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Describing People:

Subject Pronouns and the Verb ser Singular Plural Yo soy Nosotros(as) somos (I am) ( we are) Tu eres: familiar Vosotros(as) sois (you are) (you are) Usted es: formal Ustedes son (you are) (you all are) El, ella es Ellos(as) son (he, she is) (they are) Exp) Yo soy de Puerto Rico - I am from Puerto Rico

Using definite articles with specific things:

*All Spanish nouns have Masculine (el chico) and Feminine (la chica) gender. *Singular: el amigo(M) or la amiga(F) Plural: los amigos(M) or las amigas(F) Definite Article Noun M Singular El Chico Plural Los Chicos F Singular La Chica Plural Las Chicas
Exp) A los nuevos amigos! - To new friends!

Using ser de to express Origin

*To say where a person is from use: Ser + de+ place Exp) David es de San Antonia - David is from San Antonio Exp2) Papa es de Mexico - Papa is from Mexico M F Singular Plural Singular Plural

Using indefinite articles with unspecified things:

*A noun may sometimes appear with an indefinite article. The indefinite article that accompanies a noun will also match its gender and number. Definite Article Un Unos Una Unas Noun Chico Chicos Chica Chicas

Using verb to talk about what You like to do:

*When you want to about likes to do Me gusta + infinitive Me gusta I like to Te gusta You like to Le guta He/She likes to Te gusta? Do you like to? Le gusta? Does he/she likes to? Exp) No me gusta corer. - I dont like to run

Exp) Raul lleva una camiseta - Raul wear a T-shirt

Usinf adjective to describe: Gender

Masculine adjectives Often end in o *El chico guapo Feminine adjectives Often end in a *El chica guapa

Most adjectives end with e match both genders. *El chico - Same word - El chica Many adjective end with consonant both genders. *El chico fenomenal Same El chica femomenal Some add a to become feminine. *El chico trabajador La chica trabajadora

Usind adjectives to describe: Number

*Adjectives must also match the number of the nouns they describe. To make an adjective, add s if it ends with a vowel, -es, if it ends with a consonant. Los chicos: Guapos, divertitos y fenomenales Los chicas: Guapas, divertitas y fenomenales

Experessing possession using de

* In Spanish, you use the preposition de to refer to possessor. El hermano de papa Los hijos de Jaiver - Dads brother - Javiers sister

Experessing possession: possessive adjectives

*Possessive adjectives: tells you who owns something or describe a relationship between people or things. In, Spanish, possessive adjectives agree in numbers with the nouns they describe. Singular possessive adjectives Mi: My Nuestro (a): Our Tu: Your (familiar) Vuestro (a) Su: Your Su: Your Sus: his, her, its Su: Their Plural possessive adjectives Mis: My Nuestros (as): Our Tus: Your (familiar) Vuestros (as) Sus: Your Sus: Your Sus: his, her, its Sus: Their *Gender and noun matches. *You can also emphasize Exp) Nuestro abuelo - Our grandfather

*When an adjective describes a group with both genders, the masculine form of the adjective is used. - El chico y la chica son guapos.

Saying what you have: The verb tener

*Use when you want to talk about what you have. Yo tengo Nosotros(as) tenemos Tu tienes Vosotros(as) teneis Usted, el, ella tiene Ustedes, ellos(as) tienen
Exp) Cuando anos tiene Veronica? - How old is Veronica?

Vocabulario Los numerous de 11 a 100

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 once doce trece catorce quince dieciseis dieciseis diecioho diecinueve Veinte 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 29 30 Veintiuno Veintidos Veintitres Veinticuatro Veinticinco Veintiseis Veintisiete Veintiocho Veintinueve treinta 31 treinta y uno 40 cuarenta 50 cincuenta 60 sesenta 70 setenta 80 ochenta 90 noventa 100 cien

Giving Dates: Day and Month

*When you want to give the data, use the following: Es el + Number+ De+ Month January: Enero February: Febrero March: marzo April: abril May: mayo June: junio July: julio August: agosto September: septiembre October: octubre November: noviembre December: diciembre Exp) Cual es tu mes favorite? - Which month is my favorite?

*For 21, 31, and so on, use veintiun, treinta y un, and so on before a masculine noun and veintiuna, treinta y una, and so on before a feminine noun.

Saying what you do: present of ar verbs

*To talk about things you do, you use present tense. To form the present tense of a regular verb that ends in ar. - Drop the ar Estudiar Estudio Estudiamos Estudias Estudias Estudia Estudian
Exp) Necessitas tu cuanderno? - Do you need your notebook?

Saying where you are going: ir

*When you talk about where someone is going, use the ir verb. Yo voy Nosotros(as) vamos Tu vas Vosotros(as) vais Usted, El, Ella va Ustedes, Ellos(as) van
*Adonde is to ask where the person is going. Donde also means where. Exp) Adonde vas, Ricardo? - Where are you going, Ricardo?

Expressing Frequency with Adverbs:

*To talk about how often someone does something. Or expressions of frequency are adverbs or adverbial phrases. Siempre Todos los dias Much A veces De vez en cuando Poco Rara vez Nunca always every day often sometimes once in a while a little rarely never Before Beginning After Beginning Beginning After Before Before

Telling Time
*There are several useful phrases for talking about the current time: Son las doce y minute Y+ minutes Menos+ mintues Y diez (00:00) Es la una (1:00) Y cuarto (00:15) Menos diez (00:50) Y media (00:30) Menos cuarto (00:45) *A que hora+verb+event?(What time is the event?) * A las+ hour (Atoclock)

Describing Location with the verb: estar

*To say where people or things are located, use the verb estar. Here are its forms in the present tense. Yo estoy Nosotros(as) estamos Vosotros(as) estais Tu estas Usted, El, Ella esta Ustedes, Ellos(as) estan
Exp) La profesora Diaz esta - Professor Diaz is

Exp) Estudio todos los dias. - I study every day.

Expressing obligations with hay que and tener que

*To talk about things someone must do. - Use the impersonal phrases Hay que + infinitive (specific subject) - Use a form of tener in the phrase Tener que + infinitive (No specific subject)
Exp) Hay que conectar el raton al teclado - One muct connect the mouse to keyboard. Exp2) Tengo que sacar - I have to get a good grade.

Asking questions: Interrogative words

Statement Isabel va a la escuela. Technique Question Switch the Va Isabel a la position of the escuela? subject and verb. *(a)donde and cuantos (as) *Conjugate verb after the question word. how Como which Cual(es) when Cuando why Por que what Que who Quien(es)

Saying what you are going to do: ir a

*Talk about things that you are planning to do in the future. ir+a+infinitive Yo voy a Nosotros(as) vamos a Tu vas a Vosotros(as) vais a Usted, El, Ella va a Ustedes, Ellos(as) van a
Exp) Voy a participar en el concurso! - I am going to participate in the contect!

Expressing feelings with estar and adjectives

*Someone feels at a given moment. Exp) Diana so Ocupada Exp2) Ignacio so Ocupado

Saying what just happened with acabar de

*When you say that something just happened acabar+de+infinitive Acabo de (I just) Acabamos de Acabas de Acabais de Acaba de Acaban de Exp) Acabo de comprar unos zapatos. - I just bought some shoes.

Present tense of regular: -er and ir verbs

*Change in forms Comer (to eat) Yo como Nosotros(as) comemos Tu comes Vosotros(as) comeis Usted, El, Ella come Ustedes, Ellos(as) comen Vivir (to live) Yo vivo Nosotros(as) vivimos Tu vives Vosotros(as) vivis Usted, El, Ella vive Ustedes, Ellos(as) viven Exp) You can change with any verbs.

Saying where you are coming from with venir

*To come Vengo Vienes Viene Venimos Venis Viene

Regular present tense verbs with irregular yo forms

*Change with irregular yo forms Conocer (to know, to be) Yo cono zco Nosotros(as) conecemos Tu conoces Vosotros(as) conoceis Usted, El, Ella conoce Ustedes, Ellos(as) conocen Hacer (to do, to make) Yo ha go Nosotros(as) hacemos Tu haces Vosotros(as) haceis Usted, El, Ella hace Ustedes, Ellos(as) hacen

Exp) Yo vengo del cine - I am coming from the movie theater.

Saying what someone likes to do using gustar + infinitive

*What you or someone likes to do - Me gusta: I like to - Te gusta: You like to... - Le gusta: He/She likes to *When you want to emphasize or identify the person that you are talking about, use: A mi me gusta A nosotros nos gusta A ti te gusta A vosotros os gusta A usted, el, ella le gusta Aellos(as) les gusta a + Name/Noun/Pronoun Exp) A Diana le gusts air de compras. - Diana likes to go shopping.

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