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Verbs tenses

Present tense simple 1)Def:It expresses an usual action,ordinary,habitual. 2)Adverbs:every,usually,habitualy,generaly,often,in the morning,at the night,ocazionaly,daily. 3)Forms: (+) S+V+s/es(III sg) Ex:I have a lot of classes daily. (-) S+dont/doesnt+V Ex:The student dont do much homework in holidays. (?) Do/does+S+V? Ex:Do you enjoy horor movies? Present tense continuous 1)Def:It expresses an action that is happening now,in the moment of speaking. 2)Adverbs:now,right now,straight now,as we speak,in the moment of speaking,at the moment of speech.Look!Hear! 3)Forms: (+)S+am,is,are+V+ing Ex:I am learning english now. (-)S+(am/is/are)not/isnt/arent+V+ing Ex:Im not looking at the table now. (?)Am/is/are+S+V+ing? Ex:Are you paying attention right now? Present perfect simple Def:I texpresses an action began in the past and continued in the present.

Adverbs:for,since,ever,never,recently,lately,how long,just,already,yet,seldon,rarely,so far,today,before. Forms: (+)S+have/has+V(III,ed) Ex:Ive just written 3 letters. (-)S+havent/hasnt+V(III,ed) Ex:He hasnt had his lunch yet. (?)Have/has+S+V(III,ed)? Ex:Have you ever eaten octopus? Present perfect continous Def:It expresses an action began in the past but continued until the moment of speacking./express a past action that was very anoing. Adverbs:for,since,how long,yet,ever,never(like pps) Forms: (+)S+have/has+been+V+ing Ex:Weve been speaking english for 2 hours. (-)S+havent/hasnt been+V+ing Ex:They havent been writing for 2 hours. (?)Have/has+S+been+V+ing? Ex:Have you been waiting for long? Past tense simple Def:It expresses:a)a past and a finished action b)a sequence of short,dynamic past action(narative past) Adverbs:yesterday,last(week,month,year,winter,summer)a(week,mo nth,year)ago,once,remotly,farmerly,in my childhood,in the year 2000) Forms: (+) S+V(II,ed) Ex:Tom studyed a lot yesterday. (-)S+didnt+V

Ex:They didnt travel to the sieside last summer. (?)Did+S+V? Ex:What did you do last summer? Past tense continous Def:It expresses:a)a past action in progress b)a past action in progress interacted by another past action. Adverbs:during,when,while,as Forms: (+) S+was/were+V+ing Ex:He was eating during the class. (-)S+wasnt/werent+V+ing Ex:I wasnt lestening the whole speech while you took eather. (?)Was/were+S+V+ing? Ex:Were you doing shoping during it started to rain? Past perfect simple Def:It expresses an action that is finished before another past action. Adverbs:before,after,by the time,by 5 oclock,ever,never,since,for,hardly,scarcely,no sooner. Forms: (+) S+had+V(IIIed) Ex:He had finished his chores before his mother colled him for dinner. (-) S+hadnt+V(III,ed) Ex:He hadnt spoken french before he met Morie. (?) Had+S+V(III,ed)? Ex:Had you travelled abroad before you came in the 9th grade?

Past perfect continous

Def:It expresses also an action done/happened before another past action,but which was in progrres. Adverbs:by the time,before,FOR,SINCE. Forms: (+)S+had+been+V+ing Ex:He had been working for 2 hours before the bell rang. (-)S+hadnt+been+V+ing Ex:He said he hadnt been training since Monday. (?)Had+S+been+V+ing Ex:Had you been studying the verbs for long by the time the teacher gave you a test? Future tense simple Def:It expresses a prediction,a decision taken on the spot for the future,a promise, a warning,a threat. Adverbs:tomorrow,next(.)soon,in the future,in the year 2090,when I graduate Forms: (+)S+will+V Ex:Romania will join EU in 2007. Ive made up my mind,Ill by the red shirt. Ill clean my room tomorrow. Shell probably give you marks. I hope well have a white Christmas. (-)S+wont+V Ex:She wont do that again after what has happened today. (?)Shall/Will+S+V? Ex:Shall we write a project? Will you come with us to the cinema?mai Future continous

Def:It expresses a future action which will happen at a definite time in the future. Adverbs:this time tomorrow,at this time next weekat 5 oclock tomorrow,allday long tomorrow. Forms: (+)S+will+be+V+ing Ex:Ill be thinking about holiday this time next week. (-)S+wont+be+V+ing Ex:She wont be cleaning her room Sunday at 5. (?)Will/Shall+S+be+V+ing? Ex:Will you study irregulary verbs next holidays on Sundays? To be going to=>FUTURE Def:It expressesan intention,a personal plan,a prediction based on senses. Adverbs:Look!Do you feel it? Im going to check your papers this weekend. Im going to spend my winter holidays in the mountines. The sky is overcast.Its going to be cold today. Present simple=>FUTURE For timetables(trains,pleanes)official pleans. Ex:The train leaves at 7 tomorrow. The president visit China next month. Present continous=>FUTURE For personal future arrangements Ex:Im throwing a party tonight. Ive invited my friends. Some expressions=>FUTURE

To be on the point of+V+ing (a fi pe punctul de a..) To be bound (a trebui) Ex:Is bount to come my moment! To be due to ( a fi gata sa) Ex:The pleane is due to take off.Hurry! To be about to (a urma sa) Ex;You are about to come on Friday. To be to (a urma sa) Ex:The exhibition is to open at 11 on Monday. Future perfect Def:It expresses a future action which will happen before another future action. Adverbs:by the time,until,for,before Forms: (+)S+will+have+V(III) Ex:I will have finished adorning the tree,by the time Tom comes home. (-)S+wont+have+V(III) Ex:She wont have done her hm until Christmas passes. (?)Will+S+have+V(III)? Ex:Will you have cleaned your room when Santa comes?

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