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Remedy Picture- Complete Guide to Bach Remedies Practice by Dr. D.V. Krishnamoorty. IMPATIENS [Impatiens]
Restlessness; hurrying without causes; impatient; sensitive to noise; desires loneliness to complete the work as others will hinder his speed; irritable Be quick Don't delay Hurry Go fast Quick are the words used by the impatiens type of persons. He uses these terms even for things which are not urgent nor require speed. You leave me alone; I will complete the job is another expression used by him. It is because others disturbance or intervention may cause delay or slow down his work, or those co- operating may not be able to keep pace with his speed in work. He cannot work if disturbed; hence he is sensitive to noise and intervention by others. He is averse to slowness. If you do a work slowly he will snatch it from your hands and complete it himself saying What a long time you are taking over this! You are surprised that he is in such a great hurry, because the work is such that it need not be done quickly. He becomes irritable when others are slow. Impatience causes restlessness (Nux vomica, Ars. Rhus tox etc. in homoeopathy). In a queue or in a bus stand you find the impatiens type of man being restless. Because he is always in a hurry, he is liable to meet with accidents, will trip and tumble, will get his head knocked against the gate, or his fingers crushed in between doors while closing it, hitting knee against stair-case, and so on. There is difference between the two-types--Impatiens and Vervain. The former is in a hurry without good reason; the latter because of his enthusiasm to accomplish big things in a very small amount of time. In order to accomplish more work in less time on account of enthusiasm, the Vervain type puts forth excessive efforts and so wastes his energy. After one part of the work is finished the Vervain type will ask What next or Then. But the Impatiens type hurries while doing a particular work and as soon as it is over, his restlessness vanishes. The words coming from the mouth of the Vervain type are I have no time. He feels that twenty-four hours in a day are in- sufficient. It is because he is occupied in doing interesting work and so he feels that if he pays attention to other things he will not be able to accomplish the work in hand; hence, for forgetfulness, Vervain also becomes one of the remedies. The Impatiens type of man does not dominate others; but the Vervain type tries to force things on others due to enthusiasm he feels that it is good for others. The Water Violet type also prefers to work alone. He does not hurry, but feels others will not be able to appreciate or even understand the nature and importance of his work and that is why he wants loneliness. If you entrust any work to a person of the Impatiens type he will say: You want this to be done. Then leave it to me. Don't give me directions while I do it. Leave me alone and I shall get it done.



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