Dailymonitoringreport 6-3-2012

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June 3rd, 2012

Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies

The Daily Monitoring Report

The Field Situation
- A wave of strikes were staged in a big number of Damascus's markets at rates ranging between 50% and 90% in the neighborhoods of Al-Tadamun, AlFahama, Al-Marja, Al-Jisr Al-Abiad, AlTaliani, Al-Halabouni and Al-Maidan, as well as the Aleppo neighborhoods of Salaheddine, AlAzamiya, Al-Sha'ar, Tariq Al-Bab, Hanano Housing city, Al-Sukkari, Al-Ferdous, Bustan Al-Qasr, Al-Mashhad, Seif Al-Dawlah, Al-Haidariya and AlHalak, as well as a number of markets, including gold markets, Khan Al-Jumrok and Al-Atmah at rates ranging between 50-90% as well.(1) - Mohammed Al-Abed, a Syrian activist, said the Assad regime gave leave to officers, who are on duty, in state security services and Al-Thawra (Revolution) newspaper, saying fake bombings might took place in those two places.(1) - The UN observer mission visited Kafr Zita in Hama, meeting with some FSA fighters. During the visit, security forces opened fire to disperse people gathered around the UN observers, which injured four persons, amid reports about renewal of shelling against the city after departure of observers.(1)(2)


June 2nd death toll: 36

Political Mobility
- The Syrian National Council (SNC) expressed its disappointment at the fact that some states had voted against the UN Human Rights Council's decision on conducting investigation into Houla massacre. It also pointed out that the stances of those states would badly affect their relation with the Syrian people in the future. The SNC also welcomed the decisions issued by the Arab Ministerial Council, calling- again- on the United Nations (UN) Security Council to issue a resolution under Chapter VII of the U.N. charter that obligates Al-Assad's regime to stop committing more massacres.(4) - Burhan Ghalioun, outgoing head of the Syrian National Council (SNC), warned that Russia would be declared as an enemy of the Syrian people in case it insisted on its current polices that back Al-Assad's regime which kills its people.(1)(2)(3)(4)

Military Situation
- During clashes with defectors in Idlib, AlHasaka, Daraa's countryside and Rif Dimashq's AlGhouta Al-Sharqiya, some 22 elements of AlAssad's forces were killed.

- The Assad's forces bombed the city of Ariha in Idleb, killing a whole family.

- Colonel Qassim Saadeddine, a field commander with the Free Syrian Army (FSA), called on the West not stand still while the Assad forces continue slaughtering children and women, demanding a nofly zone and safe corridors be established, describing the UN-Arab envoy Kofi Annan's plan as "dead and buried".(2) - Al-Assad's forces fully bombed Homs in an unprecedented way. Whole families are now under the rubble, at a time when government troops prevent ambulances from helping them.(1)(4) - Security forces carried out an all-out security campaign, which included raids and arrests in all districts of Hama.(1) - Clashes broke out between the FSA and the Assad forces in Daraa, killing at least six Assad elements.(3)(4) - The FSA clashed with the government troops at a barrier near Homs's Al-Quseir, killing and injuring Assad elements.(1)

Internal Situation
- Homs activists call on the international community to intervene to save people from the "Assad criminal behavior," and to send international forces to stop and destroy the regime.(1)

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June 3rd, 2012

Activities of Civil Organizations
- Navi Pillay, UN Human Rights Commissioner, said that President Assad's regime should be brought to account for committing many massacres in Syria, noting that any political solution that grants pardon would be a violation of the international law.(1) - The International Islamic Relief Organization sent 1500 food packages to the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization to be distributed on the Syrian refugees in Jordan. It is worth mentioning that each food package of them weighs 35 KG.(1)

Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies

- Mohamed Elsafady, Lebanese Finance Minister, warned that the situation in Tripoli is motivated from abroad according to a schedule that the inhabitants of that city have nothing to do with, noting that all people are targeted without exception.(1) International
- White House Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest announced that the American President Barack Obama made many contacts with the presidents of the states concerned, noting that he thinks that an urgent political solution should be reached with regard to the Syrian crisis.(1)

Political Stances Arab

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Asharq Al-Awsat AlJazeera net Reuters AFP AP Guardian Telegraph

- Senator Joseph Lieberman urged his country to take

- The Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sabah alKhaled al-Sabah announced that the Arab foreign ministers agreed to immediately implement the six-point plan brokered by Annan, stop the transmission of the Syrian official and non-official satellite channels on the Arabsat and Nilesat and hold urgent meeting for the Syrian opposition as soon as possible. Moreover, he asserted that many states would be harmed from the current crisis in Syria.(1)(2)(4) - Arab League Secretary General Nabil AlArabi pointed out that the decisions issued by the ministerial meeting talked only about exerting further pressure under Chapter VII of the U.N without hinting at the use of military force. He also asserted that China is continuously coordinating with the Arab countries.
(2) (1)

more strict steps against Al-Assad's regime in spite of the Russian-Chinese veto, saying that there is an ArabEuropean coalition that waits for more audacious steps against Bashar Al-Assad on the part of the USA.(2) - Tense atmosphere prevailed among the newly-elected French president Francois Hollande and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Paris, as differences seemed to be huge in the joint press conference, as the French president announced that Al-Assad's abdication is the sole solution to the current situation in Syria, while his Russian counterpart held the "rebels" responsible for the violence acts.(1) - The UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan to Syria accused Al-Assad's troops of committing brutal acts and arbitrary arrests, adding that he had delivered a clear message to Al-Assad to the effect that the Syrian president should urgently implement the six-point plan brokered by Annan. He also warned against the eruption of an all-out sectarian war due to the current violence in Syria.(3)(4)(7)

- Lebanese analysts and politicians described the statements of head of the Lebanese Shiite "Hezbollah" Hassan Nasrallah- with regard to the Kidnapped Lebanese people- as being negative and unwise. They also described his speech as escalatory, as it destroys any hope for solving the crisis in a peaceful way.(2)

This Report was issued by Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies, and it contains pure news that do not reflect an opinion. Edited by Abed Alrhman Alsarraj Page 2

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