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Management in all business and human organization activity is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals

and objectives. Management is creative problem solving. This creative problem solving is accomplished through four functions of management: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The intended result is the use of an organization's resources in a way that accomplishes its mission and objectives. The organisation I have chosen is Britania Allied Industries. Britania Allied Industries is as a result of the emergence of Britania Products and Britania Foods in 2002. Britania Products (U) Ltd. was set up in 1992 as a small unit for manufacturing biscuits and bread. A confectionery unit was added to this in 1998. To utilize the abundant natural resources of fruits and vegetables in the country, Britania Foods (U) Ltd., a modern fruit and vegetable processing unit blossomed into existence in mid 1995. The Corporate Office and the factory remained in Ntinda Industrial Area in Kampala, a contributory factor being the land owned by the company and available for expansion. The years 2003 to 2006 saw tremendous growth for the company. Britannia allied Industries Ltd has five separate plants for production of biscuits, confectionery, powders, fruit juice and drinking water. The Powder section was added in 2005 and the Mineral Water plant started production in 2006. Additional capacities were installed in the biscuits, confectionery and foods plants. The confectionery section consists of sweets and chewing gum sections. The company also achieved UNBS (Uganda National Bureau of Standards) certification for most of its products. Continuously for the last 3 years the company has been the recipient of the Presidents Export Award for the best Confectionery Exporter. Britania Allied Industries managers have used different ways of motivating their employees. Motivation can be defined as the development of a desire within an employee to perform a task to his/her greatest ability based on that individuals own initiative (Rudolf and Kleiner, 1989, p. 1) Many theories have been put forward to explain ways in which employees can be motivated in an organisation. These include: Abraham Maslows theory proposed that human beings had different levels of needs in a particular order. He identified five levels of needs in order of hierarchy. The most basic needs are the biological and physiological needs. At the top is the need for selfactualization which Maslow defines as growth motivation and calls it the Being Need. Another theory that was developed was called the motivation-hygiene theory or Herzberg theory. It was Frederick Herzberg that developed this theory in 1923. This theory said that there are certain factors in an organization that directly motivate employees to work harder. These are the motivational factors. On the other hand there are factors that are important to be present in the organization. If these factors are not present, they will de-motivate the employees. But these factors will not contribute to motivating the employees There are a number of other concepts put forward by many thinkers, the brief outlines of which may help understand the dynamics of employee motivation in organisational context. Here area few examples: Burrhus Frederic Skinner (1953) believes that behaviours of employees leading to positive outcomes are repeated and those resulting in negative outcomes are not repeated. Managersshould take a lesson from it and reinforce behaviours that result in positive outcomes. Victor Vroom (1964) states that employee motivation is directly

proportional to rewards, i.e. positive rewards motivate employees and negative actions demotivate them. John Stacey Adams (1965) in his Equity Theory proposes that employees expect equity between what they give to the organization and what they receive in return. If employees feel that their inputs such as efforts, commitment, loyalty, trust, and enthusiasm to the organization are fairly and adequately rewarded by outputs such as financial and non-financial benefits or incentives, they remain motivated and continue to provide inputs towards higher productivity. Employees get de-motivated due to the perceived absence of such equity. Work harder. These factors are hygiene factors. It is obvious that these theories do not provide a standard formula or a conclusive direction for motivating employees. The theories, however, indicate that employee motivation is a matter of high complexity as it is all about dealing with complex human behaviour. However, Britania Allied Industries managers have used their own ways in motivating their employees and this can be analyzed below: They motivate their employees by using monetary incentives and no-monetary incentives. Some of the employee monetary incentives programmes are as follows: 1) Profit Sharing Incentive: When the company generates profit, those at the top notch, get a share of it. The share rate is pre-decided and hence year on year besides the salary, profit too comes rolling in. However this programme does not work all the time as profits waver according to the markets and inflation. So sometimes if it is an all time high, it plummets too. Here the employee then gets frustrated due to the erratic profit income and no stability of it. 2) Achievers Incentives: This is far clearer than the earlier one. There is a certain record set and whoever touches or surpasses it, gets the cash incentive. As it is a bulk amount, it makes a difference to the receiver and every year all employees work towards it as anyone is eligible. 3) Performance Bonus: Here a part of the annual salary is kept aside that is given according to the performance. The same is made known at the beginning to the employee. There are slabs prepared and according to the achievement of the employee a part or the whole amount is disbursed. 4) Share-in: This is exclusively for Public Limited Companies. At the end of the financial year according to the performance, bonus shares are allotted to the employee. This way he does not have to spend a dime but gets shares that are highly valuable. Employees that work 5-10 years or even more enjoy a great return when they sell off their shares after their long tenure. Besides monetary incentives, you can also try non-monetary incentives. For instance talking to your employees on a personal front. So you call an employee that has potential and ask him what are his missions and ambitions for the future and how he can divert all these energies into giving his company the best. You can take a team out that has done a brilliant job and inspire them to do much more. Or have a picnic or an outing every quarter.

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