3 Ls - A Model For Teaching Young Learners

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3 Ls: A Model for Teaching Young Learners

Presented by
Feni Agustya, Eka Sartika, Leni Rohliah

This study was conducted by Diem to improve the young learners reading habits and literacy skills. 3-Ls, Libraries, literature, and literacy, was the approach used in this study. This essay will discuss about the method used in this study, including three components: (1) Approaches, Strategies, and Methods (2) Population, sample, instrumentation, materials and teaching and learning media (3) Techniques for data analysis. 1. Approaches, Strategies, and Methods If we can illustrate the difference among these three terms. The approach is the umbrella of various strategies. The strategy itself might be varied. It might have some substrategies, this term is called method as well. So, the methods/sub-strategies is the smallest one.



The approach in this study was using the Literature, Literacy, and Library (3-Ls) model. In addition, there are three strategies can be used for teaching English literacy to young learners. They are: (1) On-line Resources Strategy, This strategy involves one method, i.e., exploring online resources for/with the students to build literacy skill within an on-line learning environment. In this method, the use of internet and technology is very crucial. The teacher as well as the students must be eligible enough to use the internet in the process of teaching and learning.

(2) Reading and Research Strategy This strategy covers two methods; they are doing research and building information using the big6 and promoting reading habits in partnership with the librarian. The former substrategy, the main purpose was that the students were able to develop their own information literacy by doing some research. While the latter was to motivate the students to dig up their reading habits with the assistance of librarian in providing the various genres of reading. The role of the librarian is important in this method. The librarian should be skillful especially in English since the materials needed were printed in English. (3) Childrens Literature Strategy This strategy has two methods; they are introducing children to informational text structures during read alouds and forming literature circles and multicultural class. To make the teaching and learning process running smoothly in applying these methods, the students should be introduced to the organization of text structure including: Description, Cause and Effect, Comparison, Contrast, and Sequence. Having applied these methods, it was expected that each method could motivate the students to eagerly read, create the reading habit and improve their literacy skills. 2. Population, sample, instrumentation, materials and teaching and learning media The fifth grade students of five schools were randomly selected from 348 elementary schools in Palembang as the population of this study. The equal gender and the equivalent English achievement were as the consideration to choose 40 students from each school in population with the total number 200 as the sample of this study. This sample was divided into five groups and randomly selected either as experimental group or control group. Each of the experimental groups was taught using a method of 3-Ls approach by student-teachers. The instruments of this study were using Literacy test (Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing) and questionnaire. First, the literacy test should cover the four skills with the details as follow: (1) Listening test, 30 multiple choice questions after a text was read. (2) Reading test, 31 short answer questions, that cover understanding of main idea, detail, sequence, cause and effect, inference, and vocabulary. (3) Speaking and Writing tests, to tell and write students personal data. The second instrument was questionnaire, Reading Interest Survey, consisting of 20 items. The questionnaire was given to find out the information about the students reading habits. There are many reading materials and learning media used on this study. For example: childrens books, various genres of text both in the form of hard copy and soft copy, Ebooks, laptops, handy-cams, and visual media. It was assumed that the various reading

materials taken from many resources could make young learners accustomed to different kinds of texts. 3. Techniques for data analysis The data of literacy skills and reading habits were analyzed by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The literacy skills had different scoring systems. For listening and reading, the scoring system was based on the total correct items answered. Then, the Speaking Rating Scale was used to assess speaking and the Analytic scoring Rubric for Writing was used in assessing students writing. All the maximum score in each test was 100. Furthermore, for reading habits (data from questionnaire), the highest score gained by a student was only 86. The analysis of whether 3-Ls approach and its strategies had a significant influence on the reading habits and literacy skills had some steps. They were (1) using paired sample t-test to find out the progress of each group (2) using independent sample t-test to find out the difference between experimental and control groups (3) using stepwise multiple regression analysis to find out the influence of each method in 3-Ls approach and (4) using F-test to test the influence of methods in 3-Ls approach.

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