The Final Dimension

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The Final Dimension

By Kevin Lu Zack wiped his brow. All the perspiration comes off and just floats. Floats! Zack is completely alone. He is just floating in space, seeing not anyones face. Just hours ago, he was arguing and arguing and arguing. Now, he just wants to go home. Hours go on end with no trace of anybody or any sound at all. Stars illuminate the sky, but there is nothing to see. Soon Zack slips into a nightly day-dream. You will study and do better this time! cried Zacks dad. Failing is unacceptable! No I will not study, retorted Zack. Today is Saturday and I just want to play some basketball. You cannot play basketball! Yes I will! No you will not, and I will never allow it! yelled his dad. Zack, at this, just stalks off and then sprints to his room angrily. He closed the door with a loud BANG! He flung himself on the bed and thought how unfair it was not to have a mother to protect him. His mother had died ten years ago, when Zack was just five. He though his mother wouldve help defend him from everyone scolding him or yelling him which included his dad and his teachers. He then cries I just want people to know what Im thinking, but only I know. I want to be alone!!! Zack woke up suddenly from a loud screech! He tries to propel him towards the sound in hope of seeing someone, but he instead, pushes himself the other way. He then kicks his legs around, striving to get to the sound, but cannot push himself the right way. He keeps on kicking for a few minutes and finally figures out how to push himself the right way. He keeps on going until he reaches the maker of the sound. He doesnt see anything making the sound, but he sees a door of white light. He goes towards it curiously and suddenly gets sucked in! Oh no! Where am I now! thought Zack. He then realizes that it was his house. He was only happy for a moment though, because when he raised his hands to jump for joy, he sees that his hands are clear and wispy. He was suddenly pushed right after the realization by a pressurizing invisible force. He went out the door, down the road, and into his best friend, Bens house. He continued to be propelled until he is in Ben! Zack gets dazed for a while, but realizes that hes okay. He also realizes that he can hear Bens thoughts. Not all of them, though just the thoughts about him. He hears I sure hope Zack is okay. Hell get yelled at by his dad again. Everything would be much better if hell just study. The last thought surprised Zack, but he

continues to listen. No more thoughts come and he was again, pushed by the invisible force. He went through many roads and made many turns. Neighborhoods passed in a blur until he was in a house he didnt recognize. The resident was recognized, though, it was his teacher, Mr. Smith. He goes into the body of his teacher and hears his thoughts towards him. Zack got a D again, if he doesnt pick up the pace, hell get an F. Hes a bright kid, but he never uses his smartness. He is still a good kid, though. Zack was surprised at this because he always thought Mr. Smith hated him. He didnt have much time to give this much more thought because he shot forward again, but this time, to his house. Zack went into his dad for the final dimension and immediately heard Wheres Zack? He must be here somewhere. Hes not in his room, not in the kitchen, not in the living room, nor the office. Oh no! I better to look for him outside. Maybe Ive been too harsh on him, but any D or F is unacceptable. He has to come back, though. Oh no! Zack heard this and teared up immediately. She had a black robe full of holes and ripped on the left arm. She said I was the one who granted your wish to be alone. Now, you realized how big a mistake that was. Do you wish to return to your normal life? Yes, answers Zack excitedly. The old lady sprays dust of different colors, making a picture of his house, all around and he blacks out. When Zack wakes up, he finds himself in a local park abd his dad walking towards him, calling his name. Zack I, sorry I yelled at you, butNo no no, its my fault, I will study for my test now, cuts in Zack. Really? Oh, I mean good, replies his dad, surprised. They go home and study together. On Monday, Zack took his test. He later found out that he score one hundred percent. Zack continued to do well and ended up with an A at the end of the semester. Things were looking up, but he never told anyone his experience is space. Right before he left, he took a good look around and felt that the area was actually really peaceful and quiet Zack felt that thatshould never be disturbed.

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