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R/ The body of the seahorse is covered by a plate armor or rings of bone formation, are in the group of vertebrates.

R/ Are a group of marine fish belonging to the family Syngnathidae.

How many legs? What kind and color of skin covering?
R/ Seahorses live in complex habitats, favoring handling over speed. In fact they tend to wander slowly on the ocean floor using their dorsal fins for propulsion and their pectoral fins, like ears, for stability and direction. They have no pelvic fins and caudal and anal fins are very small. His slow movements give us an idea of the importance of camouflage to avoid predators, and how fragile that can be in such a hostile environment. They are able to make drastic changes color to blend long-term best for your environment. Most seahorses are neutral colors ranging from beige to brown, the black, but possibly including fluorescent orange and deep purple, depending on the species. They are also able to develop long skin filaments to blend in with the algae in their environment. Note that color changes can be made in the short term, as a way to become more pleasant in courtship.

What kind of feet, mouth and ears?

R/ Seahorses have no feet, but have fins like fish lacual desplazarce helps. It has a dorsal fin impulsarce has pectoral fins like an ear for stability and direction, finally has a prehensile tail that is coiled in a spiral, which is used to stop agarrarce plants and algae. Your mouth or nose is formed by a bone which form supciona prey and swallow it whole because it has no teeth. His ear, also consists of bones called osolitos, which receives external vibration.

What is the average height and weight?

R/ The adult size varies according to species, from the smallest Hippocampus minotaur which was discovered in Australia and is 15 mm in length, to the Hippocampus ingens that exceeds 29 cm in length. Their weight also varies according to species, can weigh between 3 to 15 grams approximate.

What are the differences between adults and young, males and females?
R/ Are many things that sets them apart, the male has a brood pouch, which seems to have belly, females do not. Another thing that differs between male and female is the mode of reproduction where the female transfers the eggs to the male's brood pouch where the embryo develops, becomes pregnant and her pregnancy is 4 weeks. In the physical part of dorsal fin of the female is larger than the male, but in size the male is larger than the female.

How long do they usually live?

R/ Its longevity is varied, we can say the species Hippocampus zosterae live about a year, while the Indo-Pacific species of medium sized seahorses live in the four years.

Where in the world Does it live? (include a map) In what kind of terrain? (forest, mountains, ocean, rivers, etc.) What kind of home does it have ? (burrow, nest, tree, cave, etc.)

What does it eat? (carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore) How often does it eat each day or week? How does get its food? How is it physically adapted to get its food? (beak, claws, stomach, etc.)

How is it adpted to survive? (climate, terrain, defenses against predators) Is it a social animal? Does it live with others or by itself? How does it communicate?

Which books and other resources did you use?

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