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Fred jumped off Hermione while she covered herself looking frantically around th e room for the rest

of her clothes. He didn't know what to say to all the shocke d faces of his siblings or the crest fallen betrayed look of Ron. He didn't have much time to think before broke Ron free and lunged for him. His fist connectin g with Fred's face. Charlie and Bill were trying to hold him back while George s tepped over to keep him from retaliating. Hermione was sending Fred a pleading l ook coming to stand next to him after putting her clothes back on. "Get off me" yelled Ron "Not untill you calm down" said Charlie "Calm down don't tell me to calm down now somebody tell what the blooody hell is this." Ron fumed "That's what I would like to know" said Ginny scowling back anf fourth between F red and Hermione Everyone looked to them waiting for an explanation Hermione stepped forward the nervouse apprehension clear on her distressed face so Fred spoke first saving he r the trouble. "Me and Hermione..." Fred began "Hermione and I" Hermione interupted "Not the time to fix my grammer love" replied Fred wich apparently was the wrong thing to say because Ron atttacked him again Fred threw hits to protect himself while everyone else tried to pull them apart they all jumped apart at the sound of mothers voice. "What is going on in here" asked Mrs. Weasley looking from a topless Fred, a flu stered Hermione, an amused but confused George, a completely bewildered Harry, B ill, and Charlie, and an enraged Ginny and Ron. "Ask them" Ginny fumed pointed at Fred and hermione putting a comforting hand on Ron's back "Well". Prompted Mrs. Weasley when no one spoke "We walked in on them" started Ginny to all her brothers except Ron shaking thei r heads in bed together" "What" yelled Molly when no one tried to give an explanation she sent everyone downstairs and yelled for Arthur when he joined them and she explained what she knew so far "Now explain yourselves" she continued "Hermione and I are dating..." he is interupted "You mean shagging" said Ron scathingly "No I mean dating" said Fred angrily "How long have you two been shagging behind my back" yelled Ron about to jump up but Charlie stayed him with a hand on his shoulder "We have been DATING sense fifth year" replied Fred glaring at him

"FIFTH YEAR" everyone repeated shocked "No way.." "How.." "When..." "Why didn't you tell me" yelled George and Harry "How did this happen" Ginny yelled at the same time "Kids why don't you explain" said Arthur calmly "Umm well you umm remember the whole soul switching incident in fifth year" said Hermione quietly "You told me you weren't dating" said Ron "We weren't yet" replied Fred "I wasn't talking to you" said Ron "Too bad" yelled Fred "Boys" said Arthur "Fred tell us what happened" "Wait just a minute what soul switching" asked charlie confused "Yea when was this why weren't we told" asked Bill "Fred why don't you tell them what happened then go on to tell us how this happe ned" said arthur sitting beside his wife "Ok so it was after we were all banned from quiditch, just a few days after the fight with Hermione in the common room..." started Fred FLASHBACK Fred sat in a old abandoned charms classroom looking into his couldren making su re too add ingridients at the right time with the correct stirrings making sure to keep his concentration. This was one of the perfect places to brew a secret p otion because no one ever came here. He contempalating his genius idea and how i f it worked the prank opportunities that would arise while he added the last ing riedient stirring perfectly when a shrill angry voice interupted his concentrati on. "Just what are you doing" asked Hermione "What are you doing here" he asked moving to try and hide the potion "I am a prefect I'm doing rounds what are you doing and what is that" she asked indicating the potion "Nothing" he said quikly "Oh nothing is it then I guess you won't mind if I vanish it then" she replied s tepping forward

"No" he yelled stepping forward to block her "Fred move" she said trying to step around him they continued to argue neither n oticeing the potion starting to buble dangouresly untill it exploded with a loud bang "Ukk what is that oh it taste disgusting" said Hermion wiping some off her face Fred was in front of her dry heaving from the taste of the potion wiping it from his own face. "Fred that better not have been one of your stupid test products" raged Hermione "My products aren't stupid" yelled Fred "Fred what was that what will it do to us" yelled Hermione Fred's eyes widend realising what just happened "Fred answer me what was that" yelled hermione panicing from the freaked out loo k on his face "Um nothing realy it was just a little erm..." he wispered the last words to low for her to hear "What" she asked looking over herself checking for damage "Um...erm a body switching potion" he said "A what" she screamed shrilly wide eyed "A bod..." he is interupted "No I heard you I just want to know how you could be so stupid what small part o f your tiny brain you were thinking with to do such a thing" she yelled "Oi. I am not stupid and its not my fault it exploded if you hadn't interupted I ..." he said "No you git body switching potions are illeagal and unstable do you even know if it works" she said "No I was just making it I havn't tested it yet and its not illeagal just frowne d upon" he replied "No its frowned upon to be made but illeagal to use on people" she shot back "It is" he asked She groaned in fristration "Ok ok calm down it was my first time making it it probaly won't even work" said Fred "And what if it does" she asked He remained silent not having an answer to her quisten when she continued to loo k at him angrily. "Um well you see the reversal potion is much more complicated so I didn't make a ny" he replied sheepishly

"How long does the book say it takes to work" she asked more calmly than she loo ked He walked over and looked at the book reading quikly "If it works twelve hours" he said "Ok so if it works by the time we wake up in the morning we will be each other" she said "Yea but um I don't think its going to work" he replied apprehensivly "Watever just meet me here tomorrow before breakfast" she told him "Its not going to work" he said following out of the room and towards the portra it hole "Just meet me in the classroom before breakfast Fred I mean it" she said without looking back at him once they were at the potrait hole Hermione took out her wa nd a pointed it at him he felt his eys widen. "Tergeo" she muttered cleaning the potion from him than herself "tomorrow Fred" she repeated walking towards the girls staircase "Yea yea I'll be there" he replied walking up the boys staircase.

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