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Astrology: The Planets

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Ken Ward's Astrology Pages

The Planets
When we think of the sun as the centre of the solar system, then we do not think of the sun as a planet. However, when we view the universe from the Earth, we do consider the sun and the moon as planets. The forces, which can be symbolised as planets, can be considered from their psychological aspects. For example, the sun can be thought of as representing our tendency to integrate the other aspects of our personality. This is really the same as saying that the sun brings wholeness to our lives. On this page: Summary Of Keywords The Sun The Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Chiron Uranus Neptune Pluto Moon's North Node Moon's South Node Part of Fortune Time Spent By The Planets In Each Sign

Planetary Actions As Verbs

The planetary actions are verbs. However, I have not always shown them as verbs. For instance, for Mars: action initiation energy These should be interpreted, in general as "to act or to be acted upon", "to initiate or to be caused to initiate", and "to energise or to receive energy". Writing half the verb form might imply that the action is always positive (or negative). In the case of Mars, the verb form may be more often an imperative: "Act!", "Start it now!" and "Power up!" The planetary forces are always positive, although the person whose chart is being considered may be actively using the force or the effect of it. Page 1 of 18

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chart is being considered may be actively using the force or the effect of it. The planets always act positively, they act in terms of what is, rather than what isn't, whether good or bad. They are also active, as opposed to passive. So sometimes Mars is "I do it now!", and Mercury is "I think". However, when they act through a person, they may also act indirectly or compulsively. So instead of: "You charge into things without thinking or feeling." We may have: "You feel compelled to charge into things." "Other people charge into your life." "Unknown feelings cause you to charge into things without thinking of the consequences" The planetary force is always positive and active, but it can manifest in many ways, passively, compulsively, etc. Sometimes the planetary forces are better stated without using a verb at all. For instance: "Action is a keynote of your life" Obviously, there is no action without an actor or mechanism that acts. So the verb (act) is hidden within action as are the actors or mechanisms ("You act, it acts, etc") In conclusion, the planets are always active and direct, but they may not manifest like this in a person's life and the language used to represent the planets may not be verbs, but contain hidden or implied verbs.

Summary Of Keywords
Before we continue, I will give a suggested list of keywords for the "planets": Planet Keyword Planet Keyword

1 Sun


6 Jupiter


2 Moon 3 Mercury 4 Venus

React to

7 Saturn

Control Deviate Refine

Communicate 8 Uranus Harmonise 9 Neptune

5 Mars


10 Pluto


Moon's North Node


Moon's South Node

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Part of Fortune


Planetary Associations
Positive/ Negative Keyphrase To make whole. Manage or control. I am ... (basic nature) I am known.. I maintain I am important I vitalise Positive: nobly and generously Negative: Egoistically Positive: sympathetically (in synch)





I integrate

Planet of Self (Central Planet)


I react

To act because of...

I respond (to emotions) I change I regulate rhythmically Negative: rhythmically. moodily (out of synch) Positive: precisely

Planet of Needs and Feelings


I Exchange communicate ideas

I think I tell

I bring the new

Negative: variously

Planet of Mind


I harmonise

Mark as different, to value

I love I harmonise I join I create (beauty, art) I want I make (something happen)

Positive: fairly I maintain harmony Negative: greedily

Planet of Pleasure and Luxury


I assert

Express positively, to fight for (beliefs)

Positive: I destroy the enemy and energetically fight for Negative: justice violently

Planet of physical energy, Planet of Action


I expand

I mature (develop people fully: bodily, intellectually, spiritually, I develop culturally, the old into materially the new wealth, power, and status. ). I go to discover and

Positive: optimistically Negative: extravagantly Planet of Expansion

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discover and understand. To activate, change and stop things I build. I discipline. I regulate. I maintain stability Positive: constructively Negative: to punish Positive: inventively Planet of Time, Discipline, Responsibilities and Hard Work


I control


I deviate

I change To be out of I convert line with. from within freedom and (without responsibility. destroying) I awaken. Extract the essence I dream Detect what is behind things. To change into a different form, substance, or state. Thoroughly change.

I create the new (alongside the old) I create, reveal, new worlds (nonphysical)

The Planet of Revolution. Bring about something new, Negative: often unconventionally drastically change Positive: idealistically Negative: to escape Positive: constructively The Planet of Illusion


I refine


I transform

I regenerate I eliminate

I destroy the existing Negative: destructively

Planet of Transformation

Things Governed By The Planets

Planet Basic Qualities Objects


I integrate

affection, ambition, authority, burning, children, citrus fruits, coins, constitution, courage, creativity, dignity, domineering, ego, emperors, energy, extravagance, fame, father, fiery, fire, gambling, generosity, gold, haughty, health, honour, hot, husband, Self, will, energy and power, identity, individuality, basic self-belief , stamina jewellery, joy, laughter, life, light, lions, magnanimity, nobility, ostentation, orange, passion, peacocks, pomp, popularity, positive, power, pride, prosperity, purpose, royalty, simplicity, spine, spirit, spotlights, stardom, strength, Sunday, superiors, vitality, warmth, will, yellow agriculture, changes, childbirth, change, dreaming, emotions, community, dairies, emotions,

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I react

change, dreaming, emotions, fretfulness, frivolity, habits and emotions personality, imagination, incorrect impressions., indecision, instinctual mind, personal magnetism.negativity, procrastination, psychic qualities, unconscious mind, vacillation, visionary

community, dairies, emotions, families, fecundity, feelings, fermentation, fluctuation, fluids, general public opinions, health, insanity, instinct, intuition, mariners, maternity, Monday, moods, mother, nursing, oats, plumbers, public, reproduction, response, silver, tears, the common people, the people, water, women, women


I communicate

air travel, authors, bargaining, books, clerks, clothing, commerce, computers, dealing, hands, ideas, information, documents, editors, history, intellect,communication hygiene, intellect, language, mental outlook, intellectual lectures, logic, mercury endeavours, manual (metal), messages, mind dexterity, mechanical skills, advertising, nerves, post, methods, mind, mode of respiration, signals, talking, thinking and communication telephones, trade, transport, transportation, typewriters, Wednesday, wind, wit, writing, youth amusement, art, beauty, boudoirs, brass, confectionery, dance, desire, dimples, doves, emeralds, entertainment, fashion, femininity, flowers, grapes, humour, immorality, intimacy, justice, lingerie, love, marriage, marriage, money, music, partnership, partnerships, pleasure Adornment, relationships,social interactions ,romance, relaxation, sexual intercourse, social centres, societies, style, women


I harmonise

aesthetic tastes, feelings, female values, higher emotions and artistic sensibility social attitudes and behaviour, love


I assert

armour, armies, blood, butchers, cars, controversy, disease, drive, energy, engineering, executives, garlic, energy, passion, drive, guns, heat, heroes, incense, determination action and the inflammations, iron, knives, expression of will through locks, murder, passion, activity penetration, pipes, pirates, radiators, razors, sarcasm, stamina, sport, surgery, tobacco, virility, war, wrestlers amplification, big, capitalism, celebrations, college, courts of law, doctors, expansion, feet, foreign countries furry animals, glory, gluttony, grand, humour,

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I expand

The abstract mind, higher learning exploring ideas, both intellectually and spiritually. Ideology expansion, growth and cooperation

glory, gluttony, grand, humour, joviality, large, law, legality, luck, ceremonial magic, merchandise, merit, millionaires, monasteries, optimism, orthodoxy, overindulgence, philanthropy, philosophy, preachers, prestige, professors, profit, pulpits, religion, science, ships, splendour, success, thighs, tin, Thursday, travel, truth, wisdom, religion, priests, The Law, courts and justice, aristocracy, publishing, overseas travel Agriculture, archaeology, architecture, bones, cattle, civil service, death, domination, fatigue, history, land, leather, minerals, monogamy, monotony, obstacles, old age, perseverance, restriction, Saturday, self control, time, twilight, underground, widows, yesterdays. Old Father Time, Traditions, history, stability, authority, order, mines, death Attraction, break-ups, chaos, disruption, divorce, earthquakes, eccentric, exciting, fanatical, freedom, major change, outrageous, quirky, rebellious, revolutionary, shocks, sudden, surprises, unconventional, unprecedented, unpredictable, unusual, changes, revolutions, anarchy, innovations, technology, earthquakes Alcohol, art, confusion, cynicism, deception, deep, disguise, disillusionment, dissolving, dreams, drink, drugs, escapism, fraud, ideas, imagination, instability, music, mystery, mysticism, oceans, poisoning, sea, smoke-screen, socialism, softness, transcendence, veil, water, yearnings, reform, ideals, trends, art Communism, compulsive, crime, darkness, death, deep, hidden, magic, mystery, nuclear energy, occult, orgasm,


I control

structure, limitation, experience and discipline


I deviate

innovation, nonconformity, higher intuition and inspiration perverse,


I refine

transcendence, higher faculties, psychic abilities, sensitivity

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I transform

nuclear energy, occult, orgasm, paranoid, profundity, psychology, rebirth, recycle, deep, impersonal energies reform, renewal, reproduction, and transforming forces, revolutionary, selfintense, obstinate, obsession, transforming therapies, healing, penetrating, persistent, sex, subconscious, taboo, power, secretive transformation, unconscious, underneath, undermining, underworld, volcanoes, the underworld, detectives, disruption, decline, regeneration

If you are following my scheme, then I suggest that you very carefully check the meanings in a dictionary of these and other keywords. You should be able to define all the words used. The plan is that you understand the keywords and you use your knowledge of them to, at first, understand what others have written in astrology about the planets, signs, houses, etc and understand what is written in terms of the keywords. That is, when reading what others have written, you know why they have written what they have written. Later, you will develop the skills of making sense of the keywords in interpreting astrological information. One way you may do this is to read what astrologers have written about the planets and read what they say with the keywords in mind. Ask yourself, "Why did he/she write that?", as you read. When you have studied the keywords for the ten planets, and the keywords for the 12 signs, by checking the meaning of each word in a dictionary and being able to clearly define the word. And you have similarly checked synonyms and developed the concept for each planet, each house and each sign, you will find that you can intuitively, instinctively, logically or through common sense understand the elements in a chart. Depending on your own chart, you may find you are in some way energised by the items and seem to produce an interpretation immediately without thinking. Otherwise, you might find you rise above the mundane of the chart to intuitively understand what it means; you may feel the meaning of the chart. Or you might go through a thought process in which you reason out what the chart means. Or, again, you might use a practical understanding of how items in the chart lead in a common sense way to the interpretation. The way each of use learn about astrology depends on our natural way of learning. Although the keywords give a good understanding of astrology in general, they are not the be and end all of astrology. Some positions, combinations (aspects) have a special meaning derived from research and experience. These may have some relationship to the generalities of the keywords, but they are often more specific. The keywords are a good start in learning astrology, but they are, only a start. (Lecture over:-)

Meaning of the keywords

This section is about the meaning of the keywords for the planets, and this is different from dealing with the meaning of the planets. Here we expand on the meanings of the keywords. If you are using different keywords, then you might Page 7 of 18

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meanings of the keywords. If you are using different keywords, then you might choose to follow these pages in principle. Whatever you do, ensure that you really know the meanings of the keywords and use a dictionary often to get the definitions in your mind.

The Sun

(to integrate)

The Central Planet

rulership creation vitality impress The keyword for the sun is "integrate". Integrate means to make whole, or to bring together. When we rule, we bring together the people under one authority (us). When we create, we bring together different things into a new whole. This implies that we express ourselves in some way (reveal to the world). And when we vitalise, we make strong and healthy (whole). These all add up to making an impression. The sun is closely related to the heart or centre of things. This leads us to the "royal" aspect of the sun. The sun represents, therefore, power. The sun is also related to vitality, and therefore health. All of these meanings can be traced back to the keyword "integrate". The position of the sun in a chart shows how the person integrates themselves and consequently their world. The Sun indicates what we ought to do to attain our life-purpose. The sun rules Leo. The sun is also associated with the "Will". When we have integrated the supportive and disruptive elements of our personality, then we have a strong "Will".

The Moon

(to react to)

The Planet Of Needs And Feelings

feelings reflection change (rhythmical), fluctuation take in need The keyword for the Moon is "react to". The sun is the source of light and energy in our solar system, and the moon reflects this light (as do the other planets, but less so than the Moon). Reflecting implies emotions, sympathy and feelings, and showing others we understand. Understand here refers sympathy rather than understanding the universe (Jupiter), or understanding a mathematical formula (Mercury). The feelings associated with the moon are mainly those of sympathy, or even feelings about the past. Venus, too relates to feelings, which are those of pleasure and they are personally based. The moon "takes in" or receives the light of the sun. Reflecting also symbolises the idea of acting in response to something else, rather Page 8 of 18

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Reflecting also symbolises the idea of acting in response to something else, rather than by being the cause ourselves. This gives us the clue that the moon is concerned with our inbuilt responses to things, and suggests the importance of our past experience and habits and learning in how we do things. How we react depends on our past learning and on our past experiences. We react without thinking, and we do what we have been trained to do, either through education or through traumatic experiences. The type of learning associated with the moon is unconscious and refers to early learning and upbringing over which we had little choice or awareness. Basic and instinctive responses are related to survival and thus to our needs. The Moon is concerned with memory, imagination and dreams. The Moon tends to give a good memory, and imaginative ability. It also brings regular dreams, and dreams such as longings and sentimental desires. While Uranus may be concerned with intellectual dreams of a better more humanitarian future, the Moon's dreams are more emotionally based. The Moon rules Cancer. The moon is also associated with security, because our automatic reactions are often related to survival and hence security. The House and Sign where the Moon is found is where we feel most comfortable, and indicates what we do to feel good, or what we do habitually ... what we need to do. Contrasted with the sun, which indicates what we should do to attain our life purpose, and with Saturn which indicates what we must do. The Moon is feminine and governs growth and decay, as it governs the ebbing and flowing of the tides. And as it shows in its waxing and waning and in its periodic action. The moons natural sign is Cancer, and its natural house is the fourth. Its keyword "react to" implies change, and change in relation to other events.


(to communicate)

The Planet Of Mind

speech thought short journeys inquiry The symbol for Mercury represents the caduceus, the staff with the two serpents, indicating the solution to the riddle of life. Another meaning is the crescent of receptivity (the moon) is above the circle of spirit, which is above the cross of matter. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. The keyword for Mercury is "communicate". We often communicate using language, and we use words to communicate. Language implies reason and reasoning, because to be rational we need to reason. Mercury is concerned with transport and journeys (types of communication), particularly short journeys. It is also associated with mentality and intellect. Mercury seeks to understand (know) by inquiry: questioning and analysing (It is, after all, the ruler of Virgo!) Page 9 of 18

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after all, the ruler of Virgo!) Mercury is also related to the nervous system, because the nerves are the communication system of the body. It is therefore associated with co-ordination, both physically and mentally.


(to harmonise)

The Planet Of Pleasure And Luxury

liking (enjoy, link) evaluation attraction joining together The symbol for Venus is often taken as a hand-mirror, which seems appropriate here. The circle can represent the sun or spirit above the cross of matter, indicating the spirit (or even self) is above the material. Differing from the symbol for Mercury by lacking the crescent (or mind), indicates that Venus uses taste and feelings to evaluate. Venus rules Taurus and Libra. The keyword for Venus is "harmonise". Venus is concerned with attraction and repulsion, beauty, pleasure, comfort and luxury. Beauty is often synonymous with harmony, while ugliness is associated with disharmony. When we are in harmony with someone, we are attracted to them, we like them (or love them). Harmony also suggests balance. Venus indicates where we get our pleasures. The keyword "to like" is worthy of closer examination. When "we like" someone or something, it means we have good feelings about them, and we are attracted by them. When we are like someone or something, it means we similar in some respects. The keyword to like is meant to imply both pleasure and relating; that is liking things (pleasure) and noticing how one thing is like another (similarity). This includes the idea of joining together or uniting with someone or something. Venus is creative in the sense that it brings forth beauty. It also, like the Sun, expresses itself (seeking admiration) or impresses. Venus is the goddess of love, and people under Venus are often magnetic and extremely attractive, sometimes in the physical sense and sometimes in the mental sense. Wealth, love, comfort and pleasure - are associated with Venus. What we are attracted to, or what we consider beautiful is usually what we value. If Mars is the God of War then Venus is the Goddess of Peace, or at least of NonWar. Venus will tend to harmonise people and fight against injustice. Whilst Uranus might seek to make all people brothers and sisters, Venus is more limited in her peace making. When Venus seeks to unite, she seeks to unite interpersonally; she doesn't seek to unite the whole world.


(to assert)
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The Planet Of Physical Energy. The Planet Of Action

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The Planet Of Physical Energy. The Planet Of Action

action initiation energy division The symbol is Mars' shield and spear. It can be considered to be the circle of spirit directing its force outwards. The arrow can be thought of as a distorted cross of matter, indicating that the material is important to Mars. Mars rules Aries and, traditionally, Scorpio. Mars is the god of war. He is the assertive military man who acts rather than thinks. The keyword for Mars is "assert", which means to act boldly or forcefully. Mars is the planet of energy and it is sometimes referred to as aggressive. In some cases, Mars can be aggressive in the physical sense, but the force is also related to active and assertive thinking, feeling and acting. Acting before thinking or feeling or considering what is expedient. While Venus seeks to unite, Mars seeks to divide or separate. The sign Mars is in shows us how we are active.


(to expand)

The Planet Of Expansion

generalisation and abstraction truth seeking benevolence The crescent of the Moon, receptivity is above the cross of matter. Our nature is raised above the material to higher levels. Jupiter represents higher education while Mercury is concerned with lower-level education). The crescent of the receptive is directly above the material, without the intervention of the self or the spirit. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and, traditionally, Pisces. The Jupiter force has the keyword "expand", and this force expands the mind, body and the environment. Jupiter was king of the gods, and all the others had to obey him. Another name is Jove, which suggests jovial, a quality produced by the planetary force Jupiter. When we wish to expand our minds, we seek higher education and may travel to distant places, to learn more, to expand our experiences and seek the truth. We would study philosophy. Jupiter is therefore concerned with the big picture, or with generalisation and abstraction. We tend to think we can expand when we feel safe and secure, and we are optimistic about the future. If we are optimistic, we might tend to invest in stocks and shares and even gamble, because we feel lucky.


(to control)

Planet of Time, Discipline, Responsibilities and Hard Work

limitation discipline responsibility rejection Page 11 of 18

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rejection must do The symbol for Saturn is the inverted Jupiter sign. With Saturn the crescent of the moon is below, or subjugated to matter. This also means practical. The keyword for Saturn is control. It means the tendency to limit, discipline and give responsibility. The young person, as he or she grows older has to take on responsibilities and give up his or her youthful ways. Saturn can reject and expel. Saturn is referred to by old astrologers as a malefic, a planet that brings ill fortune. This is neither right nor wrong. Saturn does indicate areas where we have been deprived, and where our deepest fears lie. It is a sad fact that what we most want or need, is what we cannot accept or what we fearfully reject. It therefore indicates what we must do in order to avoid problems. Saturn's Greek name is Cronos (Kronos), Old Father Time. Saturn ruled the world until he was overthrown by his son, Zeus, (Jupiter). His time had come and he had run out of time. Saturn particularly rules our subjective time. Saturn rules Capricorn. Because Saturn expresses control, it can also mean holding back or delay. It can produce a shortage of time, or too much time. Jupiter, the Greek god, expanded out of the control of Saturn and became the ruler of the Olympians.


(to bring out the fullest potential)

The Wounded Healer (The Great Teacher)

to teach to unlock to find what is essential to reconcile opposites (shaman) to heal holistically The expert on Chiron astrologically is Zane Stein. Chiron is not a planet, but an asteroid or a comet. It was discovered on 1 November, 1977 by Charles Kowel. In the symbol, we see the circle of spirit is below the cross of matter, indicating that the spirit can transform ideas, etc into practical workable form (like Saturn). The symbol is asymmetrical: the right hand can be thought of as half of an "X", with the left hand bit missing. The cross of matter isn't whole, and it lacks the other half, or opposite part. The circle of spirit is a bit squashed so it is somewhat unconventional. Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus, crossing the orbit of Saturn regularly, and that of Uranus occasionally, and its symbol seems to contain part of the essence of each of these. Saturn brings about an awareness of problems and Uranus brings insight for their solution. Chiron was an immortal centaur, half man, half horse. Unlike the other centaurs, who were unintelligent and brutish, Chiron was intelligent and kind. He taught many Greek heroes the arts of music, war, poetry, surgery, astrology, healing, etc. He had the gift of guiding his pupils to uncover their highest potential and to discover their destiny. Chiron's pupils were the heros, who gained famed, yet Page 12 of 18

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discover their destiny. Chiron's pupils were the heros, who gained famed, yet Chiron was always a support-character, and never great himself. He epitomised the saying, "It is a poor teacher who is not excelled by their students". Essentially, Chiron was a great teacher who brought out the the fullest potential in his students, so they greatly excelled him in ability. One day he suffered a poisonous wound. Because he was immortal, he could not die and lived in terrible pain and suffering. He did a deal with the gods, offering his life (and freedom from pain) for the release of Prometheus, who was imprisoned by the gods for giving man the gift of fire, and therefore betraying their secrets. Chiron was immortalised by the gods in the constellation Sagittarius. . The suggested keyphrases are "to bring out the fullest potential", and "to heal holistically". Heal is used generally here to refer not only to healing bodies, or even healing minds, but also to such things as healing lives, groups, societies, environments, etc. The kind of healing which Chiron does is shamanistic. That is, the shaman goes to the depths of the underworld to reclaim the lost soul, or healing is done through re-experiencing the pain and bringing the whole together in holistic healing. Another way of saying this is to heal through bringing into conscious awareness (that is uniting the unconscious problem with the conscious mind). The glyph for Chiron has half of its cross of matter missing, symbolising the broken state which is healed through finding and re-uniting the missing part. The keyphrase, "to bring out the fullest potential " is similar to healing holistically, in that we seek our fullest potential through finding that which is lost and uniting it with its other half. Another way of saying this is that Chiron could help his students find what was needed, or what was missing in order to attain greatness. Chiron is essential concerned with problems. Problems are largely dilemmas. In other words, a problem is one thing opposing another. For instance, you want to care for your family. You could do with more money. It seems the only way to get more money is to work all hours. If you work all hours, then you won't be with your family very much, which means less caring by being with them. therefore the problem: wanting to care for the family by providing more things, but by doing so you are with them less. Chiron sometimes does this through exposing, or revealing something hidden so it can be dealt with (sometimes bringing about some generally small pain and suffering on the way to resolution). What is revealed is sometimes an evil in society which is shown so it can be inspected and handled. Chiron differs from Uranus in that Chiron isn't a rebel as such, but a maverick. That is, someone who goes his own way independently, not rebelling against something because it is conventional, as Uranus does, nor being slavishly conventional, like Saturn. Chiron. like Saturn, is said to control subjective time.


(to deviate)

The Planet Of Revolution

invention inspiration freedom awaken Page 13 of 18

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Other glyphs:

The symbol for Uranus, , appears to be two crescents pointing in opposite directions. The cross of matter is equal with the higher spirit. The cross and the lower circle are the symbol for Venus inverted. The two semicircle-circles could be a split circle, or spirit. Originally, it was just an "H", for Sir William Herschel, who discovered it on 13 March, 1781. Uranus rules, or is the co-ruler of Aquarius (with Saturn). It is the first of the modern planets to be discovered. It is considered a higher octave of Mercury. The keyword for Uranus is "deviate". This can sometimes mean drastic change from one thing to another. In another way, it can mean originality and invention. Uranus is called the Planet Of Revolution, and its purpose is to bring about freedom, independence and remove restraints. Uranus can awaken us from our mental slumbers and liberate us. Uranus governs electricity and astrology, Uranus was the sky-god whose wife was Gaea, the Earth. He was eventually killed by his son, Cronos (or Saturn).


(to refine)

The Planet Of Transcendence

transcendence delusion mystery capitulation dissolution

Other glyphs: Traditionally, the glyph is Neptune's trident, the cross of matter. . The crescent of spirit is above

Neptune was discovered in 1846 as a result of the computations of the French astronomer, Urbain Leverrier. It is considered a higher octave of Venus. Neptune has the keyword "refine". By refining, we raise something to a higher degree and this can mean idealism or illusion. Neptune is a force that transcends the physical world, and is associated with religion and belief. In Greek mythology, Neptune was the god of the sea. When our minds turn to the refined and unworldly, we can sometimes be deceived. We move into the unreal and the unprovable. Neptune rules film, where flickering lights create the illusion of reality. It also rules conjuring and similar arts of deception and mystery. Neptune is also concerned Page 14 of 18

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conjuring and similar arts of deception and mystery. Neptune is also concerned with the glorious sacrifice: giving up the self for the sake of religion or ideology (capitulation). This can mean the same as non-resistance, as in judo and similar martial arts from the East. The Greek God, Neputune, was god of the oceans. He was also a shape-shifter: he could change his own form and that of others. Neptune is also associated with dodging and weaving, escaping from traps and being hard to catch. It is hard to pin a Neptune person down because barriers dissolve or do not exist, and non-resistance causes strong force to dissipate Neptune can dissolve anything, and the self can be dissolved into the infinite. Also Neptune can dissolve barriers, so far more can be achieved in an area than any rational person might expect to be possible. Neptune dissolves problems, barriers, conventions, impossibilities, etc.. Neptune is associated with alcohol and drugs. Neptune rules, or is the co-ruler (with Jupiter) of Pisces. Neptune is also associated with nebulousness, illumination and impressionability.


(to transform)

The Planet Of Transformation

eliminate regenerate purge redeem Other glyphs: , . This one, . is the initials of Pluto's discover,

The normal symbol for Pluto is

Percival Lowell, who discovered it in 1930. The glyph for Pluto, , shows the circle of the spirit (the sun) within and above

the crescent of receptivity, which is above the cross of matter. It is considered a higher octave of Mars. The keyword for Pluto is "transformation". Pluto was the god of the underworld, ruling over the dead. While the god, Pluto, was not a god of death, which was determined by the Fates, he was concerned with the transition from life to death. The planet Pluto, however is associated with death, mainly as a transformation from life, in one form, to death, or rebirth, in another form. Life and death can be considered a transformation from one state to the other. "Life and death" should be taken as an allusion to a process whereby something is completely destroyed and is transformed into something new and usually better. This is made clearer by another keyword for Pluto, to regenerate, that is, create anew, in a better way. This can mean changing from being an unethical person to an Page 15 of 18

Astrology: The Planets

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anew, in a better way. This can mean changing from being an unethical person to an ethical person, as in spiritual regeneration. Pluto the planet is associated with hidden and secret things, often deeply buried, perhaps in the mind. It is associated with psychoanalysis and similar deep therapies. It is also associated with atomic energy, which often involves the transformation of one element to another, with the release of vast amounts of energy. Pluto, like the atom, tightly holds onto its secret energy, but when it is released, it occurs suddenly, unexpectedly and powerfully. Not surprisingly, Pluto is associated with sex and the orgasm. The sudden explosion of energy naturally associates Pluto with aggression, passion and conflict. To understand the secret matters which Pluto is concerned with, we need to remember that, for instance, much of science deals with uncovering secrets of nature. As Pluto is associated with life and death, some of these secrets refer to understanding how to create life and transmute events in the biological cell. It is also concerned with life prolongation (death). Of course, Pluto's secrets are also secrets of the mind. Areas where we might have hidden shame or guilt, the skeleton in the cupboard. But really these are areas that we cannot own or have because they are considered bad or they are considered too good. We hide both the saint and the sinner within us. When Pluto digs up any of these, it causes serious conscious conflict, and the good may horrify us more than the bad! The personal secrets also include areas of possibility and potential that we dare not even dream about (except symbolically). Normally, such areas are only made manifest when we are ready to receive them and to transform. Pluto also gives us this ability. In a natal chart Pluto indicates how a person will cut through the veneer and get down to life or death, sex and survival matters. The expression, "cut the crap" is Plutonic because Pluto is concerned with elimination and cutting through to the cause or basis. Pluto is considered by astrologers to be neither good nor bad. For instance, where the keyword "annihilation" is used, it is probably only half the truth. Pluto does destroy the old, but it does so to create the new, and the better new (regenerate). Some more keywords related to Pluto are: elimination, purification, exposure, intensity and extremes. Pluto rules over the basic conflict between spiritual development and worldly living. While Uranus will change the old into the new, Pluto will destroy the old to make room for the new. Pluto is the ruler, or co-ruler (with Mars), of Scorpio.

Moon's North Node

The Moon's North Node indicates the direction, area and manner in which the being seeks his or her destiny.

Moon's South Node

Indicates the resources and gifts the being brought into this world, which could be used to achieve his or her destiny.

Part of Fortune Page 16 of 18

Astrology: The Planets

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Part of Fortune
Indicates those areas where things will come very easily; where the Being is lucky.

Time Spent By The Planets In Each Sign

Jupiter and the more distant planets spend so much time in one sign, that the meaning of the planet in the sign for the individual becomes less a distinctive mark of their existence than a distinctive mark of those born during that period. While these planets do have a personal meaning in terms of the Houses, Pluto in Scorpio, for instance does not have a unique personal meaning for those with this placement in their natal charts. Planet/ Point Time in One One Daily one sign revolution revolution Motion (approx.) (Years) (Days) (degrees) 0.003 0.075 0.241 0.616 1.000 1.882 12 18 29 51 84 165 248 1.0 27.3 88.0 225.0 365.0 687.0 4380.0 6570.0 10585.0 18628 30660.0 60225.0 90520.0 360.00 13.19 4.09 1.60 0.99 0.52 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00

Ascendant 2 hours Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter North Node Saturn Chiron Uranus Neptune Pluto 2 days 73 days 18 days 30 days 57 days 1 year 1 years 2 years 4 1/4 years 7 years 14 years 21 years (12-31)

Astrology: the signs


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Astrology: The Planets

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Ken Ward

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Astrology: The Aspects of planets (Conjunction, sextile, square,...

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The Aspects
Aspect is the geometric relationship between two planets in the horoscope chart. Aspects are important in analyzing a horoscope because they give the combined effect of the functions of the two planets involved. The major aspects between the planets are the conjunction, semi-sextile, sextile, square, trine, square, Quincuncx and opposition. The semi-sextile, sextile, trine and conjunction are said to be good or favorable whereas the square, opposition and quincunx are taken to be not favorable.Aspects are the vital factors in the formation of ones character.

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The Conjunction - The conjunction is formed when two planets are at approximately the same degree of the same sign or at an orb of not more than 8 degrees. In a conjunction, the energies of the two planets are combined, and the result is often a strengthening of both. Connjuction of Lords of 1, 4, 7 and 10th houses produces good effects. Conjunction of the trine Lords (5th and 9th houses) are always good irrespective of their location.A Moon-Venus conjunction is beneficial whereas a Saturn- Mars conjunction is said to be stressful.

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The Semi-Sextile - This aspect is formed when two planets are 30 degrees apart with an orb of two degrees in either direction. This aspect is reckoned to be mildly favorable with the planets working well together.

The Sextile - Sextiles occur when two planets are approximately 60 degrees apart. This is the aspect of opportunity. It is the 3rd and the 11th house Hindu aspect. Initiatives can be taken during this aspect and it reinforces the weak points in life.It is a very beign aspect indicative of talent, confidence and popularity.

Principles of Astrology: Houses in Astrology

Ascendant Decanates Empty houses

The Square - Squares occur when two planets are approximately 90 degrees apart. It is the 4th and the 10th house Hindu aspect. Square causes the friction and the hurdles that help us to grow and become productive.This is the most critical amd conflicting aspect. It gives disturbed, prejudiced or adverse conditions and circumstances accompanying it. It is a separative aspect and it turns the tide of fortune.

The Trine - A trine occurs when two planets are approximately 120 degrees apart. It is the 5th and the 9th house Hindu aspect. Trines bring about ease and comfort.This is a fortunate aspect for harmony, peace and does much to improve adverse aspects. When occuring between Sun and Moon it is more fortunate than any other aspect.

Planets in Astrology
Angles Aspects Retrograde Planetary Configuration Planets in Hemispheres Unaspected Planets Lunar Nodes Venus Transit Sky Home Sky 2011 The Opposition - The opposition occurs when two planets are about 180 degrees apart.It is the 7th house Hindu aspect. As the name implies, opposition are obstacles that must be resolved.This is a malefic aspect of perfect balance. It includes confrontation and partnership. It indicates change of circumstances. Oppositions can manifest as mood swings.

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The various planetary aspects can be known using the links provided below:

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Astrology: The Aspects of planets (Conjunction, sextile, square,...

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Apparent Motion
Below you will find information about the Apparent Motion of the Planetary Bodies. Because the Earth and other planets move around the Sun at different speeds, there are times when the apparent motion of a planet, as observed from Earth, seems to slow, stop, and move backwards. If you traced the route in the sky, the planet's path would make a large loop as it slowed down, came to a complete stop (retrograde station), began moving backwards in the sky (retrograde motion), slowed to a stop again (direct station), and then began again it's forward motion across the sky (direct motion).

Learning Astrology Brief History The Twelve Signs The Twelve Houses The Planetary Bodies Phases of the Moon The Planetary Aspects Apparent Motion



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Direct Motion Stationed Retrograde Retrograde Motion Stationed Direct Retrograde Shadow

Normal, forward motion. Fixed in the sky, turning retrograde. Moving backwards in the sky. Fixed in the sky, turning direct. The distance in the sky a planet has traveled in retrograde motion.

Direct Motion
The normal motion of a planet. The Sun and Moon are always in Direct motion. All the other planets can move in retrograde motion at times.

Stationed Retrograde
A planet reaches its retrograde station when it begins to move backwards in the sky. The moment when this happens is a time when the planet's energy is operating particularly powerfully, due to its lack of apparent motion. It stays in orb of whatever aspect it is making - and conjunctions are particularly strong - far longer than it usually does. The retrograde stations of the outer planets, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are especially powerful.

Retrograde Motion
A planet moves backwards through the Zodiac in its Geocentric position - as seen from the earth. For the personal planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars, this happens rarely in terms of total duration. For Mars this type of motion occurs once every two years or so, and lasts about eight weeks. Venus is retrograde - like Mars - about every two years, but for only about six weeks. The outer planets beyond Mars go into retrograde motion for about 5 months of every year. Astrologers interpret transiting personal retrograde planets as more inner directed. Transiting Mars retrograde inhibits direct action. When Venus is retrograde we might expect relationships with other people to operate on a more internal level. The reflection on one's partnership situation or the research of possible romance is a better bet than acting on the impulse, which might not last longer than the six-week period of time. Mercury retrograde, which occurs three times a year for about three weeks each time, is interpreted particularly strongly. Mental pursuits and connections break down. The Mercury retrograde period is best used as a time for inner reflection. It is not a good time for making new decisions or new business plans, but it is ideal for reflecting on your current situation. It is best to quietly observe your inner process during Mercury retrograde, and to carry forward with your preexisting plans. Ask yourself: Where am I heading in my life at this particular juncture? Then try to move forward with new directions only after Mercury has gone direct, and perhaps even a fortnight beyond, when Mercury has left its retrograde shadow.

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Stationed Direct
A planet reaches its direct station when it begins to move forwards once again. Like the planet's retrograde station, this moment is a time when the planet is operating particularly powerfully. And again the conjunction is quite strong. The direct station of the outer planets, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are especially powerful.

Retrograde Shadow
The degrees traversed by a planet's retrograde or backwards motion through the zodiac. Usually only a few degrees, as much as 12-15 degrees in the case of inner planets such as Mercury. Every Mercury retrograde period requires a few weeks after its direct station to emerge out of this shadow, to regain the original degree where it turned retrograde. Example: On March 19th 2005 Mercury went retrograde at 14 plus degrees of Aries. On April 12th it turned direct in the second degree of Aries, at 1 Aries 45. On April 30th it regained the 15th degree of Aries, and left its Retrograde Shadow.

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The Sun The Sun represents the Self, one's way of being in the world. It can represent, on different levels, both the ego and the higher Self or soul purpose. It rules Leo and is exalted in Aries. The Sun is the most important 'planet' in the chart and symbolizes one's will and sense of vitality. When the Sun is afflicted (poorly placed or poorly aspected) it could indicate problems with the father, or male role model. The Sun energizes your entire chart, and planets in close relationship to the Sun (by planetary aspect) are emphasized in your personality. If your Sun is prominent in your chart, you will exhibit great power to do and to be. More about the Sun... The Moon The Moon represents the personal self, the feelings and the unconscious. It is a reflection of the true self, represented by the Sun. The Moon also stands for security and instinctual or habitual patterns, as well as the ability to relate to others, and to be nurturing to others. The Moon rules Cancer and is exalted in Taurus. It is often contrasted with the Sun as the female receptive principle versus the masculine or positive principle. The Moon represents the feminine and nurturing part of oneself. In a male chart, the Moon represents the feminine within, or the 'anima' and also indicates the type of partner you will attract. The Moon also represents an attunement from the past, which operates at an instinctive or habitual level in your present life. More about the Moon... Mercury Mercury represents the mind and intellect, and rules Gemini, sign of duality also Virgo, and has its exaltation in Aquarius. Mercury is an airy planet, associated with all forms of communication and the in-flow and out-flow of intelligence. Its position indicates how your mental function will be expressed, and where techniques and skills are available to you. More about Mercury... Venus Venus is the planet of love and relationship. Venus is in-taking, rather than out-going (as represented by Mars), and rules the signs Libra and Taurus. Venus has its exaltation in Pisces, and is associated with aesthetics, beauty, refinement and romance. Its position in the chart indicates the area in which the give and take of love, affection and sensual pleasure will be expressed. More about Venus...

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Mars Mars is the planet of outward activity and animal passion. It rules Aries and is exalted in Capricorn. This fiery planet is masculine in action, versus softer more receptive Venus. When strong in the chart it can indicate a volatile temper, and also great courage. Its position indicates how your personality will assert itself, and what modes of activity will stimulate your physical energies. More about Mars... Jupiter Jupiter is the planet of faith, positivism and optimism. It rules Sagittarius and is exalted in Cancer. Jupiter represents the principle of expansion, versus contraction (as represented by Saturn) and the aspirations of the higher self. Its position in the chart indicates how your faith will be expressed, and what modes of activity will stimulate self-confidence. More about Jupiter... Saturn Saturn is the planet of limitation and contraction, and the trials of life experience. This includes disciplive, punctuality, and the conservation of material resources. Saturn rules Capricorn and is exalted in Libra, and is limited and material, versus unlimited faith (as represented by Jupiter). It indicates areas where the personality will be restricted by fears and lack of confidence, and also areas which are important to be worked on in this lifetime. More about Saturn... Uranus Uranus is the planet of freedom and revolutionary vision, the urge for change and the ability to visualize new possibilities. Uranus rules Aquarius, and is exalted in Scorpio. It is also associated with mental studies, electricity and astrology. Its position indicates the arena of originality and freedom from conventional thinking in your life. More about Uranus... Neptune Neptune represents the universal ocean of oneness with all beings. It is thus highly compassionate, also idealistic, imaginative and self login or even self undoing, and can be associated with drugs or media, as fantasy expressions. Neptune rules Pisces, and finds its exaltation in Cancer. Its position indicates where there may be confusion and also great creativity in poetic or musical fields. Neptune has been called the higher octave of Venus. More about Neptune... Pluto Pluto is a force for change that can be destructive in its power. Pluto rules Scorpio, and is exalted in Leo. Pluto is related to will, and intense passion, and has a reputation for ruthlessness. As god of the underworld Pluto brings the deepest compulsions into the light. Its position indicates areas of life that must ultimately become transformed as part of the soul's evolution. More about Pluto... Chiron Chiron is a small planet, or 'planetoid' that was only discovered in 1977, and which has already shown itself to be quite powerful in an individual's chart. Occupying an eccentric orbit between Saturn and Uranus, and named for the centaur physician of Greek myth who taught ancient wisdom to mankind, Chiron represents the archetype of the "Wounded Healer" and is associated with shamanism and going within to heal oneself. Its discovery is synchronous with the rise of the holistic health movement. Chiron's position in the chart reveals where one has been wounded, and where also there is the opportunity for discovering healing from within and sharing this discovery with other people, since from our wounds arises our compassion for the suffering of others. The position of Chiron, by house and sign, can also show where we have talent and access to ancient wisdom, as well as where we may depart from the mainstream in service to a higher practicality. Those with prominent Chiron are likely to be educators and spiritual healers. More about Chiron... Ceres Ceres is the first asteroid that was discovered, on New Year's Day, 1801, and also the largest. It was named for the Roman earth goddess of grain and the harvest. The Greek name for this earth goddess is Demeter. As goddess of the harvest and the natural process of fertility and renewal, Ceres represents the process of nurturing and motherhood in an individual chart, and has been attributed to the sign Cancer as a co-ruler with the Moon, as well as to the signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Virgo. All four major asteroids seem to represent different aspects of the feminine, and can be thought of as further refinements of the lunar principle. An afflicted Ceres, by planetary aspect may indicate problems with being able to nurture, or to be nurtured by others, perhaps manifesting in food complexes, or a feeling of refection by parental figures. When strongly placed, it symbolizes the ability to take on parental responsibilities, especially in a female subject, and also may indicate someone who has a close relationship with the earth, as gardener or grower of food. Also the position of Ceres by house and sign, and its planetary connections, is likely to indicate the way in which motherhood (or parenthood) manifests in the individual life. More about the Planetary Bodies... Pallas The asteroid Pallas (short for Pallas Athene) was the second of the four major asteroids to be discovered, in 1802. The four major asteroids, Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta, were discovered within a few years of each other at the beginning of the 19th century, and named for female goddesses in the Roman pantheon. Their discovery has been synchronous with the rise of the women's movement in the West. These four asteroids seem to symbolize four different facets of the feminine and represent a fresh way of regarding the feminine principle in astrology, going beyond the relatively simple categories of wife and mother, as represented by Venus and the Moon. Pallas represents the wisdom of the female spirit, as the mythology of Pallas Athene would indicate: born from the head of Zeus, and symbolized by the owl and the snake, Pallas Athene was a powerful symbol for independence and wisdom in the ancient mythology. She did not ally herself with

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any man, but rather was a strong and warrior-like figure who aided men of good will and whose advice was prized for its intelligence. The astrology of the asteroid Pallas indicates such a feminine spirit of independence and cool mental judgment in either a man's or a woman's chart. In an individual chart, Pallas represents the creative use of the mental faculty in combination with ageless wisdom, and is also involved with the arts, especially the plastic arts such as sculpture and pottery, and with medicinal remedies. Its position by house and sign indicates where in one's life the divine spark of creative intelligence and higher wisdom may spring forth. More about the Planetary Bodies... Juno The asteroid Juno was the third of the four major asteroids to be discovered, in 1805. These four asteroids, which came on the scene as the 19th century began, seem to represent different aspects of the feminine spirit. In mythology Juno (or the Greek Hera) was wife and consort to Jupiter, and therefore the astrology of Juno represents the partnering energy of intimate relationship. This is also the territory of Venus and the Moon, but where Juno seems to differ is in representing the partnership energy in a new light, as in the more modern issues of where the boundaries are with another person, how much sharing is appropriate, versus holding back, are there issues of bitterness and jealousy, or projected authority and control onto another person, and intimacy needs in general. When Juno is prominent in a natal chart, all these type of issues are important to the individual. If Juno is aspected by another planet, these issues may be colored by the energy of that planet. Juno's position by house and sign is an indication of the area of life in which these issues will be most important. More about the Planetary Bodies... Vesta The asteroid Vesta was the last of the four major asteroids to be discovered, in 1807. The mythology of Vesta (or Greek Hestia) is as follows: one of the sisters of Jupiter and Juno, Vesta chose to remain a virgin and not marry. She was the goddess of the hearth fire, which was of utmost importance in ancient times, connoting hospitality and the basic vitality of the home or city-state, and her astrological symbol is the flame. It is interesting to note that Vesta is the brightest of the four asteroids. Her symbolism also suggests the "vestal virgin" temple priestesses of the ancient Geek world, and their commitment to no man, but to their own inner flame of service to the goddess. Their service might even be of a sexual nature, but they remained untouched by any sexual intimacy with another person. In accordance with its mythology, the asteroid Vesta is involved with both the signs Virgo and Scorpio. In the astrology of Vesta in an individual chart, these issues of sexuality and completeness unto oneself predominate. Possible associations are the woman (or man) who chooses not a mate, but as a nun or monk takes on a higher purpose than normal family life, also issues of sexuality and who is ultimately served in the process, self or other. Thus when Vesta is prominent in the chart, there may be issues with purity, singleness and sexuality either by abstinence or by one involving oneself with multiple partners which yet leave the individual untouched by relationship. The placement of Vesta by house and sign also indicate the area of life where these issues may manifest. More about the Planetary Bodies... Part of Fortune The Part of Fortune (from the Latin Pars Fortuna) is the only Arabian astrology part still commonly used in modern astrology. It indicates an area of life that is a fortunate one for the native. The house in which the Part of Fortune is placed indicates an area of your life which is likely to be a successful one for you; an area where the applications of your skill will bear fruit. Its is where you will find good luck and happiness. More about the Planetary Bodies... The North Node The Nodes of the Moon indicate areas of life that are of special concern to you. Also referred to as the dragon's head, The North Node indicates your goals. The placement of the North Node indicates work that needs to be done in your life, or new faculties that need to be developed in the present lifetime. More about the Planetary Bodies... The South Node The Nodes of the Moon indicate areas of life that are of special concern to you. Also known as the dragon's tail, the South Node indicates areas of mastery, often from a previous lifetime. More about the Planetary Bodies... Aries Aries people tend to be energetic, forceful and outgoing. You are good at getting things done, although you prefer starting to finishing. Like the energy of the first rush of spring, you move into the world in a headstrong, pioneering way. You are likely to rush into things before reflecting, and may also be impatient or unwilling to sit back and allow events to mature. You have great vitality and a tremendous need to be physically active. You have a strong will, and are self-centered about pursuing it, so that you may try to dominate other people until you learn to be more subtle about getting your way. You also have an acute need for love and affection. You benefit from self-discipline, so that you can channel your abundant energy more constructively. More about Aries... Taurus Taureans revel in the pleasures of life. You crave the security and comfort of relaxing in the warmth of your home environment. You value the senses and the enjoyment of material things. You are likely to work hard to make your home an attractive one. You also have the makings of a healer and you have a large capacity for kindness. Although you are quiet on the surface, almost passive, you possess a powerful will and can be quite stubborn at times, and perhaps somewhat rigid in your thinking. You also tend to be loving, obedient and loyal. Material rewards seem to come easily to you, and you are able to lead the good life without being excessively concerned about it. You are practical, and provide a purposeful, productive and stabilizing influence for yourself and those around you. More about Taurus... Gemini Gemini is the sign associated with communication, logical thought processes (based on duality) and the conscious mind. Gemini people tend to be airy and

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intellectual, glib of tongue and curious about life and other people. You can experience two sides of things at the same time, and you may tend to be flighty. You move through life like a butterfly, engaging in many varied experiences to gain knowledge. You are witty and have a good sense of humor, and you are likely to be an excellent conversationalist. You make a good teacher. You can be nervous and high-strung, and may be mischievous. Unlike possessive Taurus, you tend toward liberty in relationship. You can be easily bored, but under the control of selfdiscipline you have tremendous intellectual and artistic possibilities. More about Gemini... Cancer Cancerians are nurturing and protective of others. Your ruling planet is the Moon, and you tend to be moody, with constantly changing emotions. You are also likely to be security-conscious and highly value your home life. You may appear passive, and tend to rely on your feelings to make decisions. You are subtle, rather than direct, and are likely to reflect the moods of those around you. You may be involved with the past in some way, because the sign of Cancer, the sign of nurturing, protecting and sustaining, is strongly tied to the past, and the principle of Karma. You tend to collect the residue of past experience and hold onto it, allowing it to color present activities and lead you to instinctual action. Rather than allowing yourself to be driven by your changing moods, you benefit from shedding the light of conscious reason on your habitual patterns and focusing on your true goals. More about Cancer... Leo You are likely to express yourself in dramatic, creative and assertive ways. You are also likely to enjoy the warmth of the physical Sun. You have great energy, courage and honesty. You are likely to be self-confident and maybe even a bit self-indulgent. You expect to be the center of attention, and often are. You can be quite determined and usually get your way when you really want to. You also possess great integrity, and are a natural leader. Leo people are very proud. Your challenge is to temper any tendency for arrogant or egotistical behavior and to instead develop humility and compassion; to learn detachment in the gift of your affections, so that you radiate your abundant energy freely and enhance the life experience of others around you. More about Leo... Virgo Virgo people tend to be very conscious of details. You may also appear nervous or obsess over health issues. You are likely to be neat and orderly, at least in some area of your life, although you may exhibit the opposite tendency in cases where you have not yet found your guiding principle of organization. You love work, service to others and the gathering of the fruits of the material world, as symbolized by the harvest. You are also likely to be an good conversationalist, with wide-ranging knowledge and interesting ideas. You can be analytical and perhaps overly fond of detail, with perfectionist tendencies, and you may miss out on the big picture by concentrating on the micro. It also benefits you to learn the find line between discrimination and criticism. Your mission in life is the purification your activity in pursuit of your goals, manifesting your inherent love of excellence in all strivings. More about Virgo... Libra Libra is the sign of harmony and relationship. The Sun in Libra is at the time of the Equinox, when day equals night, and similarly Libra strives for balance between polarities. Librans are known for their good taste, elegance and charm. You are a seeker of harmony and beauty. Your natural mode of living is in partnership with others. Intimate relationships are quite important to you, as are issues of social justice. You forever hope that all parties in a conflict will be satisfied, and you have a tendency to understand and support both sides of a dispute, which can drive your friends crazy unless they are smart enough to value the mediation you naturally provide. You will go out of your way to avoid a quarrel, and you may have a hard time making a decision. Artistic pursuits of all kinds provide an outlet for your love of beauty. You benefit from strengthening your will to act in favor of your higher purpose, which rather than making any one individual all important, ultimately lies in dedicating yourself to humanity at large. More about Libra... Scorpio Scorpio is the most intense sign of the Zodiac, and is associated with sexual activity and with the symbolism of death and rebirth. Your emotions run deep. You have great personal magnetism and great powers of persuasion or even the ability to coerce others. Your will is strong, and you let nothing stand in your way to achieving your goals. You may suffer in your life, but your pain leads to important personal transformation. You are very good at group dynamics, and working with the public. You are a shrewd judge of other people's motives, and you may be willing to use your special knowledge to your own advantage. Although you can be manipulative at times, when you work out your issues to be more in line with your own higher nature, you can take on the charismatic power of a natural healer, transforming yourself and society around you. More about Scorpio... Sagittarius Sagittarius is an optimistic, positive-thinking sign associated with the quest for freedom from all restriction as well as idealism, religion and philosophy. Sagittarius people are direct and forthright, good-natured and affirmative in their outlook. You tend to speak with a blunt tongue, which can get you into trouble at times, although you are usually able to laugh yourself out of it. You display honesty and a strong moral nature. You also like to have fun and enjoy a good chuckle, even at your own expense. You gravitate toward adventure, sports and travel, as well as gambling and other forms of risk-taking. You are likely to be very curious about the world around you, with a love for nature and a contagious enthusiasm for exploration of all kinds. At the highest level, you are concerned with understanding, perception, and mental activity in the service of your high ideals for the benefit of mankind. More about Sagittarius... Capricorn Capricorn people are ambitious and practical, and you are likely to have an excellent sense of social responsibility. You also tend to be conscious of social mores, perhaps to the point of over-concern. Your natural caution allows you to advance slowly and steadily to the top. Capricorn represents the accomplishments of the material and the quest for prestige, honor and success in public achievement. It is also possible that the driving force behind your ambition partially lies in deep-rooted feelings of insecurity. You put yourself under enormous pressure to perform, and can feel personally responsible for those around you. You may have

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5/28/12 6:33 PM

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suffered from a restrictive early environment, and your aloofness may serve to protect you from dealing with a fear of intimacy, or low self-esteem. You exemplify the values of hard work and accomplishment, and service to the goals of humanity, and your redemption comes when you allow the spiritual joy that you feel inside to fully express itself in graceful acts of loving-kindness. More about Capricorn... Aquarius You have a rebellious nature, and are eccentric, spontaneous and original. Aquarians are forward thinking and detached, and can seem conservative though they really are not very much so. You are scientifically minded and logical, and confident in manner. You are likely to be years ahead of your time in the way you think. You can also appear to be more involved with your work than with other people, although you truly value social contact. You are intuitive, imaginative and inventive, and inclined to take chances, especially in the service of your goals. You can be quite noble in your deepest nature, but you also may come across as critical and demanding. Your highest purpose is found in aligning yourself with the advancement of social and humanitarian ideals. More about Aquarius... Pisces You are friendly and likable, and yet you can be very moody and introspective as well. Pisces is a watery sign, concerned with subtle emotions and secret mystical depths. You are not entirely at home in this world. You may at times prefer your inner life to this one. You are dreamy and full of imagination, and are easily influenced by everything around you, being quite sensitive to the emotions of others. You also have an artistic temperament that allows you to express these feelings in creative and innovative ways. You can be strong when necessary, but you may have a hard time making a decision. You also may experience upsets periodically, stemming from your extreme sensitivity as you react to situations and events that seem harsh to you. At your best you are truly compassionate, offering service, love and understanding to all of life that surrounds you. More about Pisces...

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