Tupper Ware

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TUPPERWARE Introduction Tupperware is one of the most trusted brand names in housewares, and for more than 60 years

has made a difference in the lives of women around the world by offering an independent business opportunity. Today, Tupperware continue to break new ground. In December of 2005, Tupperware Corporation changed its name to Tupperware Brands Corporation to reflect the company's increasing product diversity. This follows the 2001 purchase of Dallas-based, BeautiControl, and the 2005 acquisition of the International Beauty Group. Changing the company's name to Tupperware Brands Corporation reinforces that we are a multi-brand, multi-category, direct sales company. Tupperware Brands is passionate about the quality and integrity of our products. Our product brands and categories include design-centric preparation, storage, and serving solutions for the kitchen and home through the Tupperware brand and beauty and personal care products for consumers through the Armand Dupree, Avroy Shlain, BeautiControl, Fuller Cosmetics, NaturCare, Nutrimetics, Nuvo, and Swissgarde brands. Tupperware Brands continues to change lives, one at a time. Everything we do is channeled to express our commitment to every one of our 2.4 million independent sales force members in almost 100 countries, and we are proud to Enlighten, Educate, and Empower women and their families.

SWOT analysis

STRENGTH Good brand image Life time warranty on products Exclusive innovation party plan Design product according consumer taste and the changing trend Top quality and finishing Environment friendly

OPPORTUNITY Product innovation and product range Target the rural market Chain of confidence:Enlighten Empower Educate

WEAKNESS High cost involved Tedious task to identify hostess and persuade them to host the party Time- consuming process Excessive rely on the influence on dealers


Manufacture of steel containers Local manufactures of plastic


Competitive Analysis AVON, AMWAY & NEWELL RUBBERMAID are big competitors for Tupperware. AVON AMWAY Amway had a pyramidal structure Each member earned commission on the basis of the dealers under them The distributors at the bottom earned the leastwhereas those above could earn even withoutselling, due to commission. This was not the case in Tupperware NEWELL RUBBERMAID

Key strategies The key strategies that Tupperware followed to gain the competitive position in one of the largest and most exciting emerging markets (from being global to local) are: Focus on a core business/category Entering a new market in the core business area a company brings in innovation, resources, the weight of your global organization, and learning from other markets. Tupperware was able to Get the attention, expertise and support from the parent company Convert Indian consumers from traditional metal food containers to plastic ones that catered to local food habits Build a strong distribution network by popularizing "Tupperware Parties" Adapt products but maintain global brand integrity Companies adjust their product line to meet local needs in emerging markets but without losing their brand cachet. Tupperware localized its pricing strategy, making its products more affordable to more Indian customers. Also it offered 25 products that are customized for Indiankitchen use, of their 100 products. Tupperware maintains lower costs by producing locally, set up plants in India to cater exclusively to the Indian market. Understand local costs and leverage local talents

Tupperware instead of entering competing with the domestic companies in the low cost points offered products at attractive prices, locally developed models to cater to Indian customers.

Tupperware realized local talent (TIPL MD Asha Gupta, Indian) so that it can get superior customer insights.

Resource to potential Tupperware's marketing efforts have been directed at resourcing to the potential of the market through multiple initiatives. From media tie-ups, advertorials, partnerships with Bollywood production houses, and tie-ups in India with top brands such as Samsung, P&G or American Express, Tupperware has kept its brand resonating in consumers' minds in urban areas where it is still developing the market. It plans to focus on rural areas after it further builds its presence in smaller cities and towns.

Target Market Specification Actually, market segment of Tupperware is women, especially housewife. As we know that Tupperware brand company produced household company which very close and familiar with a lot of housewife. If we describe from demographic point of view we will know that Tupperware is dedicated for the people who has age around 20-50 years old, sex is female, all religion, high economy income and the life cycle is married, with children. If we identify from psychographics point of view we will know that Tupperware is for the people who has high education degree. It is because majority all people that have high education degree very concern with quality product which they buy, because they think that it will give impact for their body. From lifestyle point of view Tupperware focus with consumer who have glamorous lifestyle and from modern society. This society is very aware with the quality and their healthy. Consumer can get Tupperware product in Tupperware agent that spread almost in every city in Malaysia, buy on online store of Tupperware or visit www.tupperwaremalaysia.com anytime they want or they can join in Tupperware Party as one of marketing strategy of Tupperware Brand Corporation. From Maslow Hierarchy of needs point of view, we can say that consumer have two reason to buy Tupperware product. First reason is about how to fulfill their physiological needs, because every housewife needs some household ware in their home. The second reason is about social needs. Actually, Tupperware have unique marketing strategy called Tupperware Party. In this event possible to submitted a lot of housewife in one place. In that event they will build social relationship. For build their consumer loyalty, Tupperware will give special discount for their member. The discount is depending on kind of product. Major Products & Services Tupperware Brands sells a wide range of branded products in North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia Pacific. The companys products and services include: Tupperware: Food storage containers Childrens educational toys Serving products Preparation Gifts

Microwave Kitchen gadgets Cutlery Cookware Home storage

BeautiControl: Skin care Cosmetics Pedicure and manicure products Toilet accessories Fragrances Beauty supplements

International Beauty: Bath products Toiletries Skincare products

Marketing Strategy Tupperware India initially launched its products in Delhi. Realizing the potential, the company ventured into 14 other SEC A cities and widened its operations to another three SEC B and C cities by 2000. The company entered into the eastern market as well.

Corporate tie ups and cobranding The company has tied up with Procter and Gamble (P and G) in Chennai and with Pringle chips in Chandigarh for cross promotion scheme. After successful test marketing the companies took out the alliance further. Since both P&G and Tupperware had top-end market customers, they tied up for more joint promotions. Tupperware tried to have tie ups with FMCG companies and consumer electronic brands to promote its product range. It also proposed to have tie-ups with food companies selling flour, cooking oil and tea to sell the products in Tupperware packaging. The direct marketing company also entered into negotiation with Hindustan Lever Ltd (HLL) to start a cross- promotion exercise in the Northern, Eastern and Western Regions of India. Tupperware containers were bundled with HLLs Dalda refined oil packages.

Tupperware India introduced its products in a few new shopping malls as part of its strategy to achieve a turnover of Rs206 crore in the next two years. The company intended to market its products through distributors in these malls. Tupperware also tied with Sahara India to increase brand awareness and its customer base through bid-n-win scheme. Tupperware tied up with Big Bazaar to set up touch points to establish contacts with consumers. Tupperware Worldwide also has alliance with some consumer durable companies like Whirlpool. Tupperware consented a cross promotion deal with home appliances company Whirlpool of India as well. The Tupperware organized roadshow at Kolkata as a part of promotional deal with the white goods major Whirlpool. Kiosks Tupperware opened kiosks in shopping malls to create brand awareness and to reach potential customers who are unable to attend Tupperware parties. The company spent INR 2.5L in each kiosk with a strategy of increasing the sales by 10 12%.This is a part of its integrated direct access strategy. The initiative is aimed at increasing recruitment, awareness about the company and promoting its products. Products launches Initially TIPL came up with 25 products customized for Indian kitchen and it targeted top-end customers. In years TIPL launched many products to suit modular kitchen microwave wares, aquasafe bottles etc. It also launched a low-price range called Classic. TPIL came up with Indianized products in order to improve its market share in the country.Tupperware is planning to launch products for rural India with an intention to expand its presence from 59 cities to across the country. The products were given special offers during festival occasions discounted rate. Channel Management Decisions The dealers organized product demonstration at parties where the guests order for the products and the hosts are given free gifts. A comprehensive training program and a new incentive scheme for conventional managers like a paid trip to Malaysia were later announced to encourage the dealers. When TPIL noticed that some of their distributors are using retail outlets to sell their products to meet the sales target it terminated the distributorship of these errant distributors, as it is against the principles of direct selling Fitness

TIPL exhibits Reward Power on their dealers and distributors by giving them free gifts and taking them for free trips(to Malayasia). It also exhibits coercive power on failure to meet the norms of the firm (distribution). These practices suit the Indian market conditions where it is easier to get a job done through reward than through punitive measures. Further 99% of the distributors are housewives who get motivated by the reward power exerted by the dealers. Tupperware Corporation has succeeded in gaining a strong market in India. Unlike in UK where they tried serve to A & B group customers with the sales force belonging to C & D group, it has catered to right kind of sales force and customers. Initial entry into the top-end market with the customized products and selected cities (SEC A) developed the awareness about the credibility of the product and hence venturing into other cities and launch of new products was well accepted by the consumers as the credibility reached them through word of mouth. WOM has been the biggest strength and the reason for the success of the Tupperware products. TIPL also adapted Indian designs like the Jaipur blue pottery designed containers for dry storage and it formed their unique level of products. TIPL with its Classic models have got access to enter the rural market a low price model that never compromised on the quality but the design. TIPL went in for selective distribution which improved the visibility of its products. Their option of cobranding with HLL and P&G is a successful strategic move as it has improved their customer base. But road shows might raise doubt about the products superior quality level among the niche customers. Sales Force Design Tupperware is sold mostly through a party plan, with rewards for hosts. A Tupperware party is run by a Tupperware consultant for a host who invites friends and neighbors into his or her home to see the product line. Tupperware hosts are rewarded with free products based on the level of sales made at their party. Parties also take place in workplaces, schools, and other community groups. The business of direct selling is here, very different from other businesses because,

the level of sales depends very much on how the members of the Sales Force

feel about the product and the promotion. Sales in this type of business depend a great deal on the size of the active Sales Force and their productivity. In most countries, Tupperware's sales force is organized in a tiered structure with consultants at the bottom, managers and star managers over them, and next various levels of directors, Legacy Executive Directors at the top level. In recent years, Tupperware has done away with

distributorships in the U.S. This has allowed Tupperware more flexibility, and more generous commission and rewards for their consultants. Tupperware party in India The iconic food storage container is enjoying a surge in popularity in fast-changing India and the concept of the Tupperware party has been rekindled. Its active sales force comprises 55,000 consultants and 81 distributors. In New Delhi alone, there are an estimated 300 Tupperware managers who each host 10 to 15 parties every week. In recent years, Tupperware in North America has moved to a new business model which includes more emphasis on direct marketing channels and eliminated its dependency on authorized distributorships. This transition included such strategies as selling through Target stores in the US, and Superstores in Canada, with disappointing results. Tupperware states this hurt direct sales. In countries with a strong focus on marketing through parties (such as Germany and Australia/New Zealand), Tupperware's market share and profitability continue to decline. When it comes to forecasting, the direct selling industry is unique. To understand

it, one has to know what the direct selling business is and how it works. How does it differ from the retail industry? Here, the emotions of the Sales Force members play a very important role. The sales sharply rise and fall depending on how the Sales Force members feel about the product and/or the promotion. At Tupperware, the sales model is a party plan where someone arranges a party and invites his/her friends and contact

people to the party as prospective customers. The party is initiated by the Sales Force member. So, sales are primarily made through the party, though they are supported to some extent by catalogs, television, and online advertisements. The Sales Force members are independent contractors; each one can choose which

products and offers they want to push. Direct selling started in early 1900s. In the early years, the direct sellers were traveling salesmen. However, as the business model

changed to a party plan model, women comprised the majority of direct sellers. Today, the average direct seller is a woman between the age of 35 and 54, has some college or maybe even a four-year degree, and works part-time. How the Sales Force

members feel about a particular product or promotion pretty much determines their success. Direct selling varies greatly when compared to the retail industry. If you sell a will be promoted, when and how,

product at Wal-Mart, plans about which products

are made ahead of time. There is a weekly replenishment plan based on store inventory and sales.

New Products are planned very early on to prepare for theirlaunch date. When an expansion is planned for additional space or stores, it is done in advance as well. The implementation of a strategy takes anywhere from 6 to 12 months. But this timeline is significantly different in direct selling businesses: Promotional planning is done only

24 hours in advance based on the best indicators! Indicators include how many parties are planned for the next week and beyond and the number of active team members (Sales Force) we have. New Products are planned based on what the Sales Force wants. There are no Tupperware stores; instead, there are just Sales Force members who enter and leave the business on a dailybasis. Our customer strategy changes daily. Our customer, which is our Sales Force, changes constantly such as our customer strategy changes, based on what is occurring within the Sales Force. Calculation of Sales Forecasts Sales forecast are prepared by using a formula called TAP: The "T" stands for team members; the "A" is for activity; and the "P" is for productivity. Team members represent the Sales Force the organization has in any given time. Activity refers to the people within team members who are active and percentage of

selling. Majority of the team

members work part-time; as such, many of them don't sell on a regular basis. One month they may be very active in selling, but that may not be the case in another month. Productivity refers to how much each member sells. After these parameters are estimated, four different methods are used to create a forecast. 120-Day trend based on the TAP formula. 90-Day trend based on channel. Year-to-year comparison based on TAP formula. Make adjustments based on whether the emotional response of the Sales Force and/or the consumer is favorable or unfavorable. Initially, the forecast is based on the average sales utilizing the first three methods. Next, we incorporate the

feedback we get from the Sales Force, which may increase or decrease the number. Integrated Marketing Communication Program Sales and Distribution Marketing channel A marketing channel is a set of practices or activities necessary to transfer the ownership of goods, and to move goods, from the point of production to the point of consumption and, as

such, which consists of all the institutions and all the marketing activities in the marketing process. Roles of marketing channel in marketing strategies: Links producers to buyers. Performs sales, advertising and promotion. Influences the firm's pricing strategy. Affecting product strategy through branding, policies, willingness to stock and customizes profits, install, maintain, offer credit, etc. An alternative term is distribution channel or 'route-to-market'. It is a 'path' or 'pipeline' through which goods and services flow in one direction (from vendor to the consumer), and the payments generated by them flow in the opposite direction (from consumer to the vendor). A marketing channel can be as short as being direct from the vendor to the consumer or may include several inter-connected (usually independent but mutually dependent) intermediaries such as wholesalers, distributors, agents, retailers. Each intermediary receives the item at one pricing point and moves it to the next higher pricing point until it reaches the final buyer. Party Plan&Chain of Confidence Campaign methods by Tupperware Tupperware came up with its unique Party plan Method of marketing following its failure to cater to the consumers because of its high price and lack of awareness about the product when introduced in hardware and department stores. Tupperware products were. In party plan marketing, home party is conducted and the Tupperware products and their uses were demonstrated to consumers. "Tupperware Parties" involved sharing of recipes, cooking advice and health tips among Indian housewives(augmentation and emotional appeal). The demonstration is a way chosen by the company to communicate to the customers about the quality of the product and its uniqueness, the usage and the reasons for higher cost of its products. To have the positioning as a high quality wares helping in leading active and healthy lives, Tupperware in kitchenware market represents wholesome, keeping it fresh and Premium Mass, Tupperware opted for direct marketing. Tupperware has imbibed the Chain of Confidence Campaign in its direct selling model, creating invaluable connections that last a lifetime. Chain of Confidence invites women to share in the immeasurable rewards of self-confidence and ensures the next generation of women will benefit from this knowledge.

Advertising program Advertising copy Marketing communication mix used by company includes mainly: Direct marketing, Personal selling&Word of mouth marketing The most extensively used communication approach by company. They have launched Party Plan Method and Chain of Confidence. There is also a blog on Tupperware so that also contributes to make people aware about various products of company plus reviews in blogs increase credibility. Party Plan Method: (A mixture of

informational as well as transformational appeal) Tupperware came up with its unique Party plan Method of marketing following its failure to cater to the consumers because of its high price and lack of awareness about the product when introduced in hardware and department stores. Tupperware products were. In party plan marketing, home party is conducted and the Tupperware products and their uses were demonstrated to consumers. "Tupperware parties involved sharing of recipes, cooking advice and health tips among Indian housewives (augmentation andemotional appeal).

These demonstrations helped the company to explain to the customers, the quality, the usage and the reasons for higher cost of its products. To have the positioning as a high quality wares helping in leading active and healthy lives, Tupperware in kitchenware market represents wholesome, keeping it fresh and Premium Mass, Tupperware opted for direct marketing. Chain of Confidence Campaign: A Transformational appeal Tupperware has imbibed the Chain of Confidence Campaign in its direct selling model, creating invaluable connections that last a lifetime. Chain of Confidence invites women to share in the immeasurable rewards of self-confidence and ensures the next generation of women will benefit from this knowledge.

Centre of web portal is women. So, it generates interest in women. And various rewards are motivations for women.

Celebrating women and the powerful bond of friendship that connects them together, Tupperwares Chain of Confidence honors women across the globe and the profound life altering impact they can have on one another. True to its virtue, Tupperware recognizes the extraordinary source of strength women derive from one another which enables them to feel confident and secure in their ability to succeed.Tupperware gives every woman the flexibility to set work schedules, own a business, earn extra income and have a wide circle of influence. The Chain of Confidence also provides an incredible support team of women all with a vested interest in personal and financial success. Events and Promotions: (A mixture of informational as well as transformational appeal) Company promotes its product by being sponsoring certain events involving mainly women. Events and promotions done by company in 2010 are shown below. It is Involving and Implicit.

So from above it is very clear that how company is promoting its product by being part of various events. Media strategy Media selection is the process of choosing the most cost-effective media for advertising, to achieve the required coverage and number of exposures in a target audience. Tupperware is marketed their product in media strategy such as magazine, internet and online media, newspaper, television etc. Magazines

Since women are the majority purchasers of Tupperware products, they are advertised in magazines through which they can reach a wider female audience such as Elle Femina Parenting

Internet and online media Tupperware has unveiled an all new Tupperware India website in September 2010 through which it conveys most of the information about its rich heritage, variety of products, new product releases, sharing recipes. It is interactive in the sense that users can upload their own recipes. Tupperware advertises though social network medium such as Facebook. It releases a number of consumer flyers, recipe lists, vintage collection photos in the space where they can upload photos. It also conducts online quizzes related to recipes and distributes prizes. It uploads testimonial videos by women who have used Tupperware products and other promotional videos. Tupperware promotes its products by having different videos describing its products on youtube. It has more than 90 videos which talk about being eco conscious, its sustainability story, Tupperware art and design, etc Newspapers Tupperware advertises in all national and regional newspapers about its existing products and more so when there are any new product releases. Television Ads The company launched a television commercial to coincide with the release of the We are family film to ride along the hype associated with a Karan Johar and Kajol film. They adopted the product placement strategy which is explained in detail below. Alternative Advertising Outdoor campaigns Tupperware conducts campaign of lunch series in select locations such as Big Bazaar in metro cities. It also conducts festive campaigns. Product Placement In Karan Johars Bollywood remake of Hollywood hit Step mom, We are family, plastic tubs seem to be everywhere which are Tupperware moments. Tupperware is the only direct

selling company in India that got associated with in-film branding. Tupperware India is targeted towards SEC A and SEC B women and mothers in the 30 plus age group. Tupperware felt Kajol, the movies heroine represents its target audience and saw their brand fitting into the storyline of the film. Tupperware also associates with certain campaigns such as UNICEF Awaaz Do campaign through which it does both marketing as well as sale of products. Sales promotion program Publicity Company has been in news for its continuous growth despite recession. Plus increase in reach of company to farther area has made it continuous news maker. Company has been associated with Movies like Billu Barber and Golmaal 3 and so was in news for quite a sometime. It has Dramatizing effect as well as provides some credibility. Sales promotion Company has been continuously coming up with various sales promotions like shown below.

Colours used are eye catching plus if you see the concession rate it is incentive for buyers as well as an invitation. Advertisements

Companys focus on advertisement is not much visible. This is because companys main source of communication is direct communication. So company is reaching masses in a different way. Companys advertisements mainly have informational appeal about product. From ages their focus id their product. So whenever they launch any new product they mainly show the product and its benefits and price etc. Message Decision Tupperware has gone on to become a top of mind brand for many middle-class households across India's main metros, according to a survey undertaken by The Nielsen Company in 2008. The message that the company wants to drive is that Tupperware products depict quality, robustness and are aesthetically designed. The Tupperware products carry a lifetime guarantee. Any damaged product (cracks or breaks) could be replaced by same/similar new Tupperware product from any place in the world. Point of purchase program Tupperware Sales Methods Home parties are Tupperware's traditional sales method. Sales consultants contract with party hostesses to book a date to come and demonstrate Tupperware products, entertain guests/customers, take orders for Tupperware, book future parties and recruit new sales consultants. Tupperware sales consultants bring products, introduce new product lines, answer questions about warranties and replacements and gather names and contact information from new customers for future sales. Every interaction with customers is an opportunity to discuss products and make sales. Other sales methods Tupperware encourages include showcases at malls, Tupperware consultant websites for a low monthly fee, fundraising, bridal registries and sales consultant recruiting. Exhibition Sales Book space at local county fairs, municipal festivals, farmer's markets that allow retailers and trade shows. Set up an attractive table or booth, bring the newest products and catalogs and take orders, book parties and recruit new sales consultants. Talk to people about how they use Tupperware, how long they've had their Tupperware and their first piece of Tupperware. Raffle Tupperware products, have a trivia contest about Tupperware history and demonstrate cooking and food preparation with Tupperware products to draw traffic to your space. Distribute business cards and refrigerator magnets with your contact information and Tupperware website address. Have popular products on hand for point of purchase sales

from your booth. Hire a local teen to help you with demonstrations and customer service during exhibition sales events so you don't miss any sales opportunities. Promote Tupperware Sales Promote your Tupperware sales business with an auto magnetic sign, bumper sticker or window decal. Include your name, contact info and website address. Carry a Tupperware sample bag with business cards, catalogs and order forms whenever you go out so you never miss a customer opportunity. Prepare a 30-second explanation of why Tupperware is the best choice for food storage and kitchen utensils, including Tupperware's best selling points, why you sell Tupperware, and company history. Create a newsletter for your customers and prospective customers, either print or email or both, and use it consistently. Post copies at local libraries, grocery stores and businesses that have public boards. Creative Sales and Promotion Use creative sales and promotion techniques to build your business. Advertise in church bulletins and high school athletic programs. Spend one weekend a month at a flea market with a table or booth for point of purchase sales and promotion, booking parties, demonstrating products and distributing catalogs. Throw a backyard barbecue for your top party hostesses and sales recruits, asking them each to bring one guest and promote Tupperware with party games and door prizes. Give Tupperware demonstrations at the local library. Internet marketing program Blog Create a business blog that provides home organization tips, resources and products. In addition to providing useful information, the blog could also feature some Tupperware items that make kitchen organization easier. This is a great way to advertise without being too pushy and using hard-sell tactics. With this, you're providing your blog visitors with free content and an opportunity to purchase quality products. Twitter Set up a Twitter account and based on your target market, follow people who are likely to buy Tupperware from you. Be sure your Twitter bio mentions that you are a consultant and include a link to your online Tupperware store. Tweet about your day, but also include some tweets that mention products that people may find helpful. The important thing is to be active

in conversations with the people you follow and who follow you, rather than just spamming them with links to your site. Rental Office Visit the rental offices in your area and speak with the leasing managers about hosting a monthly contest. Each month, supply the leasing office with a gift bag or basket filled with popular Tupperware items. People who sign a lease with the rental company for that month can be automatically entered into the drawing. Display the gift basket in a high-traffic area within the rental office. Place catalogs and business cards next to it. It'll draw attention from current residents and potential residents. The benefit to the rental company is they can use this incentive to pique the interest of potential clients. Flea Market Sign up for a local flea market and display your sample Tupperware items. This gives you an opportunity to reach out to new customers, do product demonstrations and hand out business cards and literature. You may even get a couple of people to sign up as party hosts. Housewarmings Expand your Tupperware business by offering event planning services. Offer specialized housewarming parties and offer attendees an opportunity to test out and buy Tupperware products. Attendees can easily buy items for themselves and the guest of honor. Recommendations TIPL operates in Kiosks in many shops; instead it could start exclusive Tupperware stores in shopping malls. With the increase in the number of products models, different sized containers, entry into low price models, microwave utensils, Jaipur designed wares exclusive stores will give the customers a wide choice to choose from. Though catalogues give information about the products, with repeated buying customers may prefer to have wide options to choose from so that they may buy mew products the utility of which they might not have realized while looking at the catalogue. This may also provide an opportunity to know the customers demand/ necessity and come up with more innovative products. The shops should be run by the distributors; this may also reduce the shipping cost and also bring in new customers who may wish to try out the products. Co-branding though increase the visibility, it may hamper the image of the quality of the wares especially when it comes with low preferred products. The premier customers may not

be satisfied with this kind of approach. Similar is the case with displaying the product in roadshows. Entering into corporate tie up gifts could improve its visibility and improve its business. With the company growing and the sales consultants became successful in recruiting more and more people to the business, they ended up facing so much paperwork at the top that they no longer had time to perform the strategic work of selling and recruiting. This led to them to invest heavily on developing IT infrastructure to help its sales force focus on thing that they are best at doing. There was a period when Tupperware lost sales because of its in efficiency in its internal IT infrastructure. Getting the Indian sales force used to these new technologies will be another huge task. Proactive steps have to be taken to address these issues A related challenge was that distributors usually submitted several orders at a time, which meant Tupperware, needed resilient technology with the capacity to process orders in big batches Corporate communication to sales force is another key challenge that Tupperware faces. Its very easy for the sales force to get demotivated when the information and proper communication are not available to them. Tupperware has created

http://my2.tupperware.com/ exclusively for its sales force, which provides them ease of access to information and also a personal mail for corporate communications. For people who don't read e-mail every day, maybe they'll listen to a voice mail, or for people who don't listen to their voice mail right away, maybe they'll read a text message on their cell phone. This can be implemented in India since the mobile penetration is much more as compared to internet. From analyzing the above media through which Tupperware reaches its consumer base we can clearly see that the social network media works very well for Tupperware. It has more than 3200 followers in Facebook and people get to know about Tupperware products and parties and contact details of Tupperware distributors. Even product placements helped Tupperware to reach out to entirely new set of audience. Tupperware should focus upon mass media to cater to large masses and create awareness about their products. They should plan more parties in order to use the power of word of mouth. They can also go for Co- creation and thus use the power of involvement. People don't mind a joke, an interesting story, the ability to make their own messages on a chocolate bar wrapper or just something unexpected - it makes a pleasant pit stop in their day, lifts their emotions and potentially gives them something to talk about with the brand at the center of

the discussion. This power of Entertainment can be utilized to make communication more interesting

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