"It's Not What You Think, It's What You Feel": Lesson 1: What Is Heart Intelligence?

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Its Not What You Think, Its What You Feel

Lesson 1: What is Heart Intelligence?

Its Not What You Think,

Its What You Feel
Lesson 1: What is Heart Intelligence?
This video lesson presents the model known as Heart Intelligence and offers a framework for
understanding the process of moving from head to heart. To help you integrate this message
and personalize it to your own life situation, please answer the questions on this worksheet after
you have finished watching the video.
Questions are split into two categories:
1) Understanding - these questions will help you remember and express the important points.
Having difficulty with the answers? Revisit the video for help.
2) Application - these questions will help you apply this knowledge to your own life experience.
1) Heart Intelligence is the combination of two important life skills. What are they?
2) What is the first key to Internal Awareness?
3) What are the different layers to our Internal Reality? (Hint: e.g. Physical Body)
Copyright 2009 by Christian Pankhurst. All Rights Reserved.

Its Not What You Think, Its What You Feel

Lesson 1: What is Heart Intelligence?

4) What is Discernment?
5) How can you tell the difference between your truth and your conditioning?
6) What is Juice?

7) What is the fourth key to Internal Awareness?

8) Why isnt this an easy process? What makes it so challenging?
Copyright 2009 by Christian Pankhurst. All Rights Reserved.

Its Not What You Think, Its What You Feel

Lesson 1: What is Heart Intelligence?

In the video, I describe how most of us fall into two categories 1) Those of us that can
tune into others needs, but cant access what we want for ourselves or 2) Those of us
that know where were going, what we want yet have difficulty feeling others and
connecting intimately. Which category to you most often find yourself in? (knowing we
experience both in many moments). Describe your experience.
When you witness your internal reality, what layer or aspect of yourself is easiest and
hardest to witness? E.g. your emotions, physical body, soul wisdom, your energy, the
field, your different parts etc. What do you want to witness more of? (Be specific).
List some of the conditioned thoughts you have. E.g. Those thoughts that begin with, I
should, I have to, I ought to, I need to, or its expected of me etc.
Copyright 2009 by Christian Pankhurst. All Rights Reserved.

Its Not What You Think, Its What You Feel

Lesson 1: What is Heart Intelligence?

What makes you Juicy?

Are you aware of your resistance to receiving? How does this show up in your life?
When you did the tune-in process from the video, what was your experience?
Copyright 2009 by Christian Pankhurst. All Rights Reserved.

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