Daftar Istilah Hukum

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Istilah Hukum

1. ACCIDENT : kecelakaan

: the permission or power delegate to another. This may be express or implied.

9. AUTOPSY : Bedah mayat

: an unforeseen, unexpected event, an occurrence by chance and not by design.

2. ACCUSATION : Tuduhan

: the dissection of a body to determine the cause of death.

10. BAD DEBT : Utang rendah

: a charge against a person or corporation.

3. ACTA ; Akta

: a debt that becomes uncollectable because the debtor is insolvent.

11. BAD FAITH : Niat Jahat

: a bill which has passed through the various legislative steps required for it and which has become law.

: Intent to deceive. A person who intentionally tries to deceive or mislead another in order to gain some advantage.
12.BAIL : Uang jaminan

Tata Usaha Negara : The area of law dealing with governmental agencies.
5. ALIBI : Alibi

: a monetary or other form of security given to insure the appearance of the defendant at every stage of the proceedings.
13. BARTER : Tukar

: a provable account of an individuals whereabouts at the time of the commission of a crime which would make it impossible or impracticable to place him at the scene of the crime.
6. AMBASSADOR : Duta Besar

: the exchange of goods or services without using money.

14. BARGAIN : Tawar menawar

: A citizen that has been officially asked by their country to live in another country in order to legally represent it.
7. ARBITRATION : Arbitrasi

: a mutual voluntary agreement between two parties for the exchange or purchase of some specified goods.
15. BILL : Rancangan Undang-

: the process of resolving a dispute or a grievance outside of the court system by presenting it to an impartial third party or panel for a decision that may or may not be binding (see also mediation and alternative dispute resolution).
8. AUTHORITY : Wewenang

undang : a proposition or statement reduced to writing. In commercial law, an account for goods sold, services rendered and work done.
16. BIND : Mengikat

: something which obligates or constrains the bound individual.

17. BENEFIT : Beruntung

: The receiving as the exchange for a promise of some performance or

forbearance which the promisor was not previously untitled to receive.

18. BREACH : Pemutusan

: a party's failure to perform some contracted-for or agreed-upon act, or his failure to comply with a duty imposed by law which is owed to another or to society. 19. BURGLARY : Pencurian : at common law, an actual breaking or dwelling, in the night time, with intent to commit a felony. 20. CADAVER : Mayat : the body of deceased person. 21. CAPACITY : Kesanggupan : mental ability to make a rational decision, which includes the ability to perceive and appreciate all relevant facts. 22. CASE : Perkara : an action, cause, suit, or controversy, at law or in equity. 23. CHARGE : Ongkos muatan : in criminal law, the underlying substantive offense contained in an accusation or indictment. 24. CIVIL : Civil/Perdata : that branch of law that pertains to suits outside of criminal practice, pertaining to the rights and duties of persons in contract, tort. 25. CLAIM : Tuntutan : the assertion of a right to money or property. 26. CONFESSION : Pengakuan : an admission of guilt or other incriminating statement made by accused.

27. CONTRACT : Kontrak : a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes as a duty. 28. COVERTURE : Rahasia,Diamdiam : at common law, a married womans legal condition. 29. DEALER : Pedagang : one who produces or busy or otherwise acquires something in order to sell it. 30. DEBTOR : Orang yang berhutang : one who has the obligation of paying a debt. 31. DECISION : Keputusan : to determine, to form a definite opinion, or to come to a conclusion. 32. DECREE : Putusan,Dekrit : a judicial decision of a litigated cause by a court of equity. 33. DECLARATION : Pernyataan : at common law,the formal document setting forth plaintiffs cause of action,which includes those facts necessary to sustain a proper cause of action and to advise defendant of the grounds upon which he is being sued. 34. DEGREE : Derajat,pangkat : a measure. Also, the certificate of achievement that a school, college, or university gives to a student who completes a specified course of study. 35. DEGREE OF CRIME : Status kejahatan

: The measure of the seriousness of a criminal act which determines the range of criminal sanctions that may be imposed for the crime. 36. DELICT : Perbuatan melanggar hukum : a tort, a wrong or injury, any situation violation. 37. DAMAGES : Kerugian : monetary compensation which the law award to one who has been injured by the action of another, 38. DEPENDENCY : Ketergantungan : a territory or possession not within the boundaries of the country which has jurisdiction to govern it. 39. DEPORTATION : Pemulangan : the transfer of an alien excluded or expelled from one country, to a foreign country. 40. DOWER : Mas kawin : at common law, the widow was entitled to one-third of all the property in which her husband was seized in fee at any time during the married. 41. EARNEST : Uang Panjer : at civil law, something of value given by one party to another to bind a contract. 42. ELECTION : Pemilihan : the selection of a public official by the citizens of a country, state, or political body. 43. ELEMENT : Unsur : an ingredient or factor. 44. EASEMENT : Kemudahan

: a right, created by an express or implied agreement, of one owner of land to make lawful and beneficial use of the land of another. 45. EQUITY : Keadilan ; most generally, "justice". Historically "equity" developed as a separate body of law in England in reaction to the inability of the common law courts, in their strict adherence to rigid writs and form of action. 46. EXCLUSIONARY RULE : Peraturan pengeluaran : a constitutional rule of law based upon court interpretation of the constitutional prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures,which provides that otherwise admissible evidence may not be used in a criminal trial if it was the product of illegal police conduct. 47. EXECUTE : Melaksanakan : to complete, as a legal instrument. 48. EXECUTION : Pelaksanaan : the process of carrying into effect a courts judgment,decree,or order. 49. EXTRADITION : Penyerahan tawanan : the surrender by one sovereign to another of an accused or convicted person. 50. EXTRAJUDICIAL : Naik banding : that which in down outside of court's jurisdiction. 51. FACIAL INVALIDITY : Ketidak sah-an : see void for vagueness 52. FACT : Kenyataan

: an event that has occurred or circumstances that exist. 53. FACTUM : Perjanjian : literally,a deed,act,exploit or accomplishment 54. FINAL JUDGMENT : Keputusan akhir : the decision of trial court which prevents the relitigation of matter. 56. FEDERAL COMMON LAW : Hukum adat Federal : the body of decisional law developed by the federal courts, not resting on state court decisions. 57. FENCE : Batasan : a structure erected in order to enclose real property. 58. FIERI FACIAS : Bergelora : that you cause to be made,a common law writ to enforce the collection of claim that has gone to judgment and has become final. 59. FORFIETURE : Penebusan : the permanent loss of property for failure to comply with the law. 60. FORUM : Mimbar : a court, a place where disputes are heard and decided according to law and justice. 61. FORENSIC : Berhubungan dengan pengadilan : belonging to the courts of justice. 62. FOUNDATION: Yayasan : in evidence law,preliminary evidence necessary to establish the admissibility of other evidence. 63. FREEHOLD : Kebebasan

: at common law, referred to those interests in land which could be associated with one who was considered a free man. 64. FRESH PURSUIT : Pengejaran : in criminal law, "pursuit of a fleeing person sought to be arrested who is endeavoring to avoid immediate capture and involves pursuit without unreasonable delay. 65. FRUITS OF CRIME : Hasil dari kejahatan : the results of a criminal act. 66. GAIN : Keuntungan : see recognition. 67. GAMBLING : Perjudian : a play for value against an uncertain event in the hope of gaining something for value. 68. GAVELKIND : Palu hakim : at common law, a form of feudal land ownership that required land to descend to all sons equally. 69. GIFT OVER : Penyerahan akhir : an estate created upon the expiration of preceding estate. 70. GOVERNMENT : Pemerintahan : the exercise of authority in the administration of affairs of a state, community, or society. 71. GRAFT : uang suap : the fraudulent obtaining of public money by the corruption of public official. 72. GUILD : serikat kerja : see national lawyers guild.

73. GUILTY : Bersalah : the condition of having been found by a jury to have committed the crime charged, or some lesserincluded crime. 74. GARNISH : Hiasan : to bring a garnishment proceeding or to attach wages or other property pursuant to such o proceeding. 75. GAME LAWS : permainan Hukum : laws whose, general aim is to protect from unauthorized pursuit and killing certain bird and animals. 76. HARM : Kerugian : see injury, irreparable injury. 77. HEAD NOTE : Catatan kepala : summary of an issue covered in a reported case. 78. HEARING : Kesaksian : a proceeding is taken for the purpose of determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision on the basis of the evidence. 79. HARASSMENT : Gangguan : in criminal matters generally, a prosecution brought without reasonable expectation of obtaining a valid conviction. 80. HEIRS : Ahli waris : strictly, those whom statutory law would appoint to inherit an estate should the ancestor die without a will. 81. HEREDITAMENTS : Keturunan : anything which can be inherited, including real, personal or mixed property.

82. HOLDING : Pegangan : in commercial and property law, property in which one has legal title and of which one is in possession. 83. HORNBOOK LAW : Pandauan Hukum : those principle of law which are known generally to all and are free from doubt and ambiguity. 84. IBID : Dalam Bab : in the same place, at the same time, in the same manner. 85. ID : Tanda pengenal : this term is used in citations to avoid repetition of the authors name and title when a reference to an item immediately follows another to same item. 86. IGNORANCE : Ketidaktahuan : lack of knowledge. Ignorance of the law does not justify an act. 87. ILLEGAL : Tidak sah : against the law. 88. ILLEGITIMATE : Haram : illegal or improper; as applied to children, it means those born out of wedlock. 89. IMPOUND : Menyita : to place merchandise, funds or records in the custody of an officer of the law. 90. IMPRIMATUR : Imprimatur :The license granted by the government permitting the publication of a particular book. 91. INCEST : Perzinahan : a criminal offense which involves sexual intercourse between members

of a family, or those among whom marriage would be illegal because of blood relations. 92. INCRIMINATE : Melibatkan : to hold another, or oneself, responsible for criminal misconduct. 93. INDIGNITY : Penghinaan : in divorce law, an "affront to the personality of another, a lack of reverence for the personality of one spouse". 94. INFERIOR COURT : Pengadilan rendah : a court whose decision is subject to review by another court,which is referred to as a superior court. 95. INFORMAL PROCEEDINGS : Proses Informal : in probate law,the admission of a will to probate without the requirements necessary in an adversarial proceeding,such as notice to interested parties. 96. IN PERPETUITY : Keaktifan : to exist forever 97. JOINT : Keikutsertaan : united, combined, not solitary in interest or action. 98. JUDGE : Hakim : one who conducts or presides over a court of justice. 99. JUDGMENT : Kehakiman : the determination of a court of competent jurisdiction upon matters submitted to it. 100. JAIL : Penjara : place used for the detention of persons in the lawful custody of the government.

101. JURAL : Keadilan : of or pertaining to law or justice. 102. JURY : Juri : composed of the peers or a crosssection of the community. 103. JURISDICTION : Yurisdiksi : the power to hear and determine a case. 104. JUSTICE : Keadilan : synonymous with judge. However a judge an appellate court is commonly given the formal title of "Justice". 105. JUSTIFICATION : Pembenaran : just cause or excuse, lawful excuse for an act, reasonable excuse. 106. KIDNAPPING : Penculikan : unlawful taking and carrying away of a person against that persons will. 107. LANDLORD : Tanah pemerintah : one who leases real property. 108. LAWFUL : sah menurut hukum : any act performed with in the bounds of law or authorized by law and that does not give rise to any legal liability. 109. LEGATEE : Duta : ones who takes legacy. LEGISLATION : Perundangundangan : "the act of giving or enacting laws." 110. LIMITATION : Pembatasan : a restriction or restraint, the act of limiting. 111. LIQUIDATE : Menghapuskan

: to settle, to determine the amount due, and to whom due. 112. LAW : Hukum : the legislative pronouncement of the rules which should guide ones actions in society. 113. LET : membiarkan : to lease, to grant the use of realty for a compensation. 114. LEADING CASE : Kasus Utama : a case continually cited for a proposition of law which controls in that particular area 115. LEGAL DUTY : Pajak yang sesuai dengan undang-undang : that which the law requires be done or forborne by a determinate person 116. LITIGIOUS : Perkara : most commonly used to refer to ones fondness for or propensity to become engaged in litigation. 117. MACHINATION : Akal bulus : that which is devised, a device, a hostile or treacherous scheme. 118. MAFIA : Organisasi kriminal : organized criminal. 119. MAGISTRATE : Hakim : a public civil officer, invested with some part of legislative, executive, or judicial power. 120. MAIM : Memuntungkan : at common law, to deprive a person of such a part of his body as to render him less able in fighting or defending himself than he would otherwise have been.

121. MALICE : Kedengkian : the state of mind that accompanies the intentional doing of a wrongful act without justification or excuse. 122. MALPRACTICE : Malpraktek : a professionals improper or immoral conduct in the performance of duties,done either intentionally or through carelessness or ignorance. MANDATE : Mandat : a judicial command. 123. MANSLAUGHTER : Pembunuhan : an unlawful killing of another person without malice aforethought. 124. MARTIAL LAW: Hukum kemiliteran : law of military necessity, where the military exercises great control over civilian and civilian affairs, usually because of the existence of war. 125. MATCHED ORDERS : manipulasi, menggerakan, memainkan : see manipulation 126. MURDER : pembunuhan : a common law offense of unlawful homicide. 127. NAKED POWER : kekuatan perjanjian : see power of appointment. 128. NAMED INSURED : polis : the party who contracts of insurance and who is named in the policy. 129. NARCOTICS : narkotik : see controlled substances

130. NEGLECT : penyia-nyiaan, pengabaian : the omission of proper attention. 131. NEGLIGENCE : kealpaan, kelalaian : failure to exercise that degree of care which a person of ordinary prudence would exercise under the same circumstances. 132. NEGOTIATION : negosiasi : a method to dispute resolution where either the parties themselves or representatives of each parties attempt to settle conflicts without resort the court. 133. NONFEASANCE : : in the law of agency, " the total omission or failure of an agent to enter upon the performance of some distinct duty or undertaking which he has agreed with his principal to do". 134. NUGATORY : kekosongan, kehampaan : void; of no effect; invalid. 135. NULLITY : dibatalkan : in law, a void act or an act having no legal or validity invalid null. 136. OATH : sumpah : swearing to the truth of a statement, if the one makes a statement under oath and knows it to be false. 137. OBLIGATION OF CONTRACT : keharusan dalam kontrak : the civil obligation, the binding efficacy, the coercive power. 138. OCCUPANCY : pemilikan : the act of occupying or talking possession.

139. ODIOUS : membencikan : base, vile, scandalous, detestable, disgraceful. 140. OPINION : opini : the reason given for a court judgment, finding, or conclusion, as oppose the decision, which is the judgment itself. 141. ORGANIC LAW : Hal yang pokok dalam hukum di suatu negara : the fundamental law of a country, state, or society. 142. ORIGINAL DOCUMENT RULE : peraturan yang asli : see best evidence rule. 143. OVERREACHING : melampaui batas yang ditentukan : in commercial law, taking an unfair advantages over another through fraudulent practices or abuse of superior bargaining power. 144. OWNER : pemilik : the person who has legal title to property, 145. OYER : tututan terdakwa : at common law, the reading to a defendant upon his demand the writ upon which the action is brought. 146. PACTUM : perjanjian : contract, agreement. 147. PAID IN-SURPLUS : kelebihan pembayaran : in corporate finance, the amount paid for stock in excess of its par value. 148. PANDER: memenuhi, melayani

: to pimp, to cater to the lust of another. 149. PARTY : partai : in judicial proceeding, a litigant (plaintiff or defendant); a person directly interested in the subject matter of a case. 150. PARCENER : Pembuat Undangundang : at common law,one who jointly holds an estate by virtue of descent. 151. PATENT : hak paten : evident, obvious, manifest. 152. PENAL LAW : mengenai hukum : a law enacted to preserve the public order by defining an offense against the public and imposing a penalty for its violation. 153. PERMISSION OF COURT : izin pengadilan : see leave of court. 154. PERSON : orang(subjek hukum) : in law, an individual or incorporated group having certain legal right and responsibilities. 155. PLEAD : memohon, mengadakan, pembelaan, menuntut : in common law, to answer to the charge, either admitting or denying guilt. 156. PREJUDICE : prasangka, praanggapan : a bias ,a leaning toward one party in lawsuit,a prejudging of case,an opinion or judgment formed beforehand or without due examination. 157. PROCLAMATION : proklamasi

: a public announcement giving notice of an act done by the government or to be done by the people. 158. PROTEST : sanggahan, protes :a formal statement that either objects to some act that has been,is being or is about to be performed or that demands the performance of some act not being done. 159. PROVISIO : penetapan : a condition or stipulation. 160. PUNISHMENT : hukuman : Sanctions imposed on a person because that person has been found to have committed some act. 161. QUERY : pertanyaan : question; indicates the proposition or rule that it introduce is unsettled or open to some question. 162. QUICKENING : percepatan : the point at which a fetus first moves within the womb. 163. QUASH : membatalkan : to annul, overthrow, or vacate by judicial decision. 164. RACE : perlombaan : a term commonly used in anti discrimination statutes that refers to ancestry, as opposed to national origin. 165. RACUSATION : prasangka : the process of disqualification of a judge, jury, or administrative hearing officer by reason of prejudice, bias, or interest in subject matter. 166. RATABLE : kemampuan memperkirakan

: proportional, capable of estimation. 167. RATIFICATION : pengesahan : to sanction or affirm. 168. RATIO DECIDENDI : alasan sebuah keputusan : the principle which the case establishes, the reason for the decision. 169. RATIO LEGIS : teori : the underlying principle,reasioning,grounds,scheme ,theory,doctrine,or science of the law. 170. RISK: resiko : hazard, danger, peril, injury. 171. RULE : peraturan : prescribed guide for action or conduct, regulation or principle. 172. REALTY : kenyataan : an interest in land, another word for real property or real estate. 173. REASONABLE DOUBT : alasan keraguan : The degree of certainly required for a juror to legally find a criminal defendant guilty. 174. REBUTTER : bantahan : a form of common law pleading which was a defendants answer of fact to the plaintiffs surrejoinder. 175. RECALL A JUDGMENT : pengulangan keputusan : reversing or vacating a decision based on a matter of fact,as opposed to a matter of law. 176. REFERENDUM : pemungutan, suara umum

: referring or legislative acts to the voters for final approval or rejection. 177. REFORM : perbaikan, membentuk kembali : to correct, modify, or rectify. 178. REFORMATION : reformasi : an equitable remedy consisting of a "rewriting" of a contract or another document in cases when the written terms of the contract do not express what was actually agreed upon. 179. REJOINDER : menggabungkan : at common law, a pleading made by the defendant in response to the plaintiffs replication. 180. RIPENESS DOCTRINE ; doktrin : doctrine in constitutional law under which the supreme court. 181. ROBBERY : perampokan : the felonious taking of property from the person of another by violence or by putting him in fear. 182. SALVAGE : barang-barang yang diselamatkan : the value of property following its destruction or loss. 183. SAMPLE : contoh : that which is taken out of large quantity as a fair representation of the whole. 184. SANCTION : sanksi : a punishment for violation of accepted norms of social conduct. 185. SEQUESTER : menyita, mengasingkan : to separate from or to hold aside, as in to sequester assets. 186. SANE : bijaksana

: the state of sound mental condition. 187. SEAL : segel : at common law, an impression on wax, wafer, or other substance placed on a document and having legal effect. 188. SEALING OF RECORDS : rekaman kriminal : the sealing of criminal records,require in some states with respect to youth ful offenders. 189. SECURITY : keamanan : protection, safety. 190. SELLER : penjual : in commercial law, " a person who sells or contracts to sell goods. 191. SEPARATE OF POWER : kekuatan separatis : the doctrine prohibiting one branch of government, either state or local, from infringing or encroaching upon or exercising the powers belonging the another branch. 192. SESSION LAWS : persidangan hukum :laws bound in volumes in the order of their enactment by a state legislature,before possible condification. 193. SEVERE : keras, parah : of an extreme degree, beyond endurance. 194. SHIELD LAWS : perlidungan hukum : in evidence law,statutes that grant a potential witness a privilege against testifying about certain matters.

195. STATEMENT : pernyataan : a declaration of fact,an allegation by a witness. 196. STATUS CRIME : status kriminal : an offense where there is no wrongful deed that would render the actor criminally liable if combined with mens rea. 197. STATUS QUO : status kuo : the postures of positions which existed,the conditions or situations which existed. 198. STIMULANTS : perangsang : controlled substances 199. STIPULATION : penetapan : an agreement,admission,or concession made by parties in ajudicial proceeding or by their attorneys,relating to business before the court. 200. SICIDE : : the volutary and intentional killing of ones self,suicide was a felony at common law,but modern statutory law is not unanimous in calssifying it as a crime. 201. SUITOR : pelamar : a claimant, a litigant, a party to an action in a court of law. 202. SYNDICATE : kongsi, gabungan perusahaan : a group of individuals or companies who have formed a join venture to undertake a project which the individuals would be unable or unwilling to pursue alone. 203. TACIT : diam-diam, tak diucapkan

: implied or indicated, but not actually expressed. 204. TACKING : kerjasama : to add or join together. 205. TANGIBLE PROPERTY : tanah milik : property, either real or personal, capable of being possessed. 206. TEST CASE : tes kasus : a lawsuit that tests the validity of a law or a legal principle. 207. TERRITORIAL COURT : wilayah pengadilan : a court established by congress under art. 208. TERITORIAL JURISDICTION : wilayah yurisdiksi : the territory over which a government or a subdivision thereof jurisdiction. 209. TERM OF COURT : periode waktu untuk persidangan : a definite time period prescribed by law for a court to administer its duties. 210. TESTIFY : memberikan kesaksian : the making of statement under oath or affirmation in ajudicial proceeding. 211. TIME OF ESSENCE : waktu yang penting : a term used in contracts that fixes time of performance as a vital term of the contract, the breach of which may operate as a discharge of the entire contract. 212. TORTIOUS : tak sah

: unlawful, describes conduct that subjects the actor(s) to tort liability. 213. TOTAL DISABILITY : yang digunakan untuk kontrak : as used in insurance contracts, a person's inability to perform the material duties of some occupation for which he or she is qualified by experience or training. 214. TRANSACTION : transaksi : the doing or performance of some matter of business between two or more person. 215. TRAVERSE : garis melintang : a common law pleading that denies the opposing parts allegations of fact. 216. TREASON : penghianatan : the crime of adhering to the enemy and rendering him aid and comfort. 217. TRESPASS : kesalahan, pelanggaran : at common law,a form of action instituted to recover damages for any unwalful injury to the plaintiffs person,property,or rights involving immediate force or violence. 218. TRIPARTITE : tiga pihak : having three parts. 219. TRUE BILL : mengajukan dakwaan :see indictment. 220. TRUST DEED : akte notaries asli : see deed of trust. 221. TUCKER ACT : gugatan pengadilan : see court of claims

222. ULTRA VIRES : Kekuatan lebih : beyond, outside of, in excess of powers. 223. UNCONSTITUTIONAL : tidak berdasarkan konstitusi : conflicting with some provision of constitution. 224. UNFIT : tidak cakap, tak pantas : unsuitable, incompetent. 225. UNIFORM ARBITRATION ACT : seragam penasehat hukum : see arbitrator 226. UNJUST ENRICHMENT : prinsip dalam penggantian rugi : principle in law of contracts by which a preson who has been unjustly enriched at the expense of another is required to make restitution to the other. 227. UNLAWFUL ENTRY : pemasukan data yang sah menurut hukum : The statutory crime of entering onto someone elses property without their consent by fraud or force. 228. USUFRUCT : benda yang diberikan : in the civil law, the right to use and enjoy property vested in another. 229. UTILITY : kegunaan : see public utility 230. VACATE : melowongkan : to render void, to set aside. 231. VALUE : harga : the monetary worth of a thing, marketable price.

232. VASSAL : budak, pengikut : at common law, a person who was granted real property in return for a promise to perform services for his or her grantor or lord. 233. VENAL ; ketidakjujuran : dishonest, readily bribed or corrupted 234. VENIRE : menunjuk anggota juri untuk memutuskan kasus : to come, refers to the common law process by which jurors are summoned to try a case. 235. VERDICT : putusan juri atau hakim : the finding of a jury, or of a judge where there is no jury, on a question of fact. 236. VOICE EXEMPLAR : perekaman suara : a recording of persons voice made for the purpose of identification,usually in criminal investigation. 237. VOID FOR VAGUENESS : : a criminal statute is constitutionally void for vagueness of common intelligence must necessarily guess at its meaning and differ as to its application. 238. VOIR DIRE : berkata jujur : to speak the truth. 239. VOTING RIGHT : pemungutan suara : In corporate law,the right to vote at a shareholders meeting is inherent in and incidental to the ownership of corporate stock. 240. WARDSHIP : wali

: the office of guardian, at common law, a form of guardianship. 241. WAGER OF LAW : penyerahan barang sebagai jaminan : under early English law, the giving of a pledge or surety by a defendant. 242. WILL : kemauan, hasrat : a persons declaration of how he desire his property to be disposed of after his death. 243.WRIT OF EXECUTION : surat perintah eksekusi : a routine court order by which the court attempts to enforce the judgment that has been granted a plaintiff by authorizing a sheriff to levy on the property belonging to the judgment debtor. 244. WRIT OF PROHIBITION : surat perintah larangan : a progative writ issued by a superior court that prevents an inferior court or tribunal from exceeding its jurisdiction or usurping jurisdictions. 245. ZONING : pemisahan, pembagian kekuasaan : to be part of the state police power, legislative action, usually on the municipal level, which separates or divides municipalities into districts for the purpose of regulating, controlling, or in some way limiting the use of private property, and the construction and/or structural nature of buildings erected within the zones or districts established.

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