and build the hi fambeni has been adapted for use in

kilometres to school or staying at home. There is no possibility of providing bus transport mainly due to the condition of the roads and transport logistics. The hi fambeni shows what is possible when harnessing technology and design that is geared towards the needs of the people, says James.



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Innovation: Learner Bus Shuttle Service Contact: Prajen Parmanand Telephone: 033 342 3939 Email: prajen.parmanand@kzntransport.

he by

Learner the Road



developed Inspectorate

Centre. The Learner Shuttle Bus addresses this challenge by making provision for more tests to be conducted. The aim of the service also allows for the prevention of fraud and corruption, according to Prajen Parmanand of the Road Traffic Inspectorate. It ensures that individuals who are issued with Learners Licenses do the test themselves, pass and know the rules and regulations of the road. There is currently high demand at KwaZulu Natals 32 testing centres. Parmanand says that additional mobile units would aid in increasing testing capacities by taking the tests to the people.


Pietermaritzburg, to offer more accessibility to licensing exam centres for people living in rural areas. As a result of poor planning in the past, the exam centre is situated in a developed urban area and accessing it comes at a high public transport cost. The Road Traffic Inspectorate

Pietermaritzburg is a component of the Department of Transport and comprises two entities: Daily law enforcement on National Route N3. Examining of Learner/Drivers licences at Mkondeni Driving Licence and Testing Centre. The Learner Shuttle Bus Service is expected to transport applicants to and from the testing centre, saving transportation costs of people living in rural areas. The mobile unit can accommodate 13 tests to be conducted at a time. Previously, lengthy waiting lists for the booking of Learners Licenses existed at Mkondeni Testing



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Innovation: Lifeplayer MP3 Contact: Phillip Goodwin Telephone: 021 556 2928 Email:

poverty powered


Energy, MP3, and by and

developers addresses distributing media



or missed broadcasts, can make radio programming ineffective. The Lifeplayer MP3 addresses this challenge by allowing the pre-loading of content, and unlimited on-demand playback user-initiated


energy solarplayers,

designing, wind-up



radios, lights and solar panels to the humanitarian sector. Working mainly in subSaharan Africa, they provide critically poor women, children, refugees and people who are ill or disabled with sustainable access to education and information, energy and light. Along with our educational content

recording. It is the worlds first media player for the humanitarian sector says Goodwin. An oversized media player, 5-band radio and recorder that reliably delivers ondemand programming to classrooms or communities without electricity. It enables groups of 60 listeners and an upgraded solar panel option can also charge cellphones. The Lifeplayer MP3 is a supplementary technology that does not replace traditional teaching methodology or educational aids. It enhances these by providing on-demand access to audio curricular content.

partners, Lifeline Energy has a proven track record in improving lives through the provision of information and education using radio, says Phillip Goodwin of Lifeline Energy. According to a report by the Journal of Education for International Development (2009), the average student exposed to radio instruction outranked 76% of their peers who has no access to radio instruction. However, lack of grid infrastructure, limited affordability isolation of batteries, the geographic footprint from broadcast



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Innovation: Micromune Contact: Pragasen Ramiah Telephone: 021 437 1447 Email:

ccording living



World access to

Health basic

Governments ability to effectively provide basic sanitation that is safe and hygienic has been painstakingly slow at the expense of the poor. Micromune can eliminate bad odours and bad bacteria in pit-latrines making rural households with pit-latrines safe and hygienic, says Ramiah. Ramiah believes every rural household with a pit-latrine should have Micromune and Sanitation World hopes to commercialise the product into 1 litre containers. Sanitation World and works NGOs closely in with

Organisation, there will be 2.7 billion without


sanitation by 2015. This lack of sanitation is a serious health risk and affects especially the poor and disadvantaged. In Africa alone, 115 people die every hour from diseases linked to poor sanitation, poor hygiene and contaminated water. Sanitation World, the manufacturers of Micromune, an environmentally friendly sanitation product, aims to improve hygiene levels in poor communities. Micromune consists of microbial bacteria that accelerates the decomposition fly and of sewerage, destroys mosquito



effective sanitation solutions. The company will begin servicing 6 000 pit-latrines in Newcastle, Kwazulu Natal from October 2011.

larvae and eliminates odour. The product has successfully been applied, since 2004, to pit-latrines, septic tanks, sewerage spills and water treatment works. In poor communities globally, the use of pit-latrines and septic tanks is still very prevalent. According to Sanitation Worlds Pragasen Ramiah, Micromune reduces e coli and coliform level infections which spread through raw sewerage.



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Innovation: MoveeCom Mobile Internet Caf Contact: Matsebe Phasha Telephone: 015 291 3839 Email:

passion to bridge the digital divide in South Africa is the driving force

Research indicates that MoveeCom MIC is a unique offering. Others in market include trailers and buses converted into internet cafs but these are expensive to maintain and run. MoveeCom MIC is an inexpensive solution with Peddling, Electric Motor Assist or Scooter run engines.

behind Matsebe Phashas MoveeCom Mobile Internet Caf (MoveeCom MIC). A fully function mobile internet caf, MIC offers people from urban and deep rural areas access to information technology solutions. This includes access to a computer, internet, typing services, photocopying, printing and scanning, amongst others. I am from a rural area and I understand the lack of access to various information opportunities and access to services such as basic use of computers to needing to type a CV, a work motivation letter and to request application forms, says Phasha. While MoveeCom and MIC is profit-driven, to join

Phasha says there is an opportunity for organisations government forces and ensure that the service assists the disadvantaged.



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Innovation: Mthatha Agricultural Airport Services (MAAS) Contact: Fezeka Mkile Telephone: 047 536 0051 Email:



hydroponic fresh


which in the

as the technology recycles and redirects surplus water back to the holding tanks. Mkile says the innovation is a combination



Eastern Cape city of Mthatha. Ownership of the company is divided into: 40% surrounding community 50% local entrepreneurs 10% Kagiso Enterprises Rural Private Equity Fund The aim of the business is to address the challenges faced by rural people high levels of unemployment and poverty in the area, the lack of an entrepreneurial spirit amongst community members and few commercial food producers. Our business addresses the problem of food security and allows rural entrepreneurs to participate in value chain creation, says Fezeka Mkile of MAAS. MAAS was allocated 59 hectares of unused land surrounding the Mthatha Airport, of which 5% is currently being used. Hydroponic technology is used to plant and grow vegetables on gravel stones. Large scale tanks have been erected with an advanced irrigation system to ensure little wastage of water. Water is used optimally Once fully commercialised, MAAS expects to supply local hospitals, the hospitality industry and large retailers in and around Mthatha. Although technology used saves water, the system needs a constant supply of water as shortages can have serious implications on crops. Mkile says that the current local municipality water supply is unreliable and MAAS would need to secure a borehole or preferably draw water from the Mthatha dam, for which it has a license. of product and process. As a product, the time it takes time to grown and harvest nutritional vegetables is significantly reduced compared to the conventional open field planting process. Therefore, weather changes do not have a major impact on growing and harvesting periods. And the process of recycling and reusing water through technology means nutrients are not wasted and are absorbed by the soil.



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Innovation: Notetaker Contact: Willem van der Walt Telephone: 012 841 2183 Email:

he Notetaker, a voice-based indigenous computer for the blind, is a first in

products are available. There is therefore, a burning need for a cost-effective solution in South Africa and the Notetaker, which can be manufactured locally, addresses this need. The Notetaker technology is composed of standard computer hardware configured to be portable and is battery driven with a standard keyboard. It has a Linux based operating system with a custom built Kernel containing the SpeakUp screen reader. Software speech is provided through various voice synthesizers with a speaking menu system. It also provides support for multiple languages (currently includes English, Afrikaans and isiZulu).

South Africa and developer, Willem van der Walt, believes the product, which is costeffective, has the potential to have an immediate impact on the educational and employment sectors. Van der Walt, who is blind, developed the Notetaker as part of the CSIR-funded National Accessibility Programme, which addresses the marginalisation of persons with disabilities from mainstream society and the economy by ensuring their inclusion at all levels through the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). According to the World Health Organisation (2009), 314 million people worldwide

The innovation is used by van der Walt and has successfully been tested in the market at disability conferences and workshops. It is supported by the South African National Council for the Blind and the prototype reviewed by the Departments of Science, Technology and Communications.

live with visual impairment. Of these, 45 million are blind, 90% living in low-income countries. A conservatively estimated 2.6 million South Africans are disabled, 24% of which have visual disabilities. Blind people have proven skilful at using PCs coupled to Braille keyboards and screens. However, this skill and technology is limited to very few and only imported

The next phase of the project is for a production-ready prototype to be developed.



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Innovation: Reel Gardening Contact: Claire Reid Telephone: 011 782 0661 Email:

grow her own vegetables, which he would then purchase. Reel Gardening was born out of Reids childhood home kitchen where she created the unique hand-made water soluble vegetable seed strip made from biodegradable paper containing organic fertiliser and non-modified seeds. The unique design of the strip, which includes a set of seed growing factors (sowing depth and sowing intervals) to maximise the germination rate, came about after realising that the family domestic worker could not grasp the technique of gardening. An easy and convenient method would optimise her skills. Nine years later, a childhood project has grown into a fully-fledged business and passion that has gotten gardening fanatics and the lesser green-fingered alike reeling with excitement. Reid simply wants to start a gardening revolution. But while Reel Gardening markets its products to retail and corporate clients, the heart of the business lies in the

laire Reid was only 16 years old when her father put the challenge to her to

implementation and support of community gardens throughout South Africa. Reid developed a Garden in a Box a lightweight pre-packaged 10mx10m garden containing 200 metres of gardening with a planting guide and a plant-by-colour diagram. It has been implemented at 37 schools and communities across the country for the Independent Development Trust. An assessment of one school based in Limpopo shows they were able to sell the produce at a small profit. The Garden in a Box can be made by one woman in one day and can feed at least 100 children when harvested, says Reid. The product needs no knowledge of

gardening and the planting strip comes with easy to follow instructions in seven local languages. Little water is needed for planting, further reducing costs. And its also creating jobs. Its handmade, using no electricity, by previously unemployed mothers.



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Innovation: ShonaQuip Contact: Shona McDonald Telephone: 021 797 8239 Email:

ifficulty accessing suitable equipment or an appropriate device for her

countries across urban, rural and informal settlements. Their unique and innovative product solutions include the Posture Seat, Madiba Buggy and Seating Posture Box. ShonaQuips next step in the journey is to further extend the reach of its products by redesigning more and manufacturing and the cost concepts conveniently

daughter born with cerebral palsy, Shona McDonald set out to design South Africas first battery-powered full body support buggy. This became the catalyst for starting ShonaQuip more than 20 years ago, which today has provided posture buggies and posture chairs to more than 50 000 children living with mobility disabilities in underresourced regions of South Africa. South Africa is home to between

effectively. The new flat-pack, low-cost modular support wheelchairs will enable the companys partner organisations to assemble the product off site in remote areas. Our original designs have now become outdated and manufacturing process inefficient to address the demand. Although we have already helped over 50 000 children, these problems reduce our ability to impact the lives of millions of children living in remote areas in Africa and other underdeveloped regions of the world, says McDonald. ShonaQuip, social working closely industry, the with has need its been for

450 000 and 500 000 people in need of wheelchairs. Of these, more than 330 000 will need adaptations and further postural support products and services to prevent the development of serious secondary health complications. Added to this, over 500 000 children in South Africa do not have access to appropriate wheelchairs and accessible community based seating support services. McDonald says that the shortage of appropriate wheelchairs results in unnecessary, costly and devastating health and social problems for both the wheelchair users and the families who support them. The company manufacturers a range of innovative modular wheelchairs and seating supports for people living in low income

Foundation, Uhambo and the health and development in instrumental having

posture support and seating included as a fundamental part of National Government health policy.



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Innovation: The Invoice Exchange Contact: Tito Mbatha Telephone: 072 336 1057 Email:

he Invoice Exchange (TIE) is a webbased company that supports and

the blue-chip company. This is achievable by treating the SME invoice as an asset that can be converted into working capital. For the first time in South Africa, SMEs will have an online standing credit window as long as they are supplying blue-chip companies. South Africa needs fledgling SMEs in

enables small and medium sized enterprises who supply blue-chip companies, to sell their invoices on an exchange and receive payment within 24 hours rather than the standard 30-days after invoice. Tito Mbatha of TIE describes the innovation as the market place for invoices. We provide a way by which financial institutions can earn prime rates for highly rated bluechip company paper and our online platform assists SMEs to alleviate their cash flow constraints, says Mbatha. SMEs in South Africa and around world face the challenge of accessing working capital. Because of this, banks and financial institutions view them as a credit risk. Another challenge is that SMEs often cannot wait as long as 30 days to be paid for their services. The TIE business model converts the weak credit profile of an SME to the default risk of

order to create jobs. SMEs need access to working capital so that they can deliver on tenders from blue-chip companies. The more working capital they can access, the more goods and services they can provide and the more people they can employ, says Mbatha. TIE is 100% black-owned and comprises a management team with experience in structured finance, debt collection litigation and payment systems development.



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Innovation: Vhembe Centre for Sustainable Rural Development Contact: Nicholas Heinamann Telephone: 011 706 5614 Email:

hembe Centre for Sustainable Rural Development aims to create a business

of the farms interdependent business units as part of their education. The underlying concept is that there is a wealth of untapped natural heritage and social capital that can be mobilised to facilitate sustainable livelihoods, and that this can form the basis of an alternative development strategy for communities. Beneficiaries are residents of the Vhembe District, stretching from Vivo in the West to the Kruger National Park. The focus is on 13 settlements at the base of the western Soutpansberg which falls under the Kutuma Sinthamule Local Communities with an estimated population of 100 000. Inhabitants live in marginal conditions and below the poverty line with limited access to financial resources or skills development to improve their quality of life.

and implementation plan for an innovative rural development centre of best practice for the much needed education and socioeconomic upliftment of local communities in the UNESCO Vhembe Biosphere Reserve (VBR). The centre will be based on the land that the Kharivha community has re-claimed through the land restitution process and will aim to create a model for post-restitution land settlement best practice. Focused on education, generating entrepreneurship knowledge future and opportunities, leaders for a transferring sustainable

and skills, the centre will create youth provide inspiration and ideas for low cost appropriate-technology solutions for African development. The intention is to create a sustainable development appropriate technology school and organic farm, where learners gain experience in all aspects of the operation



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Innovation: Vhembe Water Filter Contact: Martin Bolton Telephone: 011 559 1005 Email:

right of all South African citizens to be provided with efficient, cost effective and sustainable water resources. According to the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (2007), only 74% of South African households have access to safe water. Bolton says that while safe water supplies have been introduced into rural areas in various forms, such as communal taps and borehole pumps, a constant problem is created because when water is consumed within the household, its health related microbial quality has deteriorated to a point where it is unsafe to drink. This contamination occurs in the plastic vessels used to transport and store the water in the household cooking area until used. The Vhembe Water Filter removes this health risk. The Vhembe filter is a free-standing, lowcost, gravity fed ceramic water filter for use in rural households. wire hanging handle, a It consists of ceramic filter three main plastic components, a bent element (existing technology by Potters

nnovator of the Vhembe Water Filter, Martin Bolton, advocates the democratic

for Peace) and an existing plastic spigot. All the components are injection moulded using food-grade polypropylene plastic. Water is poured into and flows through the ceramic filter element; and collects in the translucent receptacle. It is then tapped from the spigot into a container e.g. drinking cup, cooking pot. Bolton believes that his product may prove to be a successful and effective water treatment system for South African citizens living in rural areas. While the filter is a development of an existing filtration technology, a number of modifications were needed for use in rural areas. Intensive research on the needs of rural users informed the design. The outcome is a filter design ready for batch manufacture and testing within rural areas, to assess its effectiveness and suitability.



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