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This Week at ISN

13 - 17 February 2012 This week we conclude our analysis of structural change in the international economic and financial system by examining the interaction between economics, politics and war.

Economics, Politics and War

"Power and Plenty": The Relationship Between Economic and Military Power
13 Feb 2012 / ISN Special Feature

As part of our week-long examination of the changing relationship between economics, politics and war in the international system, we begin by looking at the relationship between economic and military power. More Is War Bad for the Economy?
14 Feb 2012 / ISN Podcast

In this podcast, Bruce Jones compares the economic consequences of war between developed and developing countries. Dr Jones, director of the Center on International Cooperation at New York University, argues that the role played by war profiteers is often exaggerated. More Defense Spending: Economy Trumps Strategy
15 Feb 2012 / ISN Feature

Regional shifts in economic power, accelerated by the global financial crisis, are negatively impacting upon investments in military power. While in most East Asian countries defense budgets continue to grow in parallel with the economy, governments in the US and Europe are reversing this trend. More Boosting India's Defense Economy
16 Feb 2012 / ISN Podcast

In this podcast, the Observer Research Foundation's Deba Mohanty discusses economic development and its importance to India's defense sector. He emphasizes that it is too early to judge whether boosting defense will successfully translate into economic progress. More The Arms Trade Rich Sellers, Poor Buyers, Failing Regulation
17 Feb 2012 / ISN Special Feature

The world's leading arms exporters are firmly located in the United States, Europe and Russia. But to maintain a healthy defense industry, many governments continue to sanction the long-term sale of arms to buyers that reject democratic norms and values. More Final Preparations for an Arms Trade Treaty
17 Feb 2012 / ISN Blog

UN delegations in New York are gathering this week for the last preparatory meeting on an arms trade treaty. What are states' positions on the ATT? Ralph A Stamm presents an interactive world map, showing patterns of support and reservation. More

Other Topics
Baby Steps for Burma
16 Feb 2012 / ISN Insights

To the outside world it seems as though Burma/Myanmar is gradually engaging in democratic reform. Simon

Roughneen explores whether these baby steps are going to lead to great strides forward, or whether the democratic transition is only perfunctory. More Saudi Arabia and Iran Opposite Poles in the Persian Gulf
16 Feb 2012 / ISN Insights

In mid-April 2011 Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates intervened militarily to quell the street riots in Bahrain. The reasons for this intervention, argues Richard Rousseau, are to be found in a range of economic variables and social and religious conflict between Sunnis and Shiites. More Direct Democracy as a Safeguard to Limit Public Spending
13 Feb 2012 / ISN Insights

As debt crises hit both sides of the Atlantic, a safe haven for many investors has been Switzerland. Looking at Swiss public spending over the last century, Patricia Funk and Christina Gathmann conclude that one reason for its low debt may be its greater use of direct democracy. More Views From Greece: Europe's Paradigm Shift
14 Feb 2012 / ISN Blog

The current debt crisis is the greatest challenge that the nominally "united" Europe has come across since its inception. John Nomikos suggests that what Europe needs is a new political paradigm that will allow it to rise to the requirements of a rapidly changing world order. More Protecting Chinese Citizens Abroad: What Next?
13 Feb 2012 / ISN Blog

The rise in overseas travel and expatriate work by Chinese citizens was punctuated recently by the kidnappings of Chinese workers in Sudan and Egypt. Looking ahead, Mathieu Duchatel and Bates Gill believe that the protection of Chinese citizens abroad will become more pressing and complicated for a globalizing China. More Why Libya Should Not Join the ICCYet
15 Feb 2012 / ISN Blog

It comes as no surprise that human rights NGOs are recommending that Arab Spring states like Libya join the ICC. Mark Kersten argues, however, that requiring Libya's National Transitional Council, an unelected body, to sign the Rome Statute risks making Libya's accession to the Court undemocratic. More

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