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English project stage 1( outline)

Name: Moath Helmi Alobaidy

ID :


MS. Bina

English instructure

From Moath Helmi Al Obaidy to Miss Bina Div for any note please send me back your review Thank you for reading my essay

Topic: Introduction:
Air pollution is a worldwide problem. Caused by human activities , but we can control it through certain strict rules and regulation .

Para: 1 Topic sentence : The first major cause of air pollution is car exhausts, which could cause many health problems which lead to about 45 to 50 % of the total air pollution. It's formed due to the production of unburned fuel in the form of oxides of Nitrogen and hydrocarbons. These black gases produced by unfiltered car exhaust may cause many health problems such as asthma or in extreme causes, could eventually lead to difficulty in breathing (Causes of Air Pollution, 2000). Furthermore One of the hydrocarbons produced is Carbon monoxide (CO) which is one of the most dangerous gases resulting in many health problems. Also it affects children mostly by making them handicapped as it affects young people brains (Pollution) Moreover Fly ash is produced at thermal power plants. Fly ash consists of silica, alumina, oxides of iron, calcium, and magnesium and toxic heavy metals like lead, arsenic, cobalt, and copper. Disposal of fly ash is very hazardous to the land, creates health hazards, and creates environmental danger (Pollution). When fly ash gets out into the natural draining system it results in siltation and clogs the system; it reduces the ph balance and portability of water. It also interferes with the process of photosynthesis in plants and thus disturbs the food chain. Today fly ash can be made into bricks and used as building material and was used in the construction of The American Embassy in India. Indoor air pollutants include tobacco smoke, hair sprays, perfume, glues,

pesticides, parasites, fungi, formaldehyde, asbestos, and radon. All of these can be found in homes whether its under the sink or in the air. Exposure to indoor air pollution has increased due the more tightly constructed buildings, reduced ventilation, and the use of synthetic materials and chemicals.

Para 2 Topic sentences :

The second cause of air pollution is Nitrogen oxides. Basically Nitrogen oxide is one of the harmful gases which is produced into the atmosphere due to various human activities such as burning of fuel. NO is very dangerous: when combined with rain water, it forms Nitrogen trioxide (NO3) which is acidic and causes a change in the soil Ph. When acidic rains pour on soil, it increases its acidity causing the damage of crops and makes soil unsuitable for replant (Causes of Air Pollution, 2000) . Also Acid rain is caused by when exhaust from burning fossil fuels combine with water vapor in the atmosphere and falls as rain or snow (Causes of Air Pollution, 2000). Acid rain causes extensive damage to water, forest, soil, resources, and even human health. Many lakes and streams have been contaminated by acid rain and this had lead to a diminished population of fish. Acid rain has lead to the international limitations of sulphur and nitrogen oxide (xiuliliaofz, 2011). Para 3 Finally The last air pollutant is Sulpher dioxide (SO2). The SO2 is emitted due to the burning of Sulpher(S) containing fuels such as coal, fossil fuelsetc. Moreover, being exposed to high concentration of SO2 may result in breathing problems, while short-term exposure has been linked to three unhealthy problems as wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. Also, it causes acid rains as Nitrogen Oxides (Causes of Air Pollution, 2000) . All in all , the causes of air pollution can be many to name, but many of them can be reduced by human beings by reducing the activities which produce these harmful and hazardous gases as: exhaust, Nitrogen oxides and Sulpher dioxide .

Causes of Air Pollution. (2000). Retrieved 11 15, 2011, from 123helpme: Pollution. (n.d.). Retrieved 11 15, 2011, from scribd: xiuliliaofz. (2011, 10 30). Air-Pollution. Retrieved 11 15, 2011, from docstoc:

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