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Hitachi Consulting

Product Portfolio Management:

Launching the right products at the right time
Michael Burkett Vice President AMR Research April 11, 2006 Keith Williams PLM Competency Leader Hitachi Consulting

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New product launch is a business imperative Product Portfolio Management and PLM Benefits realized from improved product launch

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Product launch success is a CEOs concern

GE Innovation is key to growth
Were all just a moment away from commodity hellthe only reason to invest in companiesis their ability to innovate.
Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman & CEO, GE

Pfizer New product shortfall blamed for issues competing with generics
Net income falls 3.3%...revenue declined 8.9%...rising pressure from generics, a shortage of new drugs to replace fallen blockbusters and pressure on prices around the world (WSJ 01/20/06)

Motorola Speed getting cell-phones to market

Execution is not what it should bea great productshould have been out a while ago, and we should have been marketing the heck out of the thing. Ed Zander, CEO Motorola (WSJ 12/17/03)

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Balancing act of profitable growth

Market Growth Risk
High margins Low market acceptance
Sustainable Business Growth

Shareholder Value ROI

ROA High Risk Declining Business

Profit Growth Risk Rapid sales increase

Unacceptable margins

Product Superiority Customer expectations Reliability & performance


Source: AMR Research, 2005

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Top reasons why product launches fail

Late to market / missed demand Pricing Product quality Doesnt meet customer needs Commercialization or promotion No clear product differentiation Inadequate distribution channel Product availability issues Regulatory issues Other
4% 22% 20% 17% 17% 15%

32% 31% 30% 30%

Source: AMR Research, 2006

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Poll Question?
Who owns success or failure of NPI in your company?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Marketing Product Development Supply Chain Program Management Office Other

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PLM: The Applications

Product Lifecycle Management CEO Facing

Product Portfolio Management
NPDI Intelligence Program Management Project Management Reporting

Supplier Facing

Direct Materials Sourcing

Strategic Sourcing Component & Supplier Management RFx Management Change Management

Customer Needs Management


Requirements Management Preference Analytics ETO/BTO/DTO

Customer Facing

Collaborative Product Design

Product Design Tools Process Engineering Visualization CAD-to-CAD integration

Product Structure (BOM) Document Management Engineering Change Mgt

Product Data Management

Product Data Publishing Service Parts Records Configuration Management

Product Information Repository

Source: AMR Research, 2006
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4/14/2006 7

Hitachi Consulting

Fuzzy-front-end through product launch

Customer Driven Input

Program / Product Portfolio Management Project Dashboard & Portfolio Analytics

Idea Discovery





Internal / Technology Driven Input

Platform Roadmap Concept BOMs and Designs

Fuzzy-Front-End of New Product Development

Align Customer Needs / Product Features Requirements Management

Filter Ideas Idea Management

Source: AMR Research, 2006


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Hitachi Consulting

Do you need PPM? A diagnostic

Characteristics to look for: Product delivery deadlines missed Unable to prioritize the most important projects No visibility to evolving program risks Skilled R&D resources working excessive overtime Marketing promoting unavailable products Lost major customer due to poor resource planning

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AMR Research Hierarchy of Product Metrics What it tells you

Strategic Benefit
New Product Forecast Accuracy Innovation Innovation Benefits Investment

Predictable returns to shareholders


Time to Value Time to Time to Market Breakeven Design & Launch

Capability to respond to market opportunity

Operational Excellence

Product Planned vs. % Customer Actual Design Pipeline Needs Met Manage Budget / Sched. Post Launch New Product Detail Planned vs. Actual Mfg/Cycle Time

Part & Process Reuse

First Pass Yield

Stability of processes driving value

Engineering First Year Changes Field Returns

Cost Detail
Source: AMR Research 2006

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Basic best practices in setting up measures

Define who is reading the measures
What action will be taken Roles and accountability

Identify many but reduce to a critical few metrics

Key outputs and causal factors Process execution vs. management measures

Automate data collection and reporting

Imbed the collection into the system Report only what matters to avoid overload

Corrective action and next steps

Take action on the measures Asses if the right metrics are in place

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Hitachi Consulting

Benefits realized - Cases

Cell phones -2X increase in products launched TTM reduced 50% Food products - 25% value increase on 40% fewer projects Specialty materials - 40% increase new product revenue Specialty Chem - 20-30% margin imprv. & 15% pipeline productivity

Process Benefits (risk reduction)

Med. Device - Monitor metrics to determine cause & effect in NPD A&D - Manage globally distributed Integrated Product Teams Tier 1 Auto APQP process for supplier qualification on NPD

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Hitachi Consulting

Product launch success is an executive concern Balance return on R&D with product innovation Identify and monitor top reasons for product launch failure Product Portfolio Management is within a PLM strategy Define PPM stakeholders and process before technology Manufacturers are seeing benefits today

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Thank You!

Michael Burkett Vice President

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Maximizing Your Product Portfolio

Presented by: Keith Williams, Senior Manager - Hitachi Consulting Mike Burkett, Vice President AMR Research

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Product Introduction and Product Management success continues to decline

Portfolio Management Issues Definition of Portfolio Management Strategic and Tactical Steps for Improvement Tools for Improving Portfolio Management

* Worst Case is a 40% drop in success..

* Average success rate is 50%

Source: Data from AMR Research and others

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Hitachi Consulting

Symptoms of a poorly tuned portfolio

Products are released into the market and do not meet the business objectives
Portfolio Management Issues Definition of Portfolio Management Strategic and Tactical Steps for Improvement Tools for Improving Portfolio Management

Research and Development budgets are repeatedly exceeded Product ideas get killed very late in the development process Cost overruns on new product development projects Product ideas that should have been developed never see the light of day Lack of balance in the portfolio: Not enough ideas in the pipeline Stale products in the market place Lack of available resources for the products that could have the most potential impact

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Hitachi Consulting

Product Portfolio Management - Challenges and Common Mistakes

Portfolio Management Issues Definition of Portfolio Management Strategic and Tactical Steps for Improvement Tools for Improving Portfolio Management

Lack of clear product strategy for new, existing, and retiring products Product strategy is not aligned with the business objectives Strategy is not communicated and followed Mix Mix of products do not support business and product strategy Reluctance to kill projects Reluctance to sun-set projects (no clear end of life strategy) Volume Not enough volume of ideas in the pipeline Release to market based only on speed and not proper planning Release too many or too few new products into the market place

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Hitachi Consulting

Product Portfolio Management - Challenges and Common Mistakes

Definition of Portfolio Management Portfolio Management Issues Strategic and Tactical Steps for Improvement Tools for Improving Portfolio Management

Execution Lack of a decision based stage gate process to manage the portfolio Lack of clear decision points in the process Lack of integrated communication between functions in the process Quality Ramp to volume and design for manufacturability not managed or considered Speed to market as the key driver Lack of integration and check points in the process Communication Collaboration Lack of communication protocols between functions in the process Information is in silos and not available for key resources Communication is ad-hoc and not structured

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Hitachi Consulting

PPM Objectives for a success future

Portfolio Management Issues Definition of Portfolio Management Strategic and Tactical Steps for Improvement Tools for Improving Portfolio Management

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Introduction of Product Portfolio Management as a critical component of Product Lifecycle Management

Portfolio Management Issues Definition of Portfolio Management Strategic and Tactical Steps for Improvement Tools for Improving Portfolio Management

True Product Portfolio Management is a often overlooked yet extremely critical component of Product Lifecycle Management

Product Portfolio Product Portfolio Management Management

Innovation/Ideation Innovation/Ideation

Product Portfolio Product Portfolio Management Management

Project Portfolio Project Portfolio Management Management

Product Development Product Development

Project Execution Project Execution and and Management Management

1 The Development of New Product Ideas

Product Lifecycle Management

2 The Management of New Product Ideas and Existing Products 3 The Process and Project Management for the Release of New Products 4 The Translation of Product Ideas into a Saleable Product 5 The Care, Feeding, and Ultimately Retirement of Existing Products

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Hitachi Consulting

Simple Formula for Improving Product Portfolio Management Performance

Analyze Your Surroundings 1 2 Define Your Identity 3 Rally Around Your Identity

Portfolio Management Issues Definition of Portfolio Management Strategic and Tactical Steps for Improvement Tools for Improving Portfolio Management

Step 1 Analyze Your Surroundings Analyze where your winning and where your losing in your market Analyze your skills but be weary to only focus on your perceived core-competencies Step 2 Define your Product Identity Define how you want to attack the market Define your product identityInnovator or Executor Step 3 Rally Around Your Focus Align your business and product strategy to your focus Align your resources to your focus Align your processes and technologies to enable you to execute ruthlessly

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Step 1 Analyze your Surroundings

Analyze your business strategy
Portfolio Management Issues Definition of Portfolio Management Strategic and Tactical Steps for Improvement Tools for Improving Portfolio Management

Analyze and understand your Business Strategy Analyze how your current Product Identity and Portfolio support the business strategy Define the gaps Analyze the trends in the market place What direction is the market moving What are the requirements in the market Analyze the balance in your existing portfolio Analyze the competition Analyze and understand where they're focused Analyze and understand why you beat them and why they beat you Analyze where theyre going next Analyze why you fail Analyze why products youve released into the market have failed and learn from them Analyze if your still making mistakes

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Step 2 Define Your Product Direction and Identity

Understand from your analysis who you are today
Portfolio Management Issues Definition of Portfolio Management Strategic and Tactical Steps for Improvement Tools for Improving Portfolio Management

From your analysis map where your focus is today Determine if your focus supports your goals Define who you will be tomorrow Define how you want to attack the market (Innovator or Executor) Define where youll focus your strategy, resources, processes, and technologies to support for direction and identity Articulate your vision Document the clear definition of your vision Clearly and frequently communicate your vision Define the success factors Define what success means Define a series of metrics that indicate success

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Common Product Portfolio Management Metrics

Common Product Portfolio Management Metrics
Portfolio Management Issues Definition of Portfolio Management Strategic and Tactical Steps for Improvement Tools for Improving Portfolio Management

TTM Time to Market TTP Time to Profit Slip Rate Target Unit Costs, Price, and Profit Accuracy Volume Accuracy Specification Changes First Pass Success Training Level and Channel Effectiveness Budget Accuracy Etc

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Step 3 Rally Around Your Identity

Assure adequate resources to achieve your vision
Portfolio Management Issues Definition of Portfolio Management Strategic and Tactical Steps for Improvement Tools for Improving Portfolio Management

Provide the appropriate resources to assure success:

Human Capital, Facilities, Partners, R&D and Product Management Budgets, etc.
Define, develop and deploy processes that support the vision Define, develop, and deploy cross functional collaborate stage gate processes Define, develop, and deploy enabling technologies that support the vision Deploy technologies that help with all aspects of your new vision:

Ideation and Idea Capture. Portfolio Management and Analysis, Product

Execution. Etc. Execute relentlessly Adhere to the visionexecutecommunicatemeasure

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Enabling Technologies
Portfolio Management Issues Definition of Portfolio Management Strategic and Tactical Steps for Improvement Tools for Improving Portfolio Management

PLM> Innovation Management

PLM > Product Portfolio Management

PLM > Project Portfolio Management

PLM > Product Development and Execution

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Product Portfolio Management Improvement Case Studies

Companies like Apple use true Innovation as a mechanism for capturing market share
Portfolio Management Issues Definition of Portfolio Management Strategic and Tactical Steps for Improvement Tools for Improving Portfolio Management

Companies like Dell use execution and operational excellence as a portfolio tool for capturing marketing share Companies Toyota are gaining market share by using quality and the voice of the customer to gain market share Others are using true disynchronous innovation and portfolio management as a way to capture market share ESPN Phone Apple iTunes

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Your Questions Our Answers

Hitachi Consultings Product Lifecycle Management Competency:

Keith Williams at

AMR Expert Analysis:

Mike Burkett at

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