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Remedy Picture- Complete Guide to Bach Remedies Practice by Dr. D.V. Krishnamoorty. STAR OF BETHLEHEM [Star of Bethlehem]
Shock-mental as well as physical. A lady received an electric shock rendering her whole right upper limb useless. She came across a Bach Practitioner three days after the accident. He prescribed her STAR OF BETHLEHEM to be taken three or four times a day for a week. The next day she returned and reported that her hand become almost all right after the fourth dose. In another instance an old man received news of the death of this son aged just twenty-one. On hearing this news, his whole right side was paralyzed. The doctors who examined him declared his case incurable. Bach remedy STAR OF BETHLEHEM was given and in a few days he started walking. A Bach practitioner once came across a patient who had lost the sight of his eye several years ago after he received a blow on his head while transporting heavy steel items. That patient had consulted leading specialists and neuro-surgeons who could not help him. STAR OF BETHLEHEM was prescribed for the traumatic injury in his vision. In all cases of sudden and violent shock such as the receipt of shocking bad news, or violent bodily trauma needing this remedy, we generally give RESCUE REMEDY. But since the administration of a single remedy at a time is preferable, this remedy may be tried alone in all kinds of shocks alone. It is better to keep in mind very clearly the symptoms of each of the five remedies used to prepare the RESCUE REMEDY so that in cure by giving the individual remedy instead of routinely prescribing STAR OF BETHLEHEM. Where a remedy is indicated (and it is an undeniable fact that the totality-of symptoms of a patient as one time points to one remedy alone and not more than one) say CHERRY PLUM and suppose we give one or more remedies added to it (mixture) then the effects of CHERRY PLUM is brought down. Combinations retard the full action of the individual remedies. In physical traumas due to accidents, etc. a part from shock, unbearable pain (CHERRY PLUM) and restlessness (IMPATIENTS) may be present. Therefore, in all cases of accidents RESCUE REMEDY helps. But we are not in favor of using the RESCUE REMEDY in a routine way in emergency cases too where the symptoms of not even a single remedy out of the five may be present. In such cases RESCUE REMEDY does not give any effect. Mental shock may affect a person in several ways and its after effects may, in some cases, last throughout life. A postman whose income is merge, one delivered a Money Order of four hundred rupees to a wrong person. The mistake was discovered only when the correct addressee made the claim. The person to whom the amount was delivered wrongly having expired in the meanwhile, and postal service rules being rigid, the postman had to pay the amount from his pocket. This sudden loss was indeed a great shock to him, for he had already to support a family with great difficulty and with lot of debts. This shock affected him so badly that though he was only thirty-five years old, within a period of one month he began to look sixty years of age. As he could not recover fully from the effects of the mental shock, he started consuming liquors and one night was found dead to over- drinking. In cases of sudden and unexpected financial loss (laurocerasus in Homoeopathy) or the death of dear young ones in the family, STAR OF BETHLEHEM helps all the family members to overcome this shock.



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