Netroots Nation 2012 Program

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5/11/12 11:07 AM

Hangout with Google at Netroots Nation 12

Find us at Booth 110

Netroots Grassroots toGether,


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voice to the
ELIZABETH H. SHULER Secretary-Treasurer ARLEnE HoLT BAKER Executive Vice President


5/10/12 1:57 PM

As we kick off Netroots Nation 2012, we have some progressive wins to celebrate: halting Keystone XL, defeating a nasty anti-union bill in Ohio and gaining advances on marriage equality, to name a few. But throughout the past year, weve also witnessed some aggressive and reckless conservative attacks on the middle class, immigrants, women and voters as a whole. Youll find many of these issues addressed throughout our programming this year. Heading into the 2012 election cycle, the stakes are higher than ever. Conservatives arent going to back down, so there are real consequences in every race, from the Presidential all the way down the ticket. And while we may still have to play defense, we need to be more proactive about taking the offensive position. What Id like to challenge you to think about this weekend is this: What do we do when we win? Immediately after the election in 2008, the LGBT movement got busyworking at the state and local level, applying pressure to federal agencies and using their collective power to make their voice heard. It wasnt an easy fight (and its still not over), but their work has resulted in tangible and positive outcomes for LGBT individuals across the countryand likely the highest level of progress of any community over the past few years. There are some lessons we can learn from them and other successful endeavors over the past year: First, it isnt just about the presidency. Sure, there are things presidents can do that other branches cant, and sometimes things a president says matter a great deal. Obamas support for marriage equality is a good example of that (no conservative president would have signed the repeal of DADT). But if your theory of change starts and ends with Make the president do X, its probably flawed. We have to drive the agenda in other ways: by focusing on Congress, by pressuring federal agencies, by working to retain our majorities in State Houses across the country to make sure we arent constantly fighting the right.

Next, greatness isnt achieved by asking for permission. If theres one thing the Occupy movement has taught us as activists, its that youre not protesting if you have to ask for permission. Many of us forgot that somewhere along the way; but thankfully, this fearless approach to activism is popping up again and again. Third, we all have different roles in this movement. Some of us play the inside game; others are born to push boundaries. Some are meant to build bridges, develop infrastructure and collect resources. To be effective as a movement, we have to understand that just because someone doesnt have the same role as us doesnt mean theyre the enemy. So as youre out there attending one of the 70 panels or 30 training sessions, chatting in the hallway with friends or having an intense brainstorming session over drinks, keep some of these lessons in mind. And then ask yourself: What are you going to do to drive the agenda starting November 7th?

Raven Brooks (@ravenb) Executive Director

Welcome to Netroots Nation 2012!

On behalf of the staff and boards, thank you for spending part of your summer with us and for your generous support of our programs throughout the year.
#NN12 H 5

Day of Service: I know its easy to spend the whole

conference indoors, but on Sunday I will host a cleanup of Providences Roger Williams Park. This fun event will provide a great chance to see our state while giving back.
Citizens United Panel: On Friday at 3 p.m. Im host-

ing a panel with CAP Action on the affects of Citizens United and where activists and elected officials can go from here. We will take some of the questions via Twitter with the hashtag #CitizensAsk. As much as I love Rhode Island, I know the real reason youre here this weekend is to keep standing up for progressive valuesand believe me when I say yours is a strong and important voice in the fight to improve our country. Protecting Social Security and Medicare for our seniors, making sure corporate and special interests stay out of our elections, ensuring that a workers right to organize is protected, and making sure millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share in taxes are issues worth fighting forbut Congress needs to keep hearing from you to make these things happen. As the author of the Buffett Rule and Chairman of the Senate Democrats Citizens United taskforce, I can tell you that your work is making a difference. Thank you for all that you do. Im looking forward to a great conference, and I thank Netroots Nation for choosing Rhode Island as its home this year. Sincerely,

Dear Netroots Nation 2012 attendees, Welcome to Rhode Island! Ive been looking forward to your arrival in our great Ocean State since last years conference, when I had the privilege of announcing that Providence would host the 5th Annual Netroots Nation Conference. Rhode Island is a natural fit to host one of the largest gatherings of progressives in the United States. Since its founding by Roger Williams in 1636 as a haven for religious freedom, Rhode Island has had a rich history of fighting for progressive values. Our state has produced great leaders like U.S. Senator Claiborne Pell, champion of the Pell Grant, and my work in the Senate has been inspired by these traditions. While youre here, I hope youll take the opportunity to enjoy all the wonderful things our Ocean State has to offer. A few things I hope youll join me for:
Welcome to Providence Block Party: Mayor Angel

Taveras and I are hosting this block party at Local 121, located at 124 Washington Street, on Friday night at 8 p.m. This event is open to all #NN12 attendees, and we hope youll stop in to meet us and other special guests!
WaterFire , a spectacular display of fire on Providences

Sheldon Whitehouse United States Senator P.S. Keep up with me during Netroots at SenWhitehouse. Please share your favorite RI experiences using the hashtag #NN12RI. My staff and I will retweet some of the best ones. And of course you can find me at too!

rivers, is not to be missed, and is honoring Netroots Nation this Saturday at sunset at Providences Waterplace Park.

#NN12 H 7

We stand at a crossroads.
We can either continue down the path of greater income inequality, ceding our voices and our democracy to the wealthy and the powerful. Or we can fight back. That is what men and women across america have chosen to do to make this main streets moment.


Quote from the book: The Main Street Moment

Fighting Back to Save The American Dream

AFSCMEs 1.6 million members salute Netroots Nation for advancing the cause of working families across America. Together, we will restore the power of Main Street.


a coll abor at io

n of

wo m en wi ll ha ve an abor tio her lifetime. th es e ar e ou r st n in or ies .

Wh at s you r sto ry? Th e 1 in 3 Campai gn is a gra ssr oot s mo vem ent to end stig ma and cul tur al sile nce aro und abo rtio n. By sha rin g sto rie s wit hin fam ilie s, am ong frie nds on campus es and onl ine we , can tak e bac k the con ver sat ion .

Th rou gh the pow er of sto ryt elli ng we can cre ate a new nar rat ive tha t put s peo ple at the cen ter. Bre aki ng the cul tur al sile nce aro und abo rtio n not only empow ers wo me n to spe ak up abo ut the ir ow n exp eri enc es, it als o cre ate s spa ce for all sup por ter s of abo rtio n acc ess to pub licly tak e a sta nd. Vis it 1in 3ca mp aig n.o rg to sha re you r sto ry or get inv olv ed.













Raven Brooks Executive Director What he does: Keeps the trains running on time, sets strategy What he likes: Bourbon, SF Giants baseball, San Francisco values and the Harvard baseball teams cover of Carly Rae Jepsens Call Me Maybe Carolyn Dulchinos Deputy Development Director What she does: Pesters people about details What she likes: Boulder, beagles and bacon

Melissa Foley New Media Program Director What she does: Mentors small progressive nonprofits What she likes: Yosemite, rivers and burritos Navi Ganancial Outreach Director What she does: Community outreach, organizes the scholarship programs, helps with fundraising for Netroots Foundation What she likes: Volunteering, museums and technology Karen Kolber Development Director What she does: Works with all the wonderful sponsors and exhibitors who make Netroots Nation happen What she likes: Cruising and her Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Lucy, Molly and Keller Mary Rickles Communications Director What she does: Talks, writes and designs (and corrects bad grammar) What she likes: Good tunes, good typography and strong coffee Nolan Treadway Political and Logistics Director What he does: Coordinates overall logisticsalthough its a team effort and everyone has a hand in making NN run smoothly What he likes: Avocados, dabbling in DC politics and the Detroit Tigers Eric Thut Operations Director What he does: Whatever needs to be done What he likes: The three fs: family, food and friends


Support team
Austin Adams Song and Dance Man What he does: Herds cats and puts out fires What he likes: Travelling, Daft Punk, sustainable tech and Scrabble Nathaniel Charny Director of Special Ops What he does: Whatever Alisa tells tells him to do through the cool headset thing (see Roost, Alisa) What he likes: Being of service (and pizza and beer, too) Shanna Ingalsbee Volunteer Coordinator What she does: Coordinates the overwhelmingly talented volunteers who work together like a well-oiled machine What she likes: Movies, politics and unsophisticated computer games where she gets to blow things up Linda Lee Community & Exhibit Hall Manager What she does: Oversees the Hall and creates an enjoyable, successful experience for exhibitors and attendees What she likes: Hiking, birding and the Colorado Rockies Mike Rogers Director of the LGBT Netroots Connect What he does: Brings together fun people to plot the secret gay takeover of the universe What he likes: Scrabble, Pawn Stars and a little bit of troublemaking Alisa Roost Show Director/Stage Manager What she does: Keeps the keynotes going smoothly What she likes: Democratic victories, smart musicals, travel and writingand long walks on the beach at sunset

#NN12 H 11


John Aravosis (@aravosis) is a Washington, DC-based writer and political strategist, and the editor of Since 1995, he has been one of the nations top political Internet experts. Aravosis has a law degree and masters in foreign service from Georgetown. Hes worked in the U.S. Senate, World Bank, Childrens Defense Fund and as a stringer for the Economist. John stopped Dr. Laura, bought Wesley Clarks cell phone records online, and is the reason you know Mary Cheney is a lesbian. To his utter embarrassment, he is best known for outing conservative White House reporter Jeff Gannon as a male hooker. Adam Bonin (chair) (@adamb) is a solo legal practitioner in Philadelphia. His practice includes representing candidates, unions and other politically active entities in campaign finance and election law matters, including leading progressive bloggers, and Adam has been extensively involved in efforts on behalf of the rights of online speakers. Adam is a featured writer on the Daily Kos front page, where he focuses on legal and regulatory matters, and blogs about pop culture and miscellany at Raven Brooks (@ravenb) is the executive director of Netroots Nation. Raven was initially drawn into politics during Howard Deans presidential campaign and quickly got involved in grassroots politics, including the first Yearly Kos. Hes since led the growth of Netroots Nation from a volunteer run effort to the countrys premier progressive gathering, added an international component, and expanded the programming to include infrastructure and capacity-building programs. Raven is a member of the San Francisco New Leaders Council advisory board and was named one of their Top 40 Under 40 Emerging Leaders in 2008. He lives in San Francisco with his wife and two cats and is an avid cyclist, hiker and outdoor enthusiast.

Cheryl Contee (@ch3ryl), partner at Fission Strategy, specializes in helping non-profits and foundations use social media for social good. Shes a co-founder of, writing as Jill Tubman on one of the top 10 black blogs. She has over 13 years of award-winning interactive expertise and previously served as lead digital strategist for Fleishman-Hillard for the West Coast in San Francisco. Cheryl has appeared in the Washington Post, New York Times, BBC and CNN, among other media appearances. She received her bachelors from Yale and M.B.A. from Georgetown. Gina Cooper (@ginacooper) is the founder and chair emeritus of Netroots Nation. Ginas approach to online politics has become a cornerstone of the online progressive movement. She is also the founder of Cooper Strategies. Cooper Strategies specializes in building coalitions to establish self-sustaining online communities of action. Arshad Hasan (@arshadhasan) is Democracy for Americas Executive Director. Before becoming DFAs Executive Director, Arshad developed and directed the organizations grassroots training programs, DFA Campaign Academy and DFA Night School. Prior to DFA, Arshad worked with a variety of PACs and non-profits on legislative issue campaigns, corporate accountability campaigns, grassroots fundraising, and electoral campaigns. Arshad will occasionally take leaves of absence to work for progressive campaigns around the country including recently serving as Bill Halters GOTV director for his Senate Primary and Runoff campaigns.

Adam Lambert (@clammyc) is not the American Idol runner up. However, he is a tax consultant who works and lives in the NYC area. Blogging under the name clammyc, Adam is a front-page contributing editor at and has written hundreds of essays about framing and messaging on a number of progressive issues and campaigns. He has worked on various campaigns (NJ Governor in 2009, NJ-5th Congressional District in 2006, 2008 and 2010) doing online outreach and strategy. Adam previously hosted weekly online radio shows at, where he managed the progressive lineup of shows. Currently, he is one of the founders of Retire Garrett (and, a grassroots organization dedicated to the Congressional Race in NJs 5th District. Joan McCarter (@JoanMcCarter) serves as the Mountain West representative for the Daily Kos staff writing from her home in Idaho, where she returned after long stints in Portland, Washington, D.C. and Seattle. She worked in both the district and Capitol Hill offices of then-Congressman and now Senator Ron Wyden from 1987 until 1993, and worked on congressional campaigns in Oregon and Idaho. She left politics in 1995 to obtain a masters degree in Russian studies from the University of Washington. She couldnt stay away, though, and found herself at Daily Kos in early 2004. She has been a contributing editor at Daily Kos since 2006, and became Senior Policy Editor in 2010. Nolan Treadway (@nolan) is the logistics and political director for Netroots Nation. He started working on the first convention in March 2005, and has been involved at its highest levels ever since. During that time, Nolan also interned in the Office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and, in August through November of 2008, went on leave to do blog outreach at the Democratic National Committee. Nolan received his bachelors degree in business from Michigan State University and has a masters in public policy from American University. He lives in the Woodridge neighborhood of DC with his wife, Joan, and their dog, Mica.

#NN12 H 13


As the Build America union, LIUNA is on the frontlines fighting for investment to rebuild Americas crumbling roads, bridges and transit systems. We stand in strong support of President Obamas all-of-the-above approach to energyincluding oil, hydraulic fracturing, nuclear power, clean coal and investment in renewables.
Who we are: The half-million members of LIUNAthe Laborers International Union of North Americaare on the forefront of the construction industry, a powerhouse of workers who are proud to build Americas transportation and energy systems.



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5/10/12 7:36 PM

Jenifer Fernandez Ancona (@jenancona) spends most of her time thinking about how progressives can tell better stories about not only what we want the world to look like, but how we think we can get there. She is the Senior Director of Membership and Communications at Women Donors Network, a community of women amplifying their relationships and philanthropic dollars to create a more fair and just world. She is a co-founder of Simple Revolutions, creator of DemDash, a social channel for politics. Jenifer was a journalist at the LA Times before giving it up to get involved in politics in 2003. She lives in San Francisco with her husband and fellow organizer, Dan Ancona; their son, Marco and cat, Oscar. Darcy Burner (@darcyburner) is Executive Director of, honorary chair of the PCCC, honorary chair of More and Better Democrats PAC, a board member of the Council for a Livable Worlds PeacePAC and a national board member for NARAL. The principal author and organizer of A Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq, which was endorsed by more than 60 candidates for the U.S. House and U.S. Senate, she has been a candidate for Congress in Washingtons 8th District, a group program manager at Microsoft and a software developer at Lotus Development Corp. Nathaniel Charny works as a union-side labor and employment attorney out of Rhinebeck, NY, representing national, state and local labor unions as well as plaintiffs in class action and individual employment discrimination, wage and hour and civil service matters. Nathaniel has served as Director of Legal Affairs for Professional Staff Congress/CUNY and was Assistant Counsel for the Writers Guild of America East. Nathaniel graduated with honors from SUNY Buffalo School of Law in 1991 and served for two years as law clerk to Hon. Alan N. Bloch, United States District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania. He has enjoyed appointment as Assistant Professor at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY, and Adjunct Professor at CUNY Queens College teaching courses on law and social justice.

Linda Lee (@bcogal) is one of the founding members of YearlyKos, the predecessor of Netroots Nation. Linda has extensive fundraising and marketing experience with The Nature Conservancy and the Longmont Humane Society. Currently she is a marketing director for a publishing company. She has been a deputy campaign manager on two recent Colorado House seat races and is board president of a childrens theatre company, a neighborhood team leader for Organizing for America and an area coordinator for the Boulder County Democrats. Mike Lux (@ProgressiveLux) is a founding partner of Demo-cracy Partners, and CEO of Progressive Strategies LLC, a political consulting firm for the progressive community he co-founded in 1999. Previously, he was Senior Vice President for Political Action at People For the American Way (PFAW), and the PFAW Foundation, and served at the White House from January 1993 to mid-1995 as a Special Assistant to the President for Public Liaison. In addition to those projects, Mike currently serves on the boards of several important organizations, including the Arca Foundation and Americans United For Change. In November of 2008, Mike was named to the ObamaBiden Transition Team. In that role, he served as an advisor to the Office of Public Liaison on relationship with the progressive community. In January of 2009, Mike released his first book, The Progressive Revolution: How the Best in America Came to Be. Michael Moschella (@mikemoschella) currently serves as political director of the Truman National Security Project, working to train a new generation of progressive leaders to promote a smart, strong and principled foreign policy. Michael also volunteers as secretary of the Board of Directors of New Leaders Council, overseeing curriculum and selection for NLCs 20 sixmonth training institutes. Prior to building progressive leadership training programs, he was a Democratic campaign manager with experience in MA, FL, CA and NY. Michael serves on the boards of two political action committees that invest in progressive candidates: Americas Impact and VETPAC. He is a graduate of Cornell University and a native of Boston, MA. Go Red Sox!

Patrick OHeffernan (@palm44) is co-host of the radio program Fairness Radio with Chuck and Patrick. Formerly a political science professor at Georgia Tech and host of Uplinks on NPRs Saturday All Things Considered, he holds a PhD from MIT and has earned an Emmy and a Webby, among other awards. He has published five books, and a project he co-launched, the North Asia Nuclear Free Zone, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2005. Joel Silberman (@joelsilberman) is a strategic communications consultant/trainer preparing electoral candidates and progressive congressional leaders for public speaking and media appearances. A recipient of the Kos Media Fellowship during his tenure as media/message strategist for Markos Moulitsas and Daily Kos, Joels new media clients have included Lt. Dan Choi, Jane Hamsher, Matt Stoller, Digby, Jerome Armstrong and Mike Lux. Institutional clients include: Progressive Congress, People for the American Way, GetEQUAL, GLAAD, Young People For, The Young Elected Officials Network, Working Assets, National Womens Law Center, and Our Time ( Joels new company is Media Talent 2.0 Inc and he is one of the Democracy Partners ( An award-winning New York theatrical performer/director, Joel brings show business savvy to progressive messaging.

#NN12 H 15


*We love you all, of course, but weve got extra props for these people:

Aniello Alioto Emilie Aires Catherine Algeri Dan Ancona Jen Ancona Beth Becker Jane Blume Mona T. Brooks Reza Clifton Lloyd Cotler Dan Damman

Erin Degulis Marta Evry Karl Frisch Leslie Getzinger Julielyn Gibbons Doug Gordon Kris Havens Denise Heitzenroder Erin Hofteig Matthew Jerzyk Jen Johnson

Mahwish Khan Jasiri X Justin Krebs Jason Lefkowtiz Matt Lockshin Susan Madrak Kristin McGrath Lynne McKormack John Neurohr Scott Paul Liza Pike

Bob Plain Crystal Plati Rachel Port Will Rockafellow Favianna Rodriguez Mike Rogers Jason Rosenbaum Eric Sapp Michael Sargeant Anne Savage Judy Schultheis

David Segal Jessica Sherwood Claire Silberman Tony Simon Daniel Souweine Steve Stearns Chris Thomas Scott Treibitz Elon James White Lizz Winstead

Lisa Beade Deltadoc Betsy Cazden Pat DiLorenzo Melinda Fiedler Karla Fisk Matt Guardino Elle Hagan Richard Harris Sko Hayes MaLenda Haynes Patricia Holly Leija Huskic Gary Kelly Alexa LeBoeuf Jay Lustgarten Deb Mayer Thom Mitchell Moodyloner Rosa Morgan Raphael Pelegrino Vicki Roush Erin Sanborn Pat Smith Tim Smith Nancy St. Germain Jillian Tehan John Tehan Lisa Tenasco Kelly Thome Carlos Toro Jessica Wainfor Kim Yaman Harry Zola Judy Zola

2012 Agenda Selection Team

Aniello Alioto Dan Ancona Jen Ancona Emilie Aries Mudcat Arnold Greg Basta Nick Berning Zahra Billoo Adam Bonin Kate Brock Raven Brooks Matt Browner-Hamlin Charlie Chamberlain Nathaniel Charny Natasha Chart Laura Clawson Will Coley Abel Collins Robert Cruickshank David Dayen Digby Dawn Euer Matt Ewing Karl Frisch Christie George Julielyn Gibbons Sarah Granger Richard Graves Kaili Joy Gray Adam Green Marce Gutierrez Abel Habtegeorgis Josh Harkinson Liz Havstad Lisa Hayes Nathan HendersonJames Christina Hollenback Sunny Hundal Larry Huynh Dave Johnson Whit Jones Keith Kamisugi Cindy Kang Mahwish Kahn Timothy Karr Barry Kendall Karoli Kuns Rachel LaBruyere Tina Lee Charles Lenchner Benjamin Lennett Austen Levihn-Coon Elana Levin Cynthia Liu Lynne Lupien Mike Lux Jackie Mahendra Nirmal Mankani Amanda Marcotte Chris Massicotte Zerlina Maxwell Joan McCarter RL Miller Alex Moore Adam Mordecai Mike Moschella Josh Nelson John Neurohr Will Neville David Nir Denise Oliver-Velez Matt Ortega Josh Orton Christine Pelosi Adam Quinn Kelly Rand Mary Rickles Chuck Rocha Mike Rogers Julia Rosen Jason Rosenbaum Melissa Ryan David Segal Anat Shenker Kate Sheppard Sabrina Stevens Shupe Richard Smith Joe Sudbay Tim Tagaris Nolan Treadway Tracy Van Slyke David Waldman Marcy Wheeler Lauren Wolfe Murshed Zaheed Elijah Zarlin




Rhode Island Convention Center, Third Level

Hall A

Rhode Island Convention Center - Third Level

Hall B

Hall C

Hall D

Hall A Hall B Hall C Hall D

Connector to Westin Hotel

Cafe Area

Skybridge to Dunkin Donuts Center

Skybridge to Dunkin Donuts Center

Open to Below Rotunda Lobby

HOW YOU CAN to Below OTHERS Open HELP Rotunda Lobby Please make sure the aisles are clear for other attendees. Hold inaccessible doors open for others. And dont pet or talk to service animals.

Rhode Island Convention Center, Fifth Level

Junior Ballroom
556 A

Rhode Island Island Convention Center Rhode Convention Center - Fifth Level
555 A 556 B

- Fifth Level
Ballroom D

Junior Ballroom B Ballroom

556 B

Ballroom D

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Ballroom C

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Ballroom E

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551 A

551 B

Ballroom A
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554 A
West Pre-function

Ballroom C
East Pre-function

Ballroom E
Rotunda Room

553 B 553 A

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554 B

Convention Center

Rhode Island

West Pre-function

East Pre-function

Rotunda Room

Transgender Etiquette
There are many transgender people at Netroots Nation. To be inclusive, please keep in mind the following: Please do not assume anyones gender, even people you may have met in the past. A persons external appearance may not match their internal gender identity. Pay attention to a persons purposeful gender expression. Its polite to ask: What pronoun do you prefer? or How do you identify? before using pronouns or gendered words. Or better yet, ask for their name. One way of acknowledging transgender peoples needs is to designate restrooms as gender neutral. In bathrooms, many transgender people face harassment , so please let everyone pee in peace.

Convention Center

Rhode Island

We have designated some bathrooms in the Convention Center as gender neutral. Anyone is welcome to use them, and they are heavily signed. These restrooms are on the fifth floor, outside ballrooms C and E. Please listen to transgender peoples needs and stories when they are volunteered; yet please respect peoples privacy and boundaries and do not ask unnecessary questions. . Then please join the many hardworking allies who are working to respond appropriately to transphobic situations. Respectful allie who learn from and with transgender people and then educate others are important for successful transgender liberation. Thank you for your help and have a great conference!

#NN12 H 19


SPECIAL NEEDS? If you have a special need, please let us know and we will do our best to Connector to Westin Hotel accommodate. Contact Eric Thut at or go to the Cafe Area registration desk for assistance.

Business Center

Business Center

Communications Strategies
Creative Services


Giving Voice to Progressive Issues

Public Relations
Special Events
TRICOM ASSOCIATES Giving our labor, education, health care and environmental clients the tools they need to get coverage in traditional and new media is what we do best. We believe in what our clients do, we have a passion for their causes. Contact us. 703-276-2772

Social Media

Check out our blogs:

Ideas to chew on.

PRticles of Interest
Helpful Hints from PR Insighters.


Connect with us online

The Netroots Nation 2012 app is your one-stop-shop for all things Netroots Nation! Use it to browse our schedule of events; look up speakers, sponsors and exhibitors; create your personal schedule for the weekend; and, more importantly, connect with attendees before, during and after the event. Search Netroots Nation 2012 in your app store. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android and BlackBerry devices.
K E Y F E AT U R E S :

H Fully searchable schedule so you can explore the schedule on the go H Give quick feedback about sessions you watch to help us improve for future events H Trade contact information with other attendees by searching by name H Direct message attendees to meet-up H View maps of the convention facilities and Community & Exhibit Hall H Follow the action on Twitter through the #nn12 hashtag H Get information about sponsors and exhibitors H Get breaking news from the event organizers H Create your own personalized schedule by starring sessions


7 a.m. ............................ Registration desk open 8:15 to 9 a.m. ............... Morning News Dump with ...................................... Lizz Winstead, Shannyn Moore ...................................... and Cliff Schecter (Rotunda) 10 a.m. to 7 p.m............. Community & Exhibit Hall open 9 to 10:15 a.m. .............. Session 1 breakouts 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. ....... Session 2 breakouts 11:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. ..... Break (lunch on your own) 2 to 2:50 p.m. ............... Battleground state caucuses 3 to 4:15 p.m. ............... Session 3 breakouts 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. .......... Session 4 breakouts 6 to 7 p.m. .................... Opening reception sponsored ...................................... by Planned Parenthood ...................................... Federation of America ...................................... (Community & Exhibit Hall) 7 to 9 p.m. .................... Opening keynote 9:15 to 11 p.m. ............. Laughing Liberally Comedy Show (Rotunda) 9:30 p.m. until late ....... Karaoke party sponsored by ...................................... SEIU (The Dorrance)

8:30 a.m. ....................... Registration desk open 8:15 to 9 a.m. ............... Morning News Dump with ...................................... Lizz Winstead, Shannyn Moore ...................................... and Cliff Schecter ...................................... (Exhibit Hall Sponsored Stage) 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m.......... Community & Exhibit Hall open 9 to 10:15 a.m. .............. Morning keynote 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. ....... Session 1 breakouts Noon to 1:15 p.m. ........ Lunch keynote ...................................... (Lunch sponsored by 1:15 to 3 p.m. ............... Break 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. .......... Staffer/Blogger Mixer (Rotunda) 1:30 to 2:45 p.m. .......... At the River I Stand screening 3 to 4:15 p.m. ............... Session 2 breakouts 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. .......... Session 3 breakouts 6 to 7:30 p.m. ............... Ignite 2012 (Ballroom B) 6 to 8 p.m. .................... Chairmans Pub Quiz sponsored ...................................... by the DLCC (Ballroom A) 6 to 8 p.m. .................... American Teacher screening 7 to 10 p.m. .................. Party sponsored by AFL-CIO ...................................... (R R Irish Pub) 8 p.m. ........................... Welcome to Providence Block ...................................... Party, hosted by Mayor Taveras ..........................................and Sen. Whitehouse (Local 121)

8 a.m. ............................ Registration desk open 8:15 to 9 a.m. ............... Morning News Dump with ...................................... Lizz Winstead, Shannyn Moore ...................................... and Cliff Schecter ...................................... (Exhibit Hall Sponsored Stage) 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m.......... Community & Exhibit Hall open 9 to 10:15 a.m. .............. Morning keynote 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. ....... Session 1 breakouts Noon to 1:15 p.m. ........ Lunch keynote ...................................... (Lunch sponsored by DCCC) 1:30 to 2:45 p.m. .......... Session 2 breakouts 3 to 4:15 p.m. ............... Session 3 breakouts 4:30 to 6 p.m. ............... Closing keynote 7 to 9 p.m. .................... Laughter Against the Machine ...................................... screening 8:24 p.m. (sunset) ......... WaterFire Celebration along ...................................... the Providence waterfront 9:30 p.m. until late ....... Closing party presented by ...................................... Daily Kos (Whiskey Republic)

8 to 9 a.m. .................... Interfaith Service 9 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.......... Day of Service Meet in front of the Westin at 9 a.m. Lunch and bus transportation are provided. ASAP .............................. Register for #NN13 now to get the $195 earlybird rate!

Get the Netroots Nation 2012 mobile app, available in your favorite app store.

#NN12 H 23


Getting around

Local Tips
Eat and drink Providence is a foodie town! But where do you go while in town? There are tons of great places to eat at all price ranges. Here are some local recommendations: Lili Marlenes (422 Atwells Ave.), Trinity Brewhouse (186 Fountain St.), Hot Club (575 S Water St.), Chez Pascal (960 Hope St.), Pastiche Fine Desserts (92 Spruce St.), Zooma Trattoria (245 Atwells Ave.), Blue State Coffee (300 Thayer St.), The Red Fez (49 Peck St.), Julians (318 Broadway) Take a walk (or ride) Get a feel for the town by taking a walk or bike ride along the citys waterfront, the historic neighborhoods of College Hill, the West Side (also known as the Armory District) or Federal Hill. You can rent a bike at local store Dash Bicycle (267 Broadway) or pick up a self-guided walking-tour booklets of historical areas in the city, published by the Providence Preservation Society (21 Meeting St.). Explore the arts Providencethe Creative Capitalis highly regarded for its thriving art scene. Home to one of the nations best art schools, the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), the RISD Museum of Art houses more than 80,000 works of art. Or check out AS220, an artists collective and non-profit that owns several historic buildings downtown dedicated to exhibition and work space. AS220 (115 Empire St.) Get a history lesson Providence and Rhode Island were founded by Roger Williams 376 years ago (making Providence one of the oldest cities in the U.S.). When in town check out these sites bearing his name: Roger Williams National Memorial, Roger Williams Park Zoo and Roger Williams Park Botanical Center.,, Buy local For a calendar and map of the areas farmers markets, visit You can also learn more about the nations first buy local campaigns for social enterprises at More info For more information on things to do in Providence, check out the visitor center located on the ground floor of the Convention Center or the information table located near the Netroots Nation registration area.

Providence is a very walkable city. You can also take advantage of the Rhode Island Public Transportation Authority (RIPTA) to travel within Providence and see more of Rhode Island. You can access the Downtown, East Side and Federal Hill neighborhoods through RIPTAs Providence LINK Trolley. LINK trolleys offer two routes to many of Providences restaurants, theaters, historic sites and more. $2 per person, per ride or $6 for a day pass.

Thanks to the Providence CVB and Andy Cutler, West Side resident and blogger at, for these tips. For more of Andys recommendations, visit

#NN12 H 25



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and a panel discussion with teachers featured in the film.

Friday, June 8, 6 p.m. Room 550 Free beer! Free popcorn! Free movie!

Randi Weingarten president

Lorretta Johnson secretary-treasurer

Francine Lawrence executive vice president

The AFT represents 1.5 million pre-K through 12th-grade teachers; paraprofessionals and other school-related personnel;higher education faculty and professional staff; federal, state and local government employees; nurses and healthcare workers; and early childhood educators.

Follow AFT President Randi Weingarten:

1.7 million unique visitors a month. 600 petitions forwarded to MoveOn members. 10% of US state legislators have responded to petitions.

Your campaign 7 million MoveOn members

+ =

*We strive for greatness, but panel details and speakers may have changed since printing. Dont hold that against us. Check the online agenda or mobile app for the most up-to-date listings.

SESSION 1: 9 to 10:15 a.m.

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M A PA N E L : B A L L R O O M B PA N E L : B A L L R O O M C

From Defeat to Triumph: Erasing the Death Penalty in America

Led by: Marc Lamont Hill; Panelists: Abraham J. Bonowitz, DeJaun Correia, Laura Moye

Taking the Offense in State Elections

Led by: Matt Lackey; Panelists: Bailey Childers, Zandra RiceHawkins, Jennifer Rodriguez, Michael Sargent

Inside the Activists Studio: What to Do When the Right Comes After You
Led by: Will Valverde; Panelists: Tracey Conaty, Heather Holdridge, Cecilie Surasky

PA N E L : R O O M 5 5 2



Agitation and Inspiration: The Power of Art and Cultural Organizing

Led by: Favianna Rodriguez; Panelists: Cloee Cooper, Gan Golan, Betsy Richards, Julio Salgado

Data-Driven Design for Progressive Organizations: 10 Engagement Metrics You Probably arent Tracking
Nikki Serapio

The Power of Our Stories: Making Complex Issues Accessible (T4T)

Rosa Gonzalez, Julian MocineMcQueen

SESSION 2: 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M A PA N E L : B A L L R O O M B PA N E L : B A L L R O O M C

Handcuffs, Conventional Wisdom and Dirty Oil: Activisms Big Win Against the Keystone XL Pipeline
Led by: Kim Huynh, Brad Johnson; Panelists: Becky Bond, Jane Kleeb, Bill McKibben
PA N E L : R O O M 5 5 2

Collaboration, Not Co-option: Labor, Community Organizations and Occupy Wall Street Working Together
Led by: Greg Basta; Panelists: Nathan Henderson-James, Camille Rivera, Nelini Stamp Robinson

Winning Smarter: Using Data to Transform Elections

Led by: Darcy Burner; Panelists: Tim Lim, David Mermin, David Radloff


Beyond Occupy: What Does a New Economic System Look Like?

Led by: Jenifer Fernandez Ancona; Panelists: Sarita Gupta, Simon John son, Colin Mutchler, Erica Payne

Comedy for Activists: Using Satire, Pranks and Creative Video for Troublemaking
Andrew Boyd, Lee Camp, Elon James White, Lizz Winstead

Grassroots Lobbying
Peggy Flanagan, Rudy Lopez

SESSIONS DURING THE BREAK: 11:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. (lunch on your own)

Black Caucus
12:30 to 1:45 p.m.

California Caucus
2 to 2:45 p.m.

Filmmaker Caucus
2 to 2:45 p.m.

Rhode Island Caucus

2 to 2:45 p.m.

34 H #NN12


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The Heart of the Beast: How the Grassroots is Taking on Big Banking
Led by: Tracy Van Slyke; Panelists: Max Berger, Matt Browner-Hamlin, Peggy Mears, Lenore Palladino

Victory in Ohio: How Senate Bill 5 was Defeated

Led by: Jane Blume; Panelists: Kate Kennedy, Doug Stern, AJ Stokes

Women Rule: Keys for Social Media and Electoral Success

Panelists: Joanne Bamberger, Carol Jenkins, Kristin RoweFinkbeiner



Online Activism, Social Media and the Law

Adam Bonin, Abby Levine

Youth Caucus

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M D

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M E


Organizing Lessons from SOPA and PIPA

Led by: Art Brodsky; Panelists: Stephen DeMaura, Amalia Deloney, Andrew McLaughlin, David Moon

Paying the Price, Leading the Fight: Youth and the Politics of Reproductive Rights
Led by: Rachel Cooke; Panelists: Ernesto Dominguez, April Flores, Debra Hauser, Amanda Marcotte

Beyond Networking: How to Make Friends and Influence People at Netroots Nation 2012
John Brougher, Karlo Marcelo




Email for the Win!

Matt Lockshin

How Progressives Get Narrative Wrong, and How to Get It Right

Ryan Senser

American Indian Caucus

Battleground State Caucuses

2 to 2:45 p.m. Want to know more about whats happening in battleground states like Ohio and Pennsylvania? Curious about key races and major ballot initiatives coming up? Come to one of these battleground state caucuses and find out how you can get involved. Facilitators will give an overview of the landscape in each state, talk about whatss at stake and tell you ways you can volunteer or plug in to existing efforts. NOTE: These sessions are not just for residents of those states; come if youre interested in getting involved or learning more.

#NN12 H 35


SESSION 3: 3 to 4:15 p.m.

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M A PA N E L : B A L L R O O M B PA N E L : B A L L R O O M C

Whose Law Is It Anyway? ALECs Influence on State Legislatures and What We Can Do About It
Led by: Rashad Robinson; Panelists: Aniello Alioto, Kim Anderson, Marge Baker, John Carey, Lisa Graves
PA N E L : R O O M 5 5 2

The Battle for Congress: Q&A on the 2012 Elections

Led by: David Nir; Panelists: Laura Clawson, Arjun Jaikumar, Steve Singiser, Jeff md

Organizing Outside the Lines: Reaching Hard-to-Reach Communities On and Offline



Occupy Goes Home: The Occupy Movement and the Foreclosure Crisis
Led by: Sarah Jaffe; Panelists: Matt Browner-Hamlin, Nick Espinosa, Rachel Falcone, Anthony Newby

Screening Series Showcase #1

Curtis Chin, Cloee Cooper, Nevette Previd, Marc N. Weiss

Decoding Defense: Speaking with Authority on National Security Issues

Bryan Rahija, Adam Weinstein

SESSION 4: 4:30 to 5:45 p.m.

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M A PA N E L : B A L L R O O M B PA N E L : B A L L R O O M C

Protecting Voting Rights in Communities of Color in 2012

Led by: Erica Williams; Panelists: Biko Baker, Derrick Beetso, Kirin Kennedy, Ellie Klerlein, Marvin Randolph

Marriage Equality: Past, Present and Future

Led by: Monte Jarvis; Panelists: Richard Carlbom, Michael Crawford, David Fleischer, Zach Silk

People, Not Polar Bears: Digital Revolutions and the New Fight Against Climate Change
Led by: Katie DeCarlo

PA N E L : R O O M 5 5 2



Why the Fed is the Most Important Economic Issue You Know Nothing About
Led by: Mike Konczal; Panelists: Lisa Donner, Karl Smith, Matthew Yglesias

Purity Myth
Jessica Valenti

Social Media Strategy for Advocacy

Beth Becker, Alan Rosenblatt

36 H #NN12

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PA N E L : R O O M 5 5 1

Liberate Your Ass: Why Sexual Freedom is Key to Fighting the Right
Led by: Jenifer Fernandez Ancona; Panelists: Elisabeth Fernandez-Kimmel, Charlie Glickman, Kierra Johnson, Favianna Rodriguez, William Winters

Follow the Dark Money: Reporting Challenges in the Age of Citizens United
Led by: Kathy Kiely; Panelists: Kim Barker, Liz Kennedy, Andy Kroll

Building the Movement to Ban Fracking in a Regulation Climate

Led by: Sarah Alexander; Panelists: David Braun, Sonia Skakich Scrima, Kristine Vaughan



Blog Content Bootcamp

Daniel Villareal

Tweeting the Revolution: Twitter Training for Campaigning

Kimberly Dr. Goddess Ellis

Immigration Caucus
3 to 4:15 p.m.

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Emerging Movements: The Face of New Progressive Online Communities

Led by: James Rucker; Panelists: Andre Banks, Natalie Foster, Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman, Shaunna Thomas

Working Rhode Island: How We Built a Progressive Movement in Rhode Island

Led by: Patrick Crowley; Panelists: Kate Brock, Scott Duhamel, George Nee, Robert Walsh

Five Ways Technology is Making Democracy Easier

Led by: Anthea Watson Strong; Panelists: Tiana Epps-Johnson, Seth Flaxman, Marci Harris, Eric Hysen

Investigative Reporting for Bloggers

How (and Why) to Advertise Online

Tim Tagaris

#NN12 H 37


SESSION 1: 10:30 to 11:15 a.m.

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M A PA N E L : B A L L R O O M B PA N E L : B A L L R O O M C

Take a Walk, Scott: Post-Mortem of the Wisconsin Recalls

Led by: Kaili Lambe; Panelists: Emily Mills

Blogging for Transgender Equality: History, Challenges and Progress

Led by: Jillian Weiss; Panelists: Jennifer Levi, Monica Roberts, Autumn Sandeen, Jos Truitt

Salsa, Cumbia and Merengue: Connecting to the Different Beats of the Latino Electorate
Led by: Eddy Morales; Panelists: Sindy Benavides, Ana Beatriz Cholo, Toms Garduo, Aparna Shah

PA N E L : R O O M 5 5 2


What Progressives Can Do to Stop the War on Public Education

Led by: Kenneth Bernstein; Panelists: John H. Jackson, Diane Ravitch

Screening Series Showcase #2

Angela Alston, Jessica Devaney, Kimberly Dr. Goddess Ellis, Ruth Leitman

How to Ensure Your Web Development Project is a Complete Failure

Cheryl Contee, Aaron Welch

SESSION 2: 3 to 4:15 p.m. (except where noted)

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M A PA N E L : B A L L R O O M B PA N E L : B A L L R O O M C

Citizens United, Super PACs and the Fight for Our Democracy
Panelists: Becky Bond, Sen. Sherrod Brown, Sen. Jeff Merkley, Tom Perriello, Trevor Potter, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse
PA N E L : R O O M 5 5 2

Bold Progressive 99% Candidates in 2012

Led by: Stephanie Taylor; Panelists: Eric Griego, Daniel Mintz, Nick Passanante, Lori Saldaa

Military Sexual Trauma: The Womens War

Led by: Joan Brooker; Panelists: Elizabeth Stinson, Ann Wright


Saving Public Transportation: A Matter of Social Justice

Led by: Greg LeRoy; Panelists: Abel Collins, Larry Hanley, Paul Harrington, Libby Kimzey

At the River I Stand, presented by ATU

David Roscow NOTE: Runs 1:30 to 2:45 p.m.

Getting Analytical with Google Analytics

Phil Anderson

Screen Your Video

Negan Farsad, Josh Bolotsky, Zach Roberts

SESSION 3: 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. (except where noted)

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M A PA N E L : B A L L R O O M B PA N E L : B A L L R O O M C

That Will Never Work: What We Can Learn from OWS

Led by: Max Berger; Panelists: Isham Christie, Mary Clinton, Michelle Crentsil, Yotam Marom

Iran 2012: Iraq 2003 All Over Again?

Led by: Karen Finney; Panelists: Heather Hurlburt, Sen. Jack Reed

Promoting People of Color in the Progressive Blogosphere

Led by: David Reid; Panelists: Renee Chantler, Neeta Lind, Denise Oliver-Velez, Ian Reifowitz

PA N E L : R O O M 5 5 2



Big Decisions: A Discussion of Recent and Upcoming SCOTUS Cases

Led by: Nan Aron; Panelists: Debo Adegbile, Dahlia Lithwick
38 H #NN12

Screening Series Showcase #3

Frances Causey, John Ennis, Holly Mosher, Lisa Smithline, Ishita Srivastav

Content Management: Whats Possible & Best for Your Org?

Austen Levihn-Coon

American Teacher
NOTE: Runs 6 to 8 p.m.

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M D

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PA N E L : R O O M 5 5 1

Combatting Criminal Justice Violations: Challenging Assumptions and Winning Campaigns

Led by: Dani McClain; Panelists: Kamau Franklin, Dana Kaplan, Laura Moye, Matt Nelson

Love, Compassion and Other Outrageous Forms of Activism

Led by: Carla Goldstein; Panelists: Mallika Dutt, Leslie Salmon Jones, Sharon Salzberg

Foreclosure Fraud: How the Banks Broke the Housing Market and How We are Fighting Back
Led by: David Dayen; Panelists: Neil Barofsky, Malcolm Chu, Lynn Szymoniak


Winning Wireless
Michael Sabat

Base Building and Elections: Winning while Building Grassroots Power

Peggy Flanagan, Rudy Lopez

Environmental Caucus

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M D

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PA N E L : R O O M 5 5 1

Your Phone Is Political

Led by: Josh Levy; Panelists: Garlin Gilchrist II, Joaquin Guerra, Sabrina Hersi Issa, Jamilah King

Gun Politics after Trayvon and Tucson: New Life for a Deadly Issue
Led by: Mark Glaze; Panelists: Rep. David Cicilline, Lori Haas, Cliff Schecter, Jamal Simmons

Coal and the Grassroots Fight for Environmental Justice

Led by: Mary Anne Hitt; Panelists: Tony Fuller, RL Miller, Allison Sliva



EXCLUSIVE: 10 Ways to Win the Internets Through Sexier Sharing and Epic Visuals
Sara Critchfield, Adam Mordecai

Beyond Engagement: Progressive Organizing in Communities of Color

Erica Scott Pacheco

Social Justice Caucus

NOTE: Runs 1:30 to 2:45 p.m.

Marriage Equality Caucus


Latino Caucus

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M D

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PA N E L : R O O M 5 5 1

Mobile Organizing for 2012: From Elections to Occupy, Anti-Fracking to Arab Spring
Led by: Jed Alpert; Panelists: Doug Foote, Kristin Koch, Liba Rubenstein, Michelle Whittaker

From Deval Patrick to Scott Brown to Elizabeth Warren: MA Elections & National Trends
Led by: David Kravitz; Panelists: Richard Chacon, Doug Rubin, Joan Vennochi

Organizing Issue-Based Campaigns with College Students

Led by: Chris Goff; Panelists: Michael Fabricant, Angus Johnston, Claire Lewis, Victor Sanchez


Words that Work(ed): Crafting Effective and Truthful Memes

Jenifer Daniels

How to Get Earned Media for Your Issue

Doug Gordon, Jennifer Lindenauer

Womens Caucus

#NN12 H 39


National Security Caucus

SESSION 1: 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M A PA N E L : B A L L R O O M B PA N E L : B A L L R O O M C

Latino Vote Matters: Immigration, Power, and an Interactive Look at the Map
Led by: Adam Luna; Panelists: Justin Gross, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Markos Moulitsas, Gaby Pacheco

Safeguarding Democracy: Innovations in Technology and Human Rights

Led by: Caitlin Howarth; Panelists: Matisse Bustos Hawkes, Sabrina Hersi Issa, Emily Jacobi, Lauren Wolfe

Punditry 101: Getting Your Message On Air

Led by: Tory Brown; Panelists: Tara Dowdell, Chris Lavoie, John Neffinger

PA N E L : R O O M 5 5 2


Ask a Sista: Black Women Muse on Politics, Policy, Pop Culture and Scholarship
Led by: Cheryl Contee; Panelists: Kimberly Dr. Goddess Ellis, Zerlina Maxwell, Jenifer Daniels

Video Open Mic

Julianna Forlano

Recruiting and Hiring Rockstar Staffers

Matt Blizek, Amy Pritchard

SESSION 2: 1:30 to 2:45 p.m.

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M A PA N E L : B A L L R O O M B PA N E L : B A L L R O O M C

The War on Voting

Led by: Ari Berman; Panelists: Sen. Ben Cardin, Rep. Keith Ellison, Keesha Gaskins, Eric Marshall, Heather Smith

Intervention, Isolation and the Future of Progressive Security Policy

Led by: Adam Weinstein; Panelists: Reza Aslan, Michael Hastings, Tom Perriello

Communities of Color and the 2012 Presidential Election

PA N E L : R O O M 5 5 2



How Sports Shapes Our Politics and Why It Matters

Led by: Charles Modiano; Panelists: Eden James, Eddie Moore, Jr., Diane Williams, Dave Zirin

Video that Changes the Debate

Andy Menconi, Andy Cobb, Haik Hoisington, Anne Thompson, Jasiri X

Train the (Online) Trainer: Holding Engaging Online Trainings

Sara El-Amine, Brad Schenck

SESSION 3: 3 to 4:15 p.m.

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M A PA N E L : B A L L R O O M B PA N E L : B A L L R O O M C

Winning Without a Vote: Working with Federal Agencies to Advance a Progressive Agenda
Led by: Brad Jacklin; Panelists: Kellan Baker, Emily Hecht-McGowan, Gautam Raghavan, Maya Rupert
PA N E L : R O O M 5 5 2

The Worst Immigration Law in the United States

Led by: William Anderson; Panelists: Scott Douglass, Mahwish Kham, Jonathan Perez

COINTELPRO 2.0: Surveillance, National Security and Our Eroding Civil Liberties
Led by: Zahra Billoo; Panelists: Fahd Ahmed, Shahid Buttar, Cyrus McGoldrick, Linda Sarsour

PA N E L : R O T U N D A

Revitalizing State/Local Blogging

Led by: Andrew Villeneuve; Panelists: Kari Chisholm, Phillip Martin, Laura Packard, Bob Plain

Funny Feminism: Joking Our Way to Gender Equality

Led by: Amanda Marcotte; Panelists: Katie Halper, Anna Holmes, Erin Gloria Ryan

Screening Series Showcase #4

Francisco Bello, Charneice Fox Richardson, David Menschel, Cliff Schecter

Laughter Against the Machine

W. Kamau Bell, Janine Brito, Liz Gallagher, Nato Green, Keri Smith Esguia NOTE: Runs 7 to 9 p.m.

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The Inside Game: Progressive Legislative Caucuses at the State and Local Level
Led by: Suman Raghunathan; Panelists: State Rep. Chris Blazejewski, Melissa Mark-Viverito, Brian Rothenberg

Education as a Right-Wing Wedge Issueand How to Stop It

Panelists: Karran Harper Royal, Martha Infante, Sabrina Stevens, Jose Vilson

Why Cant Apple Make Your iPhone in America?

Led by: Scott Paul; Panelists: Rep. David Cicilline, Dave Johnson, Marcy Wheeler



Jason Rosenbaum

AAPI Caucus

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Behind the Camera: Addressing the Underrepresentation of Women in Media and Culture
Led by: Alyssa Rosenberg; Panelists: Anna Holmes, Elana Levin, Alli Thresher

When Democrats Arent Democrats: The Story of Rhode Island

Led by: Josie Shagwert; Panelists: Kate Brock, Steven Brown, Paula Hodges, Ray Sullivan

New Media on the Campaign Trail: Case Studies from Winning Programs
Led by: Jason Rosenbaum; Panelists: Audrey Edmonds, Brandt McCool, Lauren Miller




Rapid Response Across Mediums: Social, Online and PR

Chris Cassidy

Randomized Controlled Experiment Results to Win Your Campaign

Regina Schwartz

Labor Caucus

Parents Caucus

PA N E L : B A L L R O O M D

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Making Sense of Polling Data

Led by: Greg Dworkin; Panelists: Mark Blumenthal, Jon Cohen, Margie Omero, David C. Wilson

Pushing Back: How Labor Groups are Fighting Concessions and Workplace Abuses
Led by: Dave Jamieson; Panelists: Eddie Blackburn, Carmen Castillo, Mike Elk, Alison Omens

Turn It Up: Using Hip-Hop to Mobilize in 2012

Led by: Jasiri X; Panelists: Davey D, B. Dolan, Kimberly Dr. Goddess Ellis, Paradise Gray



How Organizing Can Change a Narrative

Mudcat Arnold, Helen Strain

Ideas to Action: Launching a People-powered Campaign for Change

Lola Elfman

Education Caucus

Faith Caucus

Presence and Authenticity: The Key to Being a Media Star

Joel Silberman

#NN12 H 41


How to Make Clicks Mean Something: Strategic Planning for Online Campaigns

Excel-erate! Turbo-charge Your Excel Skills

Amelia Showalter

LGBT Caucus

T H U R S D AY, 6 P. M . , C O M M U N I T Y & E X H I B I T H A L L

F R I D AY, 8 P. M . , O F F - S I T E

Opening Reception, sponsored by Planned Parenthood Federation of America

After a busy day of panels and training sessions, you can power up with food generously provided by PPFA and connect with old friends before the keynote begins.
T H U R S D AY, 9 : 1 5 P. M . , R O T U N D A

Welcome to Providence Block Party

Mayor Angel Taveras and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse are hosting a block party at Local 121, located at 124 Washington Street, on Friday night at 8 p.m. This event is open to all #NN12 attendees, stop in to meet them and other special guests!
S AT U R D AY, 8 : 1 5 P. M . , O F F - S I T E

Laughing Liberally
Join Laughing Liberally for a free special engagement at Netroots Nation. Enjoy an evening of laughter from the left with top political comics from Comedy Central, The Onion and the Laughing Liberally National Tour. Featuring Netroots Nation favorites including Lee Camp, Katie Halper, Negin Farsad, Julianna Forlano, Baratunde Thurston, Lizz Winstead, Elon James White and more. Laughing Liberally, the national comedy project of Living Liberally, has been touring the country, producing videos and special campaigns with progressive partners, running Off-Broadway in New York City and is preparing an election season of political laughter across the country.
T H U R S D AY, 9 : 3 0 P. M . , O F F - S I T E

WaterFire Celebration
The city of Providence is rolling out the red carpet for Netroots Nation. Theyll be conducting a full WaterFire installation, lighting up over 80 braziers in WaterPlace Park. The braziers are lit 20 minutes after sunset and burn until about midnight. This award-winning sculpture by Barnaby Evans installed on the three rivers of downtown Providence, has been praised by Rhode Island residents and international visitors alike as a powerful work of art and a moving symbol of Providences renaissance.
S AT U R D AY, 9 P. M . , O F F - S I T E


Daily Kos 10th Anniversary Party

Join us Saturday, June 9, for a waterfront block party at The Whiskey Republic (515 South Water St.). Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Daily Kos, well party with a DJ, dancing and a complimentary open bar. Doors open at 9:30 p.m.. A convention credential or Daily Kos sticker (available at the Daily Kos booth) is required for entry and complimentary drinks. Space is limited, so come early and stay late! (Must be 18 or older for entry.)
S U N D AY, 8 A . M . , B A L L R O O M E

Karaoke Party, sponsored by SEIU

Join us for whats become an annual tradition at Netroots Nation! Whether you cant hold a tune or have ambitions to try out for American Idol, we want you on that stage. This event is generously sponsored by SEIU. An open bar and some late evening snacks to get you in singing mood will be provided. This event will be held at The Dorrance (60 Dorrance St.), just a few short blocks from the convention center and HQ hotels.
F R I D AY, 1 : 3 0 P. M . , R O T U N D A

Interfaith Service
Take a look at the spiritual roots of activism in different traditions and get some inspiration before you leave Providence. Open to people of all faiths and no faith. Service will be over in time to participate in the Day of Service.
S U N D AY, 9 A . M . , O F F - S I T E

Staffer-Blogger Mixer
Come to this special networking event for attendees to meet legislative and campaign staffers and exchange information for future collaboration and communication. This networking event is specifically designed to give the staff members of elected officials a chance to chat in a more intimate setting with bloggers.
F R I D AY, 6 P. M . , R O O M 5 5 2

Netroots Nation Day of Service

Join Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, Rep. Jim Langevin, Rep. David Cicilline and Providence Mayor Angel Taveras for a clean-up day at historic Roger Williams Park, capped off by a tour of the state-of-the-art Save the Bay facility overlooking Narragansett Bay. A chartered bus will leave for the park at 9 a.m. from the Westin and will return no later than 2:15 p.m. Lunch is provided. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothes and shoes you wont mind getting dirty.

Ignite @ Netroots Nation

Come to the first-ever Ignite event at Netroots Nation and be inspired! At Ignite events, presenters give five-minute speeches with 20 slides that advance automatically every 15 seconds. Topics vary from personal stories to practical tips to funny or inspirational big-picture ideas.
F R I D AY, 6 P. M . , B A L L R O O M A



Chairmans Pub Quiz VI: Revenge of the Chairman

Last years competition was plagued by controversy, as a heated debate over the proper name of a particular Southeast Asian nation led to fierce, unbridled protest which made Madison, WI, look like kindergarten. What could possibly be in store for 2012? Form your teams of 8-10 (and well help assemble teams on-site) and find out. Tensions will be high, so do join us for the team trivia contest which has become as much a part of the Netroots Nation landscape as Burma Shave billboards were on American highways of the 1950s. Generously sponsored by the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee.
F R I D AY, 7 P. M . , O F F - S I T E

Morning News Dump with Lizz Winstead, Shannyn Moore and Cliff Schecter
T H U R S D AY, 8 : 1 5 A . M . ( R O T U N D A ) ; F R I D AY, 8 : 1 5 A . M . ; S AT U R D AY, 8 : 1 5 A . M .

Organizing Tools Shootout

T H U R S D AY, N O O N ; S AT U R D AY, 1 : 3 0 P. M .

Bully: From Movie to Movement

T H U R S D AY, 1 : 3 0 P. M .

Blacking It Up! with Elon James White

T H U R S D AY, 3 P. M . ; F R I D AY, 1 0 : 3 0 A . M .

Raise a Glass for the Working Class, sponsored by the AFL-CIO

Join the AFL-CIO at R R Irish Pub (50 Exchange Terrace) for drinks, good company, and working class music from the band the Street Dogs! Reconnect with friends and introduce yourself to new folks. Doors open at 7 p.m. The band comes on at 9 p.m. Drink specials for American beers!

How to be Black: A Reading/Signing/Blackening with Baratunde Thurston

T H U R S D AY, 4 P. M .

Educational Opportunity & Economic Dignity

F R I D AY, 1 0 : 3 0 A . M . , R O T U N D A

Lizz Free or Die Book Signing

F R I D AY, 1 : 3 0 P. M .

The Future of Political Cartooning

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S AT U R D AY, 1 0 : 1 5 A . M .

T H U R S D AY, 7 P. M . , H A L L A B

S AT U R D AY, N O O N , H A L L A B

Opening Keynote, featuring Eric Schneiderman

Well kick off Netroots Nation with an opening keynote from New Yorks Attorney General and the man the American Prospect calls The Man Banks Fear Most, Eric Schneiderman. Other speakers will include Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, environmentalist Bill McKibben, Planned Parenthoods Cecile Richards, NEAs Lily Eskelsen and Providence Mayor Angel Taveras. Baratunde Thurston will emcee.
F R I D AY, N O O N , H A L L A B

Criminal Justice in America: How Race and Fear Undermine Our Communities and Our Movement
From Troy Davis to Trayvon Martin, Stop and Frisk to Stand Your Ground, our countrys current criminal justice policies are not only creating a culture of fear in our country, but a second social class. The systemic problems that exist are often borne of old-fashioned bigotry and prejudice. How can we educate others on the role that race plays in our current judicial system? How do we end the cycle of violence that plagues so much of urban America and promote uplifting alternatives to violence and incarceration? And how can the progressive community join with social and racial justice organizations to empower communities and change a system that essentially undermines social movements and threatens progressive power? Presenters: Jakada Imani, Jasiri X and others TBA. Moderated by Rashad Robinson.

2012 and the War on (and for) Women

Some of 2012s most exciting races involve strong, progressive women who are leading the national conversation on not only on womens issues but also things like the economy and LGBT rights. Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren, Hawaiis Mazie Hirono and Washingtons Darcy Burner are each known for standing up for workers, the middle class and equal opportunity for all. Thats why were excited to have the three of them on the big stage at Netroots Nation. In this session moderated by the Huffington Posts Amanda Terkel, Warren, Hirono and Burner will address the past years growing War on Women and the GOP war on the middle class. Theyll discuss what playing offense looks like for women and how election wins this fall will translate to policy victories in 2013 and beyond.

Lunch generously provided by the DCCC.

S AT U R D AY, 4 P. M . , H A L L A B

Closing Keynote, featuring Van Jones

This line-up of speakersanchored by Van Joneswill close out our 2012 conference, leaving attendees inspired and ready to fight for progressive change. Other speakers include Rep. David Cicilline, Chuck Rocha and others TBA. Elon James White will emcee.

Lunch generously provided by Buy4.

S AT U R D AY, 9 A . M . , H A L L A B

Austerity No More: An Economy for the 99%

The 99 percent have taken to the streets in unprecedented numbers yet we havent seen this outcry reflected in the policies in Washington, where conventional wisdom lands somewhere between the status quo and austerity. The middle class continues to shrink and the poor get poorer, while the wealthiest continue to prosper while skirting the rules. What does our economic outlook look likeand what should our progressive vision for it be? How do we free ourselves from what Paul Krugman says can only be called a depression? What role can activists, bloggers and labor play in ensuring economic success and equality? These questions and more will be discussed in this keynote session. Presenters: Paul Krugman, Richard Trumka, Ai-Jen Poo and Erica Payne. Moderated by Heather McGhee.

Please note: Speaker information may not have been available at press time. Check our website or mobile app for the most up-to-date lineups.

Immediately following the keynote, Paul Krugman will hold a book signing at the Exhibit Hall author signing area.

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Comedy for Activists: Using Satire, Pranks and Creative Video for Troublemaking In an era of 24-hours corporate news, its harder than ever to break into the conversationwhich is why using comedy and satire to break through is more important than ever. A panel of expert web-video creators, prank-based activists and full-time troublemakers will discuss how creative new media, bold real-world interventions and being damn funny can break into the news cycle and reframe the debate, whether youre working for a progressive organization struggling to get a message out to a wider audience or youre a sole artist-activist trying to advance a cause. Filmmaker Caucus Introduce yourself to producers, directors, editors, distributors, writers and aficionados in this roundtable meet-and-greet. Screening Showcase #1 Line-ups subject to change. A Fierce Green Fire, Just Do It, Vincent Who, Undivided

comics can play in the revolution. After an successful fundraising campaign on Kickstarter, they shot a documentary of their tour to the most politically polarized places in the USA. In addition to visiting Occupy Wall Street actions in seven cities across the country, they crossed the border in Arizona with Immigration rights groups Culturestrike and Puente, marched with striking hotel workers in Chicago, went to a Mosque in Michigan, touched the levee in the lower 9th ward in New Orleans and hung out with street artists against oil pipelines in DC. Like Doctors without Borders, armed with jokes instead of penicillin, Laughter Against the Machine is a comedic peacekeeping mission to bring humor to those who need it most. Screening: Purity Myth In this video adaptation of her best-selling book, pioneering feminist blogger Jessica Valenti trains her sights on the virginity movement an unholy alliance of evangelical Christians, right-wing politicians and conservative policy intellectuals who have been exploiting irrational fears about womens sexuality to roll back womens rights. From dad-anddaughter purity balls, taxpayer-funded abstinence-only curricula and political attacks on Planned Parenthood to recent attempts by legislators to de-fund womens reproductive health care and narrow the legal definition of rape, Valenti identifies a single, unifying assumption: the myth that the worth of a woman depends on what she doesor does not dosexually. In the end, Valenti argues that the health and well-being of women is too important to be left to ideologues bent on vilifying feminism and undermining womens autonomy. Test Screen Your Video Working on a video for your cause, your organization or yourself and need some counsel from people who do it everyday? Have a 1-to3-minute video that didnt quite perform how youd like and want a test audience to get a sense for what you need to fine-tune next time? This is one panel that is focused on YOUR contentand how we can in turn make better media for the progressive movement. Video Open Mic with Juliana Forlano Come share the videos youre working on in this open mic session. You dont need to have submitted, been selected or curatedjust come with your video on DVD or flash-drive, and youll get five minutes to show a clip of what youre working on, discuss it with the audience, ask questions, answer them or discuss your next moves. This session will be hosted by filmmaker, comedian and educator Juluanna Forlano, host of AbsurdityToday on AbusrdityTV. Video that Changes the Debate So youve been told to create a viral video, whatever that means. How do you create media that not only succeeds online but also changes the debate? How do you make content that people pass around that also pierces the national conversation? Well examine these questions in-depth, speaking with those responsible for creating or spreading political videos that have made an impactand learn how to do the same in our own activism.


Screening Showcase #2 Tony and Janinas American Wedding, Home Front, Mission of Mermaids, Dr. Goddess Goes to Jail Screening Showcase #3 Bonsai People, Pay 2 Play, Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?, Checkpoint Nation? Screening Showcase #4 Code of the West, MLK Streets Project, Question of Integrity, Hot Coffee Screening: American Teacher Weaving interviews of policy experts and startling facts with the lives and careers of four teachers, American Teacher tells the collective story by and about those closest to the issues in our educational systemthe 3.2 million teachers who spend every day in classrooms across the country. Through an interactive and evolving website and a feature-length documentary that brings together educational experts, student interviews and a year of documenting the day-to-day lives and sacrifices of public school teachers, the Teacher Salary Project will bring an awareness to the real and imminent crisis in our educational systemhow little we value our strongest, most committed and most effective teachers, and the ripple effect this has on how our children learn and their potential for future success. In keeping with the storytelling styles of both Dave Eggers (writer) and Vanessa Roth (director), American Teacher is a characterdriven film that explores this urgent issue through humor, irony and the energy of the teachers who fill the screen. Screening: At the River I Stand, presented by ATU At the River I Stand is a powerful documentary that reconstructs the two months in Memphis, TN in 1968 leading to the tragic death of Martin Luther King Jr., the climax of the civil right movement, and the 65-day strike of 1,300 Memphis sanitation workers. Dr. King saw an opportunity to link this struggle to his nationwide Poor Peoples Campaign and challenge the economic power structure of the South. In workers history, this strike has achieved an almost mythical quality since it brought public-sector unionism to the south and proved that the civil rights and workers rights movements could be merged. Screening: Laughter Against the Machine Comedians W. Kamau Bell, Nato Green and Janine Brito are Laughter Against the Machine, a unique kind of comedy troupe where the audience expects to be challenged, to laugh and to think at the same time. Its an issue-oriented, no-holds-bar show with no preconceived expectations, no party lines and certainly no cheerleadingbecause they have a beef with everybody, including themselves. This past fall, LATM set out to tour the nations most volatile political hotspots, to find out what role

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Agitation and Inspiration: The Power of Art and Cultural Organizing Culture is the realm of ideas, images and stories; it is where people make sense of the world and where they find meaning and forge community. History shows that when the culture changes, politics follows. Culture can reach audiences beyond the bounds of what community organizing and policy-based organizing can do. While the media is laced with myths, stereotypes and misrepresentation of grassroots movements, cultural interventions can play a key role in pushing forward stories that help shift the public debate. A growing movement of artists around the country are using cultural tools to fight economic inequality, corporations, banks and anti-migrant hate. In this session, artist-activists, writers, cultural leaders and creative institutions will discuss models for connecting artists to movements for social change. Ask a Sista: Black Women Muse on Politics, Policy, Pop Culture and Scholarship This session was a big hit at Netroots Nation 2011. African-American women make up two-thirds of the black, Democratic voting bloc. Their votes are consistent but their programs are underfunded and voices routinely unheard. How can progressives expect the party to flourish without understanding this key voting block and their major influence in American culture? This session will shed light on African-American progressive women and their views on politics, policy, pop culture and scholarship to address how the Democratic party can mobilize them in 2012. Behind the Camera: Addressing the Underrepresentation of Women in Media and Culture Women are dramatically underrepresented in almost every level of media and popular culture, whether theyre writing, directing, producing or greenlighting projects. While most media criticism tends to focus on the representations of women, whether in romantic comedies or on comic book covers, its time to pay attention to who isand isntmaking decisions about how culture gets made in the first place. Well break down the numbers on womenin particular, women of colorin media; talk about the importance of the pop culture chain of command; and discuss the best ways for consumers to put pressure on companies to produce more genuinely progressive stories, characters and explorations of womens issues in mass culture. Beyond Occupy: What Does a New Economic System Look Like? The Occupy movement created a major opportunity and an imperative for progressives: Figure out what a new system, one that isnt based solely on individual greed and a race to the bottom, might look like. In this session, we will explore how Occupy has changed the game in the fight for economic justice and how progressives might start to invest in earnest in building a real alternative economic and political system that works for usone that is designed as a tool to help us achieve a set of societal goals including human rights and fulfillment. Big Decisions: A Discussion of Recent and Upcoming SCOTUS Cases Over the course of the next year, the Supreme Court is poised to rule on nearly every major political issue facing the country today. By the time the current term ends in late June, the Court will issue potentially monumental decisions in the cases challenging the Affordable Care Act and Arizonas draconian immigration law. When it reconvenes in October, the Court will consider the constitutionality of affirmative action and is likely to accept for review cases on same sex marriage, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, abortion, indefinite detention and campaign finance. The Courts decisions in these cases will have serious implications for the fundamental freedoms we enjoy, the equality of opportunity to which we aspire and the democracy which we have built. Join our panel of experts as they discuss the cases before the Court and how we can mobilize effectively around them.

Blogging for Transgender Equality: History, Challenges and Progress Transgender advocacy has exploded in recent years in no small part due to the ability of transgender people to connect nationally online. The immediate and swift outcry against the proposed stripping of gender identity protections in the Employment Non Discrimination Act (ENDA) demonstrated this communitys online power. While blogging significantly shapes political activity within the transgender community, there is a risk that all of the communitys concerns may not be considered in online responses to real-world events. This panel will explore the development of the activated transgender community and the impact blogging and online activism have on its formation and focus. Presenters will share examples of the powerful role this online community plays in moving transgender rights forward, while also examining what is missing from the conversation. Bold Progressive 99% Candidates in 2012 Bold progressive candidatesthose who publicly commit themselves to the 99% movement and a populist economic visionare running for Congress across the nation this year. Progressive infrastructure is giving these candidates vital support, resulting in some early primary wins against conservative Democratic opponents. More big primaries are coming and then significant general election fights are ahead. Hear from some of these bold candidates and learn how you can help them succeed in 2012. Building the Movement to Ban Fracking in a Regulation Climate At the same time that President Obama is pushing an energy plan built on natural gas, there is a national movement to ban fracking building around the United States and abroad. Find out how New York was able to get a moratorium on fracking and build a grassroots movement that has amplified the ban message in a climate where national mainstream groups are pushing for regulation. Learn how groups are engaging citizens through film, media and online and offline organizing to build a powerful movement that is calling for a ban on fracking. Citizens United, Super PACs and the Fight for Our Democracy The Supreme Courts decision in Citizens United opened the floodgates to massive amounts of anonymous corporate spending in our elections and allowed Super PACs to spend millions on campaign ads with no accountability. In the Republican presidential primary, weve seen Super PACs acting as shadow arms of the candidates campaigns. This new doctrine of corporate speech rights threatens to drown out the voices of the American people. Organized by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse and Center for American Progress Action Fund, this panel will examine the far-reaching impact of Citizens United and discuss how legislators, activists, bloggers and stakeholders can help restore sanity to our elections. Coal and the Grassroots Fight for Environmental Justice Community heroes across the country are taking great risks to stand up and say no to coal pollution and other environmental injustices, and theyre succeedingmore than 100 of the nations 500 coal plants have already announced that they will retire. Activists from Appalachia to Arizona are using creative strategies and tactics that are breaking through the noise and building power in communities that are often marginalized. This session will put some of these David vs. Goliath stories front and center and address how activists can use these lessons in fighting for environmental justice in their own communities. COINTELPRO 2.0: Surveillance, National Security and Our Eroding Civil Liberties Our national security infrastructure continues to evolve in ways that erode civil liberties protections built over decades. Between the continued renewals of the Patriot Act, the recent passage of the NDAA, revelations about the FBIs use of informants and the CIA operating domestically, there are a number of reasons to be concerned. Attend this panel to learn more about what has changed over the last 10 years and hear from activists who are pushing back to protect themselves, their communities and all of us.

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Collaboration, Not Co-option: Labor, Community Organizations and Occupy Wall Street Working Together Occupy Wall Street has not only been a successful movement in and of itself, but it was pivotal in reinvigorating the work of labor unions and community organizations throughout the country. This panel will examine how labor and community organizations have collaborated with OWS over the past yearon endeavors including Occupy the Boardroom, Occupy Our Homes and bank actions throughout the countryand what the future holds for progressive partnerships. Combatting Criminal Justice Violations: Challenging Assumptions and Winning Campaigns How can social and racial justice organizations leverage technology on behalf of criminal justice campaigns? Panelists will discuss how their respective organizations utilize the internet, social media platforms and mobile devices to spread awareness about criminal justice violations impacting communities of color. Particular campaigns to be highlighted include those against the NYPDs racially-targeted Stop and Frisk policy; the wrongful imprisonment of 10 innocent men in Cook County, IL, on the basis of forced confessions; the execution of Troy Davis without proof of guilt beyond reasonable doubt on the basis of unreliable eyewitness testimony; and the proposal to replace the storm-damaged Orleans Parish Prison with a massively-expanded facility. Panelists will share best practices, successes and challenges and ways to improve the efficacy of 21st century technology in criminal justice campaigns. Communities of Color and the 2012 Presidential Election President Obama was elected with overwhelming support from the black and brown communities in 2008. With the 2012 presidential election looming, and considering that we are no longer dealing with a campaign predicated on promises of hope and change, this panel will examine how the policies of the Obama presidency have affected these communities. Well also look at how organizers are utilizing culture, technology and the media to reach and engage these critical audiences once more. Education as a Right-Wing Wedge Issueand How to Stop It For many low-income areas and communities of color, education is regarded as the key to rebuilding our communities and overcoming injustice. So why has education policy become so divisive? In this session, panelists will draw on their experience and expertise as public school teachers, parents and advocates to guide attendees toward an understanding of the ways in which education reform has been used as a wedge issue to pit members of historically underserved communities against each other, as well as how these communities have been used by outside interests in the pursuit of other ideological goals. This will also be a space to envision how communities can come together to resist these trends and build a vision of public education that uplifts the entire community and serves our collective best interests. Emerging Movements: The Face of New Progressive Online Communities There are new emerging movements online that differ from their identity-based or multi-issue predecessors, ones that bring new people into the progressive movement and represent an exciting evolution of our organizing theories and practices. The offline-to-online engagement of Occupy, the emergence of a banking and housing crisis constituency online, laser-focused corporate accountability campaigns, new approaches to organizing women and the emergence of a global LGBT movement all represent huge interconnected communities dealing with major structural issues that have the potential to build global long-term progressive power. But how did this happen? What are the opportunities that emerged to make room for new movements? And how are the organizers capitalizing on those opportunities?

Five Ways Technology is Making Democracy Easier Much of progressive organizing relies on registering and turning out underrepresented communities and mobilizing those communities against the conservative agenda. New technology aims to eliminate barriers to democratic participation by making it easier for voters to register to vote, find their polling place, obtain an absentee ballot, research candidates, connect with each other and advocate for positions to their elected officials. This panel of leading technologists will speak about the ways technology is making it easier to participate in the democratic process. Follow the Dark Money: Reporting Challenges in the Age of Citizens United Super PACs, 501(c)(4)s, outside spending groups and their untraceable dollars are now de rigeur in elections, with unfettered and undisclosed campaign spending threatening the very heart of our democracy. Bringing political power brokers to light and tracing fundraising to its source is critical in establishing accountability for our elected officials. So what new strategies must reporters employ, and how can financial reporting be as clicktastic as a Kardashian scoop and as effective as a Wikileak? What reforms are necessary to bring big-money campaign spending to light? Financial reporters join financial disclosure experts, watchdog groups and national legislators to discuss reporting and reform how-tos. Foreclosure Fraud: How the Banks Broke the Housing Market and How We are Fighting Back Despite the fact that weve been in a foreclosure crisis for more than four years, precious little attention has been paid to how banks have used faked documents to steal homes from American borrowers. This panel will break down just how the banks have defrauded homeowners, local governments and the state judicial system, and why meager settlements or more promises for loan modifications are completely inadequate to hold the guilty parties responsible for the crime. This panel brings together foreclosure fraud experts, along with the people actually working on the front lines to stop illegal evictions and bring forward justice. We will also take a look at citizen-led efforts to protect peoples homes and hold banks accountableand how you can join those efforts. From Defeat to Triumph: Erasing the Death Penalty in America TroyDavis and #TooMuchDoubt were trending topics when Troy Davis was executed last September, energizing the movement to abolish the death penalty and forcing an examination of the ways race and class disproportionately impact life-and-death decisions. Since 1973, 140 people have been exonerated from death row in the United States, and there are at least five cases where states have executed persons with strong indications of innocence. And yet, were winning! (As of 4/10/12) Connecticut is on the verge of becoming the fifth state to abandon the death penalty in 5 years, and Californians have a referendum on capital punishment on the November ballot. Sophisticated anti-death penalty campaigns are using new technologies and lifting up uncommon voices to advance the work of educating lawmakers and mobilizing constituents. Panelists will discuss the latest trends and tactics, current hot cases and connect you to effective and engaging anti-death penalty campaigns. From Deval Patrick to Scott Brown to Elizabeth Warren: Massachusetts Elections and National Trends Deval Patrick won an unlikely race for governor in 2006; two years later, Barack Obama was elected president. In January 2010, Scott Brown won an unlikely race for U.S. Senate; ten months later, Republicans swept the national Congressional racesexcept in Massachusetts, where all 10 Congressional seats went Democratic and Patrick won re-election in a race many thought he couldnt win. Now, Elizabeth Warren is running for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts and Barack Obama is up for reelection, possibly against a former Massachusetts governor. What can recent elections in Massachusetts tell us about national trends? Experts from Patrick and Warrens campaigns, plus one of the Boston Globes top political columnists, will dive into this question


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Funny Feminism: Joking Our Way to Gender Equality We all know the tedious stereotype about the humorless feminist, but the reality is so much different. One look at online feminism confirms that feminists really are funny, and usually funnier than the sexists they fight. The panelists will discuss the hows and whys of laughing our way to gender equality. Gun Politics after Trayvon and Tucson: New Life for a Deadly Issue In just over a year, a new grassroots movement has emerged to demand common-sense laws to keep guns out of the wrong hands. Representatives of two successful recent Gun Politics 2.0 campaigns and political leaders will explore how progressives are using social media and organizing to reframe an issue sometimesand wronglyconsidered a political third rail. In January 2011, following the mass shooting in Tucson, Mayors Against Illegal Guns launched the National Drive to Fix Gun Checks to educate the public about the 34 Americans who are murdered with guns every day and to build support for reforming the national gun background check system. After Trayvon Martins tragic shooting, a new coalition of national civil rights groups and Mayor Michael Bloomberg launched the Second Chance on Shoot First campaign to demand that states reform reckless laws written by the NRA and ALEC that led to Trayvons death. Handcuffs, Conventional Wisdom and Dirty Oil: Activisms Big Win Against the Keystone XL Pipeline This January, against long odds, the environmental movement dealt a blow to Big Oil, forcing President Obamas rejection of a presidential permit for the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipelinethe industrys marquee project and a conduit to the continents biggest carbon bomb. The hard-fought campaign united indigenous communities, Nebraska ranchers and Texas landowners, union representatives, youth climate activists, interfaith leaders and grassroots citizen activists and breathed new life into a movement fractured and demoralized after having failed to advance meaningful climate legislation following the election of a Democratic Congress and a new president who promised to lead on clean energy and climate solutions. Panelists will discuss lessons the environmental, climate and progressive movements can take from the fight and how these movements might build on this success to continue fighting the southern leg of the pipeline expedited by the president, reclaim our democracy from corporate polluters and gain lasting wins for a safe climate and justice-fueled future. How Sports Shapes Our Politics and Why It Matters Can sports ownership actually shape the 2012 election? Can sports medias dominant racial narratives influence opinion on Barack Obama? Is Tim Tebow the most influential American challenging Roe v. Wade? Baseballs integration once influenced desegregation; Billie Jean King promoted advances in gender equality; and sports owners and local politicians perfected a welfare for billionaires movement that helped shape broader public policy. Today, millions of Americans learn about government abuse through a steroids trial, institutional racism and exploitation through college athletics and the consequences of unchecked power and privilege through a Penn State scandal. This panel will address how sports shapes our national discussion and share examples of netroots, grassroots and legislative responses. Discussion will include roles of sports owners to sports mascots, white male privilege in sports media and the progressive blogospheres potential to embrace sports coverage as print media previously did. Inside the Activists Studio: What to Do When the Right Comes After You When the right-wing noise machine gets started, any progressive group or individual can find themselves the target of a coordinated wave of attacks (remember ACORN?). Fighting back isnt easyit takes courageous leadership, a strong voice, savvy staff and the ability to rally committed supporters online. Join leaders and organizers from three of the rights favorite targetsPlanned Parenthood, AFSCME and Jewish Voice for Peaceas they talk about their experiences fighting back in the face of relentless, vicious opposition. Theyll share tactics and strategies for organizing and mobilizing activists to stand strong when the right wing comes after you.

Intervention, Isolation & the Future of Progressive Security Policy The long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, along with the economic crisis at home, have soured many progressives on foreign policy ideals long held dear by liberals: human rights, multilateral interventions, nationbuilding and support for democracy abroad. Recent debates over Libya, the Arab Spring, drones and Israel/Palestine have deepened this split between interventionists and isolationists. So wheres the common ground? What should the next progressive foreign policy look like? Can liberal interventionists distinguish themselves from right-wing neocons? Is Ron Paul onto something with his anti-war stance? From sanctions and special forces to drones and no-fly zones, attendees to this panel will hear a variety of views on humanitarianism, state sovereignty, multilateralism, limited conflicts and domestic war fatigue from the lefts most prominent experts in international affairs. Iran 2012: Iraq 2003 All Over Again? Despite broad opposition from military and security leaders in the United States and internationally, the sponsors of the Iraq War have attempted to fear-monger their way into another costly Middle East conflict. Bush has dropped from the headlines, but the architects of his foreign policy have taken over the shadow cabinets of GOP presidential contenders, the corner offices of think tanks and the halls of Congress. But 2012 is not 2003. A restrained economy, an ascendant model of less-militarized foreign policy and a war-weary public create an opportunity for a responsible policy outcome and a definitive blow to the (neo)conservative death-grip on national security politics. Attendees will hear from experts well-steeped in the trends and decisions behind the war drumbeat both then and now, who will spotlight the web of familiar players, debunk their arguments and discuss strategies for achieving a sounder policy and winning the political debate. Latino Vote Matters: Immigration, Power and an Interactive Look at the Map Over the past decade, Latino voters have increased their power and made a decisive impact in races at all levels, including the last presidential. This is even more important in 2012. It has been projected that a Republican candidate needs to obtain at least 40 percent of the Latino vote to win the Presidential election. President Obama, who secured 67 percent of the Latino vote in 2008, will again need a huge margin. Hispanic voters could tip the balance in several key battleground states, including Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Florida and even Arizona. With GOP candidates increasingly alienating the Hispanic population with anti-immigrant rhetoric and a President who has increased enforcement and deported a record number of immigrants, many wonderwhat will Latino voters do in 2012? Liberate Your Ass: Why Sexual Freedom is Key to Fighting the Right From birth control to same-sex marriage, the right is reinvigorating a culture war on sex and sexual freedom ahead of the 2012 election. We need to fight back with languageand movementsthat include and accept a diversity of sexual practices and identities instead of reproducing the casual shaming and marginalization offered by the right. Panelists, ranging from polyamorous organizers to famous sex writers and activists, will lead a raucous and fun discussion of why the progressive movement can only benefit from fully embracing of people who live, love, andyeshave sex, in radical defiance of existing norms of gender, family and sexual practice. Love, Compassion and Other Outrageous Forms of Activism Activists tend to be motivated by a powerful, inclusive sense of connection to all beings and the planet. Yet guilt, frustration, weariness and internal conflict can remove us from the sense of purpose we need to work for the long haul. When activism is disconnected from a deep understanding of interdependence, we may unintentionally create the very conditions we fight againstpersecution instead of justice, hatred instead of compassion. The vital source of reconnection to a larger vision was called the love that does justice, by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Gandhi called it satyagraha, or truth force. The Netroots offers an unparalleled opportunity to create a community of change that is aligned with our deepest values of a more just and sustainable world. This panel will explore tools for resilience of body, mind and spirit to help support a sustained, transformational activism.
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Making Sense of Polling Data This panel will share insights to help you interpret the next set of polling data you see. Well discuss the huge challenge of sampling cell-phoneonly households, whether mainstream media outlets should start covering automated polling, the current state of polling over the internet and whether social media has a role to play in measuring public opinion. Marriage Equality: Past, Present and Future Anti-gay attacks banning same-sex marriage, as well as pro-marriage equality legislation, ballot initiatives, judicial cases and electoral fights, have swept the country since 1996 when Congress passed the so-called Defense of Marriage Act. Since then, activists and campaigners have been criss-crossing the country working to secure equal marriage rights for all. This panel will bring together leading activists and experts to discuss what lessons can be learned from previous fights in California, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, New York and Washington. Panelists will provide insight into how those lessons can be applied in a changing 2012 landscape and practical advice for launching an effort in your own state.

Organizing Lessons from SOPA and PIPA The SOPA and PIPA bills were defeated by a fascinating combination of forces. There was an inside game in Washington and an outside one online. It included liberals and conservatives, and it brought together the public, non-profits and the business community in common cause. The panel will look at the cross-cutting effects of the effort and determine what lessons to take away for other campaigns at the federal, state or local level. Organizing Outside the Lines: Reaching Hard-to-Reach Communities Online and Offline Cant figure out how to reach a segment of the rising American electorate? Panelists will discuss how to integrate online and offline organizing strategies and choose tactics that reach even the hardest to reach communities to produce progressive wins. Paying the Price, Leading the Fight: Youth and the Politics of Reproductive Rights With reproductive rights under constant attack, young women and men face some of the most extreme consequences of social conservatives anti-sex policies and are too often sold out in compromises from the left. Whether its parental notification laws, the Obama administration caving to political pressure to deny young women access to Plan B emergency contraception or the manufactured controversy over birth control, the rights of youth are too often traded away in larger political fights. In a culture that demonizes young peoples sexuality while denying them everything from sex education to basic health care, this panel will explore how youth activists and their allies are fighting back. People, Not Polar Bears: Digital Revolutions and the New Fight Against Climate Change From epidemics of asthma to water shortages, our most vulnerable populations are disproportionately impacted by pollution and global warmingand its time for our environmental fights to reflect this. For decades, communities of color and indigenous peoples have fought discriminatory environmental policies and disproportionate toxic burdens from polluting industries, but these efforts must be brought to the mainstream. Fortunately, youth leaders from communities impacted by environmental racism are already doing just thatutilizing new media, GPS mapping and social networks to advocate for solutions that support environmental justice and the ever-growing realities of global climate change. This panel will share tools and strategies for energizing communities and holding polluters and legislators accountable, including the role open-source technology has in creating and maintaining national collaborations, and tricks for connecting clicks and likes with boots on the ground. Promoting People of Color in the Progressive Blogosphere This panel will address the needs, successes and obstacles to having greater participation from people of color in the blogosphere. Using the models of the Native American Netroots and Black Kos as a beginning point for the discussion, well cover topics such as color blindness vs. representation and how to get historically underrepresented groups and their views heard. Well discuss how to organize outreach between the larger blogosphere and blogs that are specific to communities of color and how to form stronger connections to ongoing organizing efforts and activism in communities of color. Well also focus on how organizations can promote diversity within new grassroots organizations. Protecting Voting Rights in Communities of Color in 2012 Black and brown voters turned out in record numbers in 2008. However, the introduction of voter ID initiatives in many states creates a new barrier for many, particularly in traditionally disenfranchised communities of color. Voters in these communitiesas well as students, seniors, the working poor and those with disabilitieswill be most impacted. What coalitions and campaigns are underway to ensure these voters have equal access to the polls? How can we ensure their voting rights are safeguarded and their voices counted? Panelists will provide case studies of campaign strategies and community solutions and tackle tough questions concerning voter ID laws.


Military Sexual Trauma: The Womens War The Department of Veterans Affairs has released data estimating that one in three women has been sexually assaulted and/or raped while on active service, double the rate for civilians, according to the DoJ. Rape is notoriously unreported, particularly in the hyper-masculine environment of the military. Women troops who do seek justice find themselves quickly ostracized, their psychological wounds left untended, their attackers not charged. They are expected to carry on and often face their rapists on a daily basis. This panel is designed to explore the issue of Military Sexual Trauma or MST. Mobile Organizing for 2012: From Elections to Occupy, Anti-Fracking to Arab Spring This panel will explore case studies that exemplify outstanding mobile organizing practices and how theyre going to be critical in 2012. Panelists will share their experiences in bridging the digital divide by using texts to drive advocacy phone calls; taking the work out of calling your legislator through click-to-call widgets; using texts to build your list of supporters and syncing that list with the data that in your CRM to move supporters up the ladder of engagement. Plus well discuss how to generate action, online and offline, and benefit from a high return on engagement. New Media on the Campaign Trail: Case Studies from Winning Programs Every campaign talks about new media, but too many stop at Facebook and Twitter. Successful campaigns leverage the full breadth of tools and strategies new media has to offer across all their departments to raise money, turn out volunteers and spread a campaign message efficiently and effectively. This panel will present case studies from successful new media programs like those run by the Elizabeth Warren campaign and her allies Eric Griego and Lois Frankel, with new media directors from these campaigns sharing the innovative strategies theyre using to win in 2012. Occupy Goes Home: The Occupy Movement and the Foreclosure Crisis The Occupy movement has been taking homes throughout the year and plans to continue throughout the summer. What does this campaign contribute to larger progressive goals? Should the progressive movement support this work? Organizing Issue-Based Campaigns with College Students American college campuses are hotbeds of idealism and activism. The 2008 election, the protests in Wisconsin and Ohio and the Occupy movement showed that when this young constituency is politically mobilized, history can be made. While youth vote turnout is often addressed, too little is done to address this constituencys issues: affordable college education, student debt and limited job prospects. Meanwhile, college students find themselves the target of voter ID laws and other efforts to suppress their voice in the political process. Student organizations and their allies are organizing students to get active around the issues that are important to them. Come hear how to mobilize the student vote for affordable higher education, immigrant rights, voting rights and a host of other issues.
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Punditry 101: Getting Your Message On Air Whether youre looking to make your on-air debut or just want to hone your message, Punditry 101 will provide the tools you need. Experienced pundits and producers will explain how to get booked, what makes a good talking point and how you can own your airtime no matter what comes your way. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and relate personal experiences. Pushing Back: How Labor Groups are Fighting Concessions and Workplace Abuses in the Down Economy Leveraging a weak economy and a diminished union base, corporations are now expecting more and more out of their workers while offering less and less in return. This panel will take a look at the concessions companies are demanding from their workforcesfrom rising health-care payments and pension takeaways to wage freezes and lost hoursand how labor groups and organizers are pushing back at both the bargaining table and the grassroots level. Well explore some of the ways both middle-class and low-wage workers are struggling to hold on to the gains theyve made as employees. Revitalizing State and Local Blogging Since the historic 2006 and 2008 election cycles, state and local blogospheres all around the country have been fragmenting and decaying to the detriment of the progressive movement. This panel will examine the challenges that surviving blogs face; discuss short-term projects that would help state and local bloggers strengthen their audience, reach and income through the rest of the 2012 cycle; and explore what can be done to sustain the Netroots community at the state and regional level long-term. Safeguarding Democracy: Innovations in Technology and Human Rights The future is now. Activists now have access to unlikely tools: satellite technology to deter mass atrocities in South Sudan, civil society leaders in Iran and Southeast Asia distributing encrypted media of demonstrations and geo-targeted apps that aid famine relief in East Africa and combat global human trafficking. Technology has transformed the way governments, corporations and movements around the world are held accountable, and it shapes how the world watches history unfold. With these advancements come increased scrutiny, privacy concerns and a battle for access to the new technology. How we continue to innovate and anticipate challenges will steer the future of human rights. This panel will discuss the power dynamics between movements and governments using technology as an accountability tool in global human rights, cases from the frontlines in humanitarian technology and why we need to create progressive policies that support innovation in human rights. Salsa, Cumbia and Merengue: Connecting to the Different Beats of the Latino Electorate The Latino vote is expected to exceed 12.2 million in the 2012 elections. This diverse electorate includes those who have been here since the days of Aztlan and others who arrived more recently. Latinos are not a monolithic group. We dont all know what arepas taste like, and many of us might not know how to salsa. So what ties us together? Ask five Latinos, and youll likely get five different answers. Whether its language, religion, culture or a sense of rhythm, Latinos make up a key voting bloc. This session will serve as a crosspollination of regional knowledge that will help organizations springboard their 2012 electoral narratives. Well look at strategies, tools and approaches organizers are using in a variety of regions around the country to create a powerful and progressive Latino voting base. Saving Public Transportation: A Matter of Social Justice In Rhode Island, public transit service is under perennial threat of service cuts and fare increases due to a flawed funding mechanism, the gas tax. Transit systems around the countryfrom Oakland to Detroitface similar service cuts at a time when public transportation is more necessary than ever for both our economic and environmental sustainability. This panel will relate how workers, riders and even transit systems are forming coalitions in the fight to save and expand public transportation. Well explore the campaign in Rhode Island to Save RIPTA, the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority, and discuss how the successes of this local campaign can be translated to other communities. Take a Walk, Scott: Post-Mortem of the Wisconsin Recalls On June 5, progressives across the country will either be celebrating Scott Walkers recall loss or angry about his victory. Either way, this panel will serve as a post-mortem for the long, hard fight for sanity in Wisconsin.

Taking the Offense in State Elections In state after state, working people and the progressive community have met unprecedented attacks on their salaries, pensions and social services with blow-out success. But its not enough to play defense. Labor-progressive coalitions must work in 2012 to elect state lawmakers who support working people to prevent further assaults on our jobs, our families and progressive democracy. This panel will examine how we can take back control at the state level by sharing hands-on strategies and equip activists with tools to successfully energize the public and get out the vote. That Will Never Work: What Progressives Can Learn from OWS When Occupy Wall Street first started, almost no one thought it would work. What does the explosion of interest in OWS say about the tactics of the occupation? What can progressive organizations learn from Occupys success in shifting the dialogue from austerity to inequality? The Battle for Congress: Q&A on the 2012 Elections The editors of Daily Kos Elections invite you to join them for an in-depth Q&A about the 2012 elections. Thirty-three Senate seats and all 435 seats in the House are up for grabs (plus 11 governorships). Well take questions on all topics: polling, fundraising, redistricting, whos in, whos out and whos likely to win. If you want to know more about whats going to happen in November and what it will mean for Democrats, Republicans, and the entire country come to this panel! The Heart of the Beast: How the Grassroots is Taking on Big Banking Wall Street crashed our economy, perpetrated widespread fraud on millions of homeowners, bankrupted our communities and continues to inject unfettered corporate money into our democracy. Thats the bad news. The good news: In an extraordinary example of progressive power, a group of organizations and individuals built a dynamic movement to challenge big bank power and rebuild our economy. People have occupied their homes, moved millions of dollars out of big banks, taken over big bank offices and annual shareholders meetings, won a federal investigation into big bank fraud and made big bank power the pariah in media coverage. In this session, participants will dive into specific strategiesfrom grassroots organizing to online mobilization to popular educationthat led to this groundswell. Well also have a lively discussion on taking lessons back into your own community to and how to make this a central issue this election cycle. The Inside Game: Progressive Legislative Caucuses at the State and Local Level Every year on the state and local level, the Netroots works to elect candidates to offices large and small, win victories in legislative fights and hold their elected officials accountable. Increasingly, these efforts are being matched by the building of critical internal infrastructure within legislative bodies themselves: progressive caucuses of lawmakers who are working to advance policy agendas, win messaging wars and influence the debate in their states and cities. This session brings together many involved in these effortsfrom advocacy groups, city councils and state legislaturesto address critical questions and share their experiences about how state and local progressive caucuses can best work with allies to define progressive values in red and blue states alike and grow the national progressive movement. The War on Voting In 2011 we witnessed the most significant rollback of voting rights since the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965, with conservative legislators and governors passing laws in more than a dozen states to restrict access to the ballot. These laws included requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote, restricting voter registration drives, curtailing early voting, disenfranchising ex-felons and mandating government-issued photo identification to cast a ballot. These tactics harken back to the days when Dixiecrats used poll taxes and literacy tests to bar black Southerners from voting. According to the non-partisan Brennan Center for Justice, the new laws could make it significantly harder for more than 5 million eligible voters to cast ballots in 2012, with young, minority, low-income and disabled voters hit the hardest. This panel will look at the voter suppression tactics conservatives are employing and how to fight back to defend democracy.

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The Worst Immigration Law in the United States HB 56, Alabamas extreme immigration bill, was explicitly designed to drive undocumented immigrants out of the state. Since being signed into law, many of the approximately 200,000 Latinos who remain in Alabama live in a state of fear and insecurity. Panelists will discuss just how detrimental the bill really is to the state and its immigrant families. Plus, theyll talk about what civil and immigrant rights advocates are doing to push for repeal and fight for human rights. Turn It Up: Using Hip-Hop to Mobilize in 2012 This panel will discuss how hip-hop can be utilized as a tool to amplify the message of the progressive movement, as well as inspire and energize activists across the country. Panelists will address the political ideals of current artists and their fan bases and how the progressive movement can work congruently with both. Learn how hip-hop could be the game-changer in the 2012 election. Victory in Ohio: How Senate Bill 5 was Defeated Understand the success of the We are Ohio campaigns road to victory in beating back the rights attacks on working families. Get insight on how the tactics used in Ohio can translate to other campaigns around the country. What Progressives Can Do to Stop the War on Public Education American public education is under concerted attack: Americans are told we are failing in international comparisons, urged to blame teachers and break their unions, turn more of our public education system over to private interests and rely ever more upon tests to make critical decision. These and other tactics are designed to delegitimize and ultimately destroy meaningful public education. Three nationally-known experts explore aspects of that attack and offer specific suggestions of how progressive supporters of public education can fight back. When Democrats Arent Democrats: The Story of Rhode Island How did voter ID laws pass in a blue state? How many RI state legislators are anti-choice? Whats the deal with civil unions? Why does everyone keep saying tax breaks for the wealthy create jobs? As Democrats move to the right and progressives are fighting tooth and nail to get anything done, it couldnt be more important to answer these questions. Hear the story of Rhode Island and how fights for tax justice, protecting a womens right to choose, equal rights for our LGBTQI neighbors and access to the polls played out. Veteran advocates and organizers will talk about what works and what doesnt when having a D next to a name means nothing. Whose Law Is It Anyway? ALECs Influence on State Legislatures and What We Can Do About It The American Legislative Exchange Council has been behind virtually every major right-wing state law in the past two years, including union-busting, teacher-bashing, voter suppression, attacks on immigrants, privatizing basic public services and gutting environmental and health regulations. Learn more about ALEC, who backs them and what you can do to stand in their way. Why Cant Apple Make Your iPhone in America? Building on investigative reporting in WIRED Magazine and the New York Times, this session will explore why a company so good at design is so lousy at high-tech manufacturing, particularly in the United States. Nearly every blogger uses a piece of hardware made overseas, sometimes in deplorable conditions. Does it matter? Does it have to be this way? Do we have an obligation to help change this? Panelists will explore the obstacles and opportunities for rebuilding a high-tech supply chain in America. The panelists will also explore what public policies are needed to recapture high-tech production jobs: trade, innovation, training and taxes. No issue crystallizes the challenges facing the American economy like Apple: great products for the creative class, but few jobs for American workers.

Why the Fed is the Most Important Economic Issue You Know Nothing About Years worth of bailouts and bank regulation debates have placed a new level of political focus on the Federal Reserve. It has been a topic for the Occupy movement and those concerned with out-of-control financial institutions and the weak recovery. And in the next year, the Federal Reserve, without political pressure, could dismantle financial regulation and stop an economy about to take off. How does the left engage the Federal Reserve? This panel will dive into potential answers. Winning Smarter: Using Data to Transform Elections Vote modeling, voter targeting, consumer data, NCEC, vote scores, crosstabs. What does this all mean? This panel of data geeks will walk through common uses of data in politics and share some cutting-edge techniques that will be used in 2012. Winning Without a Vote: Working with Federal Agencies to Advance a Progressive Agenda Lobbying Congress can seem like an impossible uphill climb even in the best of times, but there are alternative ways to make progress. Theres much to be done without worrying about filibusters or majority votes by working with the federal agencies. A coalition of national LGBT and allied organizations called the New Beginning Initiative has been advocating for changes within the federal government for over three years. Since January of 2009, there have been dozens of changes in federal policy that benefit the lives of LGBT people and families, and they all happened without any further Congressional action. Join us for a discussion on how to advocate for progress through federal agencies using the existing framework of federal law. Our success stories relate to the LGBT movement, but the tools for change can be used by anyone willing to roll up their sleeves and wade into the world of federal regulation. Women Rule: Keys for Social Media and Electoral Success Studies show women voters are the key to election success and that women rule social media platforms. But few candidates or causes use those tools to effectively engage those crucial women voters. Whats workingand what isntwhen it comes to social media outreach to women? This panel will focus on successful case studies and tips for effective engagement, as well as what backfires when trying to persuade these influencers to support your efforts. Working Rhode Island: How We Built a Progressive Movement in Rhode Island Working across class, generation, ethnic and trade barriers, Working Rhode Island is following the One Big Union model in exciting and dynamic ways. Built out of a common need to organize against a conservative Republican governor, the groups assembled around the Working Rhode Island table left the old rules behind to figure out new ways to work together against common enemies. Its led to amazing results, including seeing the Rhode Island AFLCIO endorse marriage equality legislation, primary challenges to Democratic incumbents from labor-backed candidates and immigrant rights being considered workers rights. There have been fights and losses along the way, but plenty of victories too. Without a doubt, Working Rhode Island is a model for the nation. Your Phone Is Political Androids and iPhones are quickly becoming our primary gateways to the Internet. The ways that we organize political and advocacy campaigns, produce and communicate with our world depends on access to them and the broadband data connections they provide. But imagine livestreaming video from a protest and running up against data caps. Imagine planning out your next SMS campaign, and the phone companies telling you they dont like the content. These threats to mobile freedom are real. As we fight for control over our mobile experience, its fair to say that your phone is political. This panel will discuss how the power dynamic between the carriers and the public is affecting our ability to communicate via mobile phones, why the progressive community must stand up for mobile freedom and how we can create better policies that protect us from wireless carrier abuse.


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Base Building & Elections: Winning While Building Grassroots Power This session will address how elections can be won in such a way that power is built up in the grassroots and that winning is more than 50 percent plus 1. Well discuss how base building isnt just the right thing to do; its the smart thing to do to win. Participants will learn how we can use elections to build and expand the base by bringing new people into the process by building authentic relationships in communities. Well also talk about how communities and constituencies must be seen as partners in this work in order to create infrastructure that last long after the election, builds power and grows new leaders. Finally, youll learn how to put together a base-building plan that utilizes power mapping and targeting. Beyond Engagement: Progressive Organizing in Communities of Color The progressive moment often focuses on engagement with communities of color. From GOTV to social justice work, a main challenge is moving beyond activating voters on our issues to truly organizing and motivating the community. This training seeks to equip progressive organizers with tools necessary to avoid common challenges when organizing and working in communities of color. Understanding and assessing community needs, effective messaging and avoidance of tokenism will be explored. Using a lens of reproductive rights and feminism, case studies in American Indian, Latino and African-American communities will be explored. This session is particularly timely, because we have seen how reproductive rights in communities of color are under attack using the banner of benevolence and protection. Beyond Networking: How to Make Friends and Influence People at Netroots Nation 2012 Were here to help. At this interactive training, youll learn how to navigate the action-packed schedule of Netroots Nation, how to survive on two hours of sleep (and still be alert for a day of panels!) and how to make genuine, lasting connections with the other fantastic folks gathered here in Providence. Best of all, youll get an early start on networking! Blog Content Bootcamp So you have a blog, some social media profiles and can write decently, but now its time to use those tools to create quality content that engages readers and advances your cause. Starting with basic story-finding tools (RSS feeds, Google Alerts, etc.), well talk about how to design attention-grabbing short and long-form blog posts that your readers can learn from and enjoy. Then well learn research, photojournalism, interview and editing skills to add context and authority to your work. Finally, well end with a hands-on assignment combining these skills to develop and share a breaking story from start to finish in a way that will get people discussing and sharing your work. This class is intended for intermediate bloggers who know the basics of blogging but desire additional training in journalism and electronic media to create polished work (wi-fi enabled laptops and Google Account required, cameras optional). Content Management: Whats Possible and Best for Your Org? Whether your new website is a top-of-the-line enterprise solution with tailored content for audience segments, a basic blog site, or a new site for your latest campaign, two of the first questions you will be confronted with are what Content Management System (CMS) to use and what programming language it should be based on? Dont know what the implications of these questions are? Come find out what a CMS can do for you. In this session well walk you through the questions you should consider as you determine what technology solution is right for you or your organization. Sitecore, Expression Engine, Wordpress, CrownPeak, Joomla, Drupal, Django and even Tumblrwell run you through the options and implications, answer your questions and give you the tools you need to make the right choices. Data-Driven Design for Progressive Organizations: 10 Engagement Metrics You Probably arent Tracking Well share 10 often overlooked web, social media and email metrics you can use to improve your social bottom line (in terms of actions taken, money raised, etc.). More than the online statistics that we all usually trackunique visitors, email open rates, advertising clickthroughs, etc.these data sets can help you spark more user engagement, cultivate long-term brand loyalty and incentivize sustained peer-to-peer sharing. How do you use website activation time to attract email list subscribers? How do you use Facebook EdgeRank to measure the health of your fan base? These are just a few of the questions well address.

Decoding Defense: Speaking with Authority on National Security Its an old clich: The GOP is the national security party. But Barack Obamas foreign and domestic policies are changing that idea. The armed services have played a key role in debates over foreign policy, the budget, gay rights and civil liberties. Vets transitioning to the homefront have taken the lead in the Occupy movement, the push for clean energy and reforms to education. Speaking with authority on military issues is critical for progressives, but its also daunting. How do you navigate a Pentagon budget? Who watchdogs military contractors? What organizations exist to connect progressives and vets? Attendees will learn how to speak DOD, find and decipher important military info, articulate progressive national security goals in simple statements, rebut conservative talking points and reach out with empathy to vets who are receptive to progressive ideals. Email for the Win! Everyone knows email is one of the most important tools in an organizers arsenal, but not everyone knows how to build a successful email program. This training will cover techniques for growing and managing a list of active supporters and getting the most you can out of every email sent. Well look at concrete examples, and attendees will come away with solid ideas for improving their own programs and using email to win campaigns. Excel-erate! Turbo-charge your Excel skills This session is a rapid-fire introduction to several important functions of Microsoft Excel, all of which will help you digest, manipulate and display data quickly and easily. Aimed at an audience between beginner and intermediate, the training will cover if statements, pivot tables and pivot charts, vlookup, conditional formatting, filter and sort and other fun functions and formulas. The session will include a demo of these topics by using the various functions to turn a raw dataset into useful products. Audience members with laptops can download the dataset and play along, and a read-along handout given to all participants will list, in order, every function being demonstrated. EXCLUSIVE: 10 Ways to Win the Internets Through Sexier Sharing and Epic Visuals Fact: You are the worst predictor of what content will go viral in the world. Learn how to optimize headlines and content, double your Facebook fans and increase user engagement. Hang out with the crack team of sharers at Upworthy. Steal our secret recipe to get larger shares. Well tell you the counterintuitive things we learned, like why Republican tests better than GOP in headlines, why pretty design can hurt sharing and how to leverage partnerships to get your organization on the top of the social sharing heap. Well explain the latest strategies in optimizing Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and more to make sure you are maximizing your results, plus well teach you easy ways to double your efforts by testing, testing, testing. Getting Analytical with Google Analytics Grassroots marketing used to mean going door-to-door or sending out mail, but today it is just as likely to involve YouTube or Pinterest. How can we tell which method of marketing is working the best for our cause and driving traffic to our websites? Are visitors from certain sources more likely to take action then others? Is it possible to track the success of real-world marketing in Google Analytics? This session will take a deeper dive into Google Analytics and show some tips and tricks for getting a better understanding of your marketing campaigns and how to identify the most successful ways to encourage action on your website. Grassroots Lobbying This session talks about the relationship between public policy, advocacy and lobbying, and shares strategies for being an effective citizen lobbyist. Participants spend the bulk of this session in an exciting exercise involving lobbying decision-makers who are supportive, undecided and opposed to a given issue. How (and Why) to Advertise Online Ever see an advertisement for a pair of shoes or your favorite vacation destination follow you around the internet? There is no greater medium for targeting the individuals your campaign or organization need to deliver electoral, organizing or legislative victories. With digital use on the rise you need how to build an online advertising campaign that meets your goals. Attendees will leave knowing how to develop and optimize an online advertising plan using Google, Facebook, and other popular platforms and tools. Anyone can do it. How Organizing Can Change a Narrative History has shown that when progressives mount a solid engagement organizing, we win the battle for hearts, minds and votes. Learn the tactics, timelines and tools from two of the best field organizers out there currently on the front lines of the 2012 battleground.
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How Progressives Get Narrative Wrong, and How to Get It Right Progressives are talking a lot about narrative and storytelling these days. So why are we so bad at it? Were not just bad at it; were often reinforcing right-wing perspectives and beliefs about the economy, race, gender and other key issues without even knowing it. We have to play catch upon doing research smartly, crafting narratives strategically and telling stories effectively. This interactive workshop led by progressive brand strategist Ryan Senser will give you a way to think about what a narrative really is and how to practice effective storytelling in your own work. Well pull in examples of great stories from history and culture, from Superman to Harriet Tubman. Youll never again confuse narrative with talking points, fact sheets and pointless visuals and infographics. How to Ensure Your Web Development Project is a Complete Failure Set unrealistic deadlines! Dont define your intended audience! Refuse to make decisions! Many of the ways you can mess up your new site or redesign are identical to the ways people fumble any endeavor. Other mistakes are unique responses to the age old demandHey, overextended staffer! Create a cutting edge website for free, stat, with whatever the latest gizmo I dont understand is! After years of working with a diverse range of organizations and campaigns were here to enthusiastically report on the classic mistakes even the best organizers and communicators make when overseeing major website development (or redevelopment). Well hold your sweaty, fearful hand as we walk you through the entire life cycle of website development, ensuring that the end result is as expensive and ineffective as possible. How to Get Earned Media for Your Issue The news and information landscape is changing dramatically, but one thing hasnt: generating earned media on campaigns and issues is a major part of how progressives can put pressure on public officials and win on issue campaigns. Successfully earned media campaigns can influence decision makers, persuade the public, provide legitimacy and be the difference between a winning campaign and a losing one. This session will share best practices for generating earned media and conducting sustained media campaigns. How to Make Clicks Mean Something: Strategic Planning for Online Campaigns Online activism can be as meaningless as people clicking on a web page, or powerful enough to change this countryit all depends on your strategy. This training will teach you how the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) plans the kind of high-impact, attention-getting online campaigns that have helped us and others accomplish powerful things like strengthening financial reform and drafting Elizabeth Warren into the Senate race in Massachusetts. Come and learn how keen strategy, theory of change, building momentum, and reporting back combine to create online campaigns with strong effects in the real world. Ideas to Action: Launching a People-powered Campaign for Change Molly Katchpole took on Bank of Americas $5 fee. Katy Butler fought to give Bully a PG-13 rating so students can see the film. Saudi women successfully got the worlds top diplomats, like Secretary of State Clinton, to support their right to drive. From local concerns to global issues, people are winning campaigns every day. This training will be a hands-on, interactive workshop for individuals and small organizations to start and run their own campaign. Well start with how to create a solid theory of change, brainstorm creative tactics and tools, and talk about strategies for reaching the media and getting a response from your decisionmaker. Youll leave this workshop with the knowledge to plan a strategic campaign and the skills to launch it in the room, so bring your laptops and ideas. Investigative Reporting for Bloggers This session will offer training and tips in the basics of investigative journalism, with special emphasis on election-year issues. Online Activism, Social Media and the Law Especially in the post-Citizens United universe, organizers involved in political campaigns and party organizations, 501(c)(3)s, (c)(4)s and the labor movement are often unsure what kinds of activity they can engage in online. Can a 501(c) (3) friend a candidate? What happens when a campaign retweets a SuperPAC ad? Experts in the law and in new media will provide the most up-to-date advice for keeping your activities beyond reproach during the 2012 election season. Presence and Authenticity: The Key to Being a Media Star Media appearances are performances. To be a good performer, one needs tools and techniques. This session will teach the tools and techniques used by professional actors to create star presence. It will be an interactive master class as taught by Joel Silberman, New York theatrical director and media trainer to performers and successful progressive candidates.

Randomized Controlled Experiment Results to Win Your Campaign New scientifically effective proven campaign tactics from the Analyst Institute. Randomized controlled experiments have been used by academics and political organizations for the past 10 years to uncover what works and what doesnt when talking to voters. We will briefly recap old and new proven effective GOTV best practices and touch on findings from voter registration tests, volunteer and advocacy tests, television ad testing and more. Its important that we maximize our efforts by employing tactics that are proven to be effective. You will leave this presentation with simple phrases, tools and tricks to help you win. Rapid Response Across Mediums: Social, Online and PR Chris Cassidys social media rapid response training, given twice at NOI bootcamps, is a consistent crowd favorite. (Ok, second favorite once.) Here, hes taking that gold/silver-medal formula and expanding it from just social media to include static online sites and public relations. Rapid response is something that requires a coordinated message and approach across mediums. Youll learn tips and best practices, as well as recent examples of failures and successes, for approaching communications crises. Recruiting and Hiring Rockstar Staffers Good help can be hard to find, but it doesnt have to be. There are thousands of talented organizers out thereyouve just got to find and recruit them to your team. Led by experienced managers with decades of hiring experience, this training will provide you with a new outlook on recruiting and hiring rockstars for your staff. Well cover how to write attractive job descriptions, effectively use your networks to identify the right talent and how to manage dozens of applicants through an interview process. Well also talk about how to reel someone in when youre sure youve found the right person for the job. Social Media Strategy for Advocacy Come to this session for the down and dirty details of how to successfully use social media in political advocacy. Well focus on the integration of social media into your personal advocacy efforts. The Power of Stories: Making Complex Issues Accessible (T4T) This training is designed to prepare participants to train others in identifying the most impactful aspects of their personal stories for the purpose of moving others to action. Participants will learn the fundamentals of the workshop, along with helpful facilitation tips. Train the (Online) Trainer: Holding Engaging Online Trainings Have you ever had to give an online training/presentation and felt like you were awkwardly lecturing an unresponsive computer? As distance training becomes easier to do technologically, more people struggle with ways to keep online presentations engaging, interactive and impactful. Join this session to learn about Obama for Americas 10 tips for executing awesome trainings, and how weve adjusted our ten offline tips so that they translate to online presentations. Well cover concrete tactics you can use to keep your participants awake, specific online tools that are most amenable to those tactics and most commonly committed errors. Youll leave ready to webinar the heck out of your organization or fellow organizers. Tweeting the Revolution: Twitter Training for Campaigning This session will guide you in the basic to intermediate, with some tidbits of advanced strategies, for using Twitter to promote campaigns of every type. Well discuss awareness/issue campaigns that educate the public; media campaigns that challenge the mainstream press; promotional campaigns that advocate great art, people and projects; and electoral campaigns that require hardcore results. Well focus on winning tactics and strategies, using case studies and measurement. Winning Wireless This training will start with an overview of the mobile ecosystem and a example campaigns. Well focus on the aspects of mobile that produce the best results for the organization and include specific data as well as aggregate data from the leading organizations. From there we will build a simple mobile campaign and test it out in real time. Well end with Q&A as well as a discussion of how mobile will be used in the 2012 election and beyond. This session will speak to organizers that are beginners or experienced with mobile. Words that Work(ed): Crafting Effective and Truthful Memes Lamestream media. Corporations are people. Food Stamp President. The right wing is winning the meme war by crafting effective slogans and taglines that permeate the American vernacular. This session will serve as a catalyst to help progressive candidates and activists craft their own memes for the upcoming 2012 election cycle.


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Sometimes, important issues get lost in the cloud. New national security caucus Friday 10:30 11:45 AM.

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Ploughshares Fund is a 501(c)(3) publically funded foundation.

54 H #NN12

From speeches by Van Jones, Sen. Russ Feingold and Howard Dean to Pub Quiz madness (BURMA! BURMA! BURMA!) to a jobs rally nearby, we thought wed share a few favorite photis from last years Netroots Nation in Minneapolis.


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The AFL-CIO ( is a voluntary federation of 56 national and international labor unions. We are teachers and machinists, musicians and miners, firefighters and farm workers, bakers and bottlers, engineers and editors, pilots and public employees, doctors and nurses, painters and bricklayersand more. Together we seek to improve the lives of working families to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to our nation. Also an exhibitor.
AFSCMEs ( 1.6 million members provide the vital services that make America happen and advocate for prosperity and opportunity for all working families. We are nurses, corrections officers, child care providers, EMTs and sanitation workers. For us, public service is not just a job, its a calling. Thats why were in the public serviceto keep our families safe and make our communities strong. While we work for justice in the workplace, we advocate for prosperity and opportunity for all of Americas working families. We fight for fairness at the bargaining table, at the ballot box and in the halls of government. ALLIANCE FOR AMERICAN MANUFACTURING (AAM) ( is a unique non-partisan, non-profit partnership forged to strengthen manufacturing in America. AAM brings together a select group of Americas leading manufacturers and the United Steelworkers union. Through research, grassroots advocacy, and coalition building, we create political and policy support for bringing new, highly- skilled, good jobs in manufacturing to communities all over the nation. We host, the go-to blog source for workers and advocates who want to keep it made in America. Also an exhibitor.

CREDO MOBILE is Americas only progressive phone company. We work hard to provide excellent phones and service, and we fight hard for progressive social change. Since our inception in 1985 (as Working Assets), weve raised more than $70 million for nonprofit groups like Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Color of Change, and Rainforest Action Network. (Compare that to AT&T being a top donor to the House Tea Party Caucus in 2009-2010.) Our CREDO Action network of 2.75 million activists turns up the heat with millions of letters, emails, and calls to decision-makers. We push the limits of whats possible and expand the public discourse beyond the narrow boundaries of the pundits and politicians, providing a progressive flank to many campaigns. To learn more, visit

Founded in 2002, DAILY KOS ( is the premier online political community with 2.5 million unique visitors per month and 250,000 registered users. It is at once a news organization, community, and activist hub. Among luminaries posting diaries on the site are President Jimmy Carter, Senator Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and dozens of other senators, congressmen, and governors. Even more exciting than that however, are the hundreds of thousands of regular Americans that have used Daily Kos to shape a political world once the exclusive domain of the rich, connected, and powerful. Also an exhibitor. Founded by Governor Howard Dean, DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA is a people-powered Political Action Committee. With over one million members, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up. The DEMOCRATIC LEGISLATIVE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE (DLCC) is the national Democratic organization responsible for winning state legislative elections. The DLCC is the only political committee in the country whose principal mission is to put Democrats in control of as many state legislatures as possible. We do this by helping to build winning, state-of-the-art campaign committees across the country through partnerships with legislative leaders, professional staff, and grassroots advocates. We provide candidates with access to tools like polling, research, and online activism platforms, as well as other data, field, and communications resources that have become indispensable for modern campaigns.
GOOGLEs innovative search technologies connect millions of people around the world with information every day. Founded in 1998 by Stanford Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google today is a top web property in all major global markets. Googles targeted advertising program provides businesses of all sizes with measurable results, while enhancing the overall web experience for users. Google is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit Also an exhibitor. LIUNAthe Laborers International Union of North America ( is the most progressive and aggressive union of construction workers and one of the most diverse and effective unions representing public employees. The half-million members of LIUNA are on the forefront of the construction industry a powerhouse of workers who are proud to build America. Also an exhibitor. MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, one of the largest Political Action Committees in the country, brings real Americans into politics to fight for a more progressive America and elect progressive candidates. It conducts major campaigns, from its work to protect Medicare against right-wing attacks, to its campaign to make corporations pay their fair share of taxes. But in contrast to most PACs, which funnel industry contributions to candidates in exchange for access, Political Action brings hundreds of thousands of small donors together to elect candidates who will represent the American people. Also an exhibitor.

The AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS ( was formed nearly 100 years ago by a group of teachers who saw teaching as an honored profession that needed organization and power. Today, with 1.5 million members, the AFT is responsible for creating and administering professional development opportunities; developing and implementing classroom and school improvements; boosting teacher quality; and generating higher standards and better assessments. The AFT represents a broad spectrum of professionals: pre-K through 12th grade teachers; paraprofessionals and school-related personnel, higher education faculty and professional staff; federal, state and local government employees; nurses and other healthcare professionals; and early childhood educators. Throughout this century, the AFT has been a major force for preserving and strengthening Americas democratic commitment to public education and public service. Desegregating public schools, passing the landmark Elementary and Secondary Education Act, establishing collective bargaining for teachers and other public employees, and addressing the needs of English language learners and disadvantaged children are just a few of the causes the AFT has championed. Also an exhibitor.
COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA (CWA), founded in 1938, is the largest telecommunications union in the world, represents over 700,000 men and women in both private and public sectors. CWA members work in telecommunications, broadcasting, cable TV, journalism, publishing, manufacturing, airlines, customer service, government service, health care, education and other fields. CWA is one of Americas fastest growing unions and a number of unions have affiliated with CWA because of its reputation for democracy and membership involvement. The union includes some 1,200 chartered local unions across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. Learn more at or follow us on Twitter @CWAUnion or Facebook at 56 H #NN12

PLANNED PARENTHOOD is the nations leading provider in reproductive health care, and the largest sex education provider in the country. Every year, Planned Parenthood health centers provide primary and preventive care to nearly 3 million women, men, and teens. One in five American women visits a Planned Parenthood health center sometime during her lifetime. In partnership with 5. 7 milllion activists, supporters, and donors, Planned Parenthood advocates for health care access, promotes effective education and prevention policies, protects a womans right to choose, and challenges government interference in the most personal decisions of women and their families. Also an exhibitor. SALSA is the integrated, online platform that empowers non-profits to achieve their missions. Organizations of all sizes can manage their supporters, communicate, fundraise, advocate, and much more. Salsa currently supports more than 2,000 non-profit groups with more than 75 million supporters, members, donors, activists, and fans around the world. Also an exhibitor.

Founded in 2004, ACTBLUE provides state-of-the-art online fundraising tools to Democratic candidates and organizations in all 50 states. Were the nations largest source for Democratic funds with nearly a quarter billion dollars raised by 2.5 million donors across 40,000 fundraising pages. ActBlues mission is to empower Democrats as donors, fundraisers and candidates. Our featuresfrom our pioneering mobile giving integration to time-saving tools like ActBlue Expresswill ensure that Democrats hear the voice of grassroots donors in 2012. Thats good for you, good for us, and good for the Democratic Party. Its a goal we share with Netroots Nation, and were pleased to be a sponsor of NN 12. Also an exhibitor.
ADVOCATES FOR YOUTH ( is a non-profit organization that champions efforts to help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. Advocates believes it can best serve the field by boldly advocating for a more positive and realistic approach to adolescent sexual health. As a non-partisan organization, Advocates for Youth does not support or oppose candidates for public office. ADVOMATIC builds websites for good causes using the open source content management system Drupal. Founded in 2004, we are a team of dedicated full-time web developers and project managers who love what we do helping our clients to be successful online. We have been part of the Netroots Nation family since year one in Vegas (remember those chocolate fountains?) We are a firm that shares your progressive values, working with clients like the ACLU, American Federation of Teachers, Alternet and GLAAD to build powerful websites on budget and on time. If you are looking to build or update your website contact us at

As a progressive communications firm, TRICOM ASSOCIATES (tricomassociates. com) is all about dedicating time and talent to make a meaningful, measurable difference for our clients and the causes they advocate. We take pride in setting a standard for social networking and new media communication tools, and were always looking for the next breakthrough medium that, coupled with our experience, gives our labor, education, health care and environmental clients a happy marriage of traditional and new media exposure. The Tricom formula works because we believe in what our clients do. We have a passion for our clients causes, and we are invested in making them successful.
UPWORTHY is social media with a mission: to help people find content that makes the most important topics of our day as fun to share as a biking-off-your-roof stunt-gone-wrong YouTube video. At best, things online are usually either awesome or meaningful, but everything on has a little of both. Sensational and substantial. Entertaining and enlightening. Shocking and significant. Thats what you can expect here: No empty calories. No pageview-juking slideshows. No right-column sleaze. Just a steady stream of the most irresistibly shareable stuff you can click on without feeling bad about yourself afterwards. Also an exhibitor.

The AMALGAMATED TRANSIT UNION is the largest labor organization representing transit workers in the United States and Canada. Founded in 1892, the ATU today is comprised of over 190,000 members in 264 local unions spread across 44 states and nine provinces, including 3,000 workers at Greyhound Lines, Inc. Composed of bus drivers, light rail operators, maintenance and clerical personnel and other transit and municipal employees, the ATU works to promote transit issues and fights for the interests of its hard-working members. The AMERICAN CONSTITUTION SOCIETY FOR LAW AND POLICY (ACS) (, a growing network of progressives, works to ensure that the law is a force to improve the lives of all people. This includes countering the destructive understanding of the Constitution advanced by many conservatives and Tea Party leaders. Their constitutional vision supports a far right agenda that caters to the interests of corporations at the expense of advancing civil liberties and equality for all. The Framers understood that the Constitution retains its relevancy by ensuring it reflects the changing needs of society. Join ACS in this vital work.

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The 2.2 million-member SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION (SEIU) is the fastestgrowing labor union in North America. Our diverse membership includes nurses, doctors, home care workers, janitors, security officers, window cleaners, local and state government workers, food service workers, public school employees, bus drivers, and child care providers. SEIU members are winning higher wages, better benefits and more secure jobs for our communities.Learn more at or text SEIU to PURPLE (787753). Also an exhibitor.

The AMERICAN VALUES NETWORK ( was founded on the belief that it is possible to align what is right with what works in the political and economic world, and that doing so is the best way to bring about lasting change. A faith-based non-profit, AVN specializes in mobilizing progressive communities and crafting messaging and outreach campaigns that build bridges with middle Americans around shared values. Their advocacy campaigns have included work on New START, the Arms Trade Treaty, climate change, healthcare, and the budget and have been mentioned in the WSJ, Washington Post, CNN, USA Today, and the New York Times. With over 2,400 members & advocates, the AMERICAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION (AWEA) is the hub of the wind energy industry. AWEA is a national trade association representing wind power project developers, equipment suppliers, services providers, parts manufacturers, utilities, researchers, and others involved in the wind industry one of the worlds fastest growing energy industries. In addition, AWEA represents hundreds of wind energy advocates from around the world. The mission of the American Wind Energy Association is to promote wind power growth through advocacy, communication, and education.
AMERICAS VOICE EDUCATION FUND s goal is to create the public momentum for reforms that will transform a dysfunctional immigration system into a regulatory system that works. To achieve this, we conduct cutting edge public opinion research, perform rapid response communications in English and Spanish, and support courageous leaders who are standing up for real immigration reform. We invite you to join us! To connect with us, visit: BLUE STATE DIGITAL s online engagement technology, The BSD Tools, have steered hundreds of action-oriented online campaigns that encourage donations, keep supporters informed and engaged, and further advocacy and business goals. Need to raise money? Well be the wind at your back. Want to build an army of advocates? The BSD Tools will enable valuable relationships with your supportersand among them. To learn more about the BSD Tools visit, call 1-800-273-6164 or email Also an exhibitor.

BUY4.COM is a powerful fund-raising platform that allows everyone to support their favorite cause, charity, or blog by simply shopping online at over 2500 national retailers. provides each cause, charity and blog with free custom landing pages and shopping portals, marketing tools to mobilize their supporters, and real-time dashboards to track ongoing donations. Supporters shop directly with the same trusted retailers, pay the same prices, and every purchase can generate a donation of up to 30% that directly benefits their chosen cause, charity, or blog. services are always 100% cost-free for both organizations and their supporters. Contact at 1-888-898-5009 or email Also an exhibitor. CALLFIRE is a next-generation Cloud Telephone company that provides that powers voice broadcasts, sms text message blasts, predictive dialing for callcenters, call tracking, and much more. CallFire has over 50,000 customers worldwide including political groups, non-profits, insurance agents, small business owners, and marketers. Headquarted in Santa Monica, CA, CallFire is dedicated to providing high-availability systems, intuitive user interfaces, furious developer support, and unparalleled customer care in order to transform how companies do business. Also an exhibitor.

The CENTER FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE, a 44-year old national racial and economic justice organization, works with and provides support to community-based organizations around the country that organize and advocate for immigrant communities. The Center also coordinates the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM), a network of community based immigrant advocacy organizations in 25 states. The CENTER FOR REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS uses the force of the law to advance reproductive rights as fundamental human rights worldwide. For 20 years, the Center has worked relentlessly to create a world in which we are free to make our own choice about our reproductive health and future, free of discrimination, coercion, and government intrusion. Join the Center on Friday 6/8 from 9pm-2am to celebrate the change each of us fights for every day. Pro-Choice, Pro-Party: bring the energy of the progressive vision to the dance floor. Hip-hop, 80s, and more at The Salon, 57 Eddy St.

The BRENNAN CENTER FOR JUSTICE at New York University School of Law is a non-partisan public policy and law institute that focuses on the fundamental issues of democracy and justice. Our work ranges from voting rights to campaign finance reform, from racial justice in criminal law to Constitutional protection in the fight against terrorism. A singular institutionpart think tank, part public interest law firm, part advocacy groupthe Brennan Center combines scholarship, legislative and legal advocacy, and communications to win meaningful, measurable change in the public sector.
BULLFIGHT STRATEGIES , LLC (BFS) is a Washington-based comprehensive communications strategy firm that leverages new and traditional media with strategic research, aggressive outreach, and state of the art technology platforms on behalf of issue advocacy organizations, candidates for public office, public figures (former politicians, business leaders, artists, authors, etc.), and select businesses. The firm specializes in crisis communications, rapid response, media booking/pitching, short-term and long-term press planning and brand management, coalition building, and organizational evaluations and development. Also an exhibitor.

The CENTER ON BUDGET AND POLICY PRIORITIES ( is a non-partisan research and policy institute which works at the federal and state levels on fiscal policy and public programs that affect low- and moderate-income families and individuals.
CHANGE.ORG empowers anyone, anywhere to start, join, and win campaigns for social change. Millions of people are taking action on our site, and nearly half a million new members are joining every month! As part of our mission to amplify voices and promote action, we also match socially engaged people with issue-oriented organizations doing great work. Organizations decide how many new supporters they want to connect with, and we make it happen. Contact to find out more.

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What the wealthy and well-connected figured out is that they have strength in numbers: the numbers of dollars they contribute to politicians. Its time working and middle class Americans use our strength in numbers to reclaim the American Dream. We need a counterweight to the power of big moneyand thats the power of big numbers, the power of ordinary people who work for a living demanding to have our voices heardfrom the workplace to Washington. That is why over 5.5 million workers united to create CHANGE TO WINif corporations can join together to hire an army of lobbyists, working and middle class Americans must also band together and restore balance by making sure we have a strong voice and a seat at the table again. Through innovative organizing campaigns in the private-sector economy, we work every day to ensure that working and middle class Americans can use our strength in numbers to reclaim the American Dreama good American job with good American benefits for everyone who wants it.
COMMON CAUSE ( is a nonpartisan, grassroots citizens lobby. We work to restore the core values of American democracy, reinvent an open, honest, and accountable government that serves the public interest, and empower ordinary people to make their voices heard in the political process. Common Cause was founded in 1970 by John Gardner, a Republican who served as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare under President Johnson, a Democrat, and whose words are more profound today than ever: We must bring about a renaissance in politics Does that seem inordinately ambitious? It is. This is no time for small plans.

DSPOLITICAL is the Progressive movements first online advertising network that enables campaigns and organizations to deliver internet ads to ONLY those voters that you choose to target. DSPolitical matched a cookie pool of over 400 million cookies to the Catalist voter database across several segments. Democratic candidates and progressive organizations can now target online ads to the registered voters that they need to reach the most. DSPolitcal can segment rich media online ads based on Registration, Partisanship, Ethnicity, Geography, Household income, turnout likeliness, Education, and several more. DSPolitical allows you to combine the richness and emotion of television ads, the targeting capability of direct mail, and the interactivity of online. Also an exhibitor. FAITH IN PUBLIC LIFE ( is a strategy center for the progressive faith community. Born as a response to the fallaciousyet dominant narrative about values voters in the 2004 election, Faith in Public Life is dedicated to building a robust movement dedicated to social justice and the common good. FPL equips faith leaders, organizations, and coalitions with the tools to make their voices heard and influence public debates, drawing on communications, rapid response, and organizing strategies, as well as deploying civic engagement and voter microtargeting capabilities, public opinion research, and message development. Faith in Public Life also runs Faithful America, an online community of over 100,000 people of faith taking action on progressive issues. Also an exhibitor.

The CORPORATE ACTION NETWORK (CAN) works to identify, expose, and end corporate abuse through cutting edge research, corporate campaigning expertise, organizing technology, and litigation tools. By directly empowering those who stand up to corporate power with accessible tools, CAN is committed to building a tenacious community of activists ready to take action to transform our economy and helping them win. We see an economy out of balance and corporate abuses too often going unchecked as many of todays corporations are simply too large to be held accountable by any single traditional organization. The Corporate Action Network is dedicated to building new networks to put an end to corporate abuse. The DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSIONAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE (DCCC) ( is the official campaign arm of the Democrats in the House. As the only political committee in the country whose principal mission is to support Democratic House candidates every step of the way, were passionate about electing Democrats to Congress. By holding Republicans accountable for their extremist policies and fighting to retake the Democratic Majority in 2012, we can keep moving America forward. Stay connected with the DCCC by following us on Twitter at and on Facebook at
DEMOCRATIC GOVERNORS ASSOCIATION Help the Democratic Governors Association fight the right and learn more about this once-ina-lifetime cycle at and @democraticgovs.

5 STEPS FORWARD MEDIA Reversing the two steps back since 2004, we produce videos, web streaming, serious media, and humorous media for the progressive cause. Weve been with Netroots since YearlyKos. Other clients include Democracy for America, Campaign for Americas Future, National Conference on Media Reform, the Coffee Party, the California Labor Federation (play our Wall Street Whitman web video game featured on Huffpo!) and many other likeminded folks. Our media projects reach across all audiences and make them think or, if our clients let us, make them laugh till they think and say Huh. Not huh?, but Huh. FRIENDS OF THE EARTH is a force for the sustainable and fair use of the Earths resources. We are progressive, justice-minded advocates committed to speaking truth to power. Our current domestic priorities include ending dirty energy subsidies, challenging nuclear reactor construction, and stopping a massive tar sands oil pipeline. We are proud to be part of Friends of the Earth International, a federation of grassroots groups in 76 countries. Learn more and join our activist team at

People matter. In 2011, two national, award-winning agencies dedicated to engaging people in causes, issues, elections, and community concerns created a unique partnership: GRASSROOTS SOLUTIONS ( and ECHODITTO ( Together, our blended teams take the best of emerging trends and technologies and ground them in gold-standard organizing strategy. We custom-build campaigns and communities that start conversations, create relationships, mobilize action, and sustain impact. EchoDitto and grassroots solutions: we dont just help you design it; we help you get it done.
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FITZGIBBON MEDIA provides domestic and global campaign and communication strategy for cutting edge progressive advocacy initiatives. We work only on issues our strategists believe inhelping campaigns, artists, actors, musicians, directors, reporters, authors, green companies and organizations develop winning strategies in real time. In just a few hours, FitzGibbon strategists can transform a clients news into a story on the front page of Huffington Post, book your principals on MSNBC, and schedule interviews on NPR.

GUARDIAN NEWS & MEDIA (GNM) is the publisher of the US news website It publishes the award winning Guardian and Observer newspapers and website in the UK. Guardian US, the digital operation in New York, was created with the aim of combining the Guardians internationalist, online journalism with US voices and expertise. Guardian US creates a hub for Guardian readers in the US, merging the innovation and energy of a start-up with ground-breaking journalism and the backing of the Guardian brand.

KEYSTONE PROGRESS is Pennsylvanias largest online progressive organization, with over 270,000 subscribers. KP uses the Internet and new media to organize online at the state and local level; and utilizes cutting-edge earned media strategies to promote a progressive agenda and counter right-wing misinformation. We are proud members of the ProgressNow network. Also an exhibitor. LIBERTAS LLC is a progressive public relations/ direct mail firm founded by Cliff Schecter. Schecter, building upon campaign experience and the successful marketing of his bestseller, The Real McCain, developed strategies using traditional and new media in conjunction to create a multiplier effect, leading to viral coverage. Schecter has put this theory into practice, helping Mayors Against Illegal Guns defeat the NRA on the Senate floor and the American Association for Justice stop federal tort reform. Libertas works only for progressive clients, no Wal-Marts between cycles. Wed love to put our strategies to work for you. / Twitter: @cliffschecter LIVING LIBERALLY ( creates social communities around progressive politics across America and around the world. Best known for the Drinking Liberally happy hours in hundreds of cities, we also host Screening Liberally films, Reading Liberally book tours, Eating Liberally meals and Laughing Liberally comedy shows. Our events become centers of progressive energy in conservative corners of the country as well as the big blue cities. Living Liberally has published 538 Ways to Live, Work and Play Like a Liberal by co-founder Justin Krebs, has produced videos with advocacy partners, is developing a strategic partnership with the AFL-CIO to use humor in political messaging, and is running a Laughing Liberally comedy show in New York and on national tour. Wherever you are, you can live liberallystart a chapter for free or find the group nearest you: Also an exhibitor. MIDDLE COAST ( A Step Ahead. The best organizational and campaign communications resonate across a variety of mediums, engage in a conversation, and encourage participation by all those who are invested in your message and goals. Were here to help you do that. Middle Coast is a team of skilled professionals and passionate advocates. Our leadership team, comprised of respected netroots activists and grassroots campaigners Erin Hofteig and Marisa McNee, have decades of experience in the progressive advocacy and campaign world, including nationally targeted congressional, senatorial, presidential campaigns and some of the most influential advocacy campaigns over the last decade. MOBILE COMMONS ( is the technology behind todays most effective mobile messaging campaigns. We empower brands to increase sales and consumer engagement, and enable organizations to achieve unprecedented results in fundraising, social action and behavior change. Also an exhibitor. MOTHER JONES is Americas leading investigative journalism magazine. We deliver hard-hitting exposs of politics, human rights, and the environment, along with useful reports on food and health. Subscribe now for $12 per year (6 issues), or sign up to receive free weekly e-newsletters at

The HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN (HRC) ( represents a grassroots force of over 750,000 members and supporters nationwide. As the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, HRC envisions an America where LGBT people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community. Founded in 1980, HRC advocates on behalf of LGBT Americans, mobilizes grassroots actions in diverse communities, invests strategically to elect fairminded individuals to office and educates the public about LGBT issues.
INMEX provides complimentary meeting planning resources while working closely with media, environmental, human rights, philanthropic, labor and community organizations so your event dollars sustain hotel corporations that respect the communities, the workers and the environment in which they operate. SIte Selection: INMEX compiles detailed information about cities and suppliers, so you know which locations and corporations share your values before you book the event. Contract Negotiations: INMEX negotiates the best available rates and concessions in addition to ensuring that the final contract protects your group from the unexpected. Contact INMEX to plan your next meeting! 314-302-7392.

The INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS (, headquartered in Washington, DC, represents more than 300,000 full-time professional fire fighters and paramedics who protect 85 percent of the nations population. The IAFF has more than 3,200 affiliates serving communities in the U.S. and Canada. The IAFF is one of the most active lobbying organizations in Washington; its Political Action Committee, FIREPAC, is in the top one percent of the more than 4,000 federal PACs in the country. For information, visit Also an exhibitor. The INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MACHINISTS & AEROSPACE WORKERS ( is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America, with nearly 700,000 active and retired members in transportation, aerospace, manufacturing, shipbuilding and defense related industries in the U.S. and Canada. We are machinists, flight attendants, automotive technicians, mechanics, government employees and woodworkers. We build and service commercial and military airplanes, aircraft engines, missiles and rockets, aerospace electronic gear, satellites and space vehicles. The IAMs central purpose is to improve the work life and standard of living of North Americas working families. Todayand years to come. Also an exhibitor.
J STREET is the political home for pro-Israel, propeace Americans fighting for the future of Israel as the democratic homeland of the Jewish people. We believe Israels Jewish and democratic character depend on a two-state solution, resulting in a Palestinian state living alongside Israel in peace and security. Rooted in our commitment to Jewish and democratic values, J Street is redefining what it means to be pro-Israel in America. We are changing the U.S. political dynamics around Israel by mobilizing broad support for the two-state solution because its in Israels and Americas interest. And we are expanding support for Israel by affirming that being pro-Israel doesnt require supporting every policy of its government. Also an exhibitor.

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The NATIONAL COALITION TO ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY works to end the #deathpenalty in the U.S. and supports abolition worldwide. Our network of 100+ state and national affiliates includes families of murder victims, exonerated defendants, law enforcement, conservatives, faith communities and others. @NCADP focuses on state campaigns that mobilize constituencies to pass legislation repealing the #deathpenalty and otherwise stopping executions. In April, Connecticut became the fifth state in five years to abolish capital punishment. Weve got momentum. We need you to help end the death penalty, wherever you live! Visit Booth 633 (raffle drawings daily!) Also an exhibitor.

The NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION ( is the nations largest professional organization, representing more than 3 million elementary and secondary teachers, higher education faculty, education support professionals, school administrators, retired educators and students preparing to become teachers. Get the latest education news by following @neamedia or visiting The NATIONAL GAY AND LESBIAN TASK FORCE builds the power of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community from the ground up. The Task Force is the countrys premier social justice organization fighting to improve the lives of LGBT people, and working to create positive, lasting change and opportunity for all. Follow us @TheTaskForce. Also an exhibitor.
NCC MEDIA is the national ad sales, marketing and technology company representing virtually all of Americas multichannel video providers, in every US media market. Jointly owned by Comcast, Cox, and Time Warner Cable, NCCis the industrys leading multi-platform sales organization. With our breakthrough I+ expanded interconnect platform, advertisers can, for the first time, reach local Cable, Satellite and Telco homes across dozens of cable networks, via a single media buy. And our array of digital advertising products, including iTV, VOD, xBox Live and a massive online video and display ad network, makes NCC Media your best partner in building the media plan of tomorrow NEW MEDIA VENTURES is the first national network of angel investors supporting media and tech startups that disrupt politics and catalyze progressive change.startups We look for non-profits and for profits with scalable We support tech and media that have the power to to create business modelsdisrupt politics lasting progressive impact. Our members are and catalyze progressive change. investors and donors who want to get closely involved with young orgaThat sound like you? Join nizationsas leadus at the investors, advisors, or board members to ensure that Great Netroots Tool Shootout to learn more and find out how to human and financial capital they need to succeed. these startups have the apply! NGP VAN is the leading technology provider to progressive campaigns and @newmediaventure ganizations, offering an integrated platform that combines the best fundraising, compliance, field, organizing, and new media products. NGP VAN counts thousands of campaigns and organizations among our clients, including all the Obama campaign, the national Democratic committees, thousands of Democratic campaigns, and hundreds of labor unions, progressive and non-partisan PACs, and other organizations. Were committed to crafting the next generation of integrated campaign technology, so our clients have the edge they need to win. Also an exhibitor.
Thursday, Noon-1:15PM Saturday, 1:30-2:45PM

PROGRESS NOW ( was founded in 2003 with two goals: 1) help grassroots activists use cutting-edge internet and new media to organize online at the state and local level; and 2) assist progressive partner organizations with message development and earned media strategies to promote a progressive agenda, counter right-wing misinformation, and hold public leaders accountable. Today, ProgressNow state partners have built a combined email network exceeding 2.4 million members. PROGRESSIVE CONGRESS is building the political power the Congressional Progressive Caucus needs to deliver results for the progressive movement. We provide the staff support and resource infrastructure to engage the American public at-large. And we create strategic action plans that bring progressive activists, organizations, and Congress together to make change happen. PROGRESSIVE PST helps progressive electoral campaigns, elected officials and organizations integrate social media into everything they do. Additionally, PPST will train not only your organizations staff on how to use social media strategically, we will train an organizations key supporters/stakeholders/volunteers how to be better online advocates with our beginning or advanced social media tactics trainings. Solving the social media puzzle so you can spend your time buiding the progressive movementthats what we do. PROGRESSIVES UNITED was founded by former Senator Russ Feingold in the wake of the Supreme Courts disastrous Citizens United decision. We engage progressives to challenge unbridled corporate power and take our democracy back from corporations and the wealthiest individuals. RALLY.ORG is a simple, elegant way for anyone with a cause to raise money by sharing their story and connect with new supporters. With powerful, yet easy to understand analytics, Rally tracks what works, helping causes make the most from their message. Rally integrates with email, Facebook, and Twitter, allowing your social media efforts to drive donations. Rally is dedicated to improving the world of giving. Also an exhibitor. REBUILD THE DREAM is a platform for bottom-up, people-powered innovations to fix the U.S. economy. We use 21st century digital technology and grassroots organizing to advocate for inventive solutions that will protect and expand opportunity for all. With our more than 645,000 members, were fighting to save the American Dream by saving American families money: In 2012 alone, our campaigns for student debt and homeowner relief can save $110 billion. And for the long-term, in close coordination with more than 80 partners representing all 435 Congressional Districts, we are advocating for workable policies that will make our economy more fairand more prosperous. REVOLUTION MESSAGING provides progressive strategy and technology for a mobile world. We build unique mobile campaigns for key progressive allies backed by 24-hour support. Revolution Messaging strives to provide our clients with the latest techniques for organizing including: text messaging, interactive voice, mobile video, mobile applications, social media, online advertising and lifestyle marketing.

Since 1981, PLOUGHSHARES FUND has led and supported a community of experts, advocates and analysts to implement smart strategies to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons. In 2010, Ploughshares Fund spearheaded the successful campaign of over 50 non-governmental organizations to win the Senate approval of the New START treaty. The group is currently concentrating on efforts to rightsize the nuclear weapons budget to be more consistent with the needs of our 21st Century military; to continue U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons reductions in a way that benefits both nations national security objectives; and to promote diplomatic resolution of Irans nuclear program.
PRECISION is the largest online advertising platform that allows progressive candidates and causes to deliver voter-targeted advertising directly to any demographic or voting segment in the country. Precision does this by matching national voter and data files to our premium display, video and mobile network. This cuts out waste in online advertising and focuses your efforts on your target universes.

The SIERRA CLUB is Americas largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization with more than 1.4 million members and supporters nationwide. In addition to creating opportunities for people of all ages, levels and locations to have meaningful outdoor experiences, the Sierra Club works to safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying and litigation. For more information, visit Also an exhibitor.
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SPREECAST is a social video platform that lets people broadcast together and create shared experiences. In a Spreecast social video stream, up to four people at a time can interact face-to-face on screen, while hundreds of others can watch, chat and participate by submitting comments and questions or joining on video. The creator of a spreecast uses producer controls to determine who comes on camera and when. Spreecasts can be either public, private or unlisted and are recorded live then immediately available for playback. In addition, spreecasts can be embedded both live and archived by using simple code which allows for the experience to live on both and the creators own site or blog. Spreecast makes it easy to bring people together by integrating with popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. Also an exhibitor.

The UNITED STEELWORKERS (USW) union commemorated its 70th anniversary this spring. The USW is the largest industrial union in North America, representing 1.2 million active and retired members in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Steelworkers forge steel, smelt aluminum, build tires, refine oil, produce paper and form glass. Steelworkers also make Harley Davidson motorcycles, Ocello sponges, Cutco cutlery, Pyrex glass, All Clad pots, Jacobson hats, Sealy mattresses and Puffs facial tissues. Proud to be union members, Steelworkers work hard politically to secure the rights theyve gained and to advance the cause of all working people.
WARECORP ( is an international software engineering services firm with 70 employees worldwide. Since its founding in 2004, Warecorps design, engineering and management teams have curated a diverse portfolio of important change agents, helping a wide variety of triple-bottom-line businesses solve the unique challenge of sourcing outstanding, affordable software and web development services. Also an exhibitor.

Join thousands of progressives, five months before the critical 2012 elections, to energize the movement at the TAKE BACK THE AMERICAN DREAM conference June 18 to 20 in Washington, DC. Join Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize-winning economist and NY Times columnist, Van Jones, Rep. Keith Ellison, Sen. Sherrod Brown, Democracy for America chair Howard Dean, Sen. Bernie Sanders, MSNBCs Alex Wagner and Melissa Harris-Perry, Katrina Vanden Heuvel of the Nation, Robert Borosage and Roger Hickey, co-directors of the Campaign for Americas Future, and thousands of progressive activists June 18-20 at the Washington Hilton and Towers in Washington, DC.: The International Brotherhood of TEAMSTERS is one of North Americas largest and most diverse unions. Our 1.4 million members work in virtually every occupation imaginablefrom airline pilots to zookeepers. For more than a century, the Teamsters have been a public voice for the rights and aspirations of working men and women. We have also been a defender of those rights, combating coporate greed and holding government accountable. We stand for decent working conditions. We stand for good pay and strong benefits. We stand for dignity and respect on the job. We stand together. The UNION OF UNEMPLOYED (, nicknamed UCubed, is a community service project of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM). UCubed is an online, grassroots community designed to organize unemployed and underemployed Americans, building a community of jobs activists aimed at getting America back to work. As a virtual union with over 80,000 jobs activists, UCubed offers a unique perspective on the Great Recession. Its members are calling for a Works Progress Administration 2.0 a 21st century solution to our jobs crisis. The campaign is entitled, We did it once. Lets do it now!
UNITE HERE represents over 250,000 workers throughout the U.S. and Canada who work primarily in hotels, casinos, airports, and food service. Our membership hails from the diverse communities that make up the two countries, and the majority of UNITE HERE members are women. Across North America, UNITE HERE members have made dining hall jobs on college campuses, housekeeping jobs in hotels and casinos, and hundreds of thousands of other traditionally low-wage jobs into good, family-sustaining, middle class jobs. We continue to organize and fight to win respect for the work we do, power in our industries, and a better future for ourselves and our families.

The YOUNG DEMOCRATS OF AMERICA (YDA) is the largest youth-led, national, partisan political organization. YDA mobilizes young people under the age of 36 to participate in the electoral process, influences the ideals of the Democratic Party, and develops the skills of the youth generation to serve as leaders at the local and national level. YDAs programming focuses on mobilizing young voters to elect Democratic candidates, advocating on issues that are important to young people, and training the next generation of Democratic Party leaders.

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U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

Providence Mayor Angel Taveras

and the people of Rhode Island invite you to experience Providences signature event

Saturday, June 9 beginning at dusk

A series of nearly 100 bonfires that wind through the three rivers of Providence, WaterFire has been named One of the Top 20 Must See Events in the U.S. by National Geographic Traveler. The flickering fires, aromatic woods and ambient music make this a true multi-sensory experience. For more information visit: is a network of healthcare directories, anchored by ABORTION CLINICS ONLINE (ACOL). Abortion Clinics Online ( has been online since 1995 and is the worlds largest source for online abortion clinic information. Creator Ann Rose posts on DailyKos under annrose and started the abortion group at ClinicPages is looking to expand and needs aggressive progressive commission-only sales representatives. Apply at the Netroots Nation booth or at
THE AGENDA PROJECT. Between out-dated political parties, self-interested multi-national corporations, and ineffectual elected officials, good values and common sense have lost their power in the public debate. Our goal is to return normal Americans to the center of the policy debate by cultivating an understanding of public policy, facilitating common action and connecting the best ideas and the strongest leaders with engaged citizens, elected officials, the media, political insiders and experts through a variety of in-person and on-line platforms. ALEX AND ANIs mission is to design products that adorn the body, enlighten the mind, and empower the spirit. Alex and Anis collections reflect a design aesthetic that celebrates each wearers unique essence. Owner and designer Carolyn Rafaelian believes it is her lifes work to inspire her customers to relish what is unique and authentic about themselves. Alex and Anis artistry lies in drawing out the beauty that resides within.

DEMOCRATIC GAIN is a national membership association that provides training and support for progressive professionals and organizations. We aim to equip the movement with the talent and skills it needs. GAIN has recently joined forces with The Atlas Project because our organizations share similar missions: to build the institutional memory of the progressive movement and to foster the professional growth of the individuals working for the cause. Join today to GAIN access to all the benefits we offer, including: job board and career counseling, talent bank and hiring assistance, trainings and certifications and networking. BLOGADS connects advertisers with the political influentials who read premiere blogs like Dailykos, Wonkette, AmericaBlog, Jack and Jill Politics, Feministing, Talkleft and BlueOregon. Since we pioneered blog advertising in 2002, thousands of candidates, causes, advocates and merchants have relied on our technology and expertise. Our ads are effective and affordable. They spark conversations and conversions. Advertisers can get advice from our blog specialists or use our self-serve software to quickly launch campaigns on over 150 progressive blogs, optimize ad creative and monitor results in real time. Our latest innovations include Tweetable, likable, and embedded-video ads. BREAKTHROUGH ( is a global human rights organization that uses the power of media, pop culture, and community engagement to inspire people to take bold action for dignity, equality, and justice. Working out of centers in the United States and India, Breakthrough addresses critical global issues including violence against women, sexuality and HIV/AIDS, and immigrant rights and racial justice. We use innovative multimedia toolsvideo games, music videos and moreto transform hearts, minds, and actions, making human rights real and relevant to people in their homes, families and communities worldwide.

For over 30 years, ALLIANCE FOR JUSTICE has been a leader in the fight for a more equitable society on behalf of a broad constituency of more than 100 environmental, consumer, civil and womens rights, childrens, senior citizens and other groups. We believe that all Americans have the right to secure justice in the courts and to have our voices heard when government makes decisions that affect our lives. Our nonprofit and foundation advocacy legal team offers plain-language legal guides, advocacy-related workshops and free one-on-one legal technical assistance. Our justice programs lead the movement to ensure a fair and independent federal judiciary and work towards social justice in a variety of areas. Learn more at
AMERICANS UNITED FOR SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE is a nonpartisan, non-profit, educational organization dedicated to preserving the constitutional principle of church-state separation as the only way to ensure religious freedom for all Americans. Based in Washington, D.C., the organization was founded in 1947. Americans United works in the courts, in Congress and state legislatures, at the White House and in the arena of public opinion. We address an array of issues including faith-based initiatives, taxpayer funded school vouchers, religion in public schools and religious prayer at government-sponsored events. We also work on marriage equality and reproductive justices issues where they intersect with church-state separation. Americans United is led by Executive Director Barry W. Lynn, who regularly appears on major cable news outlets, and who hosts the radio program Culture Shocks with Barry Lynn. For more information on AU, visit

Politics has replaced sex as the one thing in America we dont discuss in mixed companyeven among friends and family. BRING IT TO THE TABLE is a web platform, community engagement campaign and video project designed to elevate the conversation, so we actually have a conversation. Produced by Talking Eyes Media, the project literally invites people to sit down at a star-spangled caf table and share their views on camera. The web platform allows the online community to help shape and elevate the dialogue. Calling all political junkies and social media hounds! Watch C-SPANs ( coverage of politics, policy, and Washington events unfiltered, unedited, and in full. In addition to cable television, satellite television, and satellite radio, join us on Facebook, watch our videos on YouTube, and follow us and join the conversation on Twitter: @cspan, @cspanwj, @booktv, @cspanradio. See something you like? Search C-SPANs archives in our FREE online video library at where you can create your own video clips to share with friends, embed in your blog or just watch whenever you wantWashington your way. C-SPAN is a public service of the cable industry.
CENTER FOR MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY (CMD) ( is a national independent publisher located in Madison, WI, led by Lisa Graves. CMD investigates corporate PR spin and government propaganda. Through, CMD publishes original reporting and analysis on matters affecting our livesour economy, democracy, environment, health, liberty and security. is CMDs collaborative encyclopedia of the names behind the newspeople and corporations trying to influence public policy. CMDs analyzes economic issues and supports grassroots action. CMDs Food Rights Network highlights the problem of food being grown in sewage sludge. CMD works to expose corporate front groups and disinformation.

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The idea for the COMMUNITY QUILT PROJECT grew out of the custom of providing Love Catcher message quilts to members of Daily Kos facing grave illness or other hardship. Now it is a new non-profit tasked with organizing quilters, some of them low income who will be paid for their work, to make quilts for other non profit organizations. The first project is to make wheelchair quilts for Familia Unida, an organization that serves people with MS. Quilt signing has become a Netroots Nation traditioncome by and sign your name to a signature quilt that will benefit The Community Quilt Project.
DAVID LEVITT FOR U.S. SENATE 2012 FOR CALIFORNIA. Dr. David Levitt first announced his plans for US Senate candidacy to represent California at Netroots Nation 2011. Dr. Levitt, a computer scientist with degrees from MIT and Yale, represents the 99%. His platform includes these popular progressive policies: End the occupation of Afghanistan, End Prohibitionof marijuana, Medicare for Allnot-for-profit single payer health care. Levitt has endorsed Van Jones Contract for the American Dream, a plan to invest in jobs and education instead of war. His candidacy and participation are changing the debate. DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS OF AMERICA (DSA) is the largest socialist activist organization (not party) in the country with over 6000 members and active locals in more 40 U.S. cities and campuses. We believe that both the economy and society should be run democraticallyto meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives. DSA is the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International. DEMSIGN ( specializes in providing custom imprinted materials for political campaigns, unions, government agencies and progressive organizations. We understand the needs of Democratic political campaigns and progressive organizations large and small. We have helped campaigns as large as Barack Obama and John Kerrys Presidential campaigns, as small as an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner in Washington, D.C., and at all levels federal, state, and local in between in all 50 states. We are here to help your campaign win your election. We offer great customer service, top quality products, value prices, design assistance and fast service. FAVIANNA RODRIGUEZ ( is one of todays most prolific political artists. Her prints and posters address some of the hottest issues of our time: war, immigration, globalization and climate change. Her work can be seen in community fights throughout the country. You can get your hands on her highly demanded hand-made posters, fine art pieces, shirts and political graphics in the vendor area, while supporting a Latina feminist artist of the movement. FREE SPEECH TV ( is an independent, viewer-supported, non-profit television and digital media network. Free Speech TV is proud to bring live coverage of Netroots Nation on Dish Network channel 9415, DIRECTV channel 348, and online at FREESPEECH.ORG. We invite you to stop by our exhibit booth to obtain the embed code to our video widget and share the live coverage of this event on your blogs and websites. Join us at the FSTV e-Studio for exclusive live interviews hosted by Thom Hartmann and Laura Flanders with Netroots Nation panelists, grassroots organizers and keynote speakers.

New England is the countrys leader in the fight for legal protections for LGBT people and people with HIV, and GLAD is at the forefront of that fight. GLADs cases establish legal precedent for the rest of the country, such as our victory in Goodridge v. Dept. of Public Health, the Massachusetts lawsuit that legalized marriage for same-sex couples in the United States for the first time. We have just released our first book, Transgender Family Law: A Guide to Effective Advocacy. The first of its kind, this book is already being lauded as a groundbreaking resource for transgender people and lawyers alike. The GLOBAL CAMPAIGN FOR EDUCATION, US (GCE-US) is a coalition of non-governmental organizations, teachers unions, foundations, faith-based groups, and think tanks dedicated to ensuring access to quality education for all children. GCE-US promotes access to education as a human right and mobilizes the public to create political will and resources to improve education for children in the US and around the world. Join the campaign at ShopProgress is powered by GROSSMAN MARKETING GROUP, a 101-year-old, fourth generation, union print and promotional products company with a history of serving political campaigns, progressive causes, and sustainability-minded organizations nationwide. ShopProgress provides a streamlined and efficient way to buy unionmade and eco-friendly promotional items ranging from apparel and tote bags to printed materials and desktop items, all customizable based on client needs. Orders can be completed and processed through We have pre-selected products that are useful, well-made and adhere to our highest-in-the-industry standards for sourcing and manufacturing. Well make you look good while helping you do right by the world in which we live. More than four decades after its creation, the GUTTMACHER INSTITUTE ( continues to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide through an interrelated program of research, policy analysis and public education designed to generate new ideas, encourage enlightened public debate and promote sound policy and program development. Our public schools are daily experiments in the American Dream. K12NEWSNETWORK.COM provides you with news and advocacy tools for authentic participation in your local neighborhood school. A free, excellent and universal public education is the investment the current generation makes to improve the next. Through a rich curriculum, local values that reflect regional flavor, transparency in budget and open self-governance, and with support from public funding accountable to all taxpayers, we enable schools and families to together cultivate the abilities of the communitys young people. Join K12NN to amplify the voices of parents, educators and students in public school communities. Since 2002, speakers for LAW ENFORCEMENT AGAINST PROHIBITION have led the public debate on drug policy. As current and former criminal justice professionals LEAP speakers bring an unassailable credibility to the conversation. LEAP believes existing drug policies have failed to address the problems of crime, drug abuse, addiction and the flow of illegal drugs. This group of international law enforcement professionals and concerned citizens agree that by fighting a war on drugs, governments have increased the societal problems associated with drug abuse. LEAP believes a system of regulation is less harmful, more ethical and a more effective policy than prohibition.

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At THE METAPHOR PROJECT booth, Executive Director Susan C. Strong will offer pro bono coaching on speaking American about your progressive issue. Booth visitors will also get an intro to our free online resources for American Framing. Ill have information about our new book, Move Our Message: How to Get Americas Ear (2012, 172 pp. $10, trade paperback) too. My booth partner, Jason Koskimaki, of The Democratic Hub, will demo his exciting new startup social network, designed to help you and your friends find just the right arguments for your message.
NARAL PRO-CHOICE AMERICA ( is the political leader of the pro-choice movement. Were made up of more than one-million member activists in all 50 states. NARAL Pro-Choice America and our state affiliates elect pro-choice candidates, lobby Congress and legislatures and develop strategies to advance pro-choice policies and defeat anti-choice attacks. NARAL Pro-Choice America uses new tools to engage the next generation of activists. Whether its text-messaging or the organizations, we are creating a community that takes action to safeguard our reproductive freedom at all levels of government. NATIONAL POPULAR VOTE promotes state legislation to guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states (and DC). The National Popular Vote has been enacted by nine states. Under the bill, all the electoral votes from the enacting states would be awarded to the presidential candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states (and DC). The bill would take effect when enacted by states possessing a majority of the electoral votes. The bill ensures that every vote, in every state, will matter in every presidential election.

NUCLEAR INFORMATION AND RESOURCE SERVICE educates, organizes and empowers grassroots organizations and individuals to build a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy future. Founded in 1978, we serve as the Washington office for everyone concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation and sustainable energy issues. We initiate large-scale organizing and public education campaigns on specific issues, such as preventing construction of new reactors, radioactive waste transportation, deregulation of radioactive materials, and more. Our international programs and affiliation with WISE (World Information Service on Energy) means that our network spans more than a dozen offices and programs across the globe. OUTSERVE is the association of activelyserving LGBT military personnel that launched in 2010 and already has over 5,000 members and 50+ chapters worldwide. OutServe will soon be the largest LGBT employee resource group in the world. Our mission is to support a professional network of LGBT military personnel and create an environment of respect in the military with regard to sexual orientation and gender identity. OutServe currently has advertising, marketing and promotional reach of almost 400,000 individuals via OutServe Magazine digital downloads, supporter email addresses and Facebook and Twitter contacts. OutServe is a non-partisan, non-profit 5013 tax exempt organization. PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY ( is dedicated to making the promise of America real for every American: Equality. Freedom of speech. Freedom of religion. The right to seek justice in a court of law. The right to cast a vote that counts. The American Way. We believe a society that reflects these constitutional principles and progressive values is worth fighting for, and we take seriously our responsibility to cultivate new generations of leaders and activists who will sustain these values for the life of this nation. PEOPLE POWERED PUBLIC TELEVISION ( is made up of average ordinary people coming together to have a direct say in what entertainment programming they most want to see on television. Were non-commercial. Were non-profit. Were people-driven. We believe that enriching programming doesnt have to be boring and that smart people know what they want to watch. So together,PPPTV.orgs supporters find, collaborate and fully fund the production of incredible programs of social, cultural, artistic and educational value, one small dollar at a time. And we make sure this great programming is ad-free, sponsor-free, independent and freely available in as many communities in America and worldwide as possible. Its simple. Its revolutionary. Wont you join us? PROGRESSIVE ASSET MANAGEMENT GROUP is the socially-responsible division of Financial West Group, member FINRA/SIPC, which is a full-service investment brokerage firm. Our Wellesley office is lead by experienced investment advisor, Eric Packer. In his role over the past 18 years, Eric has helped many individuals, families, nonprofits, and business owners invest responsibly while maintaining well-diversified and balanced portfolios. We offer both Retirement and Non Retirement accounts as well as College Saving Plans and Community Investing. We analyze risk parameters, time horizons and investment goals for each portfolio to accommodate for specific and personal concerns. For more information, please visit

The NATIONAL WRITERS UNION/UAW LOCAL 1981 is the only labor union that represents freelance writers in all genres, formats and media. For more than 30 years, the union has shown that when writers come together, they can win against long odds. From copyright defense to collecting millions in unpaid wages, the union fights for writers. In 2011, it launched the Pay the Writer campaign to reverse the race-to-the-bottom in online publishing. Too many for-profit publications exploit writers by asking them to write for nothing. This must stop. Together we can win justice for writers.
NETROOTS CONNECT: LGBT sponsors programs throughout the year, including a Netroots Nation pre-conference for LGBT bloggers, citizen journalists, activists and organizations. Our events also include training, support and education geared toward expanding participation in the LGBT and larger blogosphere, strategic meetings with online change agents and organizations and networking. NETROOTS FOR THE TROOPS ( is a joint venture of the IGTNT and MoJo Friday communities of, an online political news and activist hub. Our mission is two-fold: annual shipment of CARE packages to US soldiers in serving in hostile regions of Iraq and Afghanistan for the duration of their deployment, and on-going financial assistance for veterans and their families upon their return to the states.

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PROGRESSIVEPUNCH ( is the most encompassing searchable database of Congressional voting records available on the web. Searchable by individual member of Congress, zip code & any one of 160 different issue categories it offers detailed, non-partisan, easy-to-read narrative vote descriptions and uses an algorithm contrasting the most progressive Democrats vs. the Republican Caucus to generate various scores (Lifetime, Crucial Votes etc.) indicating how progressive each member of Congress is. PROGRESSIVE VOICES INSTITUTEa 501(c)(3), created solely to level the news and information playing field by creating a Progressive Media Universeis pleased to debut the Progressive Voices App, a onestop-shop for everything progressiveaudio, print and video. Rather than chase the incumbents enormous leads and start an old-technology radio or cable business, were getting in front of the next big platform, the Mobile Internet. Today, there are over 100 million smartphones and tablets; by 2013 it will be a billion. The small number of radio broadcast licenses, and the high cost of starting a cable network have ensured the incumbents monopoly. That changes now.

STATES UNITED TO PREVENT GUN VIOLENCE (SUPGV) is a national organization working to decrease gun death and injury and build healthy communities free from the fear and devastation bred by gun abuse. Founded in 1999, by the state gun violence prevention (GVP) groups themselves, SUPGV is the only organization representing all state gvp groups and the only national organization consistently supporting state level gvp work. Our mission is to support existing state organizations and to bring new partners into the movement.

The TAX FOUNDATION is a non-partisan, non-profit think tank that encourages informed debate on tax and budget policy by providing data, research, and analysis on tax policy issues and the size of the tax burden at all levels of government. Our analysis is driven by the principles of economically sound tax policy: simplicity, neutrality, transparency, and stability. Our annual Facts & Figures booklet (produced since 1941) and our website of data and interactive tools provides policymakers and the general public with the tools to evaluate tax policy ideas. Visit us online at
TEAM RURAL was founded in 2009 in rural Georgia to give progressives a foundation on which to build. Sixty-four brave folk signed up to represent their counties after the 2008 election of our President Barack Obama. This coalition of activists, Obama team leaders, progressive county committee members, and ordinary citizens took it upon themselves to be their brothers keeper. They crossed county lines as a team in 2009 winning a city council seat in a run-off. They continued to persevere in rural un-productive turf; starting blogs, newsletters and websites holding local government officials accountable. Building upon small battles and successes, they recently won the mayors race and four city council seats in a 94% white county. Why is that a big deal? They got two African-Americans elected in that race. This year they are running a young civil rights attorney for Judge. Things are changing in the rural south, and Team Rural needs your help.

About RING OF FIRE ( Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mike Papantonio, and Sam Seder take to the airwaves every week to battle corporate fat cats, corrupt politicians, and talking heads. They also take the time to highlight those who are working everyday to create a better tomorrow.
SAVI NEWS ( launched June 4th 2012, by a group of college students who wanted a different perspective of world issues that the mainstream media would not provide. Using the participation of individuals and organizations we create a unique form of news that provides an uncensored, first-hand look into a wide array of issues affecting peoples everyday lives on a local and international scale that would have otherwise gone unheard. Most websites only feature information that is written by their writers; our purpose is to be the audience and let our users become heavily active in spreading their voices. Everyone is waiting, and SAVI News is that site that will make vital changes to a world that needs real change. SIRIUS XM RADIO INC. is the worlds largest radio broadcaster measured by revenue and has more than 22 million subscribers. SiriusXM creates and broadcasts commercial-free music; premier sports talk and live events; news and comedy; exclusive entertainment; and the most comprehensive Latin music, sports and talk programming in radio. SiriusXM is available in vehicles from every major car company in the U.S., from retailers nationwide, and online at SiriusXM programming is also available through the SiriusXM Internet Radio App for Android, Apple, and BlackBerry smartphones and other connected devices.

The WHITE PRIVILEGE CONFERENCE (WPC) is a conference designed to examine issues of privilege beyond skin color. WPC is open to everyone and invites diverse perspectives to provide a comprehensive look at issues of privilege including: race, gender, sexuality, class, disability, etc.the ways we all experience some form of privilege, and how were all affected by that privilege. WPC attracts students, professionals, activists, parents, and community leaders/members from diverse perspectives. WPC welcomes folks with varying levels of experience addressing issues of diversity, cultural competency, and multiculturalism. WPC is committed to a philosophy of understanding, respecting and connecting.

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Corporations have their lobbyists in Washington, D.C.; the people need advocates too. Thats where PUBLIC CITIZEN ( comes in. We serve as the peoples voice in the halls of power, championing citizen interests before Congress, the executive branch agencies and the courts. We work for reduced corporate influence over government; clean, safe and sustainable energy; a strong regulatory system; safe drugs and affordable health care; citizen access to the courts; and a trade agenda that can benefit Americans rather than multinational corporations. We take no government or corporate money, which enables us to remain fierce and independent advocates for the people.





2012 2012






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5/16/12 10:51 AM

The largest annual gathering of activists, organizers and leaders in the LGBT movement.

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Save the date!

Build Power Take Action Create Change



Mayors Against Illegal Guns is a bipartisan coalition of more than 650 mayors who are committed to keeping our cities safe by building support for common sense gun laws.

+ PANEL DISCUSSION Gun Politics after Trayvon and Tucson: New Life for a Deadly Issue Friday, June 8th at 3:00 PM Rhode Island Convention Center

+ HAPPY HOUR Enjoy an open bar and meet the Mayors Against Illegal Guns team. Friday, June 8th at 6:30 PM Westin Hotel, Waterplace Ballroom

Union of Unemployed

You lost your job. You're not alone. Millions of Americans face the same challenges. You want your job back. You want your life back. But you can't do it alone. Neither can anyone else. That's what UCubed is here to do.

Join UCubed, a grassroots online community designed to unify the unemployed in a unique and useful way.
A community service project of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers


Take the CWA Survey and Win Free Tickets to #NN13
Visit: or Text NN12 to 69866 and follow the instructions



12:13 PM


NEA and Other Education Events at @Netroots_Nation


NEA VP Lily Eskelsen: Whose Side Are You On?


Thursday, June 7, 2012: 7:00pm 9:00pm


Whose Law Is It Anyway? ALEC Influence on State Legislatures and s What We Can Do About It
Thursday, June 7, 2012 3:00pm Friday, June 8, 2012 10:30am

What Progressives Can Do to Stop the War on Public Education Education as a Right-Wing Wedge Issueand How to Stop It
Saturday, June 9, 2012 10:30am

Bully: From Movie to Movement

special events

Thursday, June 7, 2012: 1:30pm 2:45pm

Screening: American Teacher

Friday, June 8, 2012 6:00pm

Education Caucus


Saturday, June 9, 2012 3:00pm


We Are Our Own Lobbyists
Authorized and paid for by Progressives United Political Action Committee Chris Louderback, Middleton, WI, Treasurer

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Turn Digital Actions into Real-World Results. Come visit us at Booth #726 in the Netroots Nation Exhibit Hall.
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Follow Us | 1.800.273.6164



American wind power is a clean, affordable and homegrown answer to meeting our nations energy demands. Today Congress can protect wind power and jobs by passing an extension of the renewable energy Production Tax Credit. Experts say that if we keep the PTC in place now, U.S. wind energy will support over 500,000 jobs 20 years from now. By then, wind will generate 20 percent of Americas electricity. Join us in demanding that our nation take the concrete steps to keep encouraging $15 billion a year of private investments in American wind power.

visit us at
The AmericAn Wind energy AssociATion is A proud sponsor of neTrooTs nATion. @unitehereunion

RT @UniteHereUnion Thanks #NN12 for choosing union hotels!

Everything you need to reach local voters, all in one place.

Contact Tim Kay at 301-941-1643 or for more information.

Since 2007, five states have abandoned the death penalty. Visit Booth #633 to join our successful effort to end capital punishment.
Get in on the daily raffle drawing Learn whats happening in your state Share your ideas & get involved Join our Technical Resource Directory @ncadp 202-331-4090



12:11 PM








We support tech and media startups that have the power to disrupt politics and catalyze progressive change. That sound like you? Join us at the Great Netroots Tool Shootout to learn more and find out how to apply! Thursday, Noon-1:15PM Saturday, 1:30-2:45PM @newmediaventure

See you in 2013 in

SAVE THE DATE FOR JUNE 2023, 2013! Location will be announced at Saturdays final keynote. Get the limited earlybird rate at
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Why doesnt Apple make iPad and iPhone devices in America?

They should. And they can.

Find out more at our 10:30 a.m. panel on Saturday. Visit our booth to see how were helping to keep it made in America.

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Apple, iPad, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

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