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Chemistry of Drugs

For this assignment, each student will select one of the following products to create: PowerPoint presentation (minimum of 10 slides + title slide + reference slide) Prezi Video Documentary Other (must be approved by your teacher) Requirements for this project: o Each product should include multimedia (graphics, clip art, pictures, video, etc.) o Each product must include references. You may use or to help you produce your reference list. o You must also have a 5-10 question quiz for the students to complete after your presentation o You will have to narrate the presentation, but you cannot read off of your slides. o BE SURE TO MENTION THE CHEMISTRY BEHIND YOUR PROJECT! o Burn the PowerPoint or Prezi onto a blank CD to be turned in, OR email it to Mrs. Witt at OR turn it in on a flash drive. Each product should answer the following questions: 1) The scientific and common name (if appropriate) for your specific drug 2) What is the chemical formula for the drug? 3) The structural formulas for your drug 4) What does the drug look like? 5) Where does the drug come from (natural sources, man-made, etc)? 6) Uses for your particular drug and category the drug belongs to (i.e. what type of condition is this drug prescribed for? or what state are the users tying to achieve?) 7) Typical form of administration (i.e. oral, intravenous, smoked, etc.) 8) Biochemical mechanism of action (i.e. how does your drug work?) 9) Specific enzymes/body structures targeted by the drug 10) Side effects 11) Effects of overuse/abuse 12) The long term consequences of using this drug 13) Is the drug addictive? How or why? 14) How do people act when they are addicted to this drug? 15) Is there any other information that you feel is important for people to know? Project due date: Final products are due NLT your exam day Short List of Links to Possible Sources of Information: National Institute on Drug Abuse: NIDA for Teens: Street Drugs: Above the Influence: Eroid: Drugs for Research Alcohol Heroin Rohypnol Adderal Inhalants Serotonin Catapres LSD Smoking (nicotine) Cocaine Marijuana Steroids Dexedrine Methamphetamine Tenex Dopamine Norpramine Tofranil Ecstasy Oxycontin Tranquilizers GHB Pramelor Wellbutrin Hallucinogens Ritalin Other (if approved by teacher)

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