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Book One of the Aphrodite Legends

The Aphrodite Scrolls

Love is worth ghting for.

Draya Mooney

The Aphrodite Scrolls

Draya Mooney

Alleviate Publications

Copyright 2009 by Draya Mooney All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holder. Published in the United States by Alleviate Publications Seattle, WA Printed in the United States of America ISBN 13: 978-0-9821297-0-8 Library of Congress Control Number: 2012932013 Cover image by Zoom Team, licensed through Big Stock Photo This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

For my mom, the most courageous woman I know.

The Aphrodite Legends

A Series

You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes. You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, Ill rise. - Maya Angelou

Undine John William Waterhouse, 1872

Series Prologue
In the depths of the universe is a quiet truth. Jay knew this truth.
She knew the comfort this truth would bring to her people, and she knew the lives that it would save. She also knew the sacrifice this truth had cost her. It was late autumn and the first breath of winter was upon the ground, but Jay knelt with no coat to cover her shaking body, her heart as exposed to the chill as the skin her shirt left bare. She did not worry about the cold. Tonight was a night of destiny. Her restlessness kept her warm, as did her fear. In the past, she would have looked towards the stars for comfort on a night such as this. They had inspired her in difficult times, a creators story of dreams to come and beauty that already was. The tales of mankind were fickle. Facts could be substituted with ambitious fabrications and heroes forgotten by their own narrators as time intervened. The author of the stars was eternal, so though the stars burnt bright then perished, their story was everlasting. Jay stared sadly upon the grave where she knelt. It was for this reason the stars held no comfort for her tonight. Their presence only reminded her of her own loneliness, her loss.

Time would not remember him, but Jay did. His smile, so rare and determined, was a sacred memory to her. She visualized his touch, gentle despite his own pain and misunderstanding. He had been her unearthly mate, his love so strong it caused worlds to collide. She did not care if mankind ever knew their story, as epic as she thought it to be. She only wanted him back. Jay had once been told love that bloomed in adolescence was destined to die young. The meaning had proven much too literal. The ache of her loss overwhelmed her as it so often did, and she wept at the grave of her beloved, praying he was in a place beyond time and forgetting. As she released her sorrow, she felt the stars fall around her. Remembering the task at hand, Jay eventually softened her tears and stood, using both her grief and her rage to push forward into the world that remained. Defiance hardened her features. There was a war going on. It was her duty to end it. No more prophecy. No more hunting. Tonight, she would fight. It was time for the truth to be revealed.

The Aphrodite Scrolls

Chapter One
He was going to kill her.
Derek sped down the long stretch of country road with complete disregard for traffic laws and safety. Madness ruled his foot as he maneuvered beneath the watchful gaze of the giant evergreens that guarded the surrounding forest. Through the passengers window of the large truck, Jay watched the familiar woods blur into an almost unrecognizable portrait then closed her eyes, praying Derek delivered her to their destination in one piece. His driving petrified her, the outcome of what seemed to be an incessant bad mood. She never should have gotten into the truck. Must you go so fast? she scolded, her voice shaking slightly. Youll hurt somebody. She twisted the ring around her right index finger as she always did when she was anxious. Please slow down. Derek disregarded her protests. Instead, he watched her wind the ring in circles, his suspicion mounting. Where did you get that thing? What, this ring? Yes, this ring, he mimicked with cruel sarcasm. I dont know. Ive had it since I was sixteen. _____________________________________________________ -1-

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He wasnt convinced. Then why do you wear it all the time? Ive never seen you take it off. Did some guy give it to you? She ignored the accusation. I dont know why I wear it. It makes me feel protected, I guess. I like it. She admired the ring. It was fashioned out of soft antique gold, more silver than yellow. Lattices intertwined into a circle, like vines across her finger. Every time she looked at the ring, she felt warmth flood through her. Derek wasnt impressed. I think an old boyfriend gave it to you. As he spoke, he rounded a corner at a speed higher than physics should allow, and she gripped the door handle tight, suddenly nauseated. You know youre my first boyfriend. He huffed. So you say. Jay rolled her eyes but spoke gently in an attempt to tame his mood. Please, Derek, slow down. Youll hurt us both. Whats the matter, Jay? Are you scared? He smiled wickedly, maintaining his speed. Youre not living unless you play with fire! He honked the horn. This is life, baby. And itll be a short life unless you slow down. For the first time since the trip had begun, her voice sparked with anger. Derek noticed the change. You know, youre not exactly perfect yourself, he snarled. I mean, youre always talking, mostly about stuff I couldnt care less about. Sometimes, I just want to stuff a pillow in your face to shut you up. And the weight youve put on... It was a low blow. Jay held back the tears, refusing to let him win. Derek was no better than a child, always quick with his -2-

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temper, especially when his ego was threatened. It was moments like these when she forgot why she was with him. Im only a size eight, she murmured, feeling weak. For now. At the rate youre going, Ill be too embarrassed to bring you to the beach next month. Jay was tired of his bullying. Despite the danger of his driving, she couldnt stand for it. You know who loves my body? Austin. Hes the barista all the girls are fighting over at the coffeehouse. I told him I was dieting and he nearly beheaded me. He insisted if I got any skinnier, Id look like a bobble head. He said guys dont like bobble heads because theres nothing left to look at. Derek answered by gripping the steering wheel tighter, seething as he pressed down on the accelerator. Jay knew she should stop taunting him, for her own safety if nothing else, but shed lost control of her tongue. Anyway, if you like girls who dont eat, why dont you go off with someone else? Like Jessica? She hit a sore spot and he finally slowed the truck down. Rumors had been floating about Derek and Jessica, his ex. It stung her even to think about it. Derek was a jerk. There was no denying it, but Jay loved him. She couldnt help it. Hed been sweet once, until he started unleashing his jealousy and rage. These days, he was more Mr. Hyde and less Romeo, but she still loved him and was having a hard time letting him go. Part of her was happy hed turned some of his attention to Jessica. The other part of her was devastated. Shed never confronted him with the rumors before. Someone has to keep me company when you go comatose, he replied after a long pause. -3-

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Jay was stunned speechless by his bladed retort. She waited for an apology, but he didnt take the comment back. In fact, he refused to look at her, to acknowledge the hurt he caused. It was her breaking point. Pull over right now, she demanded. He flinched at her uncharacteristically cold tone. Jay, dont be stupid. Were almost there. I know. Furious, she reached into the back seat and grabbed her overnight bag. Ill walk the rest of the way. You are no longer invited. But I just drove an hour getting here, he protested. Maybe you can call Jessica and ask her to keep you company on the way back, she hissed. I said pull over! He refused. Im not stopping. So help me Derek, if you dont pull this truck over, Ill scream so loud and so high the wolves will come barking. He looked at her in disbelief. Sizing up her intentions, he concluded her threat was genuine, so he reluctantly pulled over. Have fun with your psychotic aunt, he sputtered nastily as she opened the door. I didnt want to spend the week with her anyway. Its a relief. And dont expect me to be waiting when you get back. She slammed the door in his face then waited until he spun the truck around and sped away, dust flying across the road, before she broke down in sobs. He really was a nasty boy. Shed been so foolish staying with him, but itd been incredibly difficult to let go of something that had once been so good. Goodbye, Derek, she mumbled then hauled her bag over her shoulder and started her toilsome hike up the road, fatigued -4-

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with emotion. Itd be at least forty minutes by foot, longer if the threatening clouds above started to pour. Once again, she rubbed her ring. As usual, she felt the familiar warmth the ring emitted flood through her, as if the sun had broken through the clouds to light her way. Jaylene. Jay turned towards the woods, certain shed heard her name whispered, but there was no one around. The trees stared back, expectantly. Quickly, she pulled out her music player and chose her 80s rock folder. She wanted to shut out the world and the delusions her exhaustion was causing her. Itd been a long, miserable day. Looking up the secluded road that led to her aunts house and feeling the first drops of rain land on her jacket, it wasnt going to end anytime soon. I really am living on a prayer, she mumbled. Luckily, not long into the journey, Jay spotted her aunts bright orange Prius heading towards her from up the road. When it reached her, her aunt let out an excited honk as she opened the door. Carrie! Jay squeezed into the car, pushing a handful of toddler toys out of her way before giving her rescuer a thankful hug. I love your instincts, she praised, referring to her aunts keen ability to know when her niece was in trouble. Im so glad youre here, Carrie chirped back. I feel like its been months. Thats because it has been months, Jay confirmed as she buckled her safety belt. Except for the five minutes I saw you at graduation before heading off to the senior party, I havent seen


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you since before my final exams. I was held hostage in the house until they were over. Remember? Kidnapped by my own parents. That is far too long, but Im glad youre here now. Her aunt smiled mischievously. So tell me, why are you sans Derek? Its over between us. Jay recounted the events that had just transpired. Carrie was clearly delighted. This is why you should learn how to drive. Honestly, she objected halfheartedly, well-adjusted to Carries disapproval of Derek. A little sensitivity, please. He doesnt deserve sensitivity. Her aunt scowled. Not for him, for me. I just told you I broke up with someone who was potentially my one true love, and all you can tell me is that I need to learn how to drive? Dont fool yourself, Jay. He wasnt your one true love. We both know that. Despite her obvious enthusiasm, she patted her nieces hand in sympathy. Jay appreciated the gesture. It sure felt like true love sometimes, but now his heart is just dark. No, not dark. Empty, her aunt revised. Darkness can be beautiful and necessary. Only in the darkness of night can the stars shine their brightest, and only behind closed lids do we dream. Emptiness is what primes people to be unkind, not darkness. His heart is empty. Jay shook her head in surrender, not wanting to think about it any longer. And for your information, Im never learning how to drive. I dont trust myself not to knock some poor pedestrian down. My mind wanders too much.


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Carrie laughed because it was a valid argument. Youre probably the only nineteen-year-old these days who doesnt know how to drive. Lots of people my age dont drive. Ive just finished high school, remember. Silence unexpectedly filled the car. Carrie looked so unnaturally upset, Jay was afraid she might start crying. She knew what her aunt was thinking about. It was the only subject that stole the brightness from the woman. When Jay was sixteen-years-old, she disappeared for three months while visiting her aunt. She could not remember what happened or where shed been. Since she returned in perfect health, no foul play had been suspected. Most of the town assumed shed been lost in the woods outside and the trauma of the event had blocked out her memories. Others suspected shed run away and lied about her amnesia. Regardless, her absence from school had put her a year behind. Well, never mind all that, Carrie said, retreating from her memories. I have fajitas already made up and that root beer you like so much. Therell be loads left over since Dereks not here, so I hope you brought your appetite. They chatted about safe, random topics as Carrie drove any subject that was far away from Derek. As they talked, Jay admired the happiness that sparkled across her aunts complexion. She adored Carrie. Having spent so much time together, they were more like sisters than anything else, a relationship reinforced by the fact that she was closer to her aunts age than her mother was. As she listened to Carrie excitedly ramble on about suspicions there were ghosts in the house, Jay glanced out the -7-

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window. Heavily forested and sparsely populated, the surrounding countryside brought calm to Jays troubled heart. Shed spent many of her childhood days playing under the shelter of these woods. They had been her fortress against the difficulties of the real world. Even now, with the sad event of the day, she felt an urge to lose herself in a hike through the fertile labyrinth. I know I saw a shadow of an old man leaning against the fireplace, Carrie said adamantly, briefly reclaiming Jays attention. I think it was Dad watching over us, which means Mom must be in the house too. Those two could never be apart for long. Perhaps thats why my mom let the house pass to you instead. She didnt want to listen to anymore of Grandpas baseball games! Carrie relaxed into her seat. I wish your mom did believe in ghosts. Wed get on so much better. Shes so analytical. Everything has to be scientific. Shes a marine biologist, Jay pointed out. She has to be analytical. Working with all those animals, youd think she of all people would realize theres something more going on with the universe - a beauty that cant quite be defined. She does know, Jay said. Mom just finds her answers in a different way than you. She doesnt read the stars or memorize spiritual quotes. She looks at a baby dolphin and she sees God. Carrie smiled, impressed. When did you get so smart? Im not that smart, Jay murmured, thinking of Derek. Tell me more about how Grandpa is haunting you. Watching over us, Carrie corrected.


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As her aunt continued her story, the forest once again called to Jay. She listened to the whispers of the great oaks and tried to interpret their message. The forest held a secret. Only it knew what had happened to Jay when shed disappeared, but it refused to reveal her past. Suddenly, the talk of ghosts made her uneasy. Spirits did not scare Jay. She was more worried about the ghost shed become since returning from her disappearance. She felt off. Different. It was almost as if her former self was competing to stay alive. It scared her. and then Dad turned off the coffee pot I left on. Im sure of it. I distinctly remember seeing the red light on from across the room and then forgetting about it. But when I came home, it was off. Maybe Harrison came home and turned it off. Harrison was in England visiting his family with the twins. Jay was surprised. Why didnt you go? To be honest, I needed the break. Carrie gazed wishfully ahead. I took a scented bath every day and read loads of books. It was glorious. I guess we cant all be Mommy of the Year. Youre with the twins all the time. Theres nothing wrong with wanting a break now and again, Jay said. Its not that. The entire time the twins were gone, I was thinking how great itd be if they came back ten years older so I wouldnt have to run after them so much. Jay laughed out loud. I dont blame you. Ive never known a pair of toddlers so hyped up.


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Carrie smiled. I knew a little girl like them once. We could never get her to stop talking. Shed talk about anything and everything for hours. I used to ask if she had an off button. Her name was Jay. Jay smiled back. That same little girl is now known as teenage Jay when she drinks caffeine. No, even when you drink caffeine, youre not as talkative as you used to be. I think youve converted all your vocal energy to dancing, especially to that 80s rock music you like so much. I thought for sure you were going to start wearing black or dye pink stripes into your hair. Just because I like rock doesnt mean I have to mash myself into some stereotype. I can still wear my blue jeans and have long blonde hair, Jay insisted. But, according to Derek, I am a loner. So Ill give the clich gods that one. Care Bears, meet AC/DC, Carrie snickered. Blame Harrison. He handed me my first Def Leppard album when I was seventeen. Soon, they arrived at the house. Jay leapt outside the car and stretched, her legs cramped from the long drive, even with her break between Dereks truck and her aunts Prius. Instantly, she felt a weight lift off her shoulders. This place revived her. It always surprised her how little the house had changed over the years. The large windows glowed with sincere hospitality, welcoming even the weariest of travelers home. The roses that grew at the base of the massive stone foundation never seemed to wilt. Even the oak tree thatd been struck by lightning eight years prior refused to break at its wound, defiant to the tempest. The interior mirrored the beauty of the landscape that encircled the house. The - 10 -

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floors and walls were paneled with rich walnut. Brightening each of the rooms were flowers of almost every variety, most grown in the greenhouse in the back garden. Renaissance paintings and figurines added romantic textures to the natural dcor. In many ways, this house was more home to Jay than the apartment she lived in with her parents and younger brother. Shed almost been born here, back when it still belonged to her grandparents. Heavily pregnant, her mom had been staying at the house while her father finished a study of endangered animals along the coasts of Australia. Both marine biologists, her father had practically chained her mother down to stop her from joining him. It was a wise decision. Unexpectedly, she went into labor a few weeks early. Neither of Jays grandparents drove. Her grandpas site had gone and her grandma, who was many years his junior, had never learned how to drive. That didnt stop her grandpa from jumping into her moms station wagon, keys in hand. Hed been half blind and beaming with joy as he propelled crazily down the road to the nearest hospital with his wife and two daughters - one in labor and one a young teen - in the backseat. As she stepped inside the foyer, Jay admired a small figurine of a girl sitting on a seashell, a faraway look in her eyes, as if she waited for someone. It was new. Jay was instantly mesmerized by the intense emotion captured in the white marble. The depth of longing on the girls face prickled her skin and twisted her heart. I found that at Value Village, Carrie said, looking behind her shoulder. I had a feeling youd like it. Jay wasnt sure like was the word. She didnt dislike it either. It simply provoked feelings inside her she barely understood, - 11 -

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like watching a memory through fogged glass. She quickly set the figurine down and continued to follow her aunt inside. Before she made it to the kitchen, she was attacked by the twins - a boy and girl with the same strawberry hair as their mother. The toddlers sprang on her legs with great joy, singing her name. Jay, come play with us. Carrie scooped them into her arms. Now, dont be bold. Let Jay rest before you gobble her up. Shes just successfully fought off an evil prince. Harrison, her aunts husband, stood over the kitchen table sorting receipts when the group stormed in. He raised an eyebrow at the obvious absence in the room. Did I hear something about an evil prince being defeated? he asked in his thick English accent. Yes, Dereks finally gone, Carrie announced as she released the twins and directed them towards their playroom. Harrison set the receipts down and crossed the room with his heavy steps to greet Jay with a colossal hug. A giant teddy bear, hed been a rugby player once, but now his muscles had gone soft. She nearly strangled in his bulky arms. Nice to see you, Harrison, she said, her voice muffled against his massive weight. Thanks for having me over. He let her go, chuckling. Honestly, Jay, you predate me in this house. This is your home. One of them, anyway. Though I do think you spend more time here than the apartment. Just because youre an official high school graduate doesnt mean you have to forget that. Okay, okay, she relented. Ill stop having manners. Carrie handed her a glass of juice. The hot water is ready if you need to wash up. - 12 -

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I took a shower this morning, Jay objected. Carrie groaned. Youre as bad as my toddlers. She held the metal toaster up so Jay could see her reflection. Have a look. The young woman staring back at Jay had streaks of dirt and dried tears running down her face. There was a slight pain in her eyes but also relief. I guess thats what happens when your boyfriend leaves you stranded on the side of the road, she moaned as she used the sleeve of her jacket to rub a majority of the mess away. Ex-boyfriend, Carrie corrected her. Now, go shower. Wash away the burdens of your day, little bird. Keenly, Jay followed her aunts advice. After a shower and a dinner that lasted hours as the family caught up, Jay escaped to her room, leaving the light turned off. The dark was peaceful and resolute. Her mind was storming and needed to be alleviated by quiet surroundings. For guidance, she plugged in the fairy lights draped across her dresser. They subtly illuminated the room, like a touch of moonlight. Her feet padded softly against the pale yellow rug laid across the hardwood floors to her humble but comfortable bed, but instead of preparing for sleep, she continued on to the bay windows that overlooked the forest. Pulling back a length of sheer curtain, she sat solemnly on the cushioned bench and gazed upon the treetops. Shed dated Derek for almost two years, and their breakup pained her, but her current melancholy ran deeper than his now permanent absence from her life. She knew her aunt was right. Derek had not been her one true love. But he had been a

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distraction from the loneliness shed experienced right after her disappearance. Sighing, she touched the window. She couldnt believe itd already been three years since shed gone missing. After her return, shed cried for weeks, conquered by a severe depression. The sadness had dragged her down to a place where her mind knew no release. Refusing to leave her aunts house, shed spent months in bed, mostly asleep. For countless days, she could not even manage tears but gripped her sheets as she heaved dry sobs into her pillow, howling her pain aloud. The depression shed suffered was not a result of the disappearance itself or the unknowing. It had been the sense of loss shed experienced afterwards. She felt abandoned. Shed insisted on staying at her aunts house because of a cryptic hope that someone would return for her, but no one had. Then shed met Derek. The hope did not leave her, but shed found peace in the distraction of their romance, especially as he pursued her with his addictive charm. Cuddled into his strong arms listening to his candied promises, her episodes of depression became less frequent. His words from earlier in the truck still stung. Someone has to keep me company when you go comatose. Now that Derek was gone, she trembled on the verge of depression once again. The familiar loneliness nestled against her heart, disconnecting her from the world she knew. She tried to fight it but was too weak. The power of such despair was elusive. She could not comprehend it nor could she stop the ache. It grew in her chest like a creature out to destroy her soul. - 14 -

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Jay grabbed a pillow from the bench and hugged it, resting her head against the window. The darkness stared back. Like her memories, the forest appeared void in the deficiency of light, but reality spoke of a truth full of much greater dimension. She knew that, but it was a truth she could not access, restricted from her. Spare me from this pain, she implored woefully. Tell me about my past. When the forest did not reply, she went to her bed and tumbled onto her down comforter, exhausted. She sobbed until her mind could stand the tears no longer then fell into a deep but troubled sleep. Hours later, a light woke her up. Jay squinted, groggy with emotion, her agony evident across her face. She detected her aunts silhouette approaching and sat up. Concerned, Carrie set a glass of water on the bed stand. How long have you been asleep? She rubbed her eyes. Since dinner. Her throat dry, she took a sip of the water. Is this about Derek? A little. But its mostly about the other thing. Carrie nodded, unsurprised. The observation brought Jay to tears. Im so sorry Im like this, she wept regretfully. Im trying to get better, I promise. I know its not easy dealing with me being so sad all the time. Her aunt straightened her posture. Listen to me, little bird. You went through something no one can even begin to understand. At no point in our lives do we ever have all the answers. Nowhere is it written in stone how a person is supposed to handle loss or

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how someone is supposed to behave when tragedy occurs. We just do what we can. I think you are very brave. Jay smiled, recovering. Thanks. She took another sip of water. I think Ill go for a hike tomorrow. Get out of bed and get some fresh air. Carrie kept a straight face, but Jay knew she was relieved. I think that is a terrific idea. Her aunt switched the light back off but hesitated before leaving Jay to her sleep. I know I was against it before, but maybe Ireland will be a good thing, she admitted before shutting the door. Jay looked out the window through half closed lids. She felt as if she were being watched through the trees, an intuition she recognized well. Me too, she whispered.

Ignoring the midday heat that poured into the room, Jay dressed for her hike. Itd taken all her strength to get out of bed, but once shed turned on the radio and started dressing, life returned to her. Still, comfort was her main priority. She pulled slipper boots over her dark grey sweatpants and grabbed a heavy hoodie on her way downstairs. In the kitchen, Carrie was preparing lunch for the family. Good afternoon, sunshine, she called over her shoulder as she stirred a pot of soup on the counter. Smells good. What are you making?

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Gazpacho. Its a cold tomato-based soup. I thought itd be great for this heat. She turned towards Jay and grimaced. I see youre going skiing in this fine weather. Very rock star. Jay wasnt amused. Its comfortable. Youll melt. Ill glow. Bring water with you. She waved the bottle of water shed already pulled from the fridge. One step ahead. Jay, I know youre nineteen, but do me a favor. Stay on the trail, Carrie pleaded as she returned to the soup. I always do, Jay hollered back as she left. Outside, the twins were perched on the tire swing across the yard shrieking gleefully as Harrison pushed them around in circles. Jay waved as she passed by, heading towards the woods. A short path stretched through the trees beyond her aunts land to an official nature trail. As the only trail that led from the overgrown car park to the lake, it was heavily populated by families. A boy with a fishing pole ran past Jay. He held a trout in one hand. Look what I caught, he said proudly, flashing his catch. Nice one, she praised. The boys mother acknowledged her with a friendly nod as she passed. Jay appreciated how the forest brought people together, but the trail was too crowded for her liking this day. She wanted to enjoy the forest alone. Upon reaching a fork that split the trail in two, she chose the upper path. The lower path continued around the lake. The upper path led into hills that overlooked the river that

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fed into the lake. It was more secluded, with just the rare cliff divers or avid hiker. To her own surprise, she succeeded in keeping her mind entertained as she walked, avoiding the grey cloud forming over her head. Mostly, she thought of college. After shed returned from her disappearance, her teachers had offered her an opportunity to make up the work shed missed, but shed forfeited their offer. She could barely function outside of bed, let alone school. Thus, she fell a year behind. Once a dedicated student, her enthusiasm towards education never returned, not even by her senior year. She had not applied to any college courses for the coming fall term. Well into second semester, her father had suggested she go traveling after high school finished. Hed even offered to fund a backpacking trip around Europe, but Jay refused. She told her parents she was too frightened to travel alone and didnt want to leave Derek behind, but the truth was, shed wanted to remain close to her aunts house, afraid shed miss something about her past if she left - a clue that would arrive or a memory that would resurface. Prior to graduation, a brochure arrived in the mail from an archaeological field school in Ireland. It complemented a series of free magazines about the ancient world shed received at intervals throughout her senior year. She had not subscribed to them, but shed been fascinated by the text. The pursuit of archaeology was an interest she could identify with quite easily - a career searching for hidden secrets from the past. Upon receiving the brochure, her mindset began to change. Her grades alone would not win her a spot studying archaeology at a university, but the brochure inspired an idea within her. If she attended the field school and built a portfolio of - 18 -

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academic references, she may be able to get into a program the following year despite her grades. Once shed committed to the idea, itd stuck. Studying archaeology felt right. It was probably the first thing that made sense to her in a long time. It was even worth leaving her aunts house temporarily behind. But my new plan all depends on my acceptance into the field school, Jay reminded herself as she trudged up the trail. The letter would arrive soon. She anticipated it with both dread and enthusiasm. She could almost feel the Fates winding her string around their bony fingers. In the short distance, she heard people laughing. There were campsites nearby, most filled with college students celebrating their summer break. Half hung over, the students hardly ever made it onto the trail. Their laughter encouraged her. With hope, this time next summer shed be amongst the group of undergraduates preparing for freshman year. A flash of movement detached her from her thoughts. Something had darted past her with great speed, but when she looked around, the trail was empty. Probably a bird, she decided. The interruption forced her to recognize that her legs had grown tired. She decided to trek on to the nearest viewpoint that overlooked the river. It wasnt far ahead. There, shed rest then turn back to the house. As she stepped forward, she caught another flash of movement out of the corner of her eye. She ignored it, but a sick tension wrenched her stomach as she hurried along the trail. Something wasnt right. She knew it, but she refused to give in to

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her fear, even as more flashes of movement swept past her, like impetuous flares made of neither light nor shadow. I am not going crazy, she stated firmly, determined to stay calm. She kept her focus on the viewpoint ahead. Nothing in this forest can move like that. There is nothing here. It is only the glare of the sun playing tricks on my retinas. After she spoke, the air around Jay went still. Grateful, she breathed a sigh of relief, but the temporary peace didnt last long. She stopped, petrified. There was someone behind her. She could hear sly footsteps sneaking around, analyzing her. Slowly, she turned and froze. She was wrong. There was not someone behind her. An entire group surrounded her. One woman and four men crowded the trail, each dressed in surreal, almost tribal attire. The woman bore the mutilated pelt of a bear over her face and back. The men were fitted in linen and leather. Sour and unwashed, they scorned her, their scowls ripe with intimidation. She wasnt even sure they were real. They appeared less than solid, almost transparent. The woman growled beneath her bear costume, squashing any doubt of her authenticity. Jay could more than hear it. She could feel it, like daggers of ice that snapped her bones. These people were real. She was in danger. Survival instincts prevailing, Jay sprinted up the trail. She couldnt hear the others follow, but she could feel them. Their menace pursued her. Too frightened to scream or call for help, she pushed her body to run as fast as possible, but her already weak muscles waned. - 20 -

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At the viewpoint, she peered down the ledge to the river below, confronting her circumstance. The quickest escape was to jump, but she could not tell if it was a feasible diving spot. There was no sign warning divers against jumping, but there was also no indication it was safe. She judged the water. It was calm, welcoming. And deep. But though the surface looked smooth, there could be rocks underneath. From this high up, it was impossible for Jay to tell. Daunted, she twisted the ring around her index finger so forcibly, it rubbed the skin raw. Help me. Please, help me! she cried, finding her voice. The ring burned against her skin but it did not bring her pain. The warmth soothed her terrified soul and inspired enough courage within her to turn around and estimate the distance shed put between herself and those who chased her. The trail was empty. No one followed her. There were no flashes of movement. No footsteps. Confused and disturbed, Jay wondered if she was trapped in some nightmare mind experiment, though she was certain she was not imagining this. It was too tangible. Rubbing her arms for comfort, she looked around the forest, desperate for a solution. When nothing happened, she examined the water again. She decided against jumping. If the bizarre danger had passed, she couldnt risk her life. The instant she took a step backward, an unwholesome breath swept across the nape of her neck. An overpoweringly putrid smell rose around her. Jay closed her eyes and swallowed. The horrid tickle across her skin indicated a person in furs.

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Without turning, Jay knew the bear woman stood directly behind her, as if shed appeared from nowhere. The woman let out a low growl that sunk deep in her throat, more beast than human. Jay shivered and a tear rolled down her cheek, but she refused to face her attacker. Instead, she opened her eyes wide enough to swiftly navigate her footing and, rubbing the ring a final time for luck, she felt the earth leave her as she plunged over the ledge towards the river below.

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Chapter Two
As she fell, Jay braced for the impact, praying she did not feel the
slice of rocks beneath her back or the crack of her body as her bones shattered against the water. Overcome with fear, she barely noticed an invisible force push her out further into the depths of the river, as if a wind had lifted her body and tossed it aside. When she finally hit the surface, she entered the river feet first. Blackness swallowed her as she descended deep into the water. Lost in the current, the watery world around her was dark and confusing. She scrambled around, unsure of which way to swim. Her chest burned as she lost time whirling in unknown directions. A light appeared. Assuming it was the sun reflecting off the water, Jay swam towards it with relief, only to realize the light was all around. It encircled her, and she became as much its captive as the waters. Within the light she heard a voice. It sounded like a boy talking, but she couldnt make out his words. A vision unfolded before her. She was outside her aunts house on the tire swing in the yard. A little boy stood in front of her, his hand proudly displaying a handful of herbs. An innate _____________________________________________________ - 23 -

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happiness comforted her. Around them, the first signs of autumn were apparent. It was warm and peaceful. She could understand him now. Give these to your aunt, the boy said with great earnest. Theyll save her. Jay responded. It was not in her usual voice but that of her as a child. Thank you. Ill always be your friend, no matter what. The boy smiled. Promise? She crossed her heart. Always. The boy shoved the herbs into her hand, faltering. I have to go now, but Ill come back for you, Jay. One day, Ill come back. And then we can be friends for always. To Jays reluctance, the boy disappeared and the light began to fade. Dont go! she cried, returning to the present. It was a mistake. The vision was over. Water poured into her lungs, choking her, but she didnt care. She swam around, frantic to recover the light. She wanted to talk to the boy again. Though she didnt recognize him, he was familiar, like an old friend. It was not to be. A force carried her away, back into the darkness of the river. She struggled against it, but it was powerful and would not yield. It pulled her through the water and restored her to the world above. Only as she surfaced did Jay realize the force was a man. On the brink of unconsciousness, she stopped resisting and allowed herself to be pulled to safety. Upon the rocky shore, she crawled on her hands and knees, coughing. Her vision was distorted. All she could see were blurs of color around her, the sunlight harsh on her sight. The stranger tried

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to guide her further up the shore to the softer grass, but she pushed him away violently, lost in bewilderment and fear. I wont hurt you, he assured her as he settled by her side. Allowing the remainder of the water to escape her lungs, it took several moments before she was able to respond. Am I alive? she gasped. Dont talk. Rest or the pain will overtake you. There is no pain. There will be. She wanted to see the stranger in full but was barely able to lift her head. Instead, she fell flat onto the pebbles, her chest heaving. She considered it fortune. An excruciating pain ripped through her, as if her ribs had caved in. The fresh air burned her lungs with intolerable measure, causing her body to spasm. Immediately, the stranger placed his hands on her back. Relax and breathe. His words were heavy with concern but were also soothing, a remedy pillared by his touch. The pain eased and her vision cleared, but Jay did not have the energy to rise immediately, so she remained still on the pebbles, studying him silently. He was young, probably only a few years older than her, and dressed casually in jeans and a cream sweater that covered a black shirt. His nose was slightly deformed and scarred, but he was handsome. He wore a baseball cap so she could not grasp his full appearance, but his face had dark, Mediterranean features. Hi, he said, smiling. It was a simple greeting, but Jay sensed its magnitude.

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