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PART ONE Chapter 1 THE AQUARIAN AGE & THE AWAKENING Consciousness in the Aquarian Age (A lecture by Yogi

Bhajan) Five Sutras of the Aquarian Age Keep Up! Chardi Kala II (A poem by Yogi Bhajan) Yogi Bhajans Message at the Dawn of the Aquarian Age The Self-Sensory System & the Transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age (A lecture by Yogi Bhajan) The Seven Steps to Happiness PART TWO The Roots of Kundalini Yoga Chapter 2 WHAT IS YOGA? What Is Yoga? (A poem by Yogi Bhajan) What is Yoga? An Adventure in Consciousness (A lecture by Yogi Bhajan) Kundalini Yoga is a Science The Power of Kundalini Yoga The Altitude and Attitude of Kundalini Yoga Kundalini Yoga: Awakening the Soul (A lecture by Yogi Bhajan) Kundalini Yoga: Leverage, Legacy & Lineage Questions & Answers with the Master Kundalini YogaThe Choice is Yours The First Qualification for Kundalini Yoga Kundalini Rising: Chardi Kala I (A poem by Yogi Bhajan) Chapter 3 THE VARIETIES OF YOGA The Varieties of Yoga Yogi Bhajan on Kundalini Yoga & Hatha Yoga What is Raj Yoga and What Does it Have to do with Kundalini Yoga? Twenty-Two Forms of Yoga The Many Facets of Kundalini Yoga Kundalini Yoga & White Tantric Yoga Chapter 4 A BRIEF HISTORY OF YOGA & PATANJALIS SUTRAS The Evolution of Yoga through the Historical Epochs The Six Schools of Yogic Philosophy About the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Short Glossary of Terms Patanjalis Eight Limbs of Yoga Practice

Yamas & niyamas The eight limbs & the three minds The eight limbs & the five gross elements More about the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali The waves of the mind Balance of the inner and outer worlds The five stages of mental refinement The refined mind & Guru Har K Chapter 5 KUNDALINI YOGA & SIKH DHARMA The Relationship between Kundalini Yoga & Sikh Dharma Students of Elegant Action Kundalini Yoga & the House of Guru Ram Das Chapter 6 THE GOLDEN CHAIN, THE SPIRITUAL TEACHER & YOGI BHAJAN THE GOLDEN CHAIN Tuning into the Golden Chain with the Adi Mantra Yogi Bhajan on the Adi Mantra THE SPIRITUAL TEACHER The Virtue of a Teacher The Guru The Gurus Gate All About Gurus (A lecture by Yogi Bhajan) Yogi Bhajan on What it Means to Have a Teacher What is the Function of a Genuine Teacher? About Yogi Bhajan Yogi Bhajan on Siddhis Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan PART THREE Awakening the Consciousness Chapter 7 SOUND & MANTRA The Nature of Sound Chanting Mantras The Science of Naad YogaWhy Chanting Works Laya Yoga & Naad Yoga Yogi Bhajan on the Word Varieties of Mantra & Sound What Does Chanting Achieve?The Impact of the Inner Silence of Anahat Making Mantra Effective The Third Chakra & Mantra The Word in the Heavenly & Earthly Re Yogi Bhajan on Mantras in Kundalini Yoga Yogi Bhajan on the Power of Prayer as Word The Quantum Technology of the Shabd Guru

Tuning In with The Adi MantraOng Namo Guru Dev Namo Japji Sahib Yogi Bhajan on Japji Sahib Yogi Bhajan on Reading from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib The Effects of the Paurees of Japji Sahib Mul Mantra Mantras Frequently Used in Kundalini Yoga Chapter 8 BREATH (Pranayam) In the Beginning was the Word & a Deep Breath! Simple, Natural Breathing Pranayam Breath Signatures Breath Frequency One-Minute Breath Long Deep Breathing (Yogic Breath) Benefits of Long Deep Breathing Suspending the Breath Benefits of Suspending the Breath Shuniya Meditations to Master the Suspension of the Breath Breath of Fire (Agni Pran) Benefits of Breath of Fire Beginning a Practice of Breath of Fire Breath Ratios Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Sodhan) Left & Right Nostril Breathing Cannon Breath Segmented Breaths Lion Breath Whistle BreathSitali PranayamSitkali PranayamVatskar Pranayam Chapter 9 KRIYA IN KUNDALINI YOGA Asana, Mudra & Bandha The Concept of Kriya in Kundalini Yoga Asana (Posture) in Kundalini Yoga Teach the Teachings as Given Reflections on Asana & Kriya Angles & Triangles Experiencing the Triangles Warm-up Exercises Basic Sitting Postures Choosing a Surface Lotus Pose Perfect Pose Sitting in a Chair Easy Pose Rock Pose Virasan Rock Pose or Easy Pose? Basic Mudras Gyan Mudra Shuni Mudra Surya or Ravi Mudra Buddhi Mudr Prayer Pose Bear Grip Buddha Mudra Venus Lock

The Mastery of Simran The Body Locks (Bandhas) Yogi Bhajan on the Locks Neck Lock (Jalandhar Bandh) Diaphragm Lock (Uddiyana Bandh) Root Lock (Mulbandh) The Great Lock (Mahabandh) The Bandhas & the Three Gates Working the Locks Doei Shabd Kriya Yogi Bhajan on Doei Shabd Kriya Sat Kriya Chapter 10 RELAXATION Relaxation During Yoga Class Importance of Relaxation Ultimate Relaxation Postures for Relaxation Leading a Class into Deep Relaxation Creating the Environment for Deep Relaxation Coming Out of Deep Relaxation One Teachers Guided Relaxation Chapter 11 MIND & MEDITATION The Mind Exists as a Servant of the Soul Basic Characteristics of the Mind The Three Minds The Cycle of the Intellect The Cycle of the Intellect (diagram) Cosmic Law of Manifestion & Being (diagram) The Structure of a Thought Yogi Bhajan Describes the Balanced Mind Yogi Bhajan in Dialogue with his Mind Navigating the Inner Spaces of the Mind Benefits of Meditation Meditation: A Simple Process (A lecture by Yogi Bhajan) Stopping the Mind? Prayer & Meditation Pratyahar (A lecture by Yogi Bhajan) Meditating with Silent Awareness or with Mantra Simran: the Flow of the Meditative Mind SamadhiEnlightenment (The BelovedA poem by Yogi Bhajan) Preparing for Meditation Keeping Steady During Meditation

Choosing a Meditation Meditation Focus for Eyes (Dhrist) Meditation Minutes Meditation Sadhana Using the Gong for Meditation Using a Mala for Meditation White Tantric Yoga Yogi Bhajan on the Mahan Tantric & the Subtle Body Celestial Communication Sat Nam Rasayan Venus Kriyas Tratakum (Gazing) Meditation Chapter 12 SADHANA Sadhana, Aradhana, Prabhupati Why is it Important for a Kundalini Yoga Teacher to do Sadhana Yogi Bhajan on Group Sadhana Preparing for Sadhana The Effect of Sadhana Yogi Bhajan: Wisdom, Commitment, Consistency Sadhana: the Ultimate Approach to Change Yogi Bhajan Answers Questions About Sadhana Sadhana Mantras for the Aquarian Age Guidelines for Leading the Aquarian Sadhana PART FOUR Yogic & Functional Western Anatomy Introduction Chapter 13 WESTERN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY Circulatory System Lymphatic System Respiratory System Digestive System Endocrine System Nervous System Musculo-Skeletal System Spinal Biomechanics Caveats & Cautions for the Spine & Neck Immune System Genito-urinary System Chapter 14 YOGIC ANATOMY

Prana & Kundalini Vayus Nadis Prana, Apana, Nadis, & the Kundalini (A lecture by Yogi Bhajan) Questions & Answers with the Master Using the Gift of Prana The Power of Sushmana, Ida & Pingala The Navel Point Yogi Bhajan on the Navel Point Chapter 15 Yogic Anatomythe Chakras Chakra Basics A Profile of the Chakras Understanding the Chakras Maha Shakti Kriya The Third Chakra & Mantra The Awakened Kundalini through the Chakras (drawing) Regaining Self-Esteem (A lecture by Yogi Bhajan) Tattvas & the Chakras (table) Chapter 16 Yogic AnatomyThe Ten Bodies Basics of the Ten Bodies Balancing the Ten Bodies A Profile of the Ten Bodies Yogi Bhajan on the Ten Bodies Aspects of the Ten Bodies & the Eleventh Embodiment (table) PART FIVE Yogic Philosophy Chapter 17 BASIC CONCEPTS IN PHILOSOPHY OF YOGA ntroduction to Yogic Philosophy Common Attitudes in Eastern Philosophies The Chain of Being & Ladder of Subtlely Cosmic Law of Manifestation & Being (diagram) G.O.D. Maya, the Tattvas & the Gunas The Three Gunas Yogi Bhajan on the Tattvas You, the Tattvas & the Gunas (A lecture by Yogi Bhajan) The First Five Teachers Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth (table) The Journey of the SoulKarma, Dharma,

Reincarnation & Liberation Yogi Bhajan on Dharma Yogi Bhajan on the Theory of Cause and Effect Cosmic Cycles (the Yugas) & the Ashtang Mantra for this Age (A lecture by Yogi Bhajan) Code Mantra of the Aquarian Age (diagram) Chapter 18 SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT The Five Stages on the Path of Wisdom Saram Pad Karam Pad Shakti Pad Sahej Pad Sat Pad allacies on the Path of Wisdom Yogi Bhajan on Shakti Pad Yogi Bhajan on Spiritual Awakening Through Group Consciousness Different Teachers & Techniques Needed for Each of the Five Stages PART SIX Humanology & Yogic Lifestyle Chapter 19 HUMANOLOGY What is Humanology? The Cycles of Life (The Three Rings of Success) The Cycles of Life (The Three Rings of Success) (chart) Shakti & Bhakti Fate or DestinyKarma or Dharma The Soul & the Subtle Body Guilt vs. Responsibility Yogi Bhajan on Righteous Living The Power of the Mother Living this Incarnation as a Man or as a Woman Relationships Death Yogi Bhajan on The Art of Being ProsperityResources to Fulfill Your Destiny Giving Your 1/10th Harmonious Communication Ten Sacred Secrets to Success Chapter 20 YOGIC LIFESTYLE Make Your Life a Victory Relaxing to Sleep Waking Up to the Day Cleaning the Monkey Glands Massaging the Body Ishnaanthe Science of Hydrotherapy

Why take a cold shower? HairA Yogic Viewpoint Yogi Bhajan Talks About Drugs Chapter 21 YOGIC DIET Yogic DietYou Are What You Eat Diet According to Ayurveda Tridoshas Three Types of Food Qualities of Foods Nutritious and Sustaining Foods Raw & Cooked Food Taste Alkaline vs. Acidic What About Protein? What About Eating Meat? Dairy Products Guidelines for Preparing Food Guidelines for Healthy Digestion & Elimination Foods for Health & Healing Trinity Roots Foods to Avoid Foods for Health & Healing Potent Foods for Men Potent Foods for Women Fasting & Fasts Recipes PART SEVEN The Role of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Chapter 22 THE IDENTITY OF A KUNDALINI YOGA TEACHER Two Laws for the Kundalini Teacher A Teachers Identity The Chambers of a Teachers Heart Serving the Consciousness of the Student The Problem with Perfect Teachers Code of Ethics of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher The Code of Excellence of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher The Teachers Oath Definition of a Yogi The 16 Facets of Perfection of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher The Code of Professional Standards The Basic Personality of a Teacher (A lecture by Yogi Bhajan) Questions & Answers with the Master on the Identity of a Teacher Chapter 23 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE CLASS SETTING YOGA CLASS STRUCTURE & GOALS Teaching & Class Structure The Teachers Projection

The Adi Mantra The Mangala Charn Mantra How to Begin? Pranayam Warm-up Exercises Yogi Bhajan on the Purity of the Teachings Yogi Bhajan on Using Music in Class Kriya or Set of Yoga Exercises Supervising the Class & Offering Correction Yogi Bhajan on Doing Yoga with the Class Deep Relaxation Meditation Ending a Kundalini Yoga Class Yoga Community Evaluating the Class Afterward Explaining Some of the Benefits of Kundalini Yoga Teaching Guidelines: Cautions & Approaches Hands-Off Teaching Do Not Vary from the Kriya Medical Condition Kundalini Yoga is Not Illness Based Approaching Yoga Practice Sample Disclaimer Good Pain & Bad Pain No Drugs Yoga While Pregnant or Menstruating Preparing to Teach Preparing the Environment Relationship with Students Chapter 24 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES OUTSIDE THE CLASS SETTING Course Preparation Example of a Beginning Series for Adults Handouts for New Students Administration Paying for Kundalini Yoga Classes Promotion Tips on Flyers and Posters Continuing to Reach Out Inspiring Students Gurudakshina Chapter 25 MEETING THE CHALLENGES OF TEACHING KUNDALINI YOGA Teaching in Specialized SettingsFinding Our Niche Teaching the Adult PopulationCommunity & Fitness Centers Academic Institutions Pre-Natal & Post-Natal Yoga Teaching Child

Teaching Seniors Teaching People with Physical & Mental Health Pro Addiction Recovery Programs Stress Management & Relaxation Co Challenging Situations in Class Common Questions & Comments from Students Chapter 26 RESOURCES FOR THE TEACHER Resource Organizations Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) 3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organizatio 3HO International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association (IKYTA) 3HO Events White Tantric Yoga Spiritual Name Requests Yoga Alliance Sikh Dharma Resources for Products & Publications Publications PART EIGHT POSTURE Chapter 27 POSTURES The Basic Postures of Kundalini Yoga Chapter 28 FORM & ALIGNMENT FOR KUNDALINI YOGA KRIYAS The Science of Majesty The Navel Point The Geometry of Posture Yogic Breathing & Its Effect on Postures Breath of Fire Bending & Bowing Refining the Bandhas Tips for Teaching Postures PART NINE Sets & Meditation Chapters 29, 30 & 31 appear in the companion YOGA MA Chapter 29 SETS & KRIYAS WARM UP Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) TEACHERS FAVORITE SETS Awakening Yourself to Your Ten Bodies Basic Spinal Energy Series Flexibility and the Spine

Kriya for Elevation Nabhi Kriya Nabhi Kriya for Prana-Apana Sat Kriya Strengthening the Aura Stress Set for Adrenals & Kidneys Surya Kriya MORE GREAT SETS Disease Resistance and Heart Helper Exercise Set for the Kidneys Foundation for Infinity Healthy Bowel System Kriya for Disease Resistance Kriya for Morning Sadhana Preparatory Exercises for Lungs, Magnetic Field & Deep Meditation Navel Adjustment Kriya Magnetic Field and Heart Center New Lungs and Circulation Pituitary Gland Series Prana-Apana Balance Releasing Premenstrual Tension & Balancing Sexual Energy Transforming the Lower Triangle to the Higher Triangle Sat Kriya Workout Wahe Guru Kriya (Trikuti Kriya) Examples of Sets Focusing on each Chakra Examples of Appropriate Sets for Beginners Examples of Good Warm-up Sets Chapter 30 MEDITATIONS & PRANAYAMS WITHOUT MANTRA Aerobic Capacity and Efficiency Basic Breath Series Breath Awareness Exercise Breath of Fire with Lions Paws Caliber for Constant Self-Authority The Caliber of Life Meditation Composite Polarity Mudra Meditation Immune System Booster: The Inner Sun Inner Conflict Resolver Reflex The Liberated Heart Meditation Mahan Gyan Mudra Meditation for a Calm Heart Meditation to Change the Ego

Meditation to Conquer Self-Animosity Meditation to Develop the Self-Sensory System Meditation for Emotional Balance Sunia(n) Antar Meditation to Know the Field Meditation for a Stable Self Nadi CleansingU Breathing Pranayam Energizer Series Perspective and Emotional Balance Sitali Pranayam Tattva Balance Beyond Stress & Duality Tratakum Meditation Tratakum Meditation Picture Chapter 31 MEDITATIONS WITH MANTRA Antar Naad Mudra Saa Ray Saa Saa, Saa Ray Saa Saa, Saa Ray Saa Saa Saa Rung Har Ray Har Har, Har Ray Har Har, Har Ray Har Har Har Rung Adi Mantra for Individual Meditation (Complete) Ong Namo Guroo Dayv Namo Guroo Dayv Namo Guroo Dayvaa Awakening the Inner Healer Sushmuna Meditation Ida Meditation Pingala Meditation Blue Gap Meditation Divine Shield Meditation for Protection & Positivity Maaaa Grace of God Meditation I Am the Grace of God Gunpati Kriya Meditation Saa Taa Naa Maa Raa Maa Daa Saa Saa Say So Hung Healing Ring of Tantra Sat Naam, Wha-hay Guroo Healing with the Siri Gaitri Mantra Raa Maa Daa Saa Saa Say So Hung I am Happy Meditation for Children I am happy, I am good, Sat Naam ji, Wha-hay Guroo ji Indra Nittri Meditation with the Siri Mantra Kirtan Kriya Panj Shabd: Saa Taa Naa Maa Laya Yoga Kundalini Mantra Ek Ong Kaar-(uh) Sat Naam-(uh) Siree Wha-hay Guroo Learning to Meditate Bij Mantra: Sat Naam Long Chant (Adi Shakti Mantra, or Morning Call) Ek Ong Kaar Sat Naam Siree Wha-hay Guroo Mahan Jaap (Linked Jaap) Panj Shabd: Saa Taa Naa Maa

Mala Meditation Masters Touch Meditation Aad Such, Jugaad Such, Hai Bhee Such, Naanak Hosee Bhee Such Meditation Into Being I Am, I Am Meditation on the Divine Mother Kundalini Bhakti Mantra: Aadee Shakti Namo Namo Meditation for Healing Addictions Panj Shabd: Saa-Taa-Naa-Maa Meditation to Open the Heart Sat Kartaar Ek Ong Kaar Sat Gur Parsaad Sat Gur Parsaad Ek Ong Kaar Meditation for Projection & Protection from the Heart Mangala Charn Mantra: Aad Guray Nameh Meditation for Prosperity I Har Haray Haree Wha-hay Guroo Meditation for Prosperity II (from Subagh Kriya) Har Meditation for Self-Assessment Meditation for Self-Blessing: Guidance by Intuition Panj Shabd: Saa-Taa-Naa-Maa Meditation for Stress or Sudden Shock Sat Naam, Sat Naam, Sat Naam, Sat Naam, Sat Naam, Sat Naam, Wha-hay Guroo Naad Meditation to Communicate from Totality Wha Wha Hay Hay Guroo Naad Meditation to Communicate Your Honest Self Saa Ray Naad Meditation: Naam Namodam Rasa Aah Ooh Umm Parasympathetic Rejuvenation Meditation with the Gong Pran Bandha Mantra Meditation Pavan Pavan Pavan Pavan, Par Paraa, Pavan Guroo Pavan Guroo Wha-hay Guroo, Wha-hay Guroo Pavan Guroo Rejuvenation Meditation Panj Shabd: Saa-Taa-Naa-Maa Seven-Wave Sat Nam Meditation Sodarshan Chakra Kriya Wha-hay Guroo Tershula Kriya Har Har Wha-hay Guroo Venus Kriyas

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