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Page 1 of 6 LaSallian Personal Effectiveness Program (LPEP) 2K12 May 8, 10, 12, 15 and 17, 2012 /10:00AM 5:00

0 PM DLSU Amphitheater Script 2nd Draft By: Leah Victoria Sy and Reiji Mart Regio
(Edited by Soccii Nenotchka R. Tuason)

DRUMLINE ENTER HOSTS HOST 1(F): Wow! That was an amazing performance from our Animo Squad! Give it up for the Animo Squad, guys! (to audience) From the bottom of our hearts, we welcome you freshmen.. HOST 2 (M): HOST 1 and 2: HOST 2: ..Or might I say, Froshies? De La Salle University! We also proudly welcome you, to your LaSallian Personal Effectiveness Program or LPEP 2K12! My name is _________. HOST 1: ...and my name is______________. Again, welcome to one of the premiere schools here in the Philippines, Froshies! HOST 2: You guys better get used to being called Froshies because here in DLSU, we call our freshmen, Froshies! (to Host 1) It wasn't so long when we were called froshies.. 'di ba partner? HOST 1: Good times! Anyways, LPEP has been going on for a long time, this is to bring out the inner LaSallian in you, Froshies! And our job here is to make sure of that! HOST 2: The pressure, Host 1! But I'm sure we will be able to give our Froshies a wonderful time because of the lineup we have prepared for them! Such as, the Animo Squad, DLSU's Pep Squad, which you had just seen perform earlier HOST 1: How about the La Salle Dance Company - Contemporary, La Salle Dance Company - Folk and La Salle Dance Company - Street? I guess you guys are still clueless about these groups, but their performances will make you remember them in our prestigious university, the pride and joy of DLSU.

Page 2 of 6 LaSallian Personal Effectiveness Program (LPEP) 2K12 May 8, 10, 12, 15 and 17, 2012 /10:00AM 5:00 PM DLSU Amphitheater Script 2nd Draft By: Leah Victoria Sy and Reiji Mart Regio
(Edited by Soccii Nenotchka R. Tuason)


But before we get this party started, can we hear some noise from the Froshies? Can we hear from the Blocks from the Ground Floor? How about the people all the way up there on the Second floor? At the top floor, can I hear your voices up there?


Wow, you're all hyped up! We don't want to keep you all waiting. These LaSallians never failed to make our university proud! Let's give a warm welcome to the first performers, the Animo Squad!

ANIMO SQUAD ROUTINE HOSTS SPIEL HOST 1: Iba talaga ang Animo Squad! (to froshies) Kayo ha, may mga crush na kayo sa Squad 'no? HOST 2: HOST 1: How about you, Host 1, do you admire someone from the Animo Squad? Host 1, this is about the Froshies! Focus tayo! By the way, let's talk about some of the routine that the squad presented! HOST2: HOST 1: Oh yes, Host 1! I almost forgot! I'm quite sure students that graduated from De La Salle Santiago Zobel or La Salle Green Hills are familiar with our cheer but we should also make all our Froshies be familiar with its meaning, right? HOST 2: Right you are, Host 1! One of the cheers that the Animo Squad is famous for is the "Rektikano". HOST1: Yeah! The Rektikano Keena-keena! Hindi nawawala 'yan sa UAAP competitions! HOST 2: Does anyone here know what Rektikano means? (It means, "power/right to rule"). How about Animo, does anyone know the meaning of "Animo"?

Page 3 of 6 LaSallian Personal Effectiveness Program (LPEP) 2K12 May 8, 10, 12, 15 and 17, 2012 /10:00AM 5:00 PM DLSU Amphitheater Script 2nd Draft By: Leah Victoria Sy and Reiji Mart Regio
(Edited by Soccii Nenotchka R. Tuason)


Host 2, I think this calls for a game! A game with PRIZES! Yehey! Oh yes! Good thing our LAMBs have prepared something for our Froshies! You all know what LAMB means, right? Lagot kayo sa LAMB niyo kapag hindi niyo alam! Sila pa naman 'yung nag-guide sa inyo n'ung Day 1.


Let's not give our LAMBs some weird ideas. Let's welcome onstage our LaSallian Ambassadors for some games!

Host 1:

And raffles! Dont forget the raffles!

GAMES AND RAFFLE HOSTS SPIEL HOST 1: Thank you, LaSallian Ambassadors for putting smiles on the faces of our lucky winners! These are the days that I miss, when I was a still a frosh. Note: Skip * - If Fashion Show is not included *HOST 2: Enough with the drama, Host 1. Thank you again, LAMBs for preparing the games and raffles for our students. But wait! There is more! Your Ate and Kuya LAMBs have prepared a Fashion Show for you guys! *HOST 1: *HOST 2: A Fashion Show? Talaga naman LAMBs! Bigay na bigay! For the information of all, hindi nawawala and Fashion Show sa mga ganitong events! *HOST 1: What are we waiting for, bring out the catwalk!

*FASHION OF LAMBS (TENTATIVE) HOST SPIEL *HOST 2: *HOST 1: Wow! Kahit pala Fashion Shows, hindi magpapatalo ang mga LAMBs! Yes! That's how well-rounded we are La Sallians! Anyways, lets move on to the next segment of LPEP 2K12.

Page 4 of 6 LaSallian Personal Effectiveness Program (LPEP) 2K12 May 8, 10, 12, 15 and 17, 2012 /10:00AM 5:00 PM DLSU Amphitheater Script 2nd Draft By: Leah Victoria Sy and Reiji Mart Regio
(Edited by Soccii Nenotchka R. Tuason)


Next up in our line of performances will be from the Innersoul, Harlequin Theater Guild, and the La Salle Dance Company, they are from our Culture in Arts Office (CAO) here in DLSU.


But before they perform, Host 2, lets first share some bits of information about our performers, so that before classes officially start, you Froshies can get a head start about these organizations.


What a great idea! So okay, lets start with the Office that these Organizations belong to.


Well, the Orgs we mentioned a while ago all belong to the Culture in Arts Office or CAO of DLSU. CAO comprises of organizations wherein the artistic talents and skills of our La Sallians are honed and cultivated.


These are various cultural organizations which represent dance, music, theater, film and broadcast arts.


CAO also includes organizations such as, the LaSallian Youth Orchestra (LYO), the Green Media Group (GMG) and Student Artists Managers (SAM).


Well, about the performers, Innersoul is basically the organization in CAO, that specializes on modern or pop singing. The Harlequin Theater Guild, on the other hand, is more on stage acting or theater arts.


La Salle Dance Company is composed of the Street, the Folk and the Contemporary. Street is for the modern day hip-hop dances, Folk is for the Filipino cultural folk and ethnic dances while the Contemporary is more for jazz and ballet.


Of course, there are other organizations you can be a member of. This is just the CAO groups. We still have the Council of Student Organizations (CSO)

Page 5 of 6 LaSallian Personal Effectiveness Program (LPEP) 2K12 May 8, 10, 12, 15 and 17, 2012 /10:00AM 5:00 PM DLSU Amphitheater Script 2nd Draft By: Leah Victoria Sy and Reiji Mart Regio
(Edited by Soccii Nenotchka R. Tuason)

groups, which focuses more on socio-civic organizations, depending on your special interests and chosen profession. HOST1: Organizations are also formed within your Colleges, such as AdCreate in the College of Business and Economics (CBE), La Salle Computer Society from the College of Computer Science (CCS). HOST 2: Union of Students Inspired Towards Education (UnITEd) from the College of Education (CED), Civil Engineering Society from the College of Engineering (COE) and Behavioural Science Society from the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) HOST 1: So guys tandaan niyo na 'to, para pagdating ng Recruitment Week, medyo may alam na kayo kung anong organization and sasalihan niyo. HOST 2: I know you guys already have flyers or any other materials from these Organizations, so just check them once again, so that you can be familiar with them now. HOST 1: Host 2, tama na, baka overloaded na sila sa information. Lets not delay the excitement of our Froshies because I know they are very much eager to see their performances. Give it up for our performers! INNERSOUL, HTG, LSDC PERFORMANCE HOST 2: HOST 1: And now, I think it is time for our Froshies to learn our Centennial Dance! As I could remember, it was during Centennial Batch ID111 wherein this dance was first introduced. HOST 2: May we request our LSDC dancers to come up the stage in order to demonstrate the dance to the rest of the Froshies? HOST 1 and 2: LIVE IT UP DANCE Give it up for, the Live It Up dance!

Page 6 of 6 LaSallian Personal Effectiveness Program (LPEP) 2K12 May 8, 10, 12, 15 and 17, 2012 /10:00AM 5:00 PM DLSU Amphitheater Script 2nd Draft By: Leah Victoria Sy and Reiji Mart Regio
(Edited by Soccii Nenotchka R. Tuason)


Well done, Froshies! Thank you LSDC and to everyone who danced with us! Now, let us sing our Alma Mater song. Froshies, you must remember this with all your heart, because this song represents our being a LaSallian.


Originally composed by our LaSallian Brothers, Br. Stephen Malachy FSC and Br. Bonaventure Richard FSC, let us all sing our Alma Mater hymn.

SINGING OF ALMA MATER CLOSING OF THE EVENT HOST 1: This has been another exciting milestone for you Froshies, I cant even believe that the Centennial Dance will be passed on to you. So guys, make our University proud. HOST 2: Thats true, Host 2. (to audience) So, you guys will be the next generation of LaSallian Achievers for God and Country, and be the shining beacon of the next batch of La Sallians. HOST 1: This has been another memorable event for you Froshies and surely there will be more to come in your stay in DLSU. Welcome to our De La Salle family! HOST 2: HOST 1: HOST 1 and 2: Again this has been your host, _________. And also your host for today I am ________. And this has been LPEP 2K12! Animo LaSalle! -End-

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