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TWIN PLAYS JEST enters the back-to-school season with two back-to-school plays.

Willy Russell's Educating Rita and Donald Margulies' Collected Stories Both plays highlight a unique professor/student relationship. The settings and one-on-one exchange may be similar - but their stories are very different. Educating Rita Willy Russell, with a tip of his hat to G.B. Shaw's Pygmalion, features a young woman looking to rise above her working class limitations through higher education, at a local university in the north of England. World-weary professor, Frank Bryant, is chosen to be Rita's tutor, but he is not like Henry Higgins. Tired of illuminating student lives with the best of English literature, he concentrates instead on E. M. Forster, whose books on Bryant's shelf conceal his numerous liquor bottles; in short, Bryant is suffusing himself in a mist of alcohol. Featuring David Glickman and Nikki Simon, the play presents a verbal duel rich with humor, as both professor and student learn precious life lessons from their different life experiences and from one another. Dates, times, locations:
Ramat Rachel Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday August 28 August 29 October 24 October 25 6 PM 8 PM 6 PM 8 PM 8 PM

AACI Netanya Thursday September 6

Collected Stories Collected Stories takes us across the sea to New York City. Obviously Jewish professor, Ruth Steiner, hesitatingly allows her student, Lisa Morrison, who is part of her academic world, into her barren social life. Professor Steiner has enjoyed success as a short-story writer which brings out adulation from Lisa. Over the four years of their relationship Lisa progresses from fan, to protg, to colleague and to friend, resulting in an explosive conclusion. The play is also replete with humor, as the relationship between the two develops. Bakol Ruben Gellar and Ronit Glaser will take the roles of Professor Steiner and Lisa Morrison, and with wit and wile, will show the evolving, shaking relationship between the two. The plays will be directed by Leah Stoller, former teacher, and eternal student. Dates, times, location - Ramat Rachel
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday September 10 September 11 October 31 November 1 6 PM 8 PM 6 PM 8 PM

SPECIAL OFFER FOR THESE TWO PLAYS Tickets will be our usual 80 shekels per single performance, but for this special twosome, we are offering a subscription rate of 130 shekels for both plays.

You don't have to go back to school to see that this is a good deal!
Subscriptions Send check, made out to JEST to JEST- P.O.B. 7666, Jerusalem 91076,

with preferred performance dates Individual ticket orders - JEST 642-0908 or e-mail Tickets for students presenting a student card on the night of the performance will be 50 shekels. Ticket orders - JEST 642-0908 e-mail

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