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Rubric Made Using: RubiStar ( http://rubistar.4teachers.

org )

LMS Evaluation Rubric

Teacher Name: Ms. New Student Name: ________________________________________


The sites purpose is clearly stated and seen throughout the entire course. Learning goals are well defined and are clearly communicated to the learner throughout the course. A syllabus is provided which includes pertinent information to the course. All content is accurate and up-to-date. All content meets either national or state standards, or both for the content area and level. Content is free of grammatical, typographical and spelling errors. Content is divided into manageable units/modules/sections. The course includes a variety of activities and assignments that cater to multiple learning styles. The site has a well designed, attractive, and usable layout. The user does not become lost. All important elements of the course are easy to locate and access. White space, graphic elements, and/or alignment are used effectively to organize material. All graphics are related to the content of the course and enhance the students interest and understanding. The design and layout are consistent throughout the entire course. The color palette and fonts chosen do not detract from the content and are consistent

The sites purpose is either not stated or is not seen consistently throughout the course. Learning goals were either not clearly defined or not communicated effectively. Syllabus is included, but is vague and does not provide all pertinent information. Some content errors found. Some standards are not addressed in the course. Some grammatical, typographical or spelling errors are present. Units/modules/sections are included but not manageable for students. Only two learning styles were addressed in assignments and activities.

The sites purpose is not evident in the course. No learning goals were defined. Syllabus is not included. Several content errors were found. Standards are not addressed in the course. Several grammatical, typographical, or spelling errors are present. Poor or no structure of content is evident. Only one learning style was addressed in activities and assignments.


The site is busy and difficult to navigate and may cause a user to become lost. Some elements of the course are hard to locate or access. Some uses of white space, graphic elements, and/or alignment are not effective. Some graphics are not related to the content. Some parts of the layout and design are not consistent throughout the course. Long and horizontal scrolling are seen in some parts of the course. Some links are broken or are not clearly labeled. Some links included are not

The site is difficult to navigate and the user becomes lost. Most or all elements are hard to access or locate. White space, graphic elements, and alignment not used effectively. All graphics are not related to the content. Layout and design elements are not used consistently throughout the course. Long and horizontal scrolling are seen in most or all of the course. All links are broken and/or not clearly labeled. All links are not appropriate and/or of highquality.

throughout the entire appropriate or of highcourse. Long and quality. horizontal scrolling is minimized. All links are working as expected in all formats, and are clearly labeled and consistently placed. Links take the user to appropriate, high-quality content.


Course offers multiple opportunities for collaboration among users. Collaboration opportunities are designed in an easily understandable and accessible way. Online links to resources such as, a syllabus, additional resources and references, assignments with instructions, and contact information for the instructor and classmates are included in the course. Resources contribute to the achievement of the stated course objectives and goals. The resources are current and provide a variety of perspectives. It is clear which resources are required and which resources are considered additional.

All or some collaborative No collaborative opportunities are available opportunities are available in the course or these are in the course. not designed in an easily understandable and accessible way.

Instructional Resources

Some online links to resources are provided, such as a syllabus, references, assignments and instructions, and contact information for the instructor and classmates are included in the course. Resources sometimes contribute to the achievement of the stated course objectives and goals. Some resources are current and sometimes provide a variety of perspectives. It is sometimes clear which resources are required and which are considered additional. The course instructor either provides only few forms of communication opportunities or they are not easily accessible to users. Technical support is not available or it is not clearly stated in the course. Expectations for support response time are not present or are not clearly defined in the course. Some additional formats of files and materials are available (audio, text, etc.). Most hyperlinks are titled with descriptive text. Some graphics include alternative text.

There are little to no links to resources. Resources do not contribute to the achievement of the stated course objectives and goals. Resources are mostly not current and offer only one perspective. It is unclear which resources are required and which are optional.


The course instructor provides multiple forms of communication opportunities in easily accessible places in the course. Technical support is also offered for users when problems arise. Expectations for support response time are clearly defined within the course.

The course instructor does not provide any forms of communication opportunities for users. No technical support is available. No expectations for support response time are provided.


Additional formats of files and materials are available (audio, text, etc.). All hyperlinks are titled with descriptive text. All graphics include alternative text.

Files and materials are available in only one format with no instruction on how to access additional formats. Hyperlinks are not titled with descriptive text. Graphics do not include alternative text.

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