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His Preeminent Decade His Preeminent Decade Current mood: Dawn Period Genre: Dream


Mrs. Johanna was admitted in a hospital; it was time for her to give birth to her first baby. Mr. Waylon Waldo, who was the hubby of Mrs. Johanna, waited outside the operation theatre where she was squealin in pain. Mr. Waylon, who always behaved in a hilarious manner, wished that he could have a baby boy. Out came one of the doctors after few hours and informed him good news. Just as what he had in mind. This is what she said: "Congratulations Sir, your wife has given birth ta a cute baby boy."

"Reallycan I go and see em?" asked Mr. Waylon surprisinly. "Sure sir, ya may go," she added. When he went inside, he saw his wife and the baby lyin beside her; he went near his wife. "We are fluky ta have a baby boy!" "You're right," said Mrs. Johanna. "Lemme take ma baby in ma arms," he said as he took the baby out of its bed. Immediately, the baby started to cry, but soon stopped when its papa murmured a beautiful song into his ears. The baby was a perfect resemblance of its papaso fair, with blond hair. After thinkin for an hour or twohis parents came to a final decision and named him Bennett Waldo. When Johanna was discharged from the hospital, all three of them came back to their home by Mr. Waylon's car. Bennett's mum called him by a sweet name 'Ben'. He was livin with his famly in a village in an old house which was thousands of years old; he didnt know anythin bout it. Bennett's parents were always talkin bout leavin the

house though it was their own, because it was strange compared to other houses in that locality.

After Bennetts age of ploddin and crawlin...

One day Mr. Waylon decided to change their lodgin to New York City. They packed all their stuffs and shifted to a big house there. Bennett's papa sent him to a school which was quite far from his new house. He brought new clothes, books and geometrical set for him, so that he would enjoy his school.

Nex day mornin...

Bennett rouse soon, took a fresh shower and wore his new linen clothes which he felt would comfort his body from within. After eatin his hot sizzlin breakfast, he waited for his school bus to come and pick him up. When the yellow school bus came, hed gotten into it and bid goodbye to his parents through the window. Bye mum! Bye poppa. See ya in the evenin! screamed Bennett. "Bye! Take care. And don't b naughty, listen ta your teachers carefully, whatever they teach, ya gotta explain

ta us when ya come back home. All right?" told his parents. "Sure! Take care," said Bennett as the bus speeded away. Then, Mrs. Johanna went to the lawn to water her potted agave plants. The way to the school had many sleepin policemen, because of it the bus was goin up and down continuously which was a fun for all the children to laugh at. There were many children in the bus who spoke to Ben in a lovin and friendly manner. He shook his hand and introduced himself to them. There were certain children who were willin to know much bout him; they all were very friendly in nature. Therefore, he thought that he could be a good friend to them. Alex, Stephen, Ricky and John were his new friends. Bennett was a brilliant student in his class, he did his work regularly and was participatin in all school activities; his teachers loved him a lot. The principal of the school and all the teachers had gotten to see Bennetts amazin character. The principal, Mr. George, gave a surprise gift to Bennett, he wrapped it with a beautiful glitterin wrapper and stuck a sticker on to it and he wrote, 'The Best Student of the Day!'

Bennett was getting a surprise gift for the first time, he was keenly interested to know what the gift washis friends all congratulated him. Bennett was waitin to reach home, so that he could open it in front of his parents and simply boast up. He came back in the same yellow bus safely and bid goodbye to his friends. When he reached home, he knocked at the door; Mum was cuttin fabrics in pinkin shears to gift it to her friend who was a pommy, her works were all in a picturesque. She opened the door and felt surprised when she saw the big gift in her sons hands. "What's that, dear?" asked mum with a slight smile on her face. "I myslf dunno what this is, mom. Ive gotten it from the principal o ma school. I think he loves me a lot. This gif is a result o mine bein a poodle an that I was an agog ta ma teachrs. Yknow? All were kind ta me; they lovd ma behavior in the class, explained Bennett. "Di ya misbehave?" asked mommy jokinly. "Oh, cmon mum! Stop that!" said Bennett. "I was jus kiddin, what are ya waitin fo then? Open the gif ta see what t coud be," said mommy in a mood of hurry. Bennett tore the wrapper and he opened the box slowly

closin his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful stationary kit and a CD-ROM. The huge kit contained as many things as any child of his age would like to possess. The CD was about keepin up good habits and it contained top ten new released stories too. Momma felt very happy to have Bennett as her one and only child. Ben was eagerly waitin for his papa to arrive, who was workin as a software-engineer in a multi national company. When pappy came back, Bennett showed the gift he had received; pappy exalted him and encouraged him to keep up his good work, and told him that he should be a role-model for every kid who studied with him. When Bennett went to school the nex day, his parents decided to buy some soft toys and some milk products that Bennett enjoyed, because, they felt that bein parents of Bennett they had to buy somethin for his good deeds. When Bennett was back from his school, he rapped at the door of his house, expectin for a reply, then he banged on it once more, but there were no answer at all. He waited for almost an hour for his parents to

return, but they didnt. He decided to ask for the key at his neighbors expectin that it would be given there, but it was not. "Di they leave any message fo me?" asked Bennett to the neighbor. "No boy, they didnt," replied Mr. Jack. "Where coud they go witout even informin anythin ta ya? I wondr," said Bennett. "I dunno. Why dont ya wait here, s that when they arrive, ya can go back," said Mr. Jack. Bennett was watchin television at Mr. Jacks. He was given some tasty cookies to enjoy. Papa and mum knew that it was time for Bennett to be home back after school. Theyd gone to a shoppin mall to buy some fruits, sugar, custard powder, soft toys and some other accessories. When they came back, mum knew that Ben would be there at Mrs. Toria's house, who was recently married to Mr. Jack. After tellin to his wife to go and call Bennett, Mr. Waylon went back home. Mrs. Johanna went to Mr. Jacks and saw Bennett's shoes outside the door; she called out for Bennett in a

loud voice. "Bennett!" As soon as Ben heard his mommy callin, he rushed out, leavin pieces of cookies all around the sofa where he was sittin. When Ben came out, he screamed back. Mr. Jack! My mum has arrived, see ya soon! Goodbye!" Turnin towards his mum, he asked, "Where had ya been? Yknow, I was tensd" "Sory child we were a bit late. A surprises waitin fo ya! Come soon, let's go," said Mrs. Johanna. "Surprisenot again! Whats it? I'm eagr ta kno!" exclaimed Bennett. "Wait, Ben!" said mommy tryin to calm him down. When they reached home, he saw his papa waitin for them at the door. Bennett ran to his pappy to find out what the surprisin gift was. "Wheres ma gif, pa?" he asked. Takin the soft toys out from the brown packs, papa said, "Here are some soft toys. Go ta your room an play with em." "Thank ya pa! Bu, what are there in those big bags?" asked Bennett. "They are jus accessories and home appliances, which arent fo ya.

When Bennett went to play in his room, pa gave the ingredients to his wife to make fruit salad; it was Ben's favorite formal meal. Mum made creamy fruit salad within minutes! It was luscious and yummy. The sweet aroma reached Bens room and he began to get a whiff of it. Jus then, Mrs. Johanna called out. "Boy! I have made somepin whichs your favorite, come soon and have em!" Bennett rushed out of his room to see what the smellin-cool-surprise was. When he saw a bowl with colorful fruits floatin in the creamy sweet milk mixed with strawberry custard powder, he felt very happy and was jumpin in joy to taste and savor it. "Here ya go, have it Ben an tell me how's it," said mommy as she gave a bowl to Bennett. Ben took a spoon full of fruit salad and raised it to his rosy lips, it smelled great, and his mouth was waterin. When he tasted it he started to sing songs like rhymes! "Wow! It is beynd wrds, this wondaful dish that ya have made fo me tastes s good. Thank ya mommy, thanks a lot!" said Bennett. "You're welcme son, your father an I thought o givin ya a surprise fo your good behavior. When ya are gettin gifs from othrs, why shouldnt ya get few from

your parents, isn't t?" asked mommy. "Nevertheless, poppa tld me that he did not buy anythin else othr than those soft toyswhy di he lie then?" asked Bennett as he scratched his head in confusion. "We thought o givin ya what ya lovd a lot, but we wantd it ta be a surprise, we plannd fo this ideas that the gift woud b really surprisin ta ya," she added. Just then, Mr. Waylon came into the kitchen. He turned to Ben. "Di ya njoy?" "Yeah, even more than a limit!" said Bennett as he began to laugh, then everbody laughed together. They went to the dinin room and enjoyed that superb fruit salad and said few jokes and had fun with one another; that evenin was one of Bennett greatest moment with his small famly which he called: 'Fam'. Bennett went to his room after eatin his dinner and his parents too went off to sleep.

On Sunday...
Alex came to Bennett's house to amuse himself. When he saw Mrs. Johanna comin out with a basket full of washed clothes, he told her: "Hello Mrs. Johanna. Wheres Bennett? Im one of his classmates, Alex."

"Oh. Hi Alex! Ben is still sleepin; ya may go ta his room an wake him up. I'll b back within a few minutes, lemme put these clothes ta dry in the hot sun," she said as she went to the terrace. Alex entered through the lobby, and then into the hall; he stopped in front of a room where he saw many cartoon stickers stacked on the door, he understood that it was Ben's room; he saw Bennett sleepin with the quilt fully covered up to his head. Alex went to Bennett and woke him up. At that Bennett asked: Wow! Alex I didnt expect ya! What a surprise! Di ya come all alone? What bout othrs, didn't they come?" "I came with ma pa on his bike. I askd him ta drop me here s that we can play fo a while, an when he comes back I shall go," said Alex. "All right, wait at the livin room an Ill b right with ya afte washin ma face," said Bennett as he pulled his quilt off from him and got out of his bed and went to the bathroom. Alex waited for Ben at the lounge. When Bennett was back after brushin his teeth and bathin, he went to Alex who was readin a comic book. Bennett gave him a pack of spicy finger-lickin chips to eat. The chips pack had a name on it: Zestyit had its own importance in US, because, rarely if someone came

from New-Zealand, they brought it. This pack was restricted from sales in any countries other than NewZealand. Bennetts niece had brought it to him when she came back from there after she had completed her graduation course. Soon, mum came in, she took Bens PlayStation out of the pigeonhole and said: "Ben, Ill make breakfast fo ya an Alex, till then ya can njoy with your friend playin games." "After eatin our breakfasts we'll go ta Ricky's house, Okay?" told Bennett. "Sure. Afte that we'll go ta John's and Stephen's house respectivly," said Alex. "All right." After few minutes, mommy was back from the kitchen with three bowls of hot noodles; all enjoyed it at the dinin table. Bennett asked permission from his mum to go to his buddies' house with Alex. "Wellgo an come back soon," said mommy. Both went to Stephen's house first, but they found the gate locked. Then, they went to Ricky's house; his mom asked

Bennett: "May I kno who ya are?" "I'm Bennett an this is Alex, we are classmates o Ricky weve come here ta play with him." "Sory child, he aint feelin good," said Ricky's mum, Mrs. Helena. Bennett thought not to disturb Ricky as he was feelin poorly. After that, both of them went to John's house, and were sad when they saw the door locked. So, theyd to come back to Bennett's house. Alex spent time playin with Bennett still his pa came after his work to pick him up. After havin his dinner Ben went to his bunk bed and laid his head on the soft white throw-cushion and fell asleep soon. The nex day, Ben thought that John and Stephen would come to school at least. After finishin his breakfast he went to school in the yellow bus as usual, expectin that his friends would be there; but except Alex there were nobody else in the bus who were Bennett's friends. He knew that Ricky wasn't all right, that's why he had not come, but what bout Stephen and John? Bennett

began to think that somethin was wrong and decided to go and have a look at both their houses after the school hours. As soon as the school was over, Ben went to his house and changed his attire and went to Stephen's and after that to John's house. This time the gate of Stephen's house wasn't locked, but when Bennett knocked at the door, nobody was there to answer him. Then, when he went to John's house the door was swung open. Bennett felt happy and went further to see whether he was there at home. When he went inside, he saw both Stephen and John commentin on some matter. "Hey guys! Why didnt ya come ta school tday? Where were ya yestrday evenin?" asked Bennett. "Its sad newsma grandpa expird yesteday; ma mom and poppa are still there at his house. Mommy was really sad when shed gotten this news. Stephen too had come with us when he heard this," John explained. "Oh no. How sad" Bennett felt pity. Ben convinced John as he illustrated some Bible examples and quoted some scriptures from it and he assured them by explainin that there would be a true hope for the dead ones in the future. When John and

Stephen heard this, they felt deeply convinced. Bennett went back to his home in the evenin; when he saw Mr. Jack doin some work, he asked him: "Hi Mr. Jack, whatre ya doin?" "I thought of constructin a park here. I was up ta sell this land, but no one was interestd ta buy. So I decided ta make a playin field fo the kids o this borough, he said. "Wow! That's a good idea! See ya soon," said Bennett as he went back home.

The nex day...

Bennett went to his school; there was an announcement made by his class teacher. "As thiss the month o Decmber, due ta Christmas, the school will b closd fo a month." Bennett felt happy, but at the same time he felt sad that he could mingle with his classmates and teachers only after a long gap. He planned to go for a picnic with his parents and friends durin the vacation. When Bennett reached home, he kept his bag in his shelf and told his mum that the school would be closed

for a few weeks; he also spoke bout his interest to go for a picnic. His mommy said: "I can't make a decision in this mattr, let your father come and ya can discuss with him." Bennett was eagerly waitin for his pappy to arrive. When Mr. Waylon returned home, Ben rushed to him for his permission so that he could enjoy his trip with everyone. When the conversation between them was over, his pa concluded with a decisiona decision that made Bennett happy; hed agreed for the trip, also he promised that he would take his friends along with em.

On Tuesday
Bennett phoned up his friends to ask if they were willin to go with him and his parents for a picnic. All agreed with him and decided to go; they packed up their stuffs and went to Bennett's house, from there everyone had gotten into Mr. Waylon's car. All enjoyed the ride as they went to many interestin places, like, monuments, parks and beach. Bennett loved beach like anythin, he wished to go and swim there. But he was not allowed as he was too young. Bennett and his friends along with his parents enjoyed

the sun bath on the shore. Stephen too loved to play on the shore, but the thing he hated was, when the waters washed his feet it caused irritation and itchiness; also, his pants seemed to be white coated because of the saltsthis did not make him feel happy. Whereas, others all had gotten pleasure from the happy experience of standing on the shore as their feet were bein washed by the sea waters. Then, they all enjoyed the tasty gratins which John had brought from his house. It was a wonderful experience when they all had been to a lovely park where all the children were takin pleasure to the extreme. After everythin, they came back to Ben's house, from there every friends of his departed to their respective houses.

Nex day mornin...

Ben was soon awoken after hearin a knock at the door. What's the mattr Mr. Jack? Have ya completd the park s soon? asked Bennett. "No Ben, I've not completd it. Half o the park is done, but I don't have enough money ta buy things that are

needed ta complete the park," he said disappointedly. "Its all right, I an ma friens don't need any huge park, what ya have set up nows more than enough," said Bennett. "No dear, I wanna complete the park; I want all the children ta njoy fully in ma park. I have ta make sure that they are downright satisfid when they leave," said Mr. Jack. "S what can I do fo ya?" asked Bennett. Can ya contribute some amount that ya have? Also tell your friends regardin this mattr, probably they too can help," he said. "Well, ya may wait here; Ill b right along with what I have." Bennett rushed to his cupboard. With his papa's permission, he gave twenty nine dollars to Mr. Jack and he kept a dollar for himself because hed been gettin pocket money from his parents since he was four and now that he was ten. Bennett rang up all his friends who stayed nearby, and announced them regardin this; they all were willin to donate some amount. After a while, all four friends came to Ben's house with their donations. Bennett along with them gave that money to Mr. Jack.

When he counted it together, he found that there were a total of, ninety dollars, twenty cents and twelve dimes. "Thank ya children for your contribution," said Mr. Jack, as he left from there, puttin the money in a donation box; he thought that those money would be all enough for him to put the last touches on the park. Bennett played a lot with his friends that day and commented about the playground where they were goin to engage themselves in their favorite recreational activities very soon.

It was gettin darker...

All his friends moved back to their houses. When they all had gone back, Ben started sensin irk and he felt weary. He said to his pappy who was busy at his work that night: Pa, I wantd a TV, all ma friens are havin one at their home, s can ya" asked Bennett doubtfully. "No! Ya bettr go an play with your soft toys, theres no need o any TV in this house at presnt," told Mr. Waylon angrily. "Poppa, please, thiss ma Christmas vacation, I

wanna" stopped Ben immediately as he was bout to continue, his pappy screamed in antagonism: "I am not goin ta buy any damnd box fo your entertainmnt, if ya have no othr job, go and gen-up fo the nex years syllabus an lemme do ma work. The edge of his shriek was so powerful that even the neighbors heard it. Bennett had never seen his pa bein so mad at him, he just did not know why. "He was in doldrums probably cause he was too busy at work", Bennett thought.

It was the Day of Surprise

On this day, fathers buy unexpected gifts for their children. Mr. Waylon wanted to buy somethin that Bennett loved the most; but he did not know what he had to buy, until he remembered that Ben had asked for a television a few days back. Bennett wanted to tell his papa that he wanted a bicycle on this day, but he refused to tell when he recalled how his pappy behaved the previous week.

When Ben was still sleepin...

A man came to his house, wearin a cap and uniform, he

also had an identity card hangin around his neck, and a company badge. He asked, "Is this Mr. Waylon Waldo's house?" "Yeah, said Mrs. Johanna. This was a man who delivered electronic gadgets, Mr. Waylon had ordered for a Liquid Crystal Display TV through online, and this man had come to give away that LCD, Mr. Kelvin Brinje. After Mrs. Johanna signed the bill and gave the amount, she said that it would be better if the LCD was kept in Bennetts room; she pointed her finger towards his room. Mr. Brinje along with another man carefully took the TV on their shoulders and kept it on the table of Bennetts room. "Thank ya," said Mrs. Johanna. "Our pleasure, maam. See ya soon, take care," they said as they handed their visitin card to her and left the house. When Bennett had gotten up, he saw the crystal clear screen of that branded LCD. Someone had put his favorite cartoon channel on it. He went runnin to his papa to ask whether he was the one who brought the TV. His pappy was sittin on a sofa, readin a magazine; mommy was holdin the touchtone phone towards her

ears and was talkin bout this wonderful day with her friend. "Howazat?" asked Mr. Waylon, raisin his eyebrows up and then down. "Poppa I love ya! Thiss prbably the preeminent day o surprise that anyone coud eve give ta their children," he said as he hugged his pa so tight, like a magnet attractin to an iron article! The nex day Mr. Jack came to their house to inform the good news for which all the children were eagerly waitin. "The park is fully completd, at last; I am satisfid with that. Ma land isnt a futile piece anymore, Ive done somepin worth fo all the kids o this vicinity," he said. He also thanked Bennett and his friends for their contributions. "Good luck Mr. Jack. May all have a lot o gratification from your park," said Bennett. "Thank ya, child, good bye," he said.

In the evenin
"Is that all ya wantd?" asked Mr. Waylon to his son. "What d ya mean, pa?" asked Bennett, with a befuddled

expression on his face. "I wanted ta kno whethr ya needed jus a television, an not anythin else?" he asked. How did ya kno? Yeah, I wantd a bicyclecan ya afford it? beseeched Ben, waitin for his pappy's reply. "That's what I call the relationship between a son and a father. Ya'll get ta kno bout it in the imminent years. Sure, I'll buy a bike fo ya, the first class bikean electric bike," his pa said. "Electric bike? Won't ma life b at stake if I ride it in the rain?" asked Bennett who didn't know much bout this type of bikes. "NoElectric bikes somepin whch will b ready ta ride afte it has bein chargd," he explained as he giggled. When Bennett had gotten an electric bike, not which most of the kids of his age were using in those times, he rode it all around Mr. Jacks park where there were many kids and his friends too. It was like a playhouse without roofs and wallsan open space. The other difference between this park and playhouse was that, wind passed from all the four sidesmakin the experience even better. Ricky, who too was ridin a bicycle, made a round behind Bennett.

As soon as Ben stopped his bike, Ricky lost his control and he collided with the one at the front. He caught the break so tight and soon he was in the air, flingin his arms and he walloped on the ground with a heavy bump. Bennett too lost his grip with this and he too was on the ground within seconds. They had their helmets, elbow pads and kneepads, which protected em from severe injuries. Both of em said sorry to each other. Soon theyd gotten onto their bikes again and started to ride all around the park. Then John, Stephen, and Alex joined them. John said, Come, see this" Now a piercin sound clobbered Bennetts ears. It was a sound of the alarm-clock. The time now was half past seven. Bennett was in his dreama long incomplete dream. It was the flashback of his childhood phase. After rubbin his eyes for a moment, he set his eyes on the LCD that was on the table, then he remembered the lie that he had told to his papa. It proved to be an otherworldly thing when he thought about the TV. The LCD that Ben owned was a wishin box.

Yes. When the LCD was switched on, Bennett had wished for an electric bike after his conversation bout the bike with his pappy on the Day of Surprise. Truly, the bike that he had was not brought by his pa. He lied to his parents that it was a gift that Mr. Brinje had given him freely with the LCD, because Ben didnt know from where it had come from.

In Search of a Detached Nose In Search of a Detached Nose Current mood: Sad and Pity Genre: Annals


interest to know bout the history of the world. So, one day he decided to visit a historical museum that was famous in Uganda. In that edifice, there were many parts of walls that had many beautiful incises arranged in a well mannered

way inside the glass cases. Bennett saw many messages written on copper plates, pillars, stone tablets; they were all written in some ancient languages that none of todays generation would understand. There were many idols, coins, war equipments such asswords, shields and statues that were bein used in the time long past. Bennett felt bad when he saw a female statue not havin her nose; he sought to get it, no matter wherever it was. So he left the museum and said to his parents that they had to be at the nearby inn for some days until he came back after his search for the segregated nose around the world was completed. He had gone to the museums of Egypt, India, many parts of Africa and also various other countries, but he was not able to accomplish what he wanted. Now Bennett thought that the probability of findin the detached nose was to visit the historical museum in Uganda once more and ask em from where the idol was procured. After four months, he returned back to Ugandas famous museum, there, he asked the keeper, as he pointed his finger towards the statue, May I kno from

where di ya get that effigy with the missin nose, ove there? Ive no idea, actually, why dont ya ask this question ta the owner o this museum? I dont have his phone number, howll I call him? Bennett asked. The keeper gave the phone number to him and asked him if it was a matter of urgency. Bennett said, I am interestd in things like these, I meanwhich are relatd ta history. And thats the reason. It isnt urgentor pehaps, maybe. At that moment, there was a phone call for Bennett, his pocket started to vibrate. Hello! Whos this? he asked after he pushed the green button of his iPhone. But there was no answer for Bennetts question, instead, the caller said, Your parents met with an accidnt, come soon ta Beersheba Hospital whichs afte four blocks from the inn where ya had abandond em. No sooner Bennett said that he hadnt ditched his lovin parents, the exotic caller had hung back the receiver, and now all that he could hear was a beepin sound from his phone.

Bennett immediately left the place and ran out to get a taxi. After ten minutes hed gotten one, without wastin a single minute he demanded the driver to drive four blocks ahead. Before they traveled not more than two blocks, the driver had to pull over near the post office because of a sign board that read: VEHICLES CANNOT BE ALLOWED FURTHER. This stopped him from goin to the fore because some road construction work was going on. So Bennett had gotten down from the taxi, and after he gave the driver his charges he started to scuttle forward. He did not know where the hospital was situated; therefore he took the help of the people around there by askin em the way to reach there. Everyone whom he met said that they had never heard the name of such a hospital in their life. Three hours passed, but Bennett was still runnin, like a fish out of the waters, he looked at every buildin expectin a board to be there that read: Beersheba Hospital. But he couldnt find any such at all. Finally, Bennett read what was written on a board, it was not what he expected it to be, in fact it was not

hangin in front of any buildings, but it was at the end of a street, DEAD LINE, it read. Bennett thought that some idiot had pulled the wool over his eyes by callin him through the phone. No. Then how can the strangr kno that Id left ma parents at the inn? How di he kno ma phone number? Its an impossibl thing ta think that someone knos me here, cause Im a new-comer ta this country. Anyway I must go an checkout at the inn, they must b there, I pray. When Bennett entered the inn, he did not see his parents, their room was locked. He went out to see if his pappys second-hand car was parked there which was supposed to be, but it was not. From this he came to know that his parents, on their way with the car, would have met with an accident. For a few minutes, his hands and legs had gone numb. But even now, it was out of the usual run of things to think bout the unknown caller. Bennett tried to give a bell for him, but, a lady through the phone said that the person whom he was tryin to call was busy. He tried the second time, and the buzz was heard now. Hello! Ma parents Yes, your parents sorry fo the wrong infomation that fell from ma orifice few hours ago. Your parents

were in such a situation that they coudnt be taken ta the hospital. Theyre very down, see, even ma hands arent reachin here, an then how can ya expct othrs ta help em? I mean, theyre at the very base o the mountains here, they are in fo a deep sleep, but accordin ta the people, they call this state o your parents asdeath itslf. Nn-oo-oo-ooo! bellowed Bennett. But the anonymous caller had hung back the receiver; he did not hear Bennetts shriek. Ben tried droppin a dime on to the same number again, but every time he called, all that he could hear was:

The number youve dialed is not in use.

How can this happn regardin a person with whom I jus was in conversation now? wondered Bennett. Thinkin bout his parents, he was gravely struck with melancholy, but not even a single drop of wetness was felt by his cheeks. The stranger was so bizarre that hed been talkin in a smooth and gentle manner, jus like an angel. Peacefully. Bennett had gotten into a cycle-rickshaw and demanded him to stop at the nearby mountains where

he thought that the accident would have likely occurred. They went four kilometers farther from the inn till they found those mountains that appeared like as if they were drawn in the heavens usin natural paints. When they reached there, Bennett saw a pack of people. They were lookin so worried, as if someone had died in the abyss of the mountains. Bennett told the rickshaw-man to stop right there, they both had gotten down and went towards the angstridden people. Yes. They were talkin boutdeathcar accident and that there were two members inside the vehicle. But no one was able to see any dead bodies in the arroyo.

Anyway, who was that outlandish caller who proved to be so true? Its still not revealed, and never would be.
No more. No more do I wanna stand here, take me now, cried Bennett to the heavens. So the man who rode the cycle took Bennett back to the inn.

It took almost a week to recover from his despondency and wretchedness.

#Search for the Fragmented Nose of the Sculpture Continues

Not after five months, Bennett again thought bout continuin the scrutiny that hed stopped mid-way. He made a call to Australia to the owner and verbalized with him the curiosity of his to find the disintegrated nose, the owner said that it was actually dug from the nearby place of the museum in Uganda. Bennett also talked to him bout how the nose could have been left alone from the place where it was dug from; he felt that the nose would be badly affected by the tool that was used to take the idol out of the earth. Sory, Ive forgotten to ask your name said Bennett. Ma nameSefhathikn Boriaeh, an what bout yours? Mine? Bennett. Your name seems ta b a tonguetwistin phrase, he said as he was strivin to pronounce the names constantly in his mind, tryin to sound whether to sneer or not.

Oh yeah its indeed an unusual name, but it has a meanin o its own, I dunno much bout it. Mr. Boriaeh said that he would be comin back the followin week. A week passed. As told by Mr. Boriaeh, he came to his museum in Uganda. Mr. Joice, the keeper introduced Bennett to him. Come with me Bennett, Ill show the place whch ya are waitin ta kno, said the owner. Both of em went to the spot. Bennett was surprised to know that the place was jus near the inn where he was livin at present. After a while, the owner went back to his museum and Bennett, back to the inn. For the reason that Bennett was very innovative, he made such a piece of equipment in jus one and a half month that helped him find the exact spot where he could find the nose of the statue. With his device, he reached the place that Mr. Boriaeh had shown him. And then he started to make use of it, he pushed a red button and started to roll it around the probable land by its wheels.

When he came to a certain spot, the device started to shout: ITS HERE! ITS HERE! Now, Bennett pushed another buttonwhite, and this small and easy-to-carry device expanded additionally into a big machine. He yet pushed one more buttonwhich was yellow in color, and now, a diggin tool came out from the base of the machine and it started diggin deeper into the ground. Finally, Bennett pushed another buttonblack, and now an artificial hand-like extension unfolded itself out from the base of the machine and it went through the hole that was dug by the diggin tool and it took the marble-nose carefully into the air, before the eyes of Bennett. Then, these tools came out from that hole when he hit another button, a green one. After everythin, the android transformed itself back to a small device as before. At last! The search behind the segregated nose was completed. Bennett felt cheery, and he immediately went to the museum to install the nose back where itd to belong. He gave the nose to the keeper, and he tried fixin it.

When it was connected, it slowly glistened and then zipped up flarin. It shined more like any precious stones. But surprise was this that, immediately after the flare had disappeared, the nose was found to be fixed accurately on the idols face, it did not even have any crack marks at the place where it was gluedin fact without any fixative. It was a great wonder for them. They were flyin in awe. Incredulity! exclaimed Bennett. The keeper immediately made a phone call to the owner who had left for Colombia the previous day; he was havin a museum there too. At first, Mr. Boriaeh felt like a skeleton in the cupboard. But later he recalled what he had read in some novel about a similar incident of a figurine that did not have its nose, and when shed gotten it, she became so robust that she could souvenir any proclivity of the common people. But, Mr. Boriaeh did not tell about this hush-hush to anyone. Accordin to him, this clandestine had to be under wraps, at least for a while. All that he said was that he would be comin back to Uganda the followin week.

It was Tuesday the nineteenth of June, the day for Mr. Boriaehs arrivalas told by him. Hed gotten down from a pick-up-drop car which helped him to come to the museum from the airport. No sooner he walked three steps after gettin down from the car, he was hit by a truck and he almost fell parallel to the road. Abruptly, a sedan came from nowhere, without any murderous intentionsits wheels squeeze burst his neck, makin him bleed severely. But neither of the two thick-skinned causers did stop, they flashed away their vehicles because there were no people at the juncture, neither to see them nor to see the vindictive episode. Time passed. The keeper felt doubt as for why Mr. Boriaeh had not arrived yet. It was already seven, but he was supposed to reach earlier than five, so the keeper decided to have a look. He came out of the museum and walked a few steps forward; he locked his palms at the back and gazed everywhere, even around the corners, to find Mr. Boriaeh. Hed only expected to see him in his space-cadet mood, but what he saw on the road was

Oh! Before I could complete that sentence, the keeper screeched in ineffectuality.

Ma divine bein! For what ma eyes see, shoulda believe? Woe ta the heavy-handed an ham-fisted ones who di him wrong. No, I cant see him paintd red, it thatlooks s awkward. Truly, he said as he did not know what to do except he was still tremblin. He immediately made a phone call to Bennett. Perhaps he coud help. Bennett was shocked. As soon as he could, he came to the accident spot and found the bloody-red-dead-body of Mr. Boriaeh.

Now, how will the secret be opened to the elements? For the one who knew it, is now no more.
Bennett phoned up an auto driver. Within ten minutes the auto arrived. Bennett took the dead one and laid him on the seat, while, both he and Mr. Joice supported him from both the sides that lest he may fall. They reached the museum; they didnt exactly know what had to be done. I wish ma master were here, I jus cant believe Unexpectedly, a hissin voice was heard from behind, when they looked back, they found that it was from the idol that was lucky to get her nose back.

A flashin beam came through its forehead and its nose and it struck the man in blood drained outfits. They couldnt jus have faith in whatd happened Mr. Boriaeh opened up his eyes and sat peacefully and began talkin!

Jus like how you are astounded right now, they all were flummoxed. Yes, the same way.
Mr. Boriaeh told all bout the cloak-and-dagger to both Bennett and Mr. Joice. Even now they were astonished, couldnt jus reckon what had happened, but except they had no other way and they had to. Bennett was the most surprised. If at al the idol can grant me a wish, then, lemme ask fo some money as I dont earn anythin now, I am findin it difficult ta lead ma life. He wished for fifty million dollars. And there it was, before his eyes, the same amount! No more, no less. Now he wanted to accomplish another wish He closed his eyes and wished for his parents to come back to life, but nothin happened, because the idol

could grant only one wish of a person, and now, it was fulfilled.

Bennett would have wished for his parents first of all before wishin for that money. Isnt it? Does this mean that he was concerned for material needs and not for his parents who loved him so much? But the reason would be that probably he did not know that the idol only had the ability of grantin one wish of a person. Perhaps for another reason thathe was too young. But, not too young to know the distance between money and parents.
Now it was the turn of Mr. Boriaeh for a wish. He wished fornothin for this moment, but has promised us that he would, but in the future, only when he feels that it is important for him.

Kauver: THE DARK ROOM Kauver: The Dark Room Current mood: Expectant Genre: Mystery


notions, she always helped her parents to negotiate. An intelligent girl she was o course. Twenty eight days passed after the first day of May. Levinea had decided to visit her friend. Closing the door behind her, she left the house. Not when she walked on the street for a minute, she saw a book lyin on the road. She took it; it was old and heavy with a thin layer of dust on it. It was likenobody had touched this book from ages together; she saw that many were walkin on it as if it was not visible to them at all. When Levinea took this book in her hands, the mornin-walkers were lookin at her with wonder. The title of that book read, KAUVER: THE DARK ROOM, in big bold letters. Thinkin that it was some mundane novel, she jus threw it into the bushes. She walked a step ahead and immediately stopped. She started to think why not even a single one had noticed such a gigantic book. She became doubtful regardin this hidden mystery; she wanted to know the

reason for this matter. Why not shall I read this book anyway? She walked a step back and took the book in her hands; she decided to go back to her home with that book, instead of goin to Hollys. When she reached her home, she kept that book on her grandfathers old armchair. After washin her face, she came back and sat on that comfy chair and took the enormous book in her hands and opened it to its first page, it read in big bold letters, FOR THOSE WHOM THIS BOOK IS VISIBLE, THEYLL BE THE

Owner of the Golden key? Levinea now realized that she could only see the book, now she understood why some people were walkin on it on the way as if it was plain-sighted, so she realized that she was the owner of that golden key. But where is the key? Levinea grunted. She turned the next page, it read, IF THIS BOOK IS PUT IN

Levinea took that book and with a pail full of water in her hands, shed gotten out of her room. She reached near a banyan tree which was close to her house. Then she placed the pail under the tree and put that book

inside it. Surprisinly to her eyes, she didnt see the book changin its form, but only the change was that it had gotten wetthe pages were all wet. Levinea took that book and turned the page, for it was written, THE PAIL USED MUST BE BLACK IN COLOR, NO

Levineas pail was red in color; she also had a black pail in her house. So she went inside and carried the black pail and came out with that near the tree. She poured the water from the red pail to that black one and she put the book into it. Suddenly heavy thunders started to flash from the skies. One of the thunders hit the book. Levinea moved away from that pail to a certain distance because she was horrified like anythin. When the thunder hit the book, a large sound was produced as well as a horrible glow of lightwhich had the ability to damage the rods and cones of ones retina, so she closed her eyes and felt totally menacin and baleful. Levinea didnt know that the cause for this was for the book to change into a golden key, she thought that the book would have been destroyed by the horrendous act of the thunder.

Levinea went near the pail when she found like everythin was well as before. The thunders were all brought to standstill now. Levinea found the book, not as a book anymore but as a golden key, the water that was inside the pail started to glitter because of it. Now it started to rain unexpectedly. Levinea took the key and ran to her house. On her way, the house changed into a palace! She was dazed when she saw that all the stuffs that were in her house were also inside this palaceas if somebody had shifted all those things in there. She thought she had done a big mistake by puttin the book into the water before she had read the whole contents, because she did not know why her house was transformed into a palace. Even the name plate at the front of the house which read: Sandalwood Villa was changed to, Kauver: the

Dark Room.
The book was a wishin book and now it has changed into a golden key, with it, no one could wish for anythin.


A blue layer of light gleamed around the key, and it was so bright that Levinea closed her eyes and turned back her face from it, she sensed complete eerie. After a while, the light disappeared slowly. Levinea looked at the key now, to her surprise she found that the key was not gold in color but was changed into silver. This key was even brighter than that of the one before. When light touched the surface of this key, it performed as a seamless reflector which was more powerful than any known mirrors. Levinea had never seen such an object in her life which was silver in color. After twenty years, Levinea married an affluent man, Mr. Schlesinger, and after few months she gave birth to Jessie. Levinea feared that, when she die, her key What bout it? she began to tense. She decided to give the key to her daughter; she also told how valuable it was for her that she safeguarded it all her life. She also told her that it was a golden key before, but then it was changed into a silver one. After twenty five years, Jessie was married to Mr. David

who was from a middleclass famly. Levinea was sixty three when Jessie gave birth to her son, Stephen. One day, Levinea had severe heart pain; there were no hospitals nearby. She couldnt tolerate the pain, she, then, came to know that she was a heart-patient. At her deathbed, she gave the key to her daughter and she said that the key must pass on to generation after generation. After that, she closed her eyesand has not opened them until this very day. Immediately the silver key, which was in Jessies hands, changed back into a golden key! Jessie was staggered. Jessie told bout the key and the value of it to her son, Stephen. Then, she gave up the ghost after fifty years. Stephen kept the key safe with him and he gave it to his son. In this process, the key kept on passin through generation after generation, jus as Levinea wanted it to be.

The fiftieth generation of Levinea was a male child. He was none other than our very ownBennett! He had many problems in his life; he too was livin in the same house where Levinea was livin three thousand three hundred and thirty years before. Not only was Bennett, but everyone of Levineas generation were stayin in the same house, it was completely different from other houses in that zone, and it was built in a primeval manner. Bennett had a superstitious thought that because of bein inherited in that house, he had to overcome many tight-spots of his life. As his parents had expired, he had to come back to that house where he was residin with his parents in the parish, because he had no money to pay the rent for his house in the city of New York. Bennett was all alone in the house, so he himself had to take up all quandaries of his later years. Bennett always shared his feelins with his best friend Benjamin, but Benjamin wasnt a bona fide friend, he had a true face behind his innocent camouflage. He envied that Bennett, who was a bravura friend, owned the golden key. Benjamin wanted to take the key from Bennettfor this, he planned for an undisclosed mode of approach.

Benjamin knew that Bennett had several problems in his life, so he consulted his brother Francis who was workin in a printin industrial unit to print a zodiac pamphlet, and he told all the details that had to be printed on the pamphlet. Francis did jus as Benjamin had told, because he too was interested to take the golden key from Bennett. They knew that the key was more than three thousand years old, so if they sell it to any museums for their exhibitions, then they would get a very good amount. Francis came to Benjamins house within four hours and gave the zodiac pamphlet to him and went back.

The nex day...

Benjamin saw a newspaper at Bennetts door step, and he put the pamphlet in the middle of the newspaper as if it was bein advertised by a certain company. After few minutes when Benjamin went, Bennett came out to take the newspaper, on his way to the sofa, a sheet fell down from the middle of the newspaper; he took the pamphlet and kept the newspaper on the table. The pamphlet entitled: ZODIAC! It contained a brief zany news: If a person is havin

several problems in life, then he/she must give an object

made of gold to his/her best friend in the neighborhood, so as to be freed from any of the stumblin blocks of life.
The pamphlet also showed Bennetts month of birth. Benjamin knew that Bennett had only one gold object and that was his golden key. He also knew that Bennett had only one best friend in the neighborhood and that was none other than Benjamin. He had to be a wellplanned perpetrator to take the key from his friend indirectly. Bennett believed the stupid zodiac pamphlet; he decided to give the key to his friend to free from all snags and hitches of his life. But Bennett hesitated to give away the key because of his love for historical stuffs as such. But, later, hed made up his mind to give it to his friend. As the key was Bennetts houses key, he made a duplicate one for the daily purpose. Bennett gave away the key to Benjamin the nex day itself. Benjamin acted as if he was not willin to accept it, but Bennett forced him to. Then he took the key as though hesitantly, but happily inwards.

When Bennett went back, Benjamin phoned up to his brother that he had gotten the key finally. He was happy because his plan was successfully accomplished. Days passed by. But there was no relief in case of Bennett at all. Bennett knew that Francis was workin in a printin factory; he thought that Francis was makin him a fool by sendin a zodiac pamphlet because when he inquired the entire neighborhood, they said that they didnt receive any zodiac pamphlets at all. Bennett was sure that his guessin was correct. But poor chap didnt know that Benjamin too had a part in playin this tricky diversion on him to get his key. Bennett rushed to Benjamins house to take back the key. Benjamin tried to avoid him by tellin that he did not have it, he said that the key was with Francis. He promised that he would give it back when his brother was back. Bennett now fully cottoned on what he had alleged bout Francis that he was right. At night when Bennett was bout to sleephe was closin the windows, at that time he saw Benjamins brother comin and gettin down from the car. He had

the golden key in his hand, Bennett did not seek to hurry, he waited to watch what was to happen nex. Francis now gave the key to Benjamin and went back drivin his car at a fast pace. Bennett decided that he would go to Benjamins house the nex day itself.

In the mornin...
Bennett reached Benjamins doorsteps and knocked at the door. When Benjamin answered, Bennett asked for his key back, but he did not say bout the fact that he had seen through window the previous night. Benjamin lied that Francis hadnt brought the key yet. At the beginnin Bennett only knew that Francis was plucky to take his key, but now, he came to know that Benjamin too joined with his brother for a foul game. Bennett just walked back to his house disappointedly; he planned to take the key in a furtive technique. After five days Benjamin went to his grandmas home, so there was no one at his house. Thinkin that this was the appropriate time, Bennett hurried to Benjamins with his mums hair pin. He

opened the door of Benjamins domicile very easily with that hair-pin! He searched each and every corner of the house, but he didnt find the key anywhere. Bennett thought that either Benjamin would have taken it to his grandpas house or he would have given it back to Francis. Bennett was bout to go back to his house crestfallenly. At that moment, a sudden thought came to his mind, "Hey! There is a storeroom where Benjamin keeps most of his paraphernalia and play-things which he considered most valuable since childhood. Probably, the key might be there!" Bennett went inside and scrutinized around the room. At last, he opened a small drawer, and there it was! The golden key! He was happy to see the key back after many days. Bennett went out and closed back the door with the hair pin. Before he could get caught by Benjamin, he took a wise decision to fly to Great Britain. Bennett knew that Benjamin would be home back only after a month. Bennett had gotten his passport, visa and ticket which he had applied for. After reaching Scotland, he looked for a good hotel for a

stay. At last, hed gotten a three-star chalet there. After a month, Benjamin came back from his grandpas house. The first thing he did was that he looked for the golden key in the place where he had kept it, he poked bout the rest of the places also, but he couldnt find it. Benjamin was depressed, he walked to Bennetts house to just have a look, but the gate was locked, he found that there was no one in his house. Benjamin waited for a long time, but neither had he seen Bennett, nor he saw the gate bein unlocked, it remained closed. Always. Benjamin was very poignant, whereas his friend Bennett was enjoyin a thrivin and well-off life. One day, Bennett decided to go for sight seein around the chalet. He did not wanted the key to be left alone in the hotel, so he took it with him and pushed it into his pocket before leavin the room. Bennett saw many amazin places and panoramas near the chalet. He went to a beach; he played there and went for a long motor-boat-ride. Finally he went to a lake and enjoyed the traverse in a

basket-type boat. Now the golden key which was in his pocket accidentally dropped down into the lake. It went deep into and came up in the form of a large strange book and it started to float above the waters. The book had a title on it, which read: KAUVER THE DARK ROOM. Bennett took the book from the waters and started readin it. He read the facts which Levinea didnt understand why certain things were happenin, for which she thought that she should not have put the book into the pail until she had finished readin the whole contents. Levinea was not sure that the palace was her own house. For the book read: AFTER THE GOLDEN KEY HAS BEEN PUT

Second thing which she didnt understand was why the key glossed and buffed up without more ado, changed

into silver patina. The book answered: AFTER THIS BOOK IS BEIN PUT INTO

The reason for the transformation of the golden key into silver was jus because of those five hours! The thing which Jessie didnt understand was that, why the silver key transformed back to the golden key. For the book again reads: WHEN THE OWNER OF THE

When Bennett read the above sentence, he noted a point, Owner of the Book. Owner of the book? What does that connote? He turned to the first page once more, where it read:

Bennett had been on familiar terms with this, that only Levinea could see the book, hed gotten this information from his mother and she came to know it by the help of her parents and grand parents who had brought this issue of enigma up to date. But Bennett too was able to see the book.

So, does this mean that he too was an owner of the

He turned to the forth page from the last part of it to find the answer for this. It read: ACCORDIN TO THE RULE OF KAUVER: THE DARK

Now, accordin to the book, Bennett realized that he was that providential one. Bennett wanted to test this. He asked the boatman whether he was able to see the book; he raised it to the eye-level of the boatman. The boatman rubbed his eyes many-a-times, but still he was not able to see anythin. He thought that Bennett was makin him a sittin-duck. Bennett completely trusted the book now. Now, there were last three pages remainin. He turned to the first page of the last three pages. It read: AFTER THE GOLDEN KEY TRANSFORMS INTO A

Bennett valued his trip to Britain a lot; he decided never

to go to that houseKauver. Bennett valued the golden key so much that he had to come to Britain from such a long distance to ensure that it was safe always. After a while, he decided to put the book into the lake back, for he thought that then the book would transform itself back into the golden key. Bennett knew that if the book transforms into a key then it would surely sink into the water due to its weight compared to the book, he knew that the lake was so dangerous that the muddy sediments of the lake would simply swallow anythin or anyone. So Bennett thought to read the first page of the last two pages to find some tips regardin this matter. It read: IF THE BOOK IS PUT AGAIN INTO THE WATER, IT

Oh no! Bennett loved the golden key more than the book which was there with him now. What is he goin to do? According to the book, for if he put the book back into the water itll change into a snake!

He lived with that book for three weeks in his hotel.

On the forth week, Mr. Franklin who was aged forty, felt pity for Bennett that he was an orphan, so he happened to be a guardian for himin fact, a bodyguard. Even he had nobodyneither any relations nor any friends. He was livin near Bens presentdwellin chalet. A day came when Bennett remembered that he had left a page unread, so he opened it and turned it to its last page. It read: THIS BOOK IS A WISHING BOOK; YOU CAN MAKE

A wishin book? Wow! Bennett didnt want to waste even a single second o the clock. He wished forhis golden key that he had owned before. Immediately, the golden key appeared in front of him. It was the same key which he had. But, the book didnt transform itself to the key, so Bennett was jaunty to see the book and the key together.

Into the Deep- I Sea Expedition Into the Deep - I Current mood: Nautical Cruise Genre: Maritime


guardian to take him to the beach for a boat ride. So, Mr. Franklin went with him to the nearby coastline. When Bennett was eighteen, Mr. Franklin used to take him to the sea for cruises because of his strong desires to see those wet animals under water. Bennett was on cloud nine when he was transitin in the boat that had roofs and walls, it also had a doora common way in, for the passengers. Not when twenty minutes had passed, Bennett tried to jump out of the boat, seein this Mr. Franklin dragged him down, and gave him a hard cuff on his cheek for his unexpected behavior.

Mr. Franklin from that day did not used to leave him anywhere especially to the beach. That night, Bennett was fed nothin, not even a single glass of water. In the mornin when his guardian found Bennett sleepin on his makeshift bed, he went to him, pulled the duvet off from his chest and woke him up. He also explained him bout the dangers that he would had to face if he had jumped into the sea. I kno ya are very interestd in explorin the sea but Ill never let ya do that when Im alive. Mr. Franklin breathed his last when Bennett was twenty. Now, he did not have much interest to go to the sea, he was always thinkin bout his guardian. Bennett began to think that, if at all he had jumped out of the boat that day, he would have died because he neither had oxygen cylinders nor any divin suits and he also did not know how to swim in the sea. Thanks to Mr. Franklin who gave me the right advice at the right time. Approximately six months later, Bennett journeyed to Netherlands for his Engineerin course.

When he had completed his first year as an engineer, he took up the stream of marine engineerin course for the nex three years although it was hard for him to assimilate the study. Even after completin the course, sometimes Bennett came to visit his alma materSt. Peters College of Engineerin and Pharmacy. Now Bennett was all ready for his exploration in the sea. He had also learnt those five methods of swimminButterfly Method, Individual Medley, Freestyle Relay, Breast Stroke and also the Back Stroke Method. He decided to explore the sea one day. So, he took an oxygen cylinder and a divin suit in his bag. He also invited five of his friends to join him. When they were called, they were willin to go with him, although they did not know anythin else bout sea expeditionexcept, they knew only to swim because this was the first time they were goin to taste the salt waters of the sea, and that too because of Bennetts assistance and back-up. Before goin for the expedition, they too had gotten their oxygen-cylinders and divin suits ready.

They all together made a ferryboat and voyaged through the sea. When they reached the middle of the sea, Bennett raised his hands. Thiss the right place fo us ta dive out o the boat. But one must wait right here, at the boat itslf. All the five jumped out into the sea except Alex. They didnt know where and what to explore. They were even aware of things that they had to expect under water. Everybody had gotten separate for individual expedition. Shaw surfed deeper and deeper into the sea for some interestin things until he found none. He concentrated only on his exploration rather than lookin around him for any perilous animals. Suddenly he saw a sperm-whale descendin towards him from nowhere. He was sickened. The whale opened its mouth and swam through the waters, towards Shawuntil he was tossed down into its tummy. Mattie knew the direction hed come from.

Again an animal!
Mattie saw an eel that was on its way to cause detriment to him.

But Mattie was safe. He swam soon towards the boat before the creature could harm him. Finally hed gotten into the boatcoughin and out of breath. Seein Mattie so horrified, Alex asked him, Your faces s red similar ta that o an apple! What happend? Yknow, I was gonna b attackd by an eel, s ta save ma life, I swam against the clock ta reach the boat back. Fear made ma face s red! said Mattie, pantin. According to the matter of fact, James had seen Shaw bein swallowed by a whale, but he could do nothin.

What bout James, then?

He swam across the boat, when he was a few inches away, a tentacle rapped around his waist. He was scared-stiff to turn back to have a glimpse on what the thing was. Yet he looked back and was taken aback to see a bloody red octopus which was so brawny, hefty and burly. Fortuitously, James had a huge axe in his bag, he tried so hard to reach and open the zipper of it, he began to think that this was goin to be the last moment of his life because his hands werent reachin the bag, the tentacle had rapped him so tightly, but he tried even harder than before and finally he managed to open the bag. Then he took out the huge axe and lacerated the tentacle of the octopus successfully without causin any

harm to himself. The blood spread around James makin his path vaguely visible. But, James managed to reach the boat soon. He told Alex bout what had happened to both him and Shaw. Now, everyone who went under the sea understood what kind of a death-defyin job it was to explore the sea.

Everybody? Not exactly! What bout Bennett?

He was far away from the boat. In the depths of the sea, he saw a large ship, similar to that of the Titanicso gigantic in size. He went close to the ship; it had a date on it: 18031809. Inside the ship and around, there were many interestin stuffs like pass utensils, lamp, coins, boxes, clothes, table and even skeletons. Bennett captured the images of that ship and stuffs he found around there in his digital waterproof camera. All of his friens were waitin for him at the boat. When he was so late, they feared that the peril-causers of the sea would have shown commencement of hostilities towards him.

And yet, they waited for a long time, it was gettin darker still nothin was discernible for them. They began to think that Bennett was no more. Weepin all the way back to the shore, they rode their ferryboat. On his way, Bennett saw somethin very large extendin towards him. He began in apprehension Oh! Thank God! said Bennett when he realized that it was jus a hurricane of small little fishes. Bennett began to swim across the direction from where he had come. But there was no boat! Where coud the boat go? Did any obnoxious things transpire? Ah, neer may that happen. After a few minutes, a huge shipElezebath-3, was flushin the water surface towards its left and right sides as it traveled in the northern direction. Bennett cried out for help, but neither was anybody able to hear his screech nor could they see him, not even the sailors who stood out late that night at the corner end of the ship. They would have seen Bennett, if it was day time, but now the dark was at the peak. A complete darkness is all what was found all around. Bennett was helpless. Truly helpless.

When he saw a helicopter over him, he realized that his rescue teams had arrived. He cogitated that he would be saved at least then. Bennett yelled as loudly as he could for a rally-round but no one was able to hear him because of the strange sound of the propellers of the helicopter. Thiss gonna b the last split-second o ma life an thats why evry time Im wretchd ta escape out o this marine hell. I am unsuccessful. Ugh, he shrugged. At that moment, he saw a shark swimmin towards him, even though it had an angry face as usual, it didnt harm him. Good Lord! What a relief! sighed Bennett when the shark had gone back without maimin him. As it was night, if truth be told, Bennett was feelin exceedinly sleepy; he hadnt had any rest from the afternoon, hed been swimmin for hours together, for a standardized hope of bein rescued. Bennett was tired; he knew that he couldnt sleep at that circumstance. He strictly demanded his soul not to fall asleep. He began to swim through the track hed come from.

There were no options left for him, he decided to die in the deep itself, because he couldnt tolerate the twinge as well as menace of his legs and arms; now they had swollen too. Suddenly, from nowhere came a cluster of jellyfishes and started residin on his body. Bennett swam fast, inback-stoke method, hittin all the jellyfishes away from him, tryin to get them off. The parts of his body where the jellyfishes had resided started burnin and itchin. His skin had red spots on them, makin it look like an infection. Bennett could have saved himself from those jellyfishes if he had worn a full sleeved divin suit. But he removed his shirt off and wore jus a trouser before divin with an oxygen cylinder; hed forgotten his bag in the boat itself. How careless! Right? Bennett realized that his oxygen cylinder was goin to be empty within a few minutes. So he started to swim just above the surface of the sea and took off the breathin mask from his facethat was connected to the tip of the pipewhich was gradually connected to the cylinder, in order to save oxygen. Bennett set his eyes on a beam of light flashin from several meters away; he knew that it was a lighthouse

which helped the sailors to the shore. Bennett also knew that it was impossible for him to swim such a long distance; he was in need of a redeemer or a rescue team to salvage him. Bennett knew for sure that a ship would come by that way. Jus at that time, he caught sight of a huge ship comin towards him. That ship had SONAR fixed in it which was used to know the distance of objects from their ship underwater. So, they came to understand the presence of someone, the sailors looked out of the ship to the surfaces of the sea. Even though Bennett swung his arms and cried out for help, the sailors could neither see nor hear him. As soon as possible, Bennett switched on his headlight so that they could know his presence. The time it was switched on, one of the sailors screamed to the other. Hey! There is a man in the sea! Probably, he needs help, lets save him! They pulled over the ship; Bennett felt huge relief at thatwhich was too awful for words. The sailors put a ladder made of strong rope which was able to sustain an average human bodyfor the rescuin purpose. Bennett swam as fast as he could to reach the

ladder. On his way, he saw a shark-like creature comin towards him. Oh! A shark? Not again! In the eleventh-hour? tensed Bennett. But the shark that he saw earlier had an angry face and pointed-nose, but this one had a smilin cute face. It had a beak similar to that of a birdlike a dolphin. Yes, its jus an innocent dolphin, said Bennett when he realized that it was. This amazin creature was playin in a thread like ring that seemed to be like a bubble. When Bennett saw this, he recalled the same visual that he saw in the TV few months ago. He knew that every dolphin had the ability to make such thread-like rings to play; the ring would be only played by its maker and no other dolphins! It was a good thing to watch these kinds of visuals in the sea. Even though Bennett felt that the sea was a marine hell, sometimes he realized like he was in the heaven of millions of innocent species like that of the dolphin. What are ya watchin fo, young man? Come an save yourslf, remembr ya are in the sea, an not in your home! Cmon, came a voice from the ship which made Bennett realize his presence in the sea.

He swam fast; the ladder was quite small, his hands were not able to reach the ladder. At that, the dolphin which was on the surface, made a furrow, deep into the sea and then it came upwards again in such a position that it made Bennett to be seated on its back when itd come up! The dolphin giggled and raised itself as far as it could help Bennett reach the ladder. The dolphin was sent to Bennett to fulfill his wishto get him out of the sea. It could grant his wish not mysteriously or magicallybut physically. Bennett felt that he was in his dream, he pinched himself to clarify that he wasnt. The dolphin had done a miracle! Bennett reached the ladder easily and he climbed on each rugone by one, till hed gotten into the ship finally. Out o that at last! sighed Bennett as he was puffin heavily. He thanked the dolphin as well as the sailors for helpin him get out of his maritime period. The dolphin flapped its fins as though it was bidin good-bye to Bennetta final good-bye. Bennett thought somethin terrible was gonna pass through the dolphin. Without even knowin what was gonna happen, the creature was smilin.

No sooner Bennett bid good-bye to it and turned back his face, a shark came and started to sink its teeth into the dolphin. Even a little delay in Bennetts reachin the ship, the shark would have wolfed him down. But, the poor dolphin replaced Bennetts position and gave its own life for his sake. Bennett heard bashin and flappin sounds in the watersas if someone was in need of his help. Immediately, he turned back, soon the black waters were transformed into the color of blood. Bennett began to cry. Yes, this was for the first time that he had ever shed tears in his life. He couldnt tolerate the skirmish episode which he saw, he could no more see the smilin face of the dolphin which had helped him. But he could do nothin for the dolphin. Neither was he able to provide a piece of bread for it, nor save its life when God had put the feelins into his head that the dolphin was goin to die soon. The sailors who saw this circumstance felt pity for the dolphin. They were able to make out Bennetts love for animals when they saw him cryin for that above suspicion and innocuous dolphin.

The next day when the dawn broke

Bennett was given a hot cup of tea and some food, though he wasnt willin to eat after what hed seen the previous night, he ate because he was feelin hungry; he had not even seen food from the previous afternoon. He said to the sailors all bout what had happened to him and also he revealed the reason for his comin to the sea. One of the sailors asked him, Di ya come here fo explorin? Wow I think ya are lucky! Luckyme? Yknow, we have ten explorers who are experts an professionals right in our ship! They may help ya ta explore farther an make ya one o an explorer mong em! exclaimed the sailor, Herald. Bennett asked in surprise: Is it? I need ta meet em now! Can I? O course ya can. Come with me, Ill show ya their room, said Herald as he put his arm over him and walked towards the room. He introduced Bennett to all the dexterous ones. They were all happy regardin Bennetts aim which is taken by a very few people of todays. Bennett talked with them for hours; he also showed all the photographs that he had captured under the sea.

Seein all those pictures one of the explorers said, Ill make ya a famous explorer by publishin these pictures in the newspapers. Bennett felt very thrilled, he was waitin for his pictures and articles to be published in the papers very soon. They reached the seashore in the mornin at quarter past eight. Bennett bid farewell to the explorers and the sailors. When he went back home, his eyes had gotten to see a horde of people in front of the gate, people were yellin. Others were inside the home, still others on the terrace. All relatives, friends, neighbors displayed their respective sad faces. What coulda b the mattr? bamboozled Bennett. Just then, he saw his three friends. Alex, Mattie and James, youre safe! Bennett went to the gate, then to the corridor of his house where the three friends were seated. All were lookin at Bennett in surprise, as though he hadnt been there for a long period. Fear made some people even run away. Bennett was totally confused. He asked, Whatd happend friens? Why is evrybody here tday? Why di ya leave me in that vast sea all alone?

Alex surprisinly exclaimed, Bennett, ya are alive! We cant believe our eyes! Youve escaped from that sea?! Thank God Awmighty! he paused for a breath. Yknow, Shaw was gobbld up by a whale. An eel had shown aggression towards Mattie. James had to tackle a bloody octopus on his way to our boat. Yes Bennett. So, we thought that ya woud have similaly Mattie intruded. We are sory Bennett, please pardon us. We came back an went ta Shaws house firstta inform what had happened. Then we came ta your house ta assemble your relatives and neighbors here. We waitd fo a long time in the boat expectin ya ta come last night, but ya didnt. How did you reach back so safely? Bennett said all that had happened to him in the sea. He felt pity for Shaw and also for Shaws papa who had already lost his wife and now, his one and only child. When Bennett spoke bout his meetin with certain explorers, his friends felt truly ecstatic that hed stepped on his first step ofsea expedition successfully, they were eagerly waitin to see all the photographs that Bennett had taken in the sea in the mornin papers. People who assembled asked Bennett whatd happened to him. Bennett replied to everyones question with composure.

After that, everybody departed.

Nex day mornin

Bennett rushed soon to open the door; he took the newspaper and slowly peered into, expectin the photographs to be published in it. Wow! Cant believe this! I didnt expct ma article with ma own photo! Neither had I expcted this news ta b in the first page, as an important headline o the day! exclaimed Bennett when he saw the headline just above the article that read: A NEW EXPLORER IN OUR TOWN. Bennett was feelin so exultant that soon the world would get to know him as a great explorer. There were lots of phone calls from his friens, one after the other his phone kept on buzzin. Everybody congratulated him for his hard work and they raised his spirits to explore further. The nex mornin at quarter past ten, the explorers arrived at the door steps to pass on good wishes to Bennett and to pat on his back. Bennett was glad to see them all once more.

It was only because o ya that Im one mong the explorers tday. Im very grateful fo that, Bennett expressed gratitude. If ya wanna continue your exploration, ya may, they said. Bennett knew that every time he wouldnt be lucky as he was the previous time. Well, I kno the shame causd when an explorer quit his expedition after the first attempt itslf, I dunno what ta d now. Last time I was safe, but that doesnt mean that Ill b safe always, o course explorin the sea is truly adventurous an challengin, Bennett paused for a moment and wrinkled his nose. Can I explore forests instead o the seas? Oh, sure why not? Ya may explore deep into the forests and find some extraordinry things that none o the great explorers had eve brought to light, they explained.

Into the Deep- II

Forest Expedition Into the Deep - II Current mood: Nightmarish Genre: Adventure


stepped out for his first forest exploration, and that is why he did not know what to take along with him for a safety. Any friens this time? I may call those explorers fo a compny; maybeyes they woud kno those knacks an tricks that coud help me get out o the dangers in the forest. Well, but I dont think theyll b able ta say yes, because o their tight an busy schedule fo which theyre runnin round these days. Thinkin for almost an hour or two, Bennett muttered to himself, I think Alex, Mattie, an James may go with me or perhaps lemme call em. Im sure they woud...

Accordinly, Bennett made phone calls to all his friends. They did not say no because they were all true associates of his, and he was indeed very lucky because they were born for him. They all decided to meet one another at Cooridge Bridge which was built hundred and forty centimeters away from Gyor Trans Cottage, an apartment where Bennett was dwellin at present. When all came there, a discussion was started mong them. By the by, whch forest shall we explore? questioned James. The nearby forest o course, said Bennett. There are no forests anywhre here in this region, then, bout whch forest are ya talkin bout? inquired Alex. I allude ta Tanband Forestalthough it aint so close proximity to this bridge, its the only forest where we can go fo an expedition, because, the othr forest Lashishiea Mesour Gorivend is amazinly far away from hereeighty seven kilometrs, I suppose, said Bennett. Thats right, it is exceptionally a long way from here, jus as its name is! exclaimed James.

So, Tanbands the only forest whichs near from here, I mean, it woud b leastways fourteen kilometrs, explained Bennett. Then, lets get started. Why waste time? Its gonna b truly adventurous! Alex said. What are we supposed to take along with us fo a safety? queried Bennett. James replied, Ive read somewhereyes, in ma Science textbook that inferno is a blazin monster o wild beasts. They can b dreadfully petrified by fire. So, we must take with us, log o woods, each one shoud have a log an a piece o cloth must b tied round the one end of it, an o course, few match-boxes will do. Thats it. Each one of em carried particular materials with them. Bennetts pocket was filled with matchboxes and his digital camera was hung around his neck. Alex carried few logs of woods and an easy-to-carry tent in his tourist bag. James carried an encyclopedia so that he could read it on the way; he also carried coldpreventin-stuffs for everyone. Mattie had pistol, it was his pappys and he also carried few water-bottles in his shoulder bag. He knew that killin animals was illegal to the extremity, but hed to take it because he had an

idea, that, if any wild creature was bout to harm him in the forest, then he could at least shoot to the sky and because of the sound produced, the brute would gallop away in a mad dash.

The team thought that this plan was a well planned one. Lets see whether this decision of theirs was successful.
There was no bus that directly went from the bridge to the forest, so they had to catch three buses so as to reach the desired destination. Within a minute or so, theyd gotten their first bus. All were focused on the expedition so much that they even had forgotten to have their mornin breakfasts. After they traveled five kilometers, they could not tolerate their hunger. So they decided to get down when they saw a restaurant for a brunch. The moment Bennett entered into the bistro, customers began to take their cameras, mobile phones and video cameras out of their bags and pockets. Then they started to capture the princely face of Bennett.

Flashed an idea in your mind why this was happenin? Thats right!

Bennett was not an ordinary man anymore. His photos were all published in the newspapers and magazines when he was a sea explorer. Now, even he came to know the reason behind their unusual actions. Bennett had a good name mong the crowd and he was blissful bout that. Many people even opened up their slam books for his beautiful handwritin impression. He wrote in one of the slam book:

Thanks for considering my presence as an illustrious one here in this huge espresso bar, even among the substantial clique.
Now, the news reporters began to see him and started askin him silly questions, but he did not tell to anyone of em that he was on his way for a new episode of life, that isforest expedition. His fans started to take videos of Bennett as he answered those questions. It came as a surprise to him when he saw himself on the TV that was in front of the counter, it was a live show. So Bennett began to answer those questions even boldly.

Almost after one in the afternoon, Bennett finished his question-answer discussion. He hadnt had his breakfast, neither did his friends, because they were waitin for Bennett expectin him to be back soon after the reporters had gone. By now, the digestive juices of their tummy which had the pH value of one point two, were reduced to zero point one! After lookin into the carte du jour, Bennett ordered a plate of tartlet; Alex ordered a large hot chicken pizza with pepper and garlic bread. Mattie ordered for two veg burgers with cheese-spread. Finally, James ordered a plate of pastries. And then, to sayafter twenty minutes, their food was on the table. They couldnt just wait for a second before havin their respective repast because they were so ravenous. After everybody finished their banquet, Bennett paid the check. Each one licked on their butter-scotch icecreams before leavin. They left the eatery at two oclock, fully satisfied.

Bennett and company waited for their next bus at the nearby bus-stop. After three minutes, a bus arrived and they all had gotten inside. One hour passed. It was time for them to get down again and catch another bus. After theyd gotten down, they waited for fifteen minutes at the bus-stop and they got their third bus. The bus was too crowded; there were no seats for them to sit, and hardly some space for a gulp of air. Some of the passengers, who knew that Bennett was an explorer, glued their eyes on him. The bus journeyed seven kilometers and now, the team had to get down for a kilometers walk from there to the forest. They were desiccated a lot. Luckily, on the way, their eyes met with a man who was sellin tender coconuts. They were said to be lucky because actually, in that place, at this time in the evenin after five, there would not be any entities because of the fear of boththieves as well as beasts. Everyone drank from the man still they were able to sate their thirst. Theyd not been here formerly, but, what they knew was only the way to reach the last bus-stop. Therefore,

they had to look for Tanband forest everywhere as they moved on. They walked for almost forty minutes and made up their mind to rest on a bench which was under a big tree covered with thick green leaves. Bein under it was like takin rest in Bennetts room which had an ACso cool and chill the experience was. Truly! It was known to them that, for a fine escape from dangerous animals, they had to build up their lost strengthso they were really in need to take rest. They did not know that they had jus one kilometer to travel by walk. When they were all discussin bout their expedition, Mattie saw a sign board over him that was nailed on to the trunk of the big tree. Tanband Forest, 0.6214 mile See guys, it says that the distance between us an our destination is jus a kilometr! Alex paused. We must go from here ta the road that ya can see there that will lead us ta the forest, he said as he pointed his index finger towards the road at the left side and his remainin fingers folded at his palm with the thumb over them.

They were all happy because they didnt have to walk much now, and also, the way for reachin the forest was also revealed to them. Before it was gettin darker, they took their bags and started walkin. On the way, they came across another board, similar to the first one. Tanband Forest, 109.4 yards Duration for reachin there by walkten minutes. Good, we are almost there, said Bennett. They walked exactly ten minutes. They could see the forestTanband forest bein its name. Cries of those old owls continued in their ears. Tuwhit tu-whoo... The place was dark and frightenin, because the time was already quarter past seven and there were not even a single livin soul except Bennett and his companions.

Slowly, they walked into the forest. The branches of trees that hung like deceivin black mambas tickled their very hairs and the withered roots of those detached bushes, mopped up their polished shoes. Alex unzipped his bag and began to take out the wooden logs and started givin each of them a log with a cloth piece tied around the one end of it. Bennett took out match-boxes from his pockets and helped all of them to smolder up their log. Hey? Di ya hear that? asked Mattie after hed heard some strange voice. No. whatyes I hear it, said Alex, carefully givin ears towards the sound that was comin from a far off distance. In a minute, the creature smelled their blood and now, the roar was heard as though it was so close. The experience was sinister. They did not know what to do. It coud be a lionor perhaps a jaguar, or worried Bennett. As each roar approached nearer and nearer, they grew more and more anxious.

Out of the blue, from the middle of the black bushes and grasses, pounced a white tiger. Theyd never seen a tiger so close. Even James was not allowed by his mom to go near the tiger which was usually brought durin the circus period when he was a lad. Their hearts began to scream: Run. But their feet did not move a bit, except they shivered in fear. After thinkin for a while, Bennett said, Thats right! Cmon everybody, wave the blazin woods towards the monster thatd come ta take our life fo the one time satisfaction o its belly. So, accordin to his instruction, they waved their logs towards the creature so that it would run away. Alex was at the front, whereas, others were hidin behind his coat in trepidation. The tiger was so brave that it stood on its feet with a strong decision that it would tear their flesh and consume them till it was fully contented. Usually, tigers do not eat a man until and unless it was very old to hunt other creatures of the forests and also not until it was physically anguished. Perhaps these were the reasons that led the Indians to choose their national animal as tiger!

The angry roar and the hungry eyeballs that showed flickerin fire of their torchwere in the direction of Alex alone and he himself could feel itthat he was goin to die. For the luck of this animal, heavy wind was opened up from all the four sides till the fire at the tips of their logs were blown away along with the wind itself. Just as it was thought, the white tiger, now black, pounced on Alex and its sharp teeth sank into his neck, even to the deeper parts until the blood was sprinkled around the beasts face and forelimbs. It was satisfied to an extent. His friends were shocked like anythin. The way the beast ate Alex is just indescribable. They couldnt just believe a situation that had occurred to a person who was jus now along with them in their team. The tiger did not harm others; it was not even pleased to see them till it had left the place. They were grateful to Alex because he had saved their life, while he gave his own. Matties eyes began scorchin in frenzy so much that he did not look for anythin else except he took out his pistol and ran into the long grass where the tiger had escaped through.

James and Bennett also ran behind their friend. When they reached there, Mattie raised the gun towards a tiger to take away its life. No! Matt. That aint the Before Bennett could stop him, hed shot the tiger dead. Actually, it was another tiger that had no part in the death of their friend. And Bennett knew it because unlike the other one, this tiger didnt have any kind of blood-stains, neither on its face nor on its limbs. When the tiger was shot, it burst into many pieces of flesh and its life could be seen comin out, and then, it disappeared slowly. As those pieces were in the air, a bangle was also seen along with it and it was from the animals stomach, they guessed. It fell near the feet of Bennett, glowin, glimmerin, glistenin and sparklin. He took it into his hands and muttered, Unbelievable! Thats a platinum bangle an its scintillatin staggerinly, even ta the highest degree. Bennett cleaned the gory bangle with five tissue papers and he wore it in his right hand. After all, it was quite heavy and was not like other bangles that his mum used to put before she left for a party. Mattie, James and Bennett came out of the abode of the wild beasts finally.

Bennett had all those flash-backs that he had enjoyed with Alex since childhood. I wish our friend was right here with us again, he said, his eyes pointin to the brightest planet in a clear cloudless sky. Yeah, it seems that we were the reason for his absence mong us now, James said, blurrin his spectacles with tears as he looked down. Now they again heard a voice from behind, but it was not a roar of any animal. When it was no longer a fader voice, they realized that someone was callin them by their names.

Who could that be? Who knew Bennett, James and Mattie in that milieu? There were no residents around there at all. Then, who?
The echo was like that of Alexs. Jesus Christ! Jus cant accept this as truth. MymymyDear Alex, youre back? Bennett cried out when he saw his friend back to life. How can thisI mean, its, totally impossible, said James. They already knew that there were mischievous demons around the forest. There were also many

graveyards that gave away white smokes into the skies durin the night times, and it was happenin right now. Strange sounds of frogs and toads as well as the great howls of wolves barged in their ears makin them take their breaths away.

Should they believe in devils? Should they think that if wind would blow, then the costume of Alex would fall off, showin the demon? Well No need of bein confused. Lets see further, into the deep.
Whywhy are ya amazd ta see me? Wheres that stupid tiger? Didnt it harm ya? Cmon. Talk ta me. Why are ya flabbergastd? For what purpose di ya leave me all alone in that dense forest? I was too afraid ta come back here, yknow? Alex paused. An, whats that, on your wrist, Bennett? Now Ben realized bout the strange bangle. He turned back to Mattie and asked him, Do ya remembr, a few minutes ago, I wishd that Alex was with us? Yeahso what? What are ya comin ta say now? When I wishd fo him, this bangle gleamd forth. At first, I thought that it was jus a reflection o the fire that

producd smoke at the graveyards, but it vanishd off soon. So? Oh, Cmon! I meant ta say that this bangle is a wishin stuff! Really?! Thats amazin! Anyway, Im not ready to believe in devils at any cost, not even in the future, Mattie said, raisin his ten fingers towards his face. Neithr me! exclaimed James and Alex together. No guys. As long as there are good sprits that guard us, no doubt there woud also b evil sprits that have the power ta paused Bennett when he was gazin at the full moon which was quite bigger than usual. But, I dont mean ta say that Alex isbut hes our best friend, a demon cannot wear the costume o Alex anyhow. S I believe him with ma sturdy heart. Fully, he said as he turned towards his friend who was anthropomorphized by the bangle alone. If we go back ta our home, then, it woud b pretty hard fo us ta get back here again. S we shall raise our tent here. What d ya say, Bennett? asked Mattie. Sure, Bennett said. Alex, please open your bag an get me the tent. Accordinly, they erected their tent with the help of a long stick that was lyin on the ground.

James pushed a button by his watch, it read, 10 C It was very cold and the team wore their respective gloves, mufflers, regular sweaters and socks. Mattie bought a few branches and lit it up outside the tent; he had arranged it in such a way that the warmness could be felt inside their tent the whole night and also the flames ensured that no snakes or any other creatures would enter inside. The experience of sittin near a hearth was awesome in those frosty times. When everyone laid down for a sleep, James was still readin his encyclopedia. But, as he felt sleepy at eleven o clock, he folded the page of the book where he was readin and then he closed it. He was slept within half an hour, while others were already makin sounds similar to that of the bears in their deep sleep. In the mornin, Mattie was the first to wake up; he could see the ashy branches outside the tent which had given them fine warmth the whole night. Now itd burned to crisp n soot and it was flyin in the direction of the windaccordinly the smokes swept the ground.

For an early mornin expedition, Mattie awoke others also. They kept their luggage bags in the tent itself before they left, because they felt that it would be a burden while theyd to run away from a dangerous situation. Now the time was half past six. They traveled a few distance ahead until they saw a waterfall. They washed their faces and began to collect waters in their waterbottles for drinkin. After seein large mangoes on a tree, they began to pluck and eat from it. There were enough fruits for everyone on the tree. Just after a walk of two minutes in the forest, Bennett caught a glimpse of some sort of an archaic box under a tree; it was covered with whole lot of dust. He tried openin it, but failed as it was locked. So, Bennett took a sharp-edged stone from the ground and hit it hard at the top. After hittin it nearly eight times, it broke open. When he took off the broken wooden pieces from the top surface, his eyes met with a beautiful tiara, but it didnt seem to be antediluvian as the box was. Bennett captured its image from all the four angles.

Mattie took the jewel and placed it carefully inside his bag. They looked for more such interestin things, but they were not successful in finding any such stuff. The team had to get back to their tent before the dimness fell, because, the logs, matchboxes and pistol were all there in the tent. They were so confident thatas there was no one around there, they could just leave their stuffs in lurch. But when they returned, it was an irony. Their bags were gone. Its gone! Ma encyclopediatwas specially ordered from the UK for 40. Now its cried helpless James. Ma bag! It was o 58, made from fine quality o leather. Where has it gone? Damn it! screamed angry Mattie as he stamped his leg on the ground with a heavy force. Dont b messed up. Well finda solution, wed get it assured Bennett. Huh, yeah, why not, ya woud tell that cause ya are a laissez-faire, Mattie emphasized his last word, an dont have ta worry or look bout fo anythin, cause unlike us, ya loose nothin. he rapped over his

knuckles, closin his eyes tryin to calm down as he licked his lips. James began, We were lackadaisical. Why d ya blame poor Bennett? Thats right, we left our belongins here, whch we shouldnt have done. But who coud dare ta take our chattels from the tent? asked Alex, not expectin for a reply from anyone. Huh, dont yknow the good name that these people have mong the societythieves, who else coud they b? told James. Even Alexs bag was missin. It was more precious than others, because it had his mothers diamond ring that he had been usin to see her face on it, but, he continued to be serene because he knew that his tearjerkin experience would stop him from helpin Bennett to achieve his aim. Now, the sun drowned into the horizon and the moon floated in the sky. They went into the tent for a good sleep after they ate few fruits which theyd brought from the forest. Before that, theyd arranged the firewood to perk up themselves from the bitin wintriness.

The nex day, Bennett and company had gotten up and went to the waterfalls again to drink from it and to change their sleepy faces back as normal. They once more ate from the trees to their satisfaction; the fruits were sparklin fresh because of those dew-drops that fell the previous night and because of the light of the inedible orange in the sky. Bennett, youve gotten a wishin bangle, so if any untoward thing is bout ta happn, youll b able ta wish ta ovrcome that incident, isnt it? asked James. Yeah, o course. Just as they were satiatin their thirst by the waters, a wild elephant saw them and it began runnin towards them. Oops an elephant in our kismet time, frightened Mattie, his hands coverin his mouth It chased all four of them until they broke the chain and ran in different directions just like an army of ants that would march in a line until we come and disturb them by any means. Bennett was busy runnin and hed forgotten to wish to be freed from that worlds largest livin animal on land at presentthat could not jump but chase.

Mattie and Alex did not know the modus operandi that one should have learnt before bein chased by animals such as elephant or a hippo. Whereas, James and Bennett knew it and they began runnin in a zigzag mannera real technique. The elephant stamped both Alex and Mattie, and they were dead. First, Mattie was the victim and second victim was Alex who was dyin for the second time. The remainin two were still runnin for their life, because they thought that it wouldnt be a big deal to wish for those two lives of his friends that was lost into the very feet of the giant which bottlenecked the blood from passin through their body freely and makin a blood clot there until their whole blood had leaked. The elephant smashed Alex to smithereens without knowin that hed already died. Then, it wrapped Mattie in its long trunk and it chucked him down in great anger and loud triumph, as though it was askin: What

business do ya have here in ma forest?

Bennett and James had disappeared from that place and the elephant could not see them, so it went away in such a mood that it was goin back after a busy big job.

Now, after a while, they reached back to the spot where their friens lay dead.

Even if you were in that place right now, you would take off your eyes from the dead ones because, then, that night you may fear to sleep or could not be present for the mealtime when your mom called you.
This came true for Bennett too, and James could understand his feelins. He assured, Thats all right. Jus close your eyes an Suddenly, James felt somethin pirouettin around both his feet very stalwartly. So he looked down. Manits a Python! Bennett screamed. It was the third visitor after the tiger and the elephant. They were sure that either Bennetts or James life was gonna say good-bye. Because, each time a wild creature came to them, at least one mong them had to die and it was sure even now, and they knew it. Slowly, the snake that was similar to that of the one which hoodwinked Eve, coiled the legs of James together and it began to open its mouth as wide as it could and it started to gulp him down.

Yet, Bennett tried pullin his friend out of the expandin mouth of the creature, but he slipshod as it was too late. After the creature had knocked back James, it coiled itself on a tree nearby in order to break his bones for its easy digestion. Bennett was watchin all these like a movie without popcorns, because in every respect he banked on his bangle itself. Now, Bennett was bout to wish that all three of his friends should come back to life and that, they should be as a team like before. I wish ma friens who died this day shoud complete the team which now includes only me. This time, neither did the bangle shined forth nor was his wish accomplished. Because of terror and bafflement, he swallowed a heap of saliva and wished for the same wish a hundred times. But it was of no use. Now he came to know that the bangle could grant jus one wish and no more. That one wish was already granted when they wept for Alexs death and wished he were alive. Bennetts eyes grew red-hot for what he had done. If he truly wanted, he could have saved his friends.

Loss of nerve and disorientation made him go through the process of mental strain. Its of no use to describe anythin anymore. Everythin was over. Only because of his deadpan passion for bein a great explorer, his friends had to lose their life. At the beginnin I said that they were born for him, but now, they were dead for him. Those professional explorers were waitin for Bennett to come back because they found his room locked for many days. They expected that Bennett wouldve gone for a forest expeditionmost likely, because from the day of conversation when he willfully revealed his desire to explore the forest, they did not see him again. Their famly members were all grieve struck because not even a single person of the team had told them that they were out for an expedition. After these things, Bennett was not famous as an explorer. Bennett was star-crossed to failure and his exploration turned out to be a pathetic one.

No one knew to which forest Bennett and his companions had gone They were on tenterhooks with bated breath to see em all back again.

The Thing That Made All the Changes The Thing That Made All the Changes Current mood: Spine-Chilling Genre: Paranormal


Committee thought that Bennett would have gone to

Tanband Forest because it was the nearest one from their place. So, they went to that forest by a jeep in search of him. They looked for him in each and every place of the forest, but they were not successful. After a long time when they still could not find him, they thought that any untoward incident would have caused

his death, so they decided to go back. But on the way, they saw a man lyin on his back on the road. To their surprise, it was Bennett! After through examination, they realized that hed been struck with mental trauma. He himself did not know where he was, his mind was in complete darkness. They asked, Whatd happend? But, Bennett did not give ear to them at all; he was not aware of what he was doin. The members of this group thought that hed been harmed by some wild animals and that may have led to his instability of mental equilibriumbut there were no scars to be seen anywhere on him. As Bennett was an explorer, this committee gave him free hospitalization. In the hospital, the well educated doctors provided him with best services and treatments. After a few days, Bennett began to recover. He asked the doctors, Whatd happend ta me an, why am I here? Ya were bein affectd by a mental trauma, sir. Our group members had seen ya on the road an they brought ya here fo hospitalization.

Thank ya fo bein grateful ta me, he said, tryin to support himself to sit straight on the bed. Anyway, how were ya been all alone that day on the road? We heard from people that ya, with your friens had gone fo an expeditionwhere they rumors or No, Bennett interrupted. Then, what bout em? The cause o ma disruption was the death o ma friens. Last time, when I went fo sea expedition, I was safe, an why noteven now. In both the cases, ma friens lives were at stake. It bothers me fo bein a reason fo their short life-span. I had lost ma parents, an now, ma friends too; one mong em was ma bes frien from childhood, eventually he was ma first buddy with whom Id made a true friendship bond. We all together were The Power of Five, which was eventually reduced into four, then two, then one explained Bennett as even his eyes were speakin his emotional feelins that had led to his trauma. He decided not to explore anymore in the future. Tears made him stop speakin further. After many days, he was discharged from the hospital. After all these things, he flew to China.

The journey of Bennett around the globe made him to collect huge number of coins, thus he proved to be a numismatist. The main purpose of his collection was to remember the good times that he spent in various countries by gazin at it whenever he felt like. Bennett had a few good neighbors who helped him in various activities, but he did not wanted to shake hands with them and be friens, because he began to think what had happened to his friends because of his ambition. He did not wanted a similar case mong his new friends. After all, Im not callin em fo any expedition, why dont I b a good friend ta em? No problems gonna arise with this anyhowI hope. From the very nex day, Bennett started to help those men, especially a man who was a sexagenarian, still agile like a young man. Bennett was truly helpful to them. These new acts made em baffled because, this was the first time that hed taken special inquisitiveness for them.

Days passed by

Bennett was called by his friends for recreation. They asked, Are ya goin with us fo an excursion? But, where are ya plannin ta go? Somewhere near the hill station, they said. Wellall right then. That night, Bennett prayed. God, Almighty! Safeguard us tomorrow. As yknowevery time I go ta any place with ma acquaintances, jittery things takes place. Ma new friens are goin with me tomorrow. Let not any kinda unpleasant things pass through us. Im not ready ta loose anyone anymore. Let ma friens b with me till ma last breath. O God, save usin the name of Christ. Amen. After the prayer, he switched off the table-lamp, and slept. In the mornin, when the clock struck seven, Bennett refreshed himself and had gotten into his linen T-shirt and cotton pants which he loved from childhood. When all of them came to Bennetts house, it made him think bout his childhood friends who came to his home for a picnic when he was in New York City, and he also thought bout his buddies who had helped him with his

expedition when he was in Netherlands. From Bennetts house, everybody departed. They traveled by train. When the hilly station came, they all had gotten down. The place was incredibly nippy. Bennett and his friends started to play soccer on the hills till the ball rolled down the valley. Mr. Johnson said to Bennett, Can ya please get the ball? Wello course. The ball rolled down and down and down, makin Bennett run behind it, but he was slow in runnin because of two reasonsfirst, he was on the hill and second, he had to watch out for obstacles, whereas the ball didnt had to. When he reached at the bottom of the hills, he looked for the ball everywhere, but it was not found. The climate of that day made him forget bout the ball, he started havin goose bumps all over his body. He took pleasure in such climates from his juvenile days. Though he was twenty eight now, he still enjoyed it. Bennett went far away from the hills where his friends were waitin for him.

The chill-environmental-experience made him feel that he was breathin the pleasant air which was available in Garden of Edensome six thousand five hundred years ago, with no pollution or global-warminor as such like today. After a few minutes, when he was still saunterin, some invisible force made him to follow a wayan alleyway where there was no one except complete peace. He rambled on the lane; there were not even a single imprint of any livin souls. Bennett went farther more till his ears heard the gushin sounds of the waters; he was even thirsty and decided to quench his thirst from the source. So he traveled towards it till he was able to hear the sound more clearly. Wow! What a magnificent tributary! He was confounded to see no one around such a phenomenal spot. Bennett decided to enjoy in the waters for a while. He carefully hoofed on the rocks one after the other. He pulled his T-shirt off from him and got out of his denims, slowly steppin towards the waters. Ah! Its so cold he said.

If he was already decipherable bout the chilliness of the waters, he would not have gotten naked for sure. After a while, his body started to adjust accordinly in the coldness of the tributary. He drank a handful of water. There were many pondweeds as well as pebbles and many colorful stones all around. The experience was truly beyond doubt that he enjoyed it to a great deal. Bennetts soft-spot was the colorful stones; therefore, he started to pick up whichever he found was good. As he was pickin one by one, his eyes stopped at a coin that lay under a pebble. The coin had similar designs of that of a doubloons. Bennett came across the year that was embossed on it. Gosh, 1708! This might b exceptionally a long forgotten one. Bennett thought of includin even that coin in his collection. After a few hours, the word, Friens smacked into his mind. Oh, gotta go. They might b waitin, said Bennett as he shoved his hands through the sleeves of his T-shirt, he grabbed for his pants and forced his legs into it, when

he reached the hip, he fastened his zipper and buttoned-up his denims. His moral-fiber made him to stay back; he knew that it wouldnt do well if he did. So he started to run back towards the direction he had come from. Already it was gettin darker; he saw dunnocks flyin back to their nests. It was in the evenin, the cold started to bite even more arrestinly. Bennett ran towards the hills were his friens were waitin for him in agitation. He was abashed to be so late and also for goin far away without even givin any notify to them. When he reached there, he could see his friends angry eyes ablaze. Where are ya comin from, mister? We told ya ta go in search o the ball an not fo manufacturin it, said Mr. Sean in a smooth-angered way. Why were ya aberrant? Is everythin all right with ya? asked Mr. Johnson. Sory guys, he wrinkled his nose, raisin his eyebrows as he looked down. I was runnin behind the ball that was rollin down the hill fo its fine escape. Some hunch won ove me an left me at a place where there were no

people, but justranquility. I saw a rivulet; it was beyond belief, yknow? An, see Ive gotten these pebbles and gorgeous stones from there, an more importantly, this coin o 1708! said Bennett as he took all those things out of his pocket and showed it to his friens. Well, let aint waste our time anymore, were already late an need ta go back, said Mr. Michael. The environment was gettin into sub-zero as each and every second passed. They walked to the railway station where theyd gotten down when they came. Bennett went to the ticket counter to collect the train tickets for him as well as for his companions. He asked for five tickets to a woman who was sittin at the countershapin her nails and chewin a mouthful of raw oats. After a while hed gotten the tickets for which hed registered. Bennett gave four tickets for his friends and kept one for himself. They were all waitin for their train to come to platform number 20 A.

Exactly at nine, the train arrived, all had gotten in, and they took the weight off their feet. For the reason that it was a local train, it waited not even for a minute before it left the station. At eleven, they reached the station where theyd to dismount. They caught a taxi, and went back to their respective homes; Bennett bid au revoir for all his friens and went back to his house. He kept the pebbles and stones in the breakfront, and took the old coin and mixed it with the other ones he had. Even when puttin hands over those heaps of coins, there was hardly any need of lookin at it in order to take the oldest one because that coin was quite big and heavy as compared to other ones he had. Bennett ate some left over food from the kitchen. Then he felt sleepy and humdrum as soon as he saw his chaise-longue. The nex day, Bennett sat in front of the TV. A woman on screen was speakin some matters regardin reputation. It was a chance for makin the viewers names accredited by famesa chance for registerin themselves in The Guinness Book of World Records.

Goodness! Then even I want to! exclaimed Bennett. He noted down the phone number as well as their address that was constantly flashin on the screen. But, he did not know what the extraordinary talent that was within him. He began to think Ma coins! Im havin lots o coins; presumably, no one woud be havin as much as I have! he exclaimed. Bennett rushed to his screened-off area where he had a rucksack full of coins. He himself wasnt bein acquainted with how much coins he had, because every time hed gotten a coin he would put it in his sack, he rarely used any coins when he was livin in different countriesrather, he made up his lifestyle only with those notes. But, he was sure that he had more than a two thousand coins. Bennett had been collectin these, since his adolescence. Ma deity! said Bennett when hed finished countin. There were eight thousand eight hundred and ninety in number. He immediately phoned-up the Organization and told bout his incredible collection. They were knocked for six when they heard the number that he mentioned. They fixed a date for him to come there so that they could by all means make sure that scrupulousness is all that had fallen forth from his lips through the phone.

He thought thatonce more, the world would get to know him after his life-episode of expedition. He went to the Organization with his collection, he was exclusively welcomed there. Mr. Griffin, who worked under the authorities of The Guinness World Records, knew that a lot of patience was required to count those coins. Finally, he finished countin it with a sigh of relief, and proved that Bennett had not spoken anythin other than truth. He wondered how one could collect so many coins; it was not of ordinary quantity at all. Mr. Griffin told bout Bennett to Ms. Julia through the phone, she was one mong the authority; even she was bowled-over by his collection. Bennett was ordered to assort every coin accordin to different countries they belonged to. After a while, Ms. Julia came to visit Bennett, she felt those coins like small grains of sands on the shore! Uncountable! she felt. She shook her hands with him with a greetin grin and told that he could come the followin weekso that they could arrange the media and also phone-up the Head of the Organization and invite other members

also, so that, they could see him tossin his coins in front of them. Ya are beyond a shadow o a doubt that ya are selected, Ms. Julia said. Days passed by. It was time for Bennett to go to the Organization once more, he wore the branded T- shirt and jeans and stepped out of his house soon. When Bennett reached the gate, Mr. Griffin received him politely. You are on time! Yeahjus as always! In the middle of the arena, Bennett had gotten a chance to show off his compilation. When the coins were all put on the floor, they were dazzlin bright because of the reflection of the lights in the hall. His ears were filled with ovation that evenin. Mr. Gringoir was the eye-witness for the amazin omnibus of Bennett. He took every coin, one by one and started to put them in the sack. Carryin out this process was not at all easy, hed to be very precise with its numbers. Even if he was stickin to the fact, there was a coin less in order to complete the numbereight thousand eight hundred and ninety.

Whoa, what bout the other one? Bennett murmured. Bennett began to search by runnin his hand through the remainin coins that was inside the sackto find if he could feel the absence of any coin. Every time he did that, he could feel a bulky and weighty coin interruptin, but now, it was not felt at all. Yes the absence o ma oldst coin! he cried out. Please try findin it. Both Bennett and Mr. Gringoir started to rummage all around. Finally, hed gotten it! He raised it to the audience as his eyes were sheddin tears of joy. The eight thousan eight hundred an ninetieth one! At last! Here it goes dirctly into ma rucksack. It was a wondaful an unforgttable day Then, at last, Bennetts name was registered in The Guinness Book of World Records. He was also given a Certificate by them. Bennett felt exultant when he came to know that hed broken the previous record of the one who had collected just six thousand four hundred and five coins, Mr. Jackiethe cousin of the vise president of the United States.

After all these things, he came back to his house with his sack of coins. That night, before sleepin, Bennett began thinkin bout his presence in the arena in front of so many people. From that night, Bennett began to feel that he was gonna spend times with his humane father once again. He began to foresee future, and he felt that these would happen very soon. He dreamt bout the way he was in his juvenile days with his poppa. It was an auid lang syne. Things were changin now, things have changed already for a rather time. Those eon have completely gone, off the air. Bennett had gotten out of his bed and drank a glass of water in the midnight; he thought that what hed been thinkin bout his poppa was all illusionary. After this, he slept peacefully.

A week later
When Bennett began to amble in his lawn in the mornin, he started to hallucinate bout his poppa, wherever he set his eyes, he felt the presence of his pa. After many years since the death of his pa, only now was that he was thinkin bout him so much.

Bennett went to Mr. Azens house to makeup his mind. I saw ya on the TV last time, ya are s fortuitous. Congratulations, keep it up. Thank ya. An, yknow, I am envisagin somepin that I fells truly gonna come ta light within a very shot period o time, Bennett paused, lookin carefully into the eyes of his friend just to make sure that he was listenin to him. It seems ta b like, ma frame o minds bein bounded by bode, he said, his face expressed a doubtful mood as for thinkin that hed spoken in a way the listener couldnt understand what he meant. Foreseein? Do ya mean thesixth sense, what they call, mong the augurs? Ha! What piffle! An, what did ya envisage? Mr. Azen asked as he tried pokin fun at him. Ugh, ya got that, said Bennett when he realized that his friend had understood what hed exactly meant. I speculate bout ma poppas presence, seems like he is evrywhere round me now. I feel that hell live with me once more. What?! Anyway, even I believe in afterlife, but tis somepin whichs not ta happn now, said Mr. Azen. Its true, but, I feel that hell b back in this presnt systm o things.

Ah, cmon! Ya are nothin but hallucinatin bout those things, get ove with it, right now. Well, whatever it isnow Im goin back, said Bennett as he bid adieu to his friend. After comin to his house, he played chess by himself without a partner and when he felt lackluster, hed his supper and then, was soon asleep on his futon. That night was more significant than the previous, in fact, the most. Everythin that Bennett dreamt was like a clear story that was takin place right in front of his eyes. Abruptly, Bennetts papa appeared in front of him from nowhere, he was surprised to see his son who was grown up to his height! But, Bennett was taken aback to see him, he ran to Mr. Michaels house, howlin and fallin. He was horrified, thinkin thatthe one who was there at his house was a ghost in the form of his papa. But Mr. Waylon was confused; he did not know why his son had run away when he saw him. Bennett told all bout his sixth-sense to Michael, and that now his papa has come back. He again felt bloodcurdlin when he heard his papa callin him from his house. Bennett was drenched in sweat; he awoke in a shriek.

Ah! It was ma dream! he said as he was still pantin in fear. He switched on the AC and lay down. The time now was already five. It was hard for him to sleep after that, because he was completely horror-struck. In the mornin newspapers, Bennetts pictures were once more printed in the papers, he was slowly becomin famous, but, only still other news took up his place. He revered himself when his performance was retransmitted on the TV that day. All these things made him to just have a look at his coins; he strewn it all over the bed and started to run his right hand over it. He did this for a while, and as his palm was in contact with a mound of coins, he began to think: Instead of these, I wish ma pa were here with me right now. As his hand was over the coins, he felt some movement under his palm, as if the coins were gettin reduced, the moment he took off his hand, he saw that one coin from it was slowly disappearin, it was none other than the oldest coin that hed gotten from the rivulet. With a diabolic expression on his face, hed gotten out of his bed and was hit by someone who stood in front of him, with that he lost his balance and fell on the floor. He wondered who the person was, because there was

no one in his house except him. When Bennett raised his head, he saw a man lookin at him with a smirk. It was his jubilant papa! No changes had befallen him; even though many years had passed, none of his hair had become grey; he was just like when hed his last breath in him, still chivalrous! Bennett hurtled out of his house because of the creeps. The lights were all switched off at his friends house, because the time was now already eleven forty-five, but only at Mr. Michaels, he saw the light bein switched on, he was workin on his laptop that night. So, Bennett felt that he had to go to his houseand he did go just as he had dreamt. What happend? Whats the mattr? Can I help ya? Why are ya out o breath? asked Mr. Michael. Ma poppa is out there! declared Bennett as hardly any words came out of his mouth. What? Are ya insane? asked appalled Michael. Mr. Waylon called him out in confusion without knowin why his son had run away. Bennett! Are ya okay? Fo what purpose are ya hidin away from me? Mr. Michael was totally dumbfounded.

This scene was a clear-cut, the same as Bennett had dreamt the previous night. Puffin, Bennett and Mr. Michael went to Mr. Waylon. Their hands were wobblin because of the constant secretion of adrenalin by their adrenaline glands glands of emergency, as they are commonly known. Bennett asked Mr. Waylon, How? How di ya come here? Where were ya all these days? I dunno where I was...but I still remembr that day when Johanna an I were travelin, a van came an crashd onto our car, at that, we were left flyin in the air an the way our car was swelterin fiercely! he explained. Those smokes and the screams of her, I still commit ta ma memory. Pa, I kno, ya too had died in the same crash Nono, he crooned. Then how can I stand before ya now if I was dead? Jus think, pa, then, where were ya s long? Why di not ya come ta see me? Your death had takn place when we were in Uganda, but now, ya are in China. Can ya remembr by which means o transportation ya have reachd here? asked Bennett in such a way that he

made his pa feel that he had not traveled to his room but had appeared unexpectedly. I dunno Even think bout this, how can ya enter into ma room that was lockd completely? What are ya bout ta say Bennett? asked Mr. Waylon, bringin his brows together. Ya an ma mom were dead when I was young. An now, ya have been restored ta life. Thats why ya can see a lot o changes in me, cause Im not the young boy ya used ta see; now I am a grown up man. But, there are no changes in yaya are the same as ya were before your death. This is a proof thatall these days, youve not been livin, but now, ya are called ta live, explained Bennett. Have the resurrection process already begun? asked Mr. Waylon. Not yet, said Mr. Michael. Then, how can Weve no idea. Even though Bennett had spoken to Mr. Waylon much boldly, he an inward acidic fretfulness which he did not wanted to show, he built up strong feet just because of the braveness that his friend was with him.

Di ya perceive? Theres not even a single burn marks on him at all. Hed said that, his car was smoldered durin the accident. From this, one things o sure that either hes double-crossin that hed met with his end in the car accident ormaybe he is, Mr. Michael lowered the effect of his speech, a sprite! This made Bennett even more frightened. He looked all over his papa instantly for findin some marks, but he couldnt. Yet, he inquired unflinchinly: Poppa, there are no burn marks on ya. Hows this possible? He contemplated that the death of his pa was due to some other reasons other than the car accident. Ya are right! There are no marks as such on me at all, I wondr! as cool as a cucumber he said as he looked for some sear-smudge on his arms and legs. Bennett trusted that the one who was standing in front of him was his pa, he came to a conclusion that he was talkin to his pappy, and not to a fiend. He thought that his pas brain would have been badly affected because of some other reasons, and thats why he wasnt able to remember how hed met with his death exactly.

No matter what it was, anyhow his papa was back, Bennett was very buoyant bout it. But now, the question that rustles up is, How did Mr. Waylon appear inside the house despite the door bein locked? Bennett told bout this mystery to all his friends nearby. They were dismayed like anythin, especially Mr. Azen, who demanded that Bennetts sixth sense bout his papa was a complete fatuity. At first, he did not believe, but when he was taken to Bennetts house, he saw Mr. Waylon with his newspaper at the couch. Bennett decided to probe the mysterious question based on whether it was an incident or an accident. He was to be in assiduity regardin his papa. But even after many days, Bennett was not successful in findin the reason for his pas maze-like arrival. There were no special signs of somethin extraordinary in Mr. Waylons behaviors; they were all the same as usual. Thus, Bennett failed in his investigation. Day by day, he became more benevolent to his father.

After four months, Mr. Waylon decided that the time had come for Bennett to be married. He brought many proposals for his son from the north, but Bennett was interested in none of them. Finally, Bennett wanted to continue his life with Ms. Julia whom he had met when he went to the Guinness World Records Organization to knock his knack. When she agreed, soon the date for their marriage was fixed. From seventeenth July, Ms. Julia continued her life with Bennett. But her papa, Mr. Moore was not in favor of their marriage because he loved Julia more than his life, and now with her married life, she hardly could ever visit him, this was like somebody stealin his life away from him. Before the marriage, Mrs. Julia was livin with her papa, doin his will was her greatest satisfaction, but now she had to be at her husbands houseaway from Mr. Moore. As Mr. Moore did not wanted to be away from his daughter, he looked for a guest house near Bennetts. There was a house which was ready to be given for rent, it was quite small, and Mr. Moore left his present house which was very big. After all he was a person who carried an attach case with him that contained his

important office dossiers, but he was ready to adjus in the small house itselfso that he could stay close to his daughter. So, he left his own house and decided to stay in pied-terre. Anyway, this house wasnt so near to Bennetts house, Mrs. Julia told to him that she will be comin to Mr. Moores whenever she was free. Mr. Moore was a down-to-earth person. After a week, Mrs. Julia with her hubby and father-inlaw went to Mr. Moore. When they reached there, Mr. Moore answered the door; they could see his innocent poker face. Whenever Mr. Waylon asked him somethin, he wouldnt get the words, there was no problem with his earsbut he was in his own world always. Mr. Waylon, Mr. Moore and Mrs. Julia went to London with Bennett. Mrs. Julia quit her job in China, and Mr. Moore also gave up his business when he was fifty. After a week, Bennett started to work for a multinational company in London. The manager of this company was Mr. Waylons childhood friend; he had no

objection to provide a job for Bennett. Accordin to his promotions, his salary increased. When Mr. Davis, the manager had retired, Bennett took up his position and earned the double of what he used to when he was just a team-member of the company. Mrs. Julia loved dolphins a lot and she said to Bennett that she wanted one. But he brought three dolphinariums, one dolphin in each, and stored it near the big swimmin pool, they made him remember bout the dolphin that had saved his life when hed been to explore the sea a few years ago. His wife was truly bright and breezy from then onwards. When Bennett had gotten dolphins for Mrs. Julia, his papa felt unhappy that his son hadnt brought anythin for him. Bennett could understand his feelins although his pa did not tell him anythin. So, Bennett brought a car for Mr. Waylon, the one which was the costliest in London. Bennetts new house covered the entire thousand three hundred yards; it had twelve bathrooms, one big restaurant for their regular cuisine, six bedrooms, an amazin pool, a huge drawin room and livin room, a big basket-ball court with precise markins, a fifty yards

lawn that grew the rarest flowers of the world includin a wide variety of orchid flowers. The passersby couldnt just resist themselves to stop gazin at his house. Bennett did not have to feel lonely anymore; already there were four members in his famly includin him and many servants and securities. As Bennett was a rich man now, he did somethin to deservehe slowly started to bequeath huge amount of money in the share market. He took home more than what he had in his nest egg. The share market was very successful durin this course of time, it made Bennett to bestow even more, also his wife heartened him to do so. Finally, when luck ran out of hand, the share market collapsed and the whole fifty pence piece went into the drain. The Dow-Jones index has plunged now; my funds have all gone, everythin cause o ya, Julia, Bennett said, mentally struck for another time. Its not my fault anyhow. What can I do? Julia said. Wellwell give away a part o our stuffs to the concerned persons if any necessities arise, thatll provide us money if were in need.

I expected you to be a little different, but you are just like other wives whose husbands are pretty rich, when it comes to the matter of speech. Bennett called Mrs. Julia when she pointed her nose to the kitchen, but she did not respond.

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