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Learning Organisation adapted from Peter Senges 5th Discipline - Philosophy, Characteristics, Drivers, Culture and Barriers.

Presentation Transcript

1. LEARNING ORGANIZATION 2. We know ... that the initiation of such learning rests not upon the teaching skills of the leader, not upon his scholarly knowledge of the field, not upon his curricular planning, not upon his use of audio-visual aids, not upon the programmed learning he utilizes, not upon his lectures and presentations, not upon an abundance of books, although each of these might at one time or another be utilized as an important resource. No, the facilitation of significant learning rests upon certain attitudinal qualities which exist in the personal relationship between the facilitator and the learner - Carl Rogers ( Freedom to Learn, 1969)

3. What is a Learning Organisation 4. Learning Organization? Organization skilled at Creating, Acquiring, and Transferring KNOWLEDGE and Modifying its BEHAVIOUR to reflect new insights Without accompanying changes in the way that work gets done, only the potential for improvement exists Translate new knowledge into new ways of behaving

5. In a LO Flexibility - core value of organization People - appreciated for skills, values and work Staff Opinions - sought and treated with respect. Exchanging information - sharing ideas and experiences is encouraged. Learn new skills - apply to jobs to enhance services and improvement. Opportunities exist - creative, learn from mistakes, take risks and reach new levels of expertise. Learning Occur at individual, group and org

6. Two Types of Learning Maintenance learning Discover better ways - current procedures and tasks Has short-term focus - often misses changes in the environment. Anticipatory

learning Acquire new knowledge and incorporate into workplace to achieve long-term vision. Participatory/ joint venture - individuals in a unit, as ONE explore alternatives, share ideas and consider how new knowledge can help reach goals

7. Role of Leader in LO Designers Build foundation Mission, Vision & Core Values Ensure strategies, policies, systems, structures, leadership decisions alligned to organisational goals Teachers Serve as Coach , "guiding from the side" to help people surface mental models, identify limiting assumptions, see patterns of behavior, and develop systems thinking approaches to problem solving. Encourage true learning growth & development, rather than memorization policies and applying blind procedures. Stewards Protect Vision, Mission, Core Values and ensure they are understood and practiced.

8. Characteristics of a LO and Best Practices 9. Long-term improvement or change; decreased organizational conflict; continuous learning among group members; Revolutionary over evolutionary change 1.Practicing self mastery 2.Possessing consistent mental models 3.Possessing a shared vision 4.Emphasis on team learning Ability to see interrelationships rather than linear cause-effect; to think in context and appreciate the consequences of actions on other parts of the system Systems thinking group Group self-awareness; heightened collective learning; learning "up and down" the hierarchy; greater cohesiveness; enhanced creativity 1.Participative openness 2.Consensus building 3.Top-down and bottom-up communication flows; 4.Support over blame; 5.Creative thinking Ability of group of individuals to suspend assumptions about each other and engage in "dialogue" and discussion Team learning Commitment over compliance, faster change, greater within group trust; less time spent on aligning interests; more effective communication flows 1.Participative openness 2.Trust 3.Empathy towards others 4.Habit of dissemination 5.Emphasis on cooperation 6.A common language Ability of a group of individuals to hold a shared picture of a mutually desirable future Shared vision - group Less use of defensive routines in work; less reflexivity that leads to dysfunctional patterns of behavior; less avoidance of difficult situations 1.Time for learning 2.Reflective openness 3.Habit of inquiry 4.Forgiveness of oneself 5.Flexibility/adaptability Ability to compare reality or personal vision with perceptions; reconciling both into a coherent understanding Mental models - individual Greater commitment to the organization and work; less rationalization of negative events; ability to face limitations and areas for improvement; ability to deal with change 1.Positive reinforcement from role models/managers 2.Sharing experiences 3.More interaction time between supervisory levels 4.Emphasis on feedback 5.Balance work/non-work life Ability to honestly and openly see reality as it exists; to clarify one's personal vision Self masteryindividual Positive Byproducts Associated Best Practices Definition Characteristic

10. Building a LO 11. Shared Vision Working together to create the vision and then working to incorporate that vision into each unit or part of the organization. All members of the organization must understand and contribute to the vision. It has to be meaningful and something that relates to their individual visions of the organization Create a focus for the organization that will guide all parts of the organization

12. Personal Mastery Discipline of continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, of focusing our energies, of developing patience, and of seeing reality objectively. Focus on results while seeing the current reality. One can see the connectedness in the organization

between individual learning and organizational learning and the commitment of both the individual and the organization to organizational success. Goes beyond rote learning

13. Team Learning Act as TEAM . Members must learn to suspend assumptions, put aside individual defensiveness and act as colleagues to create open environment for dialog and discussion. Working together as a team can produce more than the individual members can by themselves. Social learning is fast breaking ground. Why?

14. Mental Models Refers to assumptions and generalizations that influence how one understands and interprets the organization. Develop MM shared by team and organization. Learn to unearth our MM - look more creatively at what can and cannot be done in our organization. Not limited by past assumptions . Look for creative ways to address problems, find solutions and change efforts.

15. Systems Thinking Ability to see the bigger picture , see interrelationships in system, beyond Silo cause and effect approach to seeing continuous processes Move from seeing the individual parts to understanding it as interactions of those parts. ST is foundation brings other 4 disciplines together in an integrated approach to examining and improving the organization

16. Strategies for Becoming a LO 17. Commit to Change Start with Culture - what we do and how we do it. Reframe views of the organization look at problems from different angles and ask "what if instead of why organization cant succeed. Change must be driven from the top. Managers must lead with clear vision, goals, perseverance, care and behaviour example.

18. Connect Learning with Operations Leaders need to connect learning to the business operations . LO is not about promoting learning for the sake of learning. Its promoting learning to improve work processes and enhance services

19. Assess Organizational Capability Conduct Assessment of how well the organization can address 5 five disciplines: Does the organization have the People, Technology, Expertise, Information necessary to encourage learning? Is the organization prepared to provide the training necessary to equip people with skills needed to succeed?

20. Communicate the Vision To succeed in making substantial changes everyone needs to understand and commit to the vision of a learning organization. People need to understand 5 disciplines of the learning organization and how they can through self directed and teamwork adopt, adapt and practice the needed KSA.

21. Demonstrate and Model Organizations need to communicate learning cycle by taking action, reviewing action, evaluating the experience, and evaluation to plan the next steps. Understand learning is a continuous process , individuals and groups learn from their mistakes, this can encourage and support individual and team learning. Need explicit PLAN for encouraging learning: Enhanced staff development programs, individual learning plans, and support for classes and workshops

22. Cut Bureaucracy & Streamline Structure LO not likely to succeed in a Top-Down hierarchal organization. Flat structures that encourage interdepartmental activities and communication will promote learning. Limiting bureaucratic procedures will help promote creativity , encourage problem solving, and encourage thinking rather than mindless obedience to rules

23. Capture Learning & Share Knowledge LO succeed when knowledge is shared . Learning at all levels will encourage personal growth and mastery. Sharing knowledge will allow to benefit from Individual and Team learning and will promote Org growth and change.

24. Reward Learning Performance appraisals should include rewards for developing new skills , for TEAMWORK , and personal development that supports organizational goals. When learning is rewarded people are more likely to adopt behaviors that support and promote learning activities.

25. Learn More about LO Concept of LO is constantly evolving and developing multiple sources and platforms. LO are not only about learning within the organization but also about improving and enhancing concept of LO. Staff need to look for ways to improve their understanding of learning as they are enhancing their own organization

26. Continuously Adapt, Improve and Learn Achievement of LO is a continuous process of growth, change, and improvement. Organization becomes stronger as it changes, meets new challenges, incorporates new technologies, provides enhanced services, and meets the challenge of an ever-changing information environment

27. Develop a Learning Culture 28. Learning Culture Future & External Orientation - develop understanding of environment ; Take time out to think about the future . Widespread use of external sources and advisors e.g. customers on planning teams. Free Exchange and Flow of Information - systems are in place to ensure that expertise is available where it is needed; individuals network extensively, crossing organisational boundaries to develop wisdom.

29. Commitment to Learning & Personal Development - Support from Top Management. All levels encouraged to learn regularly; learning is rewarded. Time out to think and learn (Reflect, Explore, Understand, Grow). Valuing People - ideas, creativity and "imaginative capabilities" are stimulated, made use of and developed. Diversity is recognised as a strength. Climate of Openness and Trust - individuals are encouraged to develop ideas, to speak out, challenge views. Learning from Experience - learning from mistakes is often more powerful than learning from success. Failure is tolerated, provided lessons are learnt .

30. Steps in Creating LC Describe purpose of the work you and the team are doing. Clarify roles and responsibilities . Make sure managers and subordinates. understand each others personality. Communicate and facilitate communication . Create trust by treating people fairly. Make evaluation a continuous and honest dialogue rather than a bureaucratic process.

31. Barriers to LO 32. Barriers to LO Operational/fire fighting preoccupation - not creating time to sit back and think strategically. Focused on systems and process - e.g. ISO9000 to exclusion of other factors (bureaucratic vs. thinking) Reluctance to train (or invest in training) other than for obvious immediate technical needs. No genuine buy-in - hidden personal agendas . Command driven , tight supervision = lack of real empowerment.

33. Conclusion Theres nothing more powerful you can do to encourage others in their quest for personal mastery than to be serious in your own quest. (Peter Senge)

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