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CommuniTake Technologies Ltd. Yokneam Star Building, High-Tech Pa rk, POB 344, Yokneam, Israel 20692 E conta ct@communitake.

com P 972-4-959-1608 F 972-4-959-1654

CommuniTake Technologies Unveils Full Remote Takeover for Android Devices with No Preconditions
The New Remote Support Method Is The Industry's First To Allow Full Remote Control for Android Devices Without Need for Firmware Changes or Client Pre-installation.
Tel Avi v, Ma y 28 2012: Rea ffirming its position as technology l eader in the area of mobile device Remote Support, CommuniTake Technologies has today a nnounced a revolutionary method of providing full device ta keover ca pabilities for Android devi ces. Wi th this new technology, operators a nd s ervice providers are able to provide the complete ra nge of remote di a gnosis, troubleshooting, guiding and configuration capabilities via remote takeover, screen capture a nd keys trokes on Android devi ces, both new and those already i n the market. The new technology does not require a ny fi rmware change or preinstalled application on the device and therefore provides operators and servi ce providers with the maximum fl exibility to s upport l egacy a nd new Androi d-based devices. Wi th this technology, operators and servi ce providers can i ncrease support efficiency a nd responsiveness while reducing costs for contact centers. The new enablement is already i n use by l eading opera tors. 'CommuniTake Technologies is pleased to be a ble to continue its technology l eadership in the mobile device s upport field. We believe that our recent a dvances will totally change the face of s upport for Android devices by ena bling a simple a nd cost effective manner to help device owners s olve problems on their Android devices as wel l as to i nstall, configure and be tra ined on new a pplications. CommuniTake continues to provide best-in-class products that drive s mart s elf s ervice ca pabilities without needing to call a Contact Center, but once they do call, our comprehensive Remote Support tools set ca n now enable the Contact Center to quickly a nd easily s upport thi s sector without having to embark on complex firmware or pre -installation setup processes ', s aid Ronen Sa s son, CommuniTake Technologies CEO.

About CommuniTake Technologies Ltd.

CommuniTake is recognized as a front-runner i n remote access technology over mobile devices. It established an i ndustry fi rst by combining a dvanced enterprise mobility s olutions with a full remote s upport s tack. CommuniTake i ntroduces operators to new revenue generating programs, cost cutting s upport s olutions, a utomated issue resolution processes a nd a n i nnova tive white label model. Our products have been i mplemented at some of the l eading s ervice providers help desks centers and global corporations. The company wa s awarded RIM's 2010 EMEA i nnovation a ward for s ervice excellence. Conta ct Information: Noam Potter CommuniTake Technologies Ltd. P: (+972)-4-959-1608 noa

Al l Rights Reserved. Property of CommuniTake Technologies Ltd.

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