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Interview Findings:

What is quality for a customer and how does HBL define quality?

Are HBLs customers fully satisfied? The customers are never 100% satisfied because if we give them a better service today they will ask for even better services in the future, but we try to satisfy our customers to the fullest. How is the voice of the customer heard? Again HBL has a Help line in which all calls are recorded and evaluated by the team leaders. Here they deal with two aspects: 1. The needs and complaints of the customers are heard. 2. Briefing of the Bankers are done in which they evaluate how the Bankers attended the customers and how did they solve their problems. The team makes reports and sends it to the Quality department..

What methods do you use to collect customer feedback?

HBL has a help line service, fax numbers, and recently we have come up with project in which feedback forms will be given to our customers in which they will be asked to share their experiences with HBL Who creates a clear and visible Quality value for your bank? Internal employees create value for HBL. It is the employees that provide good services to our customers if HBL faces a problem the team comes up with possible solutions. The employees try to come up with something that first wasnt practiced in HBL.

The most important asset for HBL.

The most important asset for HBL are the Human Resource because it is the human assets that provides good services to our customers due to which they are fully satisfied. For an organization it is very important to have dedicated and committed employees. Does HBL come up with new ideas and innovations in order to meet the unexpected requirement of the customers? HBL has been trying to come with new things e.g. the introduction of Islamic banking and an insurance division which has not been introduced in the market as yet.

How does HBL manage customer retention? We have a separate department called the retention unit. There are some times when customers face a lot of problems from the sales person due to which they want to stop using our product. The retention unit calls up that customer and asks them the reason that why have they stopped using their product. When they get to know that it was due to the banks fault then this unit has the authority to give benefits to their customers like cancellation of late charges,

Does your company have Quality Council. If yes how does it work, who are the people involved and what are their duties? Yes we have a quality unit, which looks after the entire business. The duty of this unit is to measure the quality of our bank. HBL has set some quality standards, which the bank has to meet ad if our bank does not meet those standards then he quality unit finds out the reason of not meeting the standards and they try to increase the standard. In the Quality unit there is Quality head who is working with a team of 7 to 8 people and these people are from different areas of the bank like consumer baking, corporate baking, etc. there are two teams involved in Quality unit: Process Improvement Team: this team looks at the processes of the bank. The team consists of high profile people and the problems encountered by them are very large. The tem encounters some issues and brings people involved in that issue, it sets a meeting, identifies weak areas and on agreed basis they come up with possible solutions. Theses problems are so large that it might take a year to solve these problems. Quality Circle: the Quality Circle operates on a small scale where there are groups of people and they try to improve the working environment of the bank. This team deals with small but important problems.

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