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Terry Borczon March 31, 2006 JumpstAr t

Tips for Teaching Dance to Elementary Students

1. 2. 3. Introduce music with rhythmic activities to familiarize students with the phrasing and beat. Initially have students move to the music by themselves using a variety of steps, i.e., walk forward, backward, sideways, skip,. one foot, hopping, circling, etc. Instruct students to copy you while moving around the gym to the music. Ask students .to keep one eye on you and the other on everyone else for safety. Keep changing the movement steps replacing with actual steps of the dance. When proficient, add more new steps in sequence. Once all the steps are learned (indirect method), put the steps in sequence and have students practice to music. Depending on the age, if a partner dance, have students try the steps with a partner. Change partners* often by calling a change word, i.e., "snowball". Student have learned the dance if they can perform the steps in time to the music while changing partners often. Go on to a new dance - they do not need to be perfect, just profi cien t. The formal setting for the dance can be done in a follow-up lesson after a short review if desired and students ready.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

*Suggestions for partner changing:

i) ii) New partner becomes person closest to you when signal called. Establish a lost and found in the centre circle of the gym so anyone without a partner, can go there and find one.

AVOID 1) Forcing students to be partners let them choose their own.

2) Trying to teach the formal dance at initial introduction. 3) Giving verbal instructions for longer than 2 minutes at a time.

Club Med Club Med Crazy Signs

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Chorus: Lift hands up 2x Touch hands on heart2x Reach forward 4x and repeat all Wave arms over head side to side

Wave both hands at ear level 2x Clap thighs 2x Clap hands 2x Tap shoulders with arms crossed 2x Circle right fist under chin 2x Circle left fist under chin 2x Underline right eye with right hand 2x Underline left eye with left hand 2x

Come here gesture with both hands on right side 2x Come here gesture with both hands on left side 2x Left hand under right elbow wave right hand behind 2x Right hand under left elbow wave left hand behind 2x

Hula dance to the right side 2x Hula dance to the left side 2x Twist both hands at shoulder level 2x Twist both hands at head level 2x Sleep sign on right side 2x Sleep sign on right side 2x Circle right fist under left elbow 2x Circle left fist under right elbow 2x Circle right fist in front of left eye 2x Circle left fist in front of right eye 2x Move both fists sharply down on right side 2x . Repeat on left side 2x Chorus

Dance: Music: Level: Type: Formation: PART I Measure 1-9 right foot.

SAVILA SE BELA LOZA SERBIA (SUMADIJA) Savila Se Bela Loza Junior / Intermediate Serbian Folk Dance Line with hands joined in circle formation

Facing slightly inwards and moving right, eighteen small running steps forward starting with

Step-hop (right) forward. 11 - 20 Repeat pattern of measures 1 - 10 reversing direction and footwork. PART II 21 - 22 Facing inwards and moving on spot, one SCHOTTICHE STEP* (right) forward with joined hands held at shoulder level. 23 - 24 Repeat pattern of measures 21 - 24 twice (3 times in all). 25 - 32 Repeat pattern of measures 21 - 24 twice (3 times in all).

*Schottiche Step Right () Step on right foot (count 1), close and step on left foot beside right (count 2), step on right foot (count 3), hop (or lift) on right foot (count 4). * Translation: A (grape) vine entwined itself.

Dance: Music: Level: Type: Formation: Choreography:

HITCHHiKER Respect Novelty Scattered, solo Adapted from Hitch-hiker Dance, Terry Borczon, Aretha Franklin Junior / Intermediate

Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI

With both feet together, jump backwards twice and clap hands (chug) With right thumb up, hitch back twice and swivel right foot to right Repeat part 1 (2 chugs back) and 2 hitches with left thumb Repeat part 1, then hitch both thumbs back 2 times. Walk forward 8 steps snapping fingers On spot hitch to the right with right thumb up 2x On spot hitch to the left with left thumb up 2x

Variation 1 In partners, exchange place with partner during 8 walking steps. Variation 2 Walk to a new partner during part 5 use cue word such as Respect, etc.

Dance: Origin: Music: Level: Formation: Notation: Chorus: 1 2. 3. 4. 5-8

COTTON - EYED JOE U.S.A. (Texas) Cotton-eyed Joe Junior / Intermediate Groups of 3 or 4, hands joined behind neighbours waist. Dale Hyde (1972)

Weight on L foot, push R foot (knee bent) downward towards floor and lift, 2X. Step backward on R foot. Step backward and close L foot beside R foot. Step forward on R foot. Repeat 1 - 4 with opposite footwork. Repeat 1 8

PART II: Travelling Forward: Step R diagonally forward on R foot. 2. Step L crossed behind R. 3. Step R diagonally forward on R foot. 4. Brush L beside R, brushing foot forward. 5 - 8 Repeat 1 - 4 moving diagonally L and with opposite footwork. 9 16 Repeat 1 4 three (3) more times. PART II: (variation): 1 2 Step with R foot diagonally forward and crossed in front of R neighbour's L foot. 3 - 4 Step with L foot diagonally forward and crossed in front of L neighbours R foot. 5 16 Repeat counts 1 4.

Dance: Origin: Music: Level: Formation: Notation:

LIMBO ROCK Caribbean islands Limbo Junior / Intermediate Groups of 5 or 6 in a conga line Terry Borczon


Move hips forward, back, left side, right side while stepping slightly forward on right foot, left foot etc. moving forward slowly.

Part I:

Point right toe to right side Step on right foot beside left foot Point left toe to left side Step on left foot beside right foot. Repeat all the above.

Part II:

Cross right foot in front of left and step forward with all weight Point left toe to left side (no weight) Cross left foot in front of right and step forward with all weight Step backwards with right foot Step on left beside right Extend right heel forward Step on right beside left Step on left foot in place.

Part III:

Add turn to the right turning after the heel extension.

Variation: groups follow the leader and limbo under the stick as it is lowered from the waist towards the floor.

Dance: Origin: Music: Level: Formation: Notation:

TINIKLING Philippine Folk Dance Tinikling Junior / Intermediate Groups of 3 or 6; each has 2 long bamboo poles Terry Borczon

Two players sit at either end of two long 9 foot bamboo poles. Holding one pole in each hand ,they strike the poles together and apart in this rhythm: Count1: strike poles together 1x Count 2&3: strike poles apart 2x Maintain a steady rhythm, keeping the poles close to the ground, so dancers can perform the steps. Part1: Dancers stand beside poles with right hip adjacent to the poles. Count1 : pause

Count 2,3: leap sideways into the middle onto right foot, left foot, (poles are apart) Count 1: leap sideways onto the right foot outside the far pole Count 2,3: leap sideways into the middle on the left foot, right foot, Count 1: leap sideways onto left foot. Continue in this manner taking delicate graceful steps. Change frequently between being the dancer and the rhythm keeper. This dance is usually performed in bare feet.

Dance: Music: Level: Type: Formation: Part 1 Meas. 1-4

DHammerschmiedsgsellen Middle level folk dances. Can Ed Media. Junior/ Intermediate German Folk Dance Two Couple Squares. Designate couple # 1 and couple 2. Partners face each other. Cts. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pattern Opposite couples clap both hands on own thigh Clap hands on trunk (waist or stomach area) Clap both hands together Clap right hands with opposite partner Clap left hands with opposite person Clap both hands with opposite person While couple # 1 does this sequence, couple # 2 begins at the same time in the 4,5,6,1,2,3,order.

Repeat 1-6 Repeat 1-6 six more times Join hands in circle of 4 (shoulder height ) and do 8 step hops to the left. Repeat 1-16 with 8 step hops to the right. Part III Repeat part I Part IV Right hands in a star (wrist hold) and do 8 step hops Part V Repeat Part I Part VI 1-32 Repeat circles of Part II, only opening each up to form one large circle with everyone going left with 6 step hops. Repeat with 8 step hops to the right.

Dance: Music: Level: Type: Formation:

GOOD OLD DAYS Roger Miller, Good Old Days Junior / Intermediate Partner Side by side, couples facing LOD, inside hand hold in double circle Opposite footwork; men start L, women start with R, can be done with same footwork.

PART A Measure 1 2 3-4 5-8 PART B 1-2 Charleston step as follows: 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 Count 1-2 3-4 5 6 7-8 Pattern Place L heel forward. Close L to R. Place R heel forward. Close R to L. Keep toes together, but separate heels. Close heels together Repeat 5 and 6 9 - 16 Four slow strutting steps forward in LOD, L, R, L, R 17 - 32 Repeat measures 1 - 4.

Step forward on left foot, bounce Kick right foot forward. Bounce on left foot. Step back on right foot, bounce. Swing left foot back and touch left toe. Bounce on R foot. 3-4 9 - 16 Repeat Charleston kick of measure 1 - 2, Part B. 5-8 17 - 32 Solo turn, away from partners. With 8 slow strutting steps, moving counter clockwise to next partner if done as a mixer.

Variation: Update using a current musical selection with a faster tempo such as The Riviera from the recently performed The Boyfriend directed by Julie Andrews in Toronto.

Dance: Music: Level: Type: Choreography:

ELECTRIC STOMP Boot Scootin Boogie Junior / Intermediate Country Line Dance Adapted by Terry Borczon,

Moving to r i g h t , step on right, step behind on left, step on right and touch left heel to front. Repeat moving to the left. Moving backward, step on right, left, right and touch left heel to f r o n t . Step forward on left, touch right toe beside left, step back on right, touch left toe beside right. Step forward on left and stomp right foot beside left 2 X - I big stomp, 2 small stomps. Step back on right foot, touch left toe beside right, step forward on left foot, kick right foot forward and turn 900 to left. Continue from beginning filling in side touches on instrumental parts.

Dance: Music: Level: Type: Formation:

YMCA YMCA - The Village People Junior / Intermediate Novelty Scattered

Choreography:Olympia Sports Camp / notated by Terry Borczon, Part 1: Left hand behind head, right arm stretched out pointing forward moving left to right in time of music repeat with right hand behind head and left hand pointing forward repeat once more with left hand behind head.

Part 2: Left finger and arm points up high to left, right finger and arm points up high to right (V-shape) Left finger points across right hip towards ground Right finger points across left hip towards ground Repeat V-shape with arm and fingers Clap hands 8 times



arms high in V-shape sign over head with arms and hands shape with hands and arms over and to right of head shape with hands over head

Dancing on the spot and repeat chorus

Dance: Music: Level: Type: Formation:

CIRCLE WAVE Sai-so- Kodo Cd Junior / Intermediate Japanese Novelty Single circle, facing centre

Choreography: Christine Jackson, notated by Terry Borczon

Part I: Dancers stand in one large circle. Each participant creates one original, individual motion which is either sustained ( frozen )or repetitious (continuously moving) . The first leader demonstrates their motion and passes it on to the next person in the circle in a counter-clockwise order. As each participant imitates the motion, a wave type effect is produced. This continues until all participants have had the opportunity to send their motion around the circlehence the Circle Wave name.

Dance: Music: Level: Type: Formation:

Name that Dance UPShania Twain Junior / Intermediate Canadian Novelty TBD

Choreography: Workshop Participants

The group will be divided into small groups of 6 participants and invited to choreograph their own original Canadian novelty dance to the music Up by Shania Twain.

Each dance should include the following criteria: four different dance steps, two levels, face more than one direction / or formation change a minimum of 16 beats should be completed before repeating the sequence. an observable beginning ,middle and ending

Choreography Assignment Rubric Theme reflected in costumes, props, style. Variety of directions/ formations, levels, dance steps Synchronization of rhythm and dance steps by group members Creative appeal to audience

Level 1 theme is not developed in the presentation presentation has a limited variety of formations, levels, dance steps. group rarely synchronized in presentation. limited creative appeal of presentation

Level 2 theme is developed in some parts of the presentation presentation has an adequate variety of formations, levels, dance steps. group sometimes synchronized in presentation some creative appeal of presentation

Level 3 theme is developed throughout the presentation presentation has a wide variety of formations, levels, dance steps. group usually synchronized in presentation definite creative appeal of presentation

Level 4 theme is developed with superior attention to detail Presentation has an exceptional variety of formations, levels, dance steps.

group always synchronized in presentation outstanding creative appeal of presentation

Integrating Dance with Other Subject Areas Make natural curriculum connections. Look at different subjects and required expectations. Consider clustering Physical Education expectations and other subject expectations, e.g., language, visual arts, drama, math, music. Students can: Language Recount/retell Physical Education lesson Write up their own creative dance Reflective response (thoughts, feelings about dance lessons) Use poetry that reflect movement action Develop an appreciation of dance poetry Math Patterning Measuring Counting Graphing Geometrical shape Symmetry Visual Arts Make instruments Respond to Physical Education lessons by illustrating using pastels, paint, charcoal, crayons, and cut and paste techniques Use line and design to act as a stimulus to create a variety of pathways Drama Tableaux Acting out story scenarios to music Music Create (e.g. dripping water, sandpaper scraping) Explore patterning, beat and rhythm Using songs as a stimulus for movement Explore sounds with musical instruments (percussion and Orff) Use of electronic music as a stimulus for movement

Student Response Sheet

Student's Name: Date:

You have learned several different dances in Physical Education class. List as many of them that you can.

Describe the ones you liked doing and why.

Which dance or dances did you find to be the most difficult? Why?

What would you like to tell other students about learning different dances?

Draw yourself performing two of the dances you learned and label them.

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