A Lesson Plan For English Class Harry Docx 1

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A Lesson Plan For English Class

Teacher: Naomi Agra Date: 19.05.2011

Time: 8:30-9:15 Class: 3rd grade

Materials used: flash cards, book, blank sheets of paper. Over all Lesson aims: At the end of the lesson the pupils will have revised the body parts and learn new vocabulary. They will be able to say the new vocabulary words, and understand the meaning all based from the book I will read "where is Harry". The topic will be about body parts and adjectives.

Why? (objectives)

What (content)

How (organization)


I want the pupils to gradually get used to listening in English. Writing on the board prepares the students for the lesson. Going through the vocab. words and translating them is a good way to get familiar with them before we read the book, so the pupils will be able to understand better what the story is about.

Warm up to start Write on the board what the Frontal- write on 5 min. off the lesson class is going to learn this the board. lesson and explain. 1. New words 2. Read aloud a book 3. Draw a monster (dictate) 4.Share the monster Presentation of new I will present to the pupils Frontal material new vocabulary words and some they already know will be revised. The words will be presented by showing the pupils flash cards sticking them on the board. After doing so I will take one away and ask which one is missing? What does it mean? I will than take two away and ask which ones are missing, and what do they mean.
10 min.

Vocab. Words- small, fat, toes, tall, nose, eyes, ears, head, hair, long.


I will read to the class a big Frontal- big book book called "Where is Harry"? Stopping on the vocab. To make sure the pupils are with me and understand.

15 min.

Written work

Written work

The pupils will be handed a In pairs blank sheet of paper and I will dictate to them what Harry the monster looks like and they will draw what they understand. DictationThe monster has 2 heads. The monster has 4 ears. The monster has 3 eyes. The monster has one small nose. The monster has long hair. The monster is fat and tall. The monster has long toes. The pupils are going to finish frontal drawing their monster. By dictating to each other what to draw. For example: If Noah is my partner I will tell her that the monster has a red head. And The monster has a purple nose. Once they understand I will let them


Reading is a good way to learn the language and it is interesting for the pupils. : . Drawing a monster is a fun way to exercise the new words and implicate what was learned.

10 min.

The pupils are using the new words, revising the others and practicing saying them to each other out loud.

Oral work

pair off and work together making sure they are working nicely and using English. I will ask which couple would frontal like to share their monster with the class? Using just 2 sentences (according to the amount of participation.)

Depends how much time I have left. 510 min.


Everyone needs to put the frontal workbook back sit down. Thank-you and good-bye.

5 min.

I think this is a good way to get the pupils to speak English, by making it fun. This way the words they learnt is imbedded as well. The more they talk the more they know the more they like the language. . I think it is good to finish the lesson on a good note and prepare the students for the next lesson.

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