G768 Car Model

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Spare Parts List

S e r v o joint

4 left and right bear

Frong-wh e e l h e i g h t adjustme n t b l o c k

4pcs A servo orientation-pol e s

Model Car Operation Manual

Name:M o d e l C a r No.:G7 6 8 Manufacturer:Dongguan BDS Technology limited Addres s : 3 n d L i u h u a I n d u s t r i a l D i s t r i c t , Dongch e n g D i s t r i c t , D o n g g u a n C i t y , Guangd o n g P r o v i n c e , C h i n a

2pcs "Z" b racket

Sp ing control block

C-gasket A
C-gasket B

B servo orientation-poles

2 gaskets

Product Parts Skeleton Drawwing

rear-wheel height adjust block 4pcs

Spar e gaskets and nuts

place adjust A place adjust B

2 rear-wheel r e g ul a t o r

2 spher i c i t y drawbar s

2 half ball drawbars

3 spare block front motherboard

connecting rod

4.8mm ball 1pcs 5.8mm ball 2pcs

M3X16 screw 2pcs M3X22 screw 8pcs M3X8 screw 4 pcs M3X8 sink screw 10pcs

M3 hexagon nuts 2pcs M3X15 bolt 3pcs

3.1 gasket 2pcs

M2.6X10 screw 2pcs

spare rope 2pcs

front shaft A 1pcs front shaft B 1pcs replace the part can adjust the rear-wheel spacing

"L" wrench 1pcs

metal wrench 1pcs

Sewo assemble and adjust sketch map

Notice procecding of assemble and adjust

Status fun days sener 1 . You can choose different plastic parts at A or B place If you need . 2 . While use the different drivers , you must choose the comfortable plastic parts at the C place .

Using a comfortable rope to fix battery Installing different adjustment block to adjust the height of the front wheel

looseness adjust the screw wrench tighten can change the gear's placing. With wrench clockwise or counter clock wise rotation adjustment nut , can adjust the tightness differential years.

Installing a 4 obliquity rockerarm , to adjust the angle of the front wheel .

4 ~ 6 5.8mm ball 2pcs M3 nut 2pcs 3.1 gask et 2pcs M3X16 screw 2pcs M3X8 sink screw 2pcs
To drill a dia 2.8mm hole In choosing a right hole at the bottom of the car can coad the drivers reverse. Installing height adjustment block to adjust the height of the rear axle .

2 ~ 3 0
Meson by adjusting the four different locations can adjust the angle of different front



adjust the D or E,can adjust left and right front wheel's angle

T h e servo will is resupinate with the B s e rve orientation-pole,and have a p p r opriate angle

assembly the adju s t m e n t b l o c k t o adjuslt the inten s i t y o f b u f f e r s p r i n g

assembly the tyres when you first load the sponge,if the t y r e s a n d w h e e ls a r e w o b b l e , you can use glue stick tight them.

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