Asteroid A

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I. ASTEROIDA As we have seen, the planet's distance ranged between 0.4 AU for Mercury.

In the 18th century, German astronomer Titus, Bode and Wolf, shows the average distance heliocentric planet, followed by an empirical law: D = 0,4 + 0,3 2n D is the heliocentric distance in AU, value of n is - for Mercury, 0 for Venus and increase 1 to the next planet. This law has an error rate of 5% up to Venus, Neptune was there for the 22% level of error. Series numbers are the order of the distance the planet to the sun in SA such as the following table: Table 1. Distance of Planets Base On Bode Law No Planets Distance SA ( Bode Law) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mercury Venus Earth Mars -------------------Jupiter Saturnus Uranus Neptunus Pluto 0,4 0,7 1,0 1,6 2,8 5,2 10,0 19,6 38,8 77,2 Proper Distance (SA) 0,387 0,723 1,000 1,542 ----------------------5,203 9,539 19,18 30,6 39,5

As shown in the table above, in the fifth position between Mars and Jupiter that the planet does not have the numbers 2.8. Therefore, researchers in the late 18th century began to hunt for the missing planet. The researchers believe that there is actually a planet in the distance is because the evidence of Bode law when discovery of Uranus, so that this law could lead to conviction of the researchers. On the first night of the 19th century, Piazzi discovered a new object that is not in our stars. Through the efforts of Gauss and von Zach was able to recover and the demand

for objects Piazzi named Ceres. Subsequently, in 1802 discovered small planet again called Pallas, Juno was found in 1804, and in 1807 was found by Viesta. Finally, in 1891 Walf submit suggestions to find an asteroid photography. Until now has been discovered asteroid 5000 and 1700 of them are known its orbit. Almost all of the orbits of asteroids between 3.3 to 6 year period.

Based on the information known that asteroids are composed of matter which is the silent witness of the process of formation of the solar system about four and a half billion years ago under the influence of gravitational interactions. Most of the population of asteroids are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, the area known as the Main Belt (Main Belt). In addition to the Main Belt asteroids that inhabit, there are also groups of asteroids with different orbits, such as Trojan asteroids, and AAA (Triple A Asteroids Amor, Apollo, Aten).

Figure 1. Asteroid Kirkwood Gaps On the distribution of the asteroid's orbit there are some empty areas or gaps caused by the interference of Jupiter. This is the same as the Cassini division in Saturn's rings. Kososng area called "Kirkwood gaps". The distance of the cracks occurred in the area where the asteroid has a period of 1 / 3, 2 / 5, 3 / 5, .... From the period of Jupiter. Trojan Group Lagrange solutions in the case of three objects suggests that there must be two points on the orbit of Jupiter which is a stable point. At this point the asteroid can be fixed for all time. This is a two-point where Jupiter and the sun forms an equilateral triangle. At some points there are asteroids that orbit the sun in orbits similar to

Jupiter's orbit and with the same period. A collection of so-called Trojan asteroids occupy this position. Asteroid Size Measurements of the four largest asteroids show a diameter of more than 400 miles, even the largest, Ceres with a diameter of 1025 km. Pallas 583 km in diameter, Viesta 555 km, and 443 km Hygeia. The fotometris measurement of small asteroids produced: 30 asteroids with diameters> 200 km 58 asteroid with diameter > 158 km 195 asteroid with diameter > 100 km 463 asteroid with diameter> 63 km 1100 asteroid with diameter > 32 km

II. COMET Comets are small Solar System bodies, usually only a few kilometres across, composed largely of volatile ices. They have highly eccentric orbits, generally a perihelion within the orbits of the inner planets and an aphelion far beyond Pluto. When a comet enters the inner Solar System, its proximity to the Sun causes its icy surface to sublimate and ionise, creating a coma: a long tail of gas and dust often visible to the naked eye. Comets have been observed since ancient culture. A certain comet bright enough to be seen with the naked eye. Often this is accompanied with a long tail of light that can reach several degrees from the main body of the comet. Comets can still be seen in a while a few days to several months. Most comets come up with an unexpected time. Scientific studies of the comet was first performed by Tycho Brahe and Kepler in 1577 in the year 1607. Newton concluded that comets orbit the sun because of the influence of gravitational pull and move in a very long elliptical or parabolic. In 1705 a researcher named Halley mentioned that a very bright comet appeared in 1531, 1607, and in 1682 was the same comet that returned to perihelion every interval of 76 years, and he also predicted would emerge again in 1758. In honor of his services, then the comet was named Halley's comet. Comet last appeared with the light in 1910, but its emergence in 1986 of less prominent that it is difficult to observe with the naked eye.

Such as asteroids, comets are objects of "primitive" (simple). But because of its mass, which does not seem that big of a core (nucleus) of the comet, which is very small and grow in areas that are very cold. Due to low temperature in the environment, the comet is also possible \ "protect \" itself and not easily damaged not only the material is thick, but also the volatile elements. This explains why the ice-rich comets of minor planets.

Comets move very fast. At large heliocentric distances, comets contain inert core, invisible to the naked eye and can consist of dust and ice, with a diameter of no more than a few kilometers. Comet's orbit brings objects closer to the Sun, but the nucleus by solar radiation to warm up and start subliming, the gas evaporate, and emitting dust particles. Because the comet followed its orbit continues to move closer distance to the sun intensify this process, work, that's the reason why the maximum light will be visible when at perihelion.

Figure 2. Parts of Comet Comet Orbit Comet's orbit in general is alips and mostly in a very long ellipse with an eccentricity close to unity, so that the orbit resembles a parabola. Comets are like this comes from a distance of tens of thousands of SA, so that the period of its orbit until millions of years. However, some comets, around 100, has a low orbit with an eccentricity that can be specified with either periods. Called a periodic comet comets, like Halley's Comet (76 years), comet Biela (7 years), comet Encke (3.3 years). Some periodic comets, after a few times and then split into two separate comets. For example comet Biela who discovered in 1772, the appearance in 1846 split into two comets even the appearance of the next period comets are no longer arise. Viewed from that period, the comet can be divided into two parts: 1. Short-period comets, have orbits with periods elip less than 200 years, in some cases only a few years period.

2. Long-period comets, the period is greater than 200 years, its orbit could elip, parabola or hyperbola, the findings were not predictable.

Figure 2. Orbit of Comet Structure of Comet In general, the comet consists of a circular spreading, faint glow called the 'coma'. When approaching this point the sun is generally bigger and brighter and brighter. In the midst of coma generally have a small 'core' is very bright. It forms the core and the 'comet head' coma. Many of the comet approaches the sun appears as a 'tail' long, lighted can reach millions of miles from the head.

Figure 3. Structure Comet Comet Nucleus When away from the sun, the temperature is very cold, all the material freezes into a solid at the core. Nearly part of the core consists of materials that make up the dust, stones, and metals. However, largely composed of ice and the ingredients are easy to evaporate. When the comet approaches the sun to a distance of some of the SA, the

surface of the core began to heat and evaporate. Molecules that evaporate the material carrying dust and other particles that surrounds the core and begin to form a coma. When the comet is close enough to the sun (less than 5 SA), the comet began to emit fluorescent light brighter and stronger than reflected sunlight. Comet nucleus measuring between 10-10 km. Coma Coma of the comet or 100,000 miles more in diameter consisting of several materials, especially water (H2O), methane (CH4), and ammonia (NH3). If the comet is very close to the sun as Ikeyaseki comet in 1965, the outer surface of the core temperature can reach 4500 K. Tail Comet tails formed when close to the Sun. Comet Tail jump is because the material of the cometary nucleus base due to heat and the solar wind, radiation pressure circulates from the Sun, the Comet material. This causes the tail of the Comet always leads back to the Sun. Closer to the Sun, the comet's tail becomes longer and farther from the Sun will be increasingly shortened tail. Comet tail length is about 150 million kilometers. Origin of comets believed to originate from a huge cloud of comets, which once in circulation around the Sun, with orbits 50000 SA apheliumnya or more of the Sun.

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