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41 RAZ, Hazel Joy M.

III-8 Nanay na si Nena A Reflection Paper Sad as it may seem, teen pregnancy is now somewhat a norm in the todays society, most especially those in the depressed and marginalized community, isnt it? Usually for some, it would come as a shock, but for others, it would come as nothing more than a showbiz fling thats out before you know it. It saddens me how these early moms-to-be seems too carefree; they feel not the weight of the responsibility ahead of them rather they continue their lives as if nothing happened. All they think about are themselves, but what about the life that blossoms in their womb? (But I do have to give credit for others who really strives to take care of their babies) They take too little concern, if any, to have prenatal check-ups, have vitamins and the proper diet. Seeing the documentary, starring were merely girls! Unaware of the burden and stress of giving birth that awaits them. Not expecting the life changing event that fast approaches her. I remember our duty days at the delivery room; to my surprise, the women in labor were just about my age; some are even younger! The pregnant teens even outnumber the women of proper reproductive age. Then months later, imagine my anger and grief when I knew a close friend got impregnated out of wed lock. I asked myself, has the world gone mad? What are they thinking? If being dependent, being a teen is hard enough already, how much more when you have a baby? I must say, I am strongly opposed with things like this and I do over react with but I cant help it. Id keep on thinking, Are they not thinking about the future of these unborn children? They themselves are messed up how can they handle another life? After which, Id look for someone to blame; but really, Id doubt it one would find someone to point your finger at. Then I thought of it, maybe I was one to blame. Maybe I had too much faith and confidence in her that I didnt bother remind her or lecture her on stuff like this. Constant reminder and teaching should be given, despite the trust and everything else. Youll never know. We should care and we can start by little things as such. October 14, 2010 Sister Celia Vinoya

41 RAZ, Hazel Joy M. III-8 Papa, Papa! Paano ako ginawa? A Reflection Paper I was having the creeps for the Howie Severino when his son asked the question. I imagined myself being asked the very same thing by my own kid. Maybe Id freak out! Or maybe Id just divert his/her attention, the benefits of kids having a short attention span. Or should I be frank? Relief sank into me; Good thing Im not in his (Howies) shoes. I cannot recall a memory of having asked the very question to my parents. The subject matter was a sensitive topic within the premises of our home. But despite this circumstance, the idea was properly taught to us and is well established; the method however of them inculcating it to us, I cannot really recall. The teachers methods of explaining to the kids such a topic impressed me; it even gave me the idea of adopting it, well who knows. She talked of reproduction in an adult fashion and the kids respond to her as well. I thought maybe this would be a good approach introducing the topic. Often times, such a topic (reproduction, the reproductive system, etc. ) would really not be discussed, and if ever will, it may not properly be established, so the kids get a vague idea of the process and thus provokes them to do experimentations. So as nurses, we may encounter such occasions, and when this comes, we should be prepared. It got me thinking of ways to impart such information to the young of age. Firstly, one must know or assess the kids knowledge; one might be bombarding him/her with such information when in fact he/she is just having a random thought. Then give bits of facts and directly answer him/her. When the proper time comes, the talk then can be properly introduced. October 14, 2010 Sister Celia Vinoya

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