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Reverse Engineering Mobile Malware


Introduction Disclaimer Types of Mobile Devices Platform Models ARM Primer Malware on Mobile Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Conclusion Q&A

Who are you, and what are you doing here?

Stealth mode Startup Hand picked A Team of technical talent 26 Million Venture Funding You dont have a malware problem, you have an adversary problem

Director of Intelligence 10 years at SRA International - Defense Contractor Security Consultant/Penetration Test Team/Forensic Technician/Security Architect Reverse Code Analysis

Learn about ARM/RISC processors, assembly, nuances versus x86 Learn about different mobile operating system architectures Learn approaches for static and dynamic reverse engineering Have fun!

Hacker Fail
Fall 2008 a promise is made Meet JK Benites This genius left his name (unobfuscated) in the malware he wrote to steal banking credentials and ended up at a certain US Government Agency

i'm JK Benites. I like the music, i love the rock N metal, i'm a person that like stranges things, like adredaline, be good with friends, make new things... i play the guitar, my guitar is my life, with she i can show that i feel. i like the Pcs, too. ... Visit my prol in Hi5: http:// City: Piura Hometown: Piura

Angry Birds


Kill Chain




Introduction Disclaimer Types of Mobile Devices Platform Architectures ARM Primer Malware on Mobile Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Conclusion Q&A

Standard legal-mumbo jumbo. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Prohibition on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation, and Disassembly. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. (2) Intentionally accesses a computer without authorization or exceeds authorized access, and thereby obtains (A) information contained in a nancial record of a nancial institution, or of a card issuer as dened in section 1602 (n) of title 15, or contained in a le of a consumer reporting agency on a consumer, as such terms are dened in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.); (B) information from any department or agency of the United States; or (C) information from any protected computer; I pledge allegiance to the ag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all Energy can be transformed (changed from one form to another), but cannot be created or destroyed.

Introduction Disclaimer Types of Mobile Devices Platform Architectures ARM Primer Malware on Mobile Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Conclusion Q&A

Why mobile is important

Increase 3Q11 from 3Q10 = 34,000,000

Different Flavors

Android (Multiple Types) IOS (iPhone/iPad/AppleTV) Symbian


Q2 2011

Windows Mobile

Different Platforms

Same OS

Similar Platforms

Different OS

Introduction Disclaimer Types of Mobile Devices Platform Architectures ARM Primer Malware on Mobile Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Conclusion Q&A

Platform Architecture is a high level overview of the way a complex system is implemented Understanding mobile system architecture is important to understanding how to Reverse Engineer on that platform

Android Architecture

IOS Architecture

IOS Frameworks
Cocoa UI Framework
Address Book UI Eventkit UI Gamekit iAd MapKit Message UI UIKit

Media Frameworks Assets Library AV Foundation Core Audio Core Graphics Core MIDI Core Text

Core Video

Image I/O

Media Player



Quartz Core

Core Services Frameworks Address Book CFNetwork Core Data Core Foundation Core Location Core Media

Core Telephony

Event Kit


Mobile Core

Quick Look

Store Kit


Core OS Layer Accelerate External Accessory Security System

IOS Layer
Cocoa Touch Multitasking Printing Data Protection Push Notication File Sharing

Local Notication

Push Notication


View Controller

External Display

Media Layer Graphics Technologies Audio Technologies Video Technologies AirPlay

Core Services Layer Block Objects Grand Central Dispatch In-App Purchase SQLite XLM Support

Core OS Layer Accelerate External Accessory Security System

Windows Mobile

Windows Mobile


Blackberry classes net.rim.device.api.system
Application Interfaces Hardware Interfaces (SMS, Radio, Etc) Events Etc

Java classes
Error Handling Memory JVM MIDP CLDC etc

If you really need a pic

net.rim.device.api.system Application Hardware Interfaces Security System

Java J2E MIDP CLDC Garbage Handler Memory Manager


Error Handling

Introduction Disclaimer Types of Mobile Devices Platform Architectures ARM Primer Malware on Mobile Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Conclusion Q&A

What is ARM
Most mobile and embedded devices run on a CPU architecture called ARM Advanced Risc Machine (ARM) (a/k/a Acorn RISC Machine)
Reduced Instruction Set Computer RISC emerged in the 1970s, the concept was simpler CPU instructions would increase performance Made possible by higher (than assm) level languages First chips emerged 1987

ARM Processor Families

ARM7/ARM9/ARM11/ARMCortex Differ from ARM Architecture (eg ARMv7 == Cortex)

ARM versus x86

EQ Equal

Reduced Instruction Set

More instructions per complex operation as compared to x86 assembly

NE Not Equal CS Carry Set HS Unsigned High CC Carry Clear LO Unsigned Lower MI Minus or Negative Result PL Positive or Zero Result VS Overow VC No Overow HI Unsigned Higher LS Unsigned Lower GE Signed Greater or Equal LT Signed Less Than GT Signed Greater Than LE Signed Less Than or Equal LA Always

Fixed Width Instructions

x86 can have variable length instructions ARM has xed 32 bit instructions*

Memory Alignment
ARM/RISC requires aligned memory (impacts on exploit dev) Aligned memory requires padding

Conditional Execution
Top 4 bits of each instruction contain a condition code**

Thumb state is designed to optimize code density by allowing the processor to enter a state that uses xed instructions of 16 bit size Thumb == 16bit mode Several different implementations of Thumb modes exist depending on processor
Thumb Thumb2 (additional features/instructions)
32bit unconditional instructions

ThumbEE Jazelle Runtime Compilation Target (RCT)

Direct Bytecode eXecution (DBX) feature supporting Java byte code execution Initiated using the Branch and eXchange to Java (BXJ) instruction

Thumb mode 16 bit equivalent instructions are dened when applicable

ARM Registers
ARM 16 general purpose registers Named R
R0 - R15 R0 - Argument1/Return Value/Temporary Register R1 - Argument2/second 32 bits of return value (optional)/Temporary Register R2/R3 - Arguments/Temporary Registers R4-R10 Permanent Registers R11 ARM Frame Pointer/Permanent Register R12 Temporary Register R13 Stack Pointer/Permanent Register R14 Link Register/Permanent Register (Return Address stored here) R15 Program Counter CPSR Current Program Status Register
Upper four bits contain conditional ags: Negative, Zero, Carry, oVerow Additional control codes in lower 8 eg: Thumb Instruction Set, Operating Mode Etc SPSR Saved Program Status Register (Exception modes)


31 30 29 28

M 4

M 3

M 2

M 1

M 0

Conditional Flags: Negative Zero Carry oVerow

Operating Mode

Interrupt Table Thumb Mode

Operating Modes
User: This mode is used to run the application code. Once in user mode the CPSR cannot be written to and modes can only be changed when an exception is generated. FIQ: (Fast Interrupt reQuest) This supports high speed interrupt handling. Generally it is used for a single critical interrupt source in a system IRQ: (Interrupt ReQuest) This supports all other interrupt sources in a system Supervisor: A protected mode for running system level code to access hardware or run OS calls. Abort: If an instruction or data is fetched from an invalid memory region, an abort exception will be generated Undened Instruction: If a FETCHED opcode is not an ARM instruction, an undened instruction exception will be generated.

Exception Modes
Exceptions occur for three possible reasons
Executing an Instruction (e.g.: Bad Instruction) Side effect of executing and instruction (e.g.: fetching from invalid memory) Exception unrelated to execution (e.g.: Interrupt)

Exception Flow
Switch to Processor to Privileged Mode PC+4 -> LR SPSR == CPSR Interrupts Disabled PC == Exception Vector Address

Vector Address derived from exception vector table

A Rx by any other name

R15 == PC (Program Counter) R14 == LR (Link Register/Address) R13 == SP (Stack Pointer) R12 == IP (Inter Procedure Call Stack Register) R11 == FP (Frame Pointer) R10 == SL (Stack Limit) R9 == SB (Stack Base) R4-R11 == V1-V8 (Variable Registers) Ro-R3 == A1-A4 (Scratch Registers)

ARM Instructions
Branching Instructions


Bitwise Operations

Logical Operations


Data manipulation

Detailed breakdown: com.arm.doc.dui0489c/CIHDDCIF.html

B = Branch Branch can include condition BL - Branch with Link
Calling a routine PC+4 -> LR SubRoutine Address -> PC Return PC -> LR

BX/BLX = Branch eXchange Instruction (Switch between Thumb and ARM Mode)

Different than x86

ADD R11, SP, #0x12 ADD <Destination> Operand1, Operand2 (optional)

SUB R11, SP, #0x12 SUB <Destination> Operand1, Operand2 (optional)

SUBS R11, SP, #0x12 ; Status Flags Set SUBS <Destination> Operand1, Operand2 (optional)

LDMIA R1, {R2, R3} LDMIA Memory Location {Destination 1, Destination 2}

Introduction Disclaimer Types of Mobile Devices Platform Architectures ARM Primer Malware on Mobile Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Conclusion Q&A

Malware On Mobile
Lots of devices out there and malware is beginning to target these devices which in addition to everyday life are quickly invading the corporate network - Oh noes! Malware on mobile has a few places to live
Mobile Application (User land) Mobile Platform/OS (Kernel land) Other (SIM chip, Bootloader, Baseband, etc)

Detection/Prevention is difficult do to limited security tools (Mobile Device Management) So many different platforms this makes malware tracking and analysis a moving target

Attacker Vectors
Mobile malware can originate in different locations
AppStore Malware
Google Appstore 3rd Party Appstores iTunes AppStore etc

Attack Payload
Drive-by (Web attack) Spearphish/Social Engineering mdot seeding (

Malicious Mobile Apps get all the attention right now:

Flashlight App
July 2010 Handy Light 15 Year Old Nick Lee Standard ash light app
if you include tethering

Indicative of the amount of analysis going into app validation

July 2011 Nickispi trojan is detected with low occurance SMS Command and control Records all voice calls to: /sdcard/shangzhou/callrecord/ Exls calls to

Dog Wars
August 2011 Kage games releases Dog Wars Beta code circulated on Warez sites Modied apk contains class rabbies Rabbies generates SMS message to contacts
"I take pleasure in hurting small animals, just thought you should know that"

Access Control System/Proles == Sandbox computing, sandboxes should be applied broadlyto all apps, ideally ensuring that they cannot cause much harm if they get compromised. -Apple

User Land

My Application
SandBox SubSystem

User Mode Calls

Sandbox Kernel Component

No Kernel Land


Code Signing
Ensure that if an app is signed and this is validated by the appstore, it *should* be safe Asymmetric Cryptographic Systems Reverse Engineering Challenge
Primarily impacts IOS due to iTunes distribution mechanism IPA - more on static analysis

Sample Collections
Contagio Mobile Malware Mini-dump

Searching google: letype:apk == win Searching google: letype:jad Etc

Mobile Packages
Blackberry - JAD/COD WinMo - CAB (Cabinet Archive) Android APK Contains: AndroidManifest.xml META-INF classes.dex res/ resources.arsc iPhone/iPod/iPad IPA Contains: iTunesMetadata.plist iTunesArtwork Payload/<Application Name>.app Symbian SiS/SiSX Contains: private/ resource/ sys (/bin/(application name>.exe) iOS Malware packages may be designed for jailbroken phones, this is typically a more realistic attack vector to avoid vendor detection - this will be manifested as a gzipped package Typically these les are compressed and contain a manifest of some form and binary executable code

Device Forensics
Device forensics can assist in identifying malicious applications Blackberry - Look for .cod les that shouldnt be there IOS - Most malware requires jailbreak, this will generally leave forensics artifacts such as Cydia Android - Harvest apk les from OS, unfortunately the location of an APK can vary based on a number of factors Symbian/WinMo/etc

Introduction Disclaimer Types of Mobile Devices Platform Architectures ARM Primer Malware on Mobile Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Conclusion Q&A

Static analysis analyzes something in a non-executing state Little danger of compromise Different approaches depending on system
Meta Data Extraction:
Strings Dump Manifest File

Android: DeCompilation, different approach due to Davlik EXecutable (DEX), this can reproduce nearly compilable code IOS/Symbian/WinMO: IDA Pro/Hex-Rays DeCompiler BBerry:Coddec (Good luck)

IDA Pro ( HexRays ARM Decompiler ( Dex2jar ( Sisxplorer ( AXMLPrinter2.jar Apktool.jar Coddec

Cheat Sheet
Operating System iOS Android Symbian WinMO Blackberry Static Analysis Tool Strings, IDA Pro AAPT, Dex2Jar, JD-GUI Strings, IDA Pro Strings, IDA Pro Coddec

Android Applications are signed by the developer Apple applications are signed by the developer, applications obtained via iTunes generally have an encrypted component courtesy of FairPlay DRM
Detection can be accomplished by unpacking the ipa and using the Apple object tool (otool)

Symbian packages may be signed, in some cases they are not and the user can sign using something like Blackberry .cod les are signed and utilize the Rimm cryptographic package Windows Mobile has two different signing mechanisms depending on distribution method
Windows Marketplace Method Windows Mobile Code Signing via Verisign

Various obfuscation techniques are available for mobile applications
Proguard ( - Java Obfuscator Android and probably Blackberry Objective C (iOS) manual techniques, which might be optimized out by compiler dotfuscator, a commercial solution from PreEmptive Solutions is typically used for obfuscating Windows Mobile Not very common

Obfuscation varies on the available platforms and is not widely used, though increasingly Android malware seems to be using it Developer.Android.Com recommends the use of ProGuard and mentions it is integrated into build system

Package Contents
Packages in general contain graphics images resourced by the application Various conguration les either in a binary format or text
The conguration les contain lots of useful information about the application you are reversing

Binary executables (The application) may be spread across different les depending on the mobile platform
WinMo may have an installer exe and several executables The application functions may be spread across different binaries to limit memory footprint

Package Analysis
Most packages can be decompressed and analyzed with zip or other commerical open source compression utilities Windows Mobile uses Cabinet les thus requiring cabextract Symbian .sis les requires special tools to extract (e.g.: sisxplorer)

MetaData Extraction Symbian

Several les to look at
$ strings *.rsc REGI File Register Exit

Registration Enter license key Enter license key Registration successful!B"


Registration **\resource\apps\Registration_0x20033401.mif Registration_0x20033401 &&\resource\apps\Registration_0x20033401

Resource Files

$ strings malware.exe EPOC *}OK 15XLeaveException 11CSMSHandler 19MMsvSessionObserver 15CCommController 19MNotifyCommObserver 19CGpsPositionRequest 15CContactManager 18MContactDbObserver 8CIMEIApp 8CIMSIApp 12CCallHandler 17CRemoteSmsReciver c:\data\loc.txt 15CDeviceLocation APGRFX{000a0000}[10003a3c].DLL CNTMODEL{000a0000}[10003a71].DLL COMMSDAT{000a0000}[10204ddb].DLL ESTLIB{000a0000}[10003b0b].DLL ... http://***REDACTED***/servicerequest.php Malware Client 17MHTTPDataSupplier 24MHTTPTransactionCallback 8CIMEIApp 8CIMSIApp 21TRegistrationItemdata

Binary Files

MetaData Extraction WinMo

Several les to look at
$ strings _setup.xml <wap-provisioningdoc> <characteristic type="Install"> <parm name="InstallPhase" value="install" /> <parm name="SetupDLL" value="1" /> <parm name="OSVersionMin" value="4.0" /> <parm name="OSVersionMax" value="5.99" /> <parm name="BuildNumberMin" value="0" /> <parm name="BuildNumberMax" value="-536870912" /> <parm name="AppName" value=". radio" /> <parm name="InstallDir" value=... <parm name="NumDirs" value="2" /> <parm name="NumFiles" value="3" /> <parm name="NumRegKeys" value="0" /> <parm name="NumRegVals" value="0" /> <parm name="NumShortcuts" value="0" /> </characteristic> <characteristic type="FileOperation"> ... </wap-provisioningdoc>

$ strings *.0* !This program cannot be run in DOS mode. RichA .text `.rdata .pdata @.rsrc @.reloc J",K =L9o< FRSDSO> c:\Dev\malware\Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)\Release\IE.pdb COREDLL.dll CoTaskMemAlloc ...

Resource Files

Binary Files

MetaData Extraction iOS IPA

Several les to look at
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>appleId</key> <string>iTunes user who installed</string> <key>artistId</key> <integer>365399302</integer> <key>artistName</key> <string>App Maker USA, Inc.</string> <key>bundleShortVersionString</key> <string>2.1.1</string> <key>bundleVersion</key> <string>2.1.1</string> <key>copyright</key> <string> 2011 App Maker USA, Inc.</string> <key>drmVersionNumber</key> <integer>0</integer>

otool -l |grep LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO cmd LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO cmdsize 20 cryptoff 4096 cryptsize 434176 cryptid 1 -o~*h cmd LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO AOQa cmdsize 20 qtLw cryptoff 4096 x1)k cryptsize 442368 ^^S' cryptid 1 6L`j ^Lo+8 6,(p& Aa0W << Encrypted 1`7$_9f [F];3 Bd@b Ee ^FJ0 EYC/ <^LhT iDV!q {'L+H ^k)+ ...


Plist Files

Binary Files

DeCrypting IPA File

Dumping requires a jail broken device Per Stefan Essers recommendation I use an iPod 4G with a tethered jailbreak (no dealing with baseband etc) Use DumpDecrypted Tool ( also by Stefan



MetaData Extraction iOS Dumped IPA

Several les to look at
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>appleId</key> <string>iTunes user who installed</string> <key>artistId</key> <integer>365399302</integer> <key>artistName</key> <string>App Maker USA, Inc.</string> <key>bundleShortVersionString</key> <string>2.1.1</string> <key>bundleVersion</key> <string>2.1.1</string> <key>copyright</key> <string> 2011 App Maker USA, Inc.</string> <key>drmVersionNumber</key> <integer>0</integer> setViewControllers: arrayWithObject: << Decrypted SETTING_RATINGURL setAppStoreID: sharedInstance MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate applicationProtectedDataDidBecomeAvailable: applicationProtectedDataWillBecomeUnavailable: applicationWillEnterForeground: applicationDidEnterBackground: application:didReceiveLocalNotication: application:didReceiveRemoteNotication: application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNoticationsWithError: application:didRegisterForRemoteNoticationsWithDeviceToken: application:didChangeStatusBarFrame: v28@0:4@8{CGRect={CGPoint=ff}{CGSize=ff}}12 application:willChangeStatusBarFrame: application:didChangeStatusBarOrientation: ...


Plist Files

Binary Files

MetaData Extraction iOS JB/Cydia

Several les to look at
bplist00 CFBundleIdentier_ CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion_ CFBundleResourceSpecication_ CFBundleVersion_ CFBundleExecutable_ LSRequiresIPhoneOS_ CFBundleDisplayName_ MinimumOSVersion_ CFBundleSupportedPlatforms_ CFBundlePackageType_ CFBundleSignature]NSMainNibFile^DTPlatformName YDTSDKName_ CFBundleDevelopmentRegion\CFBundleName_ com.yourcompany.malwareS6.0_
__dyld_make_delayed_module_initializer_calls __dyld_mod_term_funcs window @"UIWindow" viewController @"MyFilesViewController" setWindow: v12@0:4@8 @8@0:4 setViewController: dealloc v8@0:4 applicationDidFinishLaunching: T@"MyFilesViewController",&,N,VviewController T@"UIWindow",&,N,Vwindow MyFilesAppDelegate release view makeKeyAndVisible ...

Plist Files

Binary Files

Remember that our disassembly will be for ARM Beyond the difference in the instruction set the primary thing to be cognizant of is when the application has switched to Thumb-mode

MOVLS R0, R4 MOVLS R1, SP BLS sub_BF40 CMP R4, #4 BNE sub_8000 MOV R0, SP LDR R4, [SP,#arg_10] TST R4, #0x20 LDRNE R1, [SP,#arg_50]

Decompilation - HexRays
Works as expected :D Automatic Thumbswitch (you may need to go manual if something looks wrong)

int __fastcall sub_8010(int a1, int a2) { int v2; // r4@1 int v3; // r5@1 int v4; // r0@1 v2 = a2; v3 = a1; *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 60) = 0; v4 = UserHeap::SetupThreadHeap(); if ( !v4 ) v4 = sub_BF38(*(_DWORD *)(v2 + 8), *(_DWORD *)(v2 + 12), v3); return User::Exit(v4); }

ARM Calling Conventions

myHandle = Loadlibrary(DLL.dll)

Objective C is detected by IDA This can be a little off putting at rst but the analysis by IDA is very nice to have for parsing the structures

objc_msgSend(*(void **)&v2->UIViewController_opaque[*(_DWORD *)dword_7860], "setHidden:", 1); objc_msgSend(*(void **)&v2->UIViewController_opaque[*(_DWORD *)dword_7880], "setHidden:", 1); objc_msgSend(*(void **)&v2->UIViewController_opaque[*(_DWORD *)dword_788C], "setHidden:", 1);

DeCompiling Android
Different approaches are possible, this is one Tools:
Dex2Jar ( multiple tools for converting DEX to Java Class Eclipse ( - Opensource Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Android SDK ( - Android toolchain for developers JD-GUI ( - Java DeCompiler Other decompilers: JAD, Mocha, JadClipse, etc

Basic premise:
Unpack APK (Not required to DeCompile but contents may be interesting) Convert DEX to Java using Dex2Jar Decompile using JD-GUI


$ sh ../ malware.apk dex2jar version: translator- dex2jar malware.apk -> malware_dex2jar.jar Done. $


Where to start?
Depends Android Asset Packaging Tool (AAPT) - from SDK will decode the contents of the AndroidManifest.xml inside of the APK launchable-activity: name= package: name='kagegames.apps.DWBeta' versionCode='18' versionName='0.981'
sdkVersion:'4' targetSdkVersion:'9' uses-permission:'android.permission.VIBRATE' uses-permission:'android.permission.INTERNET' uses-permission:'android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION' uses-permission:'android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE' uses-permission:'android.permission.SEND_SMS' uses-permission:'android.permission.WRITE_SMS' uses-permission:'android.permission.READ_CONTACTS' uses-permission:'android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED' application-label:'Dog Wars - Beta' application-icon-160:'res/drawable-hdpi/icon.png' application-icon-240:'res/drawable-hdpi/icon.png' application: label='Dog Wars - Beta' icon='res/drawable-hdpi/icon.png' launchable-activity: name='kagegames.apps.DWBeta.DogWars' label='Dog Wars - Beta' icon='' uses-feature:'android.hardware.location' uses-feature:'' uses-feature:'android.hardware.telephony' uses-feature:'android.hardware.touchscreen' uses-feature:'android.hardware.screen.landscape' uses-feature:'android.hardware.screen.portrait' main app-widget other-activities other-receivers other-services supports-screens: 'normal' 'large' 'xlarge' supports-any-density: 'true' locales: '--_--' densities: '160' '240'

Introduction Disclaimer Types of Mobile Devices Platform Architectures ARM Primer Malware on Mobile Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Conclusion Q&A

Dynamic analysis on mobile platforms is difficult Options for analysis are emulator or real hardware device
Emulators are clunky and detectable Real Hardware is expensive Either way potentially detectable that the device is being debugged

Simulator package comes with xTools Limited capability to install Application and difficult to jailbreak iEmu is Qemu emulator for iOS ( supports debugging :D

Android SDK contains very functional emulator Supports control from host including installation of arbitrary packages, and fuzzing user input/ behavior Possible to build automated sandbox very easily (Ive done this in python)

Windows Mobile
Requires Visual Studio (denitely works with VS10) and platform SDK Supports debugging via Visual Studio

Depends on hardware platform targeted S60/N97 Part of SDK IDA supports

Emulator is part of the SDK (painful on non-windows) Supports on-device debugging or emulator debugging

Dynamic analysis on mobile platforms is dependent on the platform and target Analysis
Fire up an emulator in a controlled environment install package (via web/appstore/manual) attach debugger launch targeted application simulate input from user dump logs (capture traffic if network enabled) refresh the emulator*

This can be scripted

Demo time

Introduction Disclaimer Types of Mobile Devices Platform Architectures ARM Primer Malware on Mobile Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Conclusion Q&A

Reversing on mobile is not too different than on conventional platforms ARM instruction set is very different than what we may be used to Plenty of (mal)code sources out there with some creative googling Static analysis is more or less the same
iOS Fairplay exception

Dynamic analysis requires a little more effort than ring up a windows virtual machine Instrumentation of debugger is a little harder Reverse engineering mobile applications is fun :D

Secure Mobile Best Practices

Code Hardening Code Signing Principle of Least Privilege App Sandboxing Privilege Separation

Introduction Disclaimer Types of Mobile Devices Platform Architectures ARM Primer Malware on Mobile Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Conclusion Q&A

Questions? Twi4er: @Adam_Cyber

Adam Meyers

Resources Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007898-CH1-SW1 SecuritySvcs.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40002650-SW1

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