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A Critical Incident

Throughout this website the word "emergency" is used to encompass a range of events which could otherwise be described as incidents, accidents, catastrophes, disasters or crises. An "emergency" therefore embraces the range of terms frequently used to describe a hazardous event which threatens the safety of people or property. Adapted from Emergency Disaster Planning for Principals, Commonwealth of Australia 1992.

The aim of emergency planning is to ensure that the safety of staff and students if maintained, as far as possible, during an emergency or a disaster. Planning for emergencies provides a sense of predictability to the school community about how it will respond if they occur. This document is designed to support site leaders in their responsibilities in relation to the management of crises: prevention, preparation, response and recovery. For the purpose of this document, crisis, critical event and emergency are used interchangeably.

What is a critical incident

A critical incident (or crisis) is any situation which causes a person to experience unusually strong emotional reactions which have the potential to interfere with their ability to function either at the scene or later. Jeffrey Mitchell A critical incident may be defined as any event which causes disruption to an organization, creates significant danger or risk and which creates a situation where staff, students and parents feel unsafe, vulnerable and under stress. Catholic Education

Some examples of crisis or critical events include:

natural disasters e.g. fires, floods, and people-made emergencies e.g. chemical spills, industrial accidents accidents at the worksite or on excursions serious illness or death of students, staff, family or community members threats, assaults, violent incidents, abduction violent event in the community, world events other incidents or emergencies which produce strong reaction.

A crisis situation can derive from sudden, unexpected events (or series of events), or chronic or accumulative (perhaps one or more longer term stressful event/s). Critical incidents can impact on a few students and/or staff or they can significantly affect the whole community.

Characteristics of critical events.

Critical events may: be extremely dangerous or distressing be sudden and unexpected be disruptive to ones sense of control of events around them be disruptive to ones beliefs and assumptions about the world, people and work challenge the belief that events can be understood include elements of physical or emotional loss or risk of loss

Framework Policy and Practice

Critical Incidents
This web page links to emergency procedures for emergency response or critical incidents. Click on Emergency Procedures in the blue navigation bar. The Manager of SchoolCare should be notified of all critical incidents immediately. The Critical Incident Report must follow as soon as possible. To plan and prepare for critical events, click on the content group in the yellow bar above.

Important Contacts
District Directors: Map Search Emergency Services: 000 Health Services: TBA Police: 131444 PSSB Security: 8226 0888 School Care: 8463 5977 Workplace Services: 1800 777 209

Emergency Response Procedures

Download the flowchart by clicking the download link.
Bomb Threat Bomb Threat Telephone Record Child Protection Clean Up After Fumes Disappearance Or Removal Of Student Discovery of suspicious mail item eg White Powder Earth Quake Fire in school building Flash Flood Impact By Equipment Major Toxic Emission Spill Siege, Hostage & Fire Arms Serious Assault Of An Adult World Events Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download

For further information including INVACUATION, see Secure Ed CD.

Flowcharts have been printed

Reporting procedures: Notifiable injury/incidents and dangerous occurrences:

If an employee suffers a work related injury which is defined as immediately notifiable, the manager must notify the Workplace Services Inspectorate by telephone as soon as possible. Tel: 1800 777 209

In the event of a notifiable dangerous occurrence the manager must notify Workplace Services Inspectorate as soon as practicable after it occurs by telephone and also in writing within 24 hours of the occurrence. Complete a Notification of Dangerous Occurrences Form available from the Workplace Services website and fax a copy to the appropriate office listed on the form (Adelaide Office Fax No.8303 0211) The original copy of the form should be retained for local records.

It may be necessary to secure the site of the incident/dangerous occurrence as further investigation may be required. Work must not commence after an incident/dangerous occurrence until sanctioned by the investigating officers.

In the event of an electrical or gas incident, the manager must immediately notify the Office of Energy Policy. Tel: Electrical 8226 5527 Tel: Gas 8226 5746

For further information managers should contact their districts OHS Adviser. Tel. 82261440.

Accident Incident Report (ED155) Accident Investigation Report (ED165) Critical Incident Report Incident/Injury Investigation Reporting Procedure

Download Download Download Download

Prevention is the identification of risks that can arise in the school community and the development of policies and procedures which can contribute to reducing the risk of critical events occurring and/or minimising the effects. There are two kinds of administrators; those who have faced a crisis and those who are about to ..... Johnson pvii

Policies and Procedures

DECS policies and procedures are available on the DECS website. Click Here for policies and

Occupational Health Safety and Welfare policies and procedures are also available on the DECS website. Click Here for policies and procedures.
Downloads are attached. OHS&W and Injury Management Procedure Tool for managing complaints and challenging situations Violence and Bullying Management Procedure

Risk Management
The Government recognises that the management of risk is an integral part of sound management practice. Risk management is the systematic identification of opportunities and threats to resources and the development of strategies which maximise opportunities and minimise adverse effects. Risk Management is underpinned by the following principles: local decision making within a supportive framework protecting staff, students, information, property and reputation cost-effective risk management community partnerships accountability innovation.

Downloads are inserted in printed copy. Risk Management Framework (PDF) Risk Management Template (PDF) Risk Management Template (Word) Download Download Download

Environmental Factors section is being constructed.

Student Welfare Policies and Procedures

Children and young people's learning is affected by the way they feel about themselves, how they get along with other people and by their physical health. Research shows us that children and young people who feel that they are treated fairly, cared about and who have a sense of belonging to their home, family and school, tend to be more successful in their learning. Preschools and schools together with families, have an important role in supporting children and young people's emotional, social and physical health. They do this by providing safe and supportive teaching and learning environments, identifying any emotional, social or physical needs early and working to support children and young people with these issues in partnership with families and support services.

Health Promoting Schools Framework

Strengthening prevention and health promotion efforts are key goals for communities and governments, nationally and internationally. Promoting childrens health through the school setting can be an effective way of reaching large numbers of children and influencing the social and physical environments that impact on health. Schools are also important community institutions that can play a leadership role in shaping health attitudes and behaviours. Downloads are in printed copy.
Health Promoting Schools information download

Health Support Planning Policy

Health support planning policy provides the framework for all worksites to plan for for routine and emergency student health support. It encompasses: first aid infection and infestation control supervision for safety related to individual physical and psychological health care needs personal care ie support with daily living skills.

Further information is available from the DECS website > click on student well-being > health support. This site also contains information about current programs related to whole of school approaches to support student health and well-being. Further information is available from:

Managing complaints and challenging situations.

Tool for managing complaints and challenging situations Download

Bullying and Harassment

Effective anti-bullying and harassment policies and strategies contribute to the well being of students and staff. Addressing and reducing bullying in schools requires Prevention, Intervention and Post-Intervention strategies. Prevention strategies include: using the curriculum to teach all girls and boys about respectful relationships, including safe ways of using power teaching all staff, students and parents about effective and positive ways to reduce bullying including how to be an effective bystander collaborating with government and non-government agencies to develop programmes, eg violence prevention, conflict resolution Intervention strategies include: using the Method of Shared Concern or No Blame Approach providing counselling for students who are being victimised providing counselling for students who engage in bullying behaviours putting consequences in place for those who engage in bullying behaviours informing and working with parents/caregivers when incidents of bullying occur

Post-intervention strategies include: monitoring the situation between students to ensure that their safety and well-being is maintained reviewing yard duty practices, procedures to make sure they are effective dealing with hot spots in the yard and school reviewing and evaluating behaviour codes and policies using Action Research as a monitoring tool

DECS Initiatives
Further information about DECS initiatives can be obtained from

Child Protection
The Department of Education and Children's Services recognises the significant role education and care programs play in child protection and abuse prevention. Information can be obtained from >click on Training and Development > Mandatory Notification.
(Downloads printed.) Child Protection Mandatory Notification Protective Behaviours Download Download Download

Child Protection Officers

Learning Outcomes and Curriculum Group: phone 8226 4393 Learning Improvement and Support Services: phone 8226 0921

Grief and Loss

Children are deeply affected by the death of someone they love or care about. Even the youngest children are able to sense loss and experience grief. They may express their reactions and emotions directly or they may outwardly appear unconcerned about the event. In either case they will be trying to make sense out of what has happened and there are ways adults can be of help. Children, like adults, have their own individual ways of grieving, depending on their age and development stage, and it is important that they are not left out when a death occurs.
(Download printed) Grief Reactions Associated with Children Download

Preparedness is the planning and preparation of processes to be undertaken when a critical incident occurs. This includes training and development and links with relevant agencies and personnel. All DECS worksites are required to have emergency procedures which describe actions to be taken during and following an emergency to ensure the safety of students, staff and visitors. Duty of care obligations require personnel to take all reasonable steps to protect site users from risks likely to cause personal injury that could reasonably have been foreseen. Governing councils, managers and staff are responsible for ensuring site related activities are planned for, and are conducted in accordance with Department of Education and Childrens Services procedures to ensure the safety of all involved. The obligation to undertake a risk assessment and plan for the safe conduct of activities extends to emergencies that may arise in the course of normal worksite activities.

Pre-incident planning can:

pre-empt or interrupt the development of a critical incident make a life-saving difference in an emergency prepare staff strategically and psychologically for a critical incident develop a shared understanding, ownership and skill-base, increase confidence in responding to events provide an opportunity for families and school to clarify what processes will be used when an event occurs minimise the risk of acute and/or chronic psychological impact on staff and students, reduce risk of additional trauma (Nader 1990) reduce risk of managerial liability minimise interruption to the learning environment reduce risk of adverse publicity minimise risk of reduced productivity, absenteeism, diminished staff morale, damaged community reputation.

Pre-incident planning will:

undertake assessment of potential hazards and situations (risk assessment)

analyse potential impact and requirements to pre-empt or minimise identify relevant services and establish liaison develop a management plan and negotiate endorsement throughout worksite community clarify statutory and legal requirements identify secure areas, mobile phone policy, siren policy etc identify tasks and roles which will be required, and nominate position-responsibility identify protocols to avoid escalating risk develop resources in anticipation, e.g. phone numbers / phone-tree maps identify communication strategy during emergency and with staff, students, families, state identify training requirements review plan regularly

office, support services

A Management Plan will include:

formation of crisis response team identification of range of emergencies covered by the plan assessment of risks and hazards (potential and actual) procedures to secure safety of individuals and groups procedures for evacuation and invacuation site maps, floor plans, identification of alternative assembly areas tasks and roles to be fulfilled, and the nominated position (rather than person) to be responsible how information will be gathered about any local threats (e.g. toxic fumes in event of fire) identification of individuals with particular needs (e.g. asthma medication) to be accommodated contact details for emergency, medical and other support personnel, relief staff etc contact details for parents rehearsal of emergency practices identification of administrative supports, e.g. proforma for student movement communication strategy: information to students, staff, families and state office being prepared for interest by media Emergency Kit (phones, keys, batteries, torches, etc) measures to prevent or reduce the effects of crises identification of recovery processes, including review of plan

Support Personnel & Agencies

Role and availability of social workers Download


Response is the action undertaken to address the operational and psychological needs of the site community to stabilize the situation. It is the activity which is carried out immediately an emergency occurs and lasts until the risk to personal safety and/or property has been removed. The emergency services have the legal responsibility for coordinating and controlling the response to most types of emergencies. The workplace maintains an ongoing responsibility for the safety and well-being of staff and students for the duration of the emergency.

At Impact
At Impact Physical safety and psychological protection are the immediate priorities. Take steps to end the danger and limit further physical and/or psychological injury. Follow site management plan on invacuation, evacuation, calling emergency services, screening areas off from view etc. Try to keep calm, issue clear instructions, send for back-up. The principal or delegate will provide the leadership for the response and recovery. "The impact of a crisis is influenced by the degree to which organisational systems promote or hinder both the individual attempts to cope with the experience and the management of the organisations response. A key aspect of traumatic incident planning is ensuring that the systems which are put in place to deal with such events are both supportive and effective". (quote Dr Douglas Paton)

Take a few moments to stop and think

Appearing calm will help to give a sense of control Scan the site procedures to remind yourself what needs to be done Send for a member of the administration team Convene the crisis management team

Assess the situation

Ensure the situation is stabilised Collect information from reliable sources and ensure you are kept up to date Meet with crisis response team. Have crisis management plan in hand What support and emergency personnel are required. Is there a need for additional teaching support Who is likely to be affected and how What needs to be communicated, to whom, by whom How will the situation be monitored

What tasks need to be undertaken and by whom

Possible personnel / agencies to consult

Police, Emergency Services Medical services, Assessment and Crisis Intervention (for mental disorder) Colleague Principal Legislation and Legal Services Media Liaison District Director, Social Worker, Guidance Officer, Personnel Counsellor Facilities

Operational Issues
Set up command centre or space, and communication strategy Determine practical aids needed: whiteboard for information update, management plan etc Allocate of roles and responsibilities as per crisis management plan Identify particular tasks e.g. visit family, attend to deceased persons locker etc Identify process for parent and Support personnel visit to site, and student movements Inform the district superintendent. Contact as appropriate school council chairperson, securities section, facilities, social workers, guidance officers, personnel counsellors etc. Determine front office support to deal with extra (and distressing) calls Identify gathering areas, parent meeting space, students/ staff recovery etc as required Identify recording processes to assist in keeping track of personnel/student needs, subsequent interventions, decisions made and actions taken Identify area for flowers, cards etc Timetable adjustment Relocation of work areas, e.g. in the case of fire-damage Consider how students/ staff can be linked with significant others to re-establish a sense of personal control

End of first day checklist

Worksite community members have information on the event and site response plan. People have support contacts and/or helpful information on managing stress and emotional reactions. Emergency Management team has regrouped and debriefed the day, modified ongoing plan Recording processes reviewed

Response Checklist


Consider Psychological Well-being

Consider the emotional well-being of the worksite community. Consider (with support from social worker, guidance officer or personnel counsellor as appropriate) the nature of the event, the potential impact and how to provide information and a supportive environment. Provide information about (personnel counsellor) support needs to be routinely available as it is not possible to identify who will or who will not need additional support at the time or subsequently. There may be other (previous or simultaneous) events which can impact on a persons ability to handle this situation. Some people will just need time to integrate the event, others will require specific support/interventions available from within the site or from external services. Consider modification of each days program, consider relief staff and supportive gestures (special morning tea etc). Staff may not want to be perceived as not coping and may force themselves to work. To assist recovery it can be more helpful in the long term to have temporary flexible working arrangements. Provide, wherever possible, an environment where staff and students can safely express their thoughts and feelings. Recovery room/s may be necessary. Ensure monitoring of individuals/ groups. "An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behaviour." (quote Victor Frankl)

Communication Strategy
Ensure you have information from a direct, reliable source (Note: Only police are able to release information about fatalities) When emergency services personnel are involved establish clear communication lines. Clarify the location of communications centre and nominate a staff member to be the communication liaison. The decision to cease emergency procedures rests with the emergency services personnel, in consultation with worksite managers and health and safety representatives Identify the communication links that need to occur for information co-ordination and dissemination Decide when and how staff, families and students are to be informed, and the content of the information Speak with one voice. Direct communication through nominated person/s

Communication: Staff
Provide facts regarding the incident, if possible at a staff meeting. Where certain details are not available or are to be withheld, it is important that this is stated and why. Outline the proposed management plan including the roles of support personnel and how to access. Arrange for this information to be available for personnel who are not currently present. Modify / update the plan as the situation unfolds. The provision of key information to relevant worksite community members about the incident and the planned response is an important component in assisting individuals to clarify the situation, and help in re-establishing normal functioning. Provide opportunities and options for staff to consider how they will provide information / support to students. DECS social workers and guidance officers can provide information on possible physical and emotional reactions. Early information can help to allay fears and assist in understanding the normality of responses that students and adults may be experiencing. Provide information about Personnel Counsellors for staff support. Provide opportunities for staff to inform management on issues requiring attention as they arise. Allocate time/opportunity for staff conversation regarding any concerns they have and identify worksite practices and resources that will assist in supporting the emotional well-being of the worksite community.

Communication: Students
Consider how students are to be informed, and by whom. Options include assembly, classroom, groups and/or individually. Where certain details are not available or are to be withheld, it is important that this is stated and why. Provide facts regarding the incident. Consider the ripple effect, and that students can be affected by an event even if they do not know the people directly involved. Young children are influenced by the reactions of the adults around them; older students may be more influenced by the reactions of other students.

Plan for student response to a critical event according to a range of circumstances including their age, developmental stage, personality and disposition, experiences and perceptions of the event, the supportive environment, and when and how the information is delivered.

Assist students to identify what will help them to deal with the situation. Provide information to students on processes for accessing support, using familiar and existing avenues wherever possible.

Communication: Parents
Determine the nature and content of communication with families: e.g. telephone or visit parents of any students directly affected. Provide the facts of the incident (as appropriate) via a parent newsletter and continue to update parents about the worksite's ongoing management plan by newsletter or meeting as appropriate. Provide information to LAP parents and other school volunteers who may have a connection to the event or people impacted by the event. Indicate reactions students may experience to assist their understanding of what are normal reactions and how best to respond. Provide information on sources of help for families available through the worksite and within the surrounding community. Consider need to convene a meeting with parents/caregivers to provide an opportunity to address any needs and concerns about their childrens welfare. This meeting can be an opportunity for families and staff to build on their work in relation to student well-being.

Communication: Media
Identify a site media contact person who may also need to liaise with the district director. Develop a strategy to respond to media requests for information. Decide how, whether and what information to provide to the media to strengthen the worksite's capacity for successfully addressing community concerns. The media should not have information that is different to that provided to worksite community. Ensure the contact person has clear guidelines on media contact with staff or students. Refer to the Education Information Service Unit Resource paper Dealing with the Media.

Sample letter to Caregivers (Word)


Information to Parents and Caregivers

After a crisis event (death of a teacher/student, fire, accident) parents and caregivers often ask: What can be regarded as 'normal' reactions for children and adolescents? How should we respond to our children in the period after the crisis event? Who should we answer the questions that arise?

Information for parents and caregivers

Grief and Loss

Children are deeply affected by the death of someone they love or care about. Even the youngest children are able to sense loss and experience grief. They may express their reactions and emotions directly or they may outwardly appear unconcerned about the event. In either case they will be trying to make sense out of what has happened and there are ways adults can be of help. Children, like adults, have their own individual ways of grieving, depending on their age and development stage, and it is important that they are not left out when a death occurs.
Grief Reactions Download

The Grieving Student in the Classroom

Responding to the needs of a grieving child means, being there. Each person must let go of his/her own expectations and try to understand those of the child. For more information download Guidelines and Suggestions for Teachers.
(broken link below) The Grieving Student in the Classroom Download

The monitoring of recovery processes facilitates the return to routine. Recovery includes reviewing policy and processes. Recovery management is most effective when there is recognition of the complex, dynamic and sometimes protracted nature of recovery processes and the changing needs of affected individuals and groups within the community. Leaders need to consider their own well-being, and seek support and debriefing, as appropriate.

Effectiveness of Recovery
The effectiveness of the recovery environment depends on:

factual information provided about the event and its effects the nature of reactions and availability of support the extent to which the site provides a supportive environment whether the significance of the event is confirmed by others the extent to which specialist intervention and support is available

Restoring worksite to a regular routine:

maintain regular updated information to all staff. Staff will be better equipped to handle students if they are well informed and have had opportunities to raise concerns and questions

some flexibility may be required as some staff and students may be unable to return to full/normal duties/routines. Monitor those situations assist staff to create a safe, ordered environment as this will help to reassure students. maintain a supportive environment. Perception of supportive structures has the potential to act as a safety net and an expression of concern for well being of the community.

Funerals and Memorials

Leadership will need to consider staff attendance at funeral. Student attendance is usually a family decision. Rituals, ceremonies or memorials can be appropriate ways to honour the event /life of a person/s and are usually significant in comforting those distressed. The worksite may choose to have a memorial service, a plaque, the dedication of a book, trophy etc or a contribution to the site's grounds/ garden etc. In choosing, the worksite needs to consider the longer term implications of

their decision, e.g. a single tree in a prominent place may not survive a holiday break potentially raising further implications for children and in some situations a memorial can be a constant reminder of a traumatic event (Dr Kathy Nader, School Disaster: Planning and Initial Interventions, 1993) If appropriate, engage in structured discussions with students and staff to decide on a suitable memorial. Preface these discussions with the information that the decision has to reflect the needs of the whole community and that individual wishes may not be possible.

Consider informing and/or involving the parents / caregivers in the process.

Anniversaries, inquests and legal procedings.

Special support for those affected may be needed again at the anniversary (or other significant reminder) of the event. Emotions and memories may be re-experienced. For some people these times are more stressful than the original event

Provide information about support personnel Seek legal advice if site staff are required to give evidence in legal proceedings. If a Coroners inquiry is to occur, a social worker at the Coroners court can prepare people for what they may encounter.

Promoting organisational learning

Consider the need for an operational debrief. This needs to be done as part of the learning process and not to apportion blame. A range of issues may surface as a result of the critical incident. These may be issues relating to: operational e.g. a revision of crisis management policy and procedures curriculum e.g. developing student understanding of grief and loss, developing resiliency, optimism, emotional intelligence strengthening partnerships with families, departmental support services or agencies staff professional development, e.g. proactive responses to managing stress etc

Subsequence Critical Incidents

A subsequent crisis may have a stronger than normal impact on the worksite and individuals. It is important to recognise the potential for cumulative stress Where a staff member has been strongly affected by a crisis situation (e.g. where they have lost their resources in a fire, or the death of a student in their care), a subsequent significant emotional event (e.g. missing out on a job or AST level, another fire or death) may cause the person to reexperience strong emotional reactions, particularly if the issues were not resolved at the time. In

some cases post-trauma reactions will not diminish with time, and require professional help. Personnel Counsellors can provide support for any staff experiencing any degree of distress. Many worksites have shown that successful management of crises can result in positive change for a worksite's community by: enhancing cooperative team development and functioning using the experience as a teachable moment will contribute to the development of self mastery ability of adults to manage difficult situations effectively increasing the participation and shared responsibility across worksite and home

Other resources/material/professional development available from Support Services

Material for educators on grief, loss, trauma, crisis Strategies for promoting psychological well being for students Critical Incident Pre-incident learning conversations and training Emotional Intelligence, Developing Resilience and Optimism Understanding, resolving and managing conflict Mediation services

Useful Websites Health Promotion SA South Australian Department of Human Services. Promoting positive mental health through information and resources Child and Youth Health Helpful information for families re age-specific symptoms, strategies to respond etc Helping Children / Adolescents Cope with Violence and Disasters Information about trauma, how it impacts, and responses Children and Trauma Current topics in psychology. Dr Michale Fenichels Teaching Tools. Information based on childrens experiences of trauma, disasters and violence. Links to other sites and resources Tips for Kids Strategies to help children after trauma Crisis Counselling Guide Information about age-specific responses. Reactions and strategies to respond

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