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Assignment for Wednesday's Class: 1.

From yesterday's simulation jot down the answers to these two questions: What would I do differently? What did my team do that was good? There is nothing to hand in on this but I will start the class with these two questions. 2. Read and understand "Managing Oneself" by Peter Drucker. Dig deep, make notes, answer the questions at the end of the syllabus and e-mail a copy to both Utkarsh and Srishti. What is surprising to you? With what do you agree? Where do you disagree? How might you implement one of Drucker's ideas in your own life? This is part of your assignment for the course (see the syllabus). (You might want to save a hard copy as well to bring to class for our discussion on this paper.) 3. Go to the back of your book Strengths Based Leadership (handed out end of class yesterday) and go to the back cover, open the envelope and scratch off the code and take the online "StrangsFinder 2.0." Download your 5 signature strengths and read about them. If you have time, you may want to read Strengths Based Leadership over the next couple of days. Alternatively -- simply read the attachment which covers that material from the book in abbreviated from. Come to class known what your signature strengths are, what they mean, and some thoughts on how to use them. Hint: see the second attachment that defines each strength -- find yours and understand it. Also, give some thought as to whether these are really your key strengths -- remember, only you can validate whether or not these are your key strenghts (they probably are based on your answers but they might not be).

4. Note -- the article that was handed out "Resonance, Leadership and the Purpose of Life" in yesterdays class is *not* for Wednesday. It is for Friday's class -- so no need to read that one yet. :-) 5. Please bring your slide deck for Session II (which was handed out to you a couple of days ago) to class -- you may find this useful as we go over material. Coming Up in Class: We will spend the bulk of our time together on Wednesday on examining the data from our GSI and the Sub-Arctic simulation, discussing "Managing Oneself" and our results from StrengthsFinders 2.0. Goal of Our Work: The goal of our work (in addition to the more general idea of increasing our capacity to lead) -- is to find where can make our most effective and personally rewarding contribution to the world. This is not a simple matter. It involves knowing: (1) our core values; (2) our strengths; (3) our passoins (what do we love to do?); and (4) how we are "wired" (what is our general psychology?) We will be spending a class session on each of these as we progress through our 7 sessions together. This is not trivial work -- but it *is* extremely worthwhile work. Please let Utkarsh, Srishti or me know how we can help you make the change you desire to make.

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