Admin Meeting

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Methodist English Medium School

Admin. Meeting
Venue Date Time : Principals Office : 7 May 2012, : 2:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m.

The meeting is held with a point of thanks given to the members present in the house, in which Mr Subrata Edward Gomes invites everybody to join in the discussion on set agendas,and help making decisions as well.

Decisions made followed by the discussion : 1. Printing :

1.1 To an enquiry being made, Mr John Subir Biswas informs the house about how many items he requires this year to be printed. These are as follows : Students Reenrollment Form : 500 forms are available in the store, only 76 forms required to print or photocopy. Guardians ID Cards : 1000 Leaflet for New Admission : 20000 Posters : 5000 Stickers : 5000 The overall follow up to this matter is said to be made by the Principal in the chair.

2. Admission 2012-13 :
2.1 This year Students Reenrollmentas decided to be open from 12 June to 19 June 2012, the operation of which will be taken forward by Mr John Subir Biswas. To proper maintenance of this process, he is said to chalk out work plan engaging class teachers and other teachers as well where and when or if required. 2.2 House unanimously agreed to offer roll numbers to the students enrolled first come first served basis. This year, though through a notice guardians were informed roll number to be given as per merit list up to 10 positions, they will be served a notice informing the change to avoid chaos among the parents and guardians. 2.3 Grading system, with an aim keeping sequence with other institutions is said to be introduced from the first semester of 2012-13.

3. Stationary :
3.1 To meet the requirement of Final Examination, Mr Amrita Sikder is said to make a requisition for sort of stationaries required to be purchased.

4. Result Publication :
4.1 MEMS Final Examination Result 2012 as decided to be published on 11 May 2012, and at the same event students will be distributed prizes of cultural events and sports as well. Mr. John Subir Biswasand Ms Shompa Baroi are jointly assigned for ensuring necessary arrangement e.g. purchasing of prizes, preparing certificates and etc. before the result giving day.

5. Prize Giving Ceremony :

5.1 Though Mr S K. Kims itenaryis yet to finalized, house emphasizes getting necessary preparation of Prize Giving Ceremony done by the time. MrProfulla V. Halder and Ms Dona Karmoker are assigned to take necessary preparation to this regard.

5.2 This year prize for regular attendance is agreed to be awarded with academic prizes on the event of Annual Prize Giving Ceremony. 6. Class Party : 6.1 Mr Amrita Sikder is assigned to arrange and supply logistics for the class party this year on 4 June 2012. Details on how the party to organize is said to be discussed in the teachers meeting.

7. Class Routine :
7.1 House is informed that for Academic Year 2012-13 three class routines will be made, keeping Play, Nursery and KG in the junior section in which 9 teachers shall be posted, mid section will consist of STD I, II, III, IV and V where about 17 teachers are proposed to take class this time, and senior section will comprise classes from STD VI to STD X and about 17 teachers including part-time teachers to take those classes. 7.2 Ms Dona Karmoker, academic coordinator of Junior Section, is said to prepare routine for junior and mid section, and Mr Profulla V. Halder for Senior Section. 7.3 Coordinators are hereby said to take close look on if stationeries which students deposit are going on accordingly or their usage are made properly.

8. Target Students :
8.1 House is informed that the Academic Year 2012-13 will recruit 654 students which is also a target for MEMS this year.

9. Booklist :
9.1 While discussing the issue, house, to be precise Principal Sir expresses his concern over making booklist over the years, which as he terms was not done properly, most particularly English Language. 9.2 To make the booklist in an effective way this year, he urges Mr Profulla V. Halder calling for the subject wise concerned teachers in meetings at his office in which he pays his interest to involve with the book selection process.

10. DG Board Use :

10.1 House is informed that this year, though approval is given, using DG Board in class will not be implemented.

11. Edexcel Lower and Secondary Curriculum :

11.1 House is informed that this year, though approval is given, using DG Board in class

12. Maintenance :
12.1 Mr. John Subir and Mr Amrita Sikder are assigned to look after the overall maintenance of MEMS.

13. Class Test Seal :

13.1 Sometimes, as reported in the house, Class Test seals are very hard to trace out which teachers require after taking CTs. Ms Dona Karmoker and Mr Profulla Halder are said to keep those seals in their custody so that teachers may use them and return them after use.

14. Attendance Register :

14.1 Mr. John Subir Biswas is said to keep a record of Attendance Register which teachers will submit before leaving school, and to receive them before going to their classes.

15. School and Games Uniform :

15.1 On receiving reports from guardians that the present vendor is charging prices more for making school uniform, house assigns Mr Amrita Sikder to find out any vendor who could supply those with a relatively lower rate.

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