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Dreaming BIG

MINISTRY REPORT for 2010 and 2011

Now Is the tIme for DreamING BIG

one of the greatest blessings we have as leaders of national Christian foundation is the opportunity to meet generous givers all across the country. from Tampa to Topeka, we are blessed to hear the stories of incredibly humble believers who are stepping out in faith to dream big for the Kingdom.

I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
Joel 2:28 (nIV)

as we witness this generosity movement sweeping across america, the verse in Joel 2:28 (nIV) comes to mind: I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Today, as a united organization with a new brand, we have a big dream of our own: to mobilize an unprecedented abundance of resources to meet every Kingdom need and opportunity around the corner and around the world. our most recent financial results from 2010 reflect this vision, surpassing even our wildest dreams with a record $608 million in contributions and grants of $395 million, our largest amounts ever. While we could have never imagined these results years ago, the blessings to both givers and receivers are what we are celebrating. We praise God for the men, women, and children whose dreams of a better life and an amazing Savior are coming true through the generous gifts of followers like you.

Wherever you are today, we encourage you to take a few moments to ask God to pour out His Spirit and show you where your giving should be going this year. Theres never been a better time for you to step out with a God-sized vision. as the givers youll meet on the following pages can testify, He has an adventure in store for you!


D I D YO u k N O w ? Since 1982, we have received over $4 billion in contributions and granted some $3 billion to over 20,000 organizations.

Bill Williams
Chief Executive Officer

david H. Wills

Terry a. Parker
Co-Founder and Chairman Emeritus

Worship at St. Lazarus Church, Sudan

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the shape of GIvING

national Christian foundations grants at-a-glance.
Whether its more screenings of the Jesus Film in Bolivia, more relief for storm victims in north Carolina, or more aid for orphans in Kenya, we help givers catch a bigger vision for all the resources that God has entrusted to them. To illustrate how this giving shapes up for us in a typical year, the graphic to the right shows the total dollars we granted to some of our major areas of focus in 2010.

MIllIon To 312 CHarITIeS

$ 49
MIllIon To 1,189 CH a r I T I e S MIllIon To 2 , 211 CH a r I T I e S

MIllIon To 1,0 5 4 CHarITIeS

$ 36

MIllIon To 1, 2 21 CH a r I T I e S

MIllIon To 2 ,76 3 CH a r I T I e S


MIllIon To 1,872 CH a r I T I e S

In the following pages, youll learn some of the stories behind these grants. These are just a few examples of more than 10,000 charities that we supported in 2010 and the thousands of givers whose big dreams are coming true with our help.

P Ov E R T Y & R E l I E F organizations that meet urgent needs for food, clothing, shelter, and medical care due to natural disasters or a severely underdeveloped economy

E D u C aT I O N Institutions that provide education through private, parochial, and public schools, including elementary, secondary, technical/specialty institutes, colleges, and universities

E va N g E l I S M activities where Christian organizations are sharing the Gospel, often in conjunction with meeting the physical needs of those being served

DISCIPlEShIP & ChuRChES Core services of the Church such as preaching and teaching, as well as capital needs and funding for expansion

h u M a N I Ta R I a N SERvICES Giving that addresses a huge array of human needs, including services for the impoverished and the ill

C h I l D R E N & YO u T h organizations that serve children and teens, often focusing on underprivileged young people (school outreaches, boys and girls clubs, mentoring, etc.)

OThER a variety of causes including medical and health issues, arts and cultural organizations, family support, as well as environmental, animal, and urban issues

as the worlds largest Christian grant-making foundation, its no surprise that our core giving is focused on spreading the Gospel. last year alone, $125 million went to Christian organizations whose primary purpose is to help the lost come to know Jesus.
often, the Good news is delivered hand-in-hand with compassion for other needs. Steve Perry of newport Beach, California, is one giver who utilizes this holistic approach. Steve explains, We do not divide evangelism and compassion. We believe we are called to fulfill both the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. Steve and his wife, Susie, have a burden for the Philippines. With our help, they created the Sacred Harvest foundation to fund ministry work there. Theyve helped with everything from schools and clean water efforts to a computer center and medical relief, all with an evangelistic focus. Steve says, The need is great, but we have hope. flora, one of the girls weve helped after being rescued from the horror of sex trafficking, says it best: There is nothing impossible with Him. Behind all the painful experiences in life, He is not forsaking me.

1,221 charities received $125 million in evangelism grants in 2010

My life became colorful because I felt that there are people who love me.
flora Mae (learning computer skills at Sacred Harvests shelter in davao City, Philippines)

Top left: Steve and Susie Perry, who use NCF to operate Sacred Harvest Foundation

Showing of the Jesus film, Bolivia


povertY & relIef

The value of national Christian foundations Giving fund (donor-advised fund) is never more evident than in times of sudden disaster when we are able to distribute money quickly to meet urgent needs. last year, over $25 million poured out of our storehouse to supply provision in the face of extreme poverty and natural disaster.
To break the cycle of women and children trapped in poverty, the owners of The fathers Table in Sanford, florida, are giving away 50% of the profits from their family business. and since 1998, their company has become the #1 brand of in-store cheesecake. Pam Gilardi, a member of the family and an nCf giver, says, It will probably take generations to achieve, but our big dream is to someday give away $1 million a day. one of the many individuals that the Gilardis have helped support is eric okoth, an orphan of the severe aIdS epidemic in Kenya. as the eldest child at 21, eric was left with 16 siblings and cousins to care for after all the adults in his family died of aIdS. eric says, I had no idea where I would start. I was forced to drop out at the university level to take care of my younger siblings. The Children Behind Project, funded in part by The fathers Table foundation, helped erics dreams of a better life come true with food, school fees, uniforms, and vocational training. Today, eric has come full circle as he, in turn, cares for 1,000 aIdS orphans through the communitybased organization in Kenya that he leads.

312 charities received $25 million in poverty and relief grants in 2010
Tornado disaster relief, North Carolina

Above: Eric and his wife, Jessica

It will probably take generations to achieve, but our big dream is to someday give away $1 million a day.
Pam Gilardi (with orphans from The Children Behind Project, Kenya)

DIsCIpleshIp & ChUrChes

from enlarging the sanctuary at a growing church to training indigenous pastors to teach the Bible in their own language, support for discipleship and the local church is another cause close to our hearts.
ed Thomas of Houston, Texas, has a heart for growing churches and new Christians. So in 2009, when he learned that millions of seekers visit the Internet looking for God every day, ed soon found himself on an unexpected adventure in the cutting-edge world of online ministry. He began giving his time by volunteering in a leadership role with Global Media outreach, an organization focusing on web-based evangelism and discipleship. He began their church program now being used by hundreds of congregations as a tool for Great Commission purposes. ed also supports online ministry work financially through his Giving fund. Several years ago, he donated a percentage of his appreciated business to nCf, which multiplied the impact of his gift because more went to Kingdom work than he ever imagined possible. Its so exciting to give creatively of your time, energy, and resources and hear encouraging stories of impact, says ed. I received this comment from a visitor to the website I helped establish: I have been witnessing to my sister for years with no results but just recently she accepted Christ as her personal Savior on your site. Thank you for this answered prayer.

Using todays innovative, online tools, I truly believe that my dream of seeing the Great Commission fulfilled in my lifetime will happen even if I am 68!
ed Thomas (gives to national Christian foundation to support online church ministry)

2,763 charities received $89 million in discipleship and church grants in 2010
Rebuilding a chapel, Liberia


1,189 charities received $44 million in education grants in 2010

In addition to meeting spiritual and physical needs, our giving is often focused on schools and institutions that change lives through the opportunity of education.
When Gary Venable of Kansas City, Kansas, first visited India in 2000, he saw that parents there dreamed of being able to offer their children the key to a better life: a quality english education. In 2007, Gary and his wife, Jan, connected with us and set up a Giving fund to help raise money for building a Christian school to serve middle-class families in India. Immanuel International academy became a reality in 2010. atoli Pongener, an Indian woman whose daughter attends the school, says, Immanuel is one place where the atmosphere is healthy. It will soon become a place where children will have immense learning.

Jan Venable at the Academys opening with new student, Ischa

The God-sized vision of sharing Jesus across India is a big dream with many facets. Building this school is an important step on that journey.
Spiritual enrichment, Honduras childrens hospital

Gary Venable (with students during morning announcements)


hUmaNItarIaN servICes
Whether it was for building a homeless shelter in a busy U.S. city or drilling a well in a small village halfway around the world, over $36 million was dedicated to serving the impoverished and the ill last year.
In Columbus, ohio, nCf givers dave and anne durell have a big dream to help the sick in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, through Mercy Medical Center. The durells along with their three children Jeanne, Bizzie, and John have opened Giving funds to help support this unique ministry. Mercy Medical not only treats the sick but also trains Cambodian doctors to become strong Christian witnesses. on their first trip in 2005, the durells met dr. Chap Modich, who was orphaned at five years old when the Khmer rouge regime took over. Chaps parents and two of his brothers died as a result of the bloody genocide. raised by his older sister, he was a very compassionate young man, determined to study medicine and help the poor of his country. He became a Christian in his last year of medical school through the influence of a missionary. In 2000, he eventually came to Mercy Medical and now serves as their national director. Today, in a wonderful cycle of giving, not only do the durells continue to support Chaps work, but Chap himself donates part of the profits from his private practice to help treat the poor.

1,872 charities received $36 million in humanitarian services grants in 2010

no one feels loved more than a parent whose child has been healed.
dave durell (with children at the medical center)

Top left: Dr. Chap Modich, Mercy Medical Center


Medical care for earthquake survivor, Haiti


CoNNeCt wIth Us aND share YOuR Dream.

We hope youve been inspired to do some dreaming of your own.
and wed like to know what God has on your heart. So visit us on facebook, and like our page to become part of a community of big-dream believers for the Kingdom. Then, share your dream on our wall. lets start a new conversation across the nation today about dreaming big for God!

photo Notes
like us on facebook and get your free book! Visit our page at
Speaking of sharing, we would like to thank the following people and organizations who so generously shared the pictures in this Ministry report:

Charity : Water CUre International lifesong for orphans Mission India oneHope Samaritans Purse

Smiles around the water well, India

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oUr BoarD
national Christian foundation is known for the character, mission, and stability of our national Board of directors. With a biblical perspective on giving, our Boards goal is to make certain every dollar that comes to us is ultimately distributed to further Gods Kingdom. You can be confident that our Board provides the support of dedicated, like-minded leaders who are dreaming big, just like you.

to enable followers of Christ to give wisely to advance his Kingdom

James C. Blankemeyer
Chairman of the Board; Founder, MetoKote Corporation

Jay Bennett
President, National Christian Foundation Twin Cities

Jesse T. Correll
Founder and Chairman of the Board, First Southern Bancorp

Phil drake
Chairman of the Board, Drake Software

to mobilize an unprecedented abundance of Kingdom resources to accomplish every good work

EMERITuS MEMbERS larry a. Burkett (Co-founder)


ronald W. Blue (Co-founder)

Member Emeritus; President, Kingdom Advisors

Sandra T. Johnson
The Sandra and William B. Johnson Foundation

James B. Buck McCabe

Senior Vice President, Finance, and CFO, Chick-Fil-A, Inc.

Terry a. Parker (Co-founder)

Retired Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice, PLLC

anthony Wauterlek
Member Emeritus



fIsCal report
The financial statements on these pages represent selected excerpts taken from national Christian foundations audited financial statements for december 31, 2010 and 2009. Some key highlights for 2010 compared to 2009 include: Growth in total assets of over $189 million (17%) Growth in contributions of over $231 million (62%) Growth in grants of over $66 million (20%) reduction in total liabilities by over $30 million (of the dec. 31, 2010, liabilities, 76% are associated with charitable gifts received, and payables associated with nCf operations are always kept current.)

national Christian Charitable foundation, Inc. and affiliates

Consolidated Statements of financial Position (in thousands)
december 31, 2010 assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Investments accounts receivable Contributions receivable Inventory Current portion of notes receivable Prepaid and other assets 419,373 874,892 844 458 133 2,472 322 1,298,494 Property and equipment-net notes receivable-net of current portion Beneficial interest in trust assets held in trust Total assets liabilities and net assets liabilities accounts payable and accrued expenses Income taxes payable deferred revenue annuities payable annuities reinsured payable Trust liabilities notes payable net assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Total liabilities and net assets 1,290,366 10,617 1,300,983 1,318,143 1,073,030 8,454 1,081,484 1,128,833 4,131 1,364 131 1,648 5,615 1,187 3,084 17,160 3,696 1,329 61 828 5,072 34,218 2,145 47,349 Total expenses Change in net assets from operations Write off of Software Costs Change in Controlled entity Change in net assets net assets, Beginning of Year net assets, end of Year 424,783 219,119 (3,965) 2,182 217,336 1,073,030 1,290,366 Supporting activities General and administrative (including tax expense of $2,704 and $7,270, respectively) fundraising 17,065 1,856 18,921 4,012 8,573 5,877 1,187 1,318,143 334,674 735,773 1,944 311 95 1,108 430 1,074,335 4,635 9,356 0 40,507 1,128,833 Support and revenue Contributions noncash contributions Investment income Change in value of annuities and trusts other revenue Total Support and revenue reclassifications net assets released from restrictions expiration of purpose expiration of time expenses Program services Charitable distributions Grant administration Christian education and outreach 394,751 4,692 6,419 405,862 1,405 103 1,508 416,634 181,975 41,222 (764) 3,327 642,394 2009 Unrestricted

national Christian Charitable foundation, Inc. and affiliates

Consolidated Statements of activities (in thousands)
Year ended december 31, 2010 Temporarily restricted 1,482 8,325 (6,136) 3,671 Total Unrestricted 2009 Temporarily restricted 1,560 (399) 1,161 Total

418,116 190,300 41,222 (6,900) 3,327 646,065

242,916 132,299 47,185 (502) 2,610 424,508

244,476 132,299 47,185 (901) 2,610 425,669

(1,405) (103) (1,508)

1,740 100 1,840

(1,740) (100) (1,840)

for comprehensive details of the figures on these pages, download our audited financial statements on our website at

2,163 2,163 8,454 10,617

394,751 4,692 6,419 405,862 17,065 1,856 18,921 424,783 221,282 (3,965) 2,182 219,499 1,081,484 1,300,983

328,341 6,017 11,779 346,137 21,129 1,749 22,878 369,015 57,333 1,489 58,822 1,014,208 1,073,030

(679) (679) 9,133 8,454

328,341 6,017 11,779 346,137 21,129 1,749 22,878 369,015 56,654 1,489 58,143 1,023,341 1,081,484


looKING for aN offICe Near YoU?

from our headquarters in atlanta, Georgia, to offices stretching from Southern California to Seattle to South florida, we have dedicated staff available to serve givers, professional advisors, ministries, and churches across the country. Connect with your nearest location today to simplify your giving, multiply your impact, and glorify God.
N aT I O N a l O F F I C E 11625 rainwater dr., Suite 500 alpharetta, Ga 30009 404.252.0100 phone 800.681.6223 toll-free 888.672.7302 fax

al abaMa 400 office Park dr., Suite 201 Birmingham, al 35223 Tom Bradford, President 205.380.6338

hEaRTlaND 706 north lindenwood dr. olathe, KS 66062 Bill High, President 913.310.0279


NEw ME xICO 1311 Tijeras ave. nW albuquerque, nM 87102 Virgil dugan, Board Chair 505.314.3400


R alEIgh P.o. Box 98446 raleigh, nC 27624 alanna linden, President 919.438.0350


Ta M Pa b aY 4401 W. Kennedy Blvd., floor 3 Tampa, fl 33609 Bob Collins, Executive Director 813.567.1499

a R I zO N a one north first St., Suite 700 Phoenix, aZ 85004 russ dickey, President 602.768.3063

hOuSTON one riverway, Suite 800 Houston, TX 77056 Peter forbes, President 832.255.2020


NORTh TEx aS 840 Thousand oaks dr. Hurst, TX 76054 Joel Smyer, President 817.355.8030


S E aT T l E 2025 first ave., PH-a Seattle, Wa 98121 Kendra VanderMeulen, President 206.577.3603


T wIN CITIES 730 Second ave. South, Suite 415 Minneapolis, Mn 55402 Jay Bennett, President 612.288.2299


E aST TENNESSEE 6714 albunda dr. Knoxville, Tn 37919 david ragland, President 865.523.5610

INDIaNa 70 east 91st St., Suite 101 Indianapolis, In 46240 Jim Cotterill, President 317.570.5850


NORThwEST aRk aNSaS 2003 Horsebarn rd., Suite 9 rogers, ar 72758 Josh Copher, Board Chair 866.508.7083


S O u T h F lO R I Da 5110 north federal Hwy., Second floor fort lauderdale, fl 33308 Stephan Tchividjian, President 954.771.0110


wEST MIChIgaN 4670 east fulton St., Suite 204 ada, MI 49301 randy Veltkamp, President 616.957.4372

22 24 23 4

14 8 6 10 9 13 3 16

EaSTERN MIChIgaN 266 elm St., Suite 2 Birmingham, MI 48009 Jeff Hewson, President 248.761.9137

kENTuCk Y P.o. Box 175 lexington, KY 40588 Mark Macdonald, President 859.288.7671


OhIO P.o. Box 2781 Westerville, oH 43086 Krista Sisterhen, President 614.839.8336


SOuThERN CalIFORNIa 19742 Macarthur Blvd., Suite 230 Irvine, Ca 92612 Bob fry, Investment Advisor 949.263.0820


wISCONSIN 18650 W. Corporate dr., Suite 105 Brookfield, WI 53045 linda Maris, President 262.796.9910

19 2 11 12

7 15

h awa I I 733 Bishop St., Suite 2357 Honolulu, HI 96813


MIDDlE TENNESSEE 331 Mallory Station rd. franklin, Tn 37067 Bill lee, Board Chair 615.468.6220


ORlaNDO 8131 Vineland ave. orlando, fl 32821 Bob Collins, President 407.401.9414


S O u T h w E S T F lO R I Da 5110 north federal Hwy., Second floor fort lauderdale, fl 33308 Joanne daudt, President 954.771.0110

21 20


Tom rulon, President 808.524.5678



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