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Dundalk: St Nicholas, Dundalk; St Pauls, Heynestown Ballymascanlan & Carlingford: St Marys, Ballymascanlan; St Andrews, Rathcor (Bush) Crossmaglen: Creggan Parish Church

Newsletter June 2012


Issue 7:06 June 2012

You the people of the parishes with The Revd Sandra Pragnell (Rector), The Revd Richard Moore (Assistant Minister), and our Parish Readers Contact: The Rectory, Old Golf Links Road, Blackrock, Dundalk, County Louth. Tel: (042) 9321402

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ As I write this, I see a beautiful sunny day outside the study window, but here in the house there is chaos! Lots of noise, drilling, dust and a terrible mess. Of course, I am delighted that the essential re-wiring of the rectory has begun, and the electricians here are real gentlemen. But rectory life at present is all turmoil, uncertainty, discomfort, and a very disturbed routine for me and the rectory menagerie. But of course, I know that the end is in sight the work should be complete by the end of June or thereabouts. But maybe there is a parallel here with the lives of so many of us. Financial worries, health issues, loneliness, concern about our childrens future, about elderly parents, about work, even about issues within the church which seem divisive all have the potential to mount up and make life uncomfortable, messy, disturbing, almost unbearable. We cannot see the end in sight for the countrys economic woes, nor for some of our personal burdens. But, and this is a big but, there is a far bigger picture which we as Christians must never lose sight of. As June begins, we are in the season of Pentecost the disciples, after all their fear, uncertainty, destroyed hopes, and concern for the future now receive, just as Jesus promised, the wonderful gift of Gods holy Spirit, poured out on them in power. And the truth is that 2000 years later, God is still pouring out his Spirit on people, on you and me, every single day. If we genuinely want Gods powerful love to live within us, then the Spirit will be there. But sadly, there are those who are fearful of Gods power, who shy away from prayer, church, scripture. We must never forget that Gods power is one of love and goodness, and there is nothing to fear. So do we take God seriously enough? Do we sometimes just squeeze God in on a Sunday morning, or whenever we want something? If so, no wonder life seems chaotic, messy, uncertain. But when we put God at the centre of our life, listening to God, open to receive Gods gifts and blessing, God can transform us. It wont change the messy uncomfortable world around us, but with Gods grace we can see the bigger picture, recognise the people God places alongside us to help us, and find new hope. Yes, its still noisy downstairs but there is a bright sunny world beyond the window and I only have to go outside, to change my outlook, to open my eyes, to find in the beauty of Gods creation, the unconditional love of his grace. Yours in Christ, Sandra


Burial of Ashes: on 5 May at St Patricks Cemetery, Dundalk: Ivan Robert George GRAY (91), late of Sandy, Bedfordshire; the funeral took place in England. Christian Burial: on 21 May 2012 at Grange Cemetery: Ida Mc SHANE (90), late of Co. Antrim. Christian Funeral and Cremation: on 25 May 2012 at Shevlins Funeral Home, Dundalk: Ray ARNOLD (75) of Mountain Park, Carlingford Lord, in you the dead find life forever. Rite of Confirmation: on 29 April 2012 in St Nicholas Dundalk, the Archbishop of Armagh confirmed the following: Daniel Tommy BABALOLA, Samuel Timmy BABALOLA, Michael David Mark BOTHWELL, Rachel Ethel Mary Theresa DALY, Alexander Daniel DARIES, Mary Oyinkan (Honey) EKUNDAYO, Daniel Damilola EKUNDAYO, Fabienne Erin NELSON, Joy OMORUYI, Ugochi Judith Christy ONYEDEKE, James Nathan ROGERS, Sophie Ellen Mia STEWART, Joshua Mervyn Adam THOMPSON, Immanuela (Emma) Amira Ucheonye Tara YOUNG, Amos Leke IKUEJUYONE, Unice Ruhrmann AMOS, and Joseph OCONNOR. Lord, may they continue to be yours forever.

Sunday School
Sunday school at St Nicholas takes place on 3rd and 17th June and the annual Prizegiving will take place on Sunday June 24 at 11am. After this we shall break for the summer holidays. From September we shall resume Sunday School on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month.

The Wellington Hall Project

Saturday 21st July 2012 - 7.30pm Bellurgan Park Tickets 20

(includes BBQ food, salad, dessert and wine)

For your Prayers

For Alan our bishop, this group of parishes, our clergy and church officers, and every parish family For those who are sick, housebound, elderly or lonely For those struggling financially For those preparing for Christian marriage, especially Jonathan and Amanda, Jonathan and Michelle, Shelley and Andrew, Joanne and Kevin, and Nigel and Anna. For our parish link with Bishop Isesomo and the Diocese of North Kivu in DR Congo, especially at this time when we hear news of increasing conflict, and for the work of CMSI For our parish link with Bishop Suheil and the Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East, and especially for the clergy ministering in Syria, and for the new Dean of St Georges Cathedral, the Very Revd Canon Hosam Naoum For all Christians who face persecution for their faith, especially in Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Iraq and China For the youth of our parish group who are preparing for State examinations. .

Live music from Power Cut

Tickets available from the Rectory or from Oriel Office Supplies (The Ramparts)

Bellurgan Park, courtesy of Edward Tipping-Toner

Wellington Hall Project
200th Anniversary of the Wellington Hall 1812 2012

Parish Profile

Who are you? Sarah Murphy. Which is your church? Bush Church. We grew up Presbyterian, but I and other family members were all confirmed in the Church of Ireland by the Archbishop in September 2006 at St Marys Ballymascanlan, which was Mams home church. Now Bush is our home church, and was also the church where my Dad was baptised, and is now buried. Where do you live? Old Grange, Carlingford. And all of us are still near the farm we grew up on. How would you describe what you do? Well, I am a wife to Kieran and mother of Colin and Ava. I help Mam a lot on the family farm (across the field), and I love farming life. I actually have my own flock of pedigree Beltex sheep, and some cattle as well, and some hens. Colin and Ava especially also love farm life and the animals. Favourite Bible passage? It has to be the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15.11-32). Its that promise of the Fathers (Gods) unconditional love, that we are always welcomed back. Favourite hymn? I love all the seasonal ones, especially the harvest hymns my favourite is We plough the fields and scatter. I also like the Christmas carols O Come all ye faithful always reminds of all those childhood Christmases when we were young, and sang in the choir. I love Christmas. Favourite book or film? I can read anything, but have no particular favourite book; I particularly like reading true stories. I like the cinema, but cant think of one film that stands out particularly. Any hobbies? My animals of course; and I love being outdoors, closer to nature, and the scenery here in Cooley is spectacular. Eating out and cinema going, too, when we can. Who or what has influenced you the most? It has to be my parents: they taught us simple values for life, that everyone is equal and deserves respect, that we are all one under God. And also, the lesson to take every day as it comes. Your dream holiday destination? Kieran and I got married in Mexico, and I would love to go back there some day. It was special because, although the local families were very very poor, living in mud huts, yet they were so friendly and kind. What has been the best day of your life so far? I have two days the days that my children, Colin and Ava, were born.

Work continues on re-roofing the Wellington Hall, and re-building the chimney which had to be dismantled on safety grounds and painting of the exterior of the building. This work is only made possible by the support you have given us at various fundraisers for the Hall, and we are very grateful. Many thanks to all who have contributed to date: we have a long way to go, but are delighted with the response. Keep up the good work to help us help the community with this very special project for what is for Dundalk as well as the parish, an iconic Georgian heritage building. Funndraising planned in the forthcoming months includes: July 21st Summer BBQ at Bellurgan Park. Music from PowerCut and full BBQ food, dessert and wine. Tickets (priced ar 20 per person) will be available soon from Oriel Office Supplies or from the Rector. October 12th Harvest Concert at St Nicholas Dundalk with Guest Soloist Miriam Blennerhassett (Mezzo-Soprano and founder member of Anna) and Guest Choir , The Cloughmore Male Voice Choir and our own St Nicholas Choir. November 30th Black Tie Gala Ball at Ballymascanlon House Hotel Further details will be anounced as plans are finalised

Safeguarding Trust
Training Day, Saturday 9 June in the Wellington Hall
The C of I Child Protection Officer, Mrs Renee English, will be leading a Safeguarding Trust training day in June. All who work with children, especially our Sunday School teachers, and SV members who ideally should have an overview of the policy, will be expected to attend the morning session. Those on the panel and SV members are also expected to attend the shorter afternoon session as well.

The Archbishop, clergy and our Confirmation Candidates after the Confirmation Service at St Nicholas Dundalk

On 17 April Bishop Suheil and other Heads of Churches and their delegations, visited the Greek Patriarch, His Beatitude Theophilos III. Each of the Heads of Churches brought Easter Greetings. Bishop Suheil wished everyone a Blessed and Joyous Easter in Arabic. The Bishop was joined by the Revd Canon Hosam Naoum, Canon Pastor to the Arabic/English Congregation of St. Georges Cathedral (and now Dean),and The Revd Dr. Graham Smith, Dean of St. Georges College. Bishop Suheil and the Heads of Churches then processed through the Old City of Jerusalem to visit Archbishop Anba Abraham at the Coptic Orthodox Church, bringing Easter Greetings from St. George's Cathedral and the Anglican community. New Dean at St Georges The Rev. Canon Hosam Elias Naoum has been named dean of St. Georges Anglican Cathedral in Jerusalem. He is The first non-English incumbent to serve in the position. Naoum, 38, has served as canon pastor at the cathedral since 2005, and was the acting dean from 2007-9. As dean, Naoum will continue to serve as pastor to the cathedrals Arabic-and English-speaking congregations.


A team of cyclists left Belfast on 16 May on route to Cobh (450 km) to raise funds for Christian Aids work around the world. The team (Johnny Henson, Chris Williamson, Adrian Horsman, Mark Wilson, Mauro Durand, Johnny Scott, Jeremy Knox, and Jonathan Fisher) arrived at St Nicholas the Green Church for a late lunch, before continuing their Day One itinerary to Kells, Co Meath.


PRAYERS NEEDED FOR NORTH KIVU AND NEIGHBOURING DIOCESES, WITH RENEWED FACTIONAL FIGHTING. Bishop Isesomo writes: Thank you for your concern about us. It is true that this time our province of North-Kivu is in trouble and especially in Masisi and Rutshuru territories which are in the (neighbouring) Bukavu Diocese. We do have also some places in our diocese of North Kivu, where militias are disturbing people, but they are still living in their homes. We are praying so that this sad situation may be calmed. We need your prayers. CMSI provide this background: People living in Masisi Territory North Kivu Province are fleeing from their areas fearing the fighting between the FARDC (loyal army) and the military factions in the territory. Thousands of people are displaced in villages and towns. In Minova and Goma City 20,000 displaced people lack food, clean water, kitchen tools, bedding. In addition, in May the community of Bunyakiri area suffered attacks from FDLR Interahamwe. From surrounding mountains, militias entered the village at night, killing 30 people at Birame on May 5; overnight 13-14 May, gangs killed over 40 people at Kamananga, raping women, burning homes, and looting. Similar attacks at Chambucha on 17 May left many injured and 11 killed. Fear has forced great numbers to flee their villages, and sparse resources are stretched in Bulambika city. The Diocese of Bukavu (next door to North Kivu diocese) is trying to find help in this critical situation for very vulnerable people women, young children, persons of third age, and the physically disable, all in need of an urgent aid such as food and utensils. They are appealing for basic foodstuffs, and for prayer, with 2-day vigils of prayer for the displaced persons. If any one wishes to make a donation, a cheque payable to CMS(I), marked for North Kivu, may be sent to David Gough, CMS Ireland House, 33 Dargan Rd, Belfast BT3 9JU.

Thank you to all who supported the Rectory Coffee Morning on 18 May so far the total is nearly 300 euro. Many thanks to Mrs Aileen Henry for providing the home-made soup and sandwiches for the intrepid Titanic Challenge Cyclists who stopped to re-fuel at St Nicholas the Green Church. Those of you who kindly took a red Christian Aid envelope, please return it as soon as possible, thank you.


Ecumenical Celebration of Archbishop Richard Fitzralph

Sunday 24 June at 7pm

in St Nicholas (the Green Church) Dundalk Celebrate our shared heritage in this historic town

All welcome
News in Brief
Many thanks to everyone who supported the recent Alzheimers Tea which raised a fantastic sum of over 1.000 and special thanks and congratulations to Jean Christmas for organising such a successful event. Best of luck to Pamela Henry who is once again taking part in the Flora Womens mini-marathon in Dublin on June 4th, with sponsorship money going to St Nicholas Parish Funds

Sat 9 June: Safeguarding Trust Training Day, Wellington Hall Sat 9 June: St Columba, 10.30am, Ballymascanlan Mon 11 June: St Barnabas, 10.30am, Ballymascanlan Tues 19 June: SN San Nioclas end of year Service, 1pm, Dundalk Sun 24 June: Sunday School Prize giving, 11am, Dundalk Sun 24 June: St Richard of Dundalk Festival Service, 7pm, St Nicholas, Dundalk. Songs of praise with Msgr Raymond Murray preaching. 29 June: St Peter, 10.30am, Dundalk

Services in June 2012

Week Commencing 3 June Trinity Sunday
Creggan Parish Church Eucharist St Marys Ballymascanlan Morning Prayer St Columba (HC) St Andrews Rathcor (Bush) Eucharist St Pauls, Heynestown Morning Prayer St Nicholas, Dundalk Eucharist Hospital (St Olivers) HC Sunday 3rd Sunday 3rd Saturday 9th Sunday 3rd Sunday 3rd Sunday 3rd Thursday 7th 9.30am 10.45am 10.30am 12 noon 10.00am 11.00am 11.30am


21 July: Summer BBQ at Bellurgan Park in aid of the Wellington Hall (see front page) 29 July: GROUP SERVICE 10.30am Bush 28 Aug: GROUP SERVICE 11am,, Dundalk 2 Sept: North Kivu Service (Group), Ballymascanlan, 10.30am 30 Sept: GROUP SERVICE 10.30am Heynestown 12 Oct: Harvest Concert at St Nicholas, Dundalk in aid of the Wellington Hall Project 30 Nov: Dundalk Group of Parishes Gala Ball at The Ballymascanlon House Hotel in aid of the Wellington Hall Project 30 Dec: GROUP SERVICE 11am Dundalk

Week Commencing 10 June 1st Sunday After Trinity

Creggan Parish Church Morning Prayer St Marys Ballymascanlan Eucharist St Barnabas (HC) St Andrews Rathcor (Bush) Morning Prayer St Pauls, Heynestown Eucharist St Nicholas, Dundalk Morning Prayer and Baptism Hospital (St Olivers) HC Sunday 10th Sunday 10th th Monday 11 Sunday 10th Sunday 10th Sunday 10th Thursday 14th 9.30am 10.45am 10.30am 12 noon 10.00am 11.00am 11.30am

Mothers Union Belfast Outing

Week Commencing 17 June 2nd Sunday After Trinity

Creggan Parish Church Eucharist St Marys Ballymascanlan Morning Prayer St Andrews Rathcor (Bush) Eucharist St Pauls, Heynestown Morning Prayer St Nicholas, Dundalk Morning Prayer Dealgan House HC Hospital (St Olivers) HC MU Members and friends on the recent outing to Belfast. Many thanks to Gillian Patterson for organising such a successful trip Sunday 17th Sunday 17th Sunday 17th Sunday 17th Sunday 17th Tuesday 19th Thursday 21st 9.30am 10.45am 12 noon 10.00am 11.00am 3.00pm 11.30am

Week Commencing 24 June 3rd Sunday After Trinity

Creggan Parish Church Morning Prayer St Marys Ballymascanlan Morning Prayer St Andrews Rathcor (Bush) Morning Prayer St Pauls, Heynestown Eucharist St Nicholas, Dundalk Sunday School Prizegiving St Richard of Dundalk Festival St Peter (HC) Hospital (St Olivers) HC Sunday 24th Sunday 24th Sunday 24th Sunday 24th Sunday 24th Sunday 24th Friday 29th t Thursday 28th 9.30am 10.45am 3.00pm 10.00am 11.00am 7.00pm 10.30am 11.30am

Follow The Dundalk Group of Parishes on Facebook to get up to the minute news of events and to browse the photos


3rd June th 10 June th 17 June th 24 June John 3: 1-17 Mark 3: 20-35 Mark 4: 26-34 Mark 4: 35-41

These are provided for those of you who may find it helpful to read the gospel at home in preparation for Sunday worship. Contact the Rector if you are interested in daily Bible reading notes.

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