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Common Interview Questions:

Tell me about yourself/ Could you elaborate your resume for me What is your aim in life? /What are your short term and long term goals in life? / Where do you see yourself 10 years hence? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Why did you quit your previous company? / What are the reasons for leaving your previous job? Give reasons on why we should hire you. How well can you handle pressure? / Are you comfortable working under pressure? What are your work ethics? / What are your principles towards work? Describe a situation where you could not resolve a problem. Do you have any questions for us? ( Ending Question)

Customer Service Selection Interview Questions for Customer Service Job

In your opinion, what is the most challenging part of the job? What kinds of products and/or services have you dealt with? How would you describe your average working day? What has been your best achievement till date?


What would you do if a customer suggests some changes that is irrelevant or goes against the policy of the company? How would you explain a steep price rise to a customer? Have you had to handle criticism/ negative feedback about the product/ service you sold? How did you manage with that? Can you tell me about an experience where you had to take additional efforts to resolve a customer's query?

Have you ever had to turn down a customer's request? What was the reason? How did you explain the reasons to him/ her? What was the outcome? Describe an incident in your previous company where you had to work towards an unrealistic target. Tell me about a situations where you had to handle unsatisfied customers. Describe a situation where you had to convince your ideas to the seniors. What was the outcome? Have you experienced a situation when you had to compromise on your principles? How did you exactly deal with it? Tell me about the time when you had to make a on the spot decision. What was the result? Have you been able to effectively execute your seniors' instructions? If not, what were the reasons? Give me an example of your role as an efficient manager. Describe a situation where your analytical abilities helped your team to overcome a difficulty. Describe an incident that illustrates your leadership qualities.

Behavioral Questions that test problem solving abilities

How would you pacify an angry customer? How would you deal with a non-co-operative colleague? Suppose, if you are given an impossible deadline to complete a project, then how would you deal with such a situation? How do you approach a problem? Do you follow certain steps to resolve a problem? What are they? What steps would you take to improve the productivity of your subordinates? What difficulties can one encounter while working in a team? What can you do to solve these difficulties? How would you confront unfavorable management decisions?

Behavioral Questions relating to work integrity

How willing are you to work for a given deadline? Describe how you plan your day. Do you make a schedule? How good are you at following your plans? How do you develop a team's common goal? As a leader, what steps do you take to motivate your team for better performance? Describe a situation where you had to put in extra efforts to complete the work at hand

Common Sales Interview Questions:

How long have you been working in sales sector? How would you rate your experience in sales? According to you, what is the most favorable and unfavorable part of the sales process? What are your basic principles of selling? What is the difference between sales and marketing? What steps would you take to appease a visibly unsatisfied customer? How would a client describe you? Sell me this book.


Describe recent presentation that you have made. What would you do if you realize that you have gathered some wrong information? How would you rectify your mistake? How would you convince a customer of a product's reliability? Describe a problem that you have faced with potential clients. What was your approach? And, what was the outcome? How do you achieve your monthly sales target? Tell me about an instance where you had to handle a group of unsatisfied customers. Tell me about a deal that took a very long time to negotiate. What was the result? Negotiations are a crucial part of the sales sector. Again, this question Describe a situation where you were unsuccessful in closing a sale. How did you feel when all your attempts to make a sale failed? Give me an example of how your assertiveness influenced a difficult sale.


Do you have After sales Service experience? Explain. What is your experience in meeting a tight deadline? Do you have experience working under pressure? Has your team leader criticized your performance? Do you practice stress management? How? How do you foresee yourself five years from now?

Questions on teamwork and communication:

When do you think you can lead a team? Explain your best teamwork experience. Explain your worst teamwork experience. How do you communicate with your team leader? How do you handle a situation during the absence of your team leader? How would your team leader rank you in terms of technical skills? How would your team leader rank you in terms of sticking to deadlines? How do you rate your team leader in terms of technical skills? How do you rank your team leader in terms of people management? Cite an incident when you have lost your temper during work? How comfortable are you with meetings? How would you conduct a meeting? How frequently? How do you manage your to do list? How many joules is 1 BTU? 1 BTU is equal to 1055.056 joules. What is PS? PS is Pferdestarke, the German unit for Horsepower. Explain Otto cycle. Otto cycle can be explained by a pressure volume relationship diagram. It shows the functioning cycle of a four stroke engine. The cycle starts with an intake stroke, closing the intake and moving to the compression stroke, starting of combustion, power stroke, heat exchange stroke where heat is rejected and the exhaust stroke. It was designed by Nicolas Otto, a German engineer. What is gear ratio? It is the ratio of the number of revolutions of the pinion gear to one revolution of the idler gear. Define torque. Torque is defined as a force applied to an object that results in rotational motion.

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