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1GUY/SBA/2007 - 3 MAY/JUNE 2008


DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The International Cricket Council has asked the Local Organizing Committee to provide a detailed financial report of the total security cost for the Guyana Leg of the Cricket World Cup 2007. As the Assistant C.E.O. of the Local Organization Committee you duties are to: Prepare letters and reports to be sent to various agencies using the Local Organization Committees official letterhead. Collect the information gathered as it relates to salaries and other expenses related to the event (e.g. meals, transportation, etc.) Maintain the database of employees and firms hired to provide security for the event.

WORD PROCESSING The International Cricket Council has asked the Local Organization Committee to provide a detailed financial report of the expenses the Local Organization Committee incurred to provide security for every aspect of Cricket World Cup 2007 in Guyana. As the Assistant C.E.O. of the Local Organization Committee, you have been tasked with the following:1. On the Local Organization Committee letterhead, prepare a letter to be merged and sent to the Minister of Sport, I.C.C., Home Affairs Minister and the Office of the President. 2. The letterhead should include appropriate graphics, name of business, telephone number, email and website addresses. 3. This letter should state the security expenses incurred for the 2007 Cricket World Cup, highlights and two recommendations for the hosting of such events. 4. Your letter should be well formatted using 1.5 line spacing, font style Arial and font size 12. Center and Bold necessary headings. 5. Insert footer with the LOCs motto. 6. Attach the following documents to the letter: The Resource report generated in the database which clearly shows the type of security provided and the cost to provide each type of security. The EXPENDITURE chart showing the expenses from the Spreadsheet section. Using a separate page, include about 3 4 pictures of the Cricket World Cup e.g.

spectators in the stands, the match venue, exciting moments in one of the games etc.

SPREADSHEET Using the spreadsheet below as a guide, prepare your spreadsheet. You may add other columns to your table.
Years of Service Hours Worked Days Worked

CWCID Last Name First Name Gender

Firm Name



Resource Guns Dogs Camera Baton

Rates per Hour $ 1,000.00 $ 700.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 300.00

During the 9 days of Cricket, each employee can work a MINIMUM of 12 hours per day. For every hour of work thereafter, the rates are doubled. QUESTIONS Populate the table with 25 persons hired for security duty. The security firms to be used are FMS, BSS & PGS. Insert a column after hours worked and label it Overtime. A security officer is required to work a minimum of 12 hrs per day and a maximum of 9 days which is 108 hrs and additional time is calculated as over time. Calculate the hourly and over time rates for each employee. Calculate the total of salary for each employee. Filter the data to determine the employee(s) who worked over time. Calculate the average salary paid to employees Find the maximum and minimum overtime payment. Sort the data by employees last name in ascending order. On separate sheet, create and populate the following summary table, named Calculate how many persons carried guns. Apply currency format where necessary.

Insert footer to the right with the systems date and time. EXPENDITURE: Category Equipment Transportation Meals Salaries TOTAL TOTAL

Using the information in the summary table, create an appropriate chart to display the information.

DATABASE MANAGEMENT Create the following tables using information from the Spreadsheet: 1. EMPLOYEES Fields CWCID FirstName LastName Gender Firm Name Years of Service Specialty 2. ACCOUNTS Fields CWCID FirstName LastName Years of Service Days Worked Hours Work 3. RESOURCES Fields Cost FirmName Type Quantity Other columns maybe added to the tables. Text Text Number Fields Types Currency Field Types Text Text Text Number Number Number Field Types Text Text Text Text (Look Up) Text Number Text (Look Up)

QUESTIONS Create following queries: 1. List the employees who have more than 2 years of service and name this query Service. Use the following field names; Last Name, First Name, Firm and Years of Service. 2. How many dogs were used for the Cricket World Cup? Name the query Dogs. 3. List the employees attached to the FMS firm, using the following fields: Last Name, First Name, Specialty and Firm Name. 4. Create a calculated field named Total Cost in the Resource Table. (Total Cost = Quantity * Cost). Name the query Total Cost. 5. Find the Total Cost of the Resources used. Name the query Resource Total.

Generate the following Reports:

1. Generate a report to show the calculated cost for each resource. Name the Report Resource. The following fields are to be used: Type, Quantity, Total Cost. 2. Generate a report to show a listing of all the employees used for CRICKET WORLD CUP 2007. Use the following fields: Last Name, First Name, Gender, Firm Name, and Specialty. Group the report by Firm Name and sort by Last Name. Name this Report: CWC 2007 Guyana Leg

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