Pengelolaan Persediaan Linprog

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Paris Paint Company in the process of planning labor force requirement and production levels for the next quarters. The marketing department has provided production with the following forecasts of demand Paris paint over the next year: Demand Forecast Assume that there Quarter (in thousand of gallons) are currently 280 380 employees with the 1 2 630 company. Employees 220 are hired for least 3 4 160 one full quarter. Hiring costs amount to $1.200 per employee and firing costs are $2500 per employee. Inventory costs are one dollar per gallon per quarter. It is estimated that one worker produces 1.000 gallons of paint each quarter. Assume the Paris currently has 80.000 gallons of paint in inventory and would like to end the year with an inventory of at least 20.000 gallons. QUESTION Determine the minimum work force plan for Paris Paints and the cost of the plan. Assume that stock-outs are not allowed. a. Formulate problem as a linear program. Assume that stock-outs are not allowed b. Solve the linear problem. Round the variable and determine the cost of the resulting plan PENYELESAIAN 1. Employee (W0) = 280 2. Hiring Cost (CH) : $ 1200 / employee 3. Firing Cost : $ 2500 / employee 4. Inventory cost : $1/galon/quarter 5. one worker : 1000 gallons/quarter 6. Inventory sekarang 80.000 gallons 7. Inventori akhir >= 20.000 gallons FUNGSI TUJUAN Fungsi tujuan dari permasalahan ini adalah minimalisasi biaya, dengan demikian permodelannya adalah Minimize (Hiring(H) + Firing(F) + Inventory (I)) Cost Minimize ( CH Ht + CF Ft + CI It )
t =1 t =1 t =1 4 4 4

Minimize 1200H1+1200H2+1200H3+1200H4+2500F1+2500F2+2500F3+2500F4+ 1I1+1I2+1I3+1I4 KONSTRAIN Ada beberapa konstrain yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam permasalahan ini, yaitu : 1. Conservation of Workforce Constraints Wt = Wt-1 + Ht Ft Wt = Number of workers in t Wt-1 = Number of workers in t 1 Ht = Number Hired in t Ft = Number fires in t Dengan t bergerak dari periode 1 s/d 4 maka didapat formula untuk 4 periode sebagai berikut : Untuk t = 1

W1 = W0 + H1 F1 dengan W0 = 280, maka W1 - W0 - H1 + F1 = 0 W1 - H1 + F1 = 280 Untuk t = 2 W2 = W1 + H2 F2 W2 - W1 - H2 + F2 = 0 Untuk t = 3 W3 = W2 + H3 F3 W3 W2 H3 + F3 = 0 Untuk t = 4 W4 = W3 + H4 F4 W4 W3 H4 + F4 = 0

2. Conservation of unit constraints It = It-1 + Pt + St Dt It = Inventory in t It-1 = Inventory in t-1 Pt = Number of units produced in t St =Number of units subcontracted in t Dt = Demand in t Oleh karena pada kasus ini tidak memperhitungkan subkontrak, maka rumus diatas menjadi : It = It-1 + Pt + Dt Dengan t bergerak dari periode 1 s/d 4 maka didapat formula untuk 4 periode sebagai berikut : Untuk t = 1 I1 = I0 + P1 D1 Dengan I0 = 80.000 dan D1 = 380.000, maka I1 = 80.000 + P1 380.000 I1 = -300.000 + P1 P1 I1 = 300.000 Untuk t = 2 I2 = I1 + P2 D2 Dengan D2 = 630.000, maka P2 I2 + I1 = 630.000 Untuk t = 3 I3 = I2 + P3 D3 Dengan D3 = 220.000, maka P3 I3 + I2 = 220.000 Untuk t = 4 I4 = I3 + P4 D4 Dengan D4 = 160.000 dan I4 >= 20.000, maka 20.000 = I3 + P4 160.000 180.000 = I3 + P4

P4 + I3 = 180.000 3. Constraint relating production levels to workforce levels Pt = KntWt + Ot Ut Pt = Number of units produced in t KntWt = Number of units produced by reguler workforce in t Ot = Number of units produced on overtime in t Ut = Number of units of idle production in t Karena dalam permasalahan ini tidak mempertimbangkan Overtime dan idle time maka rumus di atas menjadi : Pt = KntWt ; dan karena dalam masalah ini juga tidak memperhitungkan number of procuction days in period t maka rumus di atas menjadi Pt = KWt Dengan K = 1000, didapat rumus untuk empat periode sebagai berikut : Untuk t = 1 ; P1 = 1000 W1 Untuk t = 2 ; P2 = 1000 W2 Untuk t = 3 ; P3 = 1000 W3 Untuk t = 4 ; P4 = 1000 W4 4. Non negativity constraints W1, ..., W4 >= 0 H1, ..., H4 >= 0 F1, ..., F4 >= 0 P1, ..., P4 >= 0 I1, ..., I4 >= 0 Dengan demikian permodelan pada permasalahan ini dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut : Minimize (CH CH Ht + CF Ft + CI It )
t =1 t =1 t =1 4 4 4

Minimize 1200H1+1200H1+1200H1+1200H1+2500H2+2500H2+2500H2+2500H2+ 1I1+1I2+1I3+1I4 Konstrain W1 - H1 + F1 = 280 W2 - W1 - H2 + F2 = 0 W3 W2 H3 + F3 = 0 W4 W3 H4 + F4 = 0 P1 I1 = 300.000 P2 I2 + I1 = 630.000 P3 I3 + I2 = 220.000 P4 + I3 = 180.000 P1 = 1000 W1 P2 = 1000 W2 P3 = 1000 W3 P4 = 1000 W4 W1, ..., W4 >= 0 H1, ..., H4 >= 0 F1, ..., F4 >= 0 P1, ..., P4 >= 0 I1, ..., I4 >= 0 Bentuk Penulisan di dalam LINDO :

MIN 1200H1+1200H2+1200H3+1200H4+2500F1+2500F2+2500F3+2500F4+1I1+1I2+1I3+1I4 ST W1-H1+F1=280 W2-W1-H2+F2=0 W3-W2-H3+F3=0 W4-W3-H4+F4=0 P1-I1=300000 P2-I2+I1=630000 P3-I3+I2=220000 P4-I4+I3=160000 P1-1000W1=0 P2-1000W2=0 P3-1000W3=0 P4-1000W4=0 W1>=0 W2>=0 W3>=0 W4>=0 P1>=0 P2>=0 P3>=0 P4>=0 F1>=0 F2>=0 F3>=0 F4>=0 H1>=0 H2>=0 H3>=0 H4>=0 I1>=0 I2>=0 I3>=0 I4>=20000

Hasil Perhitungan dengan LINDO



VARIABLE VALUE REDUCED COST H1 185.000000 0.000000 H2 0.000000 1350.000000 H3 0.000000 3700.000000 H4 0.000000 2200.000000 F1 0.000000 3700.000000 F2 0.000000 2350.000000 F3 245.000000 0.000000 F4 0.000000 1500.000000 I1 165000.000000 0.000000 I2 0.000000 4.850000 I3 0.000000 0.500000

I4 W1 W2 W3 W4 P1 P2 P3 P4

60000.000000 465.000000 465.000000 220.000000 220.000000 465000.000000 465000.000000 220000.000000 220000.000000

0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

INTERPRETASI Berdasarkan hasil output dari Lindo, maka didapat solusi optimal setelah 9 iterasi : Pada Periode 1, perusahaan harus meng-hire sebanyak 185 employe dengan kebijakan ini maka akan terjadi sebagai berikut : 1. Jumlah Karyawan akan meningkat dari yang awalnya 280 menjadi 465 2. Dengan jumlah karyawan sebanyak itu pada periode 1 perusahaan memproduksi sebanyak 465.000 3. Persediaan pada periode 1 akan menjadi 165.000 Pada Periode ke-2, tidak dilakukan Hire maupun Fire sehingga jumlah karyawan dipertahankan dengan jumlah yang ada sebanyak 465. Jumlah produksi tetap pada level 465.000 dan inventori 0 Pada Periode ke-3, dilakukan pemecatan (Fire) terhadap 245 pekerja sehingga akan berlaku kondisi berikut : 1. Jumlah karyawan akan berkurang dari yang awalnya 465 menjadi 220 2. Dengan jumlah karyawan sebanyak itu maka pada periode ke-3 dihasilkan produk sebanyak 220.000 3. Persediaan pada periode ke 3 ini dipertahankan pada angka nol Pada Periode ke-4, tidak dilakukan Hire maupun Fire. Jumlah karyawan dipertahankan sama seperti periode 3, dengan demikian akan memproduksi sebanyak 220.000 dan persediaan di akhir periode ini 60.000 Dengan menerapkan kebijakan ini, maka akan meminimalisir biaya menjadi $1059500

35. Consider the problem of Paris paint presented in problem 32. suppose that the plan has the capacity to employ a maximum of 370 workers. Suppose that regular-time employee cost are $12.50 per hour. Assume seven-hour days, five-day weeks, and four-week months. Overtime

is paid on a time anda half basis. Subcontracting is available at a cost of $7 per gallon of paint produced. Overtime is limited to three hours per employee per day,and no more policy that meets the demand, and the cost of that policy(assume stock-outs are not allowed) QUESTION a Formulate problem as a linear program b.Solve the linear program. Round the variables and determines the cost of the resulting plan. 38. The Yeasty Brewing Company produces a popular local beer known as Iron Stomach. Beer sales are some what seasonal, and Yeasty planning its production and manpower levels on march 31 for next six month. The demand forecasts are: Month April May June July Agustus September Production days 11 22 20 23 16 20 Forecasted Demand (in hundreds of cases) 85 93 122 176 140 63

As of March 31, Yeasty had 86 workers on the payroll. Over a period of 26 working days when there were 100 workers on payroll, Yeasty produced 12,000 cases of beer. The cost to hire each workers is $ 125 and the cost if laying off each workers is $300. Holding cost amount 75 cents per case per month. As march, 31, Yeasty expects to have 4,500 cases of beer in stock and it wants to maintain a minimum buffer inventory of 1,000 cases each month. It plans to star October with 3,000 cases on hand. A based on this information, find the minimum constant work force plan for Yeasty over the six month, and determine hiring, firing and holding costs associated with the plan. QUESTION a. formulate the problem pf planning Yeastys production levels as a linear program. b. Solve the resulting linear program. Round the appropriate variables and determine the cost of your solution c. Suppose Yeasty does not wish to fire any workers. What is the optimal plan subject to this constraint?

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