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March 2012 PTO Minutes:

March 29, 2012

Principal's Report:
School Culture Mr. Lyons noted the anticipation for the upcoming Pine Glen Carnival. The PTO was thanked for their support of additional books for guided reading. Five Star Generals were recently announced. Thank you to the PTO for continued support of this program. Homework club has received positive feedback. Student Council held successful fundraiser for Mass General Hospital Marathon team. Thank you to all for cooperation with additional safety procedures at drop-off/pick-up area. In April, parent input forms for class placement will be sent home with all students. BHS hockey team and cast of Kiss Me Kate visited Pine Glen recently. They were outstanding role models for Pine Glen students. Facilities New canopy and roof on the lobby/hallway are scheduled to be installed this summer. Warrant article for a new/remodeling of school administrative office space is under consideration. Curriculum DARE graduation was well received by all attendees. There may be changes in this program for next year. Details to follow at a later date. Third graders did an outstanding job at their recent wax museum showcasing famous Massachusetts citizens. Alice Wadley, from the Melrose Alliance Against Violence spoke to students recently. The presentation was very well done and well received by all attendees. Instruction/Assessment MCAS testing has begun. Mr. Lyons thanked parents for sending students in well fed and rested. The state has stressed the importance of security this year in testing. As state looks into MCAS testing, there may be changes in the future as to this particular assessment.

Presidents Report:
Maria Woods welcomed everyone to the March 2012 PTO meeting. Maria thanked all those who continue to work tirelessly for the upcoming carnival. Special thanks to chairpersons Deb Murphy, Maria Woods, Michelle Grossman, Linda Barnstein and Denise Desmond (raffle). Elections for the 2012-2013 PTO Board will be held at the final PTO meeting of the year. Please submit nominations prior to that date. Final PTO meeting of the year, at which elections will be held, is Thursday, May 17, 2012

Vice Presidents Report:

Catherine Gillespie reported that one new member joined the PTO as a result of the midyear membership reminder. Artware is scheduled to be delivered April 5th Annual Pine Glen BBQ scheduled for June 5th. Details to follow.

Treasurer's Report:
Adrienne Mattson provided attendees with updated budget as of March 29, 2012. YTD profit as of March 29, 2012 was approx. $4,000 (net budgeted expenses).

Teacher's Report:
Mrs. Babajtis, kindergarten teacher, represented the teachers. She expressed her sincere appreciation of all the PTO does to support Pine Glen. The following requests were submitted for consideration: Kindergarten - $300 to help defray cost of Big Apple Circus trip; 2nd grade - $300 to help defray field trip costs Discovery Museum, Harvard Museum, Ipswich River Wildlife Reservation; 3rd grade Duck Tour Buses; 5th grade presentation costs

Member Time:
Members unanimously approved all teacher requests.

Attendance: John Lyons, Maria Woods, Catherine Gillespie, Adrienne Mattson, Monica Brown, Patti Heldenbergh, Joanne Shortell, Denise Desmond, Elaine Babajtis

Take A Seat: Proposal to Pine Glen P.T.O. Courtney Fallon, Art Teacher 781-505-1192

The studio space around artists must be functional, safe, and inspiring. An art classroom also informs students about their long artistic heritage. Our studio space is in need of better seating. Stools have been a tradition in studio spaces due to their ease of use and sturdiness. We can also take this opportunity to increase student learning. I would like to compile information on a variety of famous painters and artists. The collection of developmentally appropriate information will be presented to students in art class. Using this information, students will research the artist their biography, artistic works, and their impact on the art world. Students will work in groups of three to design a stool top in the style of the artists they researched. Each of the fifth grade classes will participate. Every class will complete six stools specifically designed to represent their researched artist. This project encourages collaboration, develops social skill, and provides students with a sense of lasting accomplishment. Their work will be used in the art room by Pine Glen students for years to come. Future students will take a seat amongst famous artists and learn about their own artistic heritage.

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