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The National Academies Newsletter

Club 292 since 1982 June-July 2012

Message from the President

Let me express my gratitude to each one of you for providing the opportunity to serve as your president for the year. Since this is my last president's message before the July 1 leadership changeover, I want to share my thoughts on what we have accomplished together as well as the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead. As president, I have focused our efforts on improving visibility of our club within the National Academies as well as our clan to help our colleagues leverage the wonderful Toastmaster platform and to empower the diverse group. Today, our membership has risen to 27 with nine new members joining us this year. Our guest listserv has grown to over 35. We have accomplished six goals and stand as a Distinguished Club. Our key initiatives in the past year include: Open house in fall 2011; Our new website has garnered over 900 views since April 2012; Facebook; Guest listserv to send updates on our meetings and newsletters; Toastmaster guest packets; Collaborated with National Academies HR to include Toastmaster brochures and info in the orientation session and packets; Initiated Mentor of the Month recognition awards and Star Toastmaster awards; Bi-monthly club newsletters; and Digitized speaker grid for our members to know their speech status.

I am grateful and proud of each one of you who have been instrumental in helping us accomplish our goals. Special thanks to my leadership team - Al Mattei, Deborah Young, Dan Pasquini, Joyce Tillman, Jessica Fomalont, Hilary Freer and Thomas Jeffrey for their constant support and encouragement. Looking forward, a key challenge is to sustain the momentum of our active membership base. I foresee the opportunity to bridge this gap by continuing to understand the needs of individual members and to help them accomplish their goals while maintaining our club culture. I have enjoyed my stint and hope you felt the same! I look forward to support the next leadership team to ensure smooth transition and help them carry our legacy forward.


Priyanka Komala, AC-B 1

During the April meeting, Deborah Young, CC, received the "Star Toastmaster" award and certificate of appreciation for her hard work promoting The National Academies Toastmasters and bringing in new members. Thank you, Deborah, for dedication!

Left to right: Deborah Young, Eric Smith, Priyanka Komala Ira Tattelman is closing in on his Competent Communicator certification as he completed his 9 th speech. Evelina Hobson introduced herself in her icebreaker speech.

New Members
Welcome Eric Smith and Johann Yurgen!

Next Meetings:
Meetings are noon to 1 PM unless otherwise specified. May 31, Keck 205, Fifth Thurs., Priyanka Komala, AC-B June 21, Keck 205, Chrystyne Talley July 19, Keck 205, Rosa Allen, CTM August 16, Keck 205, Priyanka Komala, AC-B August 30, Keck 205, Fifth Thurs., TBA

Club Officers:
President: Priyanka Komala, AC-B VP-Education: Joyce Tillman VP-Membership: Deborah Young, CC VP-Public Relations: Jessica Fomalont, AC-B, AL-B Treasurer: Dan Pasquini, ATM-B Secretary: Vacant Sergeant-at-Arms: Al Mattei, AC-B

Useful Resources:
Club Website: Toastmaster Agenda Template: Communication Track Grid: Competent Leader Track Grid: Club Facebook Page: Want to contribute to the next newsletter? Contact Jessica Fomalont, AC-B, AL-B, VP-Public Relations at

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