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France, LRC: The Hidden Agenda BSCCC No.

Q9. Was the annexation of the British Southern
Cameroons a hidden agenda of France and LRC?
A. Yes. Compelling evidence of this hidden
British Southern
La Republique du Cameroun
agenda has only recently been provided by one (former French Cameroun) ha, with
of France's policy makers, Mr. Pierre Messmer,
one time governor of French Cameroun (1956-
the assistance of its sponsor and
neocolonial master, France, been
57), who later became France's Minister for the carrying out a world-wide campaign
Armed Forces, and still later French Prime to justify its annexation and
Minister. In his book LES BLANCS S'EN VONT,
Recits de decolonisation, Edition Albin Michel,
colonization of the former British
Southern Cameroons. In their
And La Republique
S.A. 1998, pp. 114-134. He concluded: "To campaign, they have distorted the
implement the results of the plebiscite, the
governments (of the Southern Cameroons and
LRC) met in constitutional conference in
historical record and misinformed
people and countries around the
world. This brochure and others in
du Cameroun
Fumban, in Bamun country, familiar to both the BSCCC series are intended to
delegations on July 17 1961. President Ahidjo reach out with the facts and to
from a position of strength submitted for debate promote a better understanding of
a fake Federal draft constitution which had been the political conflict that has been
cleverly crafted by his French jurists. Ngu smoldering between the two former
Foncha had no counter project. From a weak UN Trust Territories since 1961.
position, since the population which he
represents does not exceed a quarter of that of
French Cameroun even in economic terms, Ngu
Foncha accepted without discussion what was in
effect an annexation. The new constitution came
into force on 1st October, 1961. A joke was rife
in Duala and Yaunde that the United Cameroun
was a bilingual francophone country. British Southern Cameroons
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A Publication of the British Southern

© Copyright BSCPA Cameroons Communications Commission
A Federationof Equal States The Recolonization Bad Faith and Lies
Q1. What was the basis of the UN imposed union on
Q7. What does National Integration mean?
Southern Cameroons? Q3. Given that the federal character of the union was not
to be changed, how did la Republique du Cameroun come
A: When the UN decided to terminate the A: As used by the government of LRC, National
to annex the Southern Cameroons? Integration is a euphemism for annexation.
Trusteeship Agreement over the Southern
Cameroons in 1960, it was misled by the A: In 1972 la Republique du Cameroun used its The Southern Cameroons which joined the
Administering Authority, the United Kingdom, to majority population to subvert the constitution. federation as a distinct entity was systemically
take the ostiton that the Southern Cameroons In a fraudulent referendum the population of la annexed and carved into two provinces of LRC
was not economically viable to stand on its own Republique du Cameroun was asked if they namely: the North West Province and the South
as an independent state. The UN therefore wanted a unitary state instead of federalism. West Province.
decided that the territory would acive Instead of voting between YES or NO, the people
independence by joining either the Federation of were made to vote either OUI ('YES' in French)
Nigeria or the independent la Republique du or YES. The result was as intended: 99.99%.
Cameroun (a former UN Trust Territory under The federation was abolished and the name of
French Administration). The Southern the country was changed from the Federal
Cameroons had made it clear to the UK that it Republique of Cameroon to the United
wanted to separate from Nigeria before the Republique of Cameroon.
latter became independent on October 1 1960.
The Southern Cameroons went into negotiation Q4. Why does the annexation of the Southern Cameroons
with la Republique du Cameroun about the form by la Republique du Cameroun (LRC) amount to a
of the union. They signed a Joint Declaration declaration of war on the United Nations?
and a Joint Communique which embodied the A: In annexing the Southern Cameroons LRC has Q8. What did la Republique du Cameroun tell the UN
Union Agreements for a federation of two states openly defied UN Resolution 224-iii of November about National Integration and annexation before
of equal status on October 14 1960 and those 1954 protecting the Southern Cameroons from 1961?
were incorporated by the UN in the TWO being annexed to the British colony of Nigeria or A: The Prime Minister of LRC, Amadou Ahidjo
ALTERNATIVES document which was used in the any neighbouring country
country. told the 13th session of the United Nations on
February 11 1961 plebiscite campaigns. And so February 25 1959, "I should not like the
the people of the Southern Cameroons went to Q5. What happened in 1984?
firmness and clarity of our stand to be
the plebiscite on the clear understanding that interpreted as a desire for integration on
A: In 1984 President Biya again by fiat of a mere
they were voting to form a Federation of two my part which would sond the death knell
decree completed the annexation of the
states of equal status the details of which to the hopes of our brothers in the zone
Southern Cameroons by changing its name from
were to be worked out at a post-plebiscite under British Administration."
the United Republic of Cameroon to la
constitutional conference in which the UN and
Republique du Cameroun, its original name
the UK would participate. "We do not wish to bring the weight of our
before joining British Southern Cameroons.
population to bear on our British brothers.
Q6. What does this change of name mean? We are not annexationists."
Q2. What was the legal provision that guaranteed the "In other words, if our brothers of the
A: This was supposed to be the final nail on the
agreement on federation? British zone wish to unite with an
coffin of Southern Cameroons. By reverting to its
pre-federation name la Republique du Cameroun independent Cameroun, we are ready to
was celebrating the total annexation of the discuss the matter with them, but we will
A: Article 47 of the Federal Constitution stated: Southern Cameroons. Southern Cameroonians discuss it on a footing of equality."
No bill to amend the Constitution may be
"No are now a stateless people.
introduced if it tends to impair the unity Neither late President Ahidjo nor his successor
and integrity of the Federation." Paul Biya kept any of these undertakings.

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