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Free Yourself
The truth will set you free. Truth is a pathless land; man cannot come to it through any organization, through any creed, through any dogma, priest or ritual, not through any philosophical knowledge or psychological technique. He has to find it through the mirror of relationship, through the understanding of the contents of his own mind, through observation and not through intellectual analysis or introspective dissection. Man has built in himself images as a fence of securityreligious, political, personal. These manifest as symbols, ideas, beliefs. The burden of these images dominates mans thinking, his relationships, and his daily life. These images are the causes of our problems for they divide man from man. His perception of life is shaped by the concepts already established in his mind. The content of his consciousness is his entire existence. The individuality is the name, the form and superficial culture he acquires from tradition and environment. The uniqueness of man does not lie in the superficial but in complete freedom from the content of his consciousness, which is common to all humanity. So he is not an individual. Freedom is not a reaction; freedom is not choice. It is mans pretence that because he has choice he is free. Freedom is pure observation without direction, without fear of punishment or the expectation of reward. Freedom is without motive; freedom is not at the end of the evolution of man but lies in the first step of his existence. In observation one begins to discover the lack of freedom. Freedom is found in the choiceless awareness of our daily existence and activity. Thought is time. Thought is born of experience and knowledge, which are inseparable from time and the past. Time is the psychological enemy of man. Our action is based on knowledge and therefore time, so man is always a slave to the past. Thought is ever limited and so we live in constant conflict and struggle. There is no psychological evolution. When man becomes aware of the movement of his own thoughts, he will see the division between the thinker and thought, the observer and the observed, the experiencer and the experience. He will discover that this division is an illusion. Then only is there pure observation which is insight without any shadow of the past or of time. This timeless insight brings about a deep, radical mutation in the mind. Total negation is the essence of the positive. When there is negation of all those things that thought has brought about psychologically, there is only love, which is compassion and intelligence. Only then will man be free from himself and therefore free in all senses of the word and in everything he does, he will have control through no control, choice through no choice and a way of living that is with life instead of against life.

What is Sankari
Sankari is an art form, a way of living. It agrees with life and flows with it rather than questioning it and flowing against it. A man who achieves Sankari is meeting his full potential, flowing with life and knows nothing but equanimity in the present moment. This is brought about through autonomy and balance, a centring of oneself that allows only love to flow outwardly in abundance without obstruction. Traditionally man has taught himself to learn through description; through the thoughts, actions and words of others. He sits there pondering, trying to work out what it is he has to do to be able to say he can do what he is trying to learn. This is all a reaction to the thought of I cant do it, I dont know how. This has little to do with achieving, nothing is learnt and it only serves to reaffirm the belief that he cannot do. Learning; action taken to achieve a goal, can only happen through action and action alone. He must attempt what it is he wants to achieve and not stop until he has achieved it. Practice is the repetition of the action, learning is the subtle change in action until the goal is achieved. Describing the goal; thinking (talking with oneself) and talking (thinking with others), does not achieve the goal, only action can do this. In describing what Sankari is; to think and talk about it is not Sankari. Sankari only exists in the moment before anything happens, before thought, action and words.. This is where a Sankaris focus remains, he knows that everything else is a reaction to this focus and to focus on anything that happens after this as a starting point to next thoughts, actions and words is futile. In doing this one will only get caught in a cycle fragmenting reality. It is near impossible to explain because as soon as one attempts to explain.. it has passed and is no longer Sankari; but the reaction to it. It is almost like standing in a hall of mirrors and trying to find yourself; no matter where you look it is a reflection, the real person you, is the one doing the looking. Sankari may sound complicated to achieve but it couldnt be simpler. As soon as you stop trying to do to it, trying to work it out, let go of any obstructions and just do it with no attachment to an outcome (good or bad), you will be half way to achieving Sankari. Lots of people live in this frame of mind already and are happy acting in this manner until their life expires. Religion for the most part has helped people achieve this as it has allowed people to let go and get on with their lives. Unfortunately where religion falls down, regardless of belief is the placement of constriction and control in an attempt to find peace. Followers self impose this on their life in an attempt to reach a higher way of living, a higher power or just to reach freedom. If religion really worked, really promoted peace, it would be the main drive behind peace in the world and wherever it flourished people would be free and right now nothing could be further from the truth. The other half to achieving Sankari is to understand that you are more than your body; you are your focus, beliefs, thoughts, actions and words. You collaborate with everything around you; you are humanity, humanity is you. To bring peace to humanity you must bring peace to yourself and this starts with Sankari. You choose in every moment what to believe, to think, how to act, what to communicate and how to collaborate. Just as one can train the body to meet a full potential in physical health, the same can be done to beliefs, thoughts, words and collaborations.

What is Yulaw
Sankari comes in two parts and both must align with Flow. The first part is to keep your focus in the position before thoughts, actions and words.. to know that these things are reactions of focus. If one focuses on these things as a guide to the present, one is focusing purely on the past and therefore misses the present. Observing and doing as one action means the observing becomes the doing and correct focus is achieved. It allows you to act on what is happening rather than what has happened or what will happen. The opposite is to observe, think about it and then do it.. allowing yourself to think about it means you move your focus into fear. This can happen for many reasons stemming from either attachment to punishment or reward of the past, or from the repeating of it in the future. To focus on the present without the effects of past or future is Sankari. The first part to Sankari then is to exist in the moment, removing focus from the failures and successes of past and future, existing harmoniously with life rather than fragmenting it. The second part to Sankari is how to act; to have a strong foundation to make sure you do not stray off the path. All religions and philosophies have a set of rules or guides that when loosely followed allows an individual to start acting in a life benefiting manner. If the first part to Sankari is to how to stop you acting in a fearful self-defeating way, the second part is then how to act in a loving self preserving way. Sankari is not a dogma or a belief it is an art form; a constant way of full expression. Yulaw is the code that a Sankari leads with, it isnt a set of rules but a lose guide from which to act from. It seeks to explain and clarify the ingredients that make up the five parts to life spirituality, thought, action, communication and collaboration. Once these parts to life are understood and when combined with the focus of Sankari life becomes truly effortless and highly enjoyable. The most important step to understanding Yulaw is to open your mind. If you are reading this with a closed mind you will be comparing everything said to your current creed, dogma, belief system or opinions that have been established as the way the world works. Nothing is established, once something is established its over and ceases to exist in the present. Instead everything in life, you included, is emergent.. it is constantly changing and adapting to the world around it, no matter what it is. This is the way you must work; you must constantly understand that you will never know anything until it has happened.. for when you think you know, you have established an idea and as life continues to flow and change the idea becomes redundant. Instead as everything is emergent you must constantly enquire into the idea as the one established will have already begun to expire and what you think you know will be routed in the past.. not the present. Never follow any one person, belief or structure.. never follow any one thing, instead always lead yourself and in doing so only follow everything as a whole. Therefore interpret this book from the positives that work for you and adapt and learn from what doesnt. Each of us are on our own unique path, only we choose it, only we walk it and therefore only we understand it through constantly living it all day every day.

God, the divine creator.. an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and omnibenevolent being that we are all in the service of and under the judgment from in our day-to-day life. Religion, no matter which one tells you to follow him without question otherwise he will be vengeful, and you will suffer and burn for eternity. You are born with original sin and must cleanse yourself, leading a strict controlled life in order to eventually free yourself.. this is not a divine plan but a form of mass control. God did not create man; man has instead created God. Long ago humans, like all other forms of life were connected to what we call God. They didnt need to go to church or pray or even follow a set of rules.. the body was their church, and having faith in God was to have faith in yourself. There were no rules, there was only a necessity to survive eat, sleep and thrive. Man with his entire mental prowess has realised he can talk to God (think) and that it is his mission to relay the message to everyone else. This idea created a divide separating man from the divine and is the basis behind the establishment of all religions that you see around the word today. Man will never know God. Something is only known once it has passed.. as God is everything, all good, all evil, the devil, the divine, the moon, the stars, every man atom and thought, everything must end before God is known. Instead man can observe this force in action around him to understand what it is. The most important concept is that life, God, force, the divine, whatever you want to call it, flows and continues to flow, adapt and emerge no matter what. For this reason man can call the divine not by what it is but by what it does Flow. When Flow (or anything) is truly observed the five universal truths become abundantly clear:

Flow is governed by constants; everything is mathematically proportionate. Flow is full of symmetry; if something exists its counter part also exists. Flow flows in cycles; if something has a beginning it has an end and repeats. Flow is in balance; everything relies on something else to exist. Flow is forever; flowing, adapting and emerging, and will always find a way.
When Flow is not observed it is an infinite unknown sea of possibility, when it is, it is suddenly one path flowing in one movement. Regardless of what it is or is not it is forever flowing. For this man can have faith, for although he will never know, he is still is Flow. It is not good or bad, does not have personality, is not vengeful nor angry, it simply is. It is in balance, it is energy flowing from one side of a cycle to another, trying to establish any form of idea about it is to establish one part of the cycle and not the whole. This creates comparison; fragmenting reality and stopping the continual emergence of Flow. There is only one law that governs Flow.. karma; where one gives he will receive, where one takes he will lose. This is seen throughout the universe and is neither good nor bad; it just is. Flow is never negative but inherently positive; negativity is simply a comparison between something positive and something less positive. It is perception that creates the opinion of good and bad. Instead all man needs is faith in his Flow, to go with his path, in order to create and manifest within Flow as a whole.

As the Flow flows in cycles all movements can be split into two parts, these are not opposing forces but complementary opposites that rely on each other to symbiotically exist. First there is the unseen (hidden, feminine - yin) that gives birth to the seen (manifested, masculine - yang). They then interact within a greater whole, as part of a dynamic system. There is always three parts to any cycle, the female and male, which are symbiotic to each other, and the movement of the cycle as a whole. Everything has both female and male aspects, as one cannot exist without the other and viceversa. For example light and dark, low and high, cold and hot, water and fire, earth and air. If you drop a stone in a calm pool of water it will simultaneously raise waves and lower troughs and outwardly move. This alternation of high and low points in the water will radiate until the movement dissipates and the pool is calm once more therefore completing the action. Yin and yang thus are always opposite and equal qualities. Further, whenever one quality reaches its peak, it will naturally begin to transform into the opposite quality.

Nothing Belief Ideas Perception Thoughts (analysis) Female Support Dark Cold Seeing Cause

Everything Knowledge Actions Reactions Inaction (paralysis) Male Leadership Light Warmth Doing Effects

Sankari is the continuation of this in a balanced loving way seeing fear and failure but knowing love and success, this is also truth, freedom full potential where seeing is doing and the cycle is whole. All energy moving outward from a focal point will inevitably return and all energy that returns will inevitably move outward again. Every movement will be complemented and action completed, thus everything is in balance. With everything you do the same pattern will be followed as everything is Flow. Thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, opinions, actions, words, are all governed by the same pattern. All actions will have reactions, all perceptions will create opinions, all thoughts will generate feelings, and all words will have consequence. Karma governs the cycle of Yin to Yang, if you give energy you will receive energy, if you take energy you will lose energy. Neither is bad, both are necessary to understand and see Sankari. Only in observing false will one see truth as the truth can only come from knowing the false. All things are energy, all things are balanced, flow is the movement of energy and Yin and Yang are the two sides of the cycle that energy moves in.

What all things are, will be and have been is energy. From the smallest structures to the very largest, across the entire universe including the universe itself, it is energy. There is no good or bad energy, energy just is. When the focus of energy moves away from a location it creates the feeling of cold or negative, when the focus moves into a location it creates the feeling of warmth or positive. Cold and negative dont exist there just is positive and its movement. It is constantly flowing, changing and adapting to what is around it. Scientifically this is known as a torus, a balanced, self-regulating system that is always whole. In the middle of a torus is consciousness, divine connection, where you exist as a focus and observation of your energy. Energy flows out of this, circling around the structure before flowing back into this place. The torus as a whole is constantly adapting, moving, interacting and changing the space around it as well as been changed by the space around it. The way the torus affects the space around it will be what is drawn back into it.. for example if you release positive giving energy you will attract the same back. If you draw energy inwards (negative) you will attract the same back and feel a loss of energy. This is where the saying what goes around comes around comes from. The torus is the primary pattern that nature uses at every level of existence, its pattern is the same from the smallest particle to the largest galaxy; even the universe itself is a constantly flowing super torus. Evolution is the producing and adaptation of these tori and every torus that surrounds it. The structure is seen in the cross section of an orange, an apple, a tornado, the magnetic field around the earth, the same around the structure of a person, even a whirlpool galaxy. At every scale across every structure is a torus.

The universe is an infinite ocean of toratal energy flowing, moving, adapting at every moment, to every moment. It constantly effects and is affected by everything around it. This is because the Flow is in balance, everything relies on something else, and all life is necessary for the Universe to be the way it is. If any life form werent necessary it would not be in existence, everything plays its part to support a larger torus. As a torus of energy you should remain in a high vibrational positive energetic state, neglecting anything negative. Learn to let go and ignore anything negative and energy taking. You must let go of the need to understand the negativity, dont focus on it. This will allow you to focus and vibrate only with exterior positive energy keeping you in a field of constant positivity. It is not what happens to you that counts, it is how you react to what happens to you, especially when you have unexpected problems of any kind. Remain positive and you will only ever attract the positive. As everything is inherently positive always look for the positive in every situation.

Creation comes from the movement of Flow. It is broken into fields, all fields of thoughts, and of actions. These are made of movements like the movement of joy or lust or as in action the movement of driving a car or getting into a fight. These movements are filled with many moments that combine to make the movement and add to your belief, and knowledge of the field as a whole. Each moment is a choice, there are an infinite amount of wrong choices, ones made of fear.. but only one made of love and therefore the right choice, which inevitably is no choice as its constant. In giving you are in a state of love and will inevitably attract the same back. The cycle is continuous so anywhere can be seen as a starting point as long as the cycle completes itself. In the field of cause and effect, energy is constantly flowing. It begins with focus, where the consciousness is pointed thus allowing energy to flow. Within us, just like everything, it starts with absolutely nothing; this is the peak of Yin. Following this is belief, where every intention comes from quickly mutating into ideas ways we can see ourselves doing. The cycle breaches the boundary from Yin to Yang when our focus moves from intention to action. From here this affects the state or the situation that combined leads to knowledge. Knowledge is the peak of the Yang of the cycle and is fully external to us. The male Yang begins to decline following knowledge as a reaction from your action, from here it becomes female again as it crosses back into the spiritual through our perception. This then leads to how we feel and combined with perception becomes what we believe. The cycle recognising the fully internal from the fully external, that could only have arrived from the fully internal in the first place, repeats itself. Truth is where belief and knowledge connect vibrating on the same frequency. Where there is a belief that is not true or a fact of knowledge that is not actual; there is disruption to the cycle. Sankari is recognising and allowing this cycle to flow being in absolute truth. This is not a mindset, paradigm or anything else, it is simply truth.. it is the mindset of no mindset. This is achieved only when the cycle is whole and not fragmented and can only be achieved with love and recognition of positivity. Seeing becomes the doing, one does not see and then decide how to act, as this can only lead to believing things that arent true and knowing things that arent actual. When one sees and does he does not think in the way of analysis for this creates inaction or paralysis and attachment to the past. It creates narcissistic behaviour as man tries desperately to correct the past by reliving it in the present, in doing this he never makes it to the future. If man thinks in the way of daydreaming he also creates inaction or paralysis and attachment to the future. This also creates narcissistic behaviour, as he never arrives at the future missing the necessary steps of the present. The only way that man can live is in the present. That does not mean he ignores past and future, it is necessary to learn from the past and look towards the future, but he does so sparingly as he knows neither exist as there is only the present moment. A Sankari allows the cycle to flow, observes both past and future. He does this to learn from any mistakes to live better corrected in the present and to see where he is going to live better directed in the present. He starts from a position of not knowing and in action moves towards knowing.

Below is the causality cycle where internal is reflected externally.

Causality is the movement of cause and effect; it is everything starting from nothing. To see where one is going one must understand that right thinking and right action are the foundation to success, i.e. seeing and doing things in the right way. This can only be found from the present and fundamentally by making the one true divine choice in every given moment. This choice can only ever be made from a place of not knowing to allow man to enquire and find out. For this to be successful you must stick with what you know and not what you think you know. Your perception must remain clear, it must agree with truth and not go against it. Remaining in the field of love and positivity one will always give leading to attract the same back and abundantly receive. There are categorically two ways a choice can be made, either one through love, which really isnt a choice but a continuous action, or many through fear. The more one stays in love the further into positivity they go until they have met true balance in belief and knowledge through autonomy and equanimity. This is full potential and is what it means to be Sankari fully at one with you, your path and the Flow as a whole. The choice of love is heroic, it is giving and is the path of a righteous mind, this leads to receiving and eventually through selfless action will allow the individual to be one with Flow. Every choice is made from knowledge, and eventually becomes no choice, as it is constant. It is whole and inline with everything around them, nothing gets in the way of this and one does not sacrifice their honour for anyone or anything including for ones own desires. The choice of fear is villainous, it is taking and is the path of a corrupt mind, and this will only lead to losing and eventually through selfish action will lead the individual to be completely against Flow. Every choice is made from assumed knowledge, it is fragmented and out of touch with the energy around them, everything will get to them as they sacrifice their honour in every moment thinking they are correct and it is Flow that is wrong. This comes from attachment to past and future negating the present. A villain, although seemingly benefitting in the short term, is attached to strong feelings from past and future. They will always lose out in the long run as karma will balance itself. They take and therefore they lose, leading to a place of apathy, dependence and complete instability. If this path continues they can expect an early death. It is an enslaved life, never free from oneself and therefore never free. It is a hard path and a struggle to fulfil it as they are forever in a state of fear, always anxious, leading to an attempt to find comfort through manipulation. This is the nature of insecurity and all narcissistic action. A hero, although seemingly losing out in the short term, is unattached to anything including feelings from past action. They will always succeed in the long run and receive much as karma is balanced. They give and therefore they receive, leading to a place of equanimity and autonomy, a complete balance with Flow. If this path continues they can expect a lengthy life. It is a life of freedom, free from oneself and therefore free. It is an easy effortless path and a joy to be fulfilled constantly. They are forever in a state of love, always content, leading to comfort through acceptance. This is the nature of security and all humble action.

The difference between a hero and a villain is a simple one, the choice however can seem very difficult to make when focus is obscured by past/future thoughts and actions anchored by strong feelings. This is the nature of suffering. The choice is simple because it is always one made out of love or fear; to give or to take.. thats it. It may seem hard to give and stay in love and positivity when one is faced with many attachments as this obscures the present. When a man has learned to let go of all he fears then the path is clear, the present is a joy to flow through and life becomes effortlessly simple. Below is the choice wheel one faces in every moment.

To make sure one is Sankari seeing must become doing, right thinking and right action are the foundation to success, i.e. seeing and doing things in the right way. This can only be found from the present and fundamentally by making the one true divine choice in every given moment. One must remain in positivity, thinking gets in the way of this as thinking breaks the cycle as one suddenly finds they are seeing thinking and then doing. This will only lead to an attachment to the past in that they do not want to repeat past mistakes or that they want to repeat past successes. Either will mean that they miss the present and therefore never get to the future. Future attachment can also come from thinking in that they want to be successful in the future or avoid punishment in the future. In thinking about these things one again misses the present and inevitably will never arrive at the future. To be Sankari then one must always remain in a state of positivity and not attach themselves to past or future. This technically starts from their belief structure which fundamentally leads to action. This obviously must be positive but as the movement of belief stems from feelings that comes from the perception of the present it is in fact this point where achieving Sankari is vital. The perception, like the rest of the cycle, must be positive. No matter what happens one must perceive things in a positive way and not think. The best way of achieving this is to realise that you do not know so why think about it? Go out and find the answer. The formula then to Sankari is composure humility enquiry. Remaining in a field of positivity requires the mind to focus on the present but from time to time it is necessary to focus on the past and the future. Although one must not be attached to either past or future they are fundamental to living correctly in the present. One must learn from the past to better correct their path, this requires focus on past mistakes to make sure they are not repeated and importantly to allow one to let go of the past. One must have a direction they want to move to in the future to allow the present to move in a well directed manner, this requires focus on the future goals to make sure they are reached and importantly to allow one to let go of the route taken to that goal. The flow will always guide you to your goal so it is important to have one but at the say time important to not try work out how this will be reached. Instead a combination of you and the Flow will move you towards this goal. Regardless focus must remain in the present as this is where everything happens. Education (learning intelligently) can only come from listening and enquiring as to what is until the practice becomes perfect. This is where a focus on past mistakes present action and future goals are balanced. Perfection is when an action happens simultaneously and symbiotically with seeing as it has been performed to complete success every time. Belief vibrates in the same way as absolute fact of knowledge complementing each other fully also known as truth. When one knows truth one is ultimately free. Below is the learning curve, the movement undertaken in order to reach perfection in anything one tries to achieve. This goes from a state of unconscious incompetence of not being able to see or know of doing right up to unconscious competence where an action does not have to enter the conscious in order to be executed.

With the attainment of unconscious competence one becomes an expert in a field and a model for others to learn from. Learning from the past is necessary but if one is living correct in the present with right thinking and right action, there will be nothing needed to learn as the doing becomes the learning and a Sankari can easily move towards his goal without attachment to either past or future.

With that said and a Sankari achieving a positive seeing and therefore doing there is only right action left to cover. A Sankari must have a good foundation for all other things in his life to successfully manifest from. Self preservation and the selfless mark of a hero begin with making sure a good code for exercise, diet and overall health is maintained. Once this is achieved and made perfect anything else is easy to manifest including communication and collaboration as individually the seeing and the doing are one, are positive and at their peak. Like everything else to do with Flow; diet, exercise and sleep must be balanced in order for health to reach its peak. This means that should you do one of them hugely the others must help balance the movement. For example if you eat loads you will need to exercise more and therefore sleep more.. if you exercise lots you must eat and sleep more. Exercise should happen daily, you should be active in all things you do as the body is designed to constantly be on the move. Today we sit behind TVs and computer screens disrupting this. Diet and sleep will therefore suffer as well. You should always train for your specific sport and just like this life should also be trained for. This is found in the simple movement of Surya Namaskar, it puts the body into a state where chi (internal energy) can flow uninterrupted. Likewise it begins, endures and ends with meditation allowing the mind to enter a state where chi can also flow interrupted. Complete this daily as the first action of the day.

A good all round exercise routine to train for practically all sports and movement one could occur during the day is plyometrics. These are short small repeated movements that help train the body extensively using only your own body weight. This combined with a core workout, quick sprints and slow long distance run will lead you to a physical peak.

Plyo Upper Focus

- Dips - Wide Grip In front Pull ups - Close Grip Pull ups - Reverse Grip Pull ups - Push ups - Clapping Push ups - Staggered Push ups - Close Grip Push ups

Plyo Lower Focus

- Single Leg Hops - Squat Jumps - Split Squat Jumps - Tuck Jumps - Single Leg Lateral Hops - Single Leg Tuck Jumps - Zig-Zag Hops - Lateral Hurdle Jumps

- Crunches - Twisted Crunches - Ankle Taps - Dorsal Raises - Leg Climbs - Plank

Quick sprints should be done up a hill with a rest in between, a short distance as fast as possible repeated 5-10x. The slow long distance run should be 3-5 miles as a constant rhythmic jog preferably over soft ground such as a field. The bulk of the routine plyometrics and core should be repeated between 3-5 times and should have a rep between 8-16 times. The whole work out should be preformed twice a week and is as follows

3-5 mile jog Upper body plyometrics Lower body plyometrics Core 5-10 hill sprints
Resting is key to the rebuilding of the body, when one rests the body rebuilds; this is especially true of sleep. Here the body and the mind rejuvenate and is a key component to learning where in the mind works out problems encountered from the day and upon waking one is in a much better position to tackle these issues or perfect any movements. Sleep should be between 6-8 hours solid everyday depending on how much exercise has occurred throughout the day. Get up when you wake up and dont lie in. Catch up on any missed sleep but never sleep more than 10 hours at one time. Try not to sleep less than 4 hours at a time, this is the minimum. The faster you get up, the faster you fall asleep. One of the most important parts to achieving a physical peak in health is not just exercise and rest but the diet. When you eat you replace energy within your body that has been lost through exercise and daily activities. What you eat becomes what you are, if you fill your body with toxins and harmful chemicals you will detriment your bodys ability to rejuvenate. You will feel fatigued and will eventually push your body into an acidic pH becoming a breeding ground for illness. All we need in our diet is what is around us.. manmade substances are the cause for practically every disease known and if we needed any of these substances they would grow within nature, not a lab. The key to staying in health and fortifying your body is a rounded diet that is in balance with the amount of exercise that is under taken.

Preparation - Food should be eaten raw as much as possible.. however when food needs
to be cooked the most efficient way to do so and retain minerals within the item of food is through steaming. Other processes are also fine but the two that should be avoided as much as possible are microwaves and frying foods.

Breakfast - A carbohydrate focused meal through oats such as cereal or porridge and a
mixture of berries for antioxidant effects.

Lunch - All round focused meal, a variety of fruits, vegetables, protein and fats in the form of

Dinner - A Protein focused meal through either fish or poultry with a mix of vegetables, eaten
at least four hours before sleeping.

Water Every meal should be accompanied with a glass of water, a glass should also be
ingested before sleep to keep the body hydrated at night as well as through the day. When the body is well hydrated it functions optimally, as the body is mostly water replacing lost water with more water is vital.

Your overall health is based around the choices you make mentally, physically, environmentally and spiritually in your life. If you make bad choices you detriment your body eventually compromising your immune system, this leads to a state of acidity within the body allowing a breeding ground to all disease and illness. Alternatively balancing your homeostasis exercise, sleep and diet creates an alkalinic body state where the immune system is strengthened and disease cannot flourish. Attacking the cause of the illness will remove all symptoms and causes come firstly from a homeostatic imbalance and secondly from a combination of toxins, nutritional deficiencies, electromagnetic chaos and stress. Modern medicines, specifically drugs, aim to only attack or mask the symptoms and rarely remove the cause often leading to further illness as pharmaceutical drugs are in fact toxins. A Sankari achieves a constant peak in physical health firstly by returning the body to homeostasis; balancing diet, exercise and sleep. He is disciplined in all three, constantly training his body and mind to be free. He sleeps only when necessary, exercises daily and is tactful in his diet. The body is strong, if no good food is available it is better to starve in the short term rather than ingest bad food. Secondly a Sankari recognises the symptoms of a problem are a result of an underlying cause regardless of which environment the problem is found in. When it comes to physical health an acidic bodily environment is the underlying cause to any and all illnesses and disease. The foundation of an acidic body requires at least one of the following Processed foods and drink. GM foods. Diet foods. Processed meats. MSG. Overdose of fructose/glucose. Artificial sweeteners. Gluten. All skin products you could not ingest. Fluoridated toothpaste & water.

All the above should be avoided at all costs; once this is achieved the body should not be in an acidic environment but an alkalinic one. Toxins, nutritional deficiencies, electromagnetic chaos and stress are the only factors that can cause an acidic environment and prevent a healthy state. Therefore to create the strongest immune system the body is capable of the following must be followed -

Removing toxins that have built up in the body

- Correct your diet. - Drink enough water. - Walk one hour a day. - Stretch the muscles and tendons in your body. - Practice deep breathing. - Exercise and sweat regularly. - Give yourself a dry brush massage daily. - Get a full-body Swedish deep tissue massage on a regular basis. - Get "specialised treatments" as needed.

Preventing toxins from entering the body

- Do not eat any food produced or sold by a publicly traded corporation. - Get all metal out of your dental work. - Stop smoking. - Don't drink tap water. - Buy and use a shower filter. - Eat only 100% organic food. - Do not eat in fast-food restaurants. - Do not eat anything that comes out of a microwave oven. - Eliminate artificial sweeteners, aspartame and monosodium glutamate. - Do not drink diet sodas. - Do not eat hydrogenated oil. - Do not eat homogenized and pasteurized dairy products. - Use only toothpaste with no fluoride. - Do not use non-stick cookware. - Eat only organic, kosher meat and poultry. - Do not eat farm raised fish. - Do not eat pork. - Do not eat shellfish. - If you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin. - Get an air purifier. - Use only nontoxic 100-percent organic cleaning supplies. - Do not drink canned or bottled juice. - Do not take vitamins. - Do not use antiperspirants or deodorants. - Do not eat white processed sugar or flour. - Eat nothing that says "fat free" or sugar free on the label. - Do not eat "food bars." - Do not eat diet or protein shakes. - Stay away from hot tubs, steam rooms and swimming pools. - Eliminate air fresheners. - Eliminate fluorescent lighting. - Reduce or eliminate air conditioning. - Avoid dry cleaning. - Avoid alcohol.

Handling and addressing nutritional deficiencies

- Eat more fresh organic fruits and vegetables. - Eat raw organic nuts and seeds especially as snacks. - Ingest monatomic gold daily. - Get natural sunlight. - Eat an organic apple a day. - Take coral calcium. - Take all-natural Vitamin E. - Drink the "magic juices." - Take a whole food supplement daily. - Eat raw organic honey, bee propolis, royal jelly, and bee pollen. - Get an oxygen water cooler. - Use organic sea salt. - Take an omega-3 supplement.

Neutralizing electromagnetic chaos

- Use electronic and wireless devices less. - Stand in the wind. - Reduce TV time. - Get a magnetic mattress pad. - Use magnetic bangles and rings. - Stay away from electric tumble dryers. - Add living plants in your home. - Wear white. - Use Feng Shui in your home and office.

Reducing stress

- Laugh. - Smile. - Get and give hugs. - Speak powerful words. - Sleep eight hours. - Rest from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. - Go to bed at approximately 10:00 p.m. and arise at approximately 6:00 a.m. - Take an afternoon break. - Don't read the newspaper. - Don't watch the news. - Have sex. - Commit reckless acts of kindness. - Listen to music that makes you feel uplifted. - Get out of debt. - Drive less. - Be thankful and appreciative. - Hang upside down. - Be light hearted. - Stay away from psychiatrists and psychologists. - Do not use an alarm clock. - Use aromatherapy. - Get a pet. - Write down goals. - Plant a garden. - Cook. - Don't eat late. - Dance and sing. - Find your life purpose. When a person manages to achieve seeing to doing without thinking, pure observation and action as one movement.. when they achieve no attachment to any one thing and past/future becomes helpful rather than feared.. when they achieve homeostasis within the body and a routine of living that is free from all toxins, nutritional deficiencies, electromagnetic chaos and stress then one has achieved a cleansing of both the mind and body. They have cleansed two of the four areas in their life and this becomes the moment of consolidation on the path to becoming Sankari. From here they will start to be seen as a hero and they can easily and clearly move to cleansing the other areas of environment and soul and achieve fully the art of Sankari.

Hero Theory
There are four areas to your path that you exist simultaneously in; mind, body, soul and environment. Each one receives focus from within you whenever any movement of Flow occurs along your path. To reach Sankari each area must be cleansed and therefore consolidated, where one will remove anything that is detrimental in every area. This can be bad thoughts and feelings in the mind, toxins and stress in the body, beliefs and fears in the soul and anything that clutters up your environment or produces the detriments in the other areas. Removing all things that stop, hinder or misguide your Flow allows one to compose. The previous chapters of seeing and doing cleanse the mind and body, individually this allows one to start to cleanse the more important areas of soul and environment. The first two concern only with the individual, the last two concern everything surrounding you. If humanity is to be free one must first free himself allowing his energy to go from a state of taking to giving and begin the rewarding process of helping others. One becomes a shining example of how to be internally and others start to notice this shift and inevitably follow it. In the quest to achieve Sankari this is the moment of consolidation and to put it in an easy to remember formula it is known as Hero Theory.

Composure Humility Enquiry | Believe Act Flow

You have control over your life, not absolute control but enough to affect the path and Flow around you that you share this control with. It is then up to you to make this happen instead of sitting back waiting for it to begin. You must take the reins and lead yourself. You must compose yourself, which is always having a cool head and not let anything ever affect that composure. From here you will be able to tackle any problems that arise. Remember it is not what happens to you that counts but how you handle what happens to you. Composure is easy to achieve as you are always composed, even if you got worked up and angry eventually you would return to composure, it is always there and is where you start every movement from. It is then only yourself; your thoughts/feelings, words and beliefs that can affect that composure, so dont let it learn to let go. Letting go of attachment to past or future allows you to compose in the present without any hindrance. Remember there is only ever now, past and future only exist in your head so dont dwell on either, use them to your advantage. Learn from the past and move on, know where you would like to go in the future but dont plan it, leave it to Flow. When you achieve this state you are secure in you, your path and the Flow. Security comes when what you think/say coincides exactly with what you do.. insecurity is where you think/say one thing but do another. When you are secure you focus on the present and doing things in the most positive way, tackling issues and experiencing joys easily and effortlessly. When you are doing everything you can in the most giving way possible you are freed from the responsibility of failure and blame shifts to the Flow. Similarly when this is achieved nobody will be able to affect your composure because you know that only you can affect your composure. If you are doing everything you can do and that you are meant to they cant fault you, it is then their own insecurity that makes them lash out and you are free from it.

The three steps one must walk to arrive at Sankari is as follows - Desire leads to suffering, be content with what is happening in the present. - Thinking leads to apathy, what is there to think about? Life is unknowable instead you don't know so find out. - Everything is happening as it is meant to, there is no right or wrong, you are absolutely fine and equal to everything else around you, no one thing is above anything. Life is a constant movement and it never stops so Flow with it. Being composed it is very easy to become humble over your path and everything you are and do. You arent anything special, but your actions and results are, you will never look at yourself as you are too busy giving to others. Let others burden themselves with reflection of your actions; you do not have time for this as you are constantly acting and moving forwards. Humility is the mark of a hero, nothing you do is a big deal and in communication you will be more concerned with finding out about others rather than bragging about yourself. When you are humble you do not know, things change constantly, knowing is only found after the moment and never before and in future moments it is always changed. From here it is incredibly easy to enquire as you know you do not know. Constantly learning and finding out goes hand in hand with your actions and helps improve them tenfold. Learn from the past and move on, look where one is going and move on, remain forever in the present.. when one is not in the present they look into past or future.. when one is not looking in the past or future they look in the present.. find comfort from in the now, you are fine. A Sankari keeps the causality cycle flowing, learning he does not know and starts there with enquiry. Do not think as thinking is like screens on your focus obscuring the true perception of reality. Observe, find out because you do not know, dont think and assume you know because all things flow and change so how can you know. Seeing is doing, not seeing, thinking then doing as this creates a fragmented reality. See through doing dont see to do. Being positive within reflects externally allowing others to only see the positive external and forever be in wonder over the internal. Talk about only what you have done, not what you are doing as you are too busy doing it and do not know about it until it is done. The creative process for a hero becomes abundantly clear. First one must believe in themselves, their path and the Flow, when one is in a state of Sankari doing this becomes easy as they know everything they are doing is what they are meant to do. They give, continuously without compromise building up good karma and inevitably receiving. When one does not plan but has a goal all actions that follow will lead them to this. Never will their belief slip as to do this is to invite disaster. The Flow works on the law of attraction, stay unattached, ask (enquire), believe and receive. Positive reinforcing affirmations are used to remain positive and composed; these are all you need to tell yourself

You are secure, cool and composed nothing can touch you. You are humble, no need to brag. You do not know so you find out. You believe in yourself and have faith in the Flow to act accordingly. You are autonomous; on your own track you do not need anyone or anything else. You are positive and responsible, tackling problems as soon as they arise and loving life, therefore.. You are Flow and you are whole.

Be secure and content with yourself, love yourself, have fun with yourself, if you can do this then others can love and have fun with you to.. the lowest feeling of a hero is contentment. You will only give as you are happy with yourself bringing yourself and others joy. Be in the field of positivity, always presuming the positive because you dont know enough to fill in the blanks about someone or something. This will forever keep you in the positive. Dont assume, just know you dont know so you can only guess and if so guess positive, and always give everything the benefit of the doubt as everything is positive. If you are insecure then you are narcissistic and selfish, you will not enjoy your company or being with yourself and so others will not either. Sankari is when the seeing is the doing where right thinking and right action symbiotically and simultaneously exist giving you all the time in the world to act like the change you want to see. It is not the observer, not the perceiver or the seer, for these are past and will only ever be the observed, the perceived and the seen. Sankari is to observe, to perceive, to see and therefore do. It cannot be explained or talked about until after it has happened because it is too busy happening constantly. The action becomes the example, not the internal or external word.. hence the term lead by example. Sankari is to lead yourself, to be autonomous and letting others lead themselves, letting them make mistakes but being there for when they do. It is not telling them what to do, only suggesting and instead leading by example. It is recognising that everyone has an individual perspective and therefore opinion and not having the need to change that but embracing it to further your own field of knowledge on a subject. Sankari does not know, and moves to a place of knowing but also finding comfort in the idea one will never know until it is passed and instead finding the joy and comfort in the journey rather than the destination. Sankari does not react, merely acts. He believes acts and flows. The mark of the Sankari is humility the knowing he does not know and being secure with that. It is non attachment, is one with oneself; who one is not who one was, moving towards who one wants to be but again is not attached to any outcome.

Sankari is pure meditation, not thinking.. is action, not non action.. is too busy walking his path rather than having to stop and choose. It is non conflict and instead harmony, it is stillness and infinite. A Sankari leads with the Yu Law Every form of life has the right to do as it chooses so long as it doesnt impede on anothers right to do the same. Take and all shall lose. Give and all shall receive. Lead and let lead. A Sankari selflessly leads with these character traits

Discipline Honour Composure Humility Generosity Temperance Autonomy Flow

Diligence Integrity Strength Respect Loyalty Sacrifice Courage Focus

A Sankari is disciplined first and foremost in everything he does. Never disgrace your honour for anyone or anything. Composure brings security and allows you to believe in yourself and stay unattached, remaining in the present. Stay humble as you do not know and never will till its passed. Generosity allows you to receive abundantly and is the only way to selflessly reach your goals. Temperance brings balance while autonomy allows you to act independently of others and situations. Flow is everything, it is no choice, it is not fragmented, it is whole and continuously infinite.

Be Positive. Be Objective. Be Sankari. | For Honour. For Brother. For Flow.

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