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Theory of Energy-field-wave

The entire universe is occupied by the energy and its field-waves, in different forms, from energy field to the sub-atomic particles atomic particles atoms - molecules compounds and to planets stars, and to gigantic galaxies. Every in the universe are made up of the energy in the space time and the interaction between them is due to the interaction between the energy fields and their energy-field-waves. The energy-field-waves are due to the atomic and sub-atomic vibration in the material or in the space/space time. Cause for the production of waveparticle in the space time medium is the excitation and de-excitation of the fundamental and sub-atomic particles of the atom. All the forces (from weakest to the strongest) are due to the interaction of energy created/transmitted due to the sub-atomic vibrations. Every particle/body/system, in the universe has or possess it own unique range of energy and unique range of vibrations, which produces the particular range of frequency and intensity and of particular type. Every system or body in the universe radiates or absorbs the energy, in any form composed of sound energy, light energy, and thermal energy. And these energies transmit in universe in form of wave-particles. The reason for this vibrations and the emission of energy field-wave is due to oscillation of sub-atomic particles for their stability and the movement of atomic and sub-atomic particles in their paths/orbits. And some are due to the excitation and de-excitation of sub-atomic particles between their energy levels (higher and lower energy levels). And some are due to rotational and revolution motion of the energy (particle) around to its own axis and central force body (energy) respectively. Solar system, too have its own unique vibrations in the Milky-way galaxy. It may due to the spin of the sun, and the influence of the revolving celestial bodies in the solar system.

Energy field-wave which, is created in a body is responsible for all the forces in the nature. It is the internal root for the fundamental forces such as Electro-Magnetic force and Strong Nuclear forces, and Weak Nuclear forces and also the Gravitational force. When a body or system is made to emit or absorb the energy field wave, it results change in the property/characteristic of the material or body. The body may possess the magnetism and static electricity and it accomplished by other forms of energies and forces (what we know, till now), based on the nature of the material and the intensity and frequency of the energy wave we imposed on the material. When the sub-atomic vibrations reaches to their critical frequencies, then there will be resonance in the energy-field wave, which results in the formation of higher mass elements or decomposition to their lower mass elements, and emission & absorption of radiation. When energy is imposed on a material, the sub-atomic and atomic particles start to vibrate at particular range of frequencies and intensities, resulting in the particular nature, like magnetism. If range of energy imposed on the material, is increased in reaches to the other stage, resulting in the other phenomenon or emission of radiation and finally end up with the emission of electro-magnetic radiation (light) followed by the splitting of element/compound or formation of compound in case of absorption of energy. So, the range of energy imposed on body and depending on the nature of the body, the body exhibits different types of phenomenons from weaker attractive force to the decomposition (splitting) and formation of compounds.


Magnetic and Electrical energies are the one and same. The both are the energy-field waves which are produced/emitted in the process of subatomic and atomic vibrations. The main difference between them is:

- Electrical energy is dynamical energy of the vibration energy

of the subatomic vibrations, which transmitted through the conductors. In other words the electricity is a moving or transmission of energy disturbance created in the conductor. And when the energy potential difference is very, then the energy-field is emitted out in the form of electrical arcs (nothing but the light/electromagnetic radiation with high amounts of energy dissipation).

- Magnetic energy is static energy field developed in the process

of imposing the energy to the body. The prolonged storage of energy field in the material, gives the characteristic of magnetism to the material. And when is properly, shaped and maintained it emits the energy fields into its surrounds as a magnetic lines.

MAGNETISM: When a magnetic material is imposed by energy over a period of time, and either by the natural phenomenon or artificial phenomenon, the material achieves the magnetic nature. Every body has some internal sub-atomic vibrations, which makes the body to absorb the surrounding energy and to release the energy to the surroundings. In the case of magnetic material, when the material imposed by the magnetic energy-field, then all the atoms/sub-atoms, began to vibrated in particular harmonic sequence, such that one side of the material emits the energy and other side it absorbs the energy. When the body is magnetised, all the energy, out-flowing and in-coming in a material seems, to be a particle in a wave. This forms the patterns of the magnetic lines, around the bar magnet, which are nothing but the (magnetic) energy-field waves. As we know, the north pole emits the magnetic lines and the south pole absorbs the magnetic lines in the case of bar magnet, are nothing but the out flowing of energy field wave and incoming of the energy field wave of the bar magnet. The strength of the magnetic force is depends on the number of waves (energy field waves) released or observed at the poles and the intensity at the poles, which is similar to the meaning coined by the pole strength of the magnet. ATTRACTIVE FORCE: When two magnets with opposite poles placed together, without any contact, then there will be attractive force acting between them. The reason for the attractive force is superposition of energy field-wave, which results in the formation of resultant wave, with their respective energies. And the resultant wave possesses the energy, which binds the magnet together. In order to move the two magnets apart from each-other, one should apply the force, which should be more than the force excreted by the energy of the resultant wave. As we required more force than the force excreted by the single magnet, it appears as the attractive force between the magnets.

Tendency of the resultant waves: the formed resultant waves have a tendency to decrease the energy lose into the surroundings. And so they want to arrange themselves with low wavelength and high frequency. For this, they try to decrease the distance between the magnets, which appeared as the attractive force between acting between the two magnets. Let us consider two bar magnets, with opposite poles facing each-other. Let one have the North Pole, which emits the energy field out of the pole, and the other have the South Pole, which always absorbs or intakes the energy fields. Now the let the two poles have their energy-field-waves with some specified range of frequency and intensity. In this situation we have two cases of super-imposition. One is in-phase and other is out-phased. In the case of in-phase super-imposition, the formed resultant wave has amplitude, which is sum of amplitudes of individual pole waves. The energy of the resultant wave is more than the individual waves. And in-case of out-phased imposition, the resultant wave formed in shape of resultant of sine-cosine wave, where the energy trapped in between two waves. In either of the situation, one has to apply more force than the force excreted by the energy of the resultant force, which appears to be attraction between the two magnets. And also, the flow of energy is also in unidirectional, from North Pole to South Pole, which makes sense that the twobodies are to be aligned together as a perfect match. REPULSIVE FORCE: In the case of repulsive force phenomenon, the two magnetic poles, which are of same polarity, are place together. In this situation, the both magnetic material will emits or absorb the energy field waves (magnetic lines), which results in the super-imposition of the waves which travels in opposite directions, resulting null and repulsive forces. The null and repulsive forces are due to the interactions of the energy field exerted by the poles of the magnet and the energies acting on the poles of the magnet, which excretes repulsive force on each magnet.

When we bring two north poles together, they will emit the energy-field wave though there poles. The emitted energy-field wave (magnetic lines) travel in opposite direction and get super-imposed with one other and resulting a zero amplitude or negative amplitude wave, i.e., resultant wave with zero amplitude or the negative amplitude. Due to zero amplitudes waves between the poles, the force are energy between them becomes zero and due to the negative amplitude waves the wave get reflected back and exert force on the magnet, which results in the repulsive force on the magnets. When two south poles bring together, then there will be absorption of energy-field-wave or in-flow of magnetic lines at the magnetic force. In this case, there will be formation of region between the two poles. (In common words, there will be competition between two poles in in-taking of the magnetic lines (energy field-wave), which results in the null effect, when the poles have enough distance between them, and negative (repulsive effect) effect, when the poles are close to each-other. The repulsive force is due the interaction of the observing energy field, which acts one upon another. The repulsive force results in the expansion of null-energy region between the magnets, and is continues till the enough region is acquired by the magnets to absorb enough magnetic lines/energy field-wave by the poles as per their pole strength.

MAGNETIC MATIRIALS: For a material, its properties are obtained by the crystalline structure of the composition. Here the properties of the material depend on their intermolecular space, and sub-atomic gap in the atomic structure and the number of sub-atomic particles available for the motion or vibrations. The magnetic and other energy properties are depends on the number of sub-atomic particles available for the vibrations and the strength of the magnetism depends on the maximum length available for the oscillations made by the sub-atomic particles. While magnetisation, the pole strength depend on the frequency of the energy field-wave, which achieved in the process of magnetism. The characteristics of the magnetic materials depend on the maximum gap/length available for the oscillations of the sub-atomic particles.

ELECTRICITY: When a body was imposed by the electrical energy, then the energy makes the sub-atomic particles to carry the energy imposed on the body. The sub-atomic or atomic particles transmit the energy throughout the conductor, by the principle of wave. All the energy imposed on the body, carried by the particles in form of wave, and in the other end, they emit in the form of energy-field-wave, which have the certain range of frequency and amplitude. The flow of electricity means, nothing but the flow of energy in the conductor. In order to get a flow of energy, one should create the energy disturbance in the system or body. The energy disturbance can be created by the imposition of energy on the conductor or by sucking out the energy from the material, at certain range of intensity by the other/source system. In either case, the disturbance is created in the material and it is transmitted by the internal vibration of the body. Here we consider, the portion of the material, which emits the energy, is known as positive terminal and the terminal which receives the energy is known as the negative terminal. When there is very high energy disturbance occur in the conductor material, then it results in the emission of high amount of energy in form of electric arcs. The electric arcs are the energy-field-waves, which are resonating, due to the high energy potential difference between the terminals. In the electric arc, the energy-field-waves super-imposed on one other, resulting the trapping of energy in the waves, are visible to the naked eye, whenever they reach to particular range of frequency and wave length.

ELECTRIC MATIRIALS: The classification of the electric materials as the conductors, semiconductors, and insulators are depends on the intermolecular space, in the crystalline structure and space available for the atomic and sub-atomic particles in the material. Properties depends upon how ease to set particles in vibrations, and how much length available for the particle for their vibrations? and the strength depends on the amount of energy imposed on the body and the range of frequency set in the vibrations of the particles. Specific constants of the material, like conductive of the material and other such material properties depend on the vibrations of the particles and the on how ease they can be set into vibrations. Conductors: Materials having good, inter atomic and molecular spaces, and they have good number of particles (atomic and sub-atomic particles) available for the vibrations, comes under the conductors Semi-conductors: Materials having moderate, atomic and sub-atomic gapping and also moderate number of particles for the vibrations comes under the semi-conductor category. Insulators: Materials having very low, atomic and sub-atomic gapping and also very poor number of particles available for the vibrations, for transmission the energy, are comes under the insulator category.

MEANING OF RADIATION HERE CONSIDERED: It is a propagating field of energy, which is created in the process of excitation and de-excitation of the sub-atomic particles in an atom, and in the formation and de-composition of compounds and elements. It is the propagating energy-field, which varies form from strongest nuclear energy to the weakest gravitational energy, interpreting the forces/energies like electro-magnetic energies, Thermal energy and sound energies. Among which:

Nuclear forces may appear at range of high frequencies and intensities with very, very low life span. And these results in the excitation of high energies into the surrounding, once they lose the wave form. And the energy is given by the energy mass equivalence. Electro-magnetic forces may appear in the high frequencies and in the moderate range of intensities. In these ranges of vibrations, the body will possess the properties of magnetism and electricity. When, these vibrations reach to a particular frequency, we will have the emission of light from the body. In the means while, it is accomplished by the thermal radiation.

These are the only radiations, which are visible (that can be seen through our eyes-light). These are the radiation which have, well designed magnetic and electrical field aligned in the beautiful manner, perpendicular to each other and the propagation perpendicular to the both fields.

Thermal radiations may be intermediate vibrations in the region of electro-magnetisms vibrations of the body. These always accomplished with the electromagnetic radiations, either in form of emission of thermal radiation or in the absorption of thermal radiation.

Gravitational force of a body is may be due to the minimum intensity and very, very low frequency of the energy-field wave. And it is a complex structure that, the energy field of the small bodies are present in the energy field of big bodies and theirs in the gigantic bodies. Especially in this case, the body sends out the energy field all around it, which is a resultant of all the energy waves produced in the in the systems/elements or units of the body.

How, the bodies or systems in space maintain very low amount of energy for their stability, though they posses enormous amount of energy in their masses: Every fundamental energy particle has enormous amount of energy but very low life span, in the free space. In order to protect their existence, the energy particles, tries to lose their energy, and the loss of energy should be in such a way, that it should appear that, the particle doesnt seem to have energy and at the same time, the energy should be with the particle. For this, the particle interacts with the other energy particle, which forms the new amount of energy for the particles, which is less than that of the individual energy of the particle. The energy which is lost by the particles is the energy, which binds the two particles together. And the formation of the lower energy particles will continue, till to their tendency to interact with each other for the stability. In the process of loosing energy and gaining stability or the life span, the particles looses their wave nature, and forms into a particle which leads us to the sub atomic particles, atoms and molecules and compounds. It is the fundamental principle behind the bonding of elements. When structure of their mass or energies disturbed, then there will be emission/absorption of radiations from/into the elements (masses). Thus the enormous energy transformed into the mass of the particles (made up of energies) and possessing the low amount of energy and high stability or life span. The formation of bonds between the energy particles is very complex, and probably, they may have bonds in similar to the bonding of atoms in the crystalline structures.

LIGHT: As far we know that the light is a electromagnetic radiation, which has electric and magnetic field and the propagation of light/photon, perpendicular to each other. According to this theory, light is energy particle (photon), which travels in space, by forming electric field and magnetic field around it, for its propagation. The periodic disturbance in the energy fields, in the propagation of photon, gives/contributes the wave nature for the light. And the photon, the energy packet, itself contributes/gives the particle nature to light. ORIGIN OF LIGHT: When, a bodys atomic and sub-atomic vibrations reaches to a range of frequencies, which are fall in the range of white light, then the emitted energy field-wave or radiation, is visible which is known as visible light. Depending on the structure of atoms and sub-atomic particles arrangement and their vibrations, in the material, the external characters of the source (source of light/radiation) changes accordingly. It means, while emission of light, the frequencies of the atomic and subatomic vibrations reaches to the frequency of the light, emitting the energy field wave at the frequency of light. And too, it always accompanied by some other form of energy/radiation.

Some sources will decompose, in the cases like burning of material, the flames, and in some chemical reactions. Eg:- burning of wood, gas etc., Some sources will emit the energy-field wave, which is imposed on the source. Eg:- tungsten filament, tube lights etc., Some emits the light due to high potential differences, like electrical arcs and lightings in thunders.

In the emission of light wave, the source may intakes the energy from surroundings, or emits the energy into surroundings. In case of hot source, the light emits the thermal radiation into the surroundings and absorbs the thermal radiation in case of cold flames. *Even some time, the production of light is accompanied by sonar radiations, like ultra Sonic and infra Sonic. PROPAGATION OF LIGHT: Light is an energy flux, surrounded by the electro-magnetic energy fields. Propagation of light is, nothing but the propagation of energy flux, which is present in the electro-magnetic field. The source for have the motion/propagation is nothing but the vibration of sub-atomic and atomic vibrations of the source.

And for the propagation, or moving from one position to the other position, the particles/energy flux needs the disturbance in the energy. To have the disturbance in the energy field for its propagation, the energy flux spends some of its energy. The lost energy, have some particular range of frequencies, which creates the energy field around the energy flux. The force, derived from the lost energy, helps the energy flux to moves in the space/space time.

STRUCTURE OF LIGHT: Light is composed of energy flux and the energy field of electric and magnetic energy. The flux is surrounded by these two fields, which make propagation of light possible. To the light, we have wave nature, which was derived from the energy fields of electrical energy and magnetic field energy. And the particle nature of light was derived from the energy flux part of the light.

COMPANION OF LIGHT: Thermal radiation is energy in form of heat, which is emitted or absorbed from or by the atomic and sub-atomic particles, in their vibrations. And the light is always, accompanied the thermal radiation or energy. In every process of emission of light radiation, there will be production or emission of thermal energy, which is at very lower frequencies compared to light. And the frequency will range from very low range to the high ranges, depending on the type of source and process involved in the production of light. In the production of light, the thermal radiation may be emitted into surroundings as in the case of hot flame source or may be absorbed as in the case of cold flame and in some chemical reaction. This states that, in the production and propagation of light some of the energy is emitted out into atmosphere and in some case, it may absorb energy for the production and propagation of energy, when the frequencies of the sub-atomic and atomic particles close to that of lights frequencies.

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