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How to structure your AQ

First, you need to identify the general form of the AQ, as different AQs require slightly different structures. Single passage, one requirement General form of the question: Author A argues that (thesis A). Do you agree / Are you in sympathy with / How relevant is / (any other possible question) his views? First paragraph: The focus paragraph State your stand clearly. Answer the question directly, using the same key words as the question.

If the question asks whether you agree, say, I agree/disagree with Author A that (thesis A). If the question asks how relevant his view is, say, I find his view that (thesis A) highly relevant/only slightly relevant. Etc.

Middle paragraphs: The body paragraphs Make reference to specific arguments from the passage that make sense in the context of (thesis A).

Author A argues that (thesis A) because (refer to a specific argument that is a reason which supports thesis A).

Link this argument to the question

If the question asked how relevant you think his view is, continue with, I find this view highly relevant because (explain)

Now evaluate

Although some might argue that (evaluation), they fail to realise that (evaluation + explanation)

Now exemplify

For example, (state example).

Now link back to the question and the authors argument

Thus, I find Author As view that (state specific argument) highly relevant.

(repeat for all other body paragraphs) Last paragraph: Conclusion Conclude by restating your stand (as in your focus paragraph)

In conclusion, I find Author As view that (thesis A) highly relevant/only slightly relevant.

Single passage, two (or more) requirements General form of the question: Author A argues that (thesis A). Do you agree / Are you in sympathy with / (other question) his views? How relevant are his views to your society / (other question) ? First paragraph: The focus paragraph State your stand for each requirement clearly. Answer the questions directly, using the same key words as the question.

If the two questions are on whether you agree and how relevant his views are, say, I agree with Author A that (thesis A) and find his views highly relevant to Singapore.

Middle paragraphs: The body paragraphs Option 1: (see body paragraphs above). However, for each argument from the passage that you choose to engage with, use it to address both requirements:

Argument from passage, link to the first requirement Next paragraph: extend your argument by linking the same argument from the passage to the second requirement. Repeat for other arguments from the passage that you choose to engage with

Option 2: (see body paragraphs above). Address only the first requirement in the first few body paragraphs. Address the other requirement in your next few body paragraphs

e.g. If you have four body paragraphs, the first two should address the first requirement; the next two should address the second requirement.

Personally, I prefer Option 1. Last paragraph: Conclusion (as above) Double passage, one requirement Same structure as in the single passage, one requirement. The only difference is that half the arguments chosen in your main body paragraphs should be from Passage A; the other half from Passage B. Double passage, two (or more) requirements Same structure as in the single passage, two (or more) requirements. The only difference is that half the arguments chosen in your main body paragraphs should be from Passage A; the other half from Passage B. -

Example CJC Prelims 2010 Schoch argues for the pursuit of happiness while Wilson criticizes the American obsession with happiness. With which of the two authors are you most in sympathy? Explain the reasons for your choice. How relevant are the views raised by both authors to your society? Double passage, two (or more) requirements Focus paragraph I am most in sympathy with Schoch in that we should pursue happiness. While Schochs views are highly relevant to Singapore, Wilsons view, that we are obsessed with happiness and that this is undesirable, is generally not relevant to Singapore. Main body paragraphs Schoch argues that we should pursue happiness because (reference to passage). I greatly sympathise with this view because (continue with Ex + Ev + e.g) This view is highly relevant to Singapore because Wilson criticizes the American obsession with happiness because (reference to passage). I do not sympathise with this view because This view is generally not relevant to Singapore because

Conclusion In conclusion, I am most in sympathy with Schoch and find his views highly relevant to Singapore. However, I find Wilsons views generally irrelevant to Singapore and do not sympathise with them

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