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Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

Lesson 1
I will be sending you the original book written by my teacher of Yantra Yoga, Swami Gitananda, tomorrow morning. I would like you to read the whole book , although the very first part of it will be a little difficult, yet should be at least read. The Sanskrit you can pass up - also the mandalas, as that is not my forte, and he doesn't go into great detail anyway about them. Once you have read the entire book, find the chapter which begins DHARMA MARGA - THE BIRTHPATH, and begin studying and trying to retain as much as you can from that point on. Mark it on your slider to the right of the processor so you can find it again easily. In about a week, I will begin sending you some lessons about points you have read. What you don't understand, make sure you write and have me clarify it. Why I say this is because you only use the numbers from 1 to 9, they can become very confusing in the configuration of the various vibrations. I am sending you this small chart which you MUST commit to memory , so that when you see an M, you will know it is a 4 vibration - or an S will be a 1 vibration. The quicker you commit this to memory so that you know the entire alphabet, the easier it is to read the mathematical vibrations of anything in life that is named:

1 a j s

2 b k t

3 c l u

4 d m v

5 e n w

6 f o x

7 g p y

8 h q z

9 i r

You can see by this that a p is a 7 in the second position (or second line) and c is a 3 in the first position (or first line).

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

Lesson 2 - Swami Gitanandas Book on Yantra Yoga

Lesson 3
This is the list of numbers 1 to 9 and all the qualities, both negative and positive which you will have to learn. You will begin to apply them in such as the following example. 6 =6 6 5 =2 =8

J o h n
1 8 5 =5 =2

D o e
4 =4 =6 =9 =8

PLACE THE NUMBERS FOR VOWELS ON TOP OF THE NAME AND THE CONSONANT NUMBERS GO BELOW. THEN YOU ADD UP THE FIRST NAME THEN THE SECOND NAME THEN YOU TOTAL THEM TOGETHER The first name is WHAT YOU ARE The last name is the family influence, and the total is your environment and destiny. Now you take their birthdate, ie: September 20 1936. September is the 9th month so you add it like this:

9 -2 -1 = 3
This man is 65 yrs of age so he is in his last minor lesson, so would be known as a 3 under a 1 with a 652 first name. Now that would tell a Yantra Yogi an awful lot about that person. (Check your book for the minor lessons) This then is the mechanics of applying the numbers.

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

Now you look in the chart under a 3 to find out what this man should be. Then you look at his mental plane in the first name and find out what he IS, and how much conflict there is with a 3 going through a 6 mind. Look in the book for the "concourses" Now that you have the quality of the numbers before you, try and grasp what he is like 1. Pioneer Plane Practical and creative Desire To lead and pioneer new undertakings and try new ideas in practical and creative undertakings. In dealing with to think they found the idea, hate to take orders, can't be told, inclined to argue. Should express originality and individuality, honest, forthright, witty, dry sense of humor, single minded, persevering, independent, candid. Lack vision...Can't see beyond immediate surroundings, materialistic, not understanding or spontaneous, stubborn, plodders, slow thinkers, lacking in finesse, tenderness and romance, egotistical, dominant, self centered, blunt, selfish, skeptical, narrow minded. Number of discovery. 1 means more is put in than is taken out. Straight to the point, seeking to understand the natural laws and apply them in a simple, practical way. Nature's philosophers. Head illnesses...athletic, long boned, no rhythm in feet. 2. Intellectual Plane Diplomacy and tact, of the dreamer and social climber. Desire Easy life with refinement and material comforts, and to work with others in a position where they do not have full responsibility. Sensitive, social, love home and companionship, hate arguments, intuitive, clever, fine taste for material goods, sweet lover. Sneak, blatant liar, makes jokes about others, impractical, dislikes manual labor, lacks initiative, and virility, dominant and masculine in women, feminine in men, everything must be perfect, lazy, indifferent, never reaches the top. Without a balance Destiny Number...extreme procrastination and lack of self confidence. Number of ill health. Kidney troubles, circulation troubles, overstoutness. 3. Teacher

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

Plane Self expression Desire To have the best in life, but are scattering and extravagant. Wants position where they can best express their creative artistic ability. Most social and abandoned number, natural entertainers, socially inclined and companionable, generous to a fault, happy, natural, ambitious, magnetic, nature lovers (less than 7), great vision (less than 9) and friendly with 8. Like to be center of attention, emotional and impulsive, emotionally immature, overemotional, talk a lot, argumentative, pleasure loving, lack system, untidy, superficial artists, unlucky in love. Like to laugh at themselves but really want more serious attention. Always want what they can't have, but when they get it, they don't want it. Number of luck and of love. Like to make love, but not to be possessed. Liver troubles, bilious attacks. Need lots of sleep.

4. Technician Plane Technical and mechanical, practical and scientific, lacking inner vision and ideals. Desire Desires and ambition not large, work best for others. Don't desire to assume great responsibilities. Steadfast, reliable, intellectual, loyal, patriotic, great lovers, like to conquer. Not greatly responsible, discounted, fussy, small minded, materialistic, instinctive, lack ambition, skeptical, honest in dealing only when in balance. Love detail, finding out how things work and how people tick. Can stand monotony better than any other number and find joy in such work. Not inclined to hitch wagon to star. Earth Number. Intestine problems, rheumatism and arthritis. Physically very strong, square build. 5. Number of Rapid Growth and New Life Plane Versatility and originality. Free thinkers. Desire Change travel and complete freedom from all limitations. Work best alone and unrestricted. Creative, logical, and analytical. Number of emotions. Seekers after new truths, facts and logic. Builder along creative mental lines. Quick thinkers, investigative, promotional, charitable, artistic, ambitious, independent, self reliant.

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

Unsystematic, chaotic, self destructive, prone to frigidity, do not express affection, cannot stand monotony start another job before finishing previous one, fingers in too many pies, cruel, unstable, satirically contemptuous of others, unsociable, moody, candid, quick tempered, sarcastic, caustic. Lovers of nature and outdoor occupations (farmers). Seek mental companionship of older people. Great travelers, actors, and writers. Will do anything for a new experience. Nervous tension in stomach, ulcers, indigestion. Build compact, athletic. 6. Number of Balance Plane Responsibility Desire To direct efforts of others, particularly large groups. To settle down and assume business responsibilities, to handle commodities and employ others. To have a stable, well rounded and accumulative life. To marry early and stabilize their efforts. Reliable, thrifty and have ability to accumulate, determined in opinion, self reliant, can turn their hand to anything, patient, intellectual, cheerful, modest, appreciate art, music and literature, clever, quick thinkers. Foxy, sly, inclined to be a little to domineering and superior unless Destiny Number softens forcefulness and adds diplomacy. Love to be admired, bossy, fussy, self opinionated, self centered, worrying, lack concentration, disturbed mentality, self pride. Good managers and fine to work for they are even tempered and understand people and their problems. Difficult to understand as they fall between technical and inspirational numbers. Nature's mothers, alcoholics. Number of brilliance. Mental illnesses. 7. Introvert Plane of Theory, reflectiveness & meditation. Desire To work independently and to live and work in outdoor environment and handle products of the earth. Don't desire many friends as they are "lone wolf" type. Number of repentance, of turning inwards. Mild, calm, placid, refined, studious, inspirational, reflective, shy, beautiful smiles, very passionate, number of depth, loneliness, great artists, ballet dancers and actors.

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

Lovers of nature and green things, very individual, quiet and determined, religious matures, interested in religious philosophies and occultism. Fond of reading and literature and very expressive through pen. 8. Justice Plane Organization and business promotion, technical, practical, and commercial. Desire To handle finances and control the destinies of the masses. Must lead at all times. Completely self possessed under all circumstances, expressive, even tempered, kind, just, fair, completely sold on own ability, accumulative, appreciate materials values, executive, ambitious, want to hear both sides of the story, stable and dependable. Cold and calculating, unjust, hard and miserly, domineering, boastful, materialistic, selfish, dictatorial, shrewd, intolerant. Great foresight along executive business lines. Leaders in economics, with political leanings. Interested in formulating laws of land (good lawyers). Not romantic or idealistic. Natural wisdom in business. General disturbances or ruptures of prostate. Round. 9. Number of Power Plane Dramatic, temperamental, emotional, educational and spiritual. Desire To serve humanity, relieve sickness and distress. Dreamers, imaginative and visionary. Number of love, self expressive, intuitive, large scale humor. Possessive, crave affection, impulsive, lack shrewdness, luxury loving, easily influenced through the emotions. Desire should be raised by an ideal to a plan reversal concept. Need a principal in life to follow. Apt to cause self pity to become paramount in their minds, spoiling friendship and congenial association. Not fitted for technical or monotonous work. Impressionable, receptive and feel distress of others very keenly and should never be placed where there is turmoil and degenerative influence working. Great teachers, great musicians, specialists. Demonstrative.

(Minor)Lesson 4

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

This is not a lesson, that will come later in the week. I hope you have all had a chance to read the Yantra book, and commit to memory that small chart I sent you -re: B=2, J=1, M=4 etc etc. It should just be automatic. You will begin to look at the alphabet in a different way from now on. I just had a request from a member asking if I did readings for people, and yes I do, BUT only if there seems to be some pressing need. You will soon be able to do readings yourself soon. The whole point in reading "others" is to verify the reason for understanding why and how you are out of balance with your inner SELF and what you can do about it. The soul purpose of Yantra is Self Realization - just like any other of the Yogas, but the side fall to it is that you will understand ALL of nature. Your comprehension will stagger even you, by the time you are finished with this course. Things like this will happen to you, and I will only mention two of many: I was working in my business 20 years ago when I got a phone call from England. The voice on the other end introduced herself and stated that she had heard about me from friends in her home town - London. Her problem was this, she had a young daughter of 2 yrs of age who was dying in Guys hospital, with a wasting nerve disease. The doctors had tried everything they knew. They had consultations with many other specialists, but all to no avail. "Can you help us. Our daughter is dying. We are at our wits end." I asked her for her daughters birthdate and her name, and LO! right before me was the reason for her wasting nerve disease. Fortunately for me the combination that this little girl needed, I had in my head. I didn't need to go home and look in my name book. I explained to her that she was to go to the hospital and explain to her daughter that they were going to give her a new name which would make her better, and that she was to try and think of herself as that new person. The name she was to have was SUE. Not Susan and no other name for now. Just to think SUE. Three weeks later, when the Mother walked into the hospital and called out her name - "Hello Sue Darling", the daughter looked towards her immediately with a snap of the head. The name had taken. She walked out of the hospital 2 weeks later, never to be sick again. I received ,some 20 years later, a brass hammering that this young Sue had done, with a note of thanks, telling me that her Mother had just told her how her life had been saved.

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

Well news travels, and some few years after that, another call - a young boy this time, who was having constant seizures. He was drugged out of his mind, and lay in the hospital controlled in this drugged manner. The Mother told me the doctors had never seen a case like it. The boy was stunted and near to death himself from the strain of the seizures. This boy HAD to be named JOE. Once again, three months later, I received a letter from his Mother, saying that Joe was home and quite naturally and without much medication his seizures were to a minimum AND HE WAS PLAYING AND WALKING. Now most people always say, well - this would have happened anyway in time. How do you really know if it was the name that worked these small miracles. (They aren't really miracles, but appear to be so). You know! because when you have changed names to harmonious ones, you will see it happen before your eyes over and over again. Auto suggestion they declare! All in the mind! I am going to ask you to prove these things for yourself by finding an animal that has a problem, where you can see it is obviously name related. Change the animals name, and you will see that miracle happen again. THIS CAN'T BE MIND SUGGESTION IN THE SENSE WE THINK OF IT. Not with an animal. I had a friend who paid 55 dollars for a male singing canary. He called him Pete. That damn canary he complained would not sing. A few little notes and then Splatt! that was all. I asked him to change the canary's name to SUNNY - a perfect combination for a singing voice. Voila , within 6 weeks the canary on being used to the new name and responding to it, was now singing as he was destined to do. It is not only in the names you are going to have a revelation, but in time periods. Why people behave the way they do. It will give you such understanding that it will be difficult to judge anyone. WE CAN'T HELP BEING WHAT WE ARE. But with this science under your belt you can be what you are destined to be on this earth plane and in this life time. I know some of these charts I send will appear to be a bit dry - in the sense that I will ask you to memorize them without you knowing how to put them to use, but it will all fit together soon. I could give you more all at once, but with so many of you studying it, everyone has a different level of learning - and not only that, but some of you are much busier than others. Remember if you have any questions as we go along, don't hesitate to ask.

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

Lesson 5
This becomes a little more difficult now. You have to commit these to memory also, and if not in its entirety , at least the major part of it. For example, when you look at the number 4 you will see that they are the technician. They are practical and scientific. Now that would be easy to memorize for each number. Once you have that done, read a couple of the negative qualities, and remember those. That is a simple start. as you get the hang of it you can add more and more qualities to the number, so that soon you retain them all. Now I will show you how to put them to use. Remember I said that all the vowels are called soul numbers. All the consonants when added to the vowels are called the expression number. So here we go Take the name D A V I D YOU PUT THE NUMBER CORRESPONDING TO THE VOWELS ON TOP OF THE NAME, AND THE NUMBERS CORRESPONDING TO THE CONSONANTS, UNDERNEATH. TRY IT: Look at your chart to find the number. a=1 , i = 9 1 9 =1

D a v i d
4 4 4 =3 =4

Now you see how that was done the A and the I total to 10 and 1+0= 1

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

You see the four consonants total to 12 and 1+2 = 3 this number you add to the vowels that makes 3 of the consonants added to 1 of the vowels gives a 4. That makes a David a 1-3-4 first name. Hope you followed that. Write if you didn't. Now look at your chart of number qualities. You will see that a David thinks like a 1 and expresses those 1 qualities like a 4. That will tell you a lot about him. also, that middle number of the 3, is what is called the number of appearance , and that is how a David will appear, but that is not how he really is. Don't do your name yet, as no one knows themselves very well :))) Do a friend or someone you know well, and you will begin to see traits come alive that your friend has.

Remember that is only the first name. But even just with that you will see amazing things. Just think when you add the last name, and then bring in the birthdate, and then what kind of personal cycle they are in and you will begin to understand them - even someone you may not like too well for particular reasons. You will see where those reasons have come from. Just for now practise on a dozen or so names of people you know well.

Lesson 6
This lesson will begin to show you how one can perceive just how positive and negative a person is. If you wish to transport electricity, we know the very best means is through a wire of a certain gauge for a particular job. It will transport through water, but it will be inefficient and do uncontrollable harm. It will also transport through metal, but as we all know a wire is the best means to take, efficiently, a certain current from source A and deliver it to receptacle B. Let us take that name David again, and this time we will put it with a birthdate. We know David is a 1-3-4 name. He thinks like a 1 and expresses like a 4 Now supposing he is born with this date:

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

April 8 1931 April is the 4th month the day is 8 and the year reduces to a 5... So it is written like this: 485=8 Lets say that the electricity source is the 8 final number of his birthdate, which is called his soul number. That 8 has to try and squeeze DOWN into the narrowness of the 1 in his mind - or soul of the name David. It is that 1 which is the receiving end of the electricity of the 8. It does not work too well. This man should have a soul, thinking number, in his name EXACTLY as the soul number of his birth, That way the message that is being sent from his soul to his thinking mind is read correctly. It is not misconstrued in anyway. For today I will add two more steps.

1 3 5 6 7 9

2 4 6 8
The numbers on the top - except for the 6 are all INSPIRATIONAL numbers The numbers below the line , except for the 6 are all TECHNICAL numbers. THE 6 NUMBER IS BOTH TECHNICAL AND INSPIRATIONAL and will in a pinch serve as a transportive means for both.

In the name David, we see he has the Technical number of the 8 in his soul and an Inspirational number of the 1 in his name, so not only are the two numbers different, but the two methods of operandii are different. This man with all his best efforts can not help but think negatively.

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

Now his birthdate is comprised of three numbers, the first one is his life lesson from birth to age 27 the second one is his lesson from 27 to 54, and the last one is 54 until his death. We see by his year of birth he is well over 54 yrs of age, so he should be expressing his name as a 5. He should think like an 8 and express like a 5. In other words he should have a name like this - 8 - 6- 5, BUT his name is 1 - 3 -4, so you can see just by the mathematics of it that his name of David is really out of sync for him and he will be thinking and producing negative results in life. It can not be helped. So for today practise with a few people you know - find their birthdate and do their name, and just see how in balance or out of balance they are. Most people are out of harmony in their lives. When you begin to understand this simple principle that your name has a vibration which you react to and affects your brain cells; thus personality, and that it is in conflict with your birthdate, then I think you will begin to consider what would be a balanced name for you. This is just the top of the iceberg, so please try and get the feel of these first few simple steps.

Lesson 7
This lesson will be the last of the name section, then before we go on to the cycles, we will try doing a bit of reading. Unfortunately we all have to have a last name. What that does for us is pass down the vibration of the Fathers name. That is why if you happen to know a family of sons , you will find that the running characteristics will be much like the Dad. Of course genetically some transferences will occur from the Mother's side also, but the Family name creates a home vibration for the entire family. Often you will see families with a last name that is strong in 1s, all members fly apart and go their own way as soon as they are able, not having really too much to do with one another, and all being so individualistic that getting together can be a real hassle. They move to all corners of the earth, almost as if they wished to get far away from each other. Have a look at your own family name and should you come from a large family and take note of what happens when you are all together again. But for now we will use DAVID again and give him the last name of HENDERSON

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda




D a v i d
4 4 4 =4 =3

H e n d e r s o n
8 5 4 9 1 = 3 5 = 5

WE KNOW WHEN WE LOOK AT THE CHART WHAT HIS FIRST NAME PERSONALITY IS LIKE, and now we can see that his family life is influenced by the soul of the 7 and is given expression of the 3. Just to keep it simple, the 7 is always restrictive (unless the person is harmonized) - difficult in showing affection to the family, but wants to be with his family when he can as that 3 expressions really likes members of the family - even if there happen to be combustive 3 emotions going on. I only mention these things in such a simple way because you will see by adding the top number of the first and last name together you get an 8, and the consonants both added together total a 9. Naturally you have to add those two numbers together to get his total personality of this David which is a 8-8-7, and that 7 total, will keep him as an individual member of the family away from his home family for whatever secretive reason he may have. That total shows an over all influence of personality, but more importantly it tells what his environment will be and what his destiny will be. The environment is designated by the top number and the destiny is designated by the bottom number. His is an 8-8-7. Try and remember this: ALL OTHER NUMBERS EXCEPT THE FIRST NAME ARE ONLY INFLUENCES. But as most people are so easily influenced by outside forces, then one can almost take it as such, when you are reading the numbers. Since we have taken to having two names there was an arbitrary set of combinations put down, that have shown to be the most successful, therefore when you are configuring a last name to go with the "fixed balance " of the first name, it is always wise to try and have the two names balance to one of these balances: 2-2-4 3-3-6 2-4-6 3-5-8 2-6-8 3-8-2

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

2-2-4 4-2-6 5-3-8 6-2-8 8-3-2

2-4-6 4-4-8 5-6-2 6-5-2 8-7-6

2-6-8 4-7-2

6-7-4 8-9-8


KEEP THIS LIST OF BALANCED TOTALS BECAUSE WHEN YOU BALANCE YOUR NAME WITH YOUR LAST NAME YOU MUST ARRIVE AT ONE OF THESE In our westernized materialistic world where success and finances are considered attainable and ideal, each one of those combinations takes care of that. You will see that DAVID has the last total combination of the two names as 8-8-7. This is the most powerful of the business environments with the 8, BUT in DAVID'S scenario, because he is so unbalanced in the first name, he will be thwarted by his own greed and selfishness and self centeredness. His total personality of the 8-8-7 will make him very secretive and restrictive which will show up as tyrannical. That combination with the 7 in the family and and his numbers being so unbalanced he will get caught up in devious business practises. There are a few combinations I will throw at you from time to time, which have been allocated for a type of person or deed. You will not find them in the book. Such as a 7-6-4 first name. This is the number of the embezzler. Remember that combo is only read like that if the first name of 7-64 is not in balance with the birthtime. There are many women's names with a 1-2-3 combo and if not balanced. This becomes a person who likes the centre of attention. wins and loses friends easily, and people learn ,to their own sadness, that the easy ability to confide in this person was the wrong thing to do. These people are charming - funny - gregarious - outgoing - good wit - flirts, and one people love to have around but take care as they are also known as the bitch number. In a man, that combo is a bully type and likes to cause trouble - but by the same token very charming. Once you get a handle on doing the names, and linking the quality of numbers to them, you can actually pick out friends of yours who you know have certain qualities and then check them against the charts and you will see, the charts are bang on. Don't do it on yourself yet as we don't like to admit to our negative qualities.

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

Until you become quite good at this, don't do it on loved ones either as you cannot be objective. For instance if you have a son or daughter with a 2-1-3 name or a 2-9-2 or a 5-6-2, that child will be able to look at you with wide open eyes and tell you a bare faced lie, AND he will make you believe him - until of course you realize what a little liar is amongst you. Don't be too hard on him. That 2 cannot help lying. If the name is balanced to the birth and it happens to be a 2, then that quality does not exist. Now you can see that it is not only "reading" the first name to see if it is in balance, but to see what all the other numbers are doing to that imbalanced name. It will at the moment seem like a thick forest, but it clears in time, and the only way around it is to do LOTS of readings of friends and people you meet. You can also take dates and do the numbers of famous people. You can check for instance, businesses - like for example FORD that is a 6-1-7, and Rolls Royce is a 8-8-7. business on the top because of the 8, and when you see a 7 in the expression here in the bottom position it means two things. It is reclusive and will keep people away - which by the way they don't mind, or it will mean VERY selective quality - high quality. The 7 in business expression is high quality - giving good value for money - in both cases true, although each one is at the far end of the spectrum from the other, true nonetheless. I will take you in to other areas of total balance later. After all the artist and the creative type wants the freedom to be able to express him self ,and by his environmental number doesn't want to be thrown into an office complex. Well struggle through all this and in a couple of days we will start on the cycles - what I feel is the most important aspect of Yantra, after balancing your name.

Lesson 8

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

This lesson will begin the cycles . With this we can know what kind of a month, day , or year you are in, and find out what the influences are. You know your husband or wife is moody all of a sudden - withdrawn. You wonder, 'Have I done anything?" Nah! She is in a 7 period. Is she demanding - or is he argumentative and being a bully? He is in a 3.period. Well it isn't quite that simple, but it does help us to understand our fellow man. We will even be able to find out which is the best car for us, the best day to purchase that car and what reason. What house goes best with our inner natures - which places have the best vibes for us. When I lived in London, England, I couldn't get over how this city "suited me" I did its numbers London is a 3-8-2 vibration and what are mine? Loron is a 3-8-2 also. I have been in many cities in my life , but none have afftected me with such pleasure as London. So learning these cycles is not only to know when to plant your seeds, but when to nourish, cultivate and harvest . It helps to make you a good gardener of your life. You are not using anything magical in this. It really is all scientific vibrations and for those that can tune in will reap the greatest benefit. That young Australian girl I was telling you about who corrected me on a mathematical error has a husband who is a computer genius and he made for me , thus for all of us, a small program that will figure all these charts out for you. Once you type in name and birthdate and hit enter, the entire personal, solar, and Cosmic cycle is revealed in the instant. Miraculous. It saves so much work. First though, I want you to be able to figure it out for yourself and then I will send the program to you, so that when you do members of your family or friends you can do them without having to do a lot of work. If you wish you can print these charts out of your close friends and you will be able to follow what the influences are. For instance if they are going on a long trip and they leave on an accident day, it wouldn't hurt to advise them to take extra attention of their driving on that day. You will be wondering , well why we can't get down to do some reading of these numbers. We can't until all the data has been input into your brain computer. Once all the mathematics have been installed, we can then begin to figure out how to "read" these 554,000 combinations. I quote that figure as that is what Swami told me there was. I didn't count :))))) So on with the lesson it is the year 2000, and every year has a pregnancy period of open year. You realize the Millennium doesn't start until 2001. Well the year 2000 totals to a 2, then you add 1 for pregnancy, thus making it a 3 world year.

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

So for all of 2000 you just have to remember this is a 3 year for the world. Read what the 3 means in the chart and try and apply that to how how the world could be represented by that number. Now each one of you take your month and day only - let's use June 7. June is the 6th month , so 6 +7 =4 This 4 number has to be added to the year of the world, which is a 3, so 4 + 3 = 7. That means this person is in a 7 year. Really get this into your head - do all your family members and keep a note pad as there is a lot more to come. For now use this chart to give you an idea of how to read the year you are in. To help you remember what the years mean think of a gardener planting a side under the ground. That is the 1 year - the seeding period. A time for new beginnings , marriage. new jobs, new homes. The 2 yr, is the year you water that seed and give it warmth, so it is the time for caring and cultivating what you started in the 1 year. The rooting period. Take care of what you began in the 1 year. Nurture, be gentle with the life - water the plant and till the soil and feed the earth. This is all pertaining to the new venture started (seed) For your health, keep the blood pure this year. Cleanse the kidneys. The 3 yr is when the first signs of life appear above the ground, first leaves. This indicates that in a 3 yr a person will have New Growth. A yr of expression - art . New love relationships - romantic year. and very creative. You finally see success in that new venture. An emotional period. Very creative time. Build up your immune system, as emotions can be draining and catching illnesses now is easy. Cleanse the liver in this year. The 4 year is when the stock grows, and one wants to grow a strong stock. One that can withstand the winds and yet bend enough not to snap. It is the testing period of the plant. It takes a good hold in this 4 period. Buy nothing large in a 4 yr. It usually turns out to be a lemon. Do not overspend in this year. Do not do heavy stock market investments. Take care of health in this period. Exercise, eat well, meditate, and proper rest. Take a rest from heavy red meats this year. Although a very healthy year, it's time to safeguard it. The 5 year is a time for pruning back as the plant sends shoots out rapidly to change, to get away , need freedom, and to be creative also. But too much change burns up energy reserves, so one has to be careful not to undertake too many things in this year. This is the year of rapid change - you want to break out after last year's restrictions. Take care here and only go in one or two directions at once. In a 5 year most people do too much and burn themselves out. Watch out for explosions within your relationships. Do deep breathing now as the 5 year influences to lung problems.

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

The 6 yr is the year of the bud - of hope and taking on new responsibilities. A year of decision also. This year is the year you see the bud of the plant that you started in the 1 year. Because the bud looks so nice and fresh, they call this "the year of hope and aspirations" but be cautious, as sometimes the bud of the plant can be rotten inside. Jealousy prevails. Mind can be twisted this year . Use common sense. The 7 yr is the year of the flower, where one sees just what kind of a seed one planted back in the 1 year. It can be a beautiful year and it can be a depressing one. It is the year of self revelation as you see yourself more clearly than ever this year. The year of full bloom. You see your life more clearly than ever before. It's now you can say, "I did the right thing" or "What a fool I was". It is also a time for a sabbatical in a sense. Enjoy the full bloom of your life investigating why the plant had rot in it. Take a health heart remedy, like Hawthorn, a herb to strengthen the heart. Do some physical exercise now - Aerobics. The 8 yr is the yr of the seed pod. It is the time to harvest. Draw everything in, all your resources. A time to sell. A time to organize your life. Bring in the harvest. Very good judgement is a usual in this year. One can make some good business deals in an 8 year period. No red meat now either as the 8 vibrations stimulates unhealthy cells in the reproductive systems of both male and female. Have a check up. The 9 yr is the year of the seed itself. The time where a good gardener chooses the good seeds from the bad, so that he can plant them next yr. It is a year for dreams and planning of the future. The 9 year says take your time and spend it in choosing the bad seeds of the garden from the good ones and throwing the bad ones out. Do not just make the same mistakes all over again as you did in the 1 year. You now have the sagacity to be able to reflect over your entire 9 year cycle and plant the right see in the following 1 year. This is nerve time, so tale up some Pranayama Yoga and breath to settle and harmonize the nervous system. THOSE ARE THE 9 CYCLES.

These are the cycles explained again in a different newsletter... If you don't understand this - make sure you write and ask. Get it clear in your head.. I am going to attach a chart to this lesson, and you will see how the cycles are done. Just keep it handy to look at when you are doing a complete chart Now here is how to figure out what personal year you are in. I will show you the Solar year and the Cosmic year later. You are 4-8-1956 the world is 2000. Now take the world year, a 2, and add one to it for pregnancy, that puts the world in a 3 yr this year.

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Now you take your month and day and add them together eg: 4+8 =12, 2+1=3. Now you take that 3 and add it to the year of the world, which is a 3, so 3+3=6. That makes you in a 6 personal year in 2000. The 6 yr is a year to make decisions. To take on added responsibilities. For instance someone in a 6 yr may adopt a child, take in a parent to live with them, take on added responsibility on the job, and decide what to do with their life. It is also a year of promise. To help you remember what the years mean think of a gardener planting a side under the ground. That is the 1 year - the seeding period. A time for new beginnings , marriage. new jobs, new homes. The 2 yr, is the year you water that seed and give it warmth, so it is the time for caring and cultivating what you started in the 1 year. The 3 yr is when the first signs of life appear above the ground, first leaves. This indicates that in a 3 yr a person will have New Growth. A yr of expression - art . New love relationships - romantic year. and very creative. The 4 year is when the stock grows, and one wants to grow a strong stock. One that can withstand the winds and yet bend enough not to snap. It is the testing period of the plant. It takes a good hold in this 4 period. Buy nothing large in a 4 yr. It usually turns out to be a lemon. The 5 year is a time for pruning back as the [plant sends shoots out rapidly to change, to get away , need freedom, and to be creative also. But too much change burns up energy reserves, so one has to be careful not to under take too many things in this year. The 6 yr is the year of the bud- of hope and taking on new responsibilities. A year of decision also. The 7 yr is the year of the flower, where one sees just what kind of a seed one planted back in the 1 year. It can be a beautiful year and it can be a depressing one. It is the year of self revelation as you see yourself more clearly than ever this year. The 8 yr is the yr of the seed pod. It is the time to harvest. Draw everything in, all your resources . A time to sell. A time to organize your life. The 9 yr is the year of the seed itself. The time where a good gardener chooses the good seeds from the bad , so that he can plant them next yr. It is a year for dreams and planning of the future. THOSE ARE THE 9 CYCLES.

Lesson 9

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

Before I follow on from yesterday on the cycles, I would like to tell you I had a number of letters asking for the remaining numbers - 4 through 9 that were missing in the Swami Gitananda book. They are not supposed to be there as this is like a text book, where you have to work and finish things up. You will have noticed that I will do all the explaining of the HOW and he does the telling of the WHAT. Even in that some of what is taught is not in that book - such as the cycles. So what we are doing is giving you all the information, the why of Yantra, the what and the how. Now it is up to you to really work at it. I remember when I started, I was lost also as it was so simple I kept getting mixed up - especially in the cycles, but with practise it all comes together. Those of you that see the "LIGHT" of Yantra will want to learn it. Those that don't will let it go by the wayside. Remember, the same thing is not always meant for everyone. I had one student write and say that he was not interested in fortune telling, as his former Yoga teacher had left him the mantle of Nirvikalpi, and he realized then that Nirvikalpi was just a trap, and so was this, so "Please cancel ALL my lessons." So you see not everyone is seeing from the same perspective. I hated to lose him - not so much from the Yantra class but lose him from the idea that Nirvikalpi was an entrapment, when in fact it is the second last stage to Liberation. At any rate, I hope you understand that in order to learn this small science that you must practise. PLEASE PRINT THIS OUT AS YOU HAVE TO SEE THE WHOLE PAGE AT ONE GLANCE. Back to the lesson. We learned in the last one how to figure out your personal year. Now we will learn the Solar year cycle which covers a 2 year period of your personal year. These are outside influences to the present year you are in and fine hones the description of what you should be doing with your life in that period. Now take a large sheet of paper and write down at the top in small print your year of birth. Then add it down all the way to the year 2000. Let's do someone born in 1950 - It will look like this. 1950 1951 1952

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1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976

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1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

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We already know the year 2000 is a 3 yr of the world and to find your personal year you take your month and day and add it to the 3 of the world. Let's do it. Say you are born may 6th - that becomes 5+6 =2 May is the 5th month. Now add that 2 total with the 3 of the world and that gives a 5. So put that 5 opposite 2000, and then add backwards. Don't make a mistake as it is so easy to do AS we go too fast and make an error. Now you will see that back somewhere you will find a 1 personal year there. If you remember back in your life, I bet you started something NEW in that year, or roughly that year , as you have read there is a transition period from one year to the next. But the 1 year and the 5 year are the years of new and change. When we find the solar cycle which covers two of those personal years we will then see just what that influence was when we made a new change - was it marriage - home - work - relationships new studies? - after we do the Cosmic cycle which covers a 4 year period of your personal years you will fine tune even more. So this is how to find the Solar year. and pay attention to this bit. I am going to only do a few years from that persons birth date - 1950 1950 - 9 remember you add backwards so after the 1 comes this 9 1951 - 1 1952 - 2 1953 - 3 1954 - 4 1955 - 5 1956 - 6 1957 - 7 1958 - 8 --- 1958 is in an 8 personal year - remember? the world here is in a 6 year . Add the year up 1958 and that makes 23 and 2 and 3 is 5 AND now you add 1 for pregnancy which makes a 6 world year. Now you add that fictional persons month and day , which adds to a 2, and add that to the 6 world year, and that makes 8. It is this simple mathematics that confuses everyone, so re-read over and over until you get it. do lots of years so that you know you are right every time.

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The next time I am going to give you the program that does it all for you, but that is no good if you are at someone's home without your computer and want to see what they are coming in to. so you must get this down pat. As we have to learn how to bring it down to the month, day and the hour also. Now add backwards, and or forewards, but we are only going backwards from here. NOW THIS IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT HERE: From the beginning date of birth, you have to find the first 1 and 2 that comes up. In this case it is in 1951 and 1952. Now you couple those two years together and that becomes a 1 solar cycle. From here on it is simple to add the next two together (3 and 4)all the way down to the year 2000 to find what your Solar years you are in and how they affect your personal years. I enclose here a very rough idea of how I do it quickly when I am doing a handwritten chart. This is very faint but will give an idea. I usually take the cycles by coupling all of them right out to the very end. This will give an idea of just how refined it can become, as death dates can be figured out - or at least the influence of it, but I do not teach that. If you are interested you can discover for yourself. And remember these are only influences, but as people are usually easily influenced they pretty well hold true with everyone. When you read these properly you can avert a lot of difficulty for yourself, by avoiding the influences - more of that later. That's enough for today. Please work at this.

The second part of this lesson is as follows: Make sure you print out the attachment before you read this message. Have it beside you, so that you can see what I am talking about. I have taken a pseudo birthdate of Mar 20th 1960 You can see by the chart that I placed a long line of years from 1960 to 1978 You first have to find out what year the world is in in 1978. You do that by reducing the year to a single digit and then adding 1 for pregnancy, so the year is 1978 = 16 = 7.........Now you add the 1 year for its birth and that makes that year a world 8 year in 1978.

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To find out what year this psuedo individual is in, that year you take his month and day, which is march march is 3 and 20 is 2, so you add the 3 and 2 together and you get 5. So far so good.. Now you add that 5 to the world year of 8 and that gives 13 which = 4. So that person is in a 4 year in 1978 Now you add backwards to his birth year, from the 4 to the 3 to the 2 and so on. These numbers are called the personal cycle year ----you can see the P at the top above that line. To find his Solar year you couple together THE FIRST 1 AND 2 YEARS YOU FIND FROM HIS BIRTH YEAR, AND YOU COUPLE THEM. THOSE TWO YEARS BECOME THE 1 SOLAR YEAR. YOU CAN SEE BY THE DIAGRAM THAT THE COSMIC CYCLE IS DONE IN THE SAME WAY. You can find anybodies cycle year by following this plan. If you take your own birth year, put it at the top of a long piece of paper and then keep on adding down till you get to 2003. Now you can see that 2003 is 5 plus 1 for pregnancy which then is a 6 year for the world. Each one of you can add your month and day to the 6 of the world to find what you are in when 2003 comes around. Now add backwards all the way up to the top of your birth year, and then make a solar and cosmic chart as it is in the attachment. You will see in the chart that by the time the NEXT 1 year comes around after the birth year it is following the 9 yr. So remember when finding the first Solar year get to the first 1 and 2 yrs that are together after the birth year. Now you know why I say it is confusing to you. Soon though if you practise this, you will be able to do it in a flip.

Lesson 10
Well I think that is it - you have all the information. Now we have to start and put it together. You have already got an idea already about what the form is - now you have the content.

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

I am going to send you a chart of the cycle months and days that a student made up to give to the Yantra students. The one chart lasts for ever - so save it to a floppy disc. The other Program he made for the class he is going to charge for it. It is a program where, when you type in your name and birthdate, the next click of the mouse figures EVERYTHING OUT FOR YOU IN AN INSTANT, THE GROUPINGS, THE NUMBERS OF NAMES AND BIRTH, AND ALSO THE THREE CYCLES. i AM ALSO GOING TO SEND YOU CHARTS OF THOUSANDS OF NAMES UNDER EACH VIBRATION AL NUMBER 0 EXAMPLE 1-1-2 , 1-2-3,-1-3-4 ETC , RIGHT UP TO 9-9-9, SO THAT WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR NAMES FOR YOURSELF OR OTHERS YOU JUST HAVE TO GO THE NUMBER COMBO YOU NEED. I am just going to throw a few things at you today, that are not in the lessons. Some of you who are these numbers I am going to talk about may not like what I say, but don't take it personally, because we have to start from a small vision and expand it outwards to incorporate all the influences involved. For instance - let us say some one who is a 1 in the birth path, and his mind is a 9. Absolutely two opposing numbers, the 1 being of narrow vision and the 9 being of broad vision. So what happens here is you get that 1 inventiveness, but a singular kind of inventiveness, that all of a sudden sees his narrowed vision of how to save the world, being translated into a huge vision of the visionary . What happens is he becomes a bully with his ideas , and wants to ram them home to you. He will be obsessive about this vision he has, He would be come an ideal speaker in Speakers Corner where ranters are allowed their moment in the sun. If his minor lesson of his day date is a 2 , being diplomatic, he may then instead of being a saviour, become a politician. and become one of the irate ranters in the political arena. If you have a 4 in the soul of the birth and you have a 5 in the soul of the name, you then have the drive of the mathematician and scientist trying to work through the fussy creative 5, start one project before finishing the other ones he had already started, type of person. He would have one theory , all very well conceived but none of them with any resolution. The only time you can find a semblance of balance in a name is when you have a 6 in the soul of the name because that number can handle most others - not perfectly, but well enough that one feels contented enough with themselves, but in this case, no matter what number is in the birth, that 6 will be proud dominant - it is not a pride in one's accomplishments , but it will be a pride of ego. Besides that it is the number of indecision and often with all good intentions that 6ish person will lose out on many opportunities because of what is called the Hamlet Syndrome. Rather than "to be or not to be", but "To do or not to do".

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

The ideal balance is when the 4 soul comes up to the 4 mind. Don't let this frighten you but there are more people in psychiatric and mental institutions with the 6ish vibrations being predominant. That is because it is so brilliant a number. But in the wrong position it is not good. Another one is when you find an 8 in the birth soul, and his name has a 3 soul. The concurrence is totally wrong. This is opposite in all aspects. The 3 name will distort the business like and organizational qualities of the 8ish person because of his disregard for regulation and business. So many people have their lives thwarted because of these vibrational screw ups. Of course it is not their fault. Thousands of years ago parents knew this science and gave their children harmonized names, but soon the art of it was lost and now "The sins of the father shall be handed unto each succeeding generation." This s not just genetics. The imbalance in people is also a vibrational one. We have such a mass of information now that you can go to any library and find the birth and names of many peoples. - do a study. You will find the artists are in the inspirational concourses and the technical and scientific people are in the technical concourse. Of course there will be cross overs, but you will learn to decipher by doing a lot of these examinations. You will find that people like Judy Garland and Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennet and others like them are all 3s people. Do your own and you will find the link that drives people into certain areas of life. You will also find what, even with such success has made some of them commit suicide or have a terribly unhappy life. I remember a Professor Eisenk did a survey on IQ tests and came up with his findings, but still he was left with the question, what forms the personality of the mental patient? That is what he was interested in. I had access at the time to people names in an institutions and my findings were that they all had a predominance of 6's. To cross reference that it was not so in other institutional kinds of environment, I did nurses and drs also, and it was quite different, with a predominance of 3s and 9s.the helper numbers. I sent this information to him, but he would not hear of such an unscientific science. Now all numbers have all the qualities of each other. Not one of us is exclusive, but where we are different is that each number is slightly different and has more of preponderance of some aspects than other numbers. For instance. The most stubborn number in the Galaxy ? That is the 1- yet we all have stubbornness. That is how we can recognize it so readily in the 1.

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When you do the numbers of your friends and you see they have a 1 in the soul of the name - you will know what I am talking about. So in a very simple way, start putting numbers to gather and imagine, after you have committed to memory the numbers qualities, just how can a 3 birth soul, get into a 1 mind. We know it can't but what would it do to that person? It would make him the most argumentative person in the galaxy :))) So you see, just by knowing the first name and the birthdate , you can begin to understand why people behave the way they do, AND WHEN YOU CAN SEE IT IN OTHERS, you may have the insight to turn that knowledge back on yourself by looking at what the vibrations are doing to you. Don't judge anyone too harshly - this is just the way things are with them. We cannot be other than what our name indicates. Whoa! you won't like to hear that! but on reflection you will find it to be true, and if you put it to the test by reading reading reading these vibrations, it will be a scientific thing for you = you will now know. Good luck and work on it - more tomorrow and if anyone has any questions please ask as they maybe questions that everyone can benefit from.

Lesson 11
Well, Yantra class - you have finished. What I suggest is you print out the entire program. Unfortunately the way Gitananda's book was arranged for me, it will not print out correctly, but it will go on to a floppy disc and can be saved there. These lessons can be accessed anytime you are in doubt. One small detail that a former student brought to my attention, was at the end of the Gitananda book - the last few pages - there is a section called CYCLE INFLUENCES. You will see by these charts that not all the years or months begin and end at the beginning of the year. For standard purposes you can assume the beginning of the year is when they start, but there is a transition period that should be accounted for. For instance, if you are in a 3 personal year, you will begin to feel the incoming vibration of the 4 year, as early as July, so it is quite important to check these cycle patterns out. Make sure you contact me if you have questions. If you change your name, let me know so that I can check it it out to make sure you have not made a mistake. Both first and last need to be

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changed. Sometimes by the addition of an initial you can keep your last name, but the signature must always include that initial. When you meet someone, remember they are the name. The slight differences between two Victors or Bill's will be found in the other numbers influences. When you are reading your own name, be a bit tough on yourself and read the negative side of the name, so that you might be able to see traits that you have been hiding from your self. Please learn to follow your yearly cycles. If you have a problem with any of these cycles when something comes up in your life, just write and ask - for instance if you are in a 2 year, make sure you go on a health cleansing kick. In a 5 year , do not grow too rapidly - prune back. These kinds of notices for you will save you a lot of heart ache in your life. If you are going to plan a new beginning or a new business try and wait for your 1 year - if at all possible. When you look at the month day chart and you find you are in a 5 day (accidents) be more attentive to how you drive and do things. Watch yourself around tools, or in any dangerous activity. In fact put it off if you can. If you can't , then just be extra attentive. You don't have to live your life by the Yantra, but you can use it as a guide for those moments that you feel are important to you. The basic premise for the Yogi is to know all the Yogas , and to make use of all of them where needed, striving to practise the one or two that are suited to you by using the Yantra to find out. Next is changing your name to harmonize with the birth time. This is the most important decision you will make. Some of you will go ahead right away. Others will be hesitant , worrying what friends will say. Most importantly what parents will say. These are things you have to make the decision yourself. The knowledge is there - what you do with it is your business. Blessing to all for making the effort.

Lesson 12
You have all finished with all the information so that you can access at any time, every aspect of Yantra Yoga. What you have to learn to do now, is to find a new name for yourself so that you can harmonize your personality with your inner Self expressed by the birthdate. If you do plan on a change of

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name, please let me know what you choose so I can check it out to make sure it is correct for you and your period of life you are in (The minor lesson). Also as you function in your daily life, make sure when you meet some one named Bill for instance , that you can immediately know that he is an 9-8-8 personality - or if you meet a George or a Sam, that you can immediately decipher the vibration. This way it will give you practise to note that, on occasion, you will meet a few people that may be named Richard for instance, which is a 1-6-7. Watch out to find the similarities in all the Richards you meet - or on the other hand you may meet people of the same vibration, but with different names - for instance Nancy and Mary, which are both 1-2-3. There will be slight variations because of their consonant construction of the name. Each of the names you decipher will be driven by a birth number. In other words , a Mary that is a 1 in the birth, and a Mary that is a 3 in the birth, will display accentuated characteristics of the 1-2-3 Mary name. For example, the 1 birthpath will be more dominant, and the 3 Mary will be more of an actress and more demanding. To make a chart, which you will be able to do in your head, once you preactice enough, you must see a complete picture of the person. Eg: Mary 1-2-3 Smith 9-6-6 which totals to a 1-8-9 Born: August 7 1963 which totals to a 7 birth, and because they are 38 yrs old this year, they are under the middle minor which indicates a 7 under a 7. The world is in a 4 year, so by adding their month and day to the 4 year, you find them to be in a 1 year. All of this can be done in the head while you are talking to a person. It helps keep the mind active and agile, thus holding Altzheimers at bay :)) To really get to know Yantra and put it to use, it is important to do a lot of readings, and even if you are so inclined to teach it to others -- YES , you learn more by teaching. If you run in to problems with a tough combination, then write me and I will be only to pleased to help iron it out. so up to this point the most important aspect of Yantra is to change your name to a harmonized balance, and to follow your yearly cycles. If you do that much you will see your life altered dramatically for the better. Good luck in this venture, and write anytime with problems.

Lesson 13

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

Well Yantrta class - you have received all the information necessary to learn how to become an expert reader of the mathematics of personality and character. I realize it is not the same as being right with a teacher and a blackboard so that names and dates can be gone over and explained, yet with constant practise amongst your family and friends , you will, after making errors naturally, arrive at sound decisions. When you feel ready , you can either send me a complete chart of yourself or some friend with your concept of what all the numbers mean. For instance you will have found some simple aspects of the numbers in the examples of the 5 which is the most emotional and quick and creative and scattered number there is. that is why Raja Yoga is so good for a 5 person (or Kriya) as it forces them to practise pratyahara - withdrawing the senses into themselves - rather than have them scattered outwards all over the place. The 1, which is self directive and one pointed can be classified as stubborn and inventive, a loner etc. So it goes with all the numbers. All the information is there for you. What has to be considered is when you start combining the numbers together. For instance, when you get a person whose name totals to 3-7-1 you must begin to imagine that they think like a 3 (know it all, teacher, artistic, expressive, orator) expressing all that through a 1 (dominant and positve) you can then see that you would have a pretty domineering argumentive personality. If that 3 was expressing through a 2 (such as in my case, a LORON, then you get that creative argumentative spirit being a little more submissive and diplomatic, liking to express things in an intellectual way - yet, even that goes against the bone of the 3 mind of the LORON, but it is what they try to do. Sometimes successfully and sometimes not. Now depending on the harmony created by the matching of the birthdate to the name, is where you will find the clarity and balance or discord in that person you are reading. Once you can understand these matchings, you will be well on your way to discerning things about yourself which you may have wanted to keep hidden - or in reading others, things they wanted to hide from you. As an example you can meet a Mary, who on first experience will be most charming, affable, and entertaining, until you get to know them well, then the knife will be driven home. So one can save a lot of time and hurt when one is prepared in meeting people to realize what is "under" the surface and not be taken off guard. Even in examining your own combination of numbers, you will see just why in the hell you behave sometimes in the most ridiculous fashion, and wished you hadn't. It is always difficult for an expressive birthbath to work through a technical name, causing much frustration and discord.

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It gives a wonderful means to understanding your partner that you share so much time with to realize that they behave as they do, not because they wish it, but because they have to. - It goes the same for you as well. In this case , looking at the marriage groupings of the air, earth water, fire groupings will help in this kind of outlook each one has in sharing the responsibilities of a relationship. Also to look at the cycle chart to discover why things have not gone so well, or more importantly when one should begin new ventures and how can actually turn events around to your benefit. As I have said many times before, out of all the Yogas, those of you that harmonize and legally change your name to match your birthdate, this will give you the greatest benefit to accomplishing everything else in your Yoga endeavors , plus also in life endeavors. Some of you have written and expressed the absolute horror your family would feel if you changed your name, and the wish not to hurt them, but when you think about it, should you find this Yantra rings a bell in you, the reverse is true. It is absolutely horrific that parents should not have known this science, and thus named you incorrectly to pass on to you a life full of problems and difficulties, which could have otherwise been obliterated. You at least will name your children, not with a name that suits you, but with one that suits their birthdate. You have no idea how balanced children from birth do so well in school, seem to make the right decisions for themselves, and really endeavor to seek fulfillment in all things they do. The happiness they are born with is not perverted as they grow older with an unbalanced name. So even though parents may become upset, some of you will bite the bullet and make a change. Parents love you, and even though they will be upset at such a "stupid thing you are doing", they soon forget that fact and in time even wind up calling you the new name along with your friends. Friends and places change, so a new name change is not so drastic as you may think. If any of you consider changing your name and it is governed by the English, French of Latin languages, I can help you find the correct balance and even name, as I have a book of names. For those of you that are going to develop this Yantric science let me know and I can send you the names book. Also if you have any questions at all just write anytime.

In the following tabulations are the functions of the body that are affected by an over-predominance of each number, - from 1 to 9 inclusive. If the number is arrived at through the birthpath and minor lessons, it is an inherent weakness; if in the name it is no less Influential, for the name

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

creates the mind that dominates the functions of the body through the voluntary and involuntary nervous system. THE NUMBER 1 RULES THE HEAD The number 1 causes tension in the head, affecting eyes, teeth, sinus, ears or throat; it causes headaches and baldness. Some of the ailments affecting the head "- mastoid, deafness, defective eyesight, head colds, sinus trouble, tonsillitis, decayed teeth and toothache, neuralgia of the face, earache. headache, adenoids. Should not have mucus forming foods such as milk, ice cream, milkshakes, increases the inflammation set up through tension, as do starchy foods. - bread, potatoes, etc* THE NUMBER 2 RULES THE KIDNEYS The number 2 affects the fluid functions of the body; an individual with too many 2's in his makeup suffers the following weaknesses; - kidney and bladder troubles, poor circulation, kidney stones, pains in the back in the region of the kidneys, lumbago, poor circulation, varicose veins, dropsical conditions, phlebitis, milk leg, anemia. Over-stoutness, Acid foods and fruits aggravate the weakness and should not be eaten; these fruits include the following - grapes, oranges, grapefruit, , rhubarb, lemons, tomatoes, strawberries, sugar, candy, cake or sweet foods. THE NUMBER 3 RULES THE LIVER Though number 3 affects the functions of the liver, causing bilious attacks. gall stones, congestion of the liver, jaundice. An over- predominance of the number 3 causes the individual to eat too many proteins, sweets, starchy foods. This over-indulgence in foods causes the bile duct to cease functioning as it should and find that varying degrees of degeneration of the liver ensue. Proteins and rich greasy foods should not be eaten . they add to the irritation of the liver. Regarding diet, it should be light, bland and non-irritating. Avoid all alcoholic beverages. THE NUMBER 4 RULES THE INTESTINES Too many 4's in the individuals makeup offsets the function of elimination of the intestines. Those strong in the 4 vibration are especially fond of meat, potatoes, bread, pastry, - which are the very foods that hinder proper elimination. Constipation poisons the system and gives rise to many ailments, such as appendicitis, colitis, peritonitis, fistula, hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, rheumatism, arthritis and tumours. THE NUMBER 5 RULES THE SOLAR PLEXUS Too many 5's create a great tension in the region of the diaphragm affecting the functions of the stomach; causing nervous indigestion and pain which is usually diagnosed as ulcers of the stom-

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ach. This nervous tension causes vomiting (convulsions during childhood) restlessness, flatulence, dyspepsia, gastritis, moods of depression. THE NUMBER 6 RULES THE MIND Too many 6's cause a tension that produces uncontrolled thought forms. particularly worry. affecting the mind in mental breakdowns and insanity. THE NUMBER 7 RULES THE HEART AND LUNGS Too many 7's creates tension affecting the respiratory organs, affecting the functions of the heart and lungs in what is termed as pleurisy, tuberculosis, chest colds, pneumonia^ bronchitis, asthma; this number affects the heart functions, causing the various forms of heart trouble, - palpitations and fainting, enlargement of the heart. Keeping a low cholesterol diet will help the individual to offset the degeneration of the tissues caused by an over predominance of this number. THE NUMBER 8 RULES THE GENERATIVE ORGANS The combined forces of too many 8s creates tension that causes generative disturbances,... prostate gland trouble, rupture, inflammatory diseases. female troubles, pain, hemorrhage, cramps. And early hysterectomy. THE NUMBER 9 RULES THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Too many 9's create a tension affecting the whole nervous system, causing fits, temper, shaking palsy, hysteria., sudden loss of consciousness, strokes, apoplexy, paralysis, epilepsy, nervous disorders. Skin rashes.

House Numbers

Print Yoga Lessons A student wrote and made an enquiry as to whether all the names and numbers in an address were to be taken into consideration. For example. If you lived at Suite 4,128 Thurlowe Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada. does one consider everything about that address? When you become a Master Yantra reader in some few years time, yes it can make a difference in the assessment of the home you live in, but for now - in the beginning - you use just the number of the hone. The number that is on your door.

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If you lived at 128 Thurlowe, then you take the 128 and break it down to 2. That is the most warm , homey number that one can have in a home. It is peaceful, non argumentative, diplomatic in dealings with children and family, refined, and has very good influence on decorative taste This home has a number of suites in it and in this case it is a number 4, so this will be the most prevalent number to consider for the inhabitants. The 4, depending on the person who inhabits this space can be either terribly neat and tidy or a real sloppy mess. There is a real swing with this number. The influence is also for tests within this space - plumbing breaks down often. Just lots of annoying mishaps occur. Out of all the suites in this lovely home, the 4 would be the worst one to rent or own. There is really only a couple of numbers that benefit from 4 influences and that is the 3, 5, and 9. The 4 earthy quality and the neat and orderly quality of the 4 help these scattered numbers to settle down a little bit. In a 4 home you also make and keep friends. It's influence is so strong for trustworthiness and friendship that even in the case of a real sloppy 4 house, one would feel at ease amongst the people living there. One would feel a member of the household. Now as you become proficient in "reading", then you can also see what the influence of the street and the town and the country have to do with the influences going on in this space. It is much like your personal, solar and cosmic cycles. In the beginning you can just stick with the readings of the personal cycle, but when you learn to read what the outer influences are doing to that personal cycle, you will get a more sound and accurate picture. When you are doing numbers attached to "things" rather than me explaining what each means, just go to your chart of the 9 numbers and look up the neg and pos. aspects of that number and consider how they would affect a non sentient article. For instance a 5 is creative and emotional and a professorial type , a collector of papers and articles and bits and pieces of things. It is a person who begins one task and before finishing it begins 3 more. Putting that to a home, one then could assume the influence there will be to arouse the passions, have a messy place where projects are started and never finished. Just remember that these home numbers are influences only. All the numbers, except your name, are only influences. You will find just how strong influences push people around - and even yourself.


Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

One of the yantra class asked me, "What if one has 3 names or 4 names - in other words John Calvin Jones. Well this is how you think of a name. The first name John shows whether his inner and outer nature are in harmony. The signature for this name that he signs on cheques and legal documents could be: John C. Jones = 8 - 6 - 5 John Jones = 8 - 3 - 2 John Calvin Jones = 9 - 9 - 9 or J.C. Jones = 2 - 2 - 4 When you look at that chart I gave you of the balanced combinations you can see that just plain John Jones as a signature would be best for him. The John C Jones has a good business environment but has a wasted energy with the 5 destiny. It would influence to scatter investments , doing too many things at once , thus taking on too much responsibility and most of it would suffer. The last signature with the 9-9-9 is devastating and he would probably commit suicide. The only saving grace for a man like this is if he was helping the lepers in Africa. The 9 in this bottom position means losses and or service to humanity. The 2-2-4 vibe will make his life one of tests as his destiny is a 4 and that is the test number. Works hard for a job for years, then some new person comes in and seems to by pass him getting the job he was after. Timing is always out also, again going for a job and it had been taken just minutes before he got there. always tested. The only other way you can read names is for events and accidents and varying occurrences and it is done like this. You can check this against your own name and relate it also with your cycle chart - match it up and see what you can find. We will take the name Alexander - write it down like this:

1 A 1

3 l 4

5 e 9

6 1 5 4 5 9 x a n d e r 15 16 21 25 30 39

Yantra Yoga - Swami Harinanda

40 43 48 54 55 60 64 69 78

Now then you have to add like this - up to the age of one he is under the 1 vibration. and up to the age of 1 till 4 he is under the 3 vibration, and up to the age of 4 till 9 he then lives under the 5 vibration. When you are very young you are influenced by your parents , but still you will find just what those vibes meant for you. For instance in Alexander - when he was from 25 - 30 he would have had a 5 year period of extensive changes, not only in his physical movements, but also in accident happenings, and in internal rapid growth. If it complies to the cycle chart that he was in a 5 year at that time you can be sure you could pin point that at the age of 26 (say 26) he would have had an accident or a great change in his life. It is in knowing this about yourself that you can take advantage of what life is offering you and not pass up opportunities. That same 5 year period he is in will unknowingly to him, influence him to be scattering and wasting his energies. You of course knowing this study, will make sure, like a good gardener will prune back your desires to travel and go hither and yon and do too many things at one time.

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